Thursday, February 8, 2018

HOLY WATER AND THE SACRAMENTS - "I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."

"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."

(Image: the Holy Face of Jesus from the Shroud of Turin) 

Jesus Christ the Lord said: How can, N.  (name)   understand the Testimony, My children, when I said, that it would confound, even ‘the greatest, of theologians’?  Because it cannot be understood, with the human intellect, with the human mind.  And, a person’s ability, to receive the understanding for the Testimony, depends, entirely, on their docility, to the True Holy Spirit of the Moment.  The Testimony - My Words, are meant to be lived; not to be analyzed, over, and over again - because to do that, is to leave the True Holy Spirit, outside, and to venture one’s own understanding – one’s own interpretation, apart from Me.  Much like the Bible, It was given, at a time, for people, to live, and act upon My Word.  But before the Bible, existed, did people act and live, upon My Word?  Did My Word ‘live in them’?  And did they bear much fruit for the Kingdom of Heaven?  The Bible, is a recording, of all, that I said, and did – that I wanted recorded – for mankind to look back upon – in order, for them to remember, and for them to live, the life I had taught them to live; to stir their souls, with Truth. Now the Bible, has been ‘misused’, and abused; and, I have been “quoted”, out of context: over, and over, and over again.  And My Word, in the Scriptures, have become nothing more, than ‘memorized passages’, for ‘self-righteous christians’ – who want to use, the Bible, for their own vindication – of their ‘own interpretation’, of the verses – and more specifically, of these End Times.  Now the Testimony, was given, in these times, as ‘a necessity’ – in order, for people, to be able, to comprehend My Teachings, once again; in order for them to receive the True Holy Spirit.  They must use the Gift of Blessed Holy Water.  Otherwise, as I have said before, My Words, will make ‘no sense’, and be irrelevant, to them.  Understand, My children?
(Jesus, Friday July 11, 2014)

Jesus Christ the Lord said: I want people to approach Me, My children; but they need to wash themselves, before they do.  Take that small, simple step - that's all I ask:  repentance - so that they will want to hear, what I have to say.  They can not bear, to listen to Me, when their minds and hearts are filled with demons!  It's that simple.  The demons, are afraid of the Blessed Holy Water.  And that is why, people experience, so much resistance in them - to distract them from using the Blessed Holy Water.  Because the demons, hate Me; and hate 'the Life', that I offer others.  It's that simple.  It is 'the spiritual realities', of the Times, you are all living in.  And your 'personal beliefs' will not change that fact.  Whether, one believes 'the grass is green', or that 'the grass is purple' - doesn't change the color, of the grass.  Understand?
(Jesus, Sunday, July 13, 2014)

Lilly is a Member of the Faihful Remnant

Jesus Christ the Lord said: "People need to go to the Holy Water page [what is the title of this page you are reading?], to get back " the Pearl of great price" [their Soul] that they lost; to follow the instruction.  If they have faith, and believe that I have blessed their Holy Water - through their desire to be blessed, and through you My Son, then I will remove, the mark [- "of the beast"], and give them instead, a renewed, zeal, for the Truth, to confound their doubts, and uncertainties, in this life.  They will "awake spiritually', and become, 'one of My Children'.  But it does take 'a leap of faith', for this to happen; for I can work with people who believe - in My Word, wherever I speak to them."
(- Jesus, Monday, October 14, 2013)

“It is best to use the Blessed Holy Water often.”
(-Jesus, Friday, December 13, 2013)

