Sunday, December 3, 2017

POEM OF THE MAN GOD - a true original life story of the true original GOSPEL from saint john the beloved

‘The Poem of the Man-God’
is a great life of Jesus, it is a gospel which neither substitutes nor changes
the Gospel, but rather narrates it, integrating and illuminating it, with the
declared purpose of reviving in men’s hearts the love for Christ and His Mother.
It was ‘revealed’ to Maria Valtorta, called ‘Little John’, to place her close to
the Evangelist who was the favorite disciple.
‘The Poem of the Man-God’ consists of seven parts:
The Hidden Life
The first year of the Public Life
The second year of the Public Life
The third years of the Public Life
Preparation to the Passion
The Passion
The Glorification
On 23 April 1943, Good Friday, Maria Valtorta reported hearing the voice of Jesus. From then until 1951 she produced over 15,000 handwritten pages in 122 notebooks, mostly detailing the life of Jesus as an extension of the gospels. Her handwritten notebooks containing close to 700 reputed episodes in the life of Jesus were typed on separate pages by her priest and reassembled, given that they had no temporal order, and became the basis of her 5,000-page book The Poem of the Man God.


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