Tuesday, February 13, 2018

SACKCLOTH AND ASHES - "I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."

"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."

Sackcloth and Ashes

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, unless otherwise stated.)

“Do not say, “I sinned, and what happened to me?” for the Most High is slow to anger.  Do not be so confident of atonement that you add sin to sin.  Do not say, “His mercy is great, he will forgive the multitude of my sins,” for both mercy and wrath are with him, and his anger rests on sinners.  Do not delay to turn to the Lord, nor postpone it from day to day; for suddenly the wrath of the Lord will go forth, and at the time of punishment you will perish.”
(Sirach 5:4-7)

“Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes.  But it shall be more tolerable in the judgment for Tyre and Sidon than for you.  And you, Capernaum, will you be exalted to heaven?  You shall be brought down to Hades.  “He who hears you hears me, and he who rejects you rejects me, and he who rejects me rejects him who sent me.”
(Luke 10:13-16)

“Yet even now,” says the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning; and tear your hearts and not your garments.”  Return to the Lord, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in mercy, and repents of evil.”
(Joel 2:12-13)

“Submit yourselves therefore to God.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you.  Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.  Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you men of double mind.  Be wretched and mourn and weep.  Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to dejection.  Humble yourselves before the Lord and he will exalt you.”
(James 4:7-10)

“Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.”
(Acts 3:19) 

“I will arise and go to my father, and I will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son.” 

I have an important message from The most High True God to share with everyone on the Face of the Earth:  Thus says the Lord God of Hosts:  “I am Jesus, and I am calling all of mankind to repent of their ways, before Me – to renounce their sinful lifestyles, and their abominations in their midst; to clothe themselves ‘in sackcloth and ashes’, to make reparation for their sins against My Immaculate and Sacred Heart.”  (-Jesus, Wednesday April 28, 2010)  

“Sins” you might say “Surely you must be talking about someone else?”.  In these End Times, that would be a common response.  But, in the Bible it is written, “If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.  If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.”  (1 John 1:8, 10).  So, what does it mean, to clothe oneself in sackcloth and in ashes, one might ask?  Jesus explains:  To “repent in sackcloth, and in ashes  – …means in these times: humble yourselves, before Me; and acknowledge, your failings, and that you had chosen to serve mammon, instead, of adhering to the higher purpose, which I called you to.”  (-Jesus, Tuesday, January 31, 2012)  

He explains this again with these words: “Repent in your hearts in sackcloth and in ashes.  Hear the Word which I give to you this day, so that, you may live in your ‘interior lives’.  For though you walk around proclaiming My Name, and doing all sorts of “wonderful deeds” in My Name, I do not know you!  For sin creates a wedge, between Me and your souls.”  (-Jesus, Tuesday, May 15, 2012)  

The Scriptures, reveal what happens to our sins when we repent.  It is written, “Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.”  (Acts 3:19)…  So, when would be a good time to do so, one might ask?  Jesus replies: “Now is the time for hearts, to turn back to Me – to turn towards love, and away from self.  Now is the time, to repent in sackcloth and in ashes, and to remove oneself from ‘near occasions of sin’.  Yes sin is real My people.  It is that, which offends Me the most.  And you must all start, avoiding sin, or your souls will be forever lost.  For Death, is coming, to you all – in one way, or another... So it is best to get your lives in order – to make ready to meet your Creator.”   (-Jesus, Thursday, July 5, 2012)  

Now in these End Times, there are many “woes” that have befallen, and are about to befall the human race.  So it is best to repent, as Jesus explains:  “Repent.  Because that is what is necessary, in order to be healed from these coming ‘afflictions’.” (-Jesus, Monday, September 17, 2012)   

Repentance is also what is necessary, in order to have a relationship with the Most High True God - as Saint John the Baptist explains:  “The ‘message’, I was giving – to the Pharisees, and to the people – who ‘started to gather around me’, was that ‘the Messiah, was coming’, and that they had ‘better repent – quickly!’ – to ‘make room for Him – in their hearts’!...  For once a soul, has ‘truly repented’ – then they can be ‘set on fire’ with the Lord’s words; and receive the True Holy Spirit.  But ‘this’ takes ‘an act of the will’, as well – because they must ‘seek-out’, the True Holy Spirit; and ‘desire Him, to be with them’; and, strive never, to offend, the True Holy Spirit.”  (-Saint John the Baptist, Sunday, December 16, 2012)

