Friday, April 20, 2018


Prayer For The Nation

Thanksgiving & Praise God we acknowledge that

You are the creator and ruler of all things. Our

Father in Heaven - Hallowed, Holy, and

Reverent is Your Name. So we pray ...

Matthew 6:9-13 (AMP) Our Father who is in

heaven, Hallowed be Your Name. Your kingdom

come Your will be done on earth as it is in

heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and

forgive us our debts, as we have forgive our

debtors [letting go of both the wrong and the

resentment]. You do not lead us into

temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours

is the kingdom and the power and the glory

forever. Amen. We honor spiritual protocol and

come before you with hearts full of

thanksgiving. We thank you for United States

of America. We thank you for every decision on

United States soil to declare, promote and

advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Word and

deed. We thank you for every life that has

fought, served and sacrificed for this country's

religious freedom over the generations

representing Your love, Your character. Thank

you for the civil servants, the warriors, the

teachers, the preachers, the doctors - thank

you for the many kind-hearted souls who are

vessels carrying your hope to the hopeless.

Thank you for godly judges who defend the

Truth, the fatherless and the widow. Father we

are so grateful for men and women of

character and moral conviction in the realms of

influence over media, business, education,

politics and entertainment. Father we give you

thanks for America's diversity in race,

background, ideas, gifts and strengths. Like

the different alloys that make excellent steel -

You have authored this unique metal for this

day and time with the intent to make America

strong under pressure - but flexible to

accomplish Your work. Yes thank you that

America is called to help, support and be a

faithful friend to Israel and her people. Thank

You for Your daily protection on United States,

the people, and this land. We acknowledge that

You are our provider. You are the unfailing

source & supply. You are good and your mercy

is everlasting. It's Who You are. When Moses

asked to see the very essence of your glory -

the center of Who You are - You made your

goodness & name to pass by. You are Light, and

you have made us light like a city set upon a

hill. Presidents past have affirmed this calling

on the United States. The time has come again

to align with the King of kings calling on this

country. Declaration: We rejoice in Christ our

Savior! We've been made a light in this world.

God has raised us up together, seated us in

Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Therefore we

can decree a thing, and it shall be established.

Humble Ourselves Father God you resist the

proud but give grace to the humble. (James

4:6) You said, "If My people which are called

by My Name will humble themselves, and pray

and seek My face, and turn from their wicked

ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will

forgive their sin and heal their land." (2

Chronicles 7:14) More than Americans, we

identify with Your Name as sons & daughters of

God. We repent of taking our eyes off of You.

Of being slow to hear, and quick to give our

opinion, quick to criticize, scorn, and mock. You

are the Judge and your judgment is true,

righteous, and just. We have been more

enamored with our own works, our own

programs, our own ideas and voices - then the

supreme voice of Almighty God that brought the

universe, the heavens and earth into being.

According to Your mercy You have saved us. So

Father God we exalt you by taking off all the

limits we've put on You. We turn from our

unbelieving ways, trusting in the strength of

man, and our diluted confidence that we've

scattered between hope in money, our

accomplishments and our worldly wisdom. We

pause and turn our eyes to you. We still our

hearts to acknowledge that You are God. You

are the God of United States of America. Even

when she has forgotten You, You have never

forgotten her. We want and ask for your grace

so we honor your Word now and humble

ourselves by confessing Jesus is Lord. God we

repent of the innocent blood that has been

spilled on American soil. We repent of our love

for violence, and the casual way we deal with

our immorality and selfishness by turning to

abortion. Forgive us for saying we love you, but

aligning all our decisions under our deeper love

for money. We unite together as the body of

Christ and say "Enough!" We refuse to stagger

any longer between two opinions. We declare

that the Lord God is King. We trust in His

direction and protection and provision. He is the

Blesser, the Multiplier, the Healer, and giver

of all life! We declare PEACE over us – our

homes and this nation- The dissolve and

destruction of the root of chaos and wrong and

then nothing broken – nothing lacking – nothing

missing and Wholeness. Jesus You have given us

Your anointing that is burden removing and yoke

destroying. We unite in agreement to release

the power of God from state to state, from

city to country, coast to coast; we announce

the anointing power to remove the burden of

rebellion and lawlessness. We are united to

declare in agreement that the yoke of spiritual

blindness and deafness is destroyed - chains

are broken. The power of God is breaking apart

the chains of intellectual pride and arrogance

that has taken captive the college and

university campuses of American. We render

those lies POWERLESS in Jesus Name! The

father of lies is powerless against the

illuminating Truth of Jesus. We are United

again to announce the supernatural engineering

of signs & wonders, healing and deliverance,

irresistible wisdom of God manifesting on

college campus, grade schools, high schools,

daycares, inner city, YMCA's, downtown,

uptown, out of town - Jesus is being talked

about and realized as the Lord of this great

Nation. Holy Spirit you back our words that are

lined up with the Word & Will of God. We

humble ourselves under Your mighty hand

Father and cast all of our care, the worry and

anxiety - we submit to You God by resisting the

spirit of fear & dread, and we know with

confidence that the enemy is already running

away. (James 4:7) Declaration: We cast down

the spirit of fear and panic in this country. We

render it powerless. We release the uniting

force of love. We decree peace in the land.

