Friday, March 31, 2017

My Slideshow

America Hanging in the Balance, Satan's Offerings vs. Our Prayers

America Hanging in the Balance, Satan's Offerings vs. Our Prayers

Well, this is an update on the state of affairs in our nation, spiritually. I have carried America in my heart today, crying out at different times for the mercy we so desperately need, especially as I prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet.

Jesus began, "I have seen your tears and heard your cries for mercy, yet the outcome is undetermined. However, if all My people will apply their hearts to this kind of prayer I will be able to turn the tide."

And just to be clear on this point, I didn't spend hours and hours in prayer. I spent probably an hour and a half with the communion service and then praying the Divine Mercy chaplet, altogether. But they were strong, heart-felt prayers and they were anointed. And the Lord gave me the gift of tears of praying for our nation. So, this is not a huge dedication of time that He's talking about here. This is doable.

Jesus continued, "But My Love, not everyone is listening and caring enough to join in. They have no idea of what horrors await them if these disasters are not averted by prayer. So I want you to continue to call all to repentance and fasting. Repent for the times you didn't go to prayer; deny yourselves for the times you didn't pay heed. Apply your hearts to the prayers and perhaps this evil event planned can be circumvented. If enough hearken to My plea, there will be mercy.

"My people, this is the time to rend your hearts on behalf of America. The very evil underground government also has underground armies, mighty and fearless, bold and without a conscience, shoulder to shoulder, none breaking ranks. Woe to those they fall upon."

And as an aside on that, I've been having an understanding - I keep seeing black military uniforms. And I've been having an understanding that the U.S. Military is not the only army on American soil. I keep having flashbacks to the NWO military in the Left Behind movie. Black uniforms. U.N. Ruthless, with full authority. Authority even over all of our forces in America.

And this evening we gathered together for prayer and one of our number was shown the scales of justice in Heaven and the angels were placing our prayers and sacrifices on the right side of the scale, which was just a little lower than the left side. The other side were also things weighing it down and she asked, "What are those?" And the answer that was given was that it was curses, spells, wicked deeds, offerings to Satan, by his worshipers.

As she looked at the scales, the left side was just a tad above the right side, but barely. The Lord said to her, "Pray, My children, pray. Sacrifice and give as much as you can, for we need to keep the balance tilted to the right." And it was understood that the servants of Satan were praying and sacrificing almost as much as the servants of Our Lord Jesus.

People, that shouldn't be! We need to tip those scales off the charts to get the promised two years before the Lord's next review. The Satanists fast and pray curses on others to please Satan. We need to fast and pray blessings, healing and deliverance to counteract their wickedness.

There is still hope, but our dedication to prayer must outweigh the Satanic covens who cast spells and curses to bring chaos on the world, division among Christians and moral decline. The future is in our praying hands. Antichrist is here, but he can do nothing until the Church is removed. That's because our prayers are POWERFUL and he is still being bound until the appointed time.

The appointed time is in our praying hands.

I am not able to do a lot in fasting, but I can keep a reign on my heart and mouth, and not allow my judgmental thoughts. I can give up desserts and other small things.

But I do carry the United States in my heart and frequently cry out to the Lord, "Mercy over our country, Lord, mercy!" That heart cry is heard all the way to the Throne. I pray other prayers as well, but that simple cry does add weight to our side of the scales of justice. It comes from my heart.

And those of you who are praying from your heart, that is a powerful prayer. Carry America and the world in your hearts, Heartdwellers. Carry her and cry out over her as well as praying in the spirit and with understanding.

The Lord continued, "Your country is precariously teetering because of the wickedness of certain key members of your government. However, I am still with Donald and as long as you pray, change will come. Not as much as I would like to see right now, but still - it is some progress. Oh, how I need more, more, more from all of you.

"My people, the more you pray and offer sacrifices, the more joy you will experience as you see your government turned from evil to good. The more secure your life and ministries will be. The more productive and fruitful your lives, your children's lives and the lives of those around you. But I am calling you to really deny yourselves, pick up your cross and follow Me into the battleground of prayer. This is a time for 'all hands' to be on deck! In other words, each one of you are critically needed to turn this monster.

