Thursday, February 8, 2018

THE TWO WITNESSES - "I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."

"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."

 and The Book of Revelations Chapter 11

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, unless otherwise stated.
Scripture passages taken from The Bible are in purple font.)

“I warn every one who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if any one adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if any one takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.” 
(Revelations 22:18-19)

NOTE: What this means, is if you add 'any human understanding' to the words; or if you take away from the True meaning - that has been revealed by the True Holy Spirit of the Most High True God, then there are indeed Eternal consequences, waiting for you.

A Just Decree from Jesus Christ the Lord: For all those who call you, such vile names, My children, will have 'a heavy price to pay' - both in this life, and in the next. Because to call you both, such vile names, as have been written; and ones, that I hear, coming, from their hearts, is to be, 'at enmity, with Me'. And they are calling Me, those names. And those people, are using, their voices, to communicate 'the will - of the demons they embrace'. All those, who do such things, will feel 'immediate consequences' - from this moment forward. They can still choose to repent, and reconcile with Me, and My Two Witnesses. But enough is enough! - My children. They're forcing Me to act against them, in an even stronger way.
(-Jesus Wednesday, December 11, 2013) 

Question: "Are you claiming that you are the two witnesses of God
according to the book of Revelation 11:3?
If so, what proof do you have for such a claim?"

Answer: "Pick a verse, pick any verse, and click on the link"

The Book of Revelations - Chapter 11

Rev 11:3 “And I will grant my two witnesses power to prophesy for one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.”
Rev 11:4 “These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands which stand before the Lord of the earth.”

Rev 11:5 “And if any one would harm them, fire pours from their mouth and consumes their foes; if any one would harm them, thus he is doomed to be killed.”

Rev 11:6 “They have power to shut up the sky, that no rain may fall during the days of their prophesying, and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to afflict the earth with every plague, as often as they desire.” 

Rev 11:7 “And when they have finished their testimony, the beast that ascends from the bottomless pit will make war upon them and conquer them and kill them.”

Rev 11:8 “And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which is allegorically called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was crucified.” 

Rev 11:9 “For three days and a half men from the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations gaze at their dead bodies and refuse to let them be placed in a tomb.”

Rev 11:10 “And those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them and make merry and exchange presents, because these two prophets had been a torment to those who dwell on the earth.”

Rev 11:11 “But after the three and a half days a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood up on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them.”

Rev 11:12 “Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here!”  And in the sight of their foes they went up to heaven in a cloud.”

Rev 11:13 “And at that hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell; seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the rest were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.”

Rev 11:3  “And I will grant my two witnesses power to prophesy for one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.”

“My Two Witnesses, wield ‘Power from on High’, to silence the demons, and the evil ones of this era; to suffer not physical death but an interior agony which is comparable to it; to not be ‘hidden’ forever, but to be publicly announced, as the announcement of My Second Coming – to the World: for as this happens, the ‘Spirit of Elijah and Moses’ will enter into them, and they will preach, and do wonders, throughout the nations. But most importantly: will call down My Justice upon the antichrist and his entire kingdom; will make war with the antichrist and his followers and win; will declare to the nations the true identity of the antichrist; and will tell the people not to worship him – for he, is ‘a fraud’, and ‘a manipulator of the masses’.”
(-Jesus, Sunday December 18, 2011)

"For I am the Judge of this World, and I have sent out My Two Witnesses, to prophesy against the wicked, of this evil generation of souls... And now, My Two Witnesses, speak on behalf of Me, as I spoke on behalf of My Father who is in Heaven."  
(-Jesus, Tuesday, April 3, 2012)

“What I want, from all, of My followers: sackcloth and ashes - self-denial; self-sacrifice; and true poverty.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, November 1, 2012)

 “I am warning, the people, of this generation, that My Two Witnesses are here, and have been here, for a few years now... I suggest you all ‘get your houses in order’.  Make amends.  Put ‘sackcloth’ on in your hearts.  See yourselves as ‘worthy of the death penalty’, and perhaps I will show Mercy.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, April 3, 2012)
“Therefore wait for me,” says the Lord, “for the day when I arise as a witness. For my decision is to gather nations, to assemble kingdoms, to pour out upon them my indignation, all the heat of my anger; for in the fire of my jealous wrath all the earth shall be consumed."
(Zephaniah 3:8)
Jesus Christ the Lord said: I AM "a Witness" to what this Most WICKED Generation has BECOME!  And I WILL! - "pour out My Indignation, AND Wrath; and 'FIERCE Anger' - upon ALL! - the Nations".  And THEY will ALL, KNOW, that I AM the Lord GOD - and THERE, shall be 'NO, other GODS', before Me.

Important clarification note: And so, IS Jesus "a Witness"?  Because Peter and Mary Romanus are "one flesh", through a Blessed Marriage, they actually count as "ONE".  Remember, we hinted at the Mystery of "the SECOND Blessed Trinity", some time ago.  In other words, "it's a MYSTERY".  So DON'T, 'expect' to understand it.  (April 23, 2017 update)

Rev 11:4  “These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands which stand before the Lord of the earth.”  

“The olive branch symbolizes where My Word is being spoken.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, July 13, 2011) 

“For the ‘two witnesses’, are two lampstands are they not? – That is, they are you and My ‘Spirit of prophecy’, working through your wife... and the “two witnesses”, are in reference, to ‘two lampstands’ – to ‘two olive trees’.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, January 28, 2012)

“My Two Witnesses are here.  They are My Beacons of Light, during this coming ‘carnage’.  They will help you endure through their prayers, and through My website – for a time.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, May 6, 2012)

“My children, people should have known, that I would come, in the form, of a servant – to serve others: Truth, Justice, and Peace.  People should know by now how I operate; and that My Two Witnesses would come in like manner: not ‘in a palace’, with riches; not, enveloped in some ‘spiritual light bulb’; and not ‘coming down from the Heavens’; but as two humble servants – wanting nothing more, than to serve their Creator.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, August 21, 2012)

“I gave a Warning…The Warning: was that if churches, refused to repent, and ‘turn back’, to ‘the first love’, in the beginning… that I would come, and remove ‘the lampstand’.  Now ‘the lampstand’, is symbolic, for ‘My Anointed One’, and ‘My Counsel moving through My Anointed One’.  ‘The Light’ given off by ‘the Lampstand’ – the Flame: is the True Holy Spirit moving through My Word being spoken.  Now I have removed ‘My Lampstand’ from all the churches; and there are only Two ‘Lampstands’ on the Face of the Earth – where My word is being spoken; where the brilliance of the True Holy Spirit, is ‘blazing like a Fire’; where ‘My Anointed Ones’ are – My Two Witnesses are , these ‘Lampstands’.  They are also, My Olive Trees; and they stand before Me: burning, with the Fire, of True Love, in the True Holy Spirit.  And My word is being exalted through them – through: My Testimony – to be, ‘a Light, to all, of the Nations – round about.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, November 14, 2012)

“I desire, that people, from All the Nations round about, would partake, of ‘the Olive Branches’ extended – through My Two Witnesses; through My online Testimony.  For it is ‘a very bad idea’, to hate them; and in doing so hate Me.  Better, to repent, and be filled with the True Holy Spirit; than reject these words, and be ‘desolate’!  Because, you are ‘desolate’ now – until you receive: The New Pentecost in your hearts.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, November 14, 2012) 
Rev 11:5  “And if any one would harm them, fire pours from their mouth and consumes their foes; if any one would harm them, thus he is doomed to be killed.”
“Yes you will be hated by everyone; but that is your cross – to share in My suffering, of being abandoned, by all.  This is your vocation.  Accept it.  Live it to the fullest.” 
(-Jesus, Sunday, January 23, 2011)  (Editor's note: Many people who have researched the Two Witnesses, have concluded, that they will be hated by all.)

“You will hear and see people who are actively against you; but in taking you both on, they are taking on the Holy of Holies."
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 8, 2012)

“You are My Two Witnesses My children and you are about to witness: much devastation.  But you will be well protected, and no evil will harm you physically, and that is why you will be hated, all the more.” 
(-Jesus, Friday, September 7, 2012)

“My Two Witnesses are here to help, and they are called to have the same kind of compassion that I have for souls.  But when I, and they see that the souls, are refusing to be helped – Then Justice comes down!  Then the Hammer comes down! – Only to snap the souls out of their false realities; or to allow the souls to grow in bitterness in being punished.  For ‘fire’ does pour forth from their mouths, so that their foes are ‘utterly consumed’.”
(-Jesus, Monday March 12, 2012)
“Behold, I am making my words in your mouth a fire, and this people wood, and the fire shall devour them.” 
(Jeremiah 5:14b)

“You are called to have faith without seeing; and you know My Messengers, by their fruits.  For what pours forth from their mouths will consume this wicked generation, as it is the ‘Fire of Truth’, coming forth from Me. So you need to choose, My People – in every moment: where you want your eternity – to be.”
(-Jesus, Friday, March 16, 2012)

“My Two Witnesses, speak on behalf of Me, as I spoke on behalf of My Father who is in Heaven”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, April 3, 2012)

“Instead of literal fire coming down from Heaven, My Judgment upon the wicked is this: The clock is ticking down, so they must ‘seek to repent’, or ‘have their wills forever fixed’.  Destruction, mayhem, chaos, is all about to befall the World; there is nothing here worth holding on to.  The pain coming is worse than anything anyone can possibly imagine.  Tribulation has begun on a spiritual level but is about to manifest – physically.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, April 24, 2012)

“For you are going to be ‘purified through fire’ My people.  First the Fire of Truth, pouring forth from My Mouth, to ‘consume’ the wicked ones – of this generation.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, July 5, 2012)

“I told them: “fire pours forth – from your mouths to consume your foes” – and your foes, are My foes My children.  And the truth is: that these souls are being ‘consumed’, by ‘an internal fire’, that won’t be put out, by ‘any amount of prayer’, or supplication.  I, Myself, will decide, when each soul has had ‘enough’.”  
(-Jesus, Sunday, October 28, 2012)

