Thursday, February 8, 2018

What is The Testimony? "I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."

"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES." (-Jesus, August 5, 2016)
The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation - making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works" in ALL of Human History! "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels." What is The Testimony?
Jesus Christ the Lord said: In SHORT, My Children, THAT is why, SO, MANY people - CHOOSE, to HATE it! BECAUSE, My TESTIMONY, IS, "The FULLEST, MANIFESTATION, of My Second COMING" - AND... The Blessed Virgin Mary said: The Testimony IS, "God's Wonderful Plan made manifest". (August 19, 2016 update)
"The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words; their voice is not heard; yet their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world." (Psalm 19:1-4)
Hi, we are the 2 Witnesses. One question, many people are asking is, WHAT IS THE TESTIMONY?
The Testimony of the 2 Witnesses is a written document that is so extensive, that if you printed it out, it would be more than a thousand pages long. The Testimony is mentioned in the Book of Revelations, in Chapter 11; and it is “the flying scroll” spoken of in the Book of Zecharaiah, in Chapter 5 [see this page below].
The Testimony, is for the most part, the Word of God. It is a series of statements, that have been made by Jesus Christ the Lord, over the past several years, as He spoke to us, from His Throne in Heaven!
One of the most exciting parts about reading the Testimony, is when you find each Bible verse (- that speaks about the 2 Witnesses, or the Testimony), fully explained, by Jesus Christ the Lord Himself.
The word “testimony”, is often used in the legal system. You may be surprised to find out, that there is ‘a court case’ going on right now; and we are witnesses in that court case. The “court” I am speaking of, is, ‘the Heavenly Court’. The human race, is ‘on trial’; The Most High True God is the Judge; and we are simply the 2 witnesses on Earth, in this Heavenly Court case. “The Testimony” – is part of the transcript from this ongoing court case.
But there is ‘one more thing’ - on many occasions, when Jesus spoke to us, He referred to the Testimony, as ‘the recipe for salvation’… But what does this mean? It means that the Testimony itself, reveals the steps, that are necessary, for each individual to take, in order to get to Heaven. If you want to know what you need to do, in order to get to the Kingdom of Heaven (and it doesn’t matter what religion you belong to), read the Testimony. You will find a link to it, below this video, and as you read it, ALL your questions will be answered.
We are the 2 Witnesses, signing off, for testimony of the 2 witnesses, dot com.
Question: "Are you claiming that you are the two witnesses of God? If so, what proof do you have for such a claim?" Answer: "Pick a verse, pick any verse, and click on the link, for the Real Two Witnesses will Stand, only, on the Word of God! All others, will surely fall"
The Book of Zechariah - Chapter 4 and 5
Zech 4:11 “Then I said to him, “What are these two olive trees on the right and the left of the lampstand?”
Zech 4:12 “And a second time I said to him, “What are these two branches of the olive trees, which are beside the two golden pipes from which the oil is poured out?”
Zech 4:13-14 “He said to me: Do you not know what these are? I said, “No, my Lord”. Then he said, “These are the two anointed who stand by the Lord of the whole earth.”
Zech 5:1-2 “Again I lifted my eyes and saw, and behold, a flying scroll! And he said to me, “What do you see?” I answered, “I see a flying scroll; its length is 20 cubits, and its breadth ten cubits”
Zech 5:3a “Then he said to me, “This the curse that goes out over the face of the whole land.”
Zech 5:3b “For every one who steals shall be cut off henceforth according to it,”
Zech 5:3c “And every one who swears falsely shall be cut off henceforth according to it.”
Zech 5:4a “I will send it forth, says the Lord of hosts.”
Zech 5:4b “And it shall enter the house of the thief.”
Zech 5:4c “And the house of him who swears falsely by my name.”
Zech 5:4d “And it shall abide in his house and consume it, both timber and stones.”
(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website. The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, unless otherwise stated. Scripture passages taken from The Bible are in purple font.)
Zechariah 4:11 “Then I said to him, “What are these two olive trees on the right and the left of the lampstand?”