The Blessed Virgin Mary, also gave me a message to share about repentance.  She said:  “I give you, this warning, my people – for I care about your souls.  I do not want, any of you, to be ‘eternally separated’, from the Most High True God.  What a terrifying thought!  But it is real!  If you refuse, to turn back to Him, and repent of your sinful ways, then you leave Him with ‘no other course, of action’. Just as Nineveh, was ‘saved’ – from ‘sudden destruction’, so too, does He wish to ‘extend His Mercy’ – to the whole World! Nineveh was spared – because they responded ‘appropriately’ – to the request of the Most High True God.  But my people, you will not ‘be spared’ – from His Divine Wrath! – if you do not turn back to Him, with True repentance…  After my Son Jesus came upon the Earth, it was then ‘a time to repent’ – to ‘turn to’ the Most High True God, so that ‘souls could go to Heaven’.  My people, you are ‘so far away’, from Jesus Christ the Lord.  And you are ‘drifting off’ into ‘nothingness’ before Him – as you no longer seek ‘to bear fruit’ for the Kingdom – of Heaven; but the ‘Kingdom of this World’, and ‘the fruits of it’, are ‘far more appealing to you’. How sad this is!...  Repent.  And ‘turn back to Him’ with sobbing and with tears; tear your hearts, and not your garments!  Be clothed in the True Holy Spirit, once again – so that you can come to ‘the Wedding Feast’ that is prepared for some of you.  But just like in the parable, not all will attend.  I warn you out of love…  I am asking you, to ‘spread this message of repentance’ – to your ‘loved ones’, and to your family members – if you truly care for their souls and for your own.  Remember my warning!” (-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 3, 2012) 

She also said:  “Repent, in sackcloth, and in ashes! – for ‘abusing the gifts’ He has given you; for sinning against Him.  Turn back to Him with all of your heart, soul, and mind, and you will be given: the necessary strength, and gifts, to ‘get through’, these End Times.”  (-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, December 7, 2012) 

In order to help you repent, Jesus Christ the Lord, has revealed a very special, new prayer, for the Faithful Remnant Church.  Here is the prayer, and I invite you now to pray it with me:  “Dear, Heavenly Father, Most High True God, I have been ‘a wayward soul’, and I have sinned and offended you deeply.  And now, with your Testimony, moving through your Son, Jesus Christ, the Lord – Most High True God, I ask that the burning Flame, and Fire, of the True Holy Spirit: ignite My soul, this day, to become, ‘a burning bush’, for you.  And I resolve, from this moment forward, to do all, that you ask me to.  And I choose, this day, to believe – without seeing.  Lord, Most High True God, please grant me the gift of faith, that I, may believe, in whom you have sent, and in, His word.  Amen.”  (-Jesus, Wednesday, November 21, 2012) 

For those who did indeed resolve to do what he is asking you to do, I now invite you to learn more about repenting “in sackcloth and ashes”, by following the instructions that are posted with this video.   For those who have still resolved “not to repent”, I leave you with this closing thought:… Have mercy, on God.  For Jesus Christ the Lord, suffered and died so that you could be forgiven, but not without repentance – from the very depths of your soul - for each and every sin that you have committed.  Do not make His sacrifice for your soul, ‘in vain’, through the very serious and deadly sin of neglect, of your own salvation.  I now leave you with the words of Jesus Christ the Lord, and Just Judge.  Each one of you, “...must choose, where [your] 'allegiance' is to be, from moment to moment.  That is why 'sackcloth and ashes' is so important.   Repentance, is 'key' for souls to enter into, the Kingdom, of Heaven.  Because they can't live the Kingdom of Heaven, if they aren't, repenting”. (-Jesus, Thursday, February 27, 2013, private message)

"I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
(Luke 5:32) 


“I will not ‘loosen the binding of sin’ upon the soul who seeks to be forgiven just out of routine.  Confession is not simply a routine, but it is a way that man’s heart can be reunited with his Maker.  Confession is ‘sewing a broken relationship’.  If you kept telling someone you were sorry over and over again, and continued to repeat the same sin - the same mistake, how many times would they forgive you, for they are only human?  Maybe once, twice, three times?  But I will forgive you as long as you continually seek to overcome the sin you are asking forgiveness for.  Doesn’t that make sense, My children?”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, October 6, 2009)


