Sunday, February 11, 2018

THE ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT - "I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."

"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)
The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, unless otherwise stated.)

“Woe to those who decree iniquitous decrees, and the writers who keep writing oppression, to turn aside the needy from justice and to rob the poor of my people of their right, that widows may be their spoil, and that they may make the fatherless their prey!  What will you do on the day of punishment, in the storm which will come from afar?  To whom will you flee for help, and where will you leave your wealth?  Nothing remains but to crouch among the prisoners or fall among the slain.  For all this his anger is not turned away and his hand is stretched out still.”
(Isaiah 10:1-4)

“All, of the Hollywood ‘horror movies’ combined, can not even match, what the One World Government leaders, have planned for their victims.  These government leaders are part, of a cult - not an ‘average cult’ either, but a cult of luciferians.  They have their ‘agendas’ for humanity, and they intend to fully implement them; and I am not going to intervene - except with My Great Warning Experience.  That is the extent of My Mercy, upon My people.” 
(-Jesus, Sunday, May 6, 2012)
“For those who prefer the hot fires of Hell because of rebellion - against the Truth that is in them, well then that is where they will go - because they choose to.  It’s very simple: people must choose teams, and they must know who their allegiance is to.  The introduction of ‘the Verichip’ is simply ‘a concrete manifestation’ of what they have already chosen; of the spiritual realities at work in them.”
(-Jesus, Friday, September 04, 2009)
“Man cannot create beauty as I can Create beauty.  If they try to add anything to My Creation, they end up taking away all the more beauty.  What was once flavorful and full of life, becomes dead, and lacks nourishment for the body.  Mankind thinks he can tamper with My foods I created, and get away with it, unharmed, with no consequences?  There are consequences, and they are quickly to be poured out upon mankind.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, January 26, 2010) 
“When a child dies, through abortion, at least the child will continue on in happiness, because it was free from sin - except ‘original’.  Though these souls can never truly 'see' My Face, or behold My Presence because I am a Just God, they are ‘Forever Content’; but at the same time, they are crying to Me daily, for Justice upon ‘those who stole their lives away’.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, February 21, 2010)
“In the case of ‘the gamer’, who ‘married’ his game, what did you expect?  And this is not the end of the sickness, but people will just become worse, and worse, until there is no hope for humanity... Soon men will be marrying their cars, and then they will want to marry their beasts - and this will be allowed, and accepted by many, as just ‘one more step upward for humanity’.  Oh foolish men they are, for what they believe is climbing upwards’, is only going to spiral them down, deeper and deeper, into sin upon sin, and hell.”
(-Jesus, Sunday April 4, 2010)
“More frequent and larger earthquakes are going to be happening from now on, My children...  The next one will be in an Ocean, and will be very large, and a Tsunami will follow it...  'The just' as well as 'the wicked' will die, in this next event.  So great will be the number of deaths, that all of Heaven will ‘shutter’, and look away.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, April 6, 2010, 11 months before 'the nightmare')
“Watch the news carefully, and always be discerning carefully the stories you hear and read.  The Holy Spirit will share some ‘Truth’ with you – ‘Truth that is necessary’ to filter through the current propaganda.”
(-Jesus, Sunday May 16, 2010)
TransAsia Airways Flight 235 Crash is a COMPLETE HOAX