“Truly it is going forth.  For it is My word. I desire, that people, from All the Nations round about, would partake, of ‘the Olive Branches’ extended – through My Two Witnesses; through My online Testimony.  For it is ‘a very bad idea’, to hate them; and in doing so hate Me.  Better, to repent, and be filled with the True Holy Spirit; than reject these words, and be ‘desolate’!  Because, you are ‘desolate’ now – until you receive: The New Pentecost in your hearts.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, November 14, 2012)

“I prayed; and I called out – to the Lord Most High True God… Immediately fire came down – from the Heavens, in the form of ‘a lightning bolt’… Now ‘literal fire’, does not come down, ‘from the Heavens’ – in this time.  But ‘what happened back then’, - in ‘my time’ – during, that ‘incident’, was simply an allegory, for ‘the Fire of Truth’ – pouring forth from your mouths, ‘to consume your foes’.  As ‘the wicked are slain’! – by ‘the Word’, of the Most High True God’s: Testimony.”
(-Elijah, Tuesday, December 11, 2012)

“And I Prophesy, to all the people, on the Face of the Earth: that they are going to be treated like the wood, that the Most High True God kindled! – with ‘fire, from Heaven’ - by the Two, Witnesses, asking the Most High True God, for His Justice! – to rain down, upon, the Earth.”
(-Elijah, Tuesday, December 11, 2012)

One thing that Jesus Christ the Lord explained to us, from His Throne in Heaven, in late November 2013, is a more specific explanation, of what "the fire" is. Jesus explained that the fire is 'a curse', sent from God, to all those who would 'take on' His Two Witnesses. And 'the curse', is this: that the demons afflicting the person taking on His Two Witnesses, are allowed to convince the person, that in taking on the Two Witnesses, somehow, 'the spiritual flames' they are experiencing, will be lessened (as a reward of sorts) - when IN FACT, they are 'tricked', into turning against, their ONLY HOPE of salvation - 'THE ANTIDOTE', to 'the mark of the beast' that they need, because they CANNOT enter the Kingdom of Heaven, without using it.
"You can KEEP, 'extending the OLIVE Branch', TO them - and the more, they 'RESIST' - the more 'FIRE', they stoke, for THEMSELVES! - 'the FIRES of purification'.  OR! - 'the Fire, of the ETERNAL Wrath, of God the ALMIGHTY and Eternal Father in Heaven'."  (April 21, 2017 update)

"Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them on the day of the wrath of the Lord. In the fire of his jealous wrath, all the earth shall be consumed; for a full, yes, sudden end he will make of all the inhabitants of the earth."
(Zephaniah 1:18)

Rev 11:6  “They have power to shut up the sky, that no rain may fall during the days of their prophesying, and they have power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to afflict the earth with every plague, as often as they desire.”   

“It is, for those, ‘that stubbornly refuse My Graces’, that the Doors to Heaven, will be shut to.  It is those, who knowing, with full knowledge, of their consents, choose ‘to embrace wickedness’, that the Doors of Heaven are shut to.  It is, for those, ‘who seek to profit, from another man’s hurt’, that the doors of Heaven are shut to; for those, ‘who rejoice, in evil, and their brother’s pain’, that the Doors of Heaven, are shut to.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, April 1, 2012)

“Get ready My children, to call down ‘My Plagues’, upon the Face of this Earth.  Yes, it really is this bad.  Life, for the people of this World, is about to drastically change.  It started, within My Church, then moved, to the various institutions.  And now, ‘Fire’, goes forth, to ‘set ablaze’ this Earth – which is the Fire of My words, going out, for all the Nations.” 
(-Jesus, Saturday, May 5, 2012)

“For they, can strike the Earth, with any plague that they desire, as often as they desire”.  But the ‘puzzle pieces’ people are missing, is that My Two Witnesses, desire, My Will be done!  These are the End Times My children, and ‘things’, are different now.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, May 5, 2012)

“You are My Two Witnesses.  And you have consecrated this year, to My Divine Justice.  And My Wrath is enkindled against: The Earth…”
(Friday, September 21, 2012)

As of November 28, 2013, the sky's are no longer shut up.  The Graces are flowing once again.  It is now the time of 'The New Pentecost'. The True Holy Spirit of the Most High True God, is now being poured out upon everyone who uses the Blessed Holy Water, that is made available by reading the instructions on this website.

Rev 11:7  “And when they have finished their testimony, the beast that ascends from the bottomless pit will make war upon them and conquer them and kill them.”

“Though the world is cursing you, no harm will come to the both of you.  If all the enemy can do is vent, then the battle, is almost over.  With his hundred year reign, now ceasing, he doesn’t have much to do; but, to express his rage and anger, towards what he has lost.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, November 13, 2011)

“I am warning, the people, of this generation, that My Two Witnesses are here, and have been here, for a few years now.  They are about to finish their Testimony.  You know where that is in the Book of Revelations. I suggest you all 'get your houses in order'...”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, April 3, 2012) 

“The whole ‘point, of the Testimony’… is to show, all of Heaven… that were I to ‘Come Back’… and ‘give people… ‘the recipe for Salvation’… that ‘they would not ‘be interested’ – in My offerings for their souls… The Testimony is… ‘the formula for salvation’.  And it [was] given – in ‘this time’, where ‘no one is able to receive’ (- save the two of you), save the children.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, December 13, 2012)

“My Two Witnesses, wield ‘Power from on High’, to silence the demons, and the evil ones of this era; to suffer not physical death but an interior agony which is comparable to it.”
(-Jesus, Sunday December 18, 2011)

EACH Member of the FAITHFUL Remnant, WILL! - be transformed - OVER time - EITHER, by 'the WORDS, of the KING of Heaven; OR, by the words, of "the king, of the BOTTOMLESS pit!"  "Bottomless PIT"?... of LIES!  So WE, suggest, that YOU lift up to 'the Most High TRUE God', ALL the poison, that the DEVIL has 'sown, in your SOUL' - since FINDING the Testimony; and TRADE it all! - for the TRANSFORMING, SAVING Truths, from HEAVEN! - from Jesus Christ the LORD.  (April 11, 2017 update)

Rev 11:8  “And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which is allegorically called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was crucified.”

“See ‘through Heaven’s eyes’: why ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’ must be destroyed.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, November 25, 2010)

“The world today, is like: three thousand Sodom and Gomorrahs.  Sodom and Gomorrah were very large cities – filled with much wealth, and influential people.  But they did horrendous evils and abominations in the sight – of God; and so: they were punished severely, so as to be destroyed from the face of the earth.”
(-Pope Peter the First, Saturday, March 3, 2012)

“All of them have become like Sodom to me, and its inhabitants like Gomorrah”
(Jeremiah 23:14b) 

“This World, is ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’ to Me...  For ‘the wicked’ are going to perish – by fire, My children.   Just like I ‘consumed the wicked’, of Sodom and Gomorrah, and only saved those who were ‘willing to be saved’...  I ‘am doing so’ again.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, November 24, 2012)

“There are many ‘pharaohs’ in this World, My children, not just the ones that you know of; but ‘pharaoh syndrome’, is becoming a very widely dispersed disease upon mankind.  My hope for Pharaoh, was that he would repent in time; but he did not, until he himself was hurt the most.”
(-God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven, Sunday June 27, 2010)

“Rest in peace My children.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, June 19, 2012)  

Rev 11:9  “For three days and a half men from the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations gaze at their dead bodies and refuse to let them be placed in a tomb.”

“And then, you will have The Great Warning experience, as everyone else does, and truly you need not be afraid of it, for your past lives are forgotten, for indeed are you not dead to hundreds of people?”
(-Saint John the Apostle, Thursday, July 21, 2011)

“Because, you have the light, of Faith, and ‘Divine Life’, flowing through your veins; because, you are being nurtured, on a daily basis, with My words of Truth, and Life, and with My Own Flesh and Blood - the attacks have increased, once again.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, May 3, 2012) 

“You yourselves are now: in your ‘cave’; in your ‘tomb’ – ‘completely dead’ to the World.  But even as the World, sees you all, as ‘dead’, you are ‘living’.”
(-Jesus, Friday, November 16, 2012)

Rev 11:10  “And those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them and make merry and exchange presents, because these two prophets had been a torment to those who dwell on the earth.”

“My Two Holy Prophets – “Holy” in the sense that you are both sinners, striving for holiness.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, June 30, 2011)  

“But they will rejoice and make merry, as they have been for some time – over your “dead bodies”.
(-Saint John the Apostle, Thursday, July 21, 2011)

“She can not get rid, of the torments, she is now experiencing… Because, she bore: false witness, against the both of you, against ‘your honor’, hers, will be ‘a heavy Judgment’.  For what is coming to the World, is so terrible, My children; and she, is one of many who will experience it… In desiring you both to be ‘a scapegoat’, for her guilty conscience, she has only allowed more demons into her soul - to reign there.” 
(-Jesus, Friday, May 4, 2012)

Rev 11:11  “But after the three and a half days a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood up on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them.”

“A few days, is a few months, for Heaven”
(-Saint John the Apostle, Thursday, July 21, 2011)

“Have courage My brother for I will put into you a fearlessness that has never been, since Moses approached Pharaoh – It is that simple.  I have: decrees and laws to pass, on to My elect; and no one on Earth is listening to Me, but you – because I have given you authority, over all things, in Heaven, on the Earth, and under the Earth.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 7, 2012)

“You are about to ‘rise from the dead’ My children.  For these past four or five years, you truly have been dead to them.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 8, 2012)

 “...afraid, to proclaim, ‘uncomfortable truths’, and revelations – to the people, to their neighbors.”
(-Jesus, Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013)

Rev 11:12  “Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here!”  And in the sight of their foes they went up to heaven in a cloud.”  

