Friday, December 29, 2017


JESUS SAid: « To prepare well, as you say, for My mission. Things well prepared for are
successful. You said so yourself. And My thing was not a trifle, a useless thing
which would glorify Me, the Servant of the Lord, but it was to make men
understand what the Lord is, and by means of such understanding, make Him
loved in the spirit of truth. The servant that is concerned with his own triumph,
and not with the Lord's, is a miserable man! The servant who is anxious to make
a profit, who dreams he will sit on a high throne built on the interests of God,
which have been lowered down to the earth, whereas they are celestial interests,
is also a miserable servant. He is no longer a servant, except in outer
appearance. He is a merchant, a trafficker, a deceitful person, who deceives
himself and men and would like to deceive also God… a wretched man who
believes he is a prince, whilst he is a slave. He belongs to the Evil One, his king
of falsehood. Here, in this cave, Christ for many days lived fasting and praying
to get ready for His mission. And where would you have suggested I should
have gone to prepare, Judas? »
Judas is puzzled and bewildered. Eventually he replies: « I would not know… I
was thinking… to a rabbi… or with the Essenes… I do not know. »
« And was it possible for Me to find a rabbi who would tell Me more than the
power and wisdom of God were telling Me? And could I – I the Eternal Word of
the Father, Who was present when the Father created man and am aware of the
immortal soul by which he is animated and of the power of free capable
judgement with which he was endowed by the Creator – would I have gone to
derive science and skill from those who deny the immortality of souls, final
resurrection and also the freedom of man to act, attributing virtues and vices,
holy and wicked deeds to a destiny, which they say is fated and uncontrollable?
Certainly not!
You have a destiny. In the mind of God Who creates you, there is a destiny for
you. It is the wish of the Father. And it is a destiny of love, of peace, of glory:
“the holiness of being His children.” That is the destiny that was present in the
divine mind when Adam was fashioned with dust and will be present until the
creation of the last soul of man.
But the Father does not denigrate you in your position of kings. If a king is a
prisoner, he is no longer a king: he is an outcast. You are kings because you are
free in your small individual kingdoms. In your “ego”. You can do what you
like and how you like. Before you and on the boundaries of your small kingdom
you have a friendly King and two enemy powers. The Friend shows you the
rules that He gives to make His followers happy. He shows them and says:
“Here they are. With them, your eternal victory is certain.” He, The Wise and
Holy One, shows them to you so that you may put them into practice, if you
want to, and thus receive eternal glory.
The two enemy powers are Satan and the flesh. By flesh I mean your flesh and
the world: they are, the pomps and enticements of the world, that is, the riches,
feasts, honors and powers which are obtained from the world and in the world,
but are not always obtained honestly and they are used even less honestly when
eventually a man reaches them. Satan, the master of the flesh and of the world,
speaks also on behalf of the world and of the flesh. He, too, has his rules… Oh!
He certainly has! And as your “ego” is enveloped in the flesh, and the flesh is
attracted by the flesh, as metal chips are attracted by a magnet, and the singing
of the Seducer is sweeter than the warble of a nightingale in love in the moon-
80.Jesus Returns to the Mountain Where He Fasted and to the Rock of Temptation. 255
light and among perfumed rose bushes, it is easier to follow those rules, and
incline towards those powers and say to them: “I consider you my friends. Come
in.” Come in… Have you ever seen an ally who remains honest forever, without
asking a hundredfold return for the help he has given? That is what those powers
do. They go in… And they become the masters. Masters? No: galley sergeants.
They tie you, men, to the galley bench, they fasten you with chains, they do not
allow you to raise your head from their yoke, and their lash leaves bleeding
marks on your backs if you attempt to escape. You either must bear to be torn to
pieces and become a heap of shattered flesh, so useless, as flesh, as to be
rejected and kicked aside by their cruel feet, or you must die under their blows.
If you can bear that martyrdom, then Mercy will come, the Only One who can
still have mercy on that revolting misery, which the world, one of the masters,
now loathes and at which the other master, Satan, throws the arrows of his
revenge. And Mercy, the Only One, passes by, bends down, picks it up, doctors
it, cures it and says: “Come. Do not be afraid. Do not look at yourself. Your
wounds are but scars, but they are so numerous that you would be horrified, as
they disfigure you. But I do not look at them. I look at your good will. Because
of your good will, you are marked. Therefore I say to you: I love you. Come
with Me.” And He takes it to His Country. You then understand that Mercy and
the friendly King are the same person. You find the rules He had shown to you
and you did not want to follow. Now you want them… and first you reach the
peace of your conscience, then the peace of God. Tell Me, now. Was that
destiny imposed by the Only One on everybody, or did each choose it for
himself? »
« It was chosen by each person. »
« You are right, Simon. Was it possible for Me to go to those who deny the
blessed resurrection and the gift of God, to be taught? I came here. I took My
soul of the Son of man and I gave it its finishing touches and I thus finished the
work of thirty years of humility and preparation in order to be perfect when
starting My mission. Now I ask you to stay with Me for a few days in this cave.
Our stay will be less depressing because we shall be four friends joining in our
efforts against sadness, fears, temptation and the desires of the flesh. I was by
Myself. It will be less painful, because it is now summer and up here, the
mountain winds lessen the heat. I came here at the end of the Tebeth moon and
the wind blowing down from the snowy tops was harsh. It will be less trying
because it will be shorter and also because we have the necessary food to satisfy
our hunger and in small leather flasks that I asked the shepherds to give you,
there is enough water to last us for the days of our stay. I… I must snatch two
souls from Satan. It can only be done by penance. I ask you to help Me. It will
be a training for you. You will learn how to snatch victims from Mammon: not
so much with words as with sacrifice… Words!… The satanic uproar prevents
one from hearing them… Every soul which is a prey of the Enemy is enveloped
in an eddy of infernal voices… Do you want to stay with Me? If you do not want
to, you may go and we will meet at Tekoah, near the market. »

a beautiful woman stares at Jesus and inquires deeper meaningful questions to Jesus..find out

  • At the door there is a young woman impudently dressed. She is beautiful.

