Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The End - "I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."

"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
The End

“As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will this be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?”  And Jesus answered them, “Take heed that no one leads you astray.  For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray.  And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you are not alarmed; for this must take place, but the end is not yet.  For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places: all this is but the beginning of the sufferings… And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, as a testimony to all nations; and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:3-8, 14) 

“Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, every one who pierced him; and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him.  Even so.  Amen.”
(Revelation 1:7)

“And Jesus said, “I am; and you will see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.”
(Mark 14:62)


“Welcome to the End Times My children!  For you are living in the Time: of extremism.  And you are about to witness such extremes, as never, before in history.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, May 29, 2012)  

“These are the End Times, My children, and things are quite different now.”  
(-Jesus, Thursday, July 1, 2010)   

“Never has the World been in such turmoil as it is now.  All kinds of depravity are plaguing mankind.  It is only inevitable that their destruction will come, not through My hand, for I only desire life, but through their own conscious choices.  They are throwing themselves into oblivion.  I am simply not going to bow to their demons.  If this is what they want then so be it.  Justice has come, and come swiftly, for the End is near.”
(-Jesus, Friday, November 6, 2009) 

“What am I to do, at the End – of someone’s life?  When they come before Me?  What am I to say – to souls, who have lived their whole lives for themselves?  What do these souls expect from Me?  I tell you: They will receive,what, they were not expecting.  Truly, I tell them: the measure they give is the measure they will receive in The End.” … Selfishness, is ‘one of the plagues’, of these End Times, My children.  Greed, envy, sloth, unforgiveness, covetousness – these are all ‘the plagues’, of the End Times – maxed out to the fullest degree!  And so these, have been poured out – upon the Earth…”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, October 30, 2012)  

“But you have received ‘evil’ My children, and so have the rest of My Elect, who cry to me day and night, begging Me to Finish what I started two thousand years ago - crying out to Me to End this Era.  Millions and millions of babies, [- in fact, more than half a billion!], who can never see my Face, plead for mankind’s destruction, as their lives have been taken from them.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, April 24, 2012)  

“I know: what mankind has chosen to do, with: the gift of Life – either in the womb or elsewhere.  I know the pain and suffering, that has been caused, upon ‘My little ones’ – the unborn – they cry out to Me, begging Me, to End, this Era.  And I am granting their prayers.”  
(-Jesus, Monday, November 26, 2012)

“What do I see in this era?  I see people who want to kill each other; I see man wanting man’s destruction; I see man wanting his neighbor’s hurt and harm, and I see man wanting no longer to exist; for why on Earth, would any species desire to slaughter and murder its own young?  Not even the animals do this, but the animals in many cases are even more humane, than human beings.  I see an era, begging to be destroyed, begging to End.” 
(-Jesus, Monday, June 21, 2010)  

“Know that you are in the time of the End, when ‘all of Hell’ has broken loose upon the world, and the enemy’s kingdom has reached its peak of evil.  Know, that the enemy’s kingdom is coming to an end…”  
(-Jesus, Friday, March 9, 2012)

“People are literally walking around in a daze, brainwashed, into believing everything is fine, and acting on impulses, that do not, come from them; but they are being manipulated, in every way possible to man's bitter end.” 
(-Jesus, Saturday, January 8, 2011)  

“And so it is with these End Times My children.  The demoniacs no longer want to be delivered – not like in the time, of two thousand years ago, or even forty or fifty years ago.  I am going to shock you by what I am about to say: but if you gathered up all the numbers of people, and numbered them one by one, and put that against the population of the World, you would find, that over sixty-five percent of the people, are demoniacs.  The other percentage, of the people, are in fact, possessed.”… “These are the End Times My children, and you are living in a time when people refuse to be healed from their sins.” 
(-Jesus, Sunday, January 22, 2012) 

“…it will take ‘humility’, for them to admit, that this is ‘the Time of The End’.  Not according to the Mayan Calendar will the World End for the people; but according to My Justice the World, that they knew, is ‘coming to a close’.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, May 3, 2012)  