“The “two witnesses”, are in reference, to ‘two lampstands’ – to ‘two olive trees’.” (-Jesus, Saturday January 28, 2012)
“My Two Witnesses are, these ‘Lampstands’. They are also, My Olive Trees; and they stand before Me: burning, with the Fire, of True Love, in the True Holy Spirit. And My word is being exalted through them – through: My Testimony – to be, ‘a Light, to all, of the Nations – round about.” (-Jesus, Wednesday, November 14, 2012)
“You, Pope Peter, have been given his ‘anointing’. I tell you “the glory of the olive” [Benedict XVI] has fallen!! And ‘the two olive trees’, are ‘the lampstands’, of the Most High, True God.” (-Saint Karol Wojtyla, Friday, December 14, 2012) (Note: when Benedict XVI lost his anointing, there was simply no anointing left for Francis to receive)
Zechariah 4:12 “And a second time I said to him, “What are these two branches of the olive trees, which are beside the two golden pipes from which the oil is poured out?”
“The olive branch symbolizes where My Word is being spoken.” (-Jesus, Wednesday, July 13, 2011)
“I desire, that people, from All the Nations round about, would partake, of ‘the Olive Branches’ extended – through My Two Witnesses.” (-Jesus, Wednesday, November 14, 2012)
“As I said before My Mercy is being extended, through My Two Olive Branches – through you, My son, the Last, Pope – for people, who want to be nourished, in, the Truth; for those who want to repent, and ‘get right with Me’.” (-Jesus, Monday, March 11, 2013)
“And so, I sent you both, to that ‘institution’, with My Messages, only to reveal to them, how they had failed! – and how, I was ‘taking, the vineyard, from them’ and ‘giving it, to, another’! I warned them! – several, years, ago; and extended, ‘the olive branch’.” (-Jesus, Monday, March 18, 2013) Saturday, March 2, 2013:
God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven said: “The two... “olive trees” [Revelations 11:4] – standing before the Lord, of the whole Earth. Who am I referring to, My children? – with all this symbolism, and allegory - what, am I talking about?! Pope Peter the Last: Us?
God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven: Yes. And what do “olive trees”, produce?
Pope Peter the Last: Oil.
God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven: And what is another name for oil? – it is referred to, throughout all of the Old, Testament.
Pope Peter the Last: Ointment.
God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven: And what is ointment used for?
Pope Peter the Last: Anointing.
God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven: And so, it is ‘a puzzle’, My children. For people, can not ‘figure it out’! The imagery, I used, in showing John, the visions, was deliberate. He, saw, the both of you - way, back, then; for I gave him ‘a glimpse’. And are there any “anointed”, other than yourselves – on the Face of the Earth, at this time?
Pope Peter the Last: There is not a one.
Zechariah 4:13-14 “He said to me: Do you not know what these are? I said, “No, my Lord”. Then he said, “These are the two anointed who stand by the Lord of the whole earth.”
“The wings of these cherubim extended twenty cubits; the cherubim stood on their feet, facing the nave.” (2 Chronicles 3:13)
“Justice will be served to her, in the fullest measure, as she sought ‘to deceive’ My Anointed Ones… I am very displeased with her ‘choice of action’ against My Two Anointed ones, and this shall be a lesson for all, who come up against you: because she showed no mercy, I can show her no Mercy.” (-Jesus, Tuesday, December 21, 2010)
“Who has a mouth, that I can use to speak, My words of Truth to, for all the Nations, people and tongues – to receive. Only the man, whom I place My Spirit into, can do these things – only My anointed one, has been given: this commissioning.” (-Jesus, Monday, January 30, 2012)
“You [Mary] are anointed in a different way: only with the gift of docility, to your husband – therein lies your strength.” (-Jesus, Saturday, November 6, 2010)
“There are only Two ‘Lampstands’ on the Face of the Earth – where My word is being spoken; where the brilliance of the True Holy Spirit, is ‘blazing like a Fire’; where ‘My Anointed Ones’ are – My Two Witnesses are, these ‘Lampstands’.” (-Jesus, Wednesday, November 14, 2012)
Zechariah 5:1-2 “Again I lifted my eyes and saw, and behold, a flying scroll! And he said to me, “What do you see?” I answered, “I see a flying scroll; its length is 20 cubits, and its breadth ten cubits” “In the most holy place he made two cherubim of wood and overlaid them with gold. The wings of the cherubim together extended 20 cubits: one wing of the one, of five cubits, touched the wall of the house, and its other wing, of five cubits, touched the wing of the other cherub.” (2 Chronicles 3:10-12)
“My Testimony online, is just as important, as the Old and the New combined. For does not a scribe, take out, from his household: treasures, that are new, and old? You both are ‘My Scribes’, because, you make ‘a recording’, of all that I say to you – for the people; for the people to benefit from.” (-Jesus, Sunday, October 7, 2012)
“Now, He has ‘sent Me out’, once again, with ‘a flaming Sword’ – to bury deep, into the hearts of sinners – everywhere! And He has ‘commissioned Me’, to take Armies, of ‘the Host of Heaven’, and go out to ‘all the churches’ – round about, and administer: His, Divine, Wrath! Now this is going to happen – within ‘the next little while’, because: you both are in ‘the Time of the End’; and ‘things, are different now’; and just as I protected, Elijah, with ‘the Heavenly Host’ – at his side, so too do I protect the both of you! As I have been ‘commissioned’ to do so. And I have been assigned, as ‘your Guardian Angel’. And I have been assigned, to protect ‘the Testimony going out to All the Nations’.” (-Saint Michael the Archangel Wednesday, November 28, 2012)
And I heard ‘a voice’ say, “Write down - all that you see, in the scroll, that you have with you.” So I wrote it all down – everything I was commanded to. I even wrote down, all of ‘the Letters, to the churches’. (-Saint John, Friday, November 30, 2012)
Zechariah 5:3a “Then he said to me, “This (the flying scroll) is the curse that goes out over the face of the whole land.”