“As on Mount Sinai, I spoke to Moses in the burning bush, I now speak to you both.”
(-Jesus, Sunday May 16, 2010)
“After this I looked, and behold, in heaven an open door!  And the first voice, which I had heard speaking to me like a trumpet, said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this”
(Revelations 4:1)

“‘Come up hither’,I say, to My Two Witnesses.  But what does this mean?...  It means that I have chosen to reveal Myself – to ‘appear transfigured’ before you: My children, so that you may ‘come to know’ the secrets of My heart; and understand ‘the visions’, for ‘the time of the End.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, November 15, 2012)

“It is not an easy task, being My ‘Two Witnesses’, being My ‘Two Lampstands’, My ‘Two Patriots’: patriots - not of this World, but of the Next; and ‘Ambassadors - sent from Above’.  Though you live here, your true home is in Heaven, with Me.  Though your bodies are walking this Earth, I pray that you will not have to traverse it much longer, but instead, will be ‘whisked from here’ - to a better place.” 
(-Jesus, Wednesday February 2, 2011)

Rev 11:13  “And at that hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell; seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the rest were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.”

“The Judgment has been passed; ‘the Schism’, has begun”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, November 2, 2010)

“Rome, and the Vatican, will fall, with cracked walls, everywhere.  No stone will be left unturned, upon the other, and all will weep and mourn for that great city: for Babylon the Great has fallen, and all will weep and mourn, with a mourning that will last – a lifetime”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, April 7, 2010)

“'The Madrid Fault line’, is the next to be hit, followed by ‘the California Quake’.  The divide going down ‘The Mississippi River’, will be Great – “as large as the Grand Canyon”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, March 21, 2012)

The Two Witnesses are Here - if you reject them You reject Salvation

Easter Friday, April 5, 2013 

When Jesus Sent out the Disciples, two by two, what does the Bible say, was the First thing the Disciples did?  “They went out and preached that men should repent” [Mark 6:7-12].  And Jesus told them, that if the people refused to hear, their message, that there would be – made manifest, “a Testimony, against them” (Mark 6:7-11). 
Now, in these End Times, the call to repent, has been proclaimed from the Heavens - for many years; but the people are not listening; they refuse, to hear.  For indeed, these are the times, spoken of by the prophet Amos.  We are in a time of Famine – “a famine of hearing the words of the Lord” [Amos 8:11].  And so, the Most High True God, Has now sent His Two Witnesses, with a Testimony, to the Nations.  Jesus explains this in the Book of Revelations: [“But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember then from what you have fallen, repent and do the works you did at first.  If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent.” (Revelations 2:4-5)]

Jesus said: “I gave a Warning…The Warning: was that if churches, refused to repent, and ‘turn back’, to ‘the first love’, in the beginning… that I would come, and remove ‘the lampstand’. [Revelations 2:4-5]  Now ‘the lampstand’, is symbolic, for ‘My Anointed One’, and ‘My Counsel moving through My Anointed One’…  Now I have removed ‘My Lampstand’ from all the churches; and there are only Two ‘Lampstands’ on the Face of the Earth – where My word is being spoken; where the brilliance of the True Holy Spirit, is ‘blazing like a Fire’; where ‘My Anointed Ones’ are – My Two Witnesses are , these ‘Lampstands’.  They are also, My Olive Trees; and they stand before Me: burning, with the Fire, of True Love, in the True Holy Spirit.  And My word is being exalted through them – through: My Testimony – to be, ‘a Light, to all, of the Nations – round about… “I desire, that people, from All the Nations round about, would partake, of ‘the Olive Branches’ extended – through My Two Witnesses; through My online Testimony.  For it is ‘a very bad idea’, to hate them; and in doing so hate Me. Better, to repent, and be filled with the True Holy Spirit; than reject these words, and be ‘desolate’!  Because, you are ‘desolate’ now – until you receive: The New Pentecost in your hearts.” (-Jesus, Wednesday, November 14, 2012)

Now that being said, if you read the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, you can receive the outpouring of the True Holy Spirit, the New Pentecost, spoken of by Jesus Christ the Lord.  You can receive the New Pentecost, and experience the fullness of it, within minutes.  It only takes a docile, humble, and repentant heart.

But, let’s be honest here: Almost none, of you people, watching this video, are going to do that, now are you.  And why?   Because you are so… full!

Jesus said: “The whole ‘point, of the Testimony’… is to show, all of Heaven… that were I to ‘Come Back’… and ‘give people… ‘the recipe for Salvation’… that ‘they would not ‘be interested’ – in My offerings for their souls… The Testimony is… ‘the formula for salvation’.  And it (was) given – in ‘this time’, where ‘no one is able to receive’ (- save the two of you), save the children.” [-Jesus, Thursday, December 13, 2012]

Jesus said: “Behold, I send, My messenger, to prepare your hearts, and souls, for what is coming to the Face of the Earth! – and, what is here, now.  But you will not receive him.  Because he was sent: by Me.  You do not know him.  But, he knows Me.  And I have sent him, to you, with messages, after messages, after messages – with the truth, to proclaim, to all the nations. He acknowledges Me as Lord and King – of the Universe!  But you people, do not: recognize, your Creator.  Because you will not listen, to My words… Hear My words!  Listen.  And do them!  And salvation, can become yours.  But unless, you do, what I ask from you, in each, and every moment – unless you follow My Commandments (in your hearts); unless you begin to worship: the Most High True God – that I am! – My people, then you can not, and will not enter: into, My Eternal Rest, for your souls.” [-Jesus, Wednesday, October 24, 2012]

Sadly, right now, almost no one is receiving the Testimony.  And many people, are finding out at the end of their mortal lives, each day, that the Doors to Heaven, are closed.  Jesus explains.

Jesus said: “It is, for those, ‘that stubbornly refuse My Graces’, that the Doors to Heaven, will be shut to… The Doors of Heaven are only open to those souls, who will respond to the Graces being given to them – who desire ‘to seek in order to find’, who desire ‘to knock in order for the Door to be opened’, who desire ‘to ask, in order to receive’, so that their joy may be full.” [-Jesus, Sunday, April 1, 2012]

But unfortunately, when most people see or hear the Testimony, of the Two Witnesses, it is rejected.  And that, is the sin of blasphemy.

Jesus said: “Whoever, ‘blasphemes’, My words, and My Testimony’, will not, enter, the Kingdom, of Heaven! – will not ‘enter, into Eternal Rest’; but will, be ‘blotted out’, of the Book, of Life!  For any ‘sin’, can be forgiven, but who ever sins, against the True Holy Spirit, will never, be forgiven.” [-Jesus, Thursday March 21, 2013]  

And why is that? The reason they can never be forgiven, is because, when a person, judges the Words, of their Creator, as being “evil”, how can they then turn, to what they consider, “an evil”, in order, to be Saved?  They can not!  And so, ‘blasphemy’, drives ‘a Wedge’, between the sinner, and ‘their (Creator who is their) only Hope, of Salvation’.

So many people, in these End times, sing about walking by faith, and not by sight.  But sadly, when they see the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, they prefer to forget their faith altogether, and they prefer to be blind.  Perhaps the people of this generation, need a quick lesson on faith.

Jesus said:  “What is faith, My children, but a desire that is given – as a gift from Heaven: a strong desire, to believe, all the truths, that I have revealed – whether it be through Holy Scripture, or through My Testimony, or through My Two Witnesses. Faith is what keeps the consciences of souls: alive, and awake.  But it is a gift, that must be asked for.  And I only give this gift to souls, who seek repentance, from the heart.  Otherwise, My words seem irrelevant, and make no sense to them.”  [-Jesus, Saturday, September 22, 2012] (Sound familiar?)

So without repentance, faith is lost.  Because the Most High True God, will not bless people, who believe that they can sin, without consequences.  This world is now full, of unrepentant people with no faith, in Jesus Christ the Lord.

Jesus said: “And so, they have filled themselves, with everything! – but Me!  And they, have ‘drowned, My Voice’, with ‘the flood’, of their ‘own imaginations’, and distractions; but they are still responsible - and that, is what is sad – because they are so filled, with the World.  And they have conformed to it, and they have ‘become one’ with it.  Therefore, they are cut-off, from Me.  Even the children, who have reached, ‘the age of reason’ – are cut-off, from Me -because, I am ‘impartial’.”  [-Jesus, Monday, March 25, 2013]

Jesus said: “I have proclaimed you both to be My Two Witnesses, to the people.  And they have rejected My messages over, and over, and over again.  How much more can I do for them, My children?... People, were expecting the Two Witnesses to arrive: in glory and in splendor - as they expected Me to appear as king, and ‘ruler over all of the Earth’.  But My children, people should have known, that I would come, in the form, of a servant – to serve others: Truth, Justice, and Peace.  People should know by now how I operate; and that My Two Witnesses would come in like manner: not ‘in a palace’, with riches; not, enveloped in some ‘spiritual light bulb’; and not ‘coming down from the Heavens’; but as two humble servants – wanting nothing more, than to serve their Creator.” [-Jesus, Tuesday, August 21, 2012]

Jesus said: “You, are responsible for what you know – before Me; and what you have been given; is different from what others have been given.  Each measure of knowledge a person receives from Me, is what they will be judged upon, So if you know in your heart who is ministering to you, and if you reject, He who sent him – if you reject, the Truth, from My messenger, then you reject Me also, in that moment.” [-Jesus, February 20, Monday, 2012]

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, unless otherwise stated.
Scripture passages taken from The Bible are in purple font.)

“Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: “I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god.  Who is like me?  Let him proclaim it, let him declare and set it forth before me.  Who has announced from of old the things to come?  Let them tell us what is yet to be.  Fear not, nor be afraid; have I not told you from of old and declared it?  And you are my witnesses!  Is there a God besides me?  There is no Rock; I know not any.”
(Isaiah 44:6-8) 


“My closeness to you, My children, is unlike that of the other people for you are My Own Flesh and Blood.  I know this is hard for you to receive, and understand, but you will receive and understand, more deeply, during the coming, of the Second Pentecost, which is My Great Warning.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, January 23, 2010)


“You are My Two Witnesses.  Many out there will claim to be My Two Witnesses, but if they do not oppose antichrists, and bring down ‘hell’s kingdom’ through the spoken Truth – who I am, then they are nothing but frauds and liars.  Remember that satan cannot cast out satan.  Continue to oppose ‘the antichrists’ of this World and fill yourselves not with worldly things, but Heavenly Gifts and Virtues so you will have the necessary strength and gifts to oppose him and them, and then I will be with you through all of the showdowns, that will happen in the near future.”
(-Jesus, March 4, 2010)


“Your lives are not like others’ lives.  You are called to be in the World, but apart from it, set aside, as My True brother and sister, and as My Two Witnesses.  Never doubt your True identities, even though you are human, and make many mistakes, and commit many sins, frequently... See Me, in one another, always.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, September 22, 2010)


“You two have been chosen as My “two witnesses”, and My ‘two intercessors’, on behalf of all the Faithful Remnant Church.  When people begin to deluge you, or unburden their lives, upon you – then only lift up to Me everything, that they have placed upon you; and I will lift it up to the Father; and He will answer their prayers, accordingly.  Sometimes people will just feel the need, to ‘dump’ on you both – to vent their anger and frustration.  It is because you are so close to Me, My children, that they will do this – for some of them, are yearning for Me, and Our Blessed Mother, though they do not know it, through you both.  It is what I can see – that truly counts.” 
(-Jesus, Wednesday, October 20, 2010)


“I am very displeased with her ‘choice of action’ against My Two Anointed ones, and this shall be a lesson for all, who come up against you: because she showed no mercy, I can show her no Mercy, at her Judgment, though it is a small thing for her, it is not so small a thing, to slight, My Two Witnesses.  Do not worry, My children, because what happens to her will be, in effect, what happens to the satanic army, and all those who come up against you – they will simply lose their power to choose, and become like beasts.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, December 21, 2010)


“Love, never ends.  Anything, is possible, with God, My children, for indeed, He made ‘the entire Universe’.  Can he not also dwell within two souls, in a very unique way?  Can God’s Eucharistic Presence, not enter into, and be with, His Two Witnesses – His True brother and sister?”
(-Jesus, Sunday, January 2, 2011)


“You are experiencing the fruits of ‘a Blessed Marriage’.  All of Heaven, looks down upon you both with compassion, for what you must endure, in this sick, depraved, and very demented society.  You will be battling other couples, in the future.  Be a beacon of light for them, so when they look at you, they see a reflection of the Holy Family, and how marriage is supposed to be.  Strive to be fulfilled in the Love which you share with one another – Which is Me, My children.  I am that Love.”
(-Jesus, Monday January 3, 2011)


“Peter, you are My Rock, and upon you, I will continue to build, My Faithful Remnant Church.  You are My True Pope…  Mary, you represent My True Church, called to be faithful, docile, and obedient, to Me, through your husband.  So love one another, as I have loved you, as I rejoice in the arms, and the heart, of My Bride, so too must you, My son.  And as My True Church submits to Me, everything, so must you do likewise, My child.  You both are ‘walking allegories’, or metaphors, of the Truth, that I have revealed to My Faithful Remnant Followers – to My Holy Apostles.  There is a reason I had the Church, focus on its identity as My bride, and I as its Groom.  You both are ‘far from perfect’, and I am not here to condemn you, but challenge you to be who I made you to be: ‘symbolic instruments’ of, My True Church, and My love for her, and her for Me.  Yes you will be hated by everyone; but that is your cross – to share in My suffering, of being abandoned, by all.  This is you vocation.  Accept it.  Live it to the fullest.  And you both will become enamored in My love for your souls - that these problems, and challenges, and yes, even inconveniences, will not matter any more.  For what will truly matter to you both, is only doing the Eternal Father’s Will and Pleasure and that is the secret - therein, you will find Eternal Happiness.  My strength in life, came from ‘seeking, God the Eternal Father’s Will’.  It was ‘thoughts of His love, for Me’, and ‘My love, for Him’, and ‘Our love, for mankind’, that kept me moving forward - all the way to Mount Calvary.  So too is it to be the same for you both.  Share in Our Love more deeply, and be ‘more happy’.”
(-Jesus, Sunday January 23, 2011)


“It is not an easy task, being My ‘Two Witnesses’, being My ‘Two Lampstands’, My ‘Two Patriots’: patriots - not of this World, but of the Next; and ‘Ambassadors - sent from Above’.  Though you live here, your true home is in Heaven, with Me.  Though your bodies are walking this Earth, I pray that you will not have to traverse it much longer, but instead, will be ‘whisked from here’ - to a better place.” 
(-Jesus, Wednesday February 2, 2011)


“I prophesy to you both, that during your last few days here, on this Earth, you will witness much suffering (– a few days, is a few months, for Heaven), and then, you will have The Great Warning experience, as everyone else does, and truly you need not be afraid of it, for your past lives are forgotten, for indeed are you not dead to hundreds of people?  So therefore it will not be a great loss to them, when you enter your cave; but they will rejoice and make merry, as they have been for some time – over your “dead bodies”.  I can see the Book of Revelations unfolding as a Script before Me, just as I had written many thousands of years ago, and I can tell you, the things I saw – in the visions...”
(-Saint John the Apostle, July 21, 2011)  


“Keep on working, on the Testimony, of the Two Witnesses My children, because it needs to be uncovered –soon.  These words need to be brought to the light, for what the Archdiocese, has been sitting on – for quite sometime, is about to become ‘burning, coals beneath them’.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, January 24, 2012)


“Binding and loosing, is what the ‘two witnesses’ do, My children, and I hear all of your prayers, and grant them according to the desires of My heart.  Most of your prayers are in accordance with the desires of My heart, My children.  For now you do not understand why I am bringing this up to you, but you will – soon.”
(-Jesus, Saturday January 28, 2012)


“Let him who has an ear, hear what the True Holy Spirit is saying, to all of the churches.  Indeed the Book of Revelations has been opened – has been revealed, to the both of you; for I have put My understanding, into your mind, and My Will into your hearts, so that therefore: you could understand, all of the great mysteries hidden, in the book.” 
(-Jesus, Monday, January 30, 2012) 


“Therefore, I send My Two Witnesses out with the Testimony for the Churches, that all might know: I am the Lord Thy God, and Thou Shalt have No other Gods before Me.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, January 31, 2012)


“The ‘first watch’ is over now; the ‘second watch’ is beginning; and the ‘third watch’ is the finale.  They missed Me at My ‘first coming’.  I have come again through you both – There’s only one more time left… This is My Second Coming and people had better wake up!” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 7, 2012)


“You will learn, who the true people are, and who the false ones present themselves to be; for I have given you both a discerning heart, so that, you can read people’s: motives, intentions, and hearts.  They will not be able to get away with much, and you will be able to answer others: quite frankly.  I have been emphasizing telling the truth ‘in plain form’, because certain people will be able to receive.  The allegory, is for people, who are seeking, to know the Truth; and, to confound, the wisdom, of the wise –, which I consider: as foolish.  Remember I told you, that My words, are a stumbling block, to the enemy, of souls, because he does not see the full meaning – but I do.  And those who are in the True Holy Spirit: will know what this Testimony means; will know, what the release of this information, will mean, for the church; will know, that a ‘Schism’ has been declared.  Because I can reach people through My words My children; you merely hear them and write them down.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, February 12, 2012)


“My Two Witnesses are here to help you in any way that they can.  But first and foremost, they are under My Divine Authority, as you are as well – when you choose to cooperate with the graces being poured.  Know that any time you feel resistance in your soul, to what they are telling you or to My words – flowing through written messages, that this is an indication, of: a demon surfacing.  Give the evil spirit to Me, and I will take it from you in the moment that you ask.  Mean it with your heart.  Give a hundred percent all of the time, and I will give you back a hundred fold.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 21, 2012)


“You are called to have faith without seeing; and you know My Messengers, by their fruits.  For what pours forth from their mouths will consume this wicked generation, as it is the ‘Fire of Truth’, coming forth from Me.”
(-Jesus, March 16, 2012)


“For I am the Judge of this World, and I have sent out My Two Witnesses, to prophesy against the wicked, of this evil generation of souls; to prophesy against: the churches, for all of their evils, and abominations, in their midst… And now, My Two Witnesses, speak on behalf of Me, as I spoke on behalf of My Father who is in Heaven.  They tell Me of their sorrows, and I hear their lamentations.  I have heard, their outcry, to Me, for what this World has become – as ‘a hole’.  And so, My Justice, has come!  Has been sent out, to the Four Corners of the Earth, so that My Elect, can be separated, from the wicked, of this generation… I am warning, the people, of this generation, that My Two Witnesses are here, and have been here, for a few years now.  They are about to finish their Testimony.  You know where that is in the Book of Revelations.  I suggest you all ‘get your houses in order’.”  
(-Jesus, Tuesday, April 3, 2012)


“My Two Witnesses, are here to help those who want: guidance – who want to know ‘what they need to do’ in order to survive, what is coming.  But My Two Witnesses are also here to punish, and bring down My Wrath upon the Nations – through their own ‘prayer life’; there will be no ‘grandstanding’, no ‘show’ to watch or ‘be entertained’ by.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, April 24, 2012)


“You both are My True Brother and True sister, which is a ‘different vocation’ altogether, because this is part, of your ‘ontology’.  Though you sin, your ultimate destination has been ‘fixed’.  Because you are My Two Witnesses and hated by everyone on the Face of this Earth, and your message will be rejected by many, you need the consolation of knowing: where your True Home is.  But trust Me My children, the adversities that you undergo, on a daily basis, balance out, your consolations in this life.  Keep ‘striving for perfection’, living the Commandments in your hearts always, so that your joy, may be full.”   
(-Jesus, Friday, April 27, 2012)


“Your roles, as My Two Witnesses, are about to change as well.  Remember, I told you, through your own prayer lives, these plagues and disasters would come.  It begins now My children.  Pray then, that the first Plague, fully manifest, according to My Divine Will, and Plan for the human race.  “For they, can strike the Earth, with any plague that they desire, as often as they desire”.  But the ‘puzzle pieces’ people are missing, is that My Two Witnesses, desire, My Will be done!  These are the End Times My children, and ‘things’, are different now.”  
(-Jesus, Saturday, May 5, 2012)


“My Two Witnesses are here.  They are My Beacons of Light, during this coming ‘carnage’.  They will help you endure through their prayers, and through My website – for a time.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, May 6, 2012)


