Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Father, in the name of Jesus, we come before your throne as your Army, with humble and contrite hearts on this day of repentance.

Father, as we step onto the battlefield of righteousness, we walk in a spirit of unity, with one heart, one mind, and one accord, to disarm and take away any legal right the enemy may have over your people, and your country called the United States of America.

Father, we decree and declare we will take back what belongs to you, through this act of target focused repentance that we are engaged in.

Father, in the name of Jesus, we repent for not having a humble heart, walking in pride, having haughty spirits, and attitudes, thinking because we are in leadership we don’t have to repent.

Father, we repent for not walking in a Spirit of Repentance daily and for not disciplining others to do the same, knowing that an effective warfare starts with TARGET FOCUSED REPENTANCE.

Father, in the name of Jesus, we repent for engaging in friendly fire, attacking others in the Body of Christ, shooting our own wounded, because we may not agree with that person. We repent for our arrogance, murdering others with our words when your word says “thou shall not murder”.

Father, in the name of Jesus, we repent for having a religious, legalistic, and critical spirits, creating chaos, aiding the kingdom of darkness, and committing spiritual treason by dividing the brethren.

Father, in the name of Jesus, we repent for not operating in a spirit of unity; love, mercy, and grace, allowing our love to grow cold, and not showing the same love, mercy, and grace, that you have shown us.

Father, we ask that you would heal the divide in your people, give us the strength, the maturity, and the discernment to push away everything that is separating us from you, from one another, and from operating as the one true army you have chosen us to be.

Father, in the name of Jesus, we repent for having an intellectual knowledge of you, but truly not knowing your ways.

Father, forgive us for the spiritual arrogance this has created, operating out of our intellect, versus out of your spirit, honoring you with our lips but our hearts are far from you.

Father, we repent for aiding the kingdom of darkness and committing spiritual treason by having an escapism mentality, taking ourselves out of the fight and for influencing and leading others astray down this same path.

Father, in the name of Jesus, we repent for having a spirit of cowardice, always taking a defensive posture and not going on the offensive when you gave us all the power overall the enemy.

Father, we decree and declare this day, that as your Army, we will go on the offensive from this day forward, no longer in retreat, but taking the fight to the enemy.

Father, we repent for taking ground for your Kingdom, but not leaving anything in place to hold that ground, allowing the enemy to come back in seven fold worse, only having to fight harder to reclaim the ground that we freely gave away.

Father, we decree and declare, this day as your Army, that we will take ground for the Kingdom of God and we will hold that ground at all costs.

Father, we repent for not disciplining people, and the next generation, to hold that ground we have taken, and to continue the fight.

Father, we ask in the name of Jesus, that you would give us a spirit of courage and boldness with the intensity that has never been seen in the history of mankind, to take back this country and this earth for your Kingdom.

Lord Jesus, you said we would not only do the things that you did, but even greater things we shall do.

Father, we decree and declare that the time is now for this to take place, we ask for greater power and authority, to do the things you have called us to do in these end times.

Father, in the name of Jesus, as your people we repent for not being the spiritual and moral compass that you have called us to be, for this country, and the entire world.

Father, we repent for being more concerned about the four walls of our churches, versus the congregations, and the lost.

Father, we repent for being more concerned about being politically correct, versus being truth seekers and truth speakers.
Father, we repent for walking in the fear of man, versus the fear of God.

Father, we repent for staying inside the four walls of a building, and not taking your gospel to the streets, and bringing in a harvest that is ready to be gathered.

Father, we repent for allowing defilement in our pulpits.

Father, we repent for allowing freemasonry, secrets, and homosexuality into our pulpits, and allowing its influence into your houses of prayer, and calling it Church.

Father, we repent for allowing immorality into our pulpits and its influence into our congregations.

Father, we repent for the divorce and the abortion rate in your Houses of Prayer, to be the same as the world.

Father, we repent for Houses of Prayer being in covenant with that entity called Baal, thru that demonic contract called the 501c3. We repent for taking a bribe for a tax right-off, and staying silent for 30 pieces of silver, and opening the door for the demonic influence in our houses of prayer.

Father, we repent for being incorporated as your Houses of Prayer, allowing the state and the government to be the head of our ministries, versus you, Lord Jesus.

Father, we repent for separating ourselves from you and your body.

Father, we repent for not ruling and reigning, because we freely gave up that right for those 30 pieces of silver.

Father, we repent for having a slavery mentality. Forgive us for not governing when instead wanting to be governed over.

Father, we repent for staying silent while prayer was taken out of schools, and allowing the enemy to come into our educational system.

Father, we repent for staying silent while Roe vs Wade was passed.

Father we repent on behalf of the Body of Christ, the American people, the leadership and the land, for the atrocity called abortion.

Father we repent for allowing these aborted babies to become the food source for Baal, and allowing Baal to become the strong man over America.

Father, we repent on behalf of the people, the leadership, and the land, for the child sacrifices, the pedophilia, and the child sex trafficking that is taking place in our country on our watch.