“I do not bless ‘Bob’ and ‘Larry’, to marry, or to date in preparation for marriage.  I do not bless ‘Cindy’ and ‘Sue’, to marry, or date in preparation for marriage.  This is insanity! – that the “churches” have gotten together, and “blessed” this group of people and their lifestyles.  A ‘Heavy Hammer’ is coming down upon this city, and it will not be 'let up' until Justice has been served... For I have had enough of their parading around in ‘vibrant colors’, and I am going to be ‘taking My rainbow back’.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, June 5, 2010)
“Because of what mankind has chosen to do, to tamper, with the weather –  this tampering, is having adverse effects upon the whole ecological system of the World.  The animals, the birds, will begin to behave in ways that are not normal.  They will be hindered much, by the growing effects of extreme weather patterns.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, June 9, 2010)
“The oil spill, in the Gulf, will absolutely not get better, despite what the experts themselves are saying to each other.  Yes, optimism is good, but when common sense, and reason, as well as scientific proof and evidence are ‘thrown out the window’, how can the scientists stand by what they say?  They can not, and their scientific experiments, are producing no real results.  They are fruitless, just as their ‘father’ is.  They do not want to be governed by Me, by My Counsel, so let them counsel themselves.  Oh still greater things are about to happen.  You will see.  Watch the news, and carefully discern everything.  That is all that I have to say to the both of you for now.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, June 9, 2010)
“You are right, My son, in asking the question: “Where is the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers?” in all of this.  I’ll tell you, where they are: they are busy with something else – far more extravagant than you could imagine: They are focused on ‘the next big staged terrorist attack’ upon North America.  The people, running the White House and all of the U.S. delegates, are hoping that BP will sink, ‘like the titanic’.  This mammoth company, if it does go under, they can no longer afford the oil drilling in the Americas, and as a result, the price of oil will increase – ten fold.  This is not good.  This will also sink the U.S. economy’s money 'down into the toilet' – because BP will need to make all sorts of payouts to compensate for peoples’ grief, and to deal with the cleanup.  You see how it’s all planned, My children?  Everything is now in place for the One World Government takeover, and it will be soon, I assure you both of that.”
(-Jesus, Friday, June 18, 2010)
“The chip, once it is implanted, in men, all over the world, will be a means, of bringing every man, woman, and child, under the security and false pretenses, of the One World Government.  The chip will bring them together as one family of beasts.  Do you think the elite will have these chips, My children?  Do you think, they will allow this foreign object, into their own bodies.  Absolutely not, but through deception, they will pretend to take the same implants.  See how clever, and arrogantly evil they really are?  The people, are no longer, to be seen, as a population, of humans.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, June 19, 2010)
“Television, is the enemy, of My children; but those who would engage, in viewing such acts of violence and sexual promiscuity, and lewdness – revel in the viewing of it.  Those who condone the television – can never be My friends; as long as that satanic altar is set up in their hearts, there is no room for Me.  I am not referring to people who watch a few hours here and there, of what would be called ‘wholesome shows’; but those who make television their 'god', to exclude Me from their lives altogether – these are the ‘worldly people’, and they go to Church on Sundays; and you will be seeing and witnessing what happens to people, when they make television first and foremost, at the center of their lives – that icy cold box of hell; and those who authentically seek to worship Me.”
(-Jesus, Saturday October 16, 2010)
“Jesus said: I want you to witness, My children: this Christmas season, and what it has become, thus far, and where it is going... See ‘through Heaven’s eyes’: why ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’ must be destroyed.  Pay particular attention to the children’s toys, this year, and ask yourselves this question:  What is the producer trying to build up in these My little ones?  It would be better "for a millstone to be put around his neck and thrown into the sea", rather than make the toys he has made - his too will be a Heavy Judgement.  You will know what company or person I am referring to when you see it for yourselves.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, November 25, 2010)
“Christmas has become no more, than a political statement…  For so many, I have been removed from the center of their Christmas, and from the center of their families, and from the center of their homes - but I have been 'pushed aside', and the image of "santa claus" has taken My place, who isn't even a real person.  What hope can there be for a society, that clings to falsehoods, and teaches them, to their children? - No hope… The spiritual insanity within man, is now going to increase - worse than it has ever been before.  With the lunar eclipse, and the moon darkened by blood - it is a sign, My children, that: the Tribulation, is about to begin - though it has begun, for many.  The One World People, are ready to implement their plan - in full.  The ‘blood-red Moon’, is a sign of the coming wars, and carnage, to North America, and the World.  It is also a sign, of My Graces, being withdrawn - even from My Elect... This is My Christmas present to the World:  Meet, My Justice!”
(-Jesus, 'Christmas Eve', 2010, 2 1/2 months before 'the Fukushima Nightmare')
“The government, has found a way, to simulate, human emotion, My children: the use of the H.A.A.R.P. technology, by Nikola Tesla.  He is in Hell - make no mistake about that.  And why?  Because he chose, to make technology, that was destructive and powerful.  It was his own ego, and desire for power, that fed him, so he could continue in his work.  Now, many years later, you both are feeling the effects, of that technology, being used, to its fullest capacity.  People are literally walking around in a daze, brainwashed, into believing everything is fine, and acting on impulses, that do not, come from them; but they are being manipulated, in every way possible to man's bitter end.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, January 8, 2011)
“Man created technology, and now technology is about to become man's worst enemy.  I create things, and good comes from it.  Man tries to create things, and always falls short, because he did not include Me in his invention.  Oh what a pity it has come to this!  You will see for yourselves what I am referring to in due time.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, January 8, 2011, 2 months before 'the Fukushima Nightmare')
“The governments, have turned up the very low frequencies, in all the Walmarts, across the Globe, My children, for they believe, and have proof, that the majority of the populations of people, are drawn to that particular department store... Now this is just 'a testing phase' for the One World Peoples.  They want to see what sort of response they will get when the people are bombarded, with Low Frequency Brainwaves, and the certain message is this: "shop, until you drop"; "do not stop shopping"... This is in essence, what the One World People are broadcasting over the P.A. systems, over the radios, and even over the silent advertisement TVs.  The effect is simple: people are put into: a sleep-like zombie state, or euphoria, in which their thinking processes, are literally put on hold, and only emotions and the drive for more goods, is pressing them forwards.  Literally, they are being brainwashed, into accepting, their current state of being in that place.  That is all the government wants.  That is all the government needs, to have complete control over the peoples - over their very wills.  They simply turn them into 'docile lemmings'.  It is a new kind of evil, My children, one of the worst.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, January 26, 2011)
“What has happened to Japan is most devastating… The HAARP machine is the chief culprit in this mysterious earthquake that happened all of the sudden.  More of these are to come in the future; but as I said, the USA, will be the next one directly affected.  Trust My children that My words are True.  You will see the California earthquake in your time, and you will witness such devastation, just through the media, for even now I tell you, they are not telling you everything.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, March 12, 2011)
“Most people are not stupid My children, but the governments are betting on their naivety.  The governments are gathering together, and betting upon the power of the press, to bombard people into believing in falsehood - and that is the number one government agenda next to genocide.”
(-Jesus, Monday, March 14, 2011, 3 days after 'the nightmare')
“The nuclear crisis, is now, at level 7 - but you will not hear this on the news. As ‘china syndrome’ is under way.  There is nothing the governments can do about it, except resort to a media blackout.  There will be more media blackouts like these, in the coming future, for as the natural disasters get worse, it will become harder for the people to report on them… The fallout, will soon become deadly, but you may not hear of any of this on the news reports unless you dig, and dig deep.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, March 20, 2011, 9 days after 'the nightmare')
“Oh my children, what has come to North America, is very great indeed, for the radiation has reached here, and even in Vancouver, the radiation levels are much higher, than what they have told, the locals.  It is all about ‘saving face’ My children.  But people are going to die from this and it cannot be stopped.  Think of it this way My children: the “radiation leaks”, the “China Syndromes”, the “Chernobyls”, the “reactors out of control”.  All of these combined make for a very terrible situation.  It would be good if they could find a solution, but it will be too late, once that happens, for enough radiation will leak from the Fukushima Plants, to poison two thirds (2/3) of the population of the Americas.  Yes you heard Me My children.  For some it will be slow.  But others – especially the elderly and infants, will die very fast.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday March 30, 2011, 3 weeks after 'the nightmare')
“Oh My children, if you only knew, the true number of casualties, from the nuclear fallout.  Already people are beginning to become very sick, over in Japan; but you will not hear of this, unless you ‘dig deep’.  Look for independent news reporters.  Alex Jones, is ‘a good independent news reporter’.  There are others like him.  You can find the truth, if you search hard."
(-Jesus, Wednesday March 30, 2011)
“Remember this is not just clear water, coming out, of the reactor – this is ‘nuclear reactive’, and so, I tell you now, this not a permanent solution.  Again the Japanese officials are lying to the people, as everyone in Japan is poisoned, by the toxic chemicals being released – into the atmosphere. People are going about crying peace, safety and security – all the time being poisoned themselves.”
(-Jesus Thursday, April 07, 2011, 4 weeks after 'the nightmare')
“Even though people are closer than they ever have been before, in proximity to one another, they equally have never been farther apart.  Why?  Because technology - instead of being useful, in bringing together families, and simply enhancing the gifts, I gave them; they chose to use technological advances for their own selfish purposes.”  
(-Jesus, Thursday, May 12, 2011)
“And now, it has come to this, that people are more disconnected from reality and their neighbor, than ever before in history. That is why the Great Warning must come to unite hearts and souls to their Creator – if possible.  For right now, hardly anyone is ready to meet Me, at their Judgement.  And so, the microchip implant, has come, and will be implemented very soon.  I must reach souls before this chip becomes the next convenient way, in order to live.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, May 12, 2011)
“Once they fire the H.A.A.R.P. machine, just as you have experienced, every place you have gone, then the weather will turn cold.”
(-Jesus, Monday, May 30, 2011)
“The truth about 9/11, has now come to the surface, in many different circles on the internet  You can see from all of the videos you now have watched, that it truly was one of ‘the biggest hoaxes in human history’.  There never was a plane, My children, nor were there passengers on the ‘supposed plane’.  But everything that the media told the people, was a straight-out-lie.  No truth can come from such deceivers… it was all a manipulated event. You will see even more videos, which will show the media’s ‘holes’, in their representation of the facts.   This truly is an example, of ‘do not believe everything that you see or hear.  There were no real terrorists, only hired ones, on a different plane, heading somewhere else.  The people were murdered.  Those in the Towers were sacrificed.  I tell you now My children: because you have this truth, you will be hated even more by people – especially by those who bought into the 9/11 media propaganda.”  
(-Jesus, Friday, September 30, 2011)
“These ‘mad scientists’, can continue to use the H.A.A.R.P. machine, but they are only destroying nature’s natural resilience.  They are going to ‘push the weather beyond their control’, and it ‘will act against them’ and ‘not in their favor’. Playing with the H.A.A.R.P. machine, to fire down at the Earth – to create ‘certain quakes’, in different areas, may seem like ‘a great scientific feat’.  All of the minds: put together, to defy nature, and to create destructive forces – will be instrumental, in destroying the Earth.  They are ‘playing with fire’ My children – with molten magma.  They are the ones waking up ‘the Ring of Fire’.”
(-Jesus, Thursday October 20, 2011)
“Forced mandatory abortions are coming as well.  The women have their rights now, to choose life or death – for their little one, for their baby.  But the time is coming when they shall have no choice.  They call themselves “pro-choice” as of now but soon they will realize, they have indeed been working for ‘the wrong team’; and they will be ‘the ones who are sacrificed’ and ‘their child’s future’ - ‘for the sake of society’, for the ‘good of humanity’. How can mankind be good without Me my children?  People with common sense and reason can see through the façade the government puts in front of them.  But common sense and reason are very scarce even now; and soon, their there will be none left.  I am going to allow humanity to turn on itself.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, October 25, 2011)
