Monday, March 27, 2017

march 25, 2017 9:01pm sabbath day (SATURDAY) daylight savingstime Tonight (EDISON, NEW JERSEY) i have a dreamed about Jesus today, HERE IS THE . beginning of my dream
I am sitting next to a perfect stranger lady as if ... as if she knew me whether i knew her or not. I wore black pants (spiritual symbolic of my darkest sins is still with me, have not cleansed with the blood of jesus)) we walked sidewalks, we found a white porched two individual chairs they were in front neightbors house. its is just sitiing on public walkway sidewalk. I saw another sitiing lady on porch individual chair. I hopped in leap in or join in.. I sat in with them whether i knew them or i knew them not. i dont know. that i am in  my sleep dream. all of a sudden my head or my face raised to look up above the sky huh? why? i dont know. I looked up in the sky. because I see something coming out of the heavenly sky. something coming out. it is a very big giant hand gliding down very gently , but with high speed. it is described  the a big giant bronze or tan
 hand ?, a carpenters hand. it is the hand of GOD the maker of heaven and Earth. ohhhhh . then the hands reaching down slowly down a if gonna descend down to us? the next scene was  I saw Christ He is standing he is facing this way where i can see Him. He is white. glory of white. glory and holy holy white. . a sweet surprised. Oh i am so excited. IT IS OUR LORD JESUS. I exclaimed with excitement. "JESUS" I think i ran to meet JESUS, ( ithink i had forsaken my neighbors
) I hurriedly bowed down my head my face to the ground green grasses to meet JESUS as my Bridegroom. i was foloowing or chasing after my Lord Jesus. He is walking or floating very fast. I have to walk with Him cuz i am his avid fans. are we approaching the next scene, it a busy streets full of transportation vehicles, i see school bus too. huh? People dont recognize My Jesus? then I heralded his beautiful name as loud as I can on the roads. It is very traffic here and there. I heralded as far as my lungs and my heart and my tongue can afford. JESUS I LOVE YOU JESUS I LOVE YOU JESUS I LOVE YOU JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS I LOVE YOU. i think holding his very handsome manly hands. very gentleman (OH MY) then OUR HANDSOME JESUS is surrounded by many children or young adults. i hugged my JESUS very tenderly on his above shoulder. i felt beautiful like a bride. like I was married to my bridegroom. but sad is children and young people wanted his attention and wanted my beloved JESUS. i hugged him very gently very sincerely very tenderly like i will not let go anymore. but sad i i let it go because many souls wants HIM also. i was sad i let it go so they can have their turn, then I WOKE UP . i was sad I didnt  get a chance to KISS tenderly MY HANDSOME KING OF HEAVEN

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