"None among you are too little, too small or insignificant that your prayers don't matter. Every child's prayers, every senior's prayers, every disabled person's prayers are needed. You who suffer with sicknesses that I have not yet healed, have great weapons in your hands as you offer your daily inconveniences, embarrassment and pain. That is a very great influence.

"I am calling upon every Sunday school teacher, pastor, counselor, nurse and those in positions of influence to put the word out. Pray for peace to come to America. Pray for an end to the political posturing and using Americans for personal agendas. Pray the eyes of all will be opened to how destructive this bickering is. Pray your president will be respected so he can move forward with the reforms I have given him. Pray the evil persons in government will be exposed and brought to justice.

"Pray for the disarming of the lying press that is continually shaping people's minds. Pray for those minds to start operating on their own, not under the spell of the media. For that is TRULY what has happened. "The media is under a spell by the forces of darkness to deliberately mislead and sabotage your nation. Pray that this spell be broken and people wake up and start thinking for themselves.

"Pray all these things with passion from your hearts and you WILL see change. Break the curses off your government controlled by Satan. Thousands of innocent children have been victimized, brutally raped and tortured as offerings to Satan to bring this nation down.

"Offer blessings, prayers, vigils, kind deeds, works of Mercy and especially informing the ignorant to offset this plague of evil that determines the destiny for you and your children. This is what is needed now. I am calling all of you, from the oldest to the youngest, to storm Heaven on behalf of your nation.

"Then, I promise you, you will see change. This is the time to rally. All hands on deck! Then you will see change."

America is in Trouble - NYC IN DANGER - Prophetic Word from Jesus

America is in Trouble - NYC IN DANGER - Prophetic Word from Jesus
Jesus began, "There is hope. But it is dimming. I know you cannot work without hope..."

'Cause I was thinking at that time, Gee, Lord - how can I even write and record music when things look this bad?

Lord, please speak to me...what is happening? I feel this strange unrest.

"Clare, I told you that unless people are willing to fast and pray you will not live out the full three years of peace and prospering of the Kingdom. We are at a crossroads right now. It could go either way. Yes, the enemy has had a victory, but the end is yet to be determined."

Here He's talking about the defeat that Trump suffered over Obamacare. I really don't understand how people can possibly support that. Most people can't afford that insurance, it's unbelievable to me. And that's not even beginning to scratch the surface of what New World Order tyranny laws have been stuck in there. That's not even scratching the surface of what's been hidden in that Obamacare.

The Lord continued, "I am calling all Heartdwellers to pray and fast as you can, to turn the tide at this crossroads so we will gain upward momentum and crush the powers of darkness."

For all of you who want to know how to fast? Fast as the Lord leads you. The first thing you can do is cut out pleasant foods and desserts, and go on a very bland, simple diet. A restricted diet, like a vegetable fast. Or a grain fast. And for others who are led to go on a juice fast or a water fast, that's between you and the Lord. Seek Him on how He wants you to fast. I, for one, because of my Fibro and low blood sugar, can't do as much as I used to do when I was younger. But I can certainly cut out treats, which I shouldn't be eating, anyway, guys! It should be a continuous self-denial there, and it's not. But I'm definitely going to do that now.

So, He's calling all Heartdwellers to pray and fast as you can. To turn the tide at this crossroads, so we will gain upward momentum and crush the powers of darkness.

"It is extreme, extreme rebellion and wickedness that is manifesting in this resistance. I need more prayers from you, My people. This situation is dire and I need your enhanced intercession.

"There is no way for me to communicate how bad the situation is. You do not understand what it is like to live in Hitler's Germany or with ISIS in command of a city. Your president robbed the antiChrist of his prey and there is a life and death struggle to bring him down. If that is not successful, at least cause so much opposition and turmoil that nothing can get done.