“What better way, to get the people to vote for their own death then to say that the World is overpopulated.  "Increase and multiply", was My blessing upon all peoples.  And so the enemy wishes to do the opposite, by getting people to focus on 'depopulation'.  Look at all the abortions that are going on My children.  Look at all the wars and the killing.  Look at the movies and books and CD's people entertain themselves with – not to mention violent and crime filled video games. See the world is desensitized to death.  They will be told that the weak must die for the sake of the strong and “mercy killings”, will become legalized and rampant in society”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, October 25, 2011) 
“The devil has come in many different colors My children, and has approached each of the candidates for presidency, and has offered them all: large sums of money.  Why?  Only to step down, as being a viable candidate.  Because they, already know who they want My children, to run for president and to win.” 
(-Jesus, Sunday, December 4, 2011) 
“When the people vote this time My children, they are going to be ‘fully informed’.  They know how R.P. is being treated, by the mainstream news, and so there is no excuse, for voting for any of the other, ‘candidates’.  Time and time again, I have shown their ‘true colors’ to the people… The people, need to wake up, and see the truth about what is happening – to their country; and how many tyrants, have taken over in the past; and how history will repeat itself, if they do not pray and vote, for R.P., to win: the Republican nomination, for President of the United States.  They have, ‘many paths in front of them’; but only one, is the right path; only one, is, ‘the narrow road’; only one, will return, America – upright – at least for a time. But know this: if any of the other presidential hopefuls, get into office, then Woe to the World, in which you live.  If Obama stays in office: then a double Woe to the World, in which you live.  Know that this will be one of the signs, that The Great Warning is approaching fast: it all depends on this next election, what the future will be.  I am ready ‘to pull My people out’.  If the American people refuse My Mercy, I will ‘pull them out’ sooner, and all, of the evil designs of the One World Government Forces, will fall upon the people at once.  Even now they are making ready.  They have their soldiers in place.  They know exactly what to do – except with R.P., for My Hand is upon him – at all times; and I will uphold him through this ‘dark time’ that he is in.  The establishment may have thought that they have won, but I will give the voice back to the people and let them decide: the fate of their own country.  For I am Merciful, but also Just; and sometimes the need – is for both.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 22, 2012)
“I have had enough My children!  This World, is going to be consumed, for I have held back My Hand, and even though Justice has been severe: with Fukushima, with Chemtrails, with poisoned water, with poisoned GMO foods, with poisoned air; even though, they have received plagues of tornados, and all sorts of un-natural, and un-wanted disasters - I have not ‘emptied My Cup' completely, and I will make mankind ‘drink the dregs' of My Fury and Wrath.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, May 3, 2012)
“FEMA, also known, as Federal Emergency Management Association, is nothing like, what is stated, My children.  You, have been doing your research for many years now, and it, is about, to pay off.  FEMA has been mandated, to build ‘large detention centers’.  They are not there, to aid the people, in their survival.  But they will be the primary workers, in the ‘Global Population Reduction Program’.  They are the ones in charge: of the FBI, of the SWAT teams, and, the Department of Homeland Security.  “Homeland” - what does that sound like My children?  Perhaps it sounds a bit like ‘what Hitler referenced’ – his own home country to: his “motherland” or “homeland”. 
(-Jesus, Thursday, May 10, 2012)
“The enemy’s victories will be very short-lived I assure you.  And the punishment that is coming, to the One World Government leaders, and their kind, is going to be severe as well.  For did I not, punish Nebuchadnezzar, in his haughtiness?  In his desire to be worshiped above Me?  Was he not cast down to the beast state?  And all of the glory of his kingdom removed?” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, May 8, 2012)
“The war, in Iran, will not end, My children.  Neither, will the ‘staged wars’, within Syria.  And, neither, will the government, stop ‘staging’, hoax-attacks, on different countries, as they want all the resources, that are available, for the people.  They want to take, and covet deeply: that which they do not possess.  They are power-hungry warlords, My children.  The more wars, carnage, and atrocities, the better, they feel, inside, about themselves.  This is way beyond ‘the conscience’ My children.  These people, are spiritually and mentally insane.  And their ‘thirst for blood’ cannot be quenched.  For they receive their ‘marching orders’, from the enemy’s camp – from the evil one himself.  And just as he is a murderer, and a liar, so too are they ‘taking on the image’ of their father.  The lies, the propaganda, the constant ‘holes’, in all of the governments’ stories, are going to be ‘brought to the light’ now.  This will be part of My Mercy, on the World.” 
(-Jesus, Wednesday, June 6, 2012) 
“Eat, drink and be merry”, is all that they will say – to each other, “For death will come one day, and we will meet it then.  But now, we are young, and our lives, are ‘just fine’ – without any: new knowledge, or understanding, of the World around us; and no desire, to think about ‘bad things’.” - Oh foolish these people are, My children, to have ‘such prideful thoughts’ – to believe that ‘their reality’ trumps the truth, and that their opinions, matter more, than just, plain, facts.  Oh they are all ‘so deceived’ – by their governments, church leaders, families and friends.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, September 27, 2012)
“I am about to do ‘a great thing’ and to ‘make everything right’; to make ‘order’, out of: all of the chaos that is coming, upon the Face of the Earth.   The ‘New World Order’ the government wants is very different, from the one I am building.  For there will ‘come a time’, when I will ‘start over’ again; but man will have learned by then, to overcome sin, by living, the Commandments, in their hearts – not just ‘on the outside’.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, October 2, 2012)
“The coming, of “the lawless one”, by the activity, of the devil, is about, to manifest – to the fullest degree!  Because he hates man, and desires: that all their souls be lost.  Obama may have “triumphed”, in this “election”, but he forgets, that: I, win, the war.  Indeed, I have already won it!  He is not ‘just a mere man’, but is ‘the desolate one’ – the one, who makes ‘all things desolate’!  By his very nature, he has an inclination to murder, to mayhem, to chaos. On the surface, he seems personable, friendly and popular with all of the people.  But underneath ‘all of that’, is a heinous plan: for world governance - of all of the nations, by ‘the enemy incarnate’… Obama is ‘not at all’ what he seems like on the surface; but is a tyrant, who will rule ‘very hard’ this term.  He is not, ‘sent, from above’; but from beneath, the surface of the Earth… It is better to run away and flee, from the Abomination of Desolation, in all of the churches.  And it is better to flee, ‘the Obama Nation’, that is set-up, in, “the white house” - not “white” at all, but “drips with the blood of the innocent” - here, is the leader, that you wanted; instead, of My Laws, and My Commands, and My Love.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, November 7, 2012 - U.S. Election Day Results) 
“On the Earth: government leaders, are gathered together, around their table – and what is in the midst of them? – is the antichrist.”  
(-Jesus, Friday, November 16, 2012)
“The One World Government, and FEMA, are working closely together, for a plan, to depopulate, the United States.  For they will even cause worse disasters, than Hurricane Sandy.  And they will do worse things to the people, and then ‘pretend to solve their problems’.  This is how they operate. The enemy is ‘an angel of light’, and they, are ‘operating on his behalf’.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, November 17, 2012)
“I was given, visions – of four ‘beasts’… But what does it all mean?  It was ‘later revealed’, in this time, to the both of you – the Lord’s Two Witnesses.  And now, it is to be revealed, to the World!... ‘All pastors, ministers, rabbis, and all shepherds’… have lost ‘the Counsel, of the True Holy Spirit… ‘the freemasonic agenda’, working, within ‘all the major religions, of the World’ – to form ‘a One World Religion’!...  The freemasons, seek ‘to use’ women, to bring all religions, under One ‘World Religion’; and to use, ‘their Jezebellian tendencies’, against God…  the freemasons want to foster, ‘anti-male headship’ in the women – they ‘use’; so they go against ‘the Command of the Lord’ [(1 Timothy 2:12-13) – that is: to keep silent, as they are not to have ‘any authority’, or ‘to teach’ other men… ‘how fast, the One World Religion, is ‘moving’, in these ‘times’; and how fast, it is growing… ‘the false holy spirit’ – guiding these people: away from their Creator! – towards themselves… the climax, of the One World Religion’… it is merciless! – and will make war on the saints (-those called to be Saints), and will have them ‘kill, their faith!’ – so ‘no longer, do they believe, in the True God’; but ‘the saints’, will only believe, in themselves – that ‘god’, “has saved them”!! – but apart, from repentance... ‘the greediness’, of this One World Religion – as their main focus, is on ‘taking from the people’ – their money!...  this One World Religion, seeks ‘to crush peoples’ souls, to send them down! – to Hades!”
(-Daniel, Monday, December 17, 2012) 
“The governments are about to be ‘hailed as heroes’ in this next coming disaster – upon the United States.  They have ‘a big one’ planned.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, November 17, 2012)
"What they are not stating, My children – but what they are making ‘perfectly clear’ – in that film, you just watched [- Episode 2 from the first season of the TV series “Intelligence” (at the request of Jesus)], is that anyone can become, “a terrorist”.  If someone within the intelligence agency – with all their training, and all their background knowledge, can be ‘turned’ – then anyone can be. But what is ‘the Truth’ – in real life My children?  How does the CIA truly operate, behind the scenes?  [PPTL: They (the CIA) are the ones, recruiting the terrorists.]  And that, is ‘the part’, they so conveniently left out of the script – soconveniently, did they ‘forget’, to write, ‘that reality’, into, the plot.  They didn’t forget though.  The writers, and the Hollywood producers, knew exactly, what, they were doing – when they wrote the lines’, for the actors to recite – when they wrote the plot, that painted, the CIA, as ‘the heroes’ of the country.  When ‘in reality’, they are against, their own country; when ‘in reality’, secret operations, within, the Department, of Homeland Security, are in fact, training, “CIA soldiers” – so to speak.  And what am I referring to?  ISIS, My children – for one.  The United States, of America, trains people, to work against them.  Now why would they do that? Why would they pay, ‘the opposition’, to sometimes, attack them – but for the most part, ‘pretend to’?  What could be possibly gained? – the skeptics, will ask.  [PPTL: So that they can justify military invasions of foreign countries, and billions of dollars worth of military spending.] – And, what of, ‘at home’ - on home soil?  They are ‘setting the stage’, for “terror, attacks”, on homeland soil.  Why, would they do such a thing?  How could they possibly benefit?  [PPTL – By declaring martial law, and taking away even more from the people.]  Indeed.  The United States of America – their Government, and, the Russian Government, and, the Chinese Government, are ALL, working together, against, the people –foreign, and, domestic.  They don’t care. They are only interested, in “power” – the power, to inflict pain, and suffering.  These ‘political leaders’, get ‘a high’, from it.  Because, they are sociopaths, and, psychopaths. So, they treat the world, as ‘a chess game’.  But what is most important, for people to realize, is that all of the governments, are ‘working together’ – behind the news, behind the scenes.  They will only appear, as ‘political enemies’ – to distract the people, from everything, the leaders all unanimously agree on.  The media’s role in all of this, is to make sure the people, see that there are two sides – to keep them in the illusion of ‘good guys and bad guys’ – when in reality, all the politicians are luciferian.  And that’s, your, ‘political forecast’ My children – for the times you are living in.  Understand?  Not, what, the government, wants people to know – especially coming from Me.  But their secrets, are only “secrets” for so long. And never, ever, were they successful, at keeping “secrets”, from Me – from Heaven.  I see it all.  I’m at their “meetings”.  Though I am invisible – and most definitely, “unwelcome’; I am still there. I see, what they are up to.  But it’s too late for anything to change.  You do not understand this – right now, but you will, My children…  That series that you are watching is very important – because, the CIA leak a lot of information, and ‘boasts’, about what they are really up to; what their technology is really capable of.  Getting to space, through “the debris belt”, isn’t going to happen. But they do have a lot of technology they are keeping secret, from the people.  Can you guess what their boast is, in this series? [PPTL: Time travel.]  Yes!  And microchip implants.  They are getting people, ‘ready’.  Not everyone will receive, ‘the chip implant’; most people don’t need it – they are already ‘programmed’, and easy to control, through nanotechnology, and ELF waves.  Understand?  But you, will be even more ‘intelligent’, than they are, with their technology – because you have ‘access’, to ‘the Source of all life’.  And what is more “intelligent”, than having ‘a personal relationship with your Creator’?"(-Jesus, February 23, 2015)
Note: You can learn more about what is coming to the United States, by visiting this page on our website, "WAR". 
Quick Links to the rest of the content on this page:
The True Nature of Hollywood Movies Revealed:   Predestination... 