We legislate a movement of God's amazing

grace - let there be light in the darkest places

- hope where hope seems lost - healing across

this land - blind eyes open now! Petition &

Desires In praying for America we agree

together and say, Father Your Kingdom come,

Your will be done here on earth - in these

United States - as it is in Heaven. (Matthew

6:10) We ask you Father God for a team of

Supreme Court judges that reverently honor

and fear You, Your Word, Your commandments.

We ask for the same at the State and local

level. We declare that we are one nation under

the One true God, Who gave His only begotten

Son Jesus as a ransom for many. God be

gracious and kind-hearted to us and bless us,

and make Your face to shine with favor on us

that Your way may be made known here on

earth. (Psalm 67:1-2) God You bless us and all

the ends of the earth fear You. (Psalm 67:7)

God You bless United States and those who call

on You, and the enemies of freedom around the

world will fear You. We pray & intercede for all

those in authority right now. Because we have

the keys of the Kingdom of God we use our

authority to spiritually bind their mind to the

mind of Christ ... we bind their will to the will

of the Father. If any leader at a federal or

state level is set on wickedness, we render

their plans and strategies powerless. We pray

for courage and strength to align with godly

choices, moral votes, and justice. May

character and bravery be the new Uniting

fabric of our leadership. We the people of God

decree righteousness in this land. Promotion

does not come from the east, west or the

south but God is judge. Lord you put one down

and set up another in their place. We praise

You God that it's a new season! Your people are

awake, alert and calling things that be not as

though they were (Romans 4:17). Proverbs 10:7

says the memory of the righteous is a blessing,

but the name of the wicked shall rot. We

decree that the legacy of the wicked has no

hold on America. Holy Spirit your breath is

blowing the chaff of godless legislation off of

this land, off these shores, and into obscurity.

As sons and daughters of God we are seated in

Heavenly places in Jesus Christ. We make

these declarations together in Unity and call

them into being: Declaration: There is a fresh

anointing coming on the White House. Fresh

anointing on the senate and the house. The

reverential fear of God is coming on the

pentagon. The anointing removes the burden.

And destroys the yoke of oppression. We

authorize a move of God in the Federal

government. Revival in all state government.

Now in Jesus Name! America walk in the

righteousness of God! Prayer For Leaders God

You are doing a new thing in this season. You

told us we have power in every word we speak

so we choose to speak LIFE to AMERICA! Come

ALIVE ! Leaders of America – Arise- Come

forth and LIVE in the truth –love and justice!

We loose the American people from a covert

network of lies that has been fabricated by

hell itself. The devil is the father of lies and

he's trying to divide the house of United

States, BUT we say no! It won't work because

lying spirit you've been found out - spirit of

division we take authority over you. Jesus we

have all authority over you so we render you

powerless. Your lies of racial division are

defeated. Truth is the new medium of choice.

Lies seize to be profitable any longer. We

expose you devil and weakness of your

communication network. In it's place we

superimpose the law of Truth ... the law of

love ... the law of the Spirit of life in Christ

Jesus. According to Isaiah 54:17 we decree

that no weapon formed against the people of

United States will prosper and we condemn

every tongue that rises against us in

judgement. We call the mind of voters to come

into alignment with truth, righteousness and

justice all across this land. Father God deliver

us from evil in Jesus Name. Declaration: No

weapon formed against this country will

prosper. Divine alignment be in our government.

Revelation come to our military and law

enforcement. Advanced discovery of terrorist

plots. United God gave Stephen called UNITED

Were going to SING PRAY this over ourselvesour

families- our cities and the people of this

nation! The words on the chorus are --





delivered from what is false before we can be

UNITED to what is truth. As we sing this song

together we’re saying: United to the Glory and

Honor that God has crowned us with. United to

the Covenant and Confidence we have in Jesus.

United to forgiveness and restoration of all

things good and all things NEW! We are United

to the blessing that the Word of God has

ordained for us. United to the unfailing Hope

that America has in God we trust. We are

United to forgiveness, truth and justice! Our

voice is United in our vote for righteousness.

United in our choice for blessing on all life both

unborn and born! We stand United calling the

next president to fearless, courageous and

moral leadership that supports the Holy Spirit’s

mandate for this United States of America.

Yes we are UNITED in saying God bless

America- keep us safe and free! We are United

in ONE VOICE proclaiming: Your will be done in

America today. Let there be truth and justice

-mercy and love! We stand UNITED by our

faith in the Father of our Lord Jesus who calls

us sons & daughters.