Jesus said: You know the Truth My children.  You know the Truth that has been revealed to you.  You know the Truth in your hearts – go with that, for that is the best place to start.  I am the Truth.  And you know Me.  I fill in the gaps, My children.  And I fill in the holes.  And, I fill in the valleys.  And, I bring down, the mountains – to make the plains, level.  I do all of this, so that the people, may believe – in Me; and in My Word: Not, the government’s absurdities; not, the disinfo agents – there are hundreds of thousands of them, out there; not the tabloids; not the radio personalities; but Me, My children.  The ONLY way, to Heaven, is through Me.  How foolish the people have become, to believe, that they can have, their own opinions, their own feelings - about the Truth – even their own personal truths.  That is nonsense.  Do you know why? Because I am not divided.  So, when there are so many different, truths, out there, how can they all be from Me?  How can they all be right?  There is only one path to Heaven.  Do all paths, lead, to Heaven?  Perhaps, if a Buddhist, chooses self enlightenment, he can find his own personal Heaven.  Or, perhaps if a yoga master, sees herself as being one with the Universe, she can have her own personal heaven.  Yes.  They can.  But I won’t be there!  Because I only live, in One Heaven.  The other, “heavens”, are false – they are only temporary.  And behind these false heavens, is, the door to Hell. That’s what people do not realize.  All the different paths, apart from Me, only, lead, in one direction.  And that is – apart from Me!  Those, who want, to be with Me for Eternity, will have the mark of the beast removed, and they will choose, to use the Blessed Holy Water – not just once, but ‘as a way of life’.  Understand?  
(-Jesus, Sunday, March 22, 2015)

“Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Syria, was a great man with his master and in high favor, because by him the Lord had given victory to Syria. He was a mighty man of valor, but he was a leper... So Naaman came with his horses and chariots, and halted at the door of Elisha’s house.  And Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, "Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and your flesh shall be restored, and you shall be clean."  But Naaman was angry, and went away, saying, "Behold, I thought that he would surely come out to me, and stand, and call on the name of the Lord his God, and wave his hand over the place, and cure the leper.  Are not Abana and Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel?  Could I not wash in them, and be clean?"  So he turned and went away in a rage.  But his servants came near and said to him, "My father, if the prophet had commanded you to do some great thing, would you not have done it?  How much rather, then, when he says to you, 'Wash, and be clean'?"  So he went down and dipped himself seven times in the Jordan, according to the word of the man of God; and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.”
(2 Kings 5:1, 9-15)    
(You also will need this Holy Water to be made clean, in these End Times - just as Naaman was made clean)


“Truly, truly,I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.  That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. ... Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know, and bear witness to what we have seen; but you do not receive our testimony. ... He who believes in the Son has eternal life; he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God rests upon him.”
(John 3:5-6, 11, 36)   
(And so there is no excuse)

(And because Jesus, at the time of His First Coming, operated outside of ALL the religious institutions of the time, there is no excuse to believe that He would not have to do the same, at the time of His Second Coming.  Jesus Christ the Lord has removed His Spirit from ALL the religious institutions at this time in human history.  The only place you can receive His True Holy Spirit, in these End Times, is through the use of the Blessed Holy Water.)

Quick Links On this page:

Video: Get Some Blessed Holy Water - Receive the TRUE HOLY SPIRIT

Message from Jesus Christ the Lord, about Blessed Holy Water

Has the mark of the beast been removed? 

A Warning to Those who decide to Leave the Faithful Remnant 

Message for those who are unable to experience the outpouring of graces at this time

Blessed Holy Water Deliverance Prayer

Prayer to pray when Blessing with Blessed Holy Water

Messages concerning Sacraments and Blessed Holy Water

The New Covenant of Marriage

Music Video: Come to the Water

Special instructions for those who did not understand how to obtain and use the Blessed Holy Water

Video: VERY IMPORTANT and Very Uncomfortable

Blessed Holy Water - Get Some now

December 4, 2013
Petrus Romanus: People who have read the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, know by now, that the Testimony is not to be received by man. But why is this?...  Because it is not to be received by ‘the carnal mind’ or ‘the carnal flesh’ – but it can only be received, by the True Holy Spirit, moving inside, the person who reads it.  And in these End Times, people can only receive the True Holy Spirit, by using Blessed Holy Water.  So what is this “Holy Water” I am speaking of? – you may be wondering… True Holy Water, is water that Only the Most High True God – has put ‘His True Holy Spirit’ into.  At this point in History, the only Holy Water that can be found, on the Face of the Earth, is the Holy Water that can be obtained, by following the instructions, on our website: Testimony of the Two Witnesses, dot com.