IRREFUTABLE PROOF that Alex Jones IS Bill Hicks
Video Proves Bill Hicks is Alex Jones Quickly Removed by WMG Copyright Claim
Alex Jones is a SHAPESHIFTER with Reptilian Eyes 

The Illuminati Protestant Connection Exposed!!!

The Government KNOWS the identity of the TWO WITNESSES!

Summer Solstice FAIL! - Illuminati FALSE FLAG Road Map now FULLY EXPOSED!!! 

Chicago False Flag Nuclear Attack Exposed In Predictive Programming In “BRICK MANSIONS” movie

IRREFUTABLE PROOF that Obama was propped up by the Illuminati


PROOF - Missile Strike On West Texas 

Martial Law is Now in America, and "it is not going anywhere"

The True Nature of Hollywood Movies Revealed
Movie Reviews from Heaven: Predestination - Starring Ethan Hawke and Sarah Snook

Male Narrator: Straight from the throne of Your Just Judge, we bring your yet another Movie Review from Heaven:
Female Narrator:  Did you ever wonder, "What would Jesus say..." if He gave a review of the movie Predestination?  Wonder no longer.  The Two Witnesses are now walking the face of the Earth, and they are now sharing Movie Reviews from Heaven.  They shared this following review with us.
Female Narrator: Jesus said: 
Male Narrator: "Predestination", in that context, My children, was in reference, to destiny.  And, what is "destiny"?  What, does it mean?  It is something, that the illuminati, believe in: that, no matter, what a person chooses, in this life, that they, have 'a predestined path' - that they must follow, in order to be fulfilled.  Remember Star Wars, My children?  What did Darth Vader say, to his son?  "It is your destiny."  Interestingly enough, My children, both movies, played with the same concepts, didn't they?  Luke Skywalker, was face-to-face, with his 'evil self' - they called, "the dark side of the force" - which is really another name for 'the demons', he was battling, within himself.  And in the current movie, you just watched, wasn't the current character confronted, with her true self?  Her true self, being 'a woman'!  But that was seen as something 'evil'.  The character, in Predestination, was, 'at war', with her own ontology.  The character, in Star Wars, was 'at war' within himself - battling good and evil.  For both movies, the illuminati, were boasting, of the weaknesses, of a man, and the weaknesses, of a woman.  For 'the serpent', told Eve, who she could be - and how she was to see herself.  Just like, in the movie, you watched.  There was 'a deep, PSYOP', going on there, My children - and in fact, was 'an attack', against women.  Isn't, there irony, there?  The illuminati, know, that women are, 'the weaker sex'.  So when the woman had both parts, what part was removed? - the male part or the female part?  [The female part]   So what is the hidden message, to all of the feminist Jezebellians out there?  But that in order to excel, in this life, they must do away, with their 'true ontology', as women - and instead, strive, to be 'as many as possible'.  The message is, that the woman's role as 'the nurturer', is her weakness, and that her strength, comes, from mutilating herself, and taking on the role of the man.  And that, is how, the illuminati, see 'the feminist, agenda', and why, they uphold it, as they do - because women, who see themselves, as men, can only destroy themselves, and their families.  Understand, My children?  It goes even deeper than that; but that is enough.
Female Narrator: A follow-up from the Two Witnesses: Part of their role as the Two Witnesses, is in fact to witness, what has become of the human race.  And so if you are wondering, what the Two Witnesses are doing, watching "movie entertainment"? - we are simply witnessing, what people are refusing to be offended by.  Offended?  By entertainment?  Yes indeed.  The movie Predestination was extremely offensive, to the dignity of each and every human being on the face of the earth.  And why was that?  Because the movie presented itself in the trailer, as a movie about a person going back in time, to stop a terrorist bomber.  The trailer was a classic "betray the viewer" trailer, and so was the movie.  Because in fact, the movie instead focused on the story of a woman, who was born with both sets of sex organs.  After the woman gives birth to a baby, the doctors remove her female organs and her breasts, so that she is only left with male genitalia.  The movie then presents the disturbing scenario, of that same woman, now with male genitalia, going back in time, to impregnate herself.  It gets even more disturbing, when the movie presents the "betray the viewer" revelation, that the woman gave birth to herself.  The goal of these disturbing plot points, is to introduce the viewer, to 'new sins' - NEW ways, to offend, their Creator - if only in their imaginations.  The terrorist part of the movie, that was so prominent in the trailer, almost completely disappears in the actual movie.  Instead the movie focuses the audience - then imprisoned and deceived in their movie theater seats, on the transgender psyop, being drilled into them.  The viewer is forced to listen to a female actress, speaking through the guttural voice of a demon, that has completely taken over the actress on the screen.  The goal of the script, and the producers, is to elicit false compassion, from the viewer, on the transgender culture.  And why would they do this?  What would be the motive?  To prepare the audience, for the international revelation, that Michelle Obama, the wife of Barack Obama, is in fact a transsexual - a man.  The children are adopted.  The whole world has been deceived, by the antichrist - the Biblical antichrist, now seated in the White House.  This is a fact.  To prepare the audience, for the revelation, that Justin Bieber, is in fact, a woman - born female.  To prepare the audience, for the revelation, that Conan O'Brien, the talk show host, is in fact a woman - born female.  To prepare the audience, for the revelation, that Serena and Venus Williams, who won Gold medals in women's Olympic Tennis, were both born male.  To prepare the audience, for the revelation, that Michael Jackson, was born female, and is still alive.  That is enough for now.
IRREFUTABLE PROOF that Alex Jones IS Bill Hicks

On November 28, 2014, Jesus Christ the Lord said: "1000's of people, are being 'convicted, in the Truth' My children.  Because, just like the Michelle Obama video - exposing Michelle's True gender, so too is this video irrefutable.  And that, is why many, hate it.  Many, people, feel betrayed, by Alex Jones, My children - many people are not, "happy".  And he has lost, many of his followers - due, to the video.  Because, as the YouTuber said, it is "legal evidence" - against, Alex Jones, revealing him to be, Bill Hicks.  Because "a cheque, fell in his lap, and he became Al... He is a producer now".  He is an actor - an entertainer."    