“The consolations - of following Me, always outweigh: the hurdles and trials, of this Era.  Yes, there is GreatTribulation in this World.  Yes, the World has become ‘spiritually toxic’ - as well, as ‘physically’.  And yes, this Era is coming to an End.  For I, have overcome the World, My children.  So seek to be with Me, and you will overcome as well.  Seek to live in the Truth and abide in My Ways, and you will find ‘salvation for your souls’.”  
(-Jesus, Sunday, April 1, 2012)  

“I am ‘so ready’, for ‘this generation of souls’ to End My children; but it is because of the souls of ‘My Faithful Remnant to be’, that: I hold-back still… But I am still waiting, for My Faithful Remnant, to follow Me, out of the churches into True Worship, in the True Holy Spirit. The Court is ‘still in session’; and now is the time for souls to ‘appeal to My Mercy’.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, November 20, 2012)  

“In everything give thanks and praise, to the Lord Jesus Christ, as befits true disciples of Him.  Exalt Him, in your hearts – forever; and He will sustain you through what is coming.  He will sustain you to the End.” 
(-Pope Peter the First, Saturday, March 3, 2012)

“Blessed are they, who keep, the words of this Testimony; and keep, their gowns pure, white, and un-spotted, until The End – when I come again, to Judge the living, as well as the dead.” 
(-Jesus, Monday, October 29, 2012) 

Don’t want to get shut out of the Kingdom of Heaven?  The abomination of desolation is now set up in all the churches.  Almost everyone has now received the Mark of the Beast.  You can’t get to the Kingdom of Heaven, without True Repentance.  You can’t experience True Repentance without the True Holy Spirit.  In these End Times you can’t receive the True Holy Spirit without using Blessed Holy Water.  All the “holy water” in the religious institutions is now filled with “the spirit of the antichrist”.  You can only get True Holy Water by reading the Testimony.  Get True Holy Water by reading Testimony of the Two Witnesses.com.  You are quickly running out of time.  You are now Fully informed.    

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, unless otherwise stated.)


“No one is predestined, for Heaven, for Hell, or for Purgatory, but I simply know the choices that they will make to end up in one of those places mentioned. “
(-Jesus, Tuesday, October 6, 2009)  (Note: in other words, don't blame God for your choices, just because He can clearly see the future) 


“Never has the World been in such turmoil as it is now.  All kinds of depravity are plaguing mankind.  It is only inevitable that their destruction will come, not through My hand, for I only desire life, but through their own conscious choices.  They are throwing themselves into oblivion.  I am simply not going to bow to their demons.  If this is what they want then so be it.  Justice has come, and come swiftly, for the End is near.”
(-Jesus, Friday, November 6, 2009)  (Note: in other words, just because you tell yourself something is NOT a sin, does not mean that God "rubber stamps" that evil choice with His approval)


“The enemy seeks to control everyone, especially through others.  It is one of his greatest vehicles, but he forgets in the end, that I win.  I have already won.  He is trying to take down, as many souls as possible; but because I am God, and can see, and act, and move freely, outside of space and time, I know the final outcome of this war: satan will be forever thrown into the Eternal Lake of Fire, along with his minions, and those who follow him.” 
(-Jesus, Saturday December 19, 2009)   (Note: in other words, the sick people of the religious occult world, are simply being destroyed by the enemy they worship) 


“See the 'End Time Prophecies’ being fulfilled, in front of you.  Watch them unfold, now, quicker than ever before.  Continue to listen to the Holy Spirit in your interior lives, and focus on the Truth; for so much of the world, is focused on falsehoods.“
(-Jesus, Sunday May 16, 2010)    (Note: in other words, click on the link, "End Times Prophecies Fulfilled")


“What do I see in this era?  I see people who want to kill each other; I see man wanting man’s destruction; I see man wanting his neighbor’s hurt and harm, and I see man wanting no longer to exist; for why on Earth, would any species desire to slaughter and murder its own young?  Not even the animals do this, but the animals in many cases are even more humane, than human beings.  I see an era, begging to be destroyed, begging to End.” 
(-Jesus, Monday, June 21, 2010)   (Note: in other words, predatory animals tend to go for the jugular vein, to put their prey out of misery, before tearing them apart limb from limb.  When people commit the act of abortion, the unborn human baby in the womb, is torn limb from limb, while being fully conscious, and aware of the dismemberment, and suffers much more than most animals suffer, when they are hunted down in the wild, by other animals.  Since humans have now committed more than half a BILLION abortions without mercy, The Most High True God is directly intervening in the course of human history, in an unprecedented way.)


