Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Changes - "I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."

"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses.)

“From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near.  So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates.  Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away till all these things take place.  Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”
(Matthew 24:32-35) 


“I said to Veronica Leuken that there would be major changes and drastic measures would have to be taken, if My words were not heeded within time.  Now time – has run out, and My words have been sorely neglected, and now there is a new Vicar, and now I have stepped down from My church; but I will uphold the people within it, who are still seeking Me.  This is a mystery My children much like the Blessed Trinity, but just because something is mysterious does not mean, it is not True; does not mean it’s not real; does not mean that it hasn’t taken effect.”
(-Jesus, Thursday March 3, 2011)


“Because people of these times are deaf and hard of hearing, it will be difficult for some to recognize: that I have removed Myself from that institution, and uncanonically elected a new Pope.  You will be saying Mass in public soon, and it will only be a small room with just a few other souls.  When the media, tries to get involved, with all of this – that is the unfolding of these End Times, do not be concerned, for I have already given you the words to use against them.  “Drastic changes” have come – I repeat Myself once more.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 7, 2012)


“So many people, are going to die My children, because of their sins - their ‘unrepentant’ sins.  This, can not, be changed.  This is, reality.”
(-Jesus, Monday, May 7, 2012)


“Welcome to ‘the Beginning – of The End, of the World – as you know it!  Drastic changes, are coming upon the face, of the Earth – because mankind’s sins, and offenses, are so grievous. They thought, they could have the World to themselves; and that I would no longer be part of it.  They thought, they could enjoy ‘all the benefits’ – of My creation, while removing Me altogether.  They thought, they could have ‘all the benefits, of this Earth, and all ‘the natural resources’ at their disposal, and think, that I would not see – their mis-use, of My Earthly gifts.  They are ‘unrighteous mammon’, My children, because as you read today: “I am, righteousness, and My servants, are made righteous, by Me – and no one else”.  This is ‘a simple overview’, of the situation, at hand.”
(-Jesus, Friday, September 21, 2012)


“Life, as you know it, is about to change.  But you will be able to adapt ‘quite quickly’ with My Graces.  I am showing the people that I am ‘not messing around’; and that when they ‘take-on My Testimony’, they are taking on: ‘the Whole Host of Heaven’.  But have courage My children, because I have sent Saint Michael to ‘take down’ the Priests of Jezebel.”
(-Jesus,Wednesday, November 28, 2012)

If the TESTIMONY TRULY is "your LIFE", then you WILL change!

If the TESTIMONY, is "your LIFE" - then HOW can, you KEEP it, SO far, from your HEART?  Jesus Christ the LORD, wants ALL of you, or NONE of you.  And you NEED to be willing, to FACE, 'how spiritually SICK, you are'; and be WILLING, to be HEALED.  ONLY He can HEAL you - from 'a divided HEART'.  But if YOU, say, "you're ONLY going to listen, to HIM! - and REFUSE to listen to US, [- His Two Witnesses -] who are His REPRESENTATIVES" - then He CAN'T heal you.  WHY?  Because we are 'His True Brother and SISTER'.  And "a KINGDOM Divided against itself", CAN'T stand.  And so the attitude you NEED, is that WHENEVER, we ASK something OF you - some "CHANGE", that needs to be made - you NEED to treat it, as though, 'your CREATOR, is asking that, OF you' - as "UNCOMFORTABLE", as that may be. (April 09, 2017 update)

Do you believe you can't CHANGE?
Jesus Christ the Lord - the Most High TRUE God, IS! - "all LOVE".  But the WAY He Loves, is NOT! - the way the WORLD, shows, "love". THEIR love is FALSE - and, is "self-AFFIRMING", and "self-DESTRUCTIVE".  But the Most High TRUE God, shows His LOVE - for His PEOPLE - by TEACHING them 'His WAYS'.

And what it comes DOWN to, is: Do you VALUE, 'the WAYS, of the Most High True GOD'?  Or, do you prefer your OWN?  The DEVIL! - prefers 'his OWN ways' - and SO, he SITS in darkness - HATING 'the Light'.  But if you TRULY desire, to be "a CHILD, of the Kingdom of HEAVEN" - then YOU WILL be 'DRAWN, to the Light' - and "the LIGHT", of Jesus Christ the Lord's Testimony, will dwell WITH you, and IN you - and you will 'SHARE', what you have been GIVEN with OTHERS! 

But, the UNCOMFORTABLE TRUTH, is that, like SO many OTHER PEOPLE - YOU have LEARNED, to "LOVE and CARE for your demons".  And you have been "VERY protective, of them".  And so NOW - the INVITATION, is for YOU - to LEARN to have "a Holy HATRED", for 'EVERYTHING that offends, the One who MADE you'.  AND, to ASK, for 'the GRACE, of, DIVINE Love' - to DWELL, within you.  You NEED to seek "the HIGHER, VIRTUES" - and REALLY! - resolve, to live 'your TRUE VOCATION', as "the NEW You".  BUT! - if YOU believe "you CAN'T CHANGE"? - HOW can He Bless THAT? 

THEREFORE, PUT your Faith, in your CREATOR; quit 'STALLING'; and START, "PRODUCING, FRUIT! - BLESSED Fruit" - so that YOU! - may become "Blessed".  For what YOU have been GIVEN - and 'WHAT you have SEEN'? - SO many PEOPLE, have 'WAITED for'!  But the DEMONS, will NOT 'ALLOW you', to SEE, "the GOODNESS, the GRACES, and the BLESSINGS" - because they WANT YOU to FORFEIT, 'your HEAVENLY REWARD'. 

So YOU need to choose, 'what TEAM - you want to BE on': The Most High TRUE GOD'S TEAM? - this REQUIRES you to 'die to your OLD SELF'.  OR, 'the DEVIL'S team!' - this REQUIRES you, to live ONLY for yourself. (June 26, 2017 update)

Interesting note: This above Counsel, is another OBVIOUS "SIGN", or "PROOF", that the Testimony can't POSSIBLY be steering people towards 'the enemy of their SOUL'.  But it's NOT the "HOLLYWOOD" kind of Sign, that people want from their Creator.  And so MOST of them CONTINUE, to blaspheme, the words of their Creator - as they wait for HIM! - to bow to THEM - on "THEIR terms" - and that is SIMPLY 'NOT happening folks'!  The BOTTOM line is this: If people can't recognize the words of their Creator in the Testimony, then they are simply 'like DOGS who won't COME at the beck and CALL of their MASTER' - because they DON'T recognize that authority in their lives.  And so LET them, "ENJOY", their eternity, with the dogs - as they truly ARE "the children of jezebel" - who was, in her most BITTER end, fed, to the dogs!  Perfect!  ...And the Universe remains in balance yet again!  "But God is a god of MERCY"?  Yes, The Most High TRUE God DID Have Mercy, on all of HEAVEN... He fed JEZEBEL, and "her KIN"... to the DOGS!  END, of story!
“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 

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