"So far, the enemy is succeeding on several fronts, but there is still hope. When I told you that much of your president's difficulty in office would be in the first few months, truly I was counting on more prayer and fasting. But as it is with human nature, people forget and life goes on. Yet life is not going on. Death is going on and the struggle is fierce.

"I have laid some very heavy crosses on those who were willing. Some, I have even taken home to be with Me, because their sacrifice was complete. Others are approaching their own personal crucifixion and I know how each is suffering. It is very difficult to go on with creative plans when you are under such oppression, but really - you must keep going. Don't stop, don't lay down your cross. Remember, we are ascending the mountain and you are bound to be out of breath at times. You are bound to need to rest at times. But then get back up. There is too much to do for you to take your ease. Build with one hand, fight with the other against the kingdom of darkness.

"I know, My Brides, the anticipation you have suffered through the past months over My coming. I know also that you have offered Me your very will and life, as a sacrifice to move the mountains of pride in this nation that has led to it being in the clutches of the one world government.

"So much has been put in place in key positions that the battle is heavily weighted against good. However, with prayer and fasting, I can do things that no one counted on. No one expected to happen, especially not the evil ones who think the game is over and they've won.

"The game is NOT over and they have NOT won. It is looking bad, but I am rallying My army of intercessors to pray as never before for Mercy and that good will conquer evil, at least for the time being.

"The Divine Mercy Chaplet is very powerful. Communion is very powerful. Your tears are powerful. Any sacrifice you make has merit that will be applied to this cause. We are not done yet, but we are in straights that require intense application to prayer.

"My People, there is yet a chance that all I have told you can still occur. Apply yourselves to prayer and offer EVERYTHING to Me as a fast offering that these next two years may be lived in peace. Every day you live is another day closer to the Rapture, every day. However, I am not ready to take you. I still have work for you to do, much work. You have all been given missions and if you have not yet connected with yours, go where your heart leads you and you will arrive there.

"You have all been given work to do. I am counting on you to continue working while you still have the light. And the freedom. It grieves Me deeply that some have rejected My invitations to go higher with Me and use their gifts - and springboard from their hearts into the ministries I have for them. It grieves Me deeply that some have not taken My invitation to heart, but have insisted on living for themselves. This will have serious consequences in their lives, the lives of their families, and those they were meant to minister to.

"So, I adjure you My Brides, work hard, encourage others in their gifts to work hard. I am the harvest master and I will see My fields gleaming with golden wheat ripe for the harvest. And remember, whatever happens, I have told you and promised you that each shall receive a reward according to their faithfulness. Nothing and no one can steal that from you. Do not rivet your attention on the results, but on Me and the ways in which I am leading you. Your reward is guaranteed and safe with Me.

"Behold I come quickly, prepare the way of the Lord, prepare My way! This is your commission.

"How dearly I love you. How wonderful what I have planned for you. How wonderful is your faithfulness against all odds and opposition. You are gleaming with new life and new light and the enemy is beyond intimidated by you. He is counting on your failures; I am counting on your faithfulness. And I will have a victorious Bride. She will not return to Me without bringing forth that for which I sent her, the way of the Lord prepared. Even as the first apostles ran the race, so shall she also run her race to the finish line.

"I am empowering you now, dear ones, to follow these instructions and to apply yourself to these instructions to prayer and to work."

And I just want to exhort you who live in NYC and the surrounding areas, if you have not fasted and prayed, understand your whole life is at risk here. All you own, your family, pets and friends, all are in danger of being struck with calamity.

While the Lord did not pinpoint NYC, I have it from several reliable sources that that will be the first violent strike taken to throw the country into lawlessness and chaos, for those who survive. So please, warn everyone you know who lives in NYC to begin a fast and prayer as if their life depended on it, because it does. Pray for the safety of President Trump and his family members, many who live in NYC.

Remember, Jesus said, "There is hope but it is dimming." Let's pray with all our hearts for a turn around of this nation. Especially, pray the Divine Mercy chaplet and offer your communions for a turn-around in the nation.