The reason’ that you now need to go to our website, in order to obtain Blessed Holy Water is that  all the “holy water”, in the religious institutions, is now filled! - with ‘the spirit of the antichrist’. The Most High True God has now left all the Religious institutions, and has taken the True Holy Spirit’ with Him. 

So what else does this Blessed Holy Water do?  The Holy Water, when used properly, allows people to receive an outpouring of the True Holy Spirit.  Once the True Holy Spirit is received, it then provides the necessary ‘understanding’, that is needed, in order for people to receive the saving Truths, that are revealed, by reading the Testimony.  But People need, to use ‘Blessed Holy Water’ first, in order to receive ‘the True Holy Spirit’. 

Mary Romanus: Now some people may be wondering where Holy Water, like the Water my husband is speaking of, is mentioned in the Bible.  The Story of the Cleansing of Naaman, in the Second Book of Kings, is where you can find it.  Naamam was suffering from the physical affliction of leprosy.  He went to the Prophet Elisha seeking a cure.  The prophet – guided by the Counsel of the Most High True God, instructed Naaman to wash 7 times in the river Jordan.  Naaman resisted at first, until he was encouraged by one of his servants to humble himself, and do as he was instructed.  It was only when Naaman followed the Instructions of the Prophet, that he was healed- and he was healed completely. In order to get to the kingdom of Heaven, people must obey the Instructions of the True Prophets, just as Naaman did - not just once, but as a way of life.  In these End Times, now that almost everyone on the face of the Earth, has received the Mark of the Beast – some people watching this video, sincerely, want to be healed, of the affliction of the mark – a mark that results in what Jesus describes, as ‘spiritual leprosy’. 

And so God has sent His Prophets out, just as He did in the Old Testament– He has sent His Two Witnesses to reveal the Cure.  But it takes humility, in order to receive the cure.  The reason the Testimony is necessary, in these End Times, is because it is a time.  Most people do not ‘want to be healed.’  And for the very few, who sincerely do, here, is the remedy. The instructions, are on the Holy Water Page of our website. And so for those who want to walk through their remaining days in this life, with the horrific affliction of ‘spiritual leprosy’ - that desire can easily be fulfilled – through your willful neglect, to use the Blessed Holy Water. And for those who desire to be healed. You now have the cure.  And all of Heaven, is sitting back, wondering - when, you are going to use it.

Message from Jesus Christ the Lord, about Blessed Holy Water
Easter Tuesday, April 2, 2013
I shall Bless, their Holy Water, with the True Holy Spirit

Jesus said : Can’t My Blessings, reach across Nations? – My children.  Therefore, I declare, as of this night, that those souls – as in , ‘individuals’, who have seen your Mass videos, or who have read My Testimony, desiring unity, with My Divine Will, shall have their Holy Water: Blessed.  If they acknowledge, their True Vicar; if they stop going, to their ‘institutions’, and if they continue, to read, My Testimony – I shall Bless, their Holy Water, with the True Holy Spirit, that they may have, this ‘outward sign’, of Defense, against ‘the enemy’ of their souls. 

The use of Holy Water

For those who do not understand, the use of Holy Water – think of it as ‘a desire, to be spiritually cleansed, of all filth!’  And a desire for My Spirit, to dwell, with you.  The demons, flee! – when you, desire, to clothe, yourself, in Graces.  For the waters, have been turned to blood, for many years now.  And there hasn’t been, any Holy Water on the Face of the Earth.  But now, there will be, at My Command! 

You just need a little container

You just need a little container, you can carry with you.  Bless yourselves often.  Repent, of your sins.  And be purified, of all evil doing!  For My Holy Spirit, seeks to dwell, within souls – who seek to strive for ‘Holiness’ – through the use of this Blessed Holy Water. 

The Holy Angels... will remove, ‘the mark, of the beast’. 

And through your desire, to acknowledge your True Vicar, in your hearts.  I will ask the Holy Angels, and they will remove, ‘the mark, of the beast’.  And ‘a different seal’ will be given to you, instead. 

