Tuesday, February 13, 2018

ALLEGORY - "I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."

"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, unless otherwise stated.)

“I have said this to you in figures; the hour is coming when I shall no longer speak to you in figures but tell you plainly of the Father.”
(John 16:25)
“For this people’s heart has grown dull, and their ears are heavy of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should perceive with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and turn for me to heal them”
(Matthew 13:15)


“Pinocchio was made of wood in the fictional story.  He was carved out of wood by his maker, and his maker desired that he would become real, and when his wish as granted, then the boy knew what free-will was.  He had a conscience.  A tiny little cricket.  He knew what was right and what was wrong.  He knew he would have to make choices, but he strayed and made poor choices and he was captured by a wealthy gypsy man, and exploited.  You see the problem, My children, free-will is a gift, but it can be abused if it is not handled carefully.  Just as Pinocchio had a conscience , and sooner or later he snuffed it out, then was he in danger – so too, are those people who snuff out their consciences as an affront to their Maker.  I am telling you this fictional story, because this story was in fact inspired by My Divine Will.  When Walt Disney wanted to teach true morals and family values through his fictional stories I helped him with his desire, to reach the youth.  Do you ever hear the story of Pinocchio and more - is it being sold in video stores?  Can you access this ‘classic’?  The answer is no.  Because it reveals too much about human nature and how easily people are swayed by sin to indulge in the pleasures of this World.  Where was his Father in the story?  But frantically looking for his son.  And where was his son?  But being rebellious and carousing with other children his age, not even thinking about his father.  When trouble came his way, the he missed his creator, his Father, but it was too late, for he was already captured by the wealthy gypsy man, who represents satan.  There was a good ending to the story, and both know, but, Pinocchio had to go through many adversities and overcome his selfishness to save his Father.  Meanwhile because of the evil and terrible things he did, he was turning into a donkey, a beast.  See the parallel, for just simple children’s story, it sure has a lot of depth to it, doesn’t’ it?  And so I am like Pinocchio’s Father.  I am frantically looking for the lost sheep, but so many of them would rather be lost, and so in actual fact they are goats.
(-Jesus, Tuesday, September 22, 2009)


“The graces are there, as long as you reach out for them. It’s not that graces are no longer there, being poured out upon the World, it is that very few people are ‘open’, or ‘receptive to them’ - this is what is very sad.  The comparison would be to a rich man, taking all of his money, and throwing it to all the people - be they rich or poor.  Some of them say they are full, and have no need of the generous offer, and some are needy and in great need of it.  Now think of the coins as spiritual allegory.  Money cannot get you Heaven, but graces can - if you cooperate with them, and buy the right things.  Think of graces as ‘Heavenly currency’, far greater than any gold in the entire World.  For graces are from God, and they are meant to directly help the soul to get to Heaven.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, January 24, 2010)


“You both are ‘walking allegories’, or metaphors, of the Truth, that I have revealed to My Faithful Remnant Followers – to My Holy Apostles.  There is a reason I had the Church, focus on its identity as My bride, and I as its Groom.  You both are ‘far from perfect’, and I am not here to condemn you, but challenge you to be who I made you to be: ‘symbolic instruments’ of, My True Church, and My love for her, and her for Me.  Yes you will be hated by everyone; but that is your cross – to share in My suffering, of being abandoned, by all.  This is you vocation.  Accept it.  Live it to the fullest.  And you both will become enamored in My love for your souls - that these problems, and challenges, and yes, even inconveniences, will not matter any more.  For what will truly matter to you both, is only doing the Eternal Father’s Will and Pleasure and that is the secret - there in, you will find Eternal Happiness.”
(-Jesus, Sunday January 23, 2011)


“The hammer, has come down, on this house, in various ways you are not aware of My children – pertaining particularly, to the souls that are in this place. N.’s visit was not an accident, and neither was his leaving one.  Sometimes I put you both through various trials, in your interior lives, but also on a physical level.  The smoke, within this house is simply an allegory, for ‘the smoke of the devil’ – that is still here.  It is a reminder – for you both, to be aware of the ‘spiritual toxicities’ all around you, and to stop embracing them.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, January 22, 2012)


“Now is not the time to fall asleep spiritually; but to be fully awake in your interior lives Many are called, but few are chosen to do, what I know it is they will do.  Some people I call “My children,” simply do not answer; so how can they do what I ask of them, if they won’t even pick up their phone? – the phone being merely an allegory, for an awakened soul.  As for the attacks you received last night – they were permitted to help you grow stronger in your faith and resistance to evil.  You wife experienced quite the harsh attack My son, but was able to overcome – because she did not turn inwards, but towards Me.  The devil is angry and so are his cohorts – at all of the revelations being poured out upon the both of you.  But do not let that deter you from speaking the Truth even more boldly – even to each other: admonishing one another, with love, in love and through love.  Now is not the time to fall asleep spiritually; but to be fully awake in your interior lives – even as you rest during the night, for the devil and the occult world never sleep.  Be on guard.  Watch and pray always.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, January 28, 2012)