  • « My Lord, do you wish to come into the house? Come in.

  • » Jesus stares at her as severe as a judge, but does not speak. 
  • But Judas [iscariot] does, supported by all the others. « Go back in, shameless woman! 
  • Do not desecrate us with your breath, ravenous bitch. 
  • » The woman blushes and lowers her head. She is about to disappear abashed and scoffed at by urchins and passersby. 
  • « Who is so pure as to say: “I have never desired the apple offered by Eve?” » asks Jesus severely and He adds: 
  • « Show Me him and I will call him a holy man. Nobody? Well, then, if not out of disgust, but out of weakness, you feel unable to go near this woman, you may withdraw. 
  • I will not force weaklings into unequal struggles. Woman, I would like to come in. This house belonged to a relative of Mine and is dear to Me. 
  • « Come in, my Lord, if You do not loathe me. » 
  • « Leave the door open, that the world may see and may not tattle… » Jesus enters serious and solemn. 
  • The woman, subdued, bows down before Him and dares not move. 
  • But the quips of the people cut her to the quick. 
  • She runs away to the end of the garden, while Jesus goes as far as the foot of the staircase.

  • He looks in through the half open doors but does not go in. He then goes to the place of the sepulcher, where there is now a kind of small pagan temple. 
  • « The bones of the just, also when dry and scattered, ooze a purifying balm and spread seed of eternal life. 
  • Peace to the dead who lived doing good! Peace to the pure who are sleeping in the Lord! 
  • Peace to those who suffered, but knew no vice! Peace to the real great ones of the world and of Heaven! Peace! 
  • » The woman has reached Jesus, walking along the hedge that protects her.

  • « My Lord! »

  • « Woman. »

  • « Your Name, my Lord. »

  • « Jesus. »

  • « I never heard it. I am Roman: a mime and dancer. I am an expert only in lust. What is the meaning of Your name?

  • My name is Aglae and… and it means: vice. »

  • « Mine means: Savior. »

  • « How do You save? And whom? »

  • « Those who are anxious to be saved. I save by teaching to be pure, to prefer sorrows to honors, to desire good at all costs, » Jesus speaks without bitterness, without even turning towards the woman.

  • « I am lost… »

  • « I am the One seeking who is lost. »

  • « I am dead. »

  • « I am the One who gives Life. »

  • « I am filth and falsehood. »

  • « I am Purity and Truth. »

  • « You are also Bounty, You do not look at me. You do not touch me, You do not tread on me. Have mercy on me »

  • « First, you must have mercy on yourself. On your soul. »

  • « What is the soul? »

  • « It is what makes a god of man and not an animal. Vice and sin kill it, and once it is killed, man becomes a repulsive animal. »

  • « Will it be possible for me to see You again? »

  • « Who looks for Me, finds Me. »

  • « Where do You live? »

  • « Where hearts need doctors and medicines to become honest again. »

  • « In that case… I will not see You again… I live where no doctor, medicine nor honesty is wanted. »

  • « Nothing prevents you from coming to where I am. My name will be shouted in the streets and will reach you. Goodbye. »

  • « Goodbye, my Lord. Allow me to call You “Jesus”. Oh! Not out of familiarity!  But that a little of salvation may come to me. I am Aglae, remember me. »

  • « I will. Goodbye. »

  • The woman stays at the end of the garden, Jesus comes out of it severe. He looks at everybody. He sees perplexity in His disciples and hears jeers from the Hebronites.

  •  A servant closes the door. Jesus goes straight along the road. He knocks at the synagogue.

  • A resentful old man looks out. He does not even give Jesus time to speak. 
  • « The synagogue is forbidden, in this holy place, to those who deal with prostitutes. Go away. »

  • Jesus turns away without replying and continues walking along the road. His  disciples follow Him. They begin to speak when they are outside Hebron.

  • « You asked for trouble, Master » says Judas [Iscariot]

  • « A prostitute, of all people»

  • « Judas, I solemnly tell you that she will surpass you. And now, since you are reproaching Me, what do you say of the Judaeans?

  • In the most holy places in Judaea we have been scoffed at and driven away… That is the truth.

  • The day will come when Samaria and the Gentiles will worship the true God, and the people of the Lord will be soiled with blood and a crime… a crime in comparison with which the sins of prostitutes who sell their bodies and their souls, will be a very small thing.

  • I was not able to pray on the tomb of My cousins and of the just Samuel. It does not matter.

  • Rest, holy bones, rejoice, souls, that dwelt in them. The first resurrection is near. Then the day will come when you will be shown to the angels as the souls of the servants of the Lord. »

  • Jesus stops speaking and the vision ends

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Mary is sewing and singing in a low voice.

Mary is sewing and singing in a low voice. I do not know whether it is a sacred song or not. It says: « Like a star in clear water a light is shining within My heart. It has been with Me since My childhood and it guides Me tenderly with love. In the depths of My heart there is a song. Where does it come from? Man, you do not know. It comes from where the Holy One rests. I look at My clear star And I do not want anything, Not even the sweetest and dearest thing, Except this sweet light that is all Mine. You brought Me down from the Heavens above, O star of Mine, into the womb of a mother, Now You live in Me, but beyond the veil I see Your glorious face, Father. When will You grant Your servant the honour 10. Mary's Canticle Imploring the Coming of the Christ. 31 Of being the humble maid of the Saviour? Send us the Messiah from Heaven, Accept, Holy Father, the offer of Mary. 