“But if you will not obey the voice of the Lord your God or be careful to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command you this day, then all these curses shall come upon you and overtake you…” (Deuteronomy 28:15… 68)
(...and for all those so-called "christians", who believe that 'no curse can come from Jesus'...)
“As they passed by in the morning, they saw the fig tree withered away to its roots. And Peter remembered and said to him, "Master, look! The fig tree which you cursed has withered."” (Mark 11:20-21)
“A problem… is… mankind’s hearts, have become: Icy cold, with no ‘real love’ for their Creator any longer. The only choice left for them, is a curse: Cursed is humanity, from this day forward; And cursed, is the Earth, upon which they live; And cursed, are their synagogues, churches, and mosques; Cursed are their governments, and their government leaders; Cursed are their ways before Me; Cursed, are their livelihoods; Cursed are their jobs; And cursed are their morals; And cursed are they, when they lie down, and when they arise; And cursed are they, all the day, long. I have had enough My children! This World, is going to be consumed, for I have held back My Hand, and… I have not ‘emptied My Cup' completely, and I will make mankind ‘drink the dregs' of My Fury and Wrath. Because they would not listen to My True Prophets, and they scorned ‘Counsel from the True Holy Spirit’, and they did ‘everything they could’ to ‘drive Me away’, while at the same time telling themselves: that I am near, and that they are all ‘saved and holy’. They will hate Me even more for this message, that I will be sending them, but even more so, for the plagues that are coming, and My Heavy Hand of Justice upon: the entire human race. It is what they are ‘all deserving of’ My children. Show no ‘false compassion’. Only pity the choices they have made. If, they repent, these disasters, that are coming, can be averted. If, they acknowledge you both, as My Two Witnesses, of these End Times, then the ‘pain and suffering’ can be lessened. But it will take ‘humility’, for them to admit, that this is ‘the Time of The End’… according to My Justice the World - that they knew, is ‘coming to a close’.” (-Jesus, Thursday, May 3, 2012)
[Editor's note: Even though it is written, "Bless those who curse you" (Luke 6:28) - that does not mean, that God Himself, can't curse you; nor does it mean, that when He does, as he promised He would (Deuteronomy 28:15-68 above), that you are not called to Bless Him! So now that you have read this message, Bless God! - and you will be better off. Bless Him, by using the Blessed Holy Water, and repenting of your sins - from the heart! - and He in turn, will remove 'the curse', and abundantly, Bless you! "For his anger is but for a moment" (Psalm 30:5) - against those who quickly turn from their sins! But His anger lasts an ETERNITY - against those who stubbornly embrace their sins! - that, is the part, that was left out of the Bible... but it is 'clearly implied', and is in fact an important part of, 'the true spiritual reality'.]
Zechariah 5:3b “For every one who steals shall be cut off henceforth according to it (the flying scroll).”