“I am Jesus, and I am calling all of mankind to repent of their ways, before Me – to renounce their sinful lifestyles, and their abominations in their midst; to clothe themselves ‘in sackcloth and ashes’, to make reparation for their sins against My Immaculate and Sacred Heart.” 
(-Jesus, Wednesday April 28, 2010)


“By denying Me, in front of the people, you practice, a great heresy; and therefore, I will deny you, before My Father who Lives and Reigns in Heaven, and who is Exalted, above the Heavens; unless you repent in sackcloth, and in ashes – which means in these times; humble yourselves, before Me; and acknowledge, your failings, and that you had chosen to serve mammon, instead, of adhering to the higher purpose, which I called you to.  Listening to the ‘doctrines of demons’, and ‘puffing My people up with pride’, was not your calling from Me; but it is the enemy who has anointed you – for that purpose. I anointed you: so that you would bring back the lost, bind up the wounded, heal the blind, and the lame, and cure the brokenhearted.  But you false shepherds– have done Me, and the people, a great ‘diss-service’.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, January 31, 2012)

When you do things with anxiety, and when you seek to do things, in ‘a fruitless way’, then how can I bless the works of your hands?  If My people want to be ‘fruitful’: then they must cast off the deeds of darkness; and reject all sin that lingers in them – that is: all sin – that they have consented to.  They must do: a thorough, examination of their own conscience – so that no ‘stone’ is left unturned in their own souls; so that they can be ‘set free’ from ‘the slavery to sin’.  Sin is what keeps souls in bondage – to the enemy.  And My Wrath is focused upon souls, who ‘stubbornly embrace’ – evil.  No matter how small the sin nor how big it is, My people are called to live without committing ‘sins in their lives that are avoidable’.  If they choose to hold on to ‘secret sins’ while rejecting others, I can not hear, their prayers. 
(-Jesus, Friday March 16, 2012) (- above Message excerpt added to this page on July1, 2017)


Jake is a Member of the Faithful Remnant


“I am warning, the people, of this generation, that My Two Witnesses are here, and have been here, for a few years now.  They are about to finish their Testimony.  You know where that is in the Book of Revelations. I suggest you all ‘get your houses in order’.  Make amends.  Put ‘sackcloth’ on in your hearts.  See yourselves as ‘worthy of the death penalty’, and perhaps I will show Mercy.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, April 3, 2012)


“This is not what people want to hear.  However I am not here to please people with ‘affirming thoughts of self-deception’.  Murderers, extortionists, idolaters, adulterers, and women - who make false externals and convenience their ‘gods’, will not enter into, the Kingdom of Heaven.  The Kingdom of Heaven is closed to all evildoers, workers of iniquity – including sex workers and prostitutes; they will not enter, into Eternal Rest.  The Kingdom of Heaven, is closed, to all ‘wicked women’ and all ‘wicked men’.  For those who seek to embrace those things can never ‘cross over’, and those among My Righteous, can never pass over there.  Until the wicked repent – from their hearts, then they can never enter in - to My Presence.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, April 24, 2012)


“Repent in your hearts in sackcloth and in ashes.  Hear the Word which I give to you this day, so that, you may live in your ‘interior lives’.  For though you walk around proclaiming My Name, and doing all sorts of “wonderful deeds” in My Name, I do not know you!  For sin creates a wedge, between Me and your souls.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, May 15, 2012)


“Now is the time for hearts, to turn back to Me – to turn towards love, and away from self. Now is the time, to repent in sackcloth and in ashes, and to remove oneself from ‘near occasions of sin’.  Yes sin is real My people.  It is that, which offends Me the most.  And you must all start, avoiding sin, or your souls will be forever lost.  For Death, is coming, to you all – in one way, or another.  If you die by nothing else then the Comet will ‘take care of you’.  So it is best to get your lives in order – to make ready to meet your Creator.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, July 5, 2012) 