The CIA is currently shaking in their boots, because the long list of physical evidence is making everyone at HQ really uncomfortable. Like this one:  And this one, : - titled, Why the Multi Billion Dollar CIA PSYOP named "Bill Hicks" is about to END. The CIA op is over.
Video Proves Bill Hicks is Alex Jones Quickly Removed by WMG Copyright Claim

Only days after submitting our rebuttal to the claim, we received a notice that our claim had been rejected by the owners of that particular clip. 
Knowing full well that we had not violated any copyright under the Fair Use Act, we were about to dispute it a second time, until we detected a snare!
Even though we had done nothing wrong, submitting a second appeal could have resulted in losing the video, with a copyright strike against our YouTube Channel, and even the possibility of losing our YouTube account all together.  
Now here is where it gets really interesting.  As a result of this strange and unjust rejection to our appeal, we began looking into the owner of this specific sound clip and who made the claim.  
The erroneous copyright claim against our video was made by WMG, also known as, ‘Warner Music Group’.  
And so, what IS the significance of Warner Music Group, you might be asking…
Warner Music Group is a creation of Time Warner, and up until 2004, it was owned by Time Warner.
At this point, you may wondering what the importance is, of the Warner Music Group and Time Warner connection, specifically in regards to Alex Jones and Infowars.
Yes!  You heard that quite clearly.  Infowars is OWNED by Time Warner.  The same company that OWNS CNN, which is the most UNTRUSTED name and propaganda pushing machine in the Mainstream Media.  There is no mistake here as the officer is clearly reading the reporters credentials directly off of the reporters own wallet! 
This copyright claim did NOT go as expected for the CIA controlled opposition front of the One World Government.  They only succeeded in handing us even more damaging PROOF that Infowars can NOT be trusted.  
A link to the original Vimeo version of Irrefutable Proof that Alex Jones is Bill Hicks can be found in the description box below.  We encourage you to download your own copy of this video from our Vimeo Channel, and re-upload it to your favorite video platform.  Do NOT let the One World Governments controlled opposition front get away with deceiving the American population any longer.
To find out more shocking and disturbing information about the One World Government and their luciferian agenda, visit Testimony of the Two Witnesses DOT Com.  Do it while there is still time. 

Alex Jones is a SHAPESHIFTER with Reptilian Eyes 

The Illuminati Protestant Connection Exposed!!! 

TRANSCRIPT: Have you ever wondered, why ‘one of the largest religious organizations on the planet’, is named after the great rebellion of Angels in Heaven?  The members of one of the largest Christian organizations - the one that refers to itself as “the protestants” – actually see themselves as “Protesters”!  Rebellionists?  What are they protesting?  Why are they rebelling?  And why have the Rockefellers been funding them so heavily?  Most people don’t know, that the Rockefellers, are one of the main families, who are behind the illuminati – the most satanic religious organization on the planet.  And so, why would the Rockefellers – or rather, why would the illuminati, be funding the protestant faith?  Why would ‘the family so closely connected with the greatest Protestant Angel in recorded history’ – the one who was banished forever from Heaven - the devil! – be so interested in promoting ‘the Protestant denomination’?  These are very important questions.  So important in fact, that Heaven, can no longer keep silent. 

On June 28, 2014, Jesus Christ the Lord spoke to the Two Witnesses.  And this is what He said: 

Jesus Christ the Lord said, “The illuminati claim to be “enlightened”.  Don’t the protestants claim to be the same?  For the illuminati say, that their way, is ‘the right way’ - to their “heaven”; and so do the Protestants.  They protest, and rebel, against all Truth; and so, do the rebellious, illuminati members!   And what, is ‘the institution’, that infiltrated the Vatican, and spread ‘many errors’ – so many errors, in fact, that the Roman Catholic Hierarchical Institution, became deformed over time?  The Protestants!  “Interfaith”.  Do ‘the illuminati’, see all religions as equal?  Yes they do.  Do the protestants want to be included, in “the One World Religion” – of all different faiths?  Yes, they do!  Does one, have to be part of an institution ‘formally’ - to be ‘a protestant’?  No, they don’t.  I tell you all: mankind’s ways are ‘an abomination’, in My Eyes, and I will treat you all,as, I treat the illuminati and the One World Government.  For what is separating the protestants, from sharing in the same fate, as those worshipping the devil?  Nothing!  Understand? All those outside ‘My Faithful Remnant’, are “protestants” – in My Eyes!  Some will ‘come round’; others will continue, in self-deception – to ‘the bitter End’.  Some protestants, will learn to humble themselves, and learn Truth and receive instruction; others will continue to believe that they know more, than My Representative; than My Two Witnesses; than finally – Me!  People, don’t like, to think of themselves, as ‘in the beast state’.  That is fine!  I can work with that – then they will be called “protestants”, instead - because without the Blessed Holy Water, they can only continue to protest, all of My Plans.  And therefore, they make themselves ‘an enemy of Me and God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven’.”

You can watch this video with the transcript, at the link located in the description box below.

Until next time, I AM, a member of The Faithful Remnant. And our numbers, continue to grow each and every day.  What you DO, with this information that has been revealed in this video, is now between you, and your Creator.
The Government KNOWS the identity of the TWO WITNESSES

TRANSCRIPT: Hey folks, I just wanted to share with you, some interesting intel that has literally just been handed to me on a silver platter.

In early June of 2013 my wife and I discovered Testimony of the Two Witnesses dot com. I know and can say with 110% confidence that the Two Witnesses are in fact here, at this time in history. But this is difficult to prove to other people, at least until now.

But this is difficult to prove to other people - at least until now.

I recently contacted the Two Witnesses, and they shared with me, some shocking statistics from their website.  They shared with me, the top IP addresses that have been looking at their website for the first 3 weeks of June, 2014.  And you can see for yourself.

Notice that almost ALL of the top IP addresses are the same?

These top IP addresses - are the internet addresses of the people, who have looked at their website, "Testimony of the Two Witnesses dot com" - more than anyone else - and ALL coming from the same place.  And WHERE is that place, you may be wondering?

Well, Using a free online service, it is actually quite easy to find the location of any IP address.  It turns out, that the people who are the most interested in the Two Witnesses, are the folks over at Mountain View Air Force Base, in California.  Not only has Mountain View Air Force Base looked at the Testimony of the Two Witnesses more times than anyone else on the planet - but they have done so from 30! different IP addresses, in just the last 3 weeks!  I can't show each address on the list - for the sake of the privacy, of the other people who are listed.

Now why would the U.S. Military be so interested in the Two Witnesses, and their website, if they were NOT authentic? hmmm.  If the Two Witnesses were NOT here, then Mountain View Air Force Base would NOT have 30 different computers looking at their website, now WOULD they!  Now for those with faith, no further explanation is needed.  But for those without faith, no explanation will suffice.

The Two Witnesses ARE here folks!  The Military knows it, the Government knows it.  The illuminati knows it.  The Occult world knows it. But most Christians, are so busy claiming that they are saved - that MOST of them, are simply, "not getting into the life raft sent from Heaven", in these End Times.

That's all for now.  I Hope you enjoyed this video.

But on a side note. To all the NSA and CIA digital crystal ball gazing secret squirrels and trolls out there; exactly how much of the tax payer's money was spent to get all the bells and whistles - spy tech up and running, just to keep tabs on a couple of Prophets? When in all actuality, the Lord's Two Witnesses just did the exact same thing for free. Seriously fellas, think about it. You just handed me this intel on a silver platter. You should really work on your contingency plan; as there are a ton of holes in your super secret spy system. But until next time, and yes there will be a next time.