Come and read Her glories in the Book of the Ancestor. “God possessed me at the beginning of His works, from the beginning, before the Creation. From everlasting I was firmly set, in the beginning, before earth came into being, the deep did not yet exist and I was already conceived. The springs did not yet gush with water and the mountains had not yet risen in their huge masses, neither were the hills jewels in the sun, when I came to birth. God had not yet made the 5. Birth of the Virgin Mary. 16 earth, the rivers and the foundation of the world, and I was there. When He prepared the Heavens I was present, when with immutable laws He enclosed the deep under the surface, when He fixed the Heavens firm and He suspended there the springs of water, when He assigned the sea its boundaries and gave laws to the waters, when He ordered the waters not to invade the shore, when He laid down the foundations of the earth, I was with Him arranging everything. I always played joyfully in His presence, I played in the universe...” You applied these words to Wisdom, but they speak of Her: the beautiful Mother, the holy Mother, the Virgin Mother of Wisdom that I am, Who am now speaking to you. I wanted you to write the first line of the song at the top of the book that speaks of Her, that She might be contemplated and the consolation and joy of God might be known; the reason for the constant, perfect, intimate delight of this God One and Trine, Who rules and loves you and Who received from man so many reasons for being sad; the reason why He perpetuated the human race, even when, at the first test, humanity deserved to be destroyed; the reason for the forgiveness you have received. To have Mary that loved Him! Oh! It was well worth while creating Man and allowing him to exist and decreeing to forgive him, to have the Beautiful Virgin, the Holy Virgin, the Immaculate Virgin, the Loving Virgin, the Beloved Daughter, the Most Pure Mother, the Loving Spouse! God has given you so much and would have given you even more to possess the Creature of His delight, the Sun of His sun, the Flower of His garden. And He continues to give you so much on account of Her, at Her request, for Her joy, because Her joy flows into the joy of God and increases it with flashes that fill the light, the great light of Paradise with brilliant sparkles and every sparkle is a grace to the universe, to mankind, to the blessed souls who reply with a jubilant cry of alleluia to each generation of divine miracle, created by the desire of the Blessed Trinity to see the sparkling smile of joy of the Virgin. God desired to put a king in the universe that He had created out of nothing. A king, who by the nature of matter should be the first amongst all the creatures created with matter and endowed with matter. A king, who by nature of the spirit should be little less than divine, united to Grace as he was in his first innocent day. But the Supreme Mind, to Whom all the most remote events in centuries are known, incessantly sees what was, is and will be ; and while It contemplates the past, and observes the present, It penetrates deeply with Its foresight into the most distant future and knows in every detail how the last man will die. Without confusion or discontinuity the Supreme Mind has always known that the king created to be demigod at Its side in Heaven, heir of the Father, would arrive adult in His Kingdom, after living in the house of his mother-the earth, with which he was made-during his childhood, as child of the Eternal Father for his day on earth. The Supreme Mind has always known that man would have committed against himself the crime of killing Grace in himself and the theft of robbing himself of Heaven. Why then did He create him? Certainly many ask themselves why. Would you have preferred not to exist? Does this day not deserve, in itself, to be lived, although so poor and bare, and rendered harsh by your wickedness, so that you may know and admire the infinite Beauty that the hand of God has sown in the universe? For whom would He have created the stars and planets that fly like thunderbolts and arrows, furrowing the vault of Heaven, or dash majestically in their rush of meteors, and yet seem slow, presenting you with light and seasons, eternally immutable and yet always mutable. They give you a new page to read on the sky, every evening, every month, every year, as if they wished to say: “Forget your restriction, forsake your printed matter which is full of obscure, putrid, dirty, poisonous, false, swearing, corrupting material and rise, at least with your eyes, to the unlimited freedom of the firmament, make your souls bright looking at so clear a sky. Build up a supply of light to take to your dark prison. Read the word that we write singing our sidereal chorus, which is more harmonious than the one drawn from a cathedral organ. The word that we write while shining, the word that we write while loving, because we always bear in mind Him Who gave us the joy of existing. And we love Him for giving us our existence, our brightness, our movement, our freedom, our beauty in the midst of the gentle azure, beyond which we can see an even more sublime blue: Paradise. And we fulfill the second part of His commandment of love, by loving you, our universal neighbours, loving you by giving you guidance and light, warmth and beauty. Read the word we say, the one on which we modulate our singing, our brightness, our smile: God!”


 Glory to the Almighty Lord Who had love for the children of David. Glory to the Lord! His supreme grace has visited me from Heaven The old tree has borne a new branch and I am blessed. At the Feast of Lights hope scattered the seed; Now the fragrance of Nisan sees it germinating. Like an almond-tree my flesh is adorned with flowers in spring. In the evening she perceives she is bearing her fruit. On that branch there is a rose, there is a most sweet apple. There is a bright star, an innocent little child. There is the joy of the house, of the husband and wife. Praise be to God, to my Lord, Who had mercy on me. His light said to me: “A star will come to you.” Glory, glory! Yours shall be the fruit of this tree. The first and last, holy and pure as a gift of the Lord. Yours it shall be and may joy and peace come upon the earth. Fly, shuttle. Fasten the yarn for the infant's cloth. The infant is about to be born. May the song of my heart rise to God singing hosannas. »

Monday, December 25, 2017

THE MYSTICAL PRAYERS Of Our Lord Jesus Christ (These prayers, revealed by Our Lord as His petitions to His Heavenly Father during His Passion, were dictated to Barnabas for us to pray daily.)

