Tuesday, December 5, 2017


JESUS SPEAKS :  Oh! My children! Do not defraud God of this right of His! Do not deprive God of
what belongs to Him! Do not disappoint God in His desire! Consider that He acts
out of love. Even if you did not exist, He would still be Infinite, and His
power would not diminish. But He, although He is complete in His infinite
immeasurable measure, does not want anything for Himself and in Himself - which
He could not, because He is already Infinite - but for Creation, His creature.
He wants to increase His love for all rational creatures contained in Creation,
and therefore gives you His Grace: Love, that you may carry it in yourselves to
the perfection of saints, and you may pour this treasure, taken from the
treasure that God has given you with His Grace and increased by all the holy
deeds in all your heroic lives of saints, into the infinite Ocean where God is:
into Heaven.
You are divine reservoirs of Love! That is what you are, and no death is given
to your being, because you are eternal, as God is, being like God. You shall be,
and there will be no end to your being, because you are immortal like the holy
spirits that supernourished you, returning to you enriched by their own merits.
You live and nourish, you live and enrich, you live and form the most holy thing
which is the Communion of the spirits, from God, the Most Perfect Spirit, down
to the last born baby, who sucks his mother's breast for the first time.
Do not criticise Me in your hearts, o learned men! Do not say: "He is crazy, He
is a liar! Because He speaks foolishly saying that there is Grace in us, when
Sin has deprived us of it. He lies stating that we are already one thing with
God". Yes, there is sin and there is separation. But before the power of the
Redeemer, Sin, the cruel separation between the Father and the children, will
collapse like a wall shaken by a new Samson. I have already got hold of it and I
am shaking it and it is about to fall and Satan is trembling with wrath and
impotence, as he can avail nothing against My power and he realises that so much
prey is being snatched from him and that it is becoming more difficult to drag
man to sin. Because when I will have taken you to My Father, through Me, and you
have been cleansed and strengthened by My Blood and sorrow, Grace will come back
to you, lively and powerful and you will be triumphant, if you so wish. God does
no violence to your thoughts or your sanctification. You are free. But He gives
you back your strength. He gives you back your freedom from Satan's empire. It
is up to you to take upon yourselves the infernal yoke or to put angelical wings
on your souls. It depends on you, with Me as your brother to guide you and
nourish you with an immortal food.
You may ask: "How can one conquer God and His Kingdom through a milder road than
the harsh Sinai one?" There is no other road but that one. But let us look at it
not from the point of view of a threat, but from the point of view of love. Let
us not say: "Woe to me, if I do not do that!" trembling with fear of sinning, of
not being able not to sin. But let us say: "How glad I will be if I do that!"
and with the impulse of a supernatural joy, full of happiness, let us rush
towards these beatitudes, brought about by compliance with the Law, as roses
sprout from a thorny bush.
"How happy I will be if I am poor in spirit, because mine shall be the Kingdom
of Heaven!
How happy I will be if I am gentle because I shall have the earth for my
How happy I will be if I mourn without rebelling, because I will be comforted!
How happy I will be if I hunger and thirst for justice more than I do for bread
and wine to satisfy the flesh, because Justice will satisfy me!
How happy I will be if I am merciful, because I will have divine mercy shown me!
How happy I will be if I am pure in heart, because God will bend over my pure
heart and I will see Him!
How happy I will be if I am peaceful in spirit, because God will call me His
son, because love is in peace and God is Love Who loves whoever is like Him!
How happy I will be if I am persecuted in the cause of right, because God, my
Father, to reward me for my earthly persecutions, will give me the Kingdom of
How happy I will be if I am abused and accused falsely for being Your son, o
God! It must not cause me desolation but joy, as it will make me equal to Your
best servants, to the Prophets, who were persecuted for the same reason and with
whom I firmly believe I shall share the same great eternal reward in Heaven,
which is mine!".
Let us look thus at the way of salvation: through the joy of saints.
"How happy I will be if I am poor in spirit".
Ob! Satanic thirst for wealth, to what frenzy you lead both rich and poor! The
rich who live for their gold: the ill-famed idol of their ruined spirits. The
poor who live hating the rich because of their gold, and even if they do not
murder them physically, they curse the rich wishing them all sorts of evil. It
is not enough not to do evil, one must not even wish to do it. He who curses
wishing calamities and death is very like him who kills physically, because he
wishes the death of the person he hates. I solemnly tell you that such a wish is
like an action held back, it is like a foetus conceived in a womb and formed,
but not yet ejected. A wicked desire corrupts and ruins man, because it lasts
longer than a violent action and is deeper than the action itself.
If a rich man is poor in spirit he does not sin for the sake of his gold but he
turns his gold into sanctification, because he turns it into love. Loved and
blessed, he is like spring water that saves travellers in a desert, as he gives
generously, without avarice, happy to be able to relieve desperate situations.