Father, we repent for taking that blood money from the 501c3 that even the Pharisees knew not to take.

Father, we repent for the murdering of your prophets and the saints, for being drunk on the blood of the prophets and the blood of the saints.

Father, we repent for sacrificing your people on the altar of mammon, because we are more interested in money, big fine homes, and cars, versus the sanctity of life, and speaking out on the issues that matter to you Lord.

Father, I now ask that the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord would come over your people now, and that it would bring your people to an everlasting fear and awe of you.

Father, we repent for cursing your America, saying she should burn, when you wish that none would perish.Father, we repent for not speaking life into your America to complete her destiny.

Target Focused Prayer:

Father, as we move into target focused prayer; we ask that you would remember the good things that your America has done, from the spreading of your gospel throughout the earth, to the blood being spilled on foreign soil, liberating countries so your gospel could flow.

Father, America has never received her harvest, so we decree and declare that Americas harvest is here now.

Father, you said that Americas harvest would come back to her 7-fold what the enemy has stolen, so we decree and declare that Americas 7-fold return is here now.

Father, you said that America would be the hub from which the end time harvest would be launched, to free the spiritually oppressed peoples of the earth. We decree and declare that your will be done, to bring in over 1 billion souls into the Kingdom of God.

Father, we pray for your leadership over this country, your Army and the people of this country, that a fresh habitation of your Holy Spirit would fall, hover and brood over us.

Father, we decree and declare as your Army, that as this Holy Spirit habitation takes place, that you’re America on all levels WILL BE turned back to you.

Father, we pray for and bless President Trump and his administration. We ask that you would give them the 7-fold spirit to operate in, the Spirit of the LORD, Wisdom, Revelation, Council, Might, Knowledge, and the Gear of the LORD.

Father, we ask for your protection around president Trump and his family. We cover them with the blood of Jesus. We decree and declare Zachariah 2:5 around him and his family, a wall of fire with your Glory in the center of it that no witchcraft, no voodoo, no hex, no vex, no word curse, no power, no principality, and no demon in hell can penetrate.

Father, your hand is upon this president and we decree and declare that he will not be impeached, assassinated, or harmed in any way and that no weapon formed against him or his family will prosper.

Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree and declare that America will complete her destiny that you have given her.

Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask that you would release your protecting angels to surround America, and that they would stand shoulder to shoulder so that no evil can penetrate.

Father, we ask that America from her enemies foreign and domestic.

Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask that you would expose any and all corruption in all levels of leadership in government, and in your house, and that those who are corrupt would be removed.

Father, we ask that your divine justice would be carried out against any and all corruption.

Father, you said judgment starts in the House of the Lord, we ask that you would separate the wheat from the chaff, separate your true body from the counterfeit lord.

Father, we decree and declare that America will prosper like never before so that your end time harvest can begin.

Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask that you would cleanse any and all defilement off of your people and this land.

Father, the innocent blood that is on the hands of your people, we ask that you would now cleanse us and your land, in the blood of Jesus; we ask that your blood would wash us, cleanse us, purify us, lord.

Father, we have soiled garments; we ask that you would bring us into that place of being the spotless bride you have called us to be.

Father, we ask that as we enter into this end-time harvest, that you would bring in the harvesters.

Father we ask that you would give your true Army the warrior’s mindset, never giving up, and taking the fight to the enemy.

Father, we ask that you would increase the Army of God’s Wisdom, Discernment, Power and Authority to a level that has never been seen in all of history, so that we can bring glory not to ourselves, but to you and you alone Lord Jesus.

Father, we pray for and bless Israel. We ask that the relationship between Israel and America would be stronger than ever.

Father, we ask that you would protect Israel from all her enemies foreign and domestic, and that she would prosper like never before.

Father, we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and we ask that a habitation of your Holy Spirit would come to Israel.

Father, we pray for and bless Prime Minister Netanyahu, we ask that you would protect him and his family Lord.

Father, we ask that you would give him and his administration the 7-fold spirit to govern Israel.

Father, we ask that divine exposure and justice would come to those that would try to stop heavens agenda for America, President Trump, and Israel.

Father, we pray for the news media, that the corruption would be exposed and removed, and that the spirit of truth would begin to flow.

Father, we pray for the Supreme Court, that you would reform your court and your judicial system, and we decree and declare that this case called Roe vs Wade will be overturned.

Father, we thank you for stopping the enemy’s timeline and placing us back onto yours.

Father, we know that the earth is moaning and groaning for the sons and daughters of God to come forth, so in the name of Jesus we command the Army of God to arise and take her place, for there is no more time to waist.

Father, you are our Supreme Commander and we are The Army of God, heavens invading expeditionary forces.

We decree and we declare that we will overtake, and terminate, the demonic tyranny over the spiritually oppressed people of this earth, and now is that time.