“You both, are My True Prophets, and My Two Witnesses.  And what you are to witness, is the light, going out, in the priests and shepherds, as well as the people.  For where are the True prophets?  Is there anyone else speaking the Truth out there?  Where is the voice of the “Holy Seer?”  And where is True Wisdom?  I am not “a concept” My children.  Though many people treat Me as though I am.  I am not dead.  And I am not “at a distance”, from the peoples’ minds and hearts.  No.  I can see everything.  All the people are behaving as though I do not exist, nor do My words carry any meaning in their hearts.”  
(-Jesus, Monday, May 7, 2012) 


“Pope Benedict is a freemason – one of the highest ranking officials.  Except, he sits, upon a throne, of blood. The blood, of the church, is upon, his hands, for ‘giving-in’ to the freemason agenda, working, in the highest levels of the Vatican.  One, cannot get any higher, than the Pope himself – who is in fact, an antipope. Therefore, he is no longer, My Vicar.  But I have chosen another instead of him.  This vicar is recognized by all of Heaven, by the souls in Purgatory, by Myself, for indeed I am above the Heavens.  He is My True Prince of the Apostles, and he is the last, of the True Popes.  He is, Pope Peter, also known as Petrus Romanus.  And through My messages he will feed his flock, amidst great tribulation and coming, darkness.  He is My Prince, of the Apostles, My Representative.  All those, who are seeking to know, his true identity, I tell you, he is Pope Peter, My final Pope.  All those seeking to know: where, is, Petrus Romanus?  You needn’t look any further, for indeed, you have found him.  And he is one of My Two Witnesses.  Just because you have your scriptures, and some knowledge of revelation, does not mean, that you are able, to recognize, My Vicar and Representative.  When he is speaking, he speaks with authority, that only comes forth, from Me.  The Jewish elders were the ones, who had knowledge of the scriptures and yet, they, were the ones who crucified their Messiah.  Do not make the same mistake as they did.  As I said before, My Two Witnesses are here, to help you.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, June 3, 2012) 

Lilly is a Member of the Faithful Remnant


“What is about to manifest – in a very real way, is no longer just ‘some prophet’s ramblings’.  I hear, your interior lives My people, and I know how you have ‘chosen to respond’, to My Two Ambassadors.  If there was an Embassy in Heaven, then these Two, would be sent, on behalf of Heaven, to make peace, where there is none.  But since, there is no Embassy in Heaven, I have sent My Two Ambassadors, to declare War upon the antichrist, and the One World Government’s Agenda, and to proxy on behalf of Me, to divide hearts and souls - because people must choose.  You must choose, where you stand on this ‘battlefield’.  What team do you all want to be on?  Make your choice, and ‘stick with it’.  For I abhor lukewarmness.  I am not a ‘god of war’, nor a ‘god of peace’.  But I am in these times: The Most High True God of Justice.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, June 6, 2012)


“I am allowing people, to think what they will, and to form ‘judgments upon judgments’.  In fact they are choosing how much they will benefit, from the truths shared.  Most people do not have ‘room for the truth in their lives’, My children, bombarded by falsehoods and false realities, they constantly, rely, upon these, as their entertainment.  The messages I send have an impact in their lives, but, they will not attribute that, to the choices they have made.  Instead they make all sorts of excuses, as to why you both cannot be My Two Witnesses… With no graces to help the people – to wake up, what can they do My children? - for they are helpless… I now give you the grace to recognize, My Two Witnesses.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, July 5, 2012)  


“As for the number of hits on your website My children, that has to do with souls, starting to wake up.  They are starting to realize as they go – to the page, on the Two Witnesses, that there is something ‘supernatural’, about the cohesiveness of the messages, describing your roles – describing how you fit, that description.  Although not everyone believes the messages to be truly from Me, there still are some who are recognizing that the god they have been worshipping, is not the same God you both worship.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, August 4, 2012)


“I have proclaimed you both to be My Two Witnesses, to the people.  And they have rejected My messages over, and over, and over again.  How much more can I do for them, My children?  What other lengths, can I go to?  What extra steps, or measures must I take, in order for them to realize, that they are all living in ‘a dark cloud’ – in false realities?”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, August 21, 2012)


“You know that people call you “crazy” – in their hearts My children, and sometimes, even out loud.  You are mocked and ridiculed – proclaiming to be, My Two Witnesses.  But never, do you truly proclaim this.  For a prophet does not proclaim himself, to be one – unless he is a false prophet.  But I have proclaimed you both to be My Two Witnesses, to the people.  And they have rejected My messages over, and over, and over again.  How much more can I do for them, My children?... People, were expecting the Two Witnesses to arrive: in glory and in splendor - as they expected Me to appear as king, and ‘ruler over all of the Earth’.  But My children, people should have known, that I would come, in the form, of a servant – to serve others: Truth, Justice, and Peace.  People should know by now how I operate; and that My Two Witnesses would come in like manner: not ‘in a palace’, with riches; not, enveloped in some ‘spiritual light bulb’; and not ‘coming down from the Heavens’; but as two humble servants – wanting nothing more, than to serve their Creator.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, August 21, 2012) 


“You are My Two Witnesses My children and you are about to witness: much devastation.  But you will be well protected, and no evil will harm you physically, and that is why you will be hated, all the more.  They did not listen ‘when the wood was green’.  And now they are even worse with ‘the wood dry’.  What, will they be like, when ‘the wood is chopped up and thrown into the fire’?  You are about to see My children.”
(-Jesus, Friday, September 7, 2012) (Editor's note: the "fire" spoken of here, is quite literally, "the fire of Hell")


“Just because thousands of people wake up every day, and do not have the Testimony, in front of them - to reject or adhere to, does not make, your mission as My Two Witnesses, any less, of importance. On the contrary My children: when I traveled, in My First Coming – crowds of people would follow Me, from place, to place.  But I would only go – to the one, whom I was sent to.  I was not, so much interested, in the hundreds of people, who were following Me – ‘out of curiosity’, or because: they wanted ‘their bellies filled’. I had no real relationship, with those people, but they pursued Me anyway.” 
(-Jesus Sunday, September 16, 2012)  


“The faith is, not something that is only acquired part –time.  And souls who have the gift of faith, must fight to keep it, in these times you are living in.  What is faith, My children, but a desire that is given – as a gift from Heaven: a strong desire, to believe, all the truths, that I have revealed – whether it be through Holy Scripture, or through My Testimony, or through My Two Witnesses.  Faith is what keeps the consciences of souls: alive, and awake.  But it is a gift, that must be asked for.  And I only give this gift to souls, who seek repentance, from the heart.  Otherwise, My words seem irrelevant, and make no sense to them.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, September 22, 2012) 


“Many people, know, that it is I speaking.  But, they will, not: acknowledge, that you both are My Two Witnesses.  Therefore they can not benefit, as well as they could be, from My words.  And until, the people acknowledge the truth in their hearts, then the suffering will increase upon the Face of the Whole Earth.” 
(-Jesus, Monday, October 1, 2012)


“You witness how wicked the World has become, and how they have forgotten their Christian roots; and how they prefer their ‘ordinances and statutes and commands’ – instead of Mine.  You see, how they have chosen to be their own judges – stealing Judgment away – from Me; and how they prefer material possessions – above My gifts, and blessings upon their souls.  You see how peoples’ interior lives reflect more of Hell, than of Heaven.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, October 3, 2012) 


“I came as ‘a well-spring of Salvation’ for their souls.  But they would not and could not recognize Me My children, because I was hidden – from their ‘spiritual vision’.  And again, as we talked about “expectations”, I was not what they were expecting.  In their eyes, I was ‘no where near’ the fulfillment, of the prophesies, of the Messiah.  In both cases with regards to Elijah and Myself, we both were seen: as less – by some, than who, we really are.  And it is the same for the both of you.  Except that in these times no miracles, signs, or wonders, will be done – so that the people, may believe. But when ‘My Wonders’, are done, it will be: through My Justice, that “signs” are carried out.”
(-Jesus, Friday, October 5, 2012)  


“When I came the First time My children, I ‘unpacked’ the Old Testament, for the people, so that they may understand their God better; so that they could come closer to knowing Him – that is, their Father in Heaven.  But I knew also when I came the First time, that many souls would choose to ‘interpret My Words’ to suit: their own thinking; and that they would distort them, after many generations.  Now in 2012, I have sent My Two Witnesses – I have sent you both as My Second Coming – to reveal to people once again ‘the Mysteries’, of the Old Testament, and the fulfilling of the New.  Because the New Testament is ‘just as important’, as the Old.  And My Testimony online, is just as important, as the Old and the New combined.  For does not a scribe, take out, from his household: treasures, that are new, and old?  You both are ‘My Scribes’, because, you make ‘a recording’, of all that I say to you – for the people; for the people to benefit from.” 
(-Jesus, Sunday, October 7, 2012) 


“All that is Mine, was given, by the Father.  Indeed all that I have, is His.  For He gave them to Me.  And all that I have, I give to you, My children, that you may declare His Praises, among the peoples.  By teaching them: what is ‘in store’ – for those, who love Me.  For, I take what is Mine, and declare it to you, so that souls, may live.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, October 30, 2012)


“Because you are My Two Witnesses, and these are the End Times, and ‘things are different now’ - I can and will reveal much more to you.  For I told you once before: that I would reveal, the ‘secrets of My Heart’.  Because truly, you are My Own: flesh, and blood; and we are family.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, October 30, 2012) 


“And that is what I want, from all, of My followers: sackcloth and ashes; self-denial; self-sacrifice; and true poverty.  These, things, My Two Witnesses represent – for they are My True Followers; and they have been assured, of their place with Me.  I desire, that all My Followers have this assurance. But right now, they are very, few.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, November 1, 2012) 


“My Two Witnesses are here – not to perform ‘signs and wonders’ – for the whole World to see; but ‘signs and wonders’, will come: ‘the antichrist’ will perform, many of these signs.  But ‘the sign’ that I give to you all (-as I said before), is ‘the sign of Jonah’.  For he was disciplined: when he ran away, from the Truth being spoken, in his ‘interior life’.  It is better to run away and flee, from the Abomination of Desolation, in all of the churches.  And it is better to flee, ‘the Obama Nation’, that is set-up,in, “the white house” - not “white” at all, but “drips with the blood of the innocent” - here, is the leader, that you wanted; instead, of My Laws, and My Commands, and My Love.”  
(-Jesus, Wednesday, November 7, 2012 - U.S. Election Day Results)


