Saturday, January 27, 2018


By Garry Lovette:
WHAT'S COMING ? Vision from the Lord on January 22, 2018
The Presence of God entered the room as I laid down for bed. I immediately sensed His overwhelming Presence and began to pray in the Spirit. I began to shake and these visions began to come and things that God showed me that we to come in the near future.
I saw Heaven open up so powerfully in certain places that people wouldn’t be able to stand because the Presence of God will be so strong.
The anointing will fall so heavily on different ones who have been in prayer and fasting. They will enter Wal-Mart, and the Presence of God will so surround them, that it will change the atmosphere in the entire store. People will be slain in the Spirit and some will lie prostrate on the floor as the Glory of God comes through the doors.
I saw people who had openly mocked God and hindered His work being violently removed. I saw great wealth being taken from the wicked, specifically George Soros, and given into the Kingdom.
The Lord has said that President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will be filled with the Holy Ghost. They will not understand what has happened to them, but the American People will see it and be amazed. The world will be afraid of him because the Presence of God will go before him and surround Him.
A great sifting will happen in the halls of congress. Great exposure will happen in an unprecedented measure.
The Spirit that was on John Knox will settle on small children who have been seeing Angelic beings and speaking privately with the Lord. When these anointed child prophets enter a room, great conviction will fall, even on the hardest of hearts.
There will be a sound of music that will come from the Courts of Heaven that will be like nothing ever heard on this Earth before. It will permeate even the darkest places and bring the light of the Gospel to the most unreachable places on Earth.
Revival will sweep Europe. There will be open repentance by several World leaders, as they proclaim the name of Jesus before the eyes and ears of the World.
Highly acclaimed actors, actresses, sports figures, and politicians will be publicly humiliated and will be ostracized from their respective places. Some will be brought to justice for their crimes and will spend the rest of their lives in prison.
There will be whole cities comes to Christ in a single day, changing the entire atmosphere of the counties and parishes that they are in.
A very influential woman will be brought to her knees in repentance, and will begin to have a significant impact on ending abortion.
God will give the unjust a window to repent who have openly rejected and mocked Him. Then His swift judgment will remove them never to be heard from again. This will happen fairly soon.
I saw rain fall from an open sky. I saw rain fall from a cloudless sky. This will be a sign that God is in complete control, and is not limited by man’s limitations. Scientist will try to explain it away, but they will not be able to.
I once again saw a green wave, just as I did when I was 18 years old that was like a tsunami. It was coming up a great river. That wave has come now. It represents new life, greater life. The wave brings change. Those who stand in the way of change will be swept away. Those who ride the wave will be spared and greatly blessed.
Time has accelerated. Things that used to take weeks now only take seconds. The Gospel is now reaching places that presently were unreachable.
There will be an escalation of new churches planted. These are necessary as old dry, stale churches have hindered the work of the Kingdom, and will be abandoned and closed more and more. As sin doth abound, Grace does much more abound!
Millions will be swept into the Kingdom just in the United States alone.
God will begin to plant creative thoughts into the minds of those who hunger to do more for God. Ideas that you have never thought of before will suddenly be in your mind when you wake up. I encourage all of you to sleep with a pen and paper by your bedside, or a means to write down what Holy Spirit gives you. Some of you will get only one word….just one single word. Write it down. Keep it. God will show you in due season what it means.
Rejoice, for there will be a great return of prodigals to the House of God. Prayers that have been prayed for decades are being answered as we speak.
There will be creative miracles in the House of God. These and other miracles will become commonplace in many churches as God begins to move.
Churches that once were given up for dead will come to life in great fashion. Hungry people will once again fill their pews and chairs. Many churches will have to build or rent bigger places to accommodate the hungry worshippers.
God will supernaturally download ideas to city government leaders on how to save millions of dollars for their cities and municipalities. God will show them how to save their cities.
Great revival is sweeping rural America. Soon there will be an unprecedented move of God in several inner cities. So great will be these moves of God, that it will have an immediate impact on the crime rate.
Chicago, Detroit, and Atlanta will experience great revival. It will start in each of these places in a way that no one saw coming.
Great cancellation of debt is coming to many. A spirit of Jubilee will come upon many creditors. For reasons that they don’t completely understand, they will begin to cancel many of the debts owed to them. This will cause their companies to grow so quickly that they will not be able to hire people quickly enough.
This was from God given to me as I lay in my bed on Monday, Jan. 22, 2018.
Garry Lovette

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