We decree and declare that we will march together in unity, to victory and that the victory is ours! In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen. ~ Mark Taylor

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Visions & revelations of the bottomless pit of hell & sins that land christians there

Visions & revelations of the bottomless pit of hell & sins that land christians there - indecent dressings, make ups, jewelries, perming & relaxing of hair, weaves, extensions, trousers by females, lipsticks, mascara, painting eye brows, minis, tight clothing...

billions and billions of voices screaming!Just countless and extremely intense.
The sound was like ocean waves,if you can imagine the noise made by mighty waves on the ocean,now imagine it sounding like all the people on earth,screaming at their top most pitch in the most intense way due to extreme pain and their voices unite to make like one voice screaming out soooo loud!
It was as though they were all crying out with one voice,all at once,screaming out the same thing at the exact same time,each person screaming in the loudest way they could ever scream,all desperation and emotion was expressed in their screams and all these screams united to make one really desperately loud voice!
I began to wonder where these voices were from because the noise just came so suddenly.
As I wondered what it was I was hearing,I immediately found myself falling downwards,back first.
I was falling at an extremely fast speed,going downwards really quick at a rate I can only describe as the speed of light,yet I wasn’t reaching,I just kept falling.
I was in shock as I didn’t not realize what was happening to me.
I continued to hear the voices that were screaming as I kept falling and at this point I decided to look down to see what was below me,I was still falling really fast yet not reaching my destination!
When I looked down,my heart leaped in fear,shock, and sheer unbelief at what I saw!
This place I was falling into was extremely large!It just went on and on and on in its width,I couldn’t see the end of it! It was also so very very very very very deep!(Isaiah 5:14)
Its so hard to express in human words but I had been falling at a great speed for some time now,yet when I looked down I realized I was still very far from reaching the bottom!
This place was so wide,the ends were not visible and so very deep!
It’s when I realized I was falling into hell!
I noticed that at the bottom of this place,there were people!
I looked down from my left hand side and just saw seas and seas and seas of people,endless seas of people!
They were so many they just looked like little dots in this wide place,just grains of sand,if you can imagine sand on a beach and each grain of sand representing one person!
From the top view that I was at,they just looked like endless tiny dots……like if you get a paper and with your pen you make dots tiny dots with the tip of your pen,all so very close to each other,till you fill the entire paper,each dot representing a person.Now imagine those dots filling up seas and seas,endless seas and each dot is one person!Thats how the people were looking.
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing,I just thought to myself like,”what?there’s such a thing as this?”
I couldn’t believe just how many people there were or how helpless it was to be in that place.
I then looked down on my right hand side to see what was below me.All this time I was still falling really fast yet still not reaching.
When I looked down on my right,I just saw the exact same scene I saw on my left.
Here too, were countless and countless seas of people.
I was seeing them them from up and could just them from their heads looking like endless seas of tiny dots!
Here too I couldn’t see where the width of hell ended.It just went on and on and on….
All these seas of people were screaming so very loud,because I had drawn near,I realized that although they sounded like one voice,each person was screaming their own words and each person,man or woman was screaming at their highest pitch and their screams combined to make like one voice!
I could tell they were in terrible suffering.
When I looked at them I realized these people were just humans like us all and it was shocking to see what they were going through.
I looked at them and realized they were human in every way,they had bodies like us,and I also realized that they reasoned and thought like us when they were on earth.
I noticed each one was engrossed in their own suffering,I noticed a woman who was screaming with her loudest voice,she had turned her face upwards as she screamed,her hands too helplessly lifted up screaming in pain.
I could see that all of these people were suffering terribly in the fires of hell,each one screaming in the loudest most desperate way.
I was really frightened with what I saw and I thought that I too had died and gone to hell!
I was confused and couldn’t tell whether the Lord Jesus Christ was showing me a revelation to share with others or whether I had actually died and this would be my final destination!
The Lord has been showing me hell several times so that I can share with other people to warn them and at this point I couldn’t tell whether this was a revelation or I had actually died and hell would be my eternal destination.
I thought,”What if this is not a revelation?what if I have actually died and I fail to go back to my body and I have ended up in hell?”
I realized at this point that it is only God who has power to give life.I realized that only God had the power to take me out of hell and put me back in my body and I thought to myself,”what if my time on earth has really expired and God won’t put me back in my body?”
I was really scared because I knew that if this was the case,I was on my way to being one of these people who are filling the endless seas of people.
I looked at these people and the thought that came to my mind was,”if only people on earth knew there is a place like this,they wouldn’t even be wasting time arguing about things when someone warns them about something as being sin,they would instead just seriously go to Gid on their knees and seriously keep praying about it till God speaks to them on whether it is sin or not.”