And for those of you who are new on the Channel, the Divine Mercy chaplet is... I recorded it and other people have recorded it. My version is a long, contemplative version. The other versions are very nice, too. Just find something that really works for you and pray it with all your heart. The Lord does respond to our cries for Mercy. Let's show Him that we really mean business with these prayers and fast offerings.

For those of you who are sick, please, offer your pain and suffering, the inconvenience, the frustration, the humiliation - everything. Offer that to the Lord for a turnaround in this nation while there's still time.

God bless you, Heartdwellers. And thank you to the ones who have been helping and supporting our mission, we so appreciate it. We have three salaried employees now. Everything you donate is either used for that or for the families around here who are in danger of having electricity shut off or they don't have food. So, we really appreciate your donations.

The Lord bless you for that and enrich your spiritual life. We carry every one of you in our hearts. And we live our lives to serve the Lord and to serve you through the graces He imparts to us. Pray for us. God bless you.

binding prayer


Kneel Preparation
Blessed Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I come before You as a
child still learning. Please teach me to see and hear You clearly. Please search my heart, reveal to me the doors I have opened and help me to repent. Direct these prayers so they are effective.

Open Doors
“Did I judge, criticize in my heart or mind, falsely accuse, gossip, cast a slur, steal, cheat or lie? Spend money meant for other things, take something that belonged to another? Did I covet, lust, or listen/see something sinful? Did I disrespect my spouse or parents, was I arrogant, proud, or jealous? Did I disobey You?
Forgive Me Lord and deliver me from evil and its effects. Jesus please remove these doors with their demons and excrement to the Abyss. Grant me the grace to sin no more.
Heavenly Father Jehovah, I forgive and bless from my heart, those people who have chosen to be our enemies. I pray that Your love would heal and convert them. “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” Guide me so I am not the cause of another man’s sin but a blessing leading them to You. Jesus please clothe me in the full Armor of God.

Now Stand As a child of Almighty God Elohim
I call upon the Holy Ministering and Warring Angels to pray these prayers with me, and the mighty Warring angels to enforce them. I declare the word “US” to include our Angels, ourselves, our families, unborn babies and born babies, Heartdwellers, and all our works for Lord Jesus.
In the Sovereign Name of Jesus Christ our King I block all retaliation against us our spiritual and physical children and volunteers. I cover us all with the Blood of Jesus and request strong angelic protection and Holy Spirit guidance each of us, with ears open to instruction and an obedient will.

Deliverance :
Warring Angels, come to our aid and enforce these directives. In the authority of the Sovereign Name of Jesus I command to silence the faculties of communication of every demon coming against us, to take back their excrement, undo their devices and release us. I bind and send them directly to the Abyss, never to be released. Every Energy Vampire demon, in the Holy name of JESUS CHRIST:
I silence al their faculties of communication. Take back your excrement return what you have stolen. I bind and send them directly to the Abyss never to be released.
In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Every Evil force against us: WE permanently destroy all demonic isolating energy vortexes, circumferential blocks, walls, and unrecognized devices. Come down never to be replaced! (3 times)
We call upon the Holy Angels to go before us and demolish every weapon isolating Heartdwellers from God, Holy Remnant Armies of God, innocent children, all churches Ministers, all individual chritians.
We entreat and decree and bind in heavy chained all demons worshippers, decree and bind all demonic legions, decree and bind all new world order, decree and bind all whispers curses and mind controls, decree and bind all united nations, decree and bind all elite govrnment, decree and bind all illuminatis, decree and bind all masonic lodgers, decree and bind all half human and half reptilians, decree and bind all pagans & atheists, decree and bind blood drinking demons, decree and bind all jihads muslim terrorists, decree and bind all money worshippers, decree and bind all blasphemers of Holy Spirit, decree and bind all unknown evil forces communications prayers -known and unknown, aware and unawares, all be paralyzed now, all be chained, all be in the pit now, all be confused and chaos now, all be doomed and gloomed in darkness and all be send to the Abyss now, in the mightiest holy name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in the holiest pure blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in the glory of the most passion and death of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in the power of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. in the powerful of words of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, be it done according to His majestic commands in Heaven, under Heaven, and on earth.
We call upon the holy Warring Angels to enforce this. In the authority of the Name above all Names, Jesus Christ from Nazareth.