“They think My words are discomforting.  They think the truth is to be ‘avoided at all costs’.  Well, they are not going to be able, to deny the physical – realities, as they have been denying the spiritual ones.  This, will give the people, a short time, to repent.  Because that is what is necessary, in order to be healed from these coming ‘afflictions’.  The children – being afflicted, below the age of reason, are going to be ‘afflicted’, because of their parents’ – refusal to repent, and to live, in the truth.  The children, are going to be afflicted, because of the selfishness, of their parents.  I will only, lift the affliction, for the families who repent, and start living, the Ten Commandments in their hearts.”
(-Jesus, Monday, September 17, 2012)


“Through My Testimony, I am going to bring people to repentance – to their knees.  I, am going to ‘bring them back’ – to ‘the roots’, of their forefathers – back to their ‘Christian roots’. Then they can choose: whether or not, they want, to follow Me. But they are all going to ‘wake up’ – whether they like it, or not; everyone, on the Face of the Earth, in the blink of an eye.  And My online Testimony is ‘just a warm-up’!”
(-Jesus, Friday, October 19, 2012)


“For what is happiness and laughter? – without ‘living in the Divine Will’?  I tell you My children they are ‘living for themselves’.  Because if they were living for Me they would clothe themselves in sackcloth, and in ashes; and they would desire unity with My Will; they would forsake their ‘idolatry’, their covetousness, and all their abominations; and thus: die, to self – so that they can live – for Me!”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, October 30, 2012)   


“What I want, from all, of My followers - sackcloth and ashes; self-denial; self-sacrifice; and true poverty.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, November 1, 2012)


“Repentance is ‘what is needed’ … Deliverance without repentance is like ‘a tree’, that sheds, its fruit.  Repentance, without: deliverance is just, as ‘fruitless’.  If people want to ‘be healed’ – from their sins, when they visit, My website, then they are going to need to repent: which means “turn away from your sins – towards life.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, November 10, 2012)


“Depart from Me all you workers of iniquity!  For ‘a Heavy Judgment’ is coming upon you wicked souls! – unless you repent ‘in sackcloth and ashes.’”
(-Jesus, Monday, November 12, 2012)  


“What is ‘the key message’, throughout the whole Testimony but repentance!  For how can people receive the True Holy Spirit if they refuse to repent?   What sort of “pentecost” would it be? – if there was no need for peoples’ sins to be forgiven?” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, November 20, 2012) 


“With every sin, comes ‘the affliction’, of ‘the demon attached to it’ – so that, unless, the sin was ‘repented of’, the demon would remain.  Now I cast out demons in people – without their desire for repentance; but because they had faith: that I could do, whatever I asked God the Eternal Father in Heaven for - for those I healed acknowledged Me: as Lord – even if for ‘just a moment’.  But often, when I would deliver people, from their demons, and they chose ‘not to repent’ – in their hearts, then the evil spirits would return to them, to torment them afterwards.  This was, ‘left out of the scriptures’, My children.  There is no example of this – except, I was ‘very careful to explain’ – what that generation was like – that when ‘evil spirits’ came out of a person, they would go, through ‘waterless places’, and finding no rest, they would return, with seven more worse ones – like it.  What this means, in ‘these times’, is that people must be ‘on their guard’ – in their interior lives, when they ‘experience the fruits of repentance’ – through My Testimony.  Because ‘the enemy of souls’, will try to ‘steer them away’, when they begin ‘to feel uncomfortable’.  Then, he will ‘pull all the stops’ he can, to prevent My word, from ‘taking root’ in souls.  And so I have a prayer, that people can say, in order, to prevent themselves, from ‘losing out’ – on, ‘the many riches’ that are here in My Testimony”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, November 21, 2012) 


“Remember My Mother listens and Does, what I tell her. And these are the End Times, and ‘things’, are quite different now.  And she has wept – ‘many a day’: because of the punishment, that has come, to the World; and because, of the punishment - that is coming.  For her words, are fulfilled: “Mankind, is doomed!”; but the other part, is: “if they refuse, to repent and turn away – from their ‘iniquities’, then I will not be able to ‘show them Mercy’.  The Court is ‘still in session’.  And My Mother… is ‘with Me, on this one’ – for she sees My Ways are ‘Just and True’.” 
(-Jesus, Sunday, November 25, 2012) 