I thought,”people would be so serious and just pray and pray for God to show them anything in their lives that would bring them to this place.”
While seeing all this I was still falling into hell,I still hadn’t reached the bottom!
I still couldn’t tell wether this was a revelation or I had actually ended up here and everything on earth seemed so foolish.
It seemed as though every other thing we do,apart from the things we do for God was useless.
I felt like all the discussions about any other topic rather than God was all so very useless and that was time wasted.
I felt like all the arguments we have here on earth about earthly things were extremely foolish and so worthless.I thought of arguemnts we engage in here on earth like,”how big is the moon?or who should have done which chores? and all those discusions which are just about things which don’t have anything to do with God.
Though all these discusions are not sinful,yet now that I was landing in hell I felt that all that was wasted time!
I felt as though all my life I should have just spent it praying and crying out to God and seeking Him because at this time I realized He was the only one who could save me from this place.
I then knew that each and every one of these people in hell were feeling extremely foolish.
I realized that all of them were just thinking,”I was such a could I allow such a small thing to bring me to this place?”
What ever sin that brought them to hell now seemed to be so insignificant and they all individually felt foolish for allowing it to take them there.
No person thought that the sin that took them to hell was worth going to hell for.
I knew they were all there for different reasons but none of these people in all these endless seas thought the reason for their being in hell was justifiable.
Each kept thinking,”I was such a fool”
And each realized that nothing on earth is worth going to hell for.
I saw a woman and God allowed me to hear her thoughts.She was saying,’I was such a fool.So am in this place today all because I insisted on drawing a line on my eye brows!”
I then realized she was referring to her painting her eyebrows with eyebrow pencil while on earth as the reason why she was in hell today.(1 Peter 3:3,James 4:4,1 Timothy 2:9)
I realized that though makeup seemed so important to her while on earth,this is how foolish it now seemed to her in hell.
She saw it as a very foolish thing to the extent of referring to it as “drawing a line on my eyebrows”
I also saw that this is how everyone else in hell felt,they all saw no reason why they should have been in hell.
In previous revelations and encounters with the Lord Jesus Christ,He has asked me and my sister to tell the world that He hates makeup and He doesn’t want people to paint their faces,use lipstick,painting nails,using jewelry,using fake nails and fake hair,dressing indecently and all those things.
Jesus said He cares about the heart but He also cares about the outward in terms of holiness.
He said He doesn’t want His children dressing like the world.
(Please check out my first revelation on for more information on this.)
So all these people regretted not having obeyed Jesus and were now convinced they made a foolish decision and the sin they held on to was not worth it.
People in hell are filled with regret and they even regret being born!
We may think that when a person arrives in hell and they are being tortured,after they have suffered for some time that’s when they will reach a point of regretting ever being born.
But the truth is that hell is so bad that the very moment a person lands in hell,they immediately regret ever being born!And they immediately start cursing God while begging Him for mercy at the same time!
All this time I kept falling closer and closer to where these people in hell were and fear gripped me because I still didn’t realize that God was showing me a revelation of hell and I thought I would be stuck in hell.
As I watched these people,the thought of being stuck here without hope forever really scared me and I got so desperate to get out!It was a horrible scene.
I began screaming out the Lord’s name,”Jesus!I don’t want to go to this place!Jesus!Please take me back,get me out of here Lord.I don’t want to see this!I just don’t want to be here,I don’t want to go there. Jesus, even if this is a revelation, I just don’t want to see this! Please take me out of here!”
As I was screaming,I was desperately trying to get out.I had not reached the bottom of hell yet and was still in mid air.
I flipped my hands in all directions desperate to come out ,yet I couldn’t come out,I just kept falling.
I kept begging the Lord saying,”Lord,even if this is a revelation I don’t want to be here,please take me out!I don’t want to go there and I don’t want to see!.”
I then found myself back in my body and the revelation ended.
Jesus wants you to know all this about hell not in order to scare you but so that you know what He wants to save you from.
God really loves us and so much wants to save us.
The Lord did not create hell for humans but for demons.It is the sin in us that He hates because He is a Holy God.
He cannot stand sin and no sin will enter heaven.
If that sin is on you,you will not enter heaven but this place I just described will be your portion forever,without hope.
There is sufficient grace,you can escape hell,all you have to do is surrender your life to Jesus.
Have a relationship with Him.Begin to seek God and start crying out to Him in repentance.
Don’t follow friends in sinning.Don’t follow anyone in sinning.
You do not know how long the time you have left on earth is.You may follow them in sin only to die and go to hell and they remain on earth and later repent while it is already too late for you!
We all have a personal journey and we all must make a personal decision to follow Jesus.
Jesus Christ loves you and His greatest wish is that you will spend eternity with Him.
He has prepared a glorious place for you,He did not prepare hell for you.

