Thursday, October 19, 2017

True Prophetic Messages from
(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, unless otherwise stated.)

“Come together and hold assembly, O shameless nation, before you are driven away like the drifting chaff, before there comes upon you the fierce anger of the Lord, before there comes upon you the day of the wrath of the Lord.  Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land, who do his commands; seek righteousness, seek humility; perhaps you may be hidden on the day of the wrath of the Lord.” 
(Zephaniah 2:1-3)
“Wail, you shepherds, and cry, and roll in ashes, you lords of the flock, for the days of your slaughter and dispersion have come, and you shall fall like choice rams.No refuge will remain for the shepherds, nor escape for the lords of the flock.  Hark, the cry of the shepherds, and the wail of the lords of the flock!  For the Lord is despoiling their pasture, and the peaceful folds are devastated, because of the fierce anger of the Lord.  Like a lion he has left his covert, for their land has become a wastebecause of the sword of the oppressor, and because of his fierce anger.” 
(Jeremiah 25:34-38)
Behold the storm of the Lord!  Wrath has gone forth, a whirling tempest; it will burst upon the head of the wicked. The fierce anger of the Lord will not turn back until he has executed and accomplished the intents of his mind. In the latter days you will understand this."
(Jeremiah 30: 23-24)
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June 27, 2010
God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven said: As Pharaoh’s heart, grew colder, the calamities and plagues he received only became worse.  There are many ‘pharaohs’ in this World, My children, not just the ones that you know of; but ‘pharaoh syndrome’, is becoming a very widely dispersed disease upon mankind.  My hope for Pharaoh , was that he would repent in time; but he did not, until he himself was hurt the most.
What’s coming to North America and to the World, is due punishment, for their sins against Me.  I will punish those who have chosen alien gods, by handing them over to them.  I will bring North America and the World to its knees – one plague, one disaster at a time.  America and the World, decides how much punishment they receive, through their actions.  If they continue to mock My Laws, and hold theirs, in higher esteem, they do force Me in a way, to take action against them - no longer seeing My Son Jesus in them, but seeing Mankind, more as ‘vermin or pigs’, that need to be slaughtered.
America, and the World, will decide for themselves, when ‘enough is enough’.  When they cry out to Me through remorse for their sins, I will listen; but until they acknowledge their sins, and the punishments due them, their prayers will fall ‘on deaf ears’.  It begins now.  I have unleashed ‘the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse’, that stand arrayed for battle.  They are ‘poised and ready’ to battle with flesh and blood.  It begins.  Now ‘events’, are on ‘a spiral effect’; and now history cannot be changed. You will see this soon, My children.
November 24, 2012
God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven said: Now when I came: in the Person, of Jesus Christ the Lord (- for I became flesh, not that I was ‘flesh from the beginning’), I came, not to abolish the Law and the Prophets, but to fulfill them. Not to ‘abolish My Ten Commandments; but to ‘teach the people’ – in addition to these, the Commandment of Love: first, God; then neighbor, then self.  But ‘the Pharisees’ at the time, thought that I had come, to change the Laws; they saw Me as ‘a radical’ that ‘needed to be removed!  I ‘drew people away’, from obeying: human ordinances and statutes – which the Pharisees – some of them had ‘set-up at the time; and others, believed only, in what Moses taught.  So I was not able to get through to them because of the ‘hardness of their hearts’.  Now in this time I am ‘seeking to get through the hardness of peoples’ hearts’ – within the institutions.  But they are ‘reluctant’ to follow: My advice – even though they know it is I speaking to them.  They would rather I didn’t tell them these ’uncomfortable truths’; and that they would rather: ‘keep Me marginalized’ – in their bibles – so that there Is ‘no room’ for Me to speak – elsewhere; so that ‘even though they know’ – ‘I am speaking – to their hearts’ – they can, and do ‘shut Me out’, and go ‘back to their bibles’ – to their ‘satanic fellowship’; to their ‘greedy pastors’. Why My children would they do this?  Because they are ‘wicked souls’ who ‘refuse to repent’; and when Mercy is offered they choose to show: none – to themselves, or Me.