Jesus Christ the Lord said: "You have made quite a few people, over at Mountain View Air Force Base, 'irritated' - but only by the Truth.  Because their systems are going to crash - and they don't know when - but I do; and, their billion dollar computers - worth of technology, will be of 'no avail' to them - because they need electricity, in order to work.  And they forget, how 'fragile', they really are - to 'the natural elements' around them.  The illuminati, One World Government, are, 'crumbling' just as you have said, My son; and they don't know how to sustain themselves.  Because Truly, they are being 'killed off' by RADIATION [referring to Fukushima radiation] - because they are not protected, especially the older ones. And after the illuminati die off, there will be No one to replace them.  Because their secret society, is so 'secret', that they do their best to keep it, to themselves; but the Truth is, My children, they are all 'old men', waiting to die.  How old are the Rockefellers? - and the Rothschild’s?  Do your research, and you will find out.  Do you think that they've shared 'their world vision', with their family members?  If they have, 'only a very few'.  In other words, My children, the illuminati 'elite', are coming to The End, of their time here on Earth.  Death awaits them, and it is NOT going to be 'a pleasant afterlife' for any of them."

Note: although we continue to receive daily messages from the Throne of the Most High True God in Heaven,
these messages for the most part, are not made public.  Jesus chose to make an exception this time.
The "luciferian lunatics" over at Mountain View don't have many emotions to choose from,
at this time in history; but that is simply part of their 'employee benefits package'.
And so, show no false compassion to that team at Mountain View Air Force Base,
who like their father down below, hate it when their works are brought to the light.
Summer Solstice FAIL! - Illuminati FALSE FLAG Road Map

Posted on 6/21/14 - the day of the Summer Solstice

Since the early 1960’s, the Illuminati have planned the human sacrifice of everyone on the North American Continent to their father down below. And now their plan is being revealed to the entire Planet.  This is the first article in a new series (- of articles based on this page on our website), that will track numerous False Flag attacks on the Illuminati Pentagram – the one they have set over North America, as the Illuminati prepare for their Grand Finale in the City of Chicago.  This series of articles will reveal the organization and the motives behind many of the major False Flag attacks on this Continent.


We will begin by looking at the deliberate False Flag and satanic events the Illuminati have already undertaken, in order to establish the main points of the illuminati star over North America.  Each paragraph corresponds to a numbered point on the following map.
Quick Links:  1. Mexico   2. Portland   3. Repulse Bay  4. Saint John's  5. Haiti 6. The Gulf of Mexico 
7. Oklahoma City  8. Red Lake  9. James Bay  10. Washington DC  11. Chicago
1.  Mexico City, Mexico - and The Temple of the Feathered Serpent.   Mexico as a country has one of the highest homicide rates in the World.  Approximately 25 miles NE of the heart of Mexico City, you will find a location very well-known for human sacrifices.  It is called the ‘Temple of the Feathered Serpent’ or the ‘Temple of the Sun’. This temple has extreme historical significance, as its floor plan was copied in the architectural design of the Sandy Hook Elementary School.  The elementary school was deliberately built as a mirror temple for the planned child sacrifice False Flag event, where no one died.  Sandy Hook Elementary School is approximately a 1/3 scale copy of the original temple, with both structures facing a NW direction.,_Teotihuacan

2.  Portland, Oregon - also referred to as “The Forbidden City”, is also known as “The city of Shanghaiing.”  Located at the western tip of the illuminati star, Portland symbolizes the illuminati agenda reaching out into the Pacific Ocean - to all the port cities.  Portland is built on a series of hellish underground passageways that facilitated the human slave trade.  ‘Shanghaiing’ was the act of trapping and/or capturing an individual, often by intoxication.  The intoxicated individual would either be led to a ship where they would be sold directly into slavery, or they would be lured onto a hidden trap door.  When they fell through the trap door they were immediately seized and held in a cage in the ‘Shanghai Tunnels’ until they could be sold to a ship captain.  The victim would awake to find themselves enslaved - most times, on a ship, already out in the ocean, with no hope of escape.

3.  Repulse Bay, Canada, is located in the Territory of Nunavut.  ‘The Arctic Circle Arch’ is located at Repulse Bay Canada, a place that is 66 degrees North – and 66 is a symbolic Illuminati number.  The Arch has three black bestial heads located on the top of it.  Interesting to note that Illuminati strongholds within the Canadian Government recently pressured the Government to rename the Territory under the northern tip of the Illuminati Star with the word, “Nunavut”.  More will be revealed on the significance of the name, in future articles.

4.  St. John’s Canada, was named after the beloved disciple of Jesus.  The European illuminati see the American illuminati as their beloved disciple, and that explains why the tip of the star is located over that city. St. John’s is not only the oldest city in North America, but it also has a history of hellish fiery destruction and death.  The city itself was engulfed in flames in 1892, leading to the deaths of hundreds of people - not from fire, but from freezing and even drowning, as the fires wiped out their homes.  The death and destruction didn’t end there, as not too far away in Newfoundland, not long after, the ‘Sealing disasters’ took place, claiming hundreds of lives - followed by the Spanish Influenza, and then the Burin Tsunami.

5.  Haiti has a dark history of being involved in the slave trade, and its history is also deeply rooted in occult teachings and practices.  In 2010 Haiti experienced a 7.0 magnitude earthquake that resulted in a human death toll of approximately a quarter million lives.  The cholera outbreak that followed affected more than 5% of the population.  The earthquake was man-made, through the use of HAARP technology, and deliberately targeted the city of Port au Prince.   The Illuminati wanted the mass human sacrifice at Port au Prince, to honor their father down below, who is often referred to as ‘the prince of darkness’.  For them, it is ‘Port au prince of darkness’.  And let's face it, the Port they chose for their False Flag earthquake, wasn't on an island called "LOVEie".

6.  Pensacola is located on the north shore of the Gulf of Mexico.  Just east of Pensacola, in Panama City in 2010, the Obama family staged a swim photo op.  The point of the photo op was to promote the deception, "the Gulf is safe" following the BP Oil Spill.  The reason why the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers were told to “STAND DOWN!” when the biggest engineering challenge in recent memory was staring them in the face, is because the Oil Spill in the Gulf, was a deliberate event.  The illuminati wanted to put their ‘stamp of death’ on the Gulf food supply, and so they did.

7.  Oklahoma City is best known for the Oklahoma City False Flag Bombing.  Interesting to note that a very bold satanic organization has been recently pushing to have a satanic statue of Baphomet – a human representation of the devil, next to the Ten Commandments, within the court of that Oklahoma Capital.

8.  In Red Lake Ontario, on 11/11 2013, flight 311 crashed.  There were only 2 survivors, with one survivor miraculously unharmed.  The crash was no accident.  The Illuminati enjoy using the number 11 as one of their stamps, as they boast of their accomplishments.

9.  The James Bay Hydroelectric Project covers an area the size of the State of New York.  Its combined hydroelectric energy output, makes it one of the largest power producers on the Planet.  The Illuminati are driven by an insatiable thirst for satanic power, and for them, this Power Plant is a deliberate symbol of that power.

10.  Washington DC has a street layout that deliberately incorporated occult symbols, including an inverted pentagram, with the bottom of it pointing directly at The White House – the seat of the Antichrist, Barack Hussein Obama.  The Washington Navy Yard shooting that took place on 09/16/13 (9,6,3), was just another False Flag Illuminati stamp on the City that is ruled by the enemy incarnate and his transsexual partner, “Michael” – whose false externals are wearing quite thin.

11.  Chicago, "the City that endorsed Obama, the enemy incarnate".  The City was engulfed in hellish flames in 1871.  The Illuminati birthed their beloved Antichrist President out of Chicago.  And now the Illuminati plan is to stage a nuclear False Flag attack on the city of Chicago, as the catalyst for the declaration of National Martial Law in the United States.  
NOTE - this page is where you can copy a high definition version of the above illuminati map to your website or blog.  This is also where you will find the ongoing explanation, of the significance of this map, with every dot on it explained.  This above text, is only the beginning to the unveiling, of the illuminati agenda for North America.

Question:  But aren’t you afraid of exposing the illuminati?

Answer:  The illuminati do not like their works of darkness being brought to the light.  If they can boast about it in a secret manner, that is one thing; but, when the illuminati’s plan is laid out with full visuals, and detailed explanations, that’s another matter altogether.  And so, the illuminati are quite upset.  But truly, they have very little emotions to draw from; and their range of human emotions is very narrow.  Anger and hate, is really all they can experience – even though the illuminati work very hard, at their false externals (- just like “Michelle” Obama does).  Under vigilant psychotherapy, it would be revealed to the masses, that the people in power, and in positions of responsibility and authority, should not be there.  Does that answer your question?