Monday, January 29, 2018

you are beautiful Jesus

"Jesus, You're Beautiful"
Jesus, bright as the morning star Jesus, how can I tell you How beautiful you are to me Jesus, song that the angels sing Jesus, dearer to my heart Than anything Sweeter than springtime Purer than sunshine Ever my song will be Jesus, You're beautiful to me
Jesus, bright as the morning star Jesus, how can I tell you How beautiful you are to me My Jesus, song that the angels sing Jesus, dearer to my heart Than anything Sweeter than spring time Purer than sunshine Ever my song will be Jesus, You're beautiful to me
Oh, You are so beautiful Oh Beautiful
Jesus, you're beautiful to me Beautiful, Jesus, You're beautiful to me Beautiful, wonderful, everything Beautiful, Jesus, You're beautiful to me Wonderful, morning star, Lord you are, Beautiful Jesus, You're beautiful to me Ohh, so beautiful
Sweeter than springtime Purer than sunshine Ever my song will be Jesus, You're beautiful to me

Saturday, January 27, 2018


By Garry Lovette:
WHAT'S COMING ? Vision from the Lord on January 22, 2018
The Presence of God entered the room as I laid down for bed. I immediately sensed His overwhelming Presence and began to pray in the Spirit. I began to shake and these visions began to come and things that God showed me that we to come in the near future.
I saw Heaven open up so powerfully in certain places that people wouldn’t be able to stand because the Presence of God will be so strong.
The anointing will fall so heavily on different ones who have been in prayer and fasting. They will enter Wal-Mart, and the Presence of God will so surround them, that it will change the atmosphere in the entire store. People will be slain in the Spirit and some will lie prostrate on the floor as the Glory of God comes through the doors.
I saw people who had openly mocked God and hindered His work being violently removed. I saw great wealth being taken from the wicked, specifically George Soros, and given into the Kingdom.
The Lord has said that President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will be filled with the Holy Ghost. They will not understand what has happened to them, but the American People will see it and be amazed. The world will be afraid of him because the Presence of God will go before him and surround Him.
A great sifting will happen in the halls of congress. Great exposure will happen in an unprecedented measure.
The Spirit that was on John Knox will settle on small children who have been seeing Angelic beings and speaking privately with the Lord. When these anointed child prophets enter a room, great conviction will fall, even on the hardest of hearts.
There will be a sound of music that will come from the Courts of Heaven that will be like nothing ever heard on this Earth before. It will permeate even the darkest places and bring the light of the Gospel to the most unreachable places on Earth.
Revival will sweep Europe. There will be open repentance by several World leaders, as they proclaim the name of Jesus before the eyes and ears of the World.
Highly acclaimed actors, actresses, sports figures, and politicians will be publicly humiliated and will be ostracized from their respective places. Some will be brought to justice for their crimes and will spend the rest of their lives in prison.
There will be whole cities comes to Christ in a single day, changing the entire atmosphere of the counties and parishes that they are in.
A very influential woman will be brought to her knees in repentance, and will begin to have a significant impact on ending abortion.
God will give the unjust a window to repent who have openly rejected and mocked Him. Then His swift judgment will remove them never to be heard from again. This will happen fairly soon.
I saw rain fall from an open sky. I saw rain fall from a cloudless sky. This will be a sign that God is in complete control, and is not limited by man’s limitations. Scientist will try to explain it away, but they will not be able to.
I once again saw a green wave, just as I did when I was 18 years old that was like a tsunami. It was coming up a great river. That wave has come now. It represents new life, greater life. The wave brings change. Those who stand in the way of change will be swept away. Those who ride the wave will be spared and greatly blessed.
Time has accelerated. Things that used to take weeks now only take seconds. The Gospel is now reaching places that presently were unreachable.
There will be an escalation of new churches planted. These are necessary as old dry, stale churches have hindered the work of the Kingdom, and will be abandoned and closed more and more. As sin doth abound, Grace does much more abound!
Millions will be swept into the Kingdom just in the United States alone.
God will begin to plant creative thoughts into the minds of those who hunger to do more for God. Ideas that you have never thought of before will suddenly be in your mind when you wake up. I encourage all of you to sleep with a pen and paper by your bedside, or a means to write down what Holy Spirit gives you. Some of you will get only one word….just one single word. Write it down. Keep it. God will show you in due season what it means.
Rejoice, for there will be a great return of prodigals to the House of God. Prayers that have been prayed for decades are being answered as we speak.
There will be creative miracles in the House of God. These and other miracles will become commonplace in many churches as God begins to move.
Churches that once were given up for dead will come to life in great fashion. Hungry people will once again fill their pews and chairs. Many churches will have to build or rent bigger places to accommodate the hungry worshippers.
God will supernaturally download ideas to city government leaders on how to save millions of dollars for their cities and municipalities. God will show them how to save their cities.
Great revival is sweeping rural America. Soon there will be an unprecedented move of God in several inner cities. So great will be these moves of God, that it will have an immediate impact on the crime rate.
Chicago, Detroit, and Atlanta will experience great revival. It will start in each of these places in a way that no one saw coming.
Great cancellation of debt is coming to many. A spirit of Jubilee will come upon many creditors. For reasons that they don’t completely understand, they will begin to cancel many of the debts owed to them. This will cause their companies to grow so quickly that they will not be able to hire people quickly enough.
This was from God given to me as I lay in my bed on Monday, Jan. 22, 2018.
Garry Lovette

Sunday, January 21, 2018

prayer for our nation by MARY COLBERT
follow mary colbert Eastern Standard Time
641-715-0700 Passcode: 230273
Calls are at 9:00-9:15am EST