December 16, 2012God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven said: Why, did I send, My Son Jesus, as ‘expiation’ for peoples’ sins?  I knew what soulswould choose – to do! – with the gift, they had been given.  I knew, that His Sacrifice, would mean ‘nothing’ – to most people.  But, for ‘the very few’ – their lives were changed! - and they took the gift, of My Son Jesus – to their hearts; and desired: ‘True Repentance’! - and made ‘continual sacrifices’ – in their ‘interior lives’ – to share, in ‘the sufferings’, He, endured – for them!
What, are the people, being taught, today, My children?! - that Jesus, will be ‘their strength’, their ‘solace’even their ‘comfort’! - while they embrace what sins!! – against Him, against Me! - and against the True Holy Spirit.  Why are so many people, ‘treating My Son’ – so poorly, in their interior lives?  Do they have ‘no fear of consequences?  Nor ‘love of Him’ in their lives?
 “Jesus died for me; therefore I am saved!”  The people, ‘brainwash themselves’ with ‘this statement’ – over and over again!  Because, they knowingly, neglect, ‘the whole’.  They have ‘part of it’; but, it is useless without the other half!  If, they refuse to ‘turn away from sin, and, ‘wickedness’, they make, His Sacrifice ‘in vain’ – for their souls!
Jesus,died, for everyone!  Just like “everyone was invited to the wedding feast, that I ‘threw for Him’ – ‘the good’ and ‘the bad’.  Of course you are all ‘called – to come!’  But which of you, will ‘partake of the food’, that is offered to your souls?  You are ‘blind people’; and ‘darkness covers your intellects’!  Because you have ‘turned away from Me’ – the Lord; your God!  You ‘stumble in the darkness’ – all of you! – because none of you, have, ‘the light’.  You spurn My Two Witnesses; as you ‘spurn My Son Jesus’.  You spurn the Life I offer to your souls – through – ‘forgiveness of your sins’.  But what is the ‘other part’?  Do I ‘just forgive you’, and then you ‘continue on’ – in offending Me?! Why do you have ‘a television in your home?  ‘It’ is ‘wickedness’!  And can only make you go ‘deeper into hellfire’.
Learn My Ways once again you foolish people!! Turn back, from ‘following the ways of man’; and learn from My Son Jesus!  Learn! – about what We are ‘asking you to do’!  You all worship ‘Baals’ and ‘false idols’!  Your hearts have ‘grown cold’ and you ‘suppress the truth’!  So whatam I to do with you?!
Jesus and I, are ‘very angry’, along, with the True Holy Spirit!  Because we are ‘offended’, by you people! And your ‘grotesque arrogance’towards Us.  I want to give you ‘Life’.  But you would seek death instead!  Learn, the Ways, of Truth – once more!  So inundated, with ‘falsehood’, you ‘all’ are!  Heaven, is closed to you all –unless you repent!  There are no ‘prophets’ speaking the Truth out there.  I have ‘withdrawn My Spirit from them all!  And ‘the counsel of man’ is in the place, where the True Holy Spirit once was.
You are going to be given over to ‘a beastly mind’ this Christmas, as My Son is Coming back with ‘a Vengeance’.  You offend, and expect ‘norepercussions’. But what you all, have not realized, is that I am the God of the ‘Old Testament’ and ‘the New’!  And I have been silent, as My Son Jesus would minister to your souls – throughout ‘the Ages’That time is ‘coming to a close’.  As I am ‘wrapping up’ this Age.  Many natural disasters and ‘spiritual changes are ‘about to manifest’!  You need to ‘get your houses in order before He Comes – or pay ‘the penalty’!
March 2, 2013
God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven said: And, they have power to ‘shut up the skies’ [Revelations 11:6], during the time of their prophesying – that no rain, may fall.  Also, they are clothedin ‘sackcloth’and in ‘ashes’ – so that, they could be, an example to the World, on how the World should respond, to their CreatorThey are “the two lampstands”, and “two olive trees” [Revelations 11:4– standing before the Lord,of the whole Earth.  Who am I referring to, My children? – with all this symbolism, and allegory - what, am I talking about?!