THE MYSTICAL PRAYERS Of Our Lord Jesus Christ (These prayers, revealed by Our Lord as His petitions to His Heavenly Father during His Passion, were dictated to Barnabas for us to pray daily.) Prayer for Release from Ancestral Curses (July 8, 1998) 
("My children, pray it and make it known to the whole world. All who are under curses and constantly say this prayer shall be free from their curses. Any family that is suffering from the curse of sins made by their forefathers, and makes a 144 day novena through this prayer, will be freed. All who break a covenant and who are supposed to die shall be saved and also be released from their curse if they constantly say this prayer and repent.") Eternal Father, You are the only Immortal God, God Who is love, merciful and kind. Look at Your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and have mercy. I offer You the pains of His scourging at the pillar, His Wounds and Blood, for all Your people who are living under the weight of the curse due to the sins of their ancestors and their disobedience for breaking the covenant they made with You. May You set us free through the scourging of Your Son, heal us through His Wounds and save us through His Precious Blood. Amen. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ—release us from curses. Holy Wounds of Jesus Christ—heal our wounds. By Your scourging—Seal us Amen. Prayer to Vanquish Satan and his Agents (July 5, 1998) ("There is no need for you to fear those numerous populations of the enemy. Children, simply offer the Wounds, Pains and Blood of My left Hand for their downfall; you will see them disappear like ashes…I assure you, many kingdoms of the enemy will disappear in the twinkle of an eye. Pray it and teach it to all men. My Precious Blood will save.") All you great number of enemies of the Holy Death of my Master Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary, the prince of darkness and iniquity, the father of all liars, I stand on the death of my Master Jesus Christ and offer His pains, Wounds, and the Precious Blood from His left Hand to the Eternal Father for your downfall, your destruction and your scourging. Amen. Precious Blood of my Master Jesus Christ – reign in me and in the lives of all men. Amen. Prayer for the Protection and Unity of the Flock (July 6, 1998) ("My children, whenever you say this prayer you are making the hour of my Kingdom on earth come sooner. Through this prayer My Father will let it come down soon; the hour of the Second Pentecost, when My prayer will be fulfilled that all shell be one…All who carry out this devotion will rejoice greatly when My Kingdom comes. I will protect htem always.") Eternal Father, I offer You all the Wounds, pains, and the Precious Blood from the Sacred Feet of Your Son, Our Lord and Master, for all Your children who are wandering like sheep without a shepherd in this terrifying forest. Protect them against wild predators and give them peace that they might be one and united in the same way as the nail held fast the Feet of my master and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. Precious Blood fo Jesus Christ – reign forever. Amen. Prayer for Refuge in the Sacred Side of Jesus Christ (July 7, 1998) ("My children, these evil days will swallow many souls. That is why I teach this mysterious prayer to you in order that you all might be saved. My Sacred Side is open for all men. Pray it and make it known to all men. All who teach this prayer to others will be protected. I love you all. Run for your lives…") O Loving Father, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Who protected the Israelites of old in His Holy Wings in the dryness of the cold and hot desert; I offer You the Holy death of my Master and Savior, Jesus Christ, fo the protection of your people who are scattered all over the world. May the Blood and Water wash and strengthen, save and cleanse us that we might find home in the Sacred Side of Your Son which opens for all men. Amen. Sacred Side of Jesus Christ – be our home for safety. Amen. Prayer for the Sustenance of the Faith (July 9, 1998) ("When I was about to leave My people on earth, My agony grew greater when I remembered their unfaithfulness. I also remembered the period that is coming is terrible and fearful; that many will betray Me like Judas, while others will deny that they know me…Children pray this prayer always for faith and make it known to the whole world before the perilous era comes in full force. If you have little faith, even as small as the mustard seed, you will overcome this period. This mysterious prayer is powerful. Teach it to the whole world. I love you all") Omnipotent and Omniscient God, God of Elijah and the prophets, look at the Sacred Head of Your only-begotten Son and have mercy. Arise and save Your people. I offer You all the shame, the pains, the Wounds and the Precious Blood from the Sacred Head of Your Son for all Your children who are living in these perilous times. Strengthen our faith through the mockery of Your Son Jesus Christ and save us through the Precious Blood from His Sacred Head. May we through the sufferings of Your Son Jesus Christ learn to suffer in You and die in You. Amen. Holy tortures of Jesus Christ – increase our faith. Amen. Prayer for the Manifestation of the Divine Will (July 10, 1998) ("My Agony…grew worse and worse when I entered Gethsemane. I looked at my people and saw that they were asleep while their enemy was fast approaching and gaining ground…my Agonizing Heart broke out with these words "Why are you sleeping, can't you watch with me even one hour? Pray that you will not fall into temptation." When I knelt down again in prayer the burden of my death weighed me down. "Father, take this cup away from me, but not my will, rather yours be done." …Finally, I looked up and prayed to my Father thus…make it known to the whole world for the reign of my Father on earth.") Eternal Father, You are the Creator and Author of life. You love the world You made. That is why You sent Your only-begotten Son to come for its redemption, so that Your Kingdom will come. Look upon Your Son and rise up in Your throne. Raise Your right Hand and save Your people. I offer You all the sufferings, pains, and death of Your only-begotten Son Whom You love, for Your triumph and reign on earth. May You, through the Precious Blood of Your Son, make a new covenant and bring all Your children back to Your Holy Will. Amen. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ – reign forever. Agonizing Jesus Christ – Thy Kingdom come. Amen. Prayer for Endurance through the Coming Chastisement (July 13, 1998) ("My children pray that this period you are living in now will be shortened. Pray also that your faith will not fail. Be on your guard. Be alert and watch always…How many of you will fight and drive back my adversary, conquer, and bring the captives home?...My children learn this prayer and pray it always especially during the hour of trials…When my people rejected me and condemned me and said "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" I looked up to heaven and prayed to my Father and said…") Merciful and Loving Father, Your wish is that all men should be saved. Kindly look on Your rejected and condemned Son Who suffered many tortures and will suffer many tortures through the sins of Your people. Look and see what sin has done to your onlybegotten Son. I offer all people who are living in these ungodly and wicked days, all the tortures, pains, rejections, and shame of Your Son Jesus Christ to You, for faith to withstand trials and patience to withstand long tortures. May they through the sufferings of Your only Son fight to the end. Amen. Our lord's torture – increase our faith. Precious Blood of Jesus – save us. Amen. Prayer for Fallen Sheep and Against a Fall in Faith (July 22, 1998) ("I envisaged constant abandonment of faith in my people and how they will constantly reject their God and crucify Me daily. The pains grew in intensity when I saw how hard it will be for them to return…Many there were who would stop on the way because they thought the way was too hard and too long…How large the number of My people who will lose hope and fall…I say to you, My children, wake up and stand firm! During My fall, I remembered all these things and offered them to My Father through this prayer…Through it, My Father will pour on you all the needed graces to endure until the end. All who pray it devotedly will possess the fullness of the Holy Spirit and learn to be obedient and humble.") Eternal and Loving Father, look kindly on Your only-begotten Son. See the heavy cross they prepared for Your only Son and have mercy on Your people. I offer You all the pains, sufferings, and the Precious Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ, Emmanuel; for all Your people who have abandoned their faith and will abandon their faith in the mountainous hills and deep valleys of this world. May they through the falling of Your Son under the Cross have strength to rise again and stand firm in the true faith. Through the ocean of His Precious Blood dumped under the Cross on the streets of Jerusalem strengthen all who are eager to do Your Will. Amen. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ – strengthen our weakened souls. Amen. Prayer of the Reign of Glory on Earth (July 27, 1998) \ ("The manifestation of the Red Dragon and the Antichrist in this last hour of this age pierced My Heart greatly during My ministry on earth and even more when I was about to breathe My last on the cross. As I hung on the cross, I envisaged the proud Dragon. It boasted to reign on earth forever…I silently offered My Father this prayer for the downfall of the enemy of the cross…My children, through his prayer the Antichrist and the Red Dragon and his agents will have a short hour of reign on earth. The more you pray, the shorter the hour of their reign on earth.") O Loving and Merciful Father, all knowing and all powerful, the Alpha and the Omega, the Eternal Father Who created all things, that You should forsake Your children, Your nature forbids. Look kindly on Your begotten Son Jesus Christ Who came to save men and bring Your Kingdom down on earth. We offer You all the agonies, tortures, pains, and the Precious Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ for the defeat of all the enemies of the Holy Cross of Salvation, the Antichrist and the Red Dragon who are fighting against the truth now and in the end of the age. May they, through he Precious Blood of our Redeemer and His last breath on earth, disappear like foam exposed under the sun, so that Your Kingdom may quickly come on earth. Amen. Precious Blood of Jesus Christ – Thy Kingdom come. Amen. Prayer Against the Sins of the Flesh (July 28, 1998) ("Do you know that I was naked in the sight of all men so that you shall defeat and kill the desires of the flesh which lead to this sin of fornication and adultery? Children, my adversary used this sin to claim all men to himself….Any sinner who constantly prays this prayer will gain true repentance…The more you pray it the more many will return to me and leave fornication and adultery. Many people will be lost due to the sins of the flesh. Work hard to save souls…") Holy and Merciful Father, Your only-begotten Son is standing naked in the sight of all men, so that Your people will know and fear Your Holy Law. Accept my humble prayer for all Your People who are living under iniquity, fornication and adultery, that through all the shame and disgrace of Your only-begotten Son, You will touch their lives for repentance and save them. May they, through the Precious Blood of Your Son Jesus Christ, which I plead to fall on their hearts, gain repentance and be saved and through His shame make them bold for repentance. Amen. Prayer for the Baptism of Aborted Babies (July 29, 1998) ("Today the blood of innocent children has filled Heaven. Their number is too great, too great; the wrath of the Eternal Father is about to fall on mankind…Their blood disturbs My Agonizing Heart and increases My agony…Through this prayer, large numbers of innocent unborn babies will be saved; pray it daily and make it known to the world. Anyone who teaches it will not be lost. Innocent souls in