Friday, December 15, 2017

Confession of sins ELVI

Confession of sins

Holy Lord Jesus I confess every sin I have committed in my lifetime and every sin committed thru my complete generational and ancestral line.
I also confess every soul tie I have ever made and all the sins generated thru those soul ties thru my complete generational and ancestral lines.
I confess every sin that I have committed in my dreams and every sin committed by my generation and ancestral lines in their dreams.
I now cover all these grievous sins with the holy blood of our Lord and Savior The Holy Lord Jesus Christ and take full and total responsibility for all of these grievous sins.
Please Holy Lord Jesus forgive all of my sins.

The Lord will tell or acknowledge to you he forgives you your sins.

Sincere Repentance

Holy Lord Jesus I sincerely repent every sin I have committed in my lifetime up to this very second. I will make a sincere 100% effort not to commit these sin ever again.
I sincerely repent every sin from my complete generational and ancestral lines.
I sincerely repent all the sins that I have ever committed in all my dreams to this very second and every sin my generational and ancestral lines committed in their dreams.
I sincerely repent every soul tie I have ever made and all the sins generated thru those soul ties all the way back thru all my complete generational and ancestral lines.
I cover all these sins with the holy blood of the Holy Lord Jesus Christ and take full and total responsibility for all of these grievous sins.
Holy Lord Jesus I humbly ask you to please accept my sincere repentance. Start repenting until The Lord accepts your sincere repentance.

He will tell you he accepts your sincere repentance or give you an acknowledgement.

Now ask The Holy Lord Jesus Christ to lift off of your back all of the above mentioned sins and burn them with his holy fire.

The Lord will then cover your back with his holy blood and cover you from the top of your head to the tip of your toes with his holy blood.

Cleansing and Purification

Holy Lord Jesus please cleanse and totally purify my heart with your precious blood and holy fire.
Holy Lord Jesus please cleanse and totally purify my soul with your precious blood and holy fire.
Holy Lord Jesus please cleanse and totally purify my spirit with your precious blood and holy fire.
Holy Lord Jesus please cleanse and totally purify my mind and subconscious mind with your precious blood and holy fire.
Holy Lord Jesus please cleanse and totally purify my flesh with your precious blood and holy fire.
Holy Lord Jesus please cleanse and totally purify all my record keeping books in heaven with your precious blood and holy fire.
Holy Lord Jesus please cleanse and totally purify my robe and gown in heaven with your precious blood and holy fire.

Open Doors

Holy Lord Jesus please break every curse put on me by any and all demonic entities by any witch or warlock or any human being including myself.
Please extricate all demonic beings from my person that are affecting my life in any way.
Please close all my open doors in my life and in my generational and ancestral lines.
Please close all the open doors caused by all my soul ties thru their generational and ancestral lines.
Please seal shut all these open doors with your holy blood and holy fire.
Please put my soul and my flesh deep into your holy fire that you may cleanse and totally purify me that I may be purged from all sins.

Holy Lord Jesus please grant me a protective hedge as you have granted your servant job (job 1:10) and a protective wall of fire Zechariah (2:5) that the demonic realm has no access to my soul and my flesh.

Please put this protective hedge and wall of fire between my flesh here on earth and my soul, spirit, record keeping books and robe and gown in heaven.

Holy Lord Jesus I humbly come before you the one true God and beseech you to ask your great and mighty Holy Spirit to please please help to stop me from sinning. Please Holy Lord Jesus grant me your faithful servant this blessing.

Holy Lord Jesus please intercede for me with my Father in heaven and if in your eyes I am worthy to please ask my father to please put my name in the Lambs Book of Life.

Please great and mighty Holy Spirit of God help prepare me in repentance and holiness for the immanent coming of The Holy Lord Jesus Christ that I may be found worthy to participate in the wedding supper of the lamb.

Thank you Holy Father for your great grace and mercy you have shown all your children on how to prepare for the coming of your son. In Jesus Holy name I thank you Holy Father. For we can truly do nothing with out your holy son (john 15:5).

Thank you so much Holy Spirit of God for helping us your children prepare for the rapture thank you Holy Spirit.

Holy Lord Jesus how can I ever thank you for what you have done for your children you gave your life for us you have interceded time and time again with your Father for us to give us more time to prepare for your coming.

I love you Holy Lord Jesus with my whole heart and soul for this extra time you have given us.

Children of God time has truly run out. God in his great grace and mercy has now showed us how to prepare for the immeniant coming of his holy son The Holy Lord Jesus Christ. May God have mercy on all our souls.

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