Pope Peter the LastUs?
God the Almighty and Eternal Father in HeavenYes.  And what do “olive trees”, produce?
PPTL:  Oil.
God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven: And what is another name for oil? – it is referred to, throughout all of the Old, Testament.
PPTL:  Ointment.
God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven: And what is ointment used for?
PPTL:  Anointing.
God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven: And so, it is ‘a puzzle’, My children.  For people, can not ‘figure it out’!  The imagery, I used, in showing John, the visions, was deliberate.  He, saw, the both of you - way, back, then; for I gave him ‘a glimpse’.  And are there any “anointed”, other than yourselves – on the Face of the Earth, at this time?
PPTL:  There is not a one.
God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven said: Who else, is receiving ‘Counsel’, from Heaven’s ThroneLet them come forward!  Let them bring ‘their witnesses’.  For I have Mine.  I only need, Two!  You, receive ‘direct Counsel’, from Above.  But who, on the Face of the Earth, wants to receive, what I, have to say?!   Are they not ‘filled, to the brim – with this World, and ‘all of the trappings of it’?  Do they not enjoy, being ‘ensnared, in falsehood’!  What, can I do for them, My children?  Except, Chastise them – severely… [long pause]   Now you have seen, ‘the spiritual plagues’ manifest; but you have, the gift of spiritual vision, to see them.  But now, I will stretch forth My Hand, upon the Face of the Earth, so that, more ‘physical Chastisements’, will befall the World!  My Mercy, is still ‘reaching out’, to souls, who want to receiveit – through repentance.  But My Wrath, is going to cover the Face of the Earthand quickly!  Your Masses, are online! - and this is good.  So people can see, that I still want to nourish them, with, the Truth.  But remembertold you, just a few months ago, that, the God, of the Old Testament’, is about to manifest once more.  For does not a Scribe, take out, from his household, what is new, and what is old? [Matthew 13:52].  I have told the World, “never!  Changed”.  But I was hiddenin the person, of, Jesus Christ. ButI, am God, the Almighty, and Eternal Father, in Heaven.  And when I say ‘a Chastisement’ is coming’, people had better ‘brace themselves for it’ – by repenting, in sackclothandin ashes!  It, does not matter, to Me, in the least, if people: believe, what I am saying; or not.  Because their ‘beliefs’, do not control, the spiritual, and physical realities!!  You are Pope Peter, the Last, and Final Pope of this Era.  All others who claim this, are frauds and liars.  Youare feeding the sheep, Good food; but they must decide: what to do with it.  No matter who they elect next, in that ‘abominable conclave’, you are My ‘True Representative’, upon the Face of the EarthBut you are also My Prophet!  And I have sent you to the people, in the Spirit of ElijahThey are going to see, how serious, I truly AM That is all that I have to say to the both of you for now.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
“Also it [“the beast”] was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them.  And authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation... Also it [“the beast”] causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.”    
(Revelations 13:7, 16-17)
God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven said: How, have they received, ‘the mark of the beast’, My children?  My son, you just explained it, to them! [- in the Homily at today's Mass] – in away, that can ‘not be denied’ – without ‘full knowledge’, in doing so.  What did they sell? – My son.
PPTL:  Their souls!  They sold their souls, in exchange, for the lie, that their priests, ministers, rabbis, pastors, would gladly take their money to tell them: that they were already saved!  They sold their souls for a lie!
God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven:  Now, can ‘the mark, of the beast’; can ‘the sign’, that has been placed upon, their foreheads – the sign of ‘damnation’, be removed?
PPTL:  It is indeed an Eternal Sign – and “eternal”, means, “for Ever”.  But! – it is only “forever”, if they meet You at their Judgment, with this sign, ‘the mark of the beast’, upon them.  It can be removed, but only beforehand, and only for souls, who desire, in the very depths of their inward being, to cooperate, with their Savior; to repent, and to DO, what it is You are asking them to do – especially, through the inspirations of ‘the True Holy Spirit of the Moment’, speaking in their ‘interior lives’.