I cancel all permissions for oppression against US. I break and forever disable every evil: inter-dimensional Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, mental connection to US, including all written and spoken words, likenesses, or representations. (3 times) I break and disable every assignment, projection, link, cloak, curse, hex, evil wish, spell, seal, restraint, devilish wile, and stronghold against us, in the authority of Jesus Name. ( 3 times) It is written, no weapon formed against US will prosper. Lord Jesus I pray that what You do allow, we will conquer with Your grace. in the mightiest holy name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in the holiest pure blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in the glory of the most passion and death of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in the power of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. in the penetrating words of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ, in the garments of Jesus Christ, in the in the wound of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, be it done according to His majestic commands in Heaven, under Heaven, and on earth.

Kneel - Protection :
Lord please send Your Holy Angels to stand guard. Make a complete sweep, remove every legions of demonic forces and evil practitioners from all New World orders, from all United Nations, from all NATO, from all world leaders, from states to counties, from all streets to all cities, from entire roads to entire highways, from all local airports to all seaports, from all borders to all port of entries, from all homes to all schools, from all small private buiness to all international businesses, blocking every and all projections, disabling every cursed object and device of evil, intercepting every force aimed at United States Remnant Churches, and fortify and make impenetrable, the globe of angelic protection surrounding all United States Remnant Churches, wherever we go, through the holy Blood of Jesus Christ, through the holy Body of Jesus Christ, through the holy God the Father Jehovah, through the Holy Spirit of God from Heaven, I seal off every portal: air, earth, fire, water, spirits, and inter-dimensional on this property in the mightiest holy name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in the holiest pure blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in the glory of the most passion and death of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in the power of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. in the powerful of words of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, be it done according to His majestic commands in Heaven, under Heaven, and on earth.
Please send Your Holy Armies to stand guard, and stop our enemies or cursed objects and forces of evil from entering.
Holy Spirit, please quicken truth and block the enemy’s attempts to confuse, sow lies and discord. Thank you, Holy Angels, for enforcing these prayers. Lord Jesus, deliver us from evil, silence all tormenting voices, the tyranny of memories, sever the cords and projections of the wicked. Please realign, heal and reconnect our soul and spirit, mind and heart, removing any blood thirst demons and their excrement from our hearts, from our souls, from our mind, from our spirits, from our generations, from our communications.

Holy Spirit, would you please pass over us: spirit, soul and body with Your Glory and increase our love for God and for others. Heal and restore our minds, time, faith, memory, health, vigor, endurance, focus, courage, peace and joy to the places the enemy, the world and our own flesh have defiled. Lord, what you have not restored, we offer to You for the work of converting every worker of iniquity.

Lord Jesus, we humbly ask you to fortify, sustain and bless mightily our angels in their battles against evil spirits.
Release all your glory and protections that You sent with Your People Israel and United States, fire in the midst of them wherever they went and restore seven-fold, all the enemy has stolen from us.

I speak Divine and Supernatural favor with God and man, Double favor, Additional favor, Abundant favor, Extended favor over our angels, over United States, and our works for our Lord Jesus Christ, we praise, honor and adore You.