“These are the End Times, My children, and things are quite different now.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, July 1, 2010)    (Note: in other words, The God of the Old Testament has now arisen! - and 'Old Testament style Justice' is now manifesting on a Global Scale)


“People are literally walking around in a daze, brainwashed, into believing everything is fine, and acting on impulses, that do not, come from them; but they are being manipulated, in every way possible to man's bitter end.” 
(-Jesus, Saturday, January 8, 2011)   (Note: in other words, people in these End Times, have given their free will over to the demons they embrace, so that they can be governed by all the powers of Hell.  They choose this instead of being docile, to the inspirations of goodness, that could otherwise have come from their Creator)

“All of the minds: put together, to defy nature, and to create destructive forces – will be instrumental, in destroying the Earth. They are ‘playing with fire’ My children – with molten magma.  They are the ones waking up ‘the Ring of Fire’.  But as I said, this will backfire upon them, and their games will come to an End, because nature can only be tampered with, for so long, before I permit it, ‘to bite back’ – ‘with a vengeance’.“
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 20, 2011)    (Note: in other words, God is allowing the One World Government to create man-made earthquakes by using their HAARP machine)


“And so it is with these End Times My children.  The demoniacs no longer want to be delivered – not like in the time, of two thousand years ago, or even forty or fifty years ago.  I am going to shock you by what I am about to say: but if you gathered up all the numbers of people, and numbered them one by one, and put that against the population of the World, you would find, that over sixty-five percent of the people, are demoniacs.  The other percentage, of the people, are in fact, possessed.”… “These are the End Times My children, and you are living in a time when people refuse to be healed from their sins. “
(-Jesus, Sunday, January 22, 2012)  (Note: in other words, welcome to "the zombie apocalypse" - it is now in full swing - and this is BEFORE the Mark of the Beast manifested on 12/25/12.)


“For what, you both are enduring now, is little, compared to the recompense, of the wicked – of this generation.  For though they seem to prosper for a time: their prosperity, will come to an End.  Though they are filled, with all sorts of ‘good things’ now, and over-indulge in ‘worldly consolations’ – these too: will come, to an End.”
(-Jesus, Friday, January 27, 2012)   (Note: in other words, although the Two Witnesses are hated by almost everyone, it will only be for a time)


“For the Elect, time is short, and is passing by – just as the flowers fade – so too, will this era – End.”
(-Jesus, Monday, January 30, 2012)   (Note: in other words, these End Times events, will not manifest for much longer)


“In everything give thanks and praise, to the Lord Jesus Christ, as befits true disciples of Him.  Exalt Him, in your hearts – forever; and He will sustain you through what is coming.  He will sustain you to the End.”
(-Pope Peter the First, Saturday, March 3, 2012)   (Note: in other words, your True Strength, is Jesus Christ the Lord.  There are however other types of short-lived "worldly strength")


“In the beginning the Church was not a ‘hierarchy’: there was one leader; and the others were disciples; and the leader himself was a disciple – of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.  But what the institution has become today, is unlike anything I have ever seen in the past – truly, it is ‘a house of horrors’. But the True Faithful Remnant Church, will be sustained until the End: because they sought after, Jesus Christ the Lord; and they sought for Him to come to them; and they sought to be pleasing in His eyes only.” 
(-Pope Peter the First, Saturday, March 3, 2012)   (Note: in other words, Jesus Christ the Lord has left all the religious institutions, and his True Followers, have followed Him OUT of the institutions)