“You will learn, who the true people are, and who the false ones present themselves to be; for I have given you both a discerning heart, so that, you can read people’s: motives, intentions, and hearts.  They will not be able to get away with much, and you will be able to answer others: quite frankly.  I have been emphasizing telling the truth ‘in plain form’, because certain people will be able to receive.  The allegory, is for people, who are seeking, to know the Truth; and, to confound, the wisdom, of the wise –, which I consider: as foolish.  Remember I told you, that My words, are a stumbling block, to enemy, of souls, because he does not see the full meaning – but I do.  And those who are in the True Holy Spirit: will know what this Testimony means; will know, what the release of this information, will mean, for the church; will know, that a ‘Schism’ has been declared.  Because I can reach people through My words My children; you merely hear them and write them down.”
(-Jesus Sunday, February 12, 2012)


“I have not come to ‘make peace’ with this World, but I have come with a Sword – My Sword of Truth.  And I have come, with ‘Flaming Arrows’, to shoot into the hearts, of people everywhere.  (These, are merely ‘spiritual allegories’).  For it is necessary, for ‘Flaming Arrows’, to melt: icy, cold hearts.  For I can reach people through My words.  You merely hear them, and write them down.  When I give you the words to speak, you speak them in My Name.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, June 2, 2012)


“The Gulf of Mexico is a complete disaster My children, and has become ‘a toxic waste zone’.  The fisheries are ‘done’ there, all of the sea creatures have been poisoned, by the BP oil disaster.  Why am I bringing this up?  But because the World is in complete denial - of the facts.  Tourism is down as well, in that area.  You can do research yourselves.  It is another ‘giant cover-up’ My children.  But it is an allegory as well, for the Roman Catholic Church, has become: like ‘the sinking oil tanker’, that has sunk to the bottom, spilling-out ‘black sludge’ everywhere.  Because the spirit of the antichrist is so strong within that ‘collective organization of people’, then, they are ‘fully immersed’ in the ‘black waters’.  But everyone within that institution is crying peace, prosperity, security, in being with ‘the true church’.   But they are all in denial of the fact, that their churches have become desolate, their priests filled with propaganda, their services - empty and void of the True Holy Spirit.  No matter, how uncomfortable the Truth is, if people love Me, then they will embrace Me – which is to embrace: the truth, and reality.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, June 3, 2012) 


“The Comet, is for real, My children. But it is also, an allegory, for the ‘dreadful event’ that happened, shortly, thereafter, with Fukushima.  It was glowing green My children, with carcinogenic gases.  Carcinogens, are known, to cause cancer, My children.   And so, with this Comet sighting back in 2009, I was giving those, who were ‘awake’, a sign – that something, was coming; that something, was about to happen.” 
(-Jesus, Friday, September 21, 2012)   

“The women, in both those stories, My children, failed – in a serious way, to live the Ten Commandments, written on their hearts. And so in both cases, I took their ‘first borns’; because “the wages of sin, is death”.  However, I extended My Mercy – to both of them, and brought their children, ‘back to life’.  For I do not delight in the death, of My living creatures.  But I desire that all: be made alive, by My word and through Me.  Those stories were also: “spiritual allegories”.  For both those women, sought life, when death ‘took them, by surprise’.  They sought life, through, the words, of the Holy man of God.  But that is ‘as far as it went’ My children - in both cases.” 
(-Jesus, Friday, October 5, 2012)


“Revelations… “he stood on the sand of the sea”, as My followers were ‘swallowed up’ by the Earth.  Because the Earth came, to the help, of the woman who was with child.  This too is an allegory for, My True Church – wanting, ‘to give birth’, to more True Followers.  “The Earth”, is an allegory, for My word, being sown, in the soil, of the hearts, of My Faithful – Remnant Followers.” 
(-Jesus,  Monday, October 29, 2012)


“Revelations… ‘The woman with child’, was not devoured by the dragon – who sought, to destroy them both.  Is it because she was stronger than the dragon?  Or is it because she took refuge – that is My True Church, took refuge – in My words?  And the waters, that ‘poured forth’, from the dragon – or serpent’s mouth, was ‘swallowed up’!  It is that simple My children.”  
(-Jesus,  Monday, October 29, 2012)


“Saint John has done his part – in writing it all down.  But I purposely gave him ‘the visions’ – in allegory, so that certain ‘physical things’ – that he saw, could represent, the ‘spiritual realities’ – of the time you are now living in.”   (-Jesus, Thursday, November 15, 2012)

“The pain and suffering that is coming, can ‘only be compared’, to a woman – who is in labor – but it never ends – until, she ‘passes on’, into the next life.  This is an ‘allegory’ My children, for ‘martyrdom’ is indeed coming.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, November 17, 2012)