Do not, blaspheme, My Testimony

Listen, to Pope Peter! For I, am with him.  Do, as he asks, for, he represents, Me.  For those who do not know Me: Come and learn!  Ask questions, in your hearts.  Pray, to Me, and I will answer you!  But, do not, blaspheme, My Testimony, nor, My words.  For if you do, you will not escape – the Second Death.  You will not escape the Wrath, of God the Eternal Father in Heaven.

Be released, from, ‘the beast state’

Use, the Holy Water My People!  And be released, from, ‘the beast state’.  That is all that I have to say to the both of you, for now.

(This following dialogue, took place, just moments later) 
Pope Peter the Last:  How are the people, to know, when, the Holy Water has been blessed?

Jesus Christ the Lord: Pray ‘The Burning Bush Prayer’ before using it.  It only takes ‘once from the heart to remove, ‘the mark of the beast’.  I will receive no lip service.  The people need a sign.  I am giving it to them.   Was not Naaman healed of, his leprosy, by obeying? - My voice, moving, through the Prophet? 

Pope Peter the Last: ... (speechless)

Jesus: And what has this world become?

Pope Peter the Last: A Leper Colony!

Jesus: So this is how the ‘lepers’ will be healed. 

Pope Peter the Last: On behalf of ‘the Colony of Lepers’, I thank you!

You can find 'The Burning Bush Prayer' HERE, AT THIS LINK - CLICK HERE in case you missed it.


The spiritual mark of the beast is removed by following the above instructions on this page on our website.  In other words, the mark is removed when people DO what God is asking them to do.  People often email us and ask us if the mark of the beast has been removed from them, and that is a fair question.  But WE in turn must then ask ourselves, "Did that person DO, what was being asked of them?"  This isn't some sort of a game, where people jump through some hoops, and win a prize; this isn't the protestant faith.  This is, the True Roman Catholic Faith - a Faith that quickly exposes where your loyalties are.  So how are we to measure a person's loyalty?  Only God knows all the secret thoughts in every person's interior life.  And so, why would anyone, NOT know where their loyalty is - even to the point where they have to ask US, if the mark has been removed?  If a person follows the instructions, on the Blessed Holy Water page, on THIS page; if a person TRULY believes, what they are required to believe before they can receive the Blessing of the True Holy Spirit dewlling in that water, then that very fact, gets them the Blessed Holy Water.  And then using it as directed removes the mark.  In fact, the Holy Guardian Angel sent from Heaven to watch over the person, is the one who removes the mark (- because a Guardian Angel is sent to GUARD THE SOUL!!! - something the people with the mark of the beast do not have).  It is so simple, even a child can understand, once it is explained.


In addition to getting the mark of the beast removed, some people may want to use the Blessed Holy Water, to get their Soul back, and to get their Guardian Angel – the Angel who is assigned to guarding their Soul, back.  But if people choose to take advantage of the gift of Blessed Holy Water, as simply a means to these spiritual riches, and then decide to leave the Remnant - they choose to leave Heavenly Protection, and they will lose their Guardian Angel, and they will not find “the narrow door” again.  This isn’t the protestant church; this isn’t a church where the people steal the gift of baptism, and then go on a sinning spree, as they tell everyone they have been saved – saved for Hellfire perhaps, but not saved for the Kingdom of Heaven, that is for sure.  The Remnant isn’t a church where you punch the time clock for an hour a week, as you pay the preacher to affirm you in your sins, by telling you that you are good, holy and saved.  Rather, the Faithful Remnant are in fact, the Remaning True Christians - in the Eyes of their Maker. The Remnant are the ones who live every day as though it is a Holy Day of Obligation, like Sunday; and in every moment, they strive to serve their Maker, by listening to the inspirations of the True Holy Spirit in the Moment.  They thirst for the Truth, and so they read the Testimony, listening attentively to the words of their Creator, that are re-presented by Pope Peter the Last.  And so if you want to remain a part of the Remnant, you would be wise to never forsake it; because if you do, the Blessed Holy Water will no longer have any effect on you - it will never bring you relief, ever again.  So now, it is time for you to make an informed choice.  Resolve to grow each day - closer to your Creator; and then live the resolution that you made.  Simple.

