Friday, December 15, 2017

There is POWER in a Name — immanuel

PRAYER of REPENTANCE There is POWER in a Name — therefore I use the AUTHENTIC, SETAPART and COVENANT Names of Father and Son as used in the very 1st translation of SCRIPTURE — ancient Hebrew! YAHUSHA is the authentic Hebrew name of our Messiah that His parents and disciples called Him by. (Since I started praying in His authentic Name, my prayer life changed) . . . to make it easier to pronounce His Name, you can split His Name: YA-HU-SHA Our FATHER’S Name is NOT “GOD” or “LORD” (these are pagan names of false deities (gods) as can be proven by many reputable resources, most notably Scripture)! His Name is YHUH/YHWH, pronounced YaHUaH or YaHuWaH. The Hebrew title for “YHUH” is ELOAH or ELOHIM! Qodesh Ruach or Ruach Ha’Qodesh = Set-Apart Spirit of YHUH My/Our Father YAHUAH, we come to Your throne of mercy and grace in the Name of Yahusha Messiah, Your Son. I/We come to You as the only true Eloah, as the Eloah who keeps covenant, as the Eloah of mercy and loving-kindness for those who love Him and keep His commandments. I/We come to You as Your children who love You and desire to keep Your commandments. I/We humble ourselves before You and confess the sins of our nation, our families and ourselves. I/We ask that You cleanse us with the blood of Yahusha Messiah, Your Son. In the Name of Yahusha, I/We confess the sin of bloodshed. I/We confess the sin of all forms of abuse. I/We confess the sin of ritual abuse, satanic worship and all forms of mind control that are blocking the way for people to come to the knowledge and acceptance of salvation through Yahusha Messiah. I/We confess the sin of blood sacrifices and all forms of unholy rituals and blasphemous and unholy words spoken in rituals. I/We confess the sins of secrecy and silence that are part of all abuse and rituals. I/We confess the sin of ungodly vows, oaths, pledges, covenants and rush utterances of words. I/We confess the emotional damage and deep hurts that came through any kind of abuse. I/We confess the confusion in the minds of people as a result of any form of abuse. I/We confess the false belief systems created in people's mind and inner conflicts as a result of abuse. I/We ask You Father YAHUAH, in the Name of Yahusha Messiah, Your Son, that You will cover these sins with the Atoning Blood of Yahusha Messiah and that You will forgive me/us, our families and our nation. I/We pray that You will open the way for survivors of any form of abuse and mind control to be set free and to come to the knowledge and acceptance of Yahusha Messiah as their Redeemer and High Priest. Father, I/We know that according to 1 John 1:9 “If we admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, You are faithful and just and will forgive our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness”, that You will forgive our nation and me/us and cleanse me/us from all unrighteousness. I/We pray Father, in the Name of Yahusha Messiah that You will unhook the hold of shatan over this nation that came through the sins of abuse, ritual abuse and mind control. We thank You Almighty and Holy YAHUAH. My/Our Father YAHUAH, in the Name of Yahusha Messiah and through the power of Your Ruach (Spirit), I/we come to You to repent of the sins of our families, our nation and ourselves. I/We declare that You are the only True Eloah - great and Almighty. I/We declare that Yahusha Messiah is Your only begotten Son, Master of “Lords” and King of Kings! We ask Your Ruach to help us with this prayer and to present this prayer to our Father. Father, Your Word says that Your Ruach comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness, for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance according to Romans 8:26. I/We confess the sin of incest, emotional and physical abuse, in our families and us. I/We acknowledge that these sin cause emotional, physical and mental wounds. I/We ask You to cover these wounds with the precious Blood of Yahusha Messiah and to restore our families and us emotionally, physically and mentally. I/We confess the sin of idol worship and the defilement of Your set apart Name YAHUAH in our families and us. I/We acknowledge that these sin cause wounds in our relationship with You. We ask You to cover these wounds with the Blood of Yahusha Messiah and to completely restore our COVENANT relationship with You. I/We confess the sin that is part of the love for money in our families and us. I/We acknowledge that this sin caused emotional wounds in relationships and finances. I/We ask You to cover these wounds with the Blood of Yahusha Messiah and to bring healing in these areas. I/We confess all the sin of uncleanness in our families and us. I/We acknowledge that this sin has defiled us as Your Bride. I/We ask that You will cleanse us and prepare our families and us as part of the Body of Yahusha to be Your PURE Bride. Heavenly FATHER YAHUAH, I/we repent and ask You to forgive our families and us for acting corruptly against You and for all our disobedience. I/We return to You and choose to serve You as the only True Eloah (God). In the all mighty Name of Yahusha Messiah, I/we pray. Ahmeyn.

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