“Know that you are in the time of the End, when ‘all of Hell’ has broken loose upon the world, and the enemy’s kingdom has reached its peak of evil.  Know, that the enemy’s kingdom is coming to an end, just as I build up My Kingdom in souls, throughout the entire World.”
(-Jesus, Friday, March 9, 2012)   (Note: in other words, the physical manifestations of 'Hell on Earth' are not going to increase much more, before God Closes This Era)


“Remember I told you in the End Times, that brothers and sisters, and mothers and fathers, would deliver each other up – to death, by getting them to renounce their faith in Me, and adopt ‘worldly maxims’.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, March 10, 2012)   (Note: in other words, parents are now flooding their children with "godlessness", so that almost ALL children above the age of reason, are now living in a state of "mortal sin")


“But if you give goodness, goodness will be bestowed upon you.  But do not be wretched in your treatment of My gifts and graces; and do not be like the wicked servant who buried his talent in the ground – only to give it back to Me in the end.”
(-Jesus, Monday, March 12, 2012)   (Note: in other words, read the Testimony and benefit from it, before this gift is taken from you, because of your neglect)


“I will tell you, why N, is not, a true member, of My Faithful Remnant Church – neither is he a follower of Mine.  For he compromises, what he knows to be true in his heart, for falsehood, and ‘fleeting power’.  His position within that ‘hierarchy’ is coming to an end – one way, or another.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, March 27, 2012)   (Note: in other words, ALL the TRUE FOLLOWERS of Jesus Christ the Lord, have followed Him OUT of every religious institution on the Face of the Earth)


“The consolations - of following Me, always outweigh: the hurdles and trials, of this Era.  Yes, there is Great Tribulation in this World.  Yes, the World has become ‘spiritually toxic’ - as well, as ‘physically’.  And yes, this Era is coming to an End.  For I, have overcome the World, My children.  So seek to be with Me, and you will overcome as well.  Seek to live in the Truth and abide in My Ways, and you will find ‘salvation for your souls’.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, April 1, 2012)   (Note: in other words, the time of the Great Tribulation, foretold by the prophets, is now already manifesting in these final days of this Era)


“But you have received ‘evil’ My children, and so have the rest of My Elect, who cry to me day and night, begging Me to Finish what I started two thousand years ago - crying out to Me to End this Era.  Millions and millions of babies, who can never see my Face, plead for mankind’s destruction, as their lives have been taken from them.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, April 24, 2012)    (Note: in other words, the innocent victims of abortion are all crying out to Heaven and demanding a Just response from the Creator of the Universe)


“But it will take ‘humility’, for them to admit, that this is ‘the Time of The End’.  Not according to the Mayan Calendar will the World End for the people; but according to My Justice the World, that they knew, is ‘coming to a close’. “
(-Jesus, Thursday, May 3, 2012)   (Note: in other words, the Mayan Calendar connection with the world physically ending in December of 2012, is pure folly.  However, the Mayan Calendar, did come to an end, within days, of when the Mark of the Beast manifested on a Global scale - so it did in fact, mark the End of the World, for most people, on a spiritual level  The Lord does indeed work in mysterious ways!)


“When, Fukushima’s Reactor Four goes, they will have no one to blame but themselves.  And then they will have all of the evidence they need to understand, that they are in the End Times.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, May 27, 2012)   (Note: in other words, it is not a matter of "IF" reactor 4 "goes" - it is a matter of "when")


“Welcome to the End Times My children!  For you are living in the Time: of extremism.  And you are about to witness such extremes, as never, before in history.  For the science of man, is turning, upon them – in droves.  And all, will be ‘laid waste’, in the End.  For there is no salvation, outside of the Truth.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, May 29, 2012)   (Note: in other words, the record size earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, and other physical manifestations that have been happening recently, and on a Global scale, are TRULY signs of the End)