“For I am ‘the gate’. Others, who have gone before Me, were thieves, and robbers – robbing people, of their ‘true lives’; of their ‘true vocations’; making people believe in their ‘false religions’, and their false ‘gods’, and their false teachers, and their false rewards – so that souls would strive, to ‘live in accordance’, with them, with their wishes and demands, instead of Mine. (-Jesus, Thursday, November 8, 2012)
“And, I have this against you, Oh people of Israel, Oh false Catholics, Oh false Christians: that you hold, the form, of religion – of being religious, but deny the power of it. You hold: solemn feasts, for yourselves; and steal the bread, from My children. They starve – they hunger for truth, Justice, and righteousness; but you will give them none of those. You false shepherds, are a disgrace, to the very Cross, which I was crucified upon – in which you preach: self-sacrifice; but gorge yourselves, in your own palaces, and castles. I have this against you: that you steal the bread, from My people, by denying: My presence; and the Power of My Eucharist. Therefore you blind guides! I have taken, the vineyard from you, in which you were given charge, to do justice to My Servants, and My Prophets, and My People, and have given it to another, who is more worthy: of the calling, and of the position – which you both deny. By denying Me, in front of the people, you practice, a great heresy; and therefore, I will deny you, before My Father who Lives and Reigns in Heaven, and who is Exalted, above the Heavens; unless you repent in sackcloth, and in ashes… The one who sits upon the Throne, in-side the Vatican, is not My Messenger – is not my ‘Prince of the Apostles’, but is: a deceiver, and an antichrist… This may be a shock to you all – but if you had read the scriptures, and discerned My words of caution: “For behold I come like a thief in the night”, and “if the householder had known at what time, I was coming, he would have remained awake, and ready, for the thief who would break in, to his house”. But you were all asleep when I came, and I have stolen My Presence from all of the churches, and as I have said before I am no longer in your hosts. Your churches have become: desolate – because you, drink, of the blood of the Saints, and you, follow after Babylon the great, and drink the wine of her impure passions… For I steal My bread, from you My shepherds – because you have stolen them, from the people. Therefore you will go hungry, as well as they. But I will not abandon My faithful within that institution, nor all of My Faithful Remnant Church throughout the whole World. Therefore, I send My Two Witnesses out with the Testimony for the Churches, that all might know: I am the Lord Thy God, and Thou Shalt have No other Gods before Me.” (-Jesus, Tuesday, January 31, 2012)
“I always allow people, to take My words ‘out of context’ - if they so choose. That is how I separate the chaff, from the wheat. The Pharisees looked at the Scriptures, in a way that suited them. Taking words ‘out of context’, was ‘their specialty’. Also trying to use My words, against Me, was another tactic they would use. The Bible, is for ‘all ages’ – as in, ‘for all generations’. But, it must be read, with ‘spiritual maturity’. I leave it open for ‘The Protestants’ to distort, certain passages of Scripture, which they in fact use against themselves – at their own Judgment. I do not have ‘a warm spot’ in My Heart for them My children. Though I love all people equally, this group, or ‘organized religion’, is the next worse - next to ‘the Roman Catholic Institution’, because of everything that they have been given, and have chosen to reject. By embracing that ‘they are already saved’, they steal Judgment from Me. Just as I stole My Presence from all of the churches (- as recompense, for their sins), so too, do I allow the Protestants to steal, from Me.” (-Jesus, Sunday, August 12, 2012)
Zechariah 5:3c “and every one who swears falsely shall be cut off henceforth according to it (the flying scroll).”
“Let him who says “he is saved”, be called ‘a liar’, and ‘a thief’ – for that is ‘stealing away’, My Own Judgment; and because, the soul does not really know, if they are saved, or not – then it is the sin of presumption.” (-Jesus, Saturday, August 21, 2010)
“For I am ‘the gate’. Others, who have gone before Me, were thieves, and robbers – robbing people, of their ‘true lives’; of their ‘true vocations’; making people believe in their ‘false religions’, and their false ‘gods’, and their false teachers, and their false rewards – so that souls would strive, to ‘live in accordance’, with them, with their wishes and demands, instead of Mine.” (-Jesus, Thursday, November 8, 2012)
“Oh Israel, I so, would have shepherded you, to Myself; yet you ‘shepherds’ have ‘gone astray’ - just as the sheep under you care have. You do not know My Ways. And you are far from Me. And your anointings, have been cut-off. And you are desolate. Because you despised: ‘the Spirit of Prophecy’.”