Chicago False Flag Nuclear Attack Exposed In Predictive Programming

The Hollywood Film “Brick Mansions” was set in Detroit.  And so why, in the middle of the film, is an image of a nuclear missile that is aimed at downtown Chicago, inserted?  The answer is simple – it is ‘predictive programming’ for the coming Nuclear False Flag Attack on the City of Chicago.
 Rahm Emanuel was Obama’s Chief of Staff.  Rahm resigned to take the lesser position of Mayor of Chicago, as part of a special Government plan.  This image reveals, how close Rahm Truly is to the insane Antichrist dictator in The White House.  And so why would he want to leave, to take a lesser position?

The real reason Obama sent Rahm Emanuel to Chicago, is blatantly revealed in the movie, when the actor playing the mayor, utters the following declaration (at 78 minutes),

“I have to make the tough decisions for this City.  And I have sent THIS BOMB in there, to get rid of its biggest problem… Come on… you know it… they’re no better than animals…  As Mayor, I have to do WHAT’s BEST,
for all the people of this City. The hard working ones (interrupted by, “You mean THE RICH ONES” – a reference to the illuminati elite) – the ones who contribute… the ones who are sick and tired of this cesspool”

The big smoking gun, in this illuminati PSYOP, that reveals it is in fact predictive programming for the coming Nuclear False Flag Attack on Chicago, is easy to see.
At the 62 minute mark in the film, just after showing an image of a nuclear missile pointed at the downtown core of the city, there is a massive zoom out shot – but the further the camera zooms out from the shot, the more obvious it is, that THIS IS THE CITY OF CHICAGO, and NOT the City of Detroit.

The purpose of the coming Nuclear False Flag Attack on Chicago, is to bring about the declaration of Martial Law.  Obama desperately wants a declaration of National Martial Law, so that he can extend his dictatorship, with absolute power over the entire nation.  And so where is this declaration of Martial Law, to be found in the Movie?  The script of the film begins at the one minute mark, with the first audible words of a reporter saying, “Violence filled the streets, as the Mayor declared Martial Law today”

 Are there any obvious illuminati Signature stamps on the movie? – you might be wondering.  Yes, the most well known illuminati signature, is the image of Baphomet, the goat’s head, enclosed in an upside down pentagram.  And that image is clearly inserted in the movie at the 45 minute mark.  The image of the devil’s head is on the left, and the upside down pentagram is on the right, with the upside down cross.

But can there be yet another motive, that the illuminati have for Nuking Chicago?  That motive is revealed at the one minute mark in the movie.  The Mayor of the City explains that the purpose of the nuclear attack on Chicago, is to clear the land, for the “ILLUMINATION”, of a new construction development. “Gentlemen, this development is ‘a beacon of light’, in our dark city… situated on THE MOST VALUABLE PROPERTY, that this city owns.”  Now in the movie, the property is actually a slum.  But the most valuable property in Chicago, is the downtown core of the city.  And in the movie, at the 62 minute mark, the nuclear missile, is clearly pointed at the downtown core, of the City of Chicago – the city indicated by the zoom-out shot.

There are numerous other parallels in the movie to the City of Chicago.  There are numerous other signs in the movie, that it is in fact, NOT a movie about Detroit, but is in fact, entirely about the City of Chicago.  However, it is always good to leave some work for the other TRUE REPORTERS out there.  And so we have done just that.

You Can see how the City of Chicago falls at Ground Zero – at the Center, of the Illuminati Star that has been placed over North America, by the illuminati – at the following link:

Find out what each point on the illuminati star specifically represents, at this following LINK

It is common knowledge that “Brick Mansions” is the last movie that Paul Walker finished filming.  And now that the illuminati involvement in the film is undeniable, the question remains:  Did Paul Walker meet ‘an untimely fiery death’, in the same way that reporter Michael Hastings did?  Was Paul Walker’s death, the result of deliberate tampering with the vehicle he was riding in?  The illuminati have been involved in countless human sacrifices in North America over the past 50 years, and so that possibility can never, be fully ruled out. 

IRREFUTABLE PROOF that Obama was propped up by the Illuminati

This video will expose the Illuminati Pentagram, that has been placed over North America.  Remember! - it is “statistically impossible”, for so many false flag events to line up perfectly, on a complex geometric pattern such as this, when it is placed over an entire continent.   It is “statistically impossible” that is, unless those False Flag events are deliberately intended, to land there.
While most people know that Obama, began his political career in the City of Chicago, and is now seated in the White House; what most people do NOT know, is that Obama plans to show his gratitude to the City of Chicago - for helping him get elected, by authorizing a Nuclear False Flag attack on that city.  Obama has “a nuclear False Flag attack on Chicago” planned, as a catalyst, to elicit the ‘false compassion’ he needs, in order to justify his takeover of the United States.  Obama wants FULL CONTROL of the United States of America, and he plans to get it, with “the declaration of martial law”, that will follow, the ‘false flag nuclear attack on Chicago’.  It is urgent to get this news out, BEFORE the attack on Chicago happens – so that Americans know exactly what Obama is up to.  And now this video will reveal the illuminati connection, between Obama’s home town of Chicago - that is located at the center of the Illuminati Pentagram; and the African country of Kenya.  Kenya is known to many, as ‘the REAL birth place of the Anti-Christ’, who is “Barack Hussein Obama”.
Many people already know, that Obama was NOT born in Hawaii – and that his birth certificate was forged.  Many people are aware that Obama was actually born, in Mombasa, Kenya.  But what most people do NOT know, is that Obama was propped up into power, by the illuminati – a ‘not so secret organization’, that is now running the One World Government, from ‘behind the scenes’.   And so why would the Illuminati choose a person born in Mombasa Kenya, to prop up as the Antichrist President of the United States? – you might be asking.  The illuminati are really big into symbolism – especially symbolic numbers.  66, is in fact a symbolic Illuminati number.  The illuminati like to control world events, and to put their symbolic stamp on historic events, as a way to boast of their involvement.  You are about to see for yourself, the historic illuminati boast, of how they propped up the Antichrist President of the United States.  And it is really simple, to see ‘the proof of their boast’.
If you draw a line, from the center of the illuminati star over North America, starting at the City of Chicago and moving around the globe at a heading of 66 degrees, you will soon find, that the line follows a series of illuminati staged False Flag events, as it leads directly to Mombasa, Kenya – the birth place of the Antichrist.  Sound too incredible to be true?  See for yourself.  From Chicago the line first hits Toronto, Canada.
And so, 66 degrees from Chicago, in the sixth month of 2010, A G-20 Summit was held in Toronto; but it was no ordinary summit.  Many protesters were kettled, arrested and transported to ‘detention centers’ for simply exercising their right to FREE SPEECH.  This False Flag event in Toronto, was ‘a dry run’ for the planned round up, of millions of Americans, as they will be herded to permanent FEMA detention camps, that are now set up, all over North America.  The G8 Summit was held in Chicago in 2012, where a haunting echo of the Toronto events took place. 

From Toronto, still following the line at 66 degrees, it leads to Lac-Megantic Canada. 
And so, 66 degrees from Chicago, On July 6, 2013 a hellish fiery explosion occurred when an ‘unattended’ 74 car train, carrying crude oil, mysteriously began to roll down the tracks into the city, causing an explosion that resulted in the deaths of 42 people.  The disaster was no accident.  It was in fact a False Flag event.  The disaster consumed half of the downtown area in flames.
From Lac-Megantic Canada, still following the line at 66 degrees, it leads to Moncton, Canada. And so, 66
degrees from Chicago, in the sixth month of 2014, a False Flag shooting event occurred, where some police officers were allegedly killed.  The purpose of that False Flag event, was to justify the police purchase of Heavy Armored Vehicles and equipment – the equipment they would need, in order to take part in ‘the round up’.  This False Flag event was publicly set in motion, when Joe Biden announced the countdown phrase ‘New World
Order’ during his speech on May 28, 2014. 
From Moncton, following the line at 66 degrees, it leads to St. John’s.  Saint John’s is a city named after the beloved disciple of Jesus.  It is considered by some to be the oldest English-founded city in North America. 
Saint John’s is located at the Eastern tip of the Illuminati star.  It marks the eastern tip of the star, because the European Illuminati, see the American Illuminati as its ‘beloved disciple’.  But Saint John’s is also like ‘a sister city to Chicago’ – as Saint John’s is also “a city that was almost entirely consumed in hellish flames”.  Saint John’s went up in flames on the eighth of the month, in 1892.  The Chicago Fire happened on the eighth of the month, in 1871.