(This is what Jesus said to one person who wrote us after being unable to experience any benefits moving through the water) 

Jesus said:  "He is divided in this life - he wants part of this world, and the next.  He needs to use the Blessed Holy Water, and pray 'the daily prayers', from the heart.  And then, I will come to him.  I do forgive him - for his sins: if he is truly sorry.  And I want 'Heaven to be, open to him', as 'the skies are opening up once again'.  He must! give up drinking [- and ALL other 'serious sins'] - that is the only way he will be healed, of his affliction.  The Holy Water will only help, if he chooses to do, what I ask, to do - with 'love' - like 'a child', being gently led - by their parent. It is between him and I - his own salvation.  No one else, is going to 'step in, and save him'. Because I am 'the only Savior', and so he needs to desire, 'a strong relationship with Me, more, than anyone else.  He needs to 'love' Me; and show that love - by doing - not 'just by hearing'.  I want his soul, to be saved.  But he needs to want that too!"
(-Jesus, December 2, 2013)

Note: Now that you have read "Heaven's reply" to all people who experience no benefits from using it, you know what 'the real problem' is.  If you also experienced 'no benefits' when you used 'the Blessed Holy Water', then there is no need to write us and tell us that you are getting no results - because in doing so, you would only be proclaiming your own stubbornness, and willful neglect to DO, what God is asking of you - to do your part, in working out your own Salvation.  Remember, it takes 2 - both you and God - working together, in order for you to get to the Kingdom of Heaven.  If you want to knowingly embrace 'all the benefits of Hell', and deceive yourself, that in doing so, you are magically eligible for 'all the rewards of Heaven', then we have nothing to offer you (- as that choice, is the definition of "lukewarm").  Your choice 'to be spiritually poor in this life', will ultimately be rewarded, by 'being spiritually poor in the next' - unless, you carefully follow the words of your only Savior! - who has put in front of you, 'the golden platter', 'the recipe for Salvation', in these End Times... The Testimony of The Two Witnesses.


One way you can thank your Creator for this Gift, is by getting yourself a proper container.

Did you know that the True Holy Spirit will NOT move through a spray bottle?

Why?  Because it is not "ESPIRIT cologne" or "ESPIRIT eau de toilette".

And now you know where you can dump the contents of all your bottles of perfume
Because if you stink that bad, then you really need to use the Blessed Holy Water 

Blessed Holy Water Deliverance Prayer

“Then one of the elders addressed me, saying, "who are these, clothed in white robes, and from where have they come?" I said to him, "Sir you know." And he said to me, "These are they who have come out of the great tribulation, they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therfore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night within his temple; and he who sits upon the throne will shelter them with his presence.  They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any scorching heat.  For the Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and he will guide them to springs of living water; and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”
(Revelations 7:13-17)    

Note: Whenever you pray, it is always best to begin your prayers, by first using the Blessed Holy Water and praying,

By the power of this Holy Water, (pour some Holy Water into the palm of your right hand),
And through the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ the Lord,
May Almighty God - the Most High True God,
Deliver me, from every evil spirit, demonic cluster and satanic stronghold,
Poison, corruption and wedge of the enemy, his minions and his followers,
In the Name of the Most High True God,
The Father (touch Holy Water to forehead with right hand),
And of the Son (touch stomach),
And of the True Holy (touch left shoulder)
Spirit (touch right shoulder). 

NOTE: It is best to memorize this VERY IMPORTANT prayer, and ALWAYS have Holy Water handy, on your person.  Pray this prayer aloud, or in your interior life - EVERY TIME you use the Blessed Holy Water.  And remember, saying it is one thing; but praying it from the heart and meaning it is a completely different experience.
The Faithful Remnant need the True Holy Spirit on their ears, lips, heart and mind always - that is "the Grace to strive for".  And so they need to Bless these specific areas with the Blessed Holy Water whenever they pray the above prayer.  They can make the Sign of the cross, and then make a small cross over these areas, as they say, "in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the True Holy Spirit"... Amen.  (April 2, 2017 update)

Blessing with Holy Water Prayer

It is also very good to sprinkle the Holy Water around your home, whenever you have the need, while praying,

May Almighty God, the Most High True God Bless this _______________ (name of location or object - such as bible, rosary, or used clothing, etc).
In the Name of the Father (sprinkle),
and of the Son (sprinkle),
and of the True Holy Spirit (sprinkle). 