If he is poor, he is happy in his poverty and eats his bread which is sweetened
by the joy of being free from the thirst of gold, he sleeps free from nightmares
and gets up well rested for his tranquil work, which is always light when done
without greed or envy.
http://www.advancedchristianity.com/documents/pmg_mval17_08_1_e.pdfJESUS SPEAKS :  Oh! My children! Do not defraud God of this right of His! Do not deprive God of
what belongs to Him! Do not disappoint God in His desire! Consider that He acts
out of love. Even if you did not exist, He would still be Infinite, and His
power would not diminish. But He, although He is complete in His infinite
immeasurable measure, does not want anything for Himself and in Himself - which
He could not, because He is already Infinite - but for Creation, His creature.
He wants to increase His love for all rational creatures contained in Creation,
and therefore gives you His Grace: Love, that you may carry it in yourselves to
the perfection of saints, and you may pour this treasure, taken from the
treasure that God has given you with His Grace and increased by all the holy
deeds in all your heroic lives of saints, into the infinite Ocean where God is:
into Heaven.
You are divine reservoirs of Love! That is what you are, and no death is given
to your being, because you are eternal, as God is, being like God. You shall be,
and there will be no end to your being, because you are immortal like the holy
spirits that supernourished you, returning to you enriched by their own merits.
You live and nourish, you live and enrich, you live and form the most holy thing
which is the Communion of the spirits, from God, the Most Perfect Spirit, down
to the last born baby, who sucks his mother's breast for the first time.
Do not criticise Me in your hearts, o learned men! Do not say: "He is crazy, He
is a liar! Because He speaks foolishly saying that there is Grace in us, when
Sin has deprived us of it. He lies stating that we are already one thing with
God". Yes, there is sin and there is separation. But before the power of the
Redeemer, Sin, the cruel separation between the Father and the children, will
collapse like a wall shaken by a new Samson. I have already got hold of it and I
am shaking it and it is about to fall and Satan is trembling with wrath and
impotence, as he can avail nothing against My power and he realises that so much
prey is being snatched from him and that it is becoming more difficult to drag
man to sin. Because when I will have taken you to My Father, through Me, and you
have been cleansed and strengthened by My Blood and sorrow, Grace will come back
to you, lively and powerful and you will be triumphant, if you so wish. God does
no violence to your thoughts or your sanctification. You are free. But He gives
you back your strength. He gives you back your freedom from Satan's empire. It
is up to you to take upon yourselves the infernal yoke or to put angelical wings
on your souls. It depends on you, with Me as your brother to guide you and
nourish you with an immortal food.
You may ask: "How can one conquer God and His Kingdom through a milder road than
the harsh Sinai one?" There is no other road but that one. But let us look at it
not from the point of view of a threat, but from the point of view of love. Let
us not say: "Woe to me, if I do not do that!" trembling with fear of sinning, of
not being able not to sin. But let us say: "How glad I will be if I do that!"
and with the impulse of a supernatural joy, full of happiness, let us rush
towards these beatitudes, brought about by compliance with the Law, as roses
sprout from a thorny bush.
"How happy I will be if I am poor in spirit, because mine shall be the Kingdom
of Heaven!
How happy I will be if I am gentle because I shall have the earth for my
How happy I will be if I mourn without rebelling, because I will be comforted!
How happy I will be if I hunger and thirst for justice more than I do for bread
and wine to satisfy the flesh, because Justice will satisfy me!
How happy I will be if I am merciful, because I will have divine mercy shown me!
How happy I will be if I am pure in heart, because God will bend over my pure
heart and I will see Him!
How happy I will be if I am peaceful in spirit, because God will call me His
son, because love is in peace and God is Love Who loves whoever is like Him!
How happy I will be if I am persecuted in the cause of right, because God, my
Father, to reward me for my earthly persecutions, will give me the Kingdom of
How happy I will be if I am abused and accused falsely for being Your son, o
God! It must not cause me desolation but joy, as it will make me equal to Your
best servants, to the Prophets, who were persecuted for the same reason and with
whom I firmly believe I shall share the same great eternal reward in Heaven,
which is mine!".
Let us look thus at the way of salvation: through the joy of saints.
"How happy I will be if I am poor in spirit".
Ob! Satanic thirst for wealth, to what frenzy you lead both rich and poor! The
rich who live for their gold: the ill-famed idol of their ruined spirits. The
poor who live hating the rich because of their gold, and even if they do not
murder them physically, they curse the rich wishing them all sorts of evil. It
is not enough not to do evil, one must not even wish to do it. He who curses
wishing calamities and death is very like him who kills physically, because he
wishes the death of the person he hates. I solemnly tell you that such a wish is
like an action held back, it is like a foetus conceived in a womb and formed,
but not yet ejected. A wicked desire corrupts and ruins man, because it lasts
longer than a violent action and is deeper than the action itself.
If a rich man is poor in spirit he does not sin for the sake of his gold but he
turns his gold into sanctification, because he turns it into love. Loved and
blessed, he is like spring water that saves travellers in a desert, as he gives
generously, without avarice, happy to be able to relieve desperate situations.
If he is poor, he is happy in his poverty and eats his bread which is sweetened
by the joy of being free from the thirst of gold, he sleeps free from nightmares
and gets up well rested for his tranquil work, which is always light when done
without greed or envy.

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