“I tell you: the stars of Heaven have ‘withdrawn their shining’  – and this is ‘an allegory’: for the Elect, losing their ‘Crowns’.”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Tuesday, November 27, 2012)


“The Commandments of the Lord, are pure and simple – rejoicing the upright, of heart.  But they are ‘a burden and a weight’ – upon those who ‘stubbornly walk opposed – to them’!  And hail was sent down – from Heaven, weighing ‘a hundred weight’.  And the hail, fell – upon the men of the Earth.  “Sogreat was the hail” - this is ‘allegory’: for ‘the heavy weight’, that is now coming upon ‘peoples’ conscience’.” 
(-Moses, Tuesday, November 27, 2012) 


“I encourage all those who ‘desire the promised Land’ (- that is, the spiritual allegory, for Heaven), to start by repenting in their hearts of ‘all wickedness’; and to turn wholeheartedly to the Lord, Jesus Christ – that He may forgive all of your iniquities, and that you may be saved, from His Divine Wrath.” 
(-Moses, Tuesday, November 27, 2012)


“The word of the Lord Jesus Christ, is ‘a two-edged sword’!  Now that can be read two different ways: Perhaps, that there would be ‘a blade’ at either end! – that ‘the sword’ would be ‘sharp’ from both sides! - And as He has said before, ‘it pierces the heart of the listener’ and the one proclaiming the words; Another meaning – ‘a deeper layer’, is ‘uncovered’.  It also means that ‘once the sword’, ‘pierces the soul’ - as it has ‘two sharp edges’, ‘the wound’, ‘never heals’ – ‘the cartilage’ is severed! - ‘the flesh’, is cut!  This allegory, is, to represent, what the Lord Jesus Christ expects, from those, who ‘desire to benefit’, from, His word.  First of all, they must not, be afraid, to be ‘wounded by it’! – to be ‘cut by the words’!  And then they must ‘desire’: to live, ‘the word of God’ – fully! – relying, on His Strength! – as the word, ‘continues to pierce’ through ‘the flesh’ – to ‘the heart’.  Why else would we need the Lord Jesus Christ’s Strength? – unless, we were all ‘wounded soldiers in the battlefield’?  Those who say, they do not need, the Lord Jesus Christ’s Testimony! – are ‘the ones, who are dead!’”
(-Saint Peter, Thursday, December 6, 2012)


“The Lord, revealed ‘prophesies’ to myself as well.  For He told me, of the coming “three days of darkness”; and there were many warnings – of how people, were ‘to prepare’ – for those times.  But unfortunately ‘the whole World’, would ‘be asleep’, as I found out, later on…  I did not know - at the time, that ‘to lock your doors and windows’, and cover them, was ‘spiritual allegory’: for the eyes, to be ‘kept back’ from watching evil; for ‘the heart’, to be ‘closed to all wickedness’! and for the soul, to reject ‘all, spiritual, toxins! – in the air.  For isn’t ‘the enemy’ ‘the prince of the air’!  And now the whole Face of the Earth is poisoned!”
(-Saint Padre Pio, Saturday, December 15, 2012)


“At the end of the forty days, I ‘opened’, the small window – inside the Ark, and ‘let out’, a dove… A few days later, I sent her out, but this time she came back, with an olive leaf… Then a few days later, the Ark, ‘opened’! – and we came out – into ‘a new World’, new land, ‘completely renewed’ and re-created! This was to be ‘an allegory’, for the coming ‘Era – of Peace’ – where the Saints will come and dwell – upon the Earth – once again!”
(-Noah, Monday, December 17, 2012)


“Now you are starting to realize My children, that ‘everything written in the Testimony’, is ‘spiritual allegory’ – for something; unless otherwise stated.  Just as I spoke to John, and revealed to him ‘the visions of the End’, so do I speak to the both of you.  Did Saint John, “the beloved”, know, what everything was to represent? – at the time, the visions were given?  Or did he have to wait, until he was here – with Me? – before ‘the puzzle pieces’ all, came together?  And even then, he had to wait ‘some time’ - for that to be revealed.  As it is only now, in these past years, that ‘the visual allegories’ - in Saint John’s Book of Revelations, are only now, beginning to be revealed.”    
(-Jesus, Friday, December 13, 2013) 


“Why is everything written in allegory? – or even in parables?  When I came the first time how did I speak to the people? – but through parables, and allegories.  Why did I choose this approach? Because their hearts had become ‘dull’, and their ears, ‘heavy of hearing’; and they were blind. They could not see – what, was ‘plainly in front of them’.  Though My Disciples, and My Apostles, understood the parables, and the allegories, when I ‘lifted the veil’ – off, of their intellects – so that they could have ‘a deeper communion with Me’ – in their day to day lives - journeying right beside Me.” 
(-Jesus, Friday, December 13, 2013)   

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 

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