Robert is a Member of the Faithful Remnant


“For those of you reading, My website – My Testimony, this is your ‘Great Warning’.  But it is also My Mercy, upon your souls – so that you can experience the consequences, of your sinful ‘lifestyles’ – while you are ‘still breathing’.  For the Door to Heaven is not shut to you completely.  But the ‘only way’ for you to desire ‘repentance’, is through ‘Fire’”
(-Jesus, Monday, November 26, 2012)


“You ‘wicked souls’ have ‘disordered yourselves’. And ‘the Wrath of God rests upon you’ unless you repent.”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, November 26, 2012)   


“He does ‘seek Love’ in return. And how would you express this love? - but by ‘turning away from your sins; and begin, to clothe yourselves in sackcloth, and in ashes – as He has requested!… I am calling all, people to repent - to embrace, the Cross of ‘purification’; to embrace, ‘the Luminous Cross’: by ‘forgiving’, and by seeking forgiveness; by ‘desiring unity’ in the True Holy Spirit; and by forgetting ‘all selfish intentions’. The only way that you will find ‘True Peace’ – as ‘children of the Most High True God’ (– for I am ‘the Queen of Peace’, the only way), is by ‘getting your hearts aright’ – with the Creator of the Universe; because True Peace comes from Him; and He gives it to whomever He Wills; and He Wills to give it to those who desire: True repentance … The only way that you will find ‘True Peace’ – as ‘children of the Most High True God’ (– for I am ‘the Queen of Peace’, the only way), is by ‘getting your hearts aright’ – with the Creator of the Universe; because True Peace comes from Him; and He gives it to whomever He Wills; and He Wills to give it to those who desire: True repentance.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Tuesday, November 27, 2012) 


“I encourage all those who ‘desire the promised Land’ (- that is, the spiritual allegory, for Heaven), to start by repenting in their hearts of ‘all wickedness’;and to turn wholeheartedly to the Lord, Jesus Christ – that He may forgive all of your iniquities, and that you may be saved, from His Divine Wrath.” 
(-Moses, Tuesday, November 27, 2012)


“My people: come, to My Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, that days – of ‘refreshing’, may be upon, your souls.  Dwell in the shelter, of the Most High True God, and take refuge in Him.  For the scourge against ‘the ungodly’, is great!  And will only increase with time.  For behold: He desires to extend prosperity to you – as ‘a flowing river’, that your days may be filled: with True Peace, True Love, and True Joy.  But you must repent, and return to Him, with ‘all of your hearts’, and ‘make your souls ready’ – for He can come at any time, and take you from this Earth.  Not that you will be “raptured”, My People; but that Death is coming, and is ‘already here’ in many ways.  Blessed is he, who escapes ‘the second death’.  I tell you the Anger of the Lord, lasts ‘but a moment’; but His steadfast Love, and faithfulness – ‘to all generations’.  If you will return to him, then He will ‘draw near’ to you; and then you can dwell in His Presence – as befits true disciples.  For will he not cover you with ‘the pinions – of His wings’?  For will He not heal you – so that the desires – of your heart, are ‘ordered’?  Will you not desire Him? – above all of the riches, this World has to offer?”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Wednesday, November 28, 2012)


“Again, My Motherly Heart, yearns for more children.  Come to me, and I will lead you, to the Lord Jesus Christ!  My people, know that it is ‘only He’, who can save you, from your sins.  He wants to be your ‘Savior’.  But in order for this to happen you must ‘do your part’:acknowledge your sins; pray – to the Most High True God; and fast from all forms of wickedness and idolatry – and He will be ‘with you’!  If you seek His forgiveness… right now he is ‘inviting “wheat” into His Barns’.  He is inviting ‘the wedding guests’ to His ‘Banquet’.  Outside are ‘the demon worshipers’, the sorcerers, the idolaters, and all those who are ‘polluted’.  The revelers, and ‘the drunken men and women’.  I tell you none of these will ‘enter’, into the Kingdom of Heaven – unless they repent.  My people, you will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven – unless you repent of your ‘wickedness’.  For there is no wickedness in Heaven. Only Love, True Peace, and Joy.  Let those who would ‘enter’ - enter.  Let those who would prefer to stay ‘outside’ - stay outside.”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, November 30, 2012)  