Heaven will not let them become lost. I, with My Love and Mercy, will protect them from falling into mortal sin.") Heavenly Father, Your love is eternal. In Your ocean of love, You saved the world through Your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Now look at Your only Son on the Cross Who is constantly bleeding for love of His people, and forgive Your world. Purify and baptize aborted children with the Precious Blood and Water from the Sacred Side of Your Son, Who hung dead on the Cross for their salvation, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. May they, through the Holy Death of Jesus Christ gain everlasting life, through His Wounds be healed, and through His Precious Blood be freed. There to rejoice with the Saints in Heaven. Amen. Short and Efficacious Reparation Prayer to the Eternal Father (July 22, 1999) ("All who adore My Precious Blood, console My Father Who loves His Son the most. As you adore My Precious Blood, the pains of My Sacred Heart are lessened. The Sorrowful Heart of My Mother will also be consoled. Children, adore My Precious Blood always and offer it to My Father for mercy. Hear this prayer. Pray it always in reparation for the sins of the world. Pray it three times; each time you pray it, I assure you the Divine Mercy will multiply. Pray it always and many times a day, since you are living in ungodly days. Pray it so that you shall be safe from the purification fire. Children, make it known to the whole world.") Eternal Father, I offer You all the Wounds of Your dearly beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the pains and agonies of His Most Sacred Heart and His Most Precious Blood, which gushed forth from all His Wounds, in reparation for my sins and those of the whole world. Amen. (3 times) Reparation Prayer for Sins Committed Against the Precious Blood (Feb 8, 1997) (My children, let me explain to you how to pray and what heaven wants from you. My Son listens to you always. He wants to hear from you always. Oh my loving children, pray this prayer always…at least 500 times a day." – Our Blessed Mother) Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, save us and the whole world. ORIGINAL PRAYER TO ST. MICHAEL To be prayed holding Crucifix aloft (Jan 12, 2001) ("Raise up the Agonizing Crucifix I gave you against the power of darkness and say this prayer with the sign of the cross. Do this in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. You will conquer…Say this prayer every day, since the battle is great…") O Glorious Prince of the Heavenly Host, St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in the battle and in the terrible warfare that we are waging against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the evil spirits. Come to the aid of man, whom Almighty God created immortal, made in his own image and likeness, and redeemed at a great price from the tyranny of Satan. Fight this day the battle of the Lord, together with the holy angels, as already thou hast fought the leader of the proud angels, Lucifer, and his apostate host, who were powerless to resist thee, nor was there place for them any longer in heaven That cruel, ancient serpent, who is called the devil or Satan who seduces the whole world, was cast into the abyss with his angels. Behold, this primeval enemy and slayer of men has taken courage. Transformed into an angel of light, he wanders about with all the multitude of wicked spirits, invading the earth in order to blot out the name of God and of His Christ, to seize upon, slay and cast into eternal perdition souls destined for the crown of eternal glory. This wicked dragon pours out, as a most impure flood, the venom of his malice on men of depraved mind and corrupt heart, the spirit of lying, of impiety, of blasphemy, and the pestilent breath of impurity, and of every vice and iniquity. These most crafty enemies have filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness the Church, the spouse of the Immaculate Lamb, and have laid impious hands on her most sacred possessions. In the Holy Place itself, where the See of the most Holy Peter and the Chair of Truth has been set up as the light of the world, they have raised the throne of their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered. Arise then, O invincible Prince, bring help against the attacks of the lost spirits to the people of God, and give them the victory. They venerate thee as their protector and patron; in thee holy Church glories as her defense against the malicious power of hell; to thee has God entrusted the souls of men to be established in heavenly beatitude. Oh, pray to the God of peace that He may put Satan under our feet, so far conquered that he may no longer be able to hold men in captivity and harm the Church. Offer our prayers in the sight of the Most High, so that they may quickly find mercy in the sight of the Lord; and vanquishing the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, do thou again make him captive in the abyss, that he may no longer seduce the nations. Amen. L: Behold the Cross of the Lord; be scattered ye hostile powers. R: The Lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David has conquered. L: Let Thy mercies be upon us, O Lord. R: As we have hoped in Thee. L: O Lord, hear my prayer. R: And let my cry come unto Thee. L: Let us pray O God, the Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon Thy Holy Name, and as supplicants we implore Thy clemency, that by the intercession of Mary, ever Virgin, Immaculate and Our Mother, and of the glorious St. Michael the Archangel, Thou wouldst deign to help us against Satan and all the other unclean spirits, who wander about the world for the injury of the human race and the ruin of souls. Amen. POWERFUL INVOCATION OF PROTECTION To be prayed holding Crucifix aloft (July 7, 1997) Adoration! Adoration!! Adoration!!! To Thee, O powerful weapon. Adoration! Adoration!! Adoration!!! To Thy Precious Blood. Merciful Agonizing Jesus Christ, pour Your Precious Blood on souls. Satisfy our thirst and defeat the enemy. Amen. Powerful Blood of Salvation, fight the enemy. (3 times) 