Saturday, January 20, 2018


❤Jesus stands up, He makes John stand up to come out of His place more easily, He goes
to the chest and takes off His red tunic and folds it placing it on His mantle, which is
there already folded, He girds Himself with a large towel and He goes towards another
basin, which is empty and clean. He pours some water into it, He takes it to the middle
of the room, near the table, and puts it on a stool. The apostles look at Him
«Are you not asking Me what I am doing?»
«We do not know. I tell You that we are already purified» replies Peter.
«And I repeat to you that it does not matter. My purification will serve him, who is
already pure, to become purer.»
He kneels down. He unties the Iscariot's sandals and washes his feet, one at a time. It is
easy to do so, because the couches are made in such a way that the feet are in the outer
side. Judas is astonished and does not say anything. Only when Jesus, before putting the
sandal on the left foot and getting up, makes the gesture of kissing his right foot, that
has already been shod, Judas withdraws his foot violently and with the sole strikes the
divine mouth. He does so unintentionally. It is not a strong blow. But it grieves me so
much. Jesus smiles, and to the apostle who asks Him: «Did I hurt You? I did not intend
to… Forgive me», He says: «No, My friend. You did it without malice and it does not
hurt.» Judas looks at Him… A worried elusive look…
Jesus passes on to Thomas, then to Philip… He goes round the narrow side of the table
and arrives at His cousin James. He washes his feet and when getting up He kisses him
on his forehead. He passes on to Andrew, who blushes with shame and makes efforts
not to weep, He washes his feet and kisses him like a baby. Then there is James of
Zebedee, who goes on grumbling: «Oh! Master! Master! Master! You are lowering
Yourself, my sublime Master!» John has already untied his sandals and while Jesus is
bent drying his feet, he kisses His head.
But Peter!… It is not easy to convince him to submit to the rite! «You want to wash my
feet? Do not even think about it! As long as I live, I will never allow You to do that. I
am a worm, You are God. Each to his own place.»
«You cannot understand now what I am doing. Later you will understand. Let Me do
«You can do anything You like, Master. Do You want to cut my neck? Do so. But You
will never wash my feet.»
«Oh! My Simon! Do you not know that if I do not wash you, you will take no part in
My Kingdom? Simon, Simon! You are in need of this water for your soul and for the
long journey you have to take. Do you not want to come with Me? If I do not wash you,
you will not come to My Kingdom.»
«Oh! my blessed Lord! Then, wash all my body! Feet, hands and head!»
«Anyone who, like you, has had a bath, needs only to have his feet washed, as he is
completely pure. The feet… Man walks with his feet on filth. And it would not be much
either, because, as I told you, it is not what enters and comes out with food that dirties,
and it is not what settles on his feet on the roads that contaminates man. But it is what
smoulders and matures in his heart and comes out from it, which contaminates his
actions and limbs. And the feet of a man with an impure spirit go to orgies, to lust, to
illicit business, to crimes… Therefore, among the various parts of the body they are the
ones that have much to be purified… with the eyes and mouth… Oh! man! man! A
perfect being for one day: the first one! And then so corrupted by the Seducer! And
there was no malice in you, man, no sin!… And now? You are all malice and sin, and
there is no part in you that does not sin!»
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Jesus has washed Peter's feet, He kisses them, and Peter weeps and takes Jesus' two
hands in his own big ones and he rubs them against his eyes and then kisses them.
Simon also has taken off his sandals, and without one word he lets Jesus wash his feet.
Then, when Jesus is about to pass on to Bartholomew, Simon kneels down and kisses
His feet saying: «Cleanse me from the leprosy of sin, as You cleansed me from the
leprosy of my body, that I may not be confused in the hour of judgement, my Saviour!»
«Be not afraid, Simon. You will come to the heavenly City as white as mountain
«And what about me, Lord? What are You going to say to Your old Bart? You saw me
in the shade of the fig-tree and You read my heart. And now what do You see, and
where do You see me? Reassure a poor old man, who is afraid he may not have strength
and time to become what You want him to be.» Bartholomew is deeply moved.
«You must not be afraid either. I then said: “Here is a true Israelite in whom there is no
deceit.” Now I say: “Here is a true Christian worthy of the Christ.” Where do I see you?
On an eternal throne, dressed in purple. I shall always be with you.»
It is Judas Thaddeus' turn. When he sees Jesus at his feet, he cannot control himself, he
rests his head on his arm laid on the table and weeps.
«Do not weep, My sweet brother. You are now like one who must endure the
extirpation of a nerve and you think that you will not be able to stand it. But it will be a
short pain. Then… oh! you will be happy, because you love Me. Your name is Judas.
And you are like our great Judas: like a giant. You are the one who protects. Your
actions are those of a lion and of a young roaring lion. You will rouse the impious who
will withdraw when you face them, and the wicked will be terrified. I know. Be brave.
An eternal union will strengthen and make perfect our kinship in Heaven.» He kisses
his forehead as well, as He did for His other cousin.
«I am a sinner, Master. Not me…»
«You were a sinner, Matthew. You are now the Apostle. You are one of My “voices”. I
bless you. How far have these feet walked to come more and more forward, towards
God… Your soul urged them and they left every way that was not My way. Proceed.
Do you know where the path ends? On the bosom of your Father and Mine.»
Jesus has finished. He takes the towel off and washes His hands in clean water, He puts
His clothes on, goes back to His seat, and while sitting down He says: «You are now
pure, but not all of you. Only those who wanted to be so.»
He stares at Judas of Kerioth, who feigns he does not hear Him, intent as he is on
explaining to his companion Matthew how his father decided to send him to Jerusalem.
A useless conversation, the only purpose of which is to give an attitude to Judas, who
however bold, must feel ill at ease