“As Our Blessed Mother said, “You need to repent of ‘all forms of wickedness’, and all ‘idolatry’, and pray!” – Pray like you’ve never prayed before!  Seek like you’ve never sought before!  Knock on the Door to Heaven like you’ve never ‘knocked’ before.  Because the Door, to ‘the Wedding Feast’, is only ‘Open’ for a time, times, and half a time.”
(-Saint John the Apostle, Friday, November 30, 2012)


“I am asking ‘all of My children’, to put on ‘sackcloth and ashes’… a time, for ‘reconciliation’, - with your Maker.  Because so many of you are ‘steeped in sin’, and He desires to come to you…  But how many of you will ‘open your hearts’…?  How many of you will allow your hearts to become ‘soft’, and ‘malleable’ – in His Hands?  Will you turn, to the ‘True Christ Child’, and allow Him, to live inside: ‘a clean soul’?  But I tell you now, He will not come to souls, who are filled with ‘gangrene’; who are filled with ‘the World’.  Because, He seeks, ‘a clean and pure heart’ to dwell in…  If you want to come to Him, and ‘be reconciled with Him, and receive Him ‘worthily’ – then come and ‘prepare your hearts’, so that, you may partake, of ‘the Tree, of Life’.  For My people, this is, ‘His website’. And these, are His words, and Mine.  And they are ‘meant to nourish you’. But you cannot receive ‘the gift that is here’, if you choose ‘to stubbornly embrace your sins’!  And so, you must go to ‘the sackcloth and ashes’ page, and ‘find out what it means to repent’ – so that, you may partake of His Eucharistic Presence here – through His words. I am ‘just a messenger’, My people, and He has sent Me to you – to ‘draw you closer to Him’; and to help you: recognize your ‘need for repentance’.”  
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Saturday, December 01, 2012)


“I have ‘come to know’, that ‘under adversity, and trials, and sufferings’, that that is where souls, will ‘find their purpose’ – in life.  They will ‘come to know the Lord’ – through suffering; and through ‘patient endurance’ – but not ‘apart from it’… I was scourged, for my iniquities; and my wicked sins; and the Lord ‘chastened me’ many times.  But I learned, ‘to fear His Holy Name’, and to grow, in my love and devotion to Him, and His Ways.  The Lord, chastens, the wicked, in the hopes that they will repent, and ‘turn back to Him’.  But, do not think, that the Mercy, of the Lord, will protect you, if you ‘stubbornly embrace’ – those things that offend Him.  For He is ‘Holiness’.  And He asks all, of his Disciples to become ‘Holy’ – that is ‘sinners, striving – for holiness’!  As He came to call the one, that is, ‘lost’; not ‘the ninety-nine self-righteous’.”
(-David, formerly “King David”, Saturday, December 01, 2012)


“How can I help you get out of ‘the snares’ you are all in? – if you refuse to listen to me; if you say to yourselves “that is not my ‘Blessed Mother’!”  You ‘children of the World’ have been ‘very naughty’!  And there is ‘a major scourge’ coming – on account of your ‘stubbornness’. You do not fear Him!  Nor do you seek to love Him.  But you have ‘turned away’; and you are now ‘naked’ before God the Eternal Father in Heaven’.  And you all, have been ‘exposed’.  And He sees: all – of your sinfulness!  And His Cup is ‘Reeling’ – against you.  Now I have taken my ‘Mantle of Protection’, off the World.  But I have not ‘withdrawn my Protection’ from my ‘True children’.  You ‘naughty ones’ are ‘so defenseless’; and you have ‘no protection from me’ – nor Heaven.  You have ‘succumbed to the pressures around you’ and conformed – to this World!  But then you are on ‘the wrong side of the gate’ - Yes, Heaven is ‘barred against you’ – unless, you repent!… Repent ‘in sackcloth and in ashes’!  And perhaps the Justice, of the Most High True God – can, be, ‘mitigated.  But unless you repent I tell you: the Justice, that is coming, will be far worse, than what Fukushima ‘brought to the Earth’.  What is worse than ‘physical deformities’ my people?... – but ‘spiritual ones’.  I tell you now: the Hell of Fire is what you will all experience!... if you, refuse ‘to get your lives in order’! - and you have been ordered by the Queen of Heaven to do so! (- on behalf of God the Eternal Father in Heaven).  I speak to you this day: for these are not ‘my words’ but His.  And I am ‘so glad to deliver them’!”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Sunday, December 2, 2012)