“Fukushima…This, is, “The Doomsday Event of 2012”, that people are so ‘curiously’, and ‘eagerly awaiting for’.  No, the World is not going to End by any amount of ‘Hollywood imagination’.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, September 20, 2012)   (Note: in other words, 2012 will be remembered by future generations, as a year of doom - but not according to the Hollywood script for that particular film - but instead, because of the reality of Fukushima radiation taking its toll on a Global scale, and the Mark of the Beast that manifested on Christmas Day that year)


“You are My Two Witnesses.  And you have consecrated this year, to My Divine Justice.  And My Wrath is enkindled against: The Earth – ‘boiling over’, in certain parts of the World.  Welcome to ‘the Beginning – of The End, of the World – as you know it!” 
(-Jesus, Friday, September 21, 2012)   (Note: in other words, God is formally wrapping up this present Era of souls - from Noah until Pope Peter the Last)


“For you all know that I am speaking.  Because I speak: to the depths of your very beings.  But you still have: your free-wills – for now.  And so you must choose: what path, you are going to take. The broader path leads only, to ‘a desolate end’...But if you decide, to follow your feelings, then that is all that you will have, in The End.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, October 24, 2012)    (Note: in other words, everyone who reads the Testimony and rejects it, if they refuse to repent, will suffer the consequences for knowingly rejecting their Creator - their only Hope of Salvation)


“The prophecies, of Malachi, speak, about you My son, as well, as the prophecy, of Saint Francis, of Assisi.  There are other ‘prophets’, that have spoken, of what, was to come, in the End Times, with regards to you My son, Pope Peter, the Last.” 
(-Jesus, Saturday, October 27, 2012)    (Note: in other words, this is 'the real deal' - the real culmination of all prophecies, about the End Times)


“Blessed are they, who keep, the words of this Testimony; and keep, their gowns pure, white, and unspotted, until The End – when I come again, to Judge the living, as well as the dead.“
(-Jesus, Monday, October 29, 2012)   (Note: in other words, the 5 people on the Face of the Earth who were above the age of reason, and did not receive the Mark of the Beast, were indeed blessed - yes, there were in fact, only five! - Ron Paul and Rand Paul are two of them - not because of our political leanings, but because Heaven revealed this unchanging fact.)


“What am I to do, at the End – of someone’s life?  When they come before Me?  What am I to say – to souls, who have lived their whole lives for themselves?  What do these souls expect from Me?  I tell you: They will receive, what, they were not expecting.  Truly, I tell them: the measure they give is the measure they will receive in The End.” … Selfishness, is ‘one of the plagues’, of these End Times, My children.  Greed, envy, sloth, unforgiveness, covetousness – these are all ‘the plagues’, of the End Times – maxed out to the fullest degree!  And so these, have been poured out – upon the Earth… “I weep, and am sad, over peoples’ bad choices – to live against My Commands; to live a life of luxury – denying themselves nothing.  And what did “he”, get in The End?...‘Nothingness’ in return.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, October 30, 2012)   (Note: in other words, those who have chosen to seriously neglect their Creator in THIS life, will be allowed to continue that lifestyle in the next - "life")


“The people have ‘everything they need’ to get through these End Times.  It is all written out for them so that: they will know, what they are to do.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, November 17, 2012)   (Note: in other words, people who knowingly or otherwise refuse to acknowledge the signs of the times, can not use "ignorance" as an excuse)


“I am ‘so ready’, for ‘this generation of souls’ to End My children; but it is because of the souls of ‘My Faithful Remnant to be’, that: I hold-back still… But I am still waiting, for My Faithful Remnant, to follow Me, out of the churches into True Worship, in the True Holy Spirit. The Court is ‘still in session’; and now is the time for souls to ‘appeal to My Mercy’.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, November 20, 2012)   (Note: in other words, appeal, to God's Mercy, by using the Blessed Holy Water, repenting, and reading the Testimony)


“I know: what mankind has chosen to do, with: the gift of Life – either in the womb or elsewhere.  I know the pain and suffering, that has been caused, upon ‘My little ones’ – the unborn – they cry out to Me, begging Me, to End, this Era.  And I am granting their prayers.”
(-Jesus, Monday, November 26, 2012)   (Note: in other words, the unborn got the garbage can and the (hospital) incinerators - so too will it be for the unrepentant generation of souls who put them there)