Peter and Simon come in together.
«Oh! You have come at last! Where have you been again? After you came with the
Master and us, you ran away again» says the Iscariot.
«We had another errand before supper-time» replies Simon briefly.
«Are you suffering from depression?»
«I think there is every reason to be so, considering what we have heard these past days,
and from those lips that we have never found to be false.»
«And with that stench of… Well, be quiet, Peter» grumbles Peter between his teeth.
«And you as well!… You seem to have gone mad for some time. Your face is like that
of a wild rabbit that realises it is being chased by a jackal» replies Judas Iscariot.
«And your face is like the snout of a weasel. You have not been very handsome either,
these last few days. You look in such a way… You are even cross-eyed… What do you
expect or do you hope to see? You seem to be self-confident, you want to appear so, but
you look like one who is afraid» retorts Peter.
«Oh! With regard to being afraid!… You are not a hero either!»
«None of us is, Judas. You have the name of the Maccabee, but you are not such. I,
with my name, say “God grants graces”, but I swear to you that I tremble like a man
who knows that he brings mischance and above all that he has lost God's favour. Simon
of Jonah, renamed “the stone”, is now as soft as wax near a fire. He no longer gets the
weather-gauge of his own free-will. And yet I have never seen him frightened in the
most violent storms! Matthew, Bart and Philip look like sleep-walkers. My brother and
Andrew do nothing but sigh. The two cousins, who are grieved because of their family
ties and of their love for the Master, look at them. They already look like old men.
Thomas has lost his cheerfulness. And Simon seems to have become again the
exhausted leper of three years ago, so much is he worn out by grief, I would say that he
is worn away, deathly pale, dejected» John replies to him.
3 «Yes. He has influenced us all with His melancholy» remarks the Iscariot.
«My cousin Jesus, my Master and Lord and yours, is and is not melancholy. If you
mean, by that word, that He is sad because He is being excessively grieved by the
whole of Israel, as we are aware, and because of the other hidden sorrow that He alone
sees, I say to you: “You are right.” But if you use that word to say that He is mad, I
forbid you to do so» says James of Alphaeus.
«And is a fixed melancholy idea not madness? I have studied also profane matters and I
know. He has given too much of Himself. Now He is mentally tired.»
«Which means insane. Is that right?» asks the other cousin Judas, who is apparently
«Exactly! How right was your father, a man of blessed memory, whom you resemble so
much in justice and wisdom! Jesus, the sad destiny of an illustrious family now too old
and struck by psychic senility, has always had a disposition to this illness. Mild at first,
then more and more aggressive. You have seen how He attacked Pharisees and scribes,
Sadducees and Herodians. He has made His life impossible, like a road strewn with
quartz splinters. And He spread them Himself. We… we have loved Him so much that
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our love veiled our eyes. But those who did not love Him in an idolatrous manner –
your father, your brother Joseph and at first also Simon – saw right… When we heard
their words we should have opened our eyes. Instead we were all enticed by His meek
charm of a sick person. And now… Who knows!»
Judas Thaddeus, who is as tall as the Iscariot, and is standing just in front of him and
seems to be listening to him peacefully, has an outburst of rage and, with a mighty
backhanded blow, knocks Judas down with his back on one of the seats, and with anger
repressed in his voice, bending over the face of the coward who does not react, as he is
probably afraid that Thaddeus may be aware of his crime, he whispers: «This is for His
insanity, you reptile! And only because He is in the other room, and this is Passover
evening, I will not strangle you. But remember this, and remember it carefully! If any
evil befalls Him, and He is not there to check my strength, no one will save you. The
halter is as good as round your neck, and these strong honest hands of mine, the hands
of a Galilean artisan and of a descendant of Goliath's slinger, will do the job for you.
Get up, you spineless debauchee! And watch how you behave.»
Judas stands up, he is livid, but does not react in the least. And, what amazes me, no
one reacts to the new gesture of Thaddeus. On the contrary!… It is obvious that they all
approve of it.
4 The room has just become calm again when Jesus come in. He appears on the
threshold of the little door, through which His tall person can just pass, He sets foot on
the small landing, and with His meek sad smile He says, opening His arms: «Peace be
with You.» His voice is tired, like that of one who is languishing physically and
He comes down. He caresses the fair-haired head of John, who has rushed towards
Him. He smiles at His cousin Judas, as if He did not know anything, and He says to His
other cousin: «Your mother asks you to be kind to Joseph. He asked the women after
you and Me a little while ago. I am sorry I have not greeted him.»