NOTE: You can also use this prayer as you sprinkle the Blessed Holy Water on objects.  Remember to use the Blessed Holy Water with Faith, and let God pour out His Holy Spirit, according to His Divine Will - not yours.
Jesus said: "Use plenty of Blessed Holy Water.  Make sure to Bless the House, every morning, and every evening, and remember, "Jesus Protect me. Saint Michael Defend me".  That's a very simple prayer to remember - very important, especially for the children.  If ever you do fall, reconcile quickly, and move on with your day... especially now being in the heat of the battle - in Armageddon.  What is Armageddon?  When all the spiritual powers, wage war, against My Faithful Remnant.  But they are foolish to try such things against you.  oh Well!..."
(-Jesus, March 27, 2015) [Note: the battle of Armageddon was first announced in the Testimony during the February 18, 2013 Mass.]


“What has become of all of My Sacraments?  I tell you I do not even recognize them any more – for as long as these abominations are in their midst, I will no longer come to My people.  They must ‘search Me out’; they must find Me; they must find: My True Vicar here on Earth, and My True Church.  They must desire to be part of this Church, and they must desire to be cleansed of all of their sins, and they must desire reconciliation with Me – from the heart; otherwise it is just a ‘sham’.  The ‘true meaning’ of religion, is that: I govern all things –in the individual, because the individual, is subordinate and submissive – to My Will, for their lives.  I have erected 'a new institution' – starting from the ground up; and, on this rock I will continue to build up My Faithful Remnant followers."
(-Jesus, Friday, February 10, 2012) 


“For truly all I desire My children, is that the Faithful Remnant, and those in the hierarchical institution, be told the Truth in plain form.  As you know, I am no longer in that institution; and I have even removed My presence from the rebellious priests, and laypeople – for the spirit of rebellion, is not welcome in the Kingdom of Heaven.  Those who embrace that spirit, and hold on to it tightly, will never enter into Eternal Rest with Me; because I am against the shepherds of this generation, who prophesy or speak lies in My Name: – by saying that they are ‘holy’, when they are full of wickedness and depravity; by telling the people that there is no need for circumcision of the heart, but they can continue to profane My Name and Statutes.  My Ordinances and My Laws still continue to this day: to be rejected; to be ignored; and to be reproached. So therefore I say: that the Roman Catholic Hierarchical Institution, will become, in itself, apart from Me, a reproach and derision, for all the Nations to see.  I tell you now My children, ‘the mark of the beast’ is already in the churches – people in many cases are baptizing their children, in the ‘spirit of abominations and desolation.’  Yes it really is that bad.  The confirmations taking place – in most cases, do the same as well – for what are the people being confirmed in?  It is more like the ‘sacrament of affirmation’ – affirming every abomination under the sun.  And what has become of the Sacrament of Holy Orders? – Except that those doing it, are not truly anointed, and they are transferring their own evils, upon the victim.  Because if the heart is not turned towards Me at that time, it is merely witchcraft.  And what of the Sacrament of Marriage?  What has become of it?  But a blessing, perpetually, upon, adultery.  I do not bless people living together – through common law or otherwise; but this “church”, and the people under her, are permitting these ‘vile abominations’ to continue.  They might as well be as the Anglicans are: blessing ‘homosexual acts’– perpetually.  And what of the Sacrament of the Sick?  What has become of them?  People are more sick – more today than ever; and I am referring to: ‘of the mind’. Because their hearts have turned away from Me – more ailments, and more sicknesses come.  Are they being healed in these “sacraments”?  In most cases the answer is: “no”." 
(-Jesus, Friday, February 10, 2012)