(-Jesus, Monday, November 19, 2012)
“Because I tell you My people, I do not tolerate, sin. But I give you, ‘every Grace to overcome temptation’. You must learn, that ‘mortal sin’, is ‘a death wound’. And I am ‘the only one’, who can heal you!” (-Jesus, Friday, March 15, 2013)
“They are so filled, with the World. And they have conformed to it, and they have ‘become one’ with it. Therefore, they are cut-off, from Me. Even the children, who have reached, ‘the age of reason’ – are cut-off, from Me - because, I am ‘impartial’.”
(-Jesus, Monday, March 25, 2013)
Zechariah 5:4a “I will send it (the flying scroll) forth, says the Lord of hosts.”
“I am sending forth My word, once again, to the four corners of the Earth, so that people can choose where they stand.” (-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012)
“My Testimony… is going forth. For it is My word.” (-Jesus, Wednesday, November 14, 2012)
Zechariah 5:4b “And it (the flying scroll) shall enter the house of the thief.” “You false shepherds, are a disgrace, to the very Cross, which I was crucified upon – in which you preach: self-sacrifice; but gorge yourselves, in your own palaces, and castles. I have this against you: that you steal the bread, from My people, by denying: My presence; and the Power of My Eucharist. Therefore you blind guides! I have taken, the vineyard from you, in which you were given charge, to do justice to My Servants, and My Prophets, and My People, and have given it to another, who is more worthy: of the calling, and of the position – which you both deny.” (-Jesus, Tuesday, January 31, 2012)
Zechariah 5:4c “And (it (the flying scroll) shall enter) the house of him who swears falsely by my name.” “If people are not searching for Me, then I will hide Myself from them – even from the catholics, who have stopped searching for the truth; even from the protestants, who constantly reject it; even from the homosexual religions, who constantly profane, the Sabbath and My Holy Name. For what, is this New Age Church, that is, being built, by human hands? It is a church of idolaters, adulterers, fascists, lesbians, and homosexuals. It is a church, where every sin is welcome; but it cannot be My Church.” (-Jesus, Thursday, June 30, 2011)
“Hear the Word which I give to you this day, so that, you may live in your ‘interior lives’. For though you walk around proclaiming My Name, and doing all sorts of “wonderful deeds” in My Name, I do not know you! For sin creates a wedge, between Me and your souls.” (-Jesus, Tuesday, May 15, 2012) “I am against the shepherds of this generation, who prophesy or speak lies in My Name: – by saying that they are ‘holy’, when they are full of wickedness and depravity; by telling the people that there is no need for circumcision of the heart, but they can continue to profane My Name and Statutes.” (-Jesus, Friday, February 10, 2012)
Zechariah 5:4d “And it (the flying scroll) shall abide in his house and consume it, both timber and stones.” “Behold, I am making my words in your mouth a fire, and this people wood, and the fire shall devour them.” (Jeremiah 5:14b
“These words need to be brought to the light, for what the Archdiocese, has been sitting on – for quite some time, is about to become ‘burning, coals beneath them’. ” (-Jesus, Tuesday January 24, 2012)
“Truly, they are the ones who are going to feel the worst, when their hearts are burning coals, and they can not put the fire out.” (-Jesus, Thursday, February 9, 2012)
Life, for the people of this World, is about to drastically change. It started, within My Church, then moved, to the various institutions. And now, ‘Fire’, goes forth, to ‘set ablaze’ this Earth – which is the Fire of My words, going out, for all the Nations. (-Jesus, Saturday, May 5, 2012)
WHY is the Testimony so CRITICAL to one's Salvation, in these End Times?
(December 15, 2015) Remember that the BIBLE was written in "SPIRITUAL language"; so you NEED to turn to the TRUE Holy Spirit - in ORDER to understand, 'what is written'. The SAME goes for the Testimony. The TESTIMONY can ONLY be received, by those who choose, to be "HUMBLE, and DOCILE, to the WILL, of the Most High True GOD"- and this means they NEED, 'the GIFT, of the Blessed HOLY Water', and True REPENTANCE - because that is 'the ONLY way', that they are going to be able to RECEIVE, 'the Most High True God's WORDS' - WRITTEN in the TESTIMONY. The WORDS in the Testimony, are 'MUCH more difficult to receive', than the words in the Bible; because EVEN as the Bible was being written, the Most High TRUE God, FILTERED, a LOT, of 'what was being SAID'; and with the TESTIMONY - He is REVEALING, 'what He DIDN'T reveal', in the Bible. And THAT is why, the TESTIMONY, is so CRITICAL, to one's SALVATION - in these End TIMES.