“In the beginning of Revelations, it is revealed, that there are ‘Seven Angels’ – with ‘Seven Messages’ – for the churches… These ‘Angels’, represent My word, going out to ‘all the churches’, and all religions, and all of the peoples’ hearts on the Face of the Earth – whether it be through My Testimony, or through their hearts convicted – in their own conscience; for My word is ‘very near’…  I am going to ‘include’, in this message, a list, of the Countries, that have seen My Testimony.  For truly it is going forth.  For it is My word. I desire, that people, from All the Nations round about, would partake, of ‘the Olive Branches’ extended – through My Two Witnesses; through My online Testimony.  For it is ‘a very bad idea’, to hate them; and in doing so hate Me.  Better, to repent, and be filled with the True Holy Spirit; than reject these words, and be ‘desolate’!  Because, you are ‘desolate’ now – until you receive: The New Pentecost in your hearts.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, November 14, 2012) 


“'Come up hither’, I say, to My Two Witnesses.  But what does this mean? – in Revelations 11?  It means that I have chosen to reveal Myself – to ‘appear transfigured’ before you: My children, so that you may ‘come to know’ the secrets of My heart; and understand ‘the visions’, for ‘the time of the End.  Saint John has done his part – in writing it all down.  But I purposely gave him ‘the visions’ – in allegory, so that certain ‘physical things’ – that he saw, could represent, the ‘spiritual realities’ – of the time you are now living in.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, November 15, 2012) 


“Moses, and Elijah, are not coming back!  Now true Christians would understand this – as it is appointed, for every man, to die once.  When, have I ever brought some one, back to life? – and taken them from Heaven, to live on the Earth again?  This, is ‘absolute nonsense’!  Moses, and Elijah, are here with Me; and they are part, of ‘the courtroom’ – in Heaven; and they are listening, to ‘the court case’, going on, here on Earth.  And My case, is winning!  For I am ‘the prosecutor’ of these times My children; and mankind has ‘a very weak defense’.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, November 15, 2012)


“You two, are My ‘living creatures’ – upon the Earth.  And Moses, and Elijah, are My ‘living creatures’ – in Heaven.  They, are witnessing - gathered around My Throne: what the World has become – through My Eyes.  And you both are witnessing: what the World has become – through My Eyes, as well!  For, My Eyes, are: ‘the gifts of the True Holy Spirit!  And, you both, and Moses and Elijah, are ‘filled with Eyes’ - because you can see: the past, and the present.  And you can see ‘the unfolding’, of World events – in history, and also in the present moment.  Moses indeed represents: all, of the prophets, who were pursued, by ‘cold hearts’ – by ‘Pharaoh syndrome’.  And Elijah, represents: all the prophets, who were pursued, by ‘the spirit of Jezebel’…  Now what is the role, of ‘a living creature’? – but to be ‘alive’: to give praise, worship, and thanksgiving – to God the Eternal Father in Heaven – always! Thanking Him, for: My Sacrifice, on the Cross – so that, your souls may Live – in Heaven, with Me… What you all, have in common, is you were all, pursued – to your death!...  you yourselves are now: in your ‘cave’; in your ‘tomb’ – ‘completely dead’ to the World.  But even as the World, sees you all, as ‘dead’, you are ‘living’.  In the World, souls have ‘the appearance’ of being ‘alive’ - but they are ‘dead’.  And I have come back to Judge ‘the living’ and ‘the dead’.”
(-Jesus, Friday, November 16, 2012)  
Concerning Revelations 4:7, The last Pope is the Lion, as he was born in the month of August, under the sign of Leo, and is the True Representative of "the Lion of Judah"; Elijah is represented by a symbol of that which gave him his greatest credentials - namely, the Ox, as in 1 Kings:18-38; Moses is the man; and the Last Pope's wife is the flying Eagle, spoken of in Revelations 12:14.  Jesus Christ the Lord has revealed this to us, and this can not be changed.  Why is Moses the man, you might ask?  We asked Jesus the same question, and He replied, after explaining the first three, "because he is the only one left" - and said nothing more about it.  He really does have quite a sense of humor, and doesn't tell us everything.  But that being said, Exodus 6:12 does seem to give us a clue.


“‘The Fire’ that pours forth from My Mouth, will consume ‘this wicked generation’.  The Hell, of Fire, you will all experience, if that is what you want to embrace, in this World.  You all have not ‘experienced’ – the full effects, of ‘living’, in the state, of ‘mortal sin’ – where ‘My Graces can not flow to your souls’.  Well if My Graces can not flow to your souls in that ‘state’, then ‘Fire from Heaven’, will.  And you will be ‘tormented in My Presence’ – in the ‘Presence, of the Lamb’.” 
(-Jesus, Monday, November 26, 2012)


“As for the Saints and the Angels coming to minister – to your souls, and to the Peoples’, who will respond: it is ‘simply to show others’, that ‘All of Heaven’ is ‘on your side’.  And that We are against those, who are against: Our Two Witnesses.  It is to show you that ‘you are not alone’; and that you have many, many souls, who ‘desire the End to come!’ They do share, in your sentiments! Life, as you know it, is about to change.  But you will be able to adapt ‘quite quickly’ with My Graces.” 
(-Jesus,Wednesday, November 28, 2012)


“Is it so strange, that I should take, two people, from the World, and ‘graft them on, to My Family Tree?  Is this, “impossible?”!  For with Me, all things, are possible.  Is it so strange, that these, My ‘chosen ones’, would also be, My Two Witnesses?  Can I not do more than ‘one thing at a time’?  Or that they should be the True Pope, of this Era, and his wife?  Is it so strange, that they should be, My Two Holy Prophets?  Remember my people, No one knew – at the time, what ‘the Messiah’, was ‘going to be like’.  Never ‘did they think’, that I was ‘the fulfillment’.  Those skeptics!  They, did not believe.  Those Pharisees!!  They worked ‘together’, to put Me, to death!  Those hypocrites!! were “white washed tombs, with dead man’s bones inside”!  For they only held, to ‘the letter, of the law’; they did not ‘leave room, for new revelation’.  They did not, leave room, for the Truth – to speak elsewhere!  Except by their ‘own scrolls’, and their ‘own laws’.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, December 5, 2012)


“Now, the Lord Jesus Christ’s, Two Witnesses! – have received, ‘this same Gospel’ – the ‘Eternal Gospel’! – written, in a language, of the True Holy Spirit, for ‘the people of this time and Age’.  For the Lord’s Second Coming is not so much, about ‘two individuals’; but is about: what they represent!  And they represent the Lord Jesus Christ!  And they receive, ‘the inspired Word of the True Holy Spirit’ – as I did!”
(-Saint Peter, Thursday, December 6, 2012)


“I slew, ‘the prophets of Baal’... For their ‘god’, was dead! – lifeless!... he did not answer!... I prayed; and I called out – to the Lord Most High True God… To show ‘all those around’, that the God I worship, truly answers, prayers…  And, He was able to… Because ‘it was His Will’; and, so that His Name, would be glorified!...Immediately fire came down – from the Heavens, in the form of ‘a lightning bolt’; and the wood, was kindled.  And the prophets of Baal, knew that their lies, and trickeries – by getting the people to believe, ‘in their god’ – were ‘brought to the light’.  For truly ‘their god was desolate’! – and could not answer, any of their prayers.  And so, ‘as was agreed’, I slew ‘the prophets, of the false god’!  And I am doing so, again – through the both of you.  For truly my spirit, is with you – as you listen, to the ‘true inspirations’, from ‘the Holy Spirit of the Living God’.  Now ‘literal fire’, does not come down, ‘from the Heavens’ – in this time.  But ‘what happened back then’, - in ‘my time’ – during, that ‘incident’, was simply an allegory, for ‘the Fire of Truth’ – pouring forth from your mouths, ‘to consume your foes’.  As ‘the wicked are slain’! – by ‘the Word’, of the Most High True God’s: Testimony.”
(-Elijah, Tuesday, December 11, 2012)


“It is ‘imprudent’ to be ‘an enemy, of the Most High True God’.  But people are ‘choosing this’ – on ‘a daily basis’!  For we in Heaven, watch souls, here on Earth.  They think! – we are ‘all wrapped up’ – in praising God; and so that we, will not know, what they choose to do with their time.  As I am ‘one of The Living Creatures’! – it is ‘one of my Duties’, to see, the World; to watch them and their choices.  For I have ‘eyes in front and behind’.  For I have ‘a portion of the True Holy Spirit’ – particular, to my vocation, upon the Earth. I have not changed much – I am still ‘a Prophet of the Most High True God’.  And I Prophesy, to ‘all the people, on the Face of the Earth’: that they are going to be treated like the wood, that the Most High True God kindled! – with ‘fire, from Heaven’ - by the Two, Witnesses, asking the Most High True God, for His Justice! – to rain down, upon, the Earth.”  
(-Elijah, Tuesday, December 11, 2012)


“There are Two Witnesses – in Heaven: Moses, and myself.  And we, are in ‘the Courts, of the Most High True God’ – awaiting, the revelation, of His Judgments – upon the Earth.  And there are Two Witnesses, on the Earth, who have seen ‘what the World, has become’; and, who know, the Most High True God, as I did – when I was Prophesying, ‘walking the Earth’.  They know, His Ways, my people; but you, do not!!  For the Ways, of the Most High True God, are, far! – from your minds…  And you will ‘come to know’, that the Most High True God, is ‘a God of Power and Might’!  And that His Strength is ‘Righteousness’ – and so are His servants strengthened.  But you, are ‘abased and far, from His Mind’!  As you all have: exalted yourselves, falsely!... and you cannot escape: His “Royal Decrees’.” 
(-Elijah, Tuesday, December 11, 2012)  (Editor's note: this, once again, is the mystery of ‘the Four Living Creatures’ from Revelations 4:7 revealed.)