Sunday, December 24, 2017

First Meeting of Peter and the Messiah.

49. First Meeting of Peter and the Messiah.

With my soul dejected by too many things, I am praying to receive illumination. And I am led to chapter 12 of the Epistle to the Hebrews and the strength of my spirit is really reinvigorated and once again I have the energy « to listen ». In fact when I am oppressed by so many things, I feel like saying: « I do not want to do anything any more. An ordinary life, an ordinary life at all costs. » But I know who it is « Who speaks » and I see Him look at me with loving beseeching eyes. And I can no longer say: « I do not want. » God is really a fire which devours also the inclinations of our human nature when the latter yields to Him. To Him Who speaks saying: « I will not leave you, I will not abandon you », I want to repeat once again with full confidence: « You are of much help to me, I do not fear man. O God, do not disappoint my hope.. » -------------------- At 2 p.m. I see the following: Jesus is coming along a little road, a path between two fields. He is alone. John is moving towards Him along a different path in the fields and he meets Him at last, going through an opening in a hedge. John, both in yesterday's vision and today's is very young. His face is rosy and beardless, the fair complexion of a youth, who can hardly be called a man. There are no signs of moustache or beard, but only the smoothness of his rosy cheeks, his red lips, and his bright smile and pure look, not so much because of its deep turquoise hue, as because of the limpidity of his virginal soul shining through his eyes. His blond-brown long soft hair undulates at each step while he walks almost as fast as if he were 49. First Meeting of Peter and the Messiah. 151 running. When he is about to pass through the hedge, he shouts: « Master! » Jesus stops and turns round, smiling. « Master, I have longed so much for You! The people in the house where You live told me that You had come towards the country. But they did not say where. I was afraid I might not meet you. » While speaking, John has bent his head slightly, out of respect. And yet, he is full of truthful love, both in his attitude and in his eyes, which he raises towards Jesus, while his head is still gently inclined towards his shoulder. « I saw you were looking for Me and I came towards you. » « You saw me? Where were You, Master? » « Over there » and Jesus points to a group of trees far away, which, by the color of their foliage, I would say were olive-trees. « I was over there. I was praying, and thinking what to say this evening in the synagogue. But I came away as soon as I saw you. » « But how could You see me, if I can hardly see the place, hidden as it is behind that hedge? » « And yet, you see, here I am. I came to meet you because I saw you. What the eye does not do, love does. » « Yes, love does. You love me, therefore, Master? » « And do you love Me, John, son of Zebedee? » « So much, Master. I think I have always loved You. Before meeting You, long before, my soul was looking for You, and when I saw You, my soul said to me: “Here is the One you are seeking”. I think I met You, because my soul perceived You. » « You said it, John, and what you say is right. I also came towards you because My soul perceived you. For how long will you love Me? » « Forever, Master. I no longer want to love anybody, but You. » « You have a father and a mother, brothers and sisters, you have your life, and with your life, you have a woman and love. How will you be able to leave all that for My sake? » « Master… I do not know… but I think, if it is not pride to say so, that Your fondness will take the place of father and mother, of brothers and sisters, and also of a woman. I will be compensated for everything, if You love me. » « And if My love should cause you sorrows and persecutions? » « They will be nothing, if You love me. » « And the day I should die… » « No! You are young, Master… Why die? » « Because the Messiah has come to preach the Law in its truthfulness and to accomplish Redemption. And the world loathes the Law and does not want redemption. Therefore they persecute God's messengers. » « Oh! Let that never be! Do not mention that prediction of death to him who loves You!… But if You should die, I would still love You. Allow me to love You. » John's look is an imploring one. He has bowed his head lower than ever, and he walks beside Jesus, and seems to be begging love. Jesus stops. He looks at him, scrutinises him with His deep, penetrating eyes, and then lays His hand on his bowed head. « I want you to love Me. » « Oh! Master! » John is happy. Although his eyes shine with tears, his well shaped young mouth smiles. He takes the divine hand, kisses it on its back, and presses it to his heart. They take to the road again. « You said you were looking for Me… » « Yes, to tell You that my friends want to meet You… and because, oh! how I was longing to be with You again! I left You only a few hours ago… but I could no longer be without You. » « Have you therefore been a good announcer of the Word? » « Also James, Master, spoke of You in such a way as… to convince them. » « So that also he who had no confidence – and is not to be blamed because his reserve was due to prudence – is now convinced. Let us go and give him full assurance. » 49. First Meeting of Peter and the Messiah. 152 « He was somewhat afraid… » « No! Not afraid of Me! I have come for good people and even more for those who stand in error. I want to save people, not to condemn them. I will be full of mercy with honest people. » « And with sinners? » « Also. By dishonest people, I mean those who are spiritually dishonest and hypocritically they feign to be good, whereas they do ill deeds. And they do such things, and in such a way for their own profit and to secure an advantage over their neighbors. I will be severe with them. » « Oh! Simon, then, need not worry. He is as loyal as no one else. » « That is what I like, and I want you all to be so. » « Simon wants to tell You many things. » « I will listen to him after speaking in the synagogue. I asked them to inform the poor and sick people in addition to the rich and healthy ones. They are all in need of the Gospel. » They are near the village. Some children are playing in the road and one of them runs into Jesus' legs and would have fallen if He were not quick in getting hold of him. The child cries just the same, as if he had been hurt and Jesus, holding him in His arms, says: « An Israelite who is crying? What should the thousands of children have done, who became men, crossing the desert with Moses? And yet, the Most High Lord sent the sweet manna for them, rather than for the others, because He loves innocent children and looks after these little angels of the earth, these wingless little birds, just as He sees to the sparrows of woods and towns. Do you like honey? Yes? Well, if you are good, you will eat a honey which is sweeter than the honey of your bees. » « Where? When? » « When, after a life of loyalty to God, you will go to Him. » « I know that I cannot go there unless the Messiah comes. My mother says that now, we in Israel, are like many Moses and we die seeing the Promised Land. She says that we are there, waiting to go in, and that only the Messiah will make us go in. » « What a clever little Israelite! Well, I tell you that when you die, you will go to Paradise at once, because the Messiah will already have opened the gates of Heaven. But you must be good. » « Mummy! Mummy! » The child slides down from Jesus' arms and runs towards a young woman, who is entering her house holding a copper amphora.« Mummy! The new Rabbi told me that I will go to Paradise at once when I die and I will eat so much honey… if I am good. I will be good! » « God grant it! I am sorry, Master, if he troubled You. He is so lively! » « Innocence does not trouble, woman. May God bless you, because you are a mother who is bringing her children up in the knowledge of the Law. » The woman blushes at being praised and replies: « May the blessing of the Lord be with You, too. » And she disappears with her little one. « Do You like children, Master? » « Yes, I do, because they are pure… sincere… and affectionate. » « Have you any nephews, Master? » « I have but My Mother… In Her there is purity, sincerity, the love of the most holy children, together with wisdom, justice and the fortitude of adults. I have everything in My Mother, John. » « And You left Her? » « God is above also the holiest mother. » « Will I meet Her? » « Yes, you will. » « And will She love me? » « She will love you because She loves whoever loves Her Jesus. » « Then You have no brothers? » « I have some cousins on My Mother's husband's side. But every man is My brother, and I have come for everybody. We are now at the synagogue. I am going in, and you will join Me with your friends. » 49. First Meeting of Peter and the Messiah. 