God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven:  Yes, you have spoken, with Wisdom, that can only come – forth from, My Mind! – Because I gave you the answer!... How, do, I, “save”, people? – who will not acknowledge, that they need Me? – who will not acknowledge, that they are ‘only sinking deeper’?  How do I save, those souls, who see themselves, as, “righteous” – all the while, concealing their very, dark, and wicked deeds?
PPTL:  You send forth your ‘Physical Chastisement’, to the Four Corners of the Earth.  You send Saint Michael, the Archangel, with ‘his sword unsheathed’, to pierce the hearts of the wicked – to bring them to their knees, begging You for Mercy; begging for forgiveness; because Your Just Wrath, is as terrible as Hell itself!
Closing statement from God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven:  I know, My children, because I Created, Hell – for the devil, and his ‘angels’, and for all those, who want, to belong, to ‘his kingdom’.  But, what most, people, do not ‘get’, do not understand, is that, he, and ‘his angels’, are only filled with ‘hatred for their souls’.  And, he sees mankind,with only, ‘hatred’, for them.  He wants them all; but he is not going to have them all.  But most of them, will go with him; and few, will come with Me, to My Kingdom.  There is always time, to repent, before the ‘last dying breath’; but the problem is now, that people have been given ‘the mark’, of ‘the devil’s kingdom’.  How many of them want to ‘switch over’, to My side? – to My Kingdom of Truth, Justice, Peace?  That is all that I have to say to the both of you, for now.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
"You have heard their taunts, O Lord, all their devices against me.  The lips and thoughts of my assailants are against me all the day long.  Behold their sitting and their rising; I am the burden of their songs.  You will repay them, O Lord, according to the work of their hands.  You will give them dullness of heart; Your curse will be on them.  You will pursue them in anger and destroy them from under thy heavens, O Lord."   
(Lamentations 3:61-66)
God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven said: And so, the world, continues to receive, ‘its daily Pummeling’ My children.  And ‘the Pummeling’ will, only increase, with time – as more, “natural”, disasters, continue, to happen – more and more frequently: all, over, the Planet – from the sky, to the earth, and in between.  More, and more, will the nations, ‘feel’, ‘the Divine Pummeling from Heaven’ – because, they, continue, to reject My Testimony.  And, not only are you both, “the Olive Branches”; but the Testimony, is 'My Olive Branch', to the world.  Just as, My son, Jesus, was 'the Olive Branch' – extended, the First time; the Second time, He came, through My Testimony.  And yes, it is also, the True Holy Spirit’s Testimony.  And the Three of Us, have Testified, against, the nations – because of their cruelty; and their mercilessness.  And because, their sins demand, that recompense be paid – to each man, woman, and child – as their works, deserve. They think they can continue, to ignore, the Truths, that I share, through, My Son Jesus.  And they think that they can hide, from ‘the Wrath of the Lamb’ – who was slain for their sins!  If they will not ‘partake, of the Olive Branches’, then of course, they will ONLY experience, ‘the Rod, of Iron’, instead…
"Jesus said to him... He who has seen me has seen the Father... The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority; but the Father who dwells in me does his works.  Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in me."    
(John 14:9-11)
…For as they have seen the Son, they, have seen the Father.  And as they have seen the True Holy Spirit, they have seen, the Love, between the Father and the Son. For the Father, and the Son, are One.  And the Son, and the True Holy Spirit, are One.  And the True Holy Spirit, and the Father, are one.  But!  They can’t see Us.  They ignore Us; because only those with Faith, can see.   I, am going to reveal, Myself, to the World, My Children.  Because “the God of the Old Testament”, is here! – Now!  That’s the relationship people WANT with Me.