“The Lord God of Hosts, sends ‘Messengers’ – for ‘a reason’.  Usually, it is ‘to warn’; or, it is ‘a peaceful message’ – of encouragement; or, it is simply, ‘a Declaration’ for ‘what is to Come’.  You both, have been sent, by the Lord God of Hosts, on behalf of Humanity – for their good and not for their evil.” 
(-Saint Gabriel, Wednesday, December 12, 2012)


“The whole ‘point, of the Testimony’, my children, is to show, all of Heaven, and you both here on Earth: that were I to ‘Come Back’; were I ‘to Return’ – and ‘give people My words, ‘on a Golden Platter’; and give them, ‘the recipe for Salvation’; and give them, ‘the opportunity’, to attend ‘the Wedding Feast’ – that they, ‘would not’; that ‘they would not come’!; that ‘they would not ‘be interested’ – in My offerings for their souls.  ‘The enemy’ offers them ‘this world; and ‘his kingdom’; and, ‘the temporary comforts of it’ – while they forfeit their souls My children.  The Testimony is ‘not to be received’ by man.  Why did I send you Jonah? – as ‘an example’, of ‘what is about to happen’ to people – of ‘what is to befall them’.  Why, did I send you Our Mother? – and the Saints? – to give people, the opportunity, to say “yes”! – to heed ‘words of warning’, and maternal wisdom’.  Why did I send ‘the unborn’? – so that people would respond and turn back to me?  My children, why [did] ‘the mark of the beast’ [come last] Christmas? – if there was still hope – for them to still be able ‘to receive the Testimony’ – before then?  How can I bring about ‘the Close of this Age’, if everyone was ‘to turn back’; if everyone was to repent?  The Testimony is not so much a formality’, as it is ‘the formula for salvation’.  And it [was] given – in ‘this time’, where ‘no one is able to receive’ (- save the two of you), save the children.  They are My Faithful Remnant – the small ones – the ones who do not ‘identify with sin’; and the ones, I have preserved – through grace. Why do you think people are murdering their children?  Because they want, ‘My Graces to flow to their souls? – or they want children, to bring ‘innocence and purity’ into the World?  Well then, I told you before, “This place is Sodom and Gomorrah to me, and must be destroyed” in part, and fully renewed.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, December 13, 2012)


“So - you son of man, I have made, ‘a watchman, over the house, of Israel’.  When ever you hear: a word, from my mouth, you shall give them warning - from me.  These, are the words, that I heard, The Most High True God, speak - to my soul.  And what, He was ‘asking of Me’, was very similar, to what He is asking, from his True Prophets: that they ‘give the people warning’ – out of Love, for their own souls.”
(-Ezekiel,Friday, December 14, 2012)


“For the Lord’s Wrath has been ‘kindled against this generation’.  And for Three and a half years, there has been ‘a most desperate spiritual famine’.  The Lord, revealed ‘prophesies’ to myself as well.  For He told me, of the coming “three days of darkness”; and there were many warnings – of how people, were ‘to prepare’ – for those times.  But unfortunately ‘the whole World’, would ‘be asleep’, as I found out, later on.  And the only souls, who would have ‘their lamps lit’ – on the Face of the Earth, would be the Lord’s own ‘Two Witnesses’.  For you lock your doors, and your windows, and have even covered them.  Because, of ‘the poisonous gases’ – outside.  You know ‘what has happened’, with Fukushima; and how serious the radiation levels are here – where you live!  And I did not know - at the time, that ‘to lock your doors and windows’, and cover them, was ‘spiritual allegory’: for the eyes, to be ‘kept back’ from watching evil; for ‘the heart’, to be ‘closed to all wickedness’! and for the soul, to reject ‘all, spiritual, toxins! – in the air.  For isn’t ‘the enemy’ ‘the prince of the air’!  And now the whole Face of the Earth is poisoned!  The prophecies were ‘referring to the both of you’ as well.  There is ‘no pride gained’, in telling you both ‘the simple truth’.” 
(-Saint Padre Pio, Saturday, December 15, 2012) 


“But what does it all mean?  It was ‘later revealed’, in this time, to the both of you – the Lord’s Two Witnesses.  And now, it is to be revealed, to the World!”
(-Daniel, Monday, December 17, 2012)


“Just as I spoke to John, and revealed to him ‘the visions of the End’, so do I speak to the both of you…  ‘the visual allegories’ - in Saint John’s Book of Revelations, are only now, beginning to be revealed.  And so you both are ‘dear to My Heart’, as he was – because he sought ‘a closeness with Me’ – even more, than the other apostles.  And I was ‘the closest’, to him, next to Peter; and James was the youngest [- this could be a reference to his ‘spiritual growth’].  The three of them came with Me, to ‘the Mount, of Olives’.  And they were with Me, when I ascended into the Heavens.  And you both are with Me now, My children.  And those, of My Faithful Remnant – who ‘seek to be close to Me’, will have ‘all of Heaven’ open up – for them as well.”
(-Jesus, Friday, December 13, 2013)

The Two Witnesses are Here! 

(Click here to view this message with the Transcript)

 (Click on the thumbnail to view the Video with the Transcript)

Holy Humor

So the Two Witnesses walk into a coffee shop
They walk up to the counter
The person behind the counter says,
"Hi, what can I get for you today?"
One of the Witnesses says, 
"Hi, I would like a cup of coffee."
The person behind the counter says,

"Where's THAT in the BIBLE?" 

 Now if you think that's "funny"
"The joke"
is really on ALL the people who read this Testimony
and think they can "excuse themselves"
with THAT question.
 They will be laughing themselves
all the way into Eternal flames...
(unless they repent)

"Whoever, ‘blasphemes’, My words, and My Testimony, will not, enter, the Kingdom, of Heaven! – will not ‘enter, into Eternal Rest’; but will, be ‘blotted out’, of the Book, of Life!  For any ‘sin’, can be forgiven, but who ever sins, against the True Holy Spirit, will never, be forgiven." 
(-Jesus, March 21, 2013)


(This is the Environmentally Friendly, energy saving way, to address some of the questions, people are asking)

Here is an actual question we recently received in our mailbox: 

Are you claiming that you are the two witnesses of God according to the book of Revelation 11:3? If so, what proof do you have for such a claim? I know that if this question is put to the true two witnesses of God they will have an adequate answer that is in accordance with Holy Scripture? Do you have such an answer?

Here is our reply:

That is a good question.

Did Jesus claim to be the Messiah?  Yes, He did.  Read the New Testament, and you will see the many ways in which He did so.  For example, Jesus said to one person:

"Do you believe in the Son of man?"  He answered, "And who is he, sir, that I may believe in him?"
Jesus said to him, "You have seen him, and it is he who speaks to you."  
(John 9:35-37)  

To another...

"The woman said to him, "I know that Messiah is coming (he who is called Christ); when he comes, he
will show us all things."  Jesus said to her, "I who speak to you am he."
(John 4:25-26)

But the ultimate proof (intellectually speaking), that He was the Messiah (apart from ontology, meaning, "the fact that he IS the Messiah"), was the way in which He was the fulfillment of all the prophecies that foretold His Coming.  There is much material written on this topic, so there is really no need for us to go into it.

Now, from a skeptic's point of view, the above being said, it would stand to reason, that when the Two Witnesses appear on the scene, the most obvious sign that they are in fact who they say they are, is....

(Hmmm, do they look like the Hollywood images I have seen of them?....)

(Hmmm, do they look, like the images the artists draw?....)

(Hmmm, I have heard some peoples' opinions, etc etc.... )

But wait!  What if, they are the fulfillment of the Scriptures, that spoke of them!!!

Now doesn't that just make sense?!

Our Testimony, is made up, of Authentic Messages from Heaven.

We have discovered, that interwoven throughout our Messages, from Heaven, are "puzzle pieces", to various topics, that seamlessly fit together and are listed on our Website - on the various topics pages.  This in itself, is a proof, of the Authenticity of the Messages - for who, could intellectually do such a thing?  (Please respond with an answer if you think it is of human origin.)

On one of the topics pages:

[A Link to the top of this page was posted here]

... you will find, 'the puzzle pieces', from the Authentic Messages from Heaven, that fit, perfectly, into the Scripture Passages, describing the Two Witnesses, in the Book of Revelations, Chapter 11. 

What you do with this knowledge, given to you "on a golden platter", is now, between you, and your Creator.  For we, are completely, detached, from all, of your choices.

But we still hope you make good ones.

[Message sent] 

And so, what happened next, one might ask?

We found that the person who emailed us, had written terrible things about us, and about this Testimony, on a website, and was clearly very upset.  For without The Most High True God, all that people are left with, is hatred.

And so, a few days later, Jesus gave us the following message after Mass:

“Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin.”
(Mark 3:29)

Jesus said:  Whoever, ‘blasphemes’, My words, and My Testimony’, will not, enter, the Kingdom, of Heaven! – will not ‘enter, into Eternal Rest’; but will, be ‘blotted out’, of the Book, of Life!  For any ‘sin’, can be forgiven, but who ever sins, against the True Holy Spirit, will never, be forgiven.  And why is this My son?

Pope Peter the Last:  Because when a person, judges the Words, of their Creator, as being “evil”, how can they then turn, to what they consider, “an evil”, in order, to be Saved?  They can not!  And so, ‘blasphemy’, drives ‘a Wedge’, between the sinner, and ‘their only Hope, of Salvation’.
(March 21, 2013)  

...And so, people who reject this Testimony, and experience the hatred that can only come from the total absence of one's Creator, can still repent.  But if they refuse and reject the Most High True God's Two Olive Branches, what, could possibly, make them want to turn back?  We can only hope that they do.

Jesus Christ the Lord, has reminded us, of the following, on several occasions - He said:

The One World Government KNOWS who you are.

The demons, KNOW who you are.

But the people, REFUSE to believe.

