Friday, October 13, 2017

matthew chapter 1 origin 1582 douay rheims bible

St. Matthew's Gospel may be well divided into five parts. The first part, as touching the Infancy of our Lord Jesus: Chapters 1 and 2. The Second, of the preparation that was made to his manifestation: Chapter 3 and a piece of the 4th. The Third, of his manifesting of himself by preaching and miracles, and that in Galilee: the other piece of the 4th Chapter unto the 19th. The Fourth, of his coming into Jewry, toward his Passion: Chapters 19 and 20. The Fifth, of the Holy week of his Passion in Jerusalem: Chapter 21 unto the end of the book. Of Saint Matthew we have Matt. 9, Mark 2, Luke 5: How being before a Publican, he was called of our Lord, and made a Disciple. Then Luke 6, Mark 3, Matthew 10: How out of the whole number of the Disciples he was chosen to be one of the twelve Apostles. And out of them again he was chosen (and none but he and St. John) to be one of the four Evangelists. Among which four also, he was the first that wrote, about 8 or 10 years after Christ's Ascension. The Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ According to Matthew CHAPTER 1 The pedigree of Jesus, to show that he is Christ, promised to *Abraham and *David. 18. That he was conceived and born of a Virgin, as Esay prophesied of him. HE book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. 2. *Abraham begat Isaac, And Isaac begat Jacob. And Jacob begat Judas and his brethren: 3. Judas begat Phares and Zaram of Thamar. And *Phares begat Esron. And Esron begat Aram. 4. And Aram begat Aminadab. And Aminadab begat Naasson. And Naasson begat Salmon. 5. And Salmon begat Booz of Raab. And Booz begat Obed of Ruth. And Obed begat Jesse. 6. And Jesse begat David the King. And *David the King begat Salomon of her that was the wife of Vrias. 7. And *Salomon begat Roboam. And Roboam begat Abia. And Abia begat Asa. 8. And Asa begat Josaphat. And Josaphat begat Joram. And Joram begat Ozias. 9. And Ozias begat Joatham. And Joatham begat Achaz. And Achaz begat Ezechias. 10. And Ezechias begat Manasses. And Manasses begat Amon. And Amon begat Josias. 11. And Josias begat Jechonias and his brethren in the *Transmigration of Babylon. 12. And after the Transmigration of Babylon, *Jechonias begat Salathiel. And *Salathiel begat Zorobabel. 13. And Zorobabel begat Abiud. And Abiud begat Eliacim. And Eliacim begat Azor. 14. And Azor begat Sadoc. And Sadoc begat Achim. And Achim Begat Eliud. 15. And Eliud begat Eleazar. And Eleazar begat Mathan. And Mathan begat Jacob. 16. And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of MARYv: of whom was born JESUS, who is called CHRIST. The FIRST part of this Gospel, of the Infancy of our Saviour Christ. * Jer. 18:22 * 2.Reg.7; Psalm 131 Gen. 12:22 2 Kgs. 1 Psalms 111 Luke 3:1 Gen. 21, 25, 29, 38. 1 Par. 2:5 Ruth 4:18 This Gospel is most solemnly sung in holy Church at Matins upon Christmas day. As also it is the Gospel of the Conception and Nativity of our Blessed Lady: because here is declared the pedigree of her also. T 2 Kgs. 12:24 1 Par. 3:10 4 Kgs. 24 2 Par. 36 1 Par. 3. 1 Esd. 3 v The Gospel upon de qua Christmas Eve and upon St. Joseph's day March 19. 17. Therefore all the generations from Abraham unto David, fourteen generations. And from David to the Transmigration of Babylon, Fourteen generations. And from the Transmigration of Babylon unto CHRIST, fourteen generations. 18. And the generation of CHRIST was in this wise. When his mother MARY was spoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found to be with child by the Holy Ghost. 19. Whereupon Joseph, for that he was a just man, and would not put her to open shame; was minded secretly to dismiss her. 20. But as he was thus thinking, behold the Angel of our Lord appeared to him in sleep saying: Joseph, son of David, fear not to take MARY thy wife, for that which is borne in her, is of the Holy Ghost. 21. And she shall bring forth a son: and thou shalt call his name vJESUS. For he shall save his people from their sins. 22. And all this was done that it might be fulfilled which our Lord spake by the Prophet saying: 23. “Behold a Virgin shall be with child, and bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel,” which being interpreted is, God with us. 24. And Joseph rising up from sleep, did as the Angel of our Lord commanded him, and took his wife. 25. And he knew her not till she brought forth her first born son: and called his name JESUS. _________________________________________________________________________ ANNOTATIONS Chapter 1 3. Thamar.] Christ abhorred not to take flesh of some that were ill, as he chose Judas among his Apostles: Let not us disdain to receive our spiritual birth and sustenance of such as be not always good. 16. Joseph.] Joseph marrying our Lady as near of kin (for so was the *law) by his pedigree showeth hers, and consequently Christ's pedigree from David. 16. Husband.] True and perfect marriage, and continual living in the same, without carnal copulation. Aug. lib. 2. Consen. Evang. c.1. 20. Borne in her.] The triple good or perfection of marriage accomplished in the parents of Christ, to wit, Issue, Fidelity, Sacrament. Aug. de nup. & conc. li.1.c.11. 23. A Virgin.] Our Saviour born in marriage, but yet of a Virgin, would honor both states: and withal, teacheth us against Jouinian the old Heretic and these of our time, that virginity and the continent life are preferred before marriage that hath carnal copulation. See St. Jerome v. Iouin. and St. Gregory Nazianzus. Ser. 20. de studio in pauperes, in initio. 23. A Virgin.] As our Lady both a virgin and a mother, brought forth Christ the head corporally: so the Church a virgin and a mother, bringeth forth the members of this head spiritually. Aug. li. de Virg. ca. 2. 23. And bring forth.] The Heretic Jouinian is here refuted, holding that her virginity was corrupted in bring forth Christ. Aug. har. 28. Li. 1 cont. Julian, c. 2. 25. Till, First-born.] Heluidius of old abused these words, till, and, first-born, against the perpetual virginity of our Blessed Lady, Hiero. cont. Helu. Which truth though not expressed in Scripture, yet our Adversaries also do grant, and Heluidius for denial thereof was condemned for an heretic by tradition only. Aug. har. 84. ___________________________________________

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