Jesus said: I will, 'abolish the old', to 'fulfill the new'.  Marriage, as 'a Sacrament', no longer exists.  But it is 'a commitment' between two people - a man and a woman - only!: to live with and to love one another - selflessly. Marriage is not 'a contract'; but it is to be 'a Covenant' - between, man and woman - in order for them, to become 'husband and wife'.  In order for marriages to be "Truly Blessed", both people - both man and woman need, 'Blessed Holy Water' - first - so that they can receive 'the benefits', of the Testimony (- just as N. and N. are doing).  All previous 'bonds', and previous 'marriages', are now 'broken' - when those, who 'seek the True Covenant', of 'a Blessed Marriage', have used the Blessed Holy Water, all 'spiritual ties', are broken - with all their previous relationships, so that they are 'free to love the person', that they are now with.  Without the Testimony - without the couple benefiting from 'the Blessed Holy Water', all marriages, are 'cursed'!  Because 'marriage' is not 'a human institution'; but it is 'Divine', and is, to be, 'Holy', and 'pleasing in My Eyes'.  When it is not, then people suffer tremendously - because then there is no 'Divine Love' nor 'Divine Forgiveness' flowing through to each other.  When 'a marriage has been blessed', 'wounds' begin 'to heal'; and 'friendship' - yes I did say 'friendship', starts 'to blossom', into, 'self-sacrificial love', for one another.
(-Jesus, Monday, December 2, 2013) 

Note: With this Declaration from His Throne in Heaven, Jesus Christ the Lord has once again, come 'like a thief in the night', and has effectively STOLEN "marriage" from all the luciferian religious institutions and the governments.  Thanks, be to God!  He has now "set the captives free" once again.  And there is now more than one couple on the face of the earth that has been joined in "the Holy Covenant of Marriage" by using Blessed Holy Water, available for free, by simply reading and following the instructions on this website. But always remember how marriage is defined from Heaven: as a heterosexual commitment, to a way of life, of selfless loving and living - imitating the example Jesus Christ gave, throughout His entire life - as He made decisions that allowed God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven's Love and Forgiveness to flow To Him and Through Him - to others, always.  Jesus also gave this followup message, only a few minutes, after the one above:
"So they are no longer two but one. What therefore God has joined together, let no man put asunder."
(Matthew 19:6)

Jesus said: I said, "let no man put asunder".  I never said anything about Myself intervening, 'for the sake of souls'!  I stressed, "what God has joined together".

Note: And so, no longer, can the Governments, or the religious institutions, "tax", the desire in two people, to receive 'the marriage bond' - of being spiritually united for life, as one, by their Creator.  Through the use of Blessed Holy Water, and by following the instructions of their Creator, couples who are immersed in the True Holy Spirit of Love, are now free to begin fully expressing their love and life-long commitment to each other, with a clear conscience.  "Does anyone else need to be present?" - you might be asking.  We, are the Two Witnesses!  And this gift of 'a Blessed Marriage' - by being united in the Holy Covenant of Marriage, through the use of Blessed Holy Water, is "God's present", to you.  - P.P.T.L 

Come to the Water - Arranged by Petrus Romanus

Special instructions for those who did not understand how to obtain and use the Blessed Holy Water

If after reading this entire page, you did not understand how to obtain and use the Blessed Holy Water, here is what you need to do.  First read the section titled "Message from Jesus Christ the Lord, about Blessed Holy Water". The summary of the instructions are in gold, but you need to also pray the Burning Bush Prayer.  Those instructions and the link to that prayer, are in that section as well.

The instructions on how to apply the Blessed Holy Water to yourself, and to use it to bless your home, are in the section titled "Blessed Holy Water Deliverance Prayer".

If you follow these instructions, but experience no benefits when you use the Blessed Holy Water, then you can hear the explanation that is straight from Heaven, at THIS LINK.  You can then fix the problem through sincere repentance, so that you can go through the steps once again, and obtain the Blessed Holy Water.  Some people may require several attempts, before they will be able to receive the New Pentecost, through using the Blessed Holy Water.

Once you have read these special instructions, please do NOT contact us by following the instructions on the Contact Us page, until you do what is necessary, to experience the benefits, of using the Blessed Holy Water.  If you can not humble yourself, to turn to your Creator, to be made spiritually clean, then there is nothing more we have to offer you.  

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 

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