If you want to call EVERYTHING! - that you disagree with, in the TESTIMONY, to QUESTION - then you are "FREE to DO so". BUT, that WILL BE, "your STUMBLING block" - and "a HURDLE, that you WILL NOT get over!" BECAUSE, the TESTIMONY, IS, 'the WORD, of your Creator'. And to QUESTION, 'HIS Word', IS to take, 'the side, of, the Pharisees, AND the assailants'... YOU must decide, 'WHAT SIDE, of HISTORY, you want to BE on!' - as ALL of this UNFOLDS. Understand? For MOST people: The BIGGEST problem you are having, is you are "FIGHTING to keep your FORMER self!" And, 'the TRADITION', and 'the WRITINGS', that you have seen in the PAST - are BECOMING "your millstone".
The Testimony IS "The LIGHT, to all NATIONS"
(December 22, 2015)
YES, the Testimony IS "the LIGHT, to all NATIONS". It is the PEOPLE, who have FORESAKEN, their CREATOR - HIS Ways; His LAWS! - HIS Commands. It is the PEOPLE! - who have BECOME, "ABOMINATIONS, in His SIGHT" - BECAUSE, they SEEK, to be FILLED, with, 'ALL sorts, of EVILS, and ADDICTIONS'. Does He STILL "LOVE", mankind? Absolutely! And that is WHY, He CHASTISES them; and DISCIPLINES them - SO, severely! But ONLY, SOME of them, will RECEIVE His CHASTISEMENT, and turn AWAY, from 'the GRAVEN IMAGES', AROUND them. Only SOME of them - will turn AWAY, from 'the false GODS', that the WORLD is ENAMORED with. And, THOSE "SOME", ARE, the Faithful REMNANT. There are THOSE, who were MEMBERS, of the Faithful REMNANT - who ATTESTED, to the VALIDITY of the TESTIMONY - WHILE they were Members. But WHEN, they, were "fraternally corrected", and asked, to GROW SPIRITUALLY - they REFUSED! And they "harbored HATRED in their HEART" - towards us; and uttered "VICIOUS LIES", against us - because their DEMONS, were no LONGER, 'PERMITTED, on the ARK'. You see, SOME Members of the FAITHFUL Remnant, were ONLY Members for a SHORT while - BECAUSE, it was REVEALED, OVER time, that, they wanted "the best of BOTH worlds" - they wanted "a CELEBRITY platform"; and they were NOT interested in GIVING Glory, to their CREATOR!
WHY is the Testimony called "the Golden Platter"?
So, you want to know WHY the Testimony is called "the Golden Platter". Because it is FULL! - of "hidden Gems". The Most High True God had to present them to the nations on SOMETHING! - now didn't He. And know that those "hidden Gems", are being given to His Faithful Remnant, as a consolation - to help them persevere, and endure through these End Times events. Those "Gems" were WITHHELD, from the Old and New Testaments, and reserved for "the ULTIMATE Testament" - for a REASON. And now you KNOW! - where to find them.
What do YOU stand for? - or rather, what do YOU stand AGAINST?
The TESTIMONY, and our COUNSEL - is 'AGAINST, EVERYTHING! - that the WORLD stands for'. THANKS BE to the Most High TRUE God, for THAT! Because, if the TESTIMONY wasn't GIVEN - there WOULDN'T be 'a CHANCE', for SOULS - to MAKE it, to the FULLNESS of the Era of PEACE. Because, NO one! - and NO organization! - is TAKING 'a STAND' - FOR! - the LIVING! - God - the Most High TRUE God - and knowingly CHOOSING, to be 'AGAINST the world'. EVERYWHERE ELSE you will find 'COMPROMISE'; BUT not, with the Testimony of Jesus Christ the Lord. And THAT'S why 'SO many PEOPLE' - HATE it! Because PEOPLES' lives, are "BUILT, on DECEPTION, LIES! - and ILLUSIONS". And the TESTIMONY, of JESUS CHRIST the Lord - EXPOSES! - "the SAND", that everyone is SINKING in. THANKS BE to the Most High TRUE God, for THAT! And thanks be to the Most High TRUE God, for OFFERING "a LIFELINE", of TRUTH! - of "PURE, UN-adulterated, UN-watered down, UN-filtered, Truth"! (May 31, 2017 update)
“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord? For you alone are holy. All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.” (Revelations 15:14)
“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” (-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012)
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, as a testimony to all nations; and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14)
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