“And if any place will not receive you and they refuse to hear you, when you leave, shake off the dust that is on your feet for a testimony against them.”
(Mark 6:11)

Jesus (speaking to the Two Witnesses) said: "I Judge by what others can not see; and My Judgments are True - because they come from God the Eternal Father in Heaven!  People, judge you both, by what , they can see - but not perceive; for they judge, by 'externals', and their judgments, are false! - given to them, by, 'the father of lies'.  Just as the pharisees, saw Me as a threat, to their power, prestige, and positions; so do, the people, see you both, as 'a threat' - to their worldly institutions and 'comforts in their routines'.  They do not believe, in Me.  Therefore, I do not 'know them'.
(- Jesus, October 14, 2013) 

And so, You decide, what you want to do with this Testimony.  We, have done 'our part'.  And now, so too, must you, 'choose teams'.
The beginning of "the illuminati royal family" Scourge

 (updated 16.09.23) 
Jesus Christ the Lord and Eternal King of Heaven said: You ARE "the TRUE Prince and Princess of the HEAVENLY Host of Angels", My CHILDREN.  You ARE "My Two WITNESSES".  And YOU HAVE witnessed, 'the FULLEST manifestation, OF, the NINTH circle, of Saturn, and the occult WORLD' - happening, RIGHT before your eyes!  For TRULY, WITH, the ILLUMINATI'S, "FAKE! - prince and PRINCESS" - they INTEND, to start, 'the BEGINNING, of THEIR! - grand plan', for these times.  AS they seek, to UNDO, 'the GOOD', that, My Holy ANGELS; and My Faithful REMNANT, have done.  THEREFORE!  I will 'rise UP', AGAINST - "the ILLUMINATI, ROYAL, FAMILY" - and BRING! - 'their PRINCE, and PRINCESS, OF darkness' - TO, 'an end'.  And I will "SCOURGE!" - their FAMILY.  And I will BRING "HEAVY PUNISHMENT down, UPON their CHILDREN".  And I will SHAKE! - the FOUNDATIONS, of the EARTH - FROM beneath them!  For I, HAVE, DECLARED - that they ARE! - "an ABOMINATION", before My Eyes.  On the OUTSIDE - they LOOK, like, "NICE people!"  They look, like, "CELEBRITIES" - and THEREFORE the PEOPLE "CELEBRATE", them; but I KNOW, 'their INTERIOR lives"!  I KNOW 'their WICKED AGENDAS' - for HUMANITY.  And I will make it KNOWN - to the PEOPLE - as My HEAVY HAND, will BE - UPON, "the ROYALS", to REVEAL, "their WICKED! - plan"; and THEY WILL, 'have NO control'.  The ILLUMINATI, LOVE to control, 'the PERCEPTIONS of the people'; and HOW, they VIEW, 'the WORLD around them'; BUT! - with ME "INTERVENING" - CONTINUALLY! - in their PLANS! - they WILL! - NOT! - "succeed". FOR the WORLD - the WHOLE world - WILL, be CONSECRATED - to the OUTPOURING, of MY TRUE! - Holy Spirit; AND! - the TRUE Holy SPIRIT, of PROPHECY! - will BE, UPON, ALL, My FAITHFUL, Remnant, Followers.  And they will TESTIFY - against the WICKEDNESS! - OF, the ONE world GOVERNMENT, and 'THEIR agendas', for humanity. And SOME, 'PEOPLE' - WILL wake up!  Though MOST, will remain, in 'a VERY deep slumber' - because, of My Justice.

AND so, the BLESSED Virgin Mary, TRULY IS, "QUEEN, of ALL hearts".  And THROUGH, HER prayer intentions - the world, will be brought, to its knees - as SHE directs, 'ALL hearts' - to Me - HER Son.
For the Consecration of the Universe to the True Holy Spirit, that it may be poured out on the Earth as a Second Pentecost; that the Earth may be SPIRITUALIZED, with the Holy anointing of Purity and Love, with which the Vivifying and Pure Breath, of the most Pure Spirit will bathe it, that this Holy Breath will Sweep away all the impurities in the Hearts of the elect, and all the errors in the minds of the Elect – that they may correspond to its influence.  For the Renewal of the Face of the World, and the Restoration of ALL things in Christ, to Glorify the unity of the True Church, in the Blessed Trinity.  Amen.

All members of the Faithful Remnant are asked to offer up the above daily prayer intention, with a decade of the Holy Rosary, while invoking the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary under the Title, "Queen of all Hearts".

The Homily begins at 10:10 in the video

You can watch the above mass with the transcript at THIS LINK 

Are you still waiting for the Two Witnesses to arrive in Jerusalem?

Many people have been brainwashed by secular media productions into believing, that WHEN the Two Witnesses arrive on the scene, they will simply be standing at some wall in Jerusalem.

There were many times, on our JOURNEY, as we have SHARED with you before, that He [- the Most High TRUE God] BROUGHT us, 'DOWN, to, CHANGE'!  And that is ALL we had.  And, we were 'LIVING out of our van', with NO credit and NO access to showers.  WE were brought 'very low', in our journey - and THAT was for the PURPOSE, of HIM, wanting to TEACH us, that HE! - is the SOURCE, of EVERY good thing.  Now from a WORLDLY standpoint, people can DISMISS, the whole CONCEPT, of 'the Two Witnesses, travelling and WITNESSING' [- ironically, travelling just as Jesus did...] - because all we needed to DO, was get "secure JOBS" - and we WOULDN'T have been living "below the POVERTY line".  And THAT is how, people are choosing, to dismiss the TESTIMONY.  BUT, with True Spiritual Vision, the Most High TRUE God, was LEADING us, to "below the POVERTY line" - to teach us, to rely, 100%, upon HIS Generosity - with our EFFORT - to SUSTAIN us.  WE... sought 'the REASON, WHY, the Most High True God was WITHHOLDING', when we had BILLS due - and ZERO CASH, and no CREDIT.  Do you know WHY, He was withholding?  Because He was WAITING, for US, to become "WHOLLY detached", from ANY financial security - and, TEACHING us to be 100%, "content" - WITH, "what we had" - BEFORE! - He would BLESS us, with 'ANYTHING ELSE'!  Do YOU KNOW how many TIMES, WE "PANICKED" over finances?  But the Most High TRUE God, did not, IMMEDIATELY, "JUMP!" - just because we were "inconvenienced".  We were TRAINED by DISCIPLINE - and YOU [- referring to the Official Members of the Faithful Remnant] are being Trained by Discipline.  But you are NOT being 'DISCIPLINED as HEAVILY, as WE were'.  We KNOW, that you have had PHYSICAL ailments; and so DO NOT! - TEMPT, the Most High TRUE God, to 'RETURN, ANY of those, AFFLICTIONS' to you - or to turn them UP in any way - by "complaining".  HE is Just; He is FAIR; but, He is not GOVERNED, by the will of man - or, ANYONE'S expectations.  BUT! - if you PUSH Him - He will 'FALL on you'!  Understand?  And SO, reject your desire, to be YOKED to the interior lives of the wicked; and REJECT your desire, to be yoked to the interior lives of the Remnant; and, ASK for the corresponding Grace; and REJECT, the demonic clusters of EVERYONE on the Face of the Earth; and ask for the Corresponding Grace.  And this will HELP.  (March 28, 2017 update)

But why IS it, that the Two Witnesses look like normal, average people?

"...they were astonished, and said, “Where did this man get this wisdom and these mighty works? Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother called Mary? And are not his brethren James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? And are not all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all this?”
(Matthew 13:54b-56)
YES, we LOOK like "NORMAL, AVERAGE people", on the outside.  And YES! - JESUS looked, like "an ordinary MAN"! - the son of a CARPENTER.  But THAT was so that, his ENEMIES! - could POUNCE! - ON Him! - as he "BLINDED them", to 'who He Truly WAS' - because THEY were choosing WICKEDNESS! - and they DIDN'T deserve to KNOW, OR see - the Most High TRUE God, in the MIDST of them.

IT IS, the same - as when God the FATHER, 'hid Himself', IN His Son, Jesus - Jesus Christ the LORD, in THESE Times - AND His MOTHER - are "HIDDEN! - in the both of us".  We do NOT, 'CLAIM, to be equal, TO them, in ANY way!' - BUT! - they have GIVEN us, "a TREMENDOUS task, and RESPONSIBILITY", to LEAD! - the Faithful REMNANT, to the FULLNESS of the Era of PEACE. BUT! - it STARTS, WITHIN, the HEART!


And so we are TEACHING the Faithful REMNANT - 'HOW to be "on GOOD TERMS", and "at TRUE PEACE" WITH, the Creator' - so that THEY, can enjoy, 'ALL of the WONDERFUL, Gifts, and ATTRIBUTES, of, the Living GOD!' - that He GENEROUSLY SHARES, with "the HUMBLE!"

AND so, we travelled, from TOWN to town, across CANADA - and WITNESSED, 'MUCH wickedness' in people - THAT, if ANYONE ELSE, was to see, 'the same WICKEDNESS', they would think NOTHING OF it! - but they would SEE it as, 'PART of human NATURE' - or, that, there is "a GOOD EXCUSE", for such WICKEDNESS.  But, JESUS Christ the LORD - chose us as His Two WITNESSES, and TAUGHT us, "IMPARTIALITY"; and taught us, 'HOW, to gather, TESTIMONY, and EVIDENCE, AGAINST the wicked'.  

The human RACE, as a whole - FAILED!  BUT! - the FAITHFUL Remnant, are BASICALLY, "the LEFTOVERS, of a WICKED and perverse generation".  And the Faithful REMNANT are called, to be like US!  BUT! - the ENEMY is using, 'the WICKEDNESS within the Faithful REMNANT', as "TESTIMONY AGAINST them"!  And the MOST High TRUE GOD - BECAUSE He is "Just", AND "Fair" - ALLOWS it! - BECAUSE, HE does not TOLERATE "wickedness", on ANY level. And HE is calling, His Faithful REMNANT, to embrace "GOODNESS", and "VIRTUE", as a way of LIFE; and to SHUN 'all forms of WICKEDNESS' - the WICKEDNESS that comes, FROM, "a HARDENED HEART" - HARDENED by, "the DEMONS!"

THAT'S why you need to use the Blessed HOLY Water - so you don't "HARDEN and crack", over time - as your CREATOR, "MOULDS you, with YOUR consent" - into "the perfect VESSEL", that HE, 'HAD in mind' - when HE fashioned you together. 

Now THAT'S "a humbling, reality". (April 17, 2017 update)


 Luke is a Member of the Faithful Remnant

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 

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