“I stand before, the Lord of Hosts, and I am His Angel, and Commander, of His, Armies.  So great, is the Host, of Heaven!  And I, am ‘the Angel with the Sword’: with ‘the Flaming Sword’…  Now, He has ‘sent Me out’, once again, with ‘a flaming Sword’ – to bury deep, into the hearts of sinners – everywhere!  And He has ‘commissioned Me’, to take Armies, of ‘the Host of Heaven’, and go out to ‘all the churches’ – round about, and administer: His, Divine, Wrath!    Now this is going to happen – within ‘the next little while’, because: you both are in ‘the Time of the End’; and ‘things, are different now’; and just as I protected, Elijah, with ‘the Heavenly Host’ – at his side, so too do I protect the both of you!  As I have been ‘commissioned’ to do so.  And I have been assigned, as ‘your Guardian Angel’.  And I have been assigned, to protect ‘the Testimony going out to All the Nations’.  And I have been assigned to protect Our Lord’s website, from being shut down.  ‘The priests, of Jezebel’, are many, in this World; and they are all ‘going to be taken down’.  Because the Most High True God has ‘this purpose’ in Mind.  And I will carry out His Will against all, of the Nations.”
(-Saint Michael the Archangel, Wednesday, November 28, 2012)    (Note: in other words, the Mark of the Beast really did fully manifest on a GLOBAL scale, on Christmas Day, 2012)


“As I wrote down the visions of the End Times (– which are ‘these times now’), all I could truly focus on, was the Majesty, of the Creator of the Universe!  I saw, other Saints in Heaven as well as Angels.  But nothing could compare, to the Glory, of ‘the Immortal Godhead’.  And in My heart, I had ‘a foretaste’ – of this ‘Heavenly Abode’.  And all I could think of, was how I wanted everyone! – to come here.  And even though, I saw ‘the visions’ – for these End Times, it is still nothing compared to the Glory, of the Lamb of God, whom I am with now!”  
(-Saint John the Apostle, Friday, November 30, 2012)   (Note: in other words, there is nothing this world has to offer, that is worthy of your refusal to repent)


“For indeed this is the time, of the End.  As Gabriel, spoke to me, and said, “Seal up the visions; for they are for many days, hence – for ‘the time, of the End.”  And now ‘the visions’ have been ‘unsealed’.”
(-Daniel, Monday, December 17, 2012)   (Note: in other words, the scrolls mentioned in the Book of Revelations, have ALL, been unsealed)


“I was ‘visited’, by the Lord. And He told me, ‘He plans, to destroy the Face of the Earth!’ Because, it had become: ‘so wicked to Him’… in Heaven it has been revealed, that the Lord is coming Back!! – to destroy, ‘parts of the Earth’ – ‘by a Comet’!  This is ‘very different’ from flood waters.  And so He still keeps His promise to this day!”
(-Noah, Monday, December 17, 2012)   (Note: in other words, the rainbow offers no protection to anyone, from the coming End Times Events - just the reassurance, that ALL will not drown)


“Just as I spoke to John, and revealed to him ‘the visions of the End’, so do I speak to the both of you.  Did Saint John, “the beloved”, know, what everything was to represent? – at the time, the visions were given?  Or did he have to wait, until he was here – with Me? – before ‘the puzzle pieces’ all, came together?  And even then, he had to wait ‘some time’ - for that to be revealed.  As it is only now, in these past years, that ‘the visual allegories’ - in Saint John’s Book of Revelations, are only now, beginning to be revealed.”
(-Jesus, Friday, December 13, 2013)

Is that The END?

(December 15, 2016 addition to the website) 

Is WHAT the End?  That's the question you need to be asking. 