Thank you for loving us and giving us the power to overcome evil. Jesus, I trust in You Jesus, I trust in You Jesus, I trust in You

Thursday, March 30, 2017


America Hanging in the Balance, Satan's Offerings vs. Our Prayers
Dear Heartdwellers, it is my prayer that we correspond to the grace the Lord is imparting to us in this message. Lord help us to respond in obedience. And to understand the gravity of this situation.
Well, this is an update on the state of affairs in our nation, spiritually. I have carried America in my heart today, crying out at different times for the mercy we so desperately need, especially as I prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Jesus began, "I have seen your tears and heard your cries for mercy, yet the outcome is undetermined. However, if all My people will apply their hearts to this kind of prayer I will be able to turn the tide."
And just to be clear on this point, I didn't spend hours and hours in prayer. I spent probably an hour and a half with the communion service and then praying the Divine Mercy chaplet, altogether. But they were strong, heart-felt prayers and they were anointed. And the Lord gave me the gift of tears of praying for our nation. So, this is not a huge dedication of time that He's talking about here. This is doable.
Jesus continued, "But My Love, not everyone is listening and caring enough to join in. They have no idea of what horrors await them if these disasters are not averted by prayer. So I want you to continue to call all to repentance and fasting. Repent for the times you didn't go to prayer; deny yourselves for the times you didn't pay heed. Apply your hearts to the prayers and perhaps this evil event planned can be circumvented. If enough hearken to My plea, there will be mercy.
"My people, this is the time to rend your hearts on behalf of America. The very evil underground government also has underground armies, mighty and fearless, bold and without a conscience, shoulder to shoulder, none breaking ranks. Woe to those they fall upon."
And as an aside on that, I've been having an understanding - I keep seeing black military uniforms. And I've been having an understanding that the U.S. Military is not the only army on American soil. I keep having flashbacks to the NWO military in the Left Behind movie. Black uniforms. U.N. Ruthless, with full authority. Authority even over all of our forces in America.
And this evening we gathered together for prayer and one of our number was shown the scales of justice in Heaven and the angels were placing our prayers and sacrifices on the right side of the scale, which was just a little lower than the left side. The other side were also things weighing it down and she asked, "What are those?" And the answer that was given was that it was curses, spells, wicked deeds, offerings to Satan, by his worshipers.
As she looked at the scales, the left side was just a tad above the right side, but barely. The Lord said to her, "Pray, My children, pray. Sacrifice and give as much as you can, for we need to keep the balance tilted to the right." And it was understood that the servants of Satan were praying and sacrificing almost as much as the servants of Our Lord Jesus.
People, that shouldn't be! We need to tip those scales off the charts to get the promised two years before the Lord's next review. The Satanists fast and pray curses on others to please Satan. We need to fast and pray blessings, healing and deliverance to counteract their wickedness.
There is still hope, but our dedication to prayer must outweigh the Satanic covens who cast spells and curses to bring chaos on the world, division among Christians and moral decline. The future is in our praying hands. Antichrist is here, but he can do nothing until the Church is removed. That's because our prayers are POWERFUL and he is still being bound until the appointed time.
The appointed time is in our praying hands.
I am not able to do a lot in fasting, but I can keep a reign on my heart and mouth, and not allow my judgmental thoughts. I can give up desserts and other small things.
But I do carry the United States in my heart and frequently cry out to the Lord, "Mercy over our country, Lord, mercy!" That heart cry is heard all the way to the Throne. I pray other prayers as well, but that simple cry does add weight to our side of the scales of justice. It comes from my heart.
And those of you who are praying from your heart, that is a powerful prayer. Carry America and the world in your hearts, Heartdwellers. Carry her and cry out over her as well as praying in the spirit and with understanding.
The Lord continued, "Your country is precariously teetering because of the wickedness of certain key members of your government. However, I am still with Donald and as long as you pray, change will come. Not as much as I would like to see right now, but still - it is some progress. Oh, how I need more, more, more from all of you.
"My people, the more you pray and offer sacrifices, the more joy you will experience as you see your government turned from evil to good. The more secure your life and ministries will be. The more productive and fruitful your lives, your children's lives and the lives of those around you. But I am calling you to really deny yourselves, pick up your cross and follow Me into the battleground of prayer. This is a time for 'all hands' to be on deck! In other words, each one of you are critically needed to turn this monster.
"None among you are too little, too small or insignificant that your prayers don't matter. Every child's prayers, every senior's prayers, every disabled person's prayers are needed. You who suffer with sicknesses that I have not yet healed, have great weapons in your hands as you offer your daily inconveniences, embarrassment and pain. That is a very great influence.
"I am calling upon every Sunday school teacher, pastor, counselor, nurse and those in positions of influence to put the word out. Pray for peace to come to America. Pray for an end to the political posturing and using Americans for personal agendas. Pray the eyes of all will be opened to how destructive this bickering is. Pray your president will be respected so he can move forward with the reforms I have given him. Pray the evil persons in government will be exposed and brought to justice.
"Pray for the disarming of the lying press that is continually shaping people's minds. Pray for those minds to start operating on their own, not under the spell of the media. For that is TRULY what has happened. "The media is under a spell by the forces of darkness to deliberately mislead and sabotage your nation. Pray that this spell be broken and people wake up and start thinking for themselves.
"Pray all these things with passion from your hearts and you WILL see change. Break the curses off your government controlled by Satan. Thousands of innocent children have been victimized, brutally raped and tortured as offerings to Satan to bring this nation down.
"Offer blessings, prayers, vigils, kind deeds, works of Mercy and especially informing the ignorant to offset this plague of evil that determines the destiny for you and your children. This is what is needed now. I am calling all of you, from the oldest to the youngest, to storm Heaven on behalf of your nation.
"Then, I promise you, you will see change. This is the time to rally. All hands on deck! Then you will see change."

