Thursday, October 19, 2017

God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven said: How, have they received, ‘the mark of the beast’, My children?  My son, you just explained it, to them! [- in the Homily at today's Mass] – in away, that can ‘not be denied’ – without ‘full knowledge’, in doing so.  What did they sell? – My son.
PPTL:  Their souls!  They sold their souls, in exchange, for the lie, that their priests, ministers, rabbis, pastors, would gladly take their money to tell them: that they were already saved!  They sold their souls for a lie!
God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven:  Now, can ‘the mark, of the beast’; can ‘the sign’, that has been placed upon, their foreheads – the sign of ‘damnation’, be removed?
PPTL:  It is indeed an Eternal Sign – and “eternal”, means, “for Ever”.  But! – it is only “forever”, if they meet You at their Judgment, with this sign, ‘the mark of the beast’, upon them.  It can be removed, but only beforehand, and only for souls, who desire, in the very depths of their inward being, to cooperate, with their Savior; to repent, and to DO, what it is You are asking them to do – especially, through the inspirations of ‘the True Holy Spirit of the Moment’, speaking in their ‘interior lives’.
God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven:  Yes, you have spoken, with Wisdom, that can only come – forth from, My Mind! – Because I gave you the answer!... How, do, I, “save”, people? – who will not acknowledge, that they need Me? – who will not acknowledge, that they are ‘only sinking deeper’?  How do I save, those souls, who see themselves, as, “righteous” – all the while, concealing their very, dark, and wicked deeds?
PPTL:  You send forth your ‘Physical Chastisement’, to the Four Corners of the Earth.  You send Saint Michael, the Archangel, with ‘his sword unsheathed’, to pierce the hearts of the wicked – to bring them to their knees, begging You for Mercy; begging for forgiveness; because Your Just Wrath, is as terrible as Hell itself!

Closing statement from God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven:  I know, My children, because I Created, Hell – for the devil, and his ‘angels’, and for all those, who want, to belong, to ‘his kingdom’.  But, what most, people, do not ‘get’, do not understand, is that, he, and ‘his angels’, are only filled with ‘hatred for their souls’.  And, he sees mankind,with only, ‘hatred’, for them.  He wants them all; but he is not going to have them all.  But most of them, will go with him; and few, will come with Me, to My Kingdom.  There is always time, to repent, before the ‘last dying breath’; but the problem is now, that people have been given ‘the mark’, of ‘the devil’s kingdom’.  How many of them want to ‘switch over’, to My side? – to My Kingdom of Truth, Justice, Peace?  That is all that I have to say to the both of you, for now.

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