Here are some thoughts on the topic. This morning, as I was gradually waking up from a well-deserved rest: my wife - who was still sleeping - gasped suddenly and loudly!  And so, I immediately woke her and asked her what happened in her dream. She revealed, that once again, she had a vision of a large tsunami approaching.  These visions of the coming _____________ disaster... [remind me to fill this blank in after it happens - simply because we aren't supposed to reveal it just yet.  And for the scoffers: Sure, you can always call it 20/20 hindsight - but how are you going to explain the fact that we knew it was "a mega tsunami"?] ...have been happening quite frequently lately.  This kind of experience is actually quite normal for us, in these End Times,  I remember waking up regularly for many months, just before the 2011 Japan Tsunami hit, with similar dreams - or "nightmares" - or "visions".  And so is "The End" coming?  For those about to die in the next Mega Tsunami - yes! - it IS!  But "the End" of WHAT?

It may shock you as you read this, but the Most High True God is actually starting "a NEW Era" on Earth - on THIS planet - in THESE Times - these, "END", Times... "a new BEGINNING"!  "The END" - a term commonly used on this website - actually refers to "the OLD Era", and all those who are choosing to perish WITH it.  

But just in case you MISSED it - "a new Beginning" IS "the End, of the previous Era".  And so if you have 'the mark of the beast', or 'the mark of Cain', and you are sad and depressed, and are too proud to follow the instructions on this website in order to be healed, and get your Soul back - you can forget about blaming us, for your desire to embrace despair.  "Despair", is actually a gift from the devil.  And "ETERNAL despair", is for those who WANT and EMBRACE the enemy's gifts - ETERNALLY.   We are simply here to offer words of Truth and Life - for those who desire THAT "lifestyle choice".  Understand?  If you did, you would use the Blessed Holy Water, and become a Member of the Faithful Remnant.  So no, most of you who are reading this do NOT, "understand".  THAT much - EVERY Member of the Faithful Remnant, "understands".  Do the souls in Hell "understand"? - how the Most High True God is Just in all His Ways?  No, they only have "a burning desire" to see themselves as blameless victims, of the Most High True God's Divine Justice.  Go figure.  Sound familiar?

And so, IS that the End?

For the Members of the Faithful Remnant in Heaven?

The Most High TRUE God has been gathering "His ELECT" - those who desire Truth and LIFE - to the Kingdom of HEAVEN - for many CENTURIES now.  Know that their "experience", of the passing of time, is quite different than that of those who dwell on the Earth.  The Souls in the Kingdom of HEAVEN, are actually completely fulfilled, as they anticipate the fullness of the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.  They know 'that time' is coming - but they are not anxious or impatient about it - it will simply happen when it happens, and HOW it happens - for each one of them. 

For the Members of the Faithful Remnant in Limbo? 

The Souls of the Holy Innocents - the Unborn - are all completely content - as they KNOW, their lives will be RETURNED TO them; and SOON!  They will be getting their PHYSICAL lives BACK! - on Earth! This is "an EXTREMELY uncomfortable topic" - and why is THAT?  Because it wasn't "comfortable" for THEM to have their lives STOLEN from them!   Know that the Most High True God is about to "Balance the Universe" - on THAT topic - in a way, that will ENSURE, that NO one will EVER! - desire that another abortion is committed - EVER!   Enough said on THAT topic!  But He really IS quite good at balancing the Universe - in "the most JUST, and FAIR, way" -  just for the record.  Yikes!

For the Members of the Faithful Remnant on EARTH?

Persevere in Faith and in Works - inspired by the inspirations of the True Holy Spirit in each and every MOMENT!  You will be glad you did!  Know that you ARE in "the Heavenly Witness Protection Program"; and as long as you persevere, you WILL be protected - PHYSICALLY - in the coming disasters.  In other words, "Welcome to the BEGINNING - the BIRTH pangs - of the Fullnesss of the Physical Era of Peace on Earth".  And congratulations on "winning the lottery"! - as you have now all FOUND, "your PEARL, of great price"!

The FAITHFUL Remnant, is "about the BEGINNING", of a new ERA - NOT "the END, of the OLD era".  ALL things, come to an end; but the Faithful