Thursday, January 18, 2018


Let us pray: Our Father,
Who are in Heaven,
may Your Name be held holy
by all mankind!
To know it is to set out
towards holiness.
Let Gentiles and heathens
become aware of Your existence,
o Holy Father,
and let them come to You,
Father like the three wise men
in days gone by
but not inert,
because nothing pertaining
to the coming of the Redemption
of the world is inert,
let them come to You
guided by the Star of Jacob,
by the Morning Star,
by the King and
Redeemer of the stock of David,
by Your Anointed Son,
Who has already been offered
and consecrated to be the Victim
for the sins of the world.

Let Your Kingdom come
to every place on the earth
where You are known
and loved,
and where You are not yet known.
And above all,
let it come to the three times sinners,
who know You,
but do not love You,
in Your works and manifestations of Light,
and endeavor
to reject and suffocate the Light
that came to the world,
because they are souls
of darkness,
who prefer the works of darkness
and they do not know that,
to suffocate the Light of the world
is to offend You,
because You are the Most Holy Light,
and the Father of all lights,
beginning from the One,
that became Flesh and Word,
to bring Your Light
to all men of good will.

May Your Will, Most Holy Father,
be done by every heart
in the world, that is,
may every heart be saved,
and let none be left without the fruit
of the Sacrifice
of the Great Victim,
because that is Your Will:
that man be saved
and may enjoy You,
Holy Father,
after the forgiveness
which is about to be granted.

Give us Your help,
o Lord, all Your help.
And give it to those who are awaiting it,
to those who do not know
that they are awaiting it,
give it to sinners with repentance
that saves,
give it to heathens
with the force of your rousing call,
give it to unhappy people,
to prisoners,
to exiles,
to those whose bodies
or spirits are diseased,
give it to everybody,
as You are Everything,
and the time of Mercy has come.

Forgive, o Good Father,
the sins of Your children.
Forgive the sins of Your people,
which are the gravest,
the sins of those who want to
persist in error,
whilst Your predilection
love gave Light
just to this people.

And forgive
those who are brutalized
by corrupt paganism that teaches vice,
and are drowned in the idolatry
of such dull mephitic heathenism,
whereas there are valuable souls among them,
whom You love
having created them.

We forgive,
I am the first to forgive,
so that You may forgive,
and we implore Your protection
over the weakness of men,
that You may free Your creatures
from the Principle of Evil,
from whom all crimes,
idolatries, sins, temptations and errors
come! Free them, O Lord,
from the dreadful Prince,
so that they may come
to Your eternal Light.»

link: copy and download this link today and pray the Our Father three times a day in honor of the holy holy holy Trinity.

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