153 John goes away, and Jesus goes into a square room with the usual display of triangular lamps and lecterns with rolls of parchment. There is already a crowd waiting and praying. Jesus also prays. The people whisper and make their comments behind Him, as He bows to the head of the synagogue, greeting him, and He asks for a roll at random. Jesus begins His lesson. He says: « The Spirit makes Me read the following things for you. At chapter seven of the book of Jeremiah, we read: “Yahweh Sabaoth, the God of Israel, says this: 'Amend your behavior and your actions and I will stay with you here in this place. Put no trust in delusive words like these: This is the sanctuary of Yahweh, the sanctuary of Yahweh, the sanctuary of Yahweh! But if you do amend your behavior and your actions, if you treat each other fairly, if you do not exploit the stranger, the orphan and the widow, if you do not shed innocent blood in this place, and if you do not follow alien gods, to your own ruin, then here in this place I will stay with you, in the land that long ago I gave to your fathers forever' ”. Listen, Israel. Here I am to illuminate for you the words of light, which your dimmed souls can no longer see or understand. Listen. There is much weeping in the land of the People of God: old people cry remembering past glories, adults cry because they are bent under the yoke, children cry because they have no prospects of future glory. But the glory of the earth is nothing compared to a glory which no oppressor, except Mammon and ill will, can take away. Why are you crying? Because the Most High, Who was always good to His people, has now turned His face elsewhere and no longer allows His children to see His Countenance? Is He no longer the God Who parted the sea and made Israel cross it and led the people through the desert and nourished them, and defended them from their enemies, and that they might not lose the way to Heaven, He gave a Law for their souls, as He had sent them a cloud for their bodies? Is He no longer the God That sweetened the waters and sent manna to His worn out children? Is He not the God Who wanted you to settle in His land and made an alliance with you as Father with his children? Well, then, why has the foreigner struck you? Many amongst you mumble: “And yet the Temple is here!” It is not enough to have the Temple and to go and pray God in it. The first temple is in the heart of every man and that is where holy prayers should be said. But a prayer cannot be holy unless the heart first amends its way of living and with his heart man also amends his habits, affections, the rules of justice towards the poor, servants, relatives and God. Now look. I see rich hard-hearted men who make rich offerings to the Temple, but they never say to a poor man: “Brother, here is a piece of bread, and a penny. Take them. From man to man, and let not my help discourage you as my offering may not make me proud”. I see people who, in their prayers, complain to God because He does not hear their prayers promptly; then when a poor wretch, very often a relative, says to them: “Listen to me”, they reply heartlessly: “No”. I see you crying because your money is squeezed out of your purses by your ruler. But then you squeeze blood out of those you hate and you are not filled with horror when you take the blood and life away from a body. O Israel! The time of Redemption has come. Prepare its ways in your hearts with good will. Be honest, good, love one another. The rich must not despise the poor; merchants must not defraud; the poor must not envy the rich. You are all of one blood, and you belong to one God. You are all called to one destiny. Do not shut with your sins the Heavens that the Messiah will open for you. Have you erred so far? Err no longer. Abandon all errors. The Law is simple, easy and good as it goes back to the original ten commandments, illuminated by the light of love. Come. I will show you which they are: love, love, love. God's love for you. Your love for God. Love for your neighbors. Always love, because God is love, and those are the Father's children who know how to live love. I am here for everybody, and to give everybody the light of God. Here is the Word of the Father that becomes food for you. Come, taste, change the blood of your spirits with this food. Let every poison vanish, let every lust die. A new glory is offered to you: the eternal one, to which all those will come whose hearts will truly study the Law of God. Start from love. There is nothing greater. When you know how to love, you will already know everything, and God will love you, and God's love means help against all temptations. May the blessing of God be on those who turn to God with their hearts full of good will. » Jesus is silent. The people whisper. The meeting breaks up after some hymns, many of which are sung like psalms. 49. First Meeting of Peter and the Messiah. 154 Jesus goes out onto the little square. On the doorstep there are John and James with Peter and Andrew. « Peace to you » says Jesus and He adds: « Here is the man who in order to be just must not judge before knowing. But he is honest in admitting he is wrong. Simon, you wanted to see Me? Here I am. And you, Andrew, why did you not come before? » The two brothers look at each other embarrassed. Andrew whispers: « I did not dare. » Peter blushes, but does not speak. But when he hears Jesus say to his brother: « Were you doing any wrong in coming? One must not dare do only evil things » he intervenes frankly: « It was my fault. He wanted to bring me to You at once. But I… I said… Yes, I said “I don't believe it”, and I did not want to come. Oh! I feel better now!… » Jesus smiles, then He says: « And because of your sincerity I tell you that I love you. » « But I… I am not good… I am not capable of doing what You said in the synagogue. I am quick tempered and if anyone offends me eh! I am greedy and I like money… and in my fish business eh! not always… I have not always been honest. And I am ignorant. And I have little time to follow You to receive Your Light. What shall I do? I would like to become as You say… but… » « It is not difficult, Simon. Are you acquainted a little with the Scriptures? Are you? Well, think of the prophet Micah. God wants from you what Micah said. He does not ask you to tear your heart apart, neither does He ask you to sacrifice your most holy affections. He does not ask you for the time being. One day, without being requested by God, you will give God your own self. But He will wait while the sun and the dew turn you, a thin blade of grass as you are now, into a sturdy, glorious palm tree. For the time being, He asks you only this: to be just, to love mercy, to take the greatest care in following your God. Strive to do that and Simon's past will be cancelled and you will become a new man, the friend of God and of His Christ. No longer Simon, but Cephas, (1) the safe rock on which I lean. » « I like that! I understand that. The Law is so… is so… that is, I cannot comply with it any longer, as the rabbis have made it. But what You say, yes,… I think I will be able to do it. And You will help me. Are You staying in this house? I know the owner. » « I am staying here. But I am going to Jerusalem and after I will preach throughout Palestine. I came for that. But I will often be here. » « I will come to hear You again. I want to be Your disciple. A little of the light will enter my head. » « Your heart, above all, Simon. Your heart. And you, Andrew, have you nothing to say? » « I am listening, Master. » « My brother is shy. » « He will become a lion. It is getting dark. May God bless you, and grant you a good haul. Go now. » « Peace be with You. » They go away