«You will do it tomorrow.»
«Tomorrow?… I shall always have time to see him… Oh! Peter! We shall be together
for a little while at last! Since yesterday you seem a will-o'-the-wisp. I see you, then I
no longer see you. Today I can almost say that I lost you. And you, too, Simon.»
«Our hair, which is more white than dark, can assure You that we were not absent
craving for flesh» says Simon gravely.
«Although… at all ages it is possible to suffer from that hunger… The old! Worse than
the young…» says the Iscariot offensively.
Simon looks at him and is about to reply. But Jesus also looks at him and says: «Have
you a toothache? Your right cheek is swollen and red.»
«Yes, it is aching. But it is not worth worrying about.»
The others do not say anything, and the matter dies away.
5 «Have you done everything that was to be done? You, Matthew? And you, Andrew?
And you, Judas, have you seen to the offer for the Temple?»
Both the first two and the Iscariot say: «Everything You said was to be done today, has
been done. Do not worry.»
«I took the early fruits of Lazarus to Johanna of Chuza. For the children. They said to
me: “Those apples were better!” They had the savour of hunger, those ones! And they
were Your apples» says John smiling and dreaming.
Jesus also smiles at the recollection…
«I have seen Nicodemus and Joseph» says Thomas.
«You have seen them? Did you speak to them?» asks the Iscariot with excessive
«Yes, I did. What's strange about it? Joseph is a good customer of my father.»
«You never mentioned it before… That is why I was amazed!…» Judas tries to make
up for the impression, he had given previously, of his worry about Thomas' meeting
with Joseph and Nicodemus.
«It seems strange to me that they have not come to venerate You. They did not, neither
did Chuza, nor Manaen… None of…»
But the Iscariot laughs sneeringly, interrupting Bartholomew, and he says: «The
crocodile hides itself at the right moment.»
«What do you mean? What are you insinuating?» asks Simon aggressively as never
«Peace, peace! What is the matter with you? It is Passover evening! We have never had
such a worthy display for the consumption of the lamb. So let us consume the supper in
the spirit of peace. I see that I have upset you considerably with My instructions of
these last evenings. But, see? I have finished! Now I will not upset you any more. Not
everything has been said of what refers to Me, but only the essential part. The rest…
you will understand later. You will be told… Yes. There will come Who will tell you!
6 John, go with Judas and somebody else to get the basins for the purification. And then
let us sit at the table.» Jesus is heartrendingly kind.
John with Andrew, Judas Thaddeus with James, bring the large basin, they pour water
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into it and offer the towel to Jesus and to their companions, who do the same for them.
The basin (which is a metal wash-hand-basin) is placed in a corner.
«And now to your seats. I here, and here (at His right side) John, and on the other side
My faithful James. The first two disciples. After John My strong Stone, and after James
he who is like the air. He is never noticed, but is always present and comforting:
Beside him, My cousin James. You are not sorry, My kind brother, if I give the first
place to the first ones? You are the nephew of the Just One, whose spirit palpitates and
quivers over Me this evening, more than ever. Have peace, father of My childish
weakness, oak-tree in whose shadow the Mother and Son had solace! Have peace!…
Beside Peter, Simon… Simon, come here a moment. I want to fix My eyes on your
loyal face. Later I shall not see you well, because others will cover your honest face.
Thank you Simon, for everything» and He kisses him.
Simon, when he is left free, goes to his seat, covering his face with his hands for a
moment, with a gesture of distress.
«Facing Simon, My Bart. Two honest wise men reflecting each other. They match very
well. And beside him, you, Judas, My brother. So I can see you… and I seem to be at
Nazareth… when some festivity gathered us all together round one table… Also at
Cana… Do you remember? We were together. A party… a wedding party… the first
miracle… water changed into wine… Also today a festivity… and also today there will
be a miracle… the wine will change its nature and will be…»
Jesus becomes engrossed in His thoughts, His head lowered and isolated in His secret
world. The others look at Him and do not speak.
He raises His head again and stares at Judas Iscariot, to whom He says: «You will sit in
front of Me.»
«So much You love me? More than Simon, since You always want me in front of
«So much. As you said.»
«Why, Master?»
«Because you are the one who has done more than everybody for this hour.»
Judas casts an ever-changing glance at the Master and at his companions. At Jesus with
ironical commiseration, at the others with an air of triumph.
«And near you, on one side Matthew, on the other Thomas.»
«So, Matthew on My left and Thomas on My right side.»
«As you wish, as you like» says Matthew. «It is enough for me to have my Saviour in
front of me.»
«Last, Philip. Now, see? Who is not beside Me in the place of honour, has the honour of
being in front of Me.»