From Chicago, to Saint John’s, and as we continue at the same 66 degree heading, we come to Nairobi, Kenya.  Nairobi, is the capital of the country where Obama was born.  And finally, the 66 degree line that began in Chicago, leads us directly to the actual place of his birth, that took place in Mombasa, Kenya.

The American People believe THEY elected Obama.  The Truth is, Obama was carefully chosen and groomed to be the U.S. President – he was chosen and groomed by the Illuminati, so that he could usher in their antichrist agenda, under his dictatorship.   Please spread this video, before their plan moves forward. 
Note: If you enjoyed this video...check out important links, to our other videos and articles that expose the illuminati plan, for North America.
UNDER CONSTRUCTION - check back here often - as much more is about to be revealed.



TRANSCRIPT: Opening slide: "This Video is Dedicated to all the innocent victims of the U.S. Government Missile Attack On the City of West Texas. You already know the TRUTH in the depths of your hearts, and you are not alone".
Narrator: In the 2 Video frames before the West Texas Fertilizer Plant exploded, the sound of an approaching missile can be clearly heard.  (Missile sound is at 24 sec in the video)
(Small Video clip of Explosion with sound)
So what was the bright light to the left of the burning fertilizer plant, just before it exploded?  (Slide show of missile pictures.)

A missile, tends to form a crater (a Missile Crater image) when it explodes, doesn’t it?  Did anyone see (man looks at crater) left behind, by the explosion, (West Texas Crater Image) at the plant?
Does the US Government have (Moab missile image) a missile, that is capable of such an explosion? (Short video Clip of Moab Missile)
Narrator: The moab is big on fire power. This 30 foot monster ways more than 21,000 pounds, and carries close to ten tons of H6 explosive.
Military Expert: When they were testing it umm, people thought they were actually testing small nuclear devices.
Narrator: Pound for Pound this is less efficient , then multiple smaller detonations, but the sheer destructive force of one huge blast, plus the psychological effect of a nuclear style mushroom cloud, is undeniable.  

Military Expert: You drop one of these and you can take out a large amount of target, in one big explosion in one big boom; and that's what it does and does very very well. 

Does the mushroom cloud, (Mushroom Cloud Left by a Moab Missile image) left behind, by the Government missile, look anything like (West Texas Mushroom Cloud image), the mushroom cloud, left behind, by the explosion in West Texas? 

Were there any missile fragments left behind?  Perhaps these gentlemen, (Men in decontamination suits, looking for missile fragments) can help us find, the answer? 
Slide: "The MOAB weapon produces a very large, explosive blast, with lesser fragmentation, effects due to a thin-walled aluminum casing".
If it looks like a missile, If it sounds like a missile, If it explodes like a missile, If it leaves behind a crater like a missile, If it forms a mushroom cloud like a missile... Then it has got to be… (A MISSILE!!!)

Martial Law is Now in America, and "it is not going anywhere"

Mary Romanus: Exactly 10 days before the Boston. bombings took place.the US Vice President boldly announced
the beginning of a new world order. Joe Biden: the affirmative task we have now is a is to actually um create a new world order because the global order is changing again. in the institutions and the rule that work so well in the post-world war II era for decades,
they need to be strengthened and some have to be changed so we have to do we do best..

Soldier on radio: All businesses in these towns remain closed until further notice. residence should remain and not answer door unless it is a police officer. And are advised to stay away from windows.
Alex Jones: and we do have Congressman Ron Paul joining us today. It's great to have you on with us today sir.
Ron Paul: Thank you Alex, good to be with you.
Alex Jones: Wow, so much is happening. What do you make of Boston and that whole Marshall Law spectacle that we saw.
Ron Paul: well it's rather scary. You know me that I always try to look on the positive things and think things can't be quite as bad. But those pictures really concern me. You know I mean that is such a visual image When you see these thousands and thousands of troops, and they weren't your local friendly policeman that were involved, and it was accepted to easily. I mean can you imagine all these people being locked; they became prisoners, and then the police, the military police were allowed to march into any house, any time without a search warrant. It was Martial Law.  You know, I think it was very, very scary. Lets just hope it wakes up some people.
Alex Jones: Former congressman Doctor Ron Paul, joins us; very active in the defense of liberty, on the Boston issue. I mean clearly, any excuse this power structure has, to grab power they do it. And it seems that that appetite is getting more and more intense. Why do you think that's happening?
Ron Paul: Well, the problems are getting bigger.  They say that Congress isn't doing a good job because there broke but it's..the.. the whole system that's broke , were financially broke.
Alex Jones: Seeing the images, of lockdown; saying it's a prison, overriding the bill of rights, that is Martial Law by definition. Now they are saying this is the new way in America, and we gotta have drones now, domestically and that basically America is a battlefield.  We have known this is coming, along with the economic collapse, the decentralization.  What can you say that Americans can do to reverse this and your take on what you saw in Boston, Former Congressman, Ron Paul.
Ron Paul: Well I think what Boston has told me, is a bigger issue and more difficult to reverse,  than I might have hoped. I'm always hopeful. I always want to be positive.  I get a lot of people who understand and should do it. But to overcome the power of the Department of Homeland Security. I mean it looks like they are going to have all the guns; at least they want to have all the guns. They are buying up all the ammunition.  But of course they said they would never use it against American citizens. What in thunder are they doing? Then when you witness what went on in Boston.  I mean if this is not Martial Law, I don't know what Martial Law is going to look like. But the constitution has been trampled, and the American people are going to need to stand up any way they know how to do it: By spreading messages, reading, studying, getting involved in politics.
Alex Jones: What would you do, down there where you live in Southern Texas on the Coast, if they said don't come out of your house today, or we will arrest you; or what would you do if you drove up and they had your family with hands up.  I mean this is a big deal.  They need to get in trouble. Do you have any ideas as a constitutionalist and a pretty smart guy, how we could take action against this precedent setting garbage?
Ron Paul: Well, that's a tough one because they are the ones who are using violence illegally against the people; and to resist it of course, that's armed conflict; its how much of a stomach do  you have for the confrontation. But what we have to do it intellectually argue against, and expose  those people who have these lock downs and having Martial Law declares; because 3 people were killed which was tragic. But what about every night, I think everyday there's like 48 murders every day; sometimes is a week, and there will be 10 in one city. They never lock down a city. So this is... 
Alex Jones: Exactly
Ron Paul: unprecedented and very very dangerous, and we have to expose them every chance we get.
Alex Jones: Sure I mean they have had loan gunman out all the time.  You don't lock down a whole city.  If they said, 'Hey please stay in your homes in this block we think he might be in one of your houses', that would be a probable cause; at least you know something; reasonable suspicion; but I mean just your all locked in your house, and now we are going to aim guns at you. I mean little kids in yards, they aim guns at them.

Mary Romanus: It is becoming quite clear, that a new Era in history has now begun.  The U.S. Government no longer respect the freedoms, rights or boundaries of the American people, outside the womb, whom they are supposed to be serving. They U.S. Government was able to impose Martial Law, under the pretense of searching for one man. They used the excuse of a man hunt, to justify the military invasion of entire cities, with military personnel and armored vehicles. The U.S. military along with the Department of Homeland Security, deceived the American people, by pretending to protect the freedom of the U.S. citizens; all the while doing the complete opposite. The U.S. Government is conditioning the people, to tolerate a dictatorship, that is now bringing their military and their foreign wars home. At any moment the people are now expected to tolerate the military brutally ripping them from their homes, for no good reason; detaining them, robbing them of their human dignity, rights and freedoms. The modern day terrorist of the American people; the ones who are truly terrorizing the American people, are for the most part, now dressed in Government uniforms; and breaking through the front doors of innocent civilians.  They are armed with military assault weapons, and with propaganda, saying that the people have all lost their rights in the name of Homeland Security. The truth is that no one feels secure and no one feels safe, when at any moment the military can break through their front door, and rip them out of their homes without warning. It is not comfortable; it is not convenient, begin aborting their own people from their homes is it? Once everyone begins to tolerate this level of lawlessness.  The next step will be when the man of lawlessness, the U.S. President, stops returning people to their homes, without anyone questioning it. 
Obama: The time has come, for the world to move in a new direction. Planned parenthood is not going anywhere. Its not going anywhere today. Its not going anywhere tomorrow.
“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)
“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)
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