Monday, March 27, 2017

march 25, 2017 9:01pm sabbath day (SATURDAY) daylight savingstime Tonight (EDISON, NEW JERSEY) i have a dreamed about Jesus today, HERE IS THE . beginning of my dream
I am sitting next to a perfect stranger lady as if ... as if she knew me whether i knew her or not. I wore black pants (spiritual symbolic of my darkest sins is still with me, have not cleansed with the blood of jesus)) we walked sidewalks, we found a white porched two individual chairs they were in front neightbors house. its is just sitiing on public walkway sidewalk. I saw another sitiing lady on porch individual chair. I hopped in leap in or join in.. I sat in with them whether i knew them or i knew them not. i dont know. that i am in  my sleep dream. all of a sudden my head or my face raised to look up above the sky huh? why? i dont know. I looked up in the sky. because I see something coming out of the heavenly sky. something coming out. it is a very big giant hand gliding down very gently , but with high speed. it is described  the a big giant bronze or tan
 hand ?, a carpenters hand. it is the hand of GOD the maker of heaven and Earth. ohhhhh . then the hands reaching down slowly down a if gonna descend down to us? the next scene was  I saw Christ He is standing he is facing this way where i can see Him. He is white. glory of white. glory and holy holy white. . a sweet surprised. Oh i am so excited. IT IS OUR LORD JESUS. I exclaimed with excitement. "JESUS" I think i ran to meet JESUS, ( ithink i had forsaken my neighbors
) I hurriedly bowed down my head my face to the ground green grasses to meet JESUS as my Bridegroom. i was foloowing or chasing after my Lord Jesus. He is walking or floating very fast. I have to walk with Him cuz i am his avid fans. are we approaching the next scene, it a busy streets full of transportation vehicles, i see school bus too. huh? People dont recognize My Jesus? then I heralded his beautiful name as loud as I can on the roads. It is very traffic here and there. I heralded as far as my lungs and my heart and my tongue can afford. JESUS I LOVE YOU JESUS I LOVE YOU JESUS I LOVE YOU JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS I LOVE YOU. i think holding his very handsome manly hands. very gentleman (OH MY) then OUR HANDSOME JESUS is surrounded by many children or young adults. i hugged my JESUS very tenderly on his above shoulder. i felt beautiful like a bride. like I was married to my bridegroom. but sad is children and young people wanted his attention and wanted my beloved JESUS. i hugged him very gently very sincerely very tenderly like i will not let go anymore. but sad i i let it go because many souls wants HIM also. i was sad i let it go so they can have their turn, then I WOKE UP . i was sad I didnt  get a chance to KISS tenderly MY HANDSOME KING OF HEAVEN