July 22, 2016
God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven said: GUIDE THESE, "My LITTLE Ones", to 'the PATH', OF their Salvation.  HOLD 'NOTHING BACK', FROM them - that is, 'for the GOOD, OF their Souls' - whether it be, "JUSTICE", OR "Mercy"; for they GO, 'HAND in HAND'.  For TRULY, they ARE 'ONE in the same'. CONTINUE to Guide, 'MY Church' - IN Truth, LOVE, AND 'SINCERITY' - as 'their TRUE SHEPHERD' - the ONE, that they CAN see! - REPRESENTING, "the INVISIBLE, Godhead" - MY Son! - Jesus
God the Almighty and Eternal Father in HEAVEN said: Therefore Be HOLY! - as I, the LORD, your GOD! - Am Holy.  WHO, WILL come NEAR? - to My Holy MOUNTAIN?  THOSE with 'clean HANDS', AND 'Pure hearts'.  And THEREFORE, "YOUR call", is to PURIFY - to 'be PURGED!' - of all INIQUITY; and to 'be FILLED, with My TRUE Holy Spirit'.  For I, 'DESIRE', to DWELL, with My PEOPLE - that THEY! - would call ME, "their GOD"; and I, will call THEM, "My CHILDREN".  For that is "My TRUE Dwelling Place" - IN the hearts, MINDS, AND Souls, of My FAITHFUL REMNANT Church.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
“And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.”
(John 12:32)
The Blessed Trinity said: You do not need ‘anyone’s approval’, My children.  Just do, what the True Holy Spirit Commands you to do, in the moment, and you will do well!  Well, done, good, and faithful, servant!  We, as in the Blessed Trinity, are very pleased.  Continue, to glorify us! – in every waking moment – doing exactly, as you are told – according to your own conscience.  Live, in Our Peace, Always!  Do not allow ‘the World’, to steal! Your Peace.  Now Jesus wishes to speak to the Both of You... 
Monday, March 15, 2010
The True Holy Spirit said:  I am The Great Paraclete, My children.  And I will show you the Way to Eternal Life, with God the Father, God the Son, and Me – the Holy Spirit.  I will fill your hearts and minds with Truth – from Heaven, that only babes can understand – mere spiritual babies, God’s little ones.  If ever you think of yourself as someone special, you are to put God first, for He is above you. If ever you are tempted to focus on self, you are to focus on God, for He is above you.  If ever you are tempted to put neighbor first – above God, you are to turn your neighbor’s eyes and heart, towards Heaven – to God who is above the both of you.  I mean to make Myself very clear, My children: God is Eternal, and He is even above the Heavens, and if you want to be with Him, then you must not slack, in putting Him first and foremost in your lives.  For isn’t that what Heaven is: continual glorifying of God, praising His Holy Name for all of Eternity, loving Him selflessly? – No more childishness!
The caves are coming, and fast.  So is sudden destruction coming, upon the World, and fast.  Fast approaching is the Day of Doom, the Day of Reckoning, the Day of Mourning – for all those hearts who are without God; and a Day of Rejoicing – for all those who are with Him, and in Him.  This Day is coming quickly.
I will continue to fill your hearts and minds with Divine Revelation, from Heaven.  Just be open, and do not hinder The Spirit at work within you.  Learn to be silent and reflect more.  God has sent Me to you both this day – though I am God, I come forth from the Love between the Father and the Son.  I am the Holy Spirit, and I am your friend, and desire to welcome you both to Paradise – to Heaven, in your hearts and minds.
May 24, 2010
Jesus Christ the Lord said:  My plan for mankind was simple:  they were to be a family, a ‘firmly–tightened’ and united family of Love, with Me as their True Father.  But they have strayed, so - so far from My Love; and their hearts have ‘calluses’ on them. 
Note: In the above excerpt, Jesus is obviously speaking as "the WORD", who comes forth from God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven.
The Blessed Trinity said: Even what they think is ‘normal’; even what they think is ‘good and pleasing’ to them, is ‘an abomination’ in Our Eyes.  We see what mankind has become, and look with pity, at them, because they are so self–deceived, and believe that rejecting Us, the Blessed Trinity, is ‘the way’ to their ‘heaven’.  If their ‘heaven’ is Hell, then there is no more that We can do for them.  They are lost, until they change their ways, or until they convert - after the Great Warning.

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