“I proclaimed these words, in the city, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh will be overthrown!”  And I saw ‘how the people responded’ – putting on sackcloth, and ashes – from the King, of the City, to the poorest of the poor.  Because they ‘began to acknowledge, that a prophet was among them; as I had declared the words, of the Lord.  If I hadn’t done that, surely Nineveh, would have been overthrown!  And ‘the blood of those people,would be upon me’.”
(-Jonah, Sunday, December 2, 2012) - likewise, we too (2W) have "declared the words, of the Lord"


“I give you, this warning, my people – for I care about your souls.  I do not want, any of you, to be ‘eternally separated’, from the Most High True God.  What a terrifying thought!  But it is real!  If you refuse, to turn back to Him, and repent of your sinful ways, then you leave Him with ‘no other course, of action’. Just as Nineveh, was ‘saved’ – from ‘sudden destruction’, so too, does He wish to ‘extend His Mercy’ – to the whole World!  Nineveh was spared – because they responded ‘appropriately’ – to the request of the Most High True God.  But my people, you will not ‘be spared’ – from His Divine Wrath! – if you do not turn back to Him, with True repentance…  After my Son Jesus came upon the Earth, it was then ‘a time to repent’ – to ‘turn to’ the Most High True God, so that ‘souls could go to Heaven’.  My people, you are ‘so far away’, from Jesus Christ the Lord.  And you are ‘drifting off’ into ‘nothingness’ before Him – as you no longer seek ‘to bear fruit’ for the Kingdom – of Heaven; but the ‘Kingdom of this World’, and ‘the fruits of it’, are ‘far more appealing to you’.  How sad this is!  Do you not know that He cursed ‘the fig tree that bore no fruit’?  Why did He do this?  To show His response to souls – who refuse to bear ‘good fruit’ for ‘the Kingdom of God’: “May no eat of your fruit again”!  In essence, He was ‘blotting out that tree’ – from Life.  For what good is ‘a tree’, that bears no fruit for the Kingdom – of God?  And Saint John the Baptist, said “the axe is laid to the root!  Bear fruit that befits repentance”!  And I am repeating his message now.  For ‘the Coming of the Lord’ is upon you.  And ‘like a whirlwind’ he will strike!  And you will not know when he comes to visit you!  And so I have urged you to Stay Awake!  Keep watch.  Repent.  And ‘turn back to Him’ with sobbing and with tears; tear your hearts, and not your garments!  Be clothed in the True Holy Spirit, once again – so that you can come to ‘the Wedding Feast’ that is prepared for some of you.  But just like in the parable, not all will attend.  I warn you out of love…  I am asking you, to ‘spread this message of repentance’ – to your ‘loved ones’, and to your family members – if you truly care for their souls and for your own.  Remember my warning!”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 3, 2012)


“What I am telling you is True.  Whether, you will ‘listen’, is between, you and, your Maker.   Because in these times, I am simply, ‘a messenger’.  I am, Our Lady, Queen of all hearts!  And I am praying that you will make ‘good decisions’.  Repent in your heart, and stop going to the institutions!  And throw out your televisions.  And read my Son’s Testimony.  And you, will be ‘off to a good start’.  Because ‘as it stands now’, your souls, have been condemned!  I repeat my self once more: my people, your souls, have been, condemned!  Not by the Most High, True God; because He does not ‘condemn’; but ‘by your own choices’. The Word, has ‘judged you’.  Now repent! – so that you may be ‘alive’!  Listen, to my Two Witnesses, whenever, they speak.  For they speak the words, from the Most High True God – just, as I do!... I suggest you get ‘your houses in order’, and quickly.”  
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Tuesday, December 4, 2012) 


“To ‘all of our “parents” out there’: abortion, is ‘a mortal sin’.  And keeps you out of the Kingdom of God – if you refuse to repent.”  
(-The suffering Souls, the unborn, Tuesday, December 4, 2012) 


“He is quite serious! Repent, in sackcloth, and in ashes! – for ‘abusing the gifts’ He has given you; for sinning against Him.  Turn back to Him with all of your heart, soul, and mind, and you will be given: the necessary strength, and gifts, to ‘get through’, these End Times.   And you will be ‘able to benefit’, from the wealth, and ‘riches’,that are here in this Testimony – which is ‘the Spirit of Prophecy’.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, December 7, 2012) 


“When people embrace sin, they know it is wrong - yet, they do it anyway!  They have ‘rocks in their hands’, ready to throw, at the church, ‘windows’.  And after they throw the rock, and break the window, they come to ‘the pastor of the church’ (who is to represent Jesus), and say “I am sorry I broke your window”.  Yet they have other rocks behind them.  And they break another one!  And then they come to the pastor, and say, “I’m sorry I broke your window again”.  And then they go away – and throw another one.  A third one is broken.  Then they go to the pastor once more, and say, “I’m very - very sorry, that I broke, your window”.  But the pastor ‘this time’, ‘got wise’ – to ‘what the soul was up to’, and he said to the soul, “If you are sorry, for breaking,all my windows!! Then why, do you ‘keep coming back’, with ‘rocks, behind you’?  Don’t you know, that I can see them?  And that I have seen them, these ‘last three times’? Therefore, I sue you.  And you must repair, ‘what you have broken’.  But the soul, did not have, anything, but some rocks.  So the pastor, called the jailers, and told them to “take the soul, to ‘a certain place’, until, they can pay, for the damage”.  Now this is just ‘a symbolic story’ my children.  And this, is to show you, what the Lord Jesus Christ, ‘goes through’, when souls repent ‘with their lips’, but hold on, to the sins, in their hearts.  Yes, He is merciful, slow to anger even and forgiving.  But, there is, ‘a limit’, to how much the soul, can offend, and just give lip service’ in return… People think, when they ask for forgiveness: that’s it! – that’s ‘all they need to do’!  But what the Lord Jesus Christ is asking souls... is to make ‘a firm resolve’, never to do those things, that they are truly sorry for’ - for if they keep doing them: it is just ‘lip service’.”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 10, 2012)


“The ‘message’, I was giving – to the Pharisees, and to the people – who ‘started to gather around me’, was that ‘the Messiah, was coming’, and that they had ‘better repent – quickly!’ – to ‘make room for Him – in their hearts’!  As Jesus, ‘in the flesh’, would appear very different, from ‘the god’, that the people were accustomed to worshiping…“I baptize you with water, but there is one who is coming, who will baptize you with the Fire and the Holy Spirit.  His ‘winnowing fork’ in His Hand; to clear ‘the threshing floor’.”  I had said this, to the people before ‘the Lord came’. Because, it was ‘to tell them’, that ‘baptism, of repentance’ is one thing; but ‘baptism of Fire, is another!!!  For once a soul, has ‘truly repented’ – then they can be ‘set on fire’ with the Lord’s words; and receive the True Holy Spirit.  But ‘this’ takes ‘an act of the will’, as well – because they must ‘seek-out’, the True Holy Spirit; and ‘desire Him, to be with them’; and, strive never, to offend, the True Holy Spirit.”
(-Saint John the Baptist, Sunday, December 16, 2012)

“I have a prayer, that people can say, in order, to prevent themselves, from ‘losing out’ – on, ‘the many riches’ that are here in My Testimony: 

Dear, Heavenly Father, Most High True God, I have been ‘a wayward soul’, and I have sinned and offended you deeply.  And now, with your Testimony, moving through your son, Jesus Christ, the Lord – Most High True God, I ask that the burning Flame, and Fire, of the True Holy Spirit: ignite My soul, this day, to become, ‘a burning bush’, for you.  And I resolve, from this moment forward, to do all, that you ask me to.  And I choose, this day, to believe – without seeing.  Lord, Most High True God, please grant me the gift of faith, that I, may believe, in whom you have sent, and in, His word.  Amen. 

This prayer will help many souls, My children, as it has been given – from: God the Eternal Father in Heaven – to his ‘chosen ones’, to His Elect, to His Faithful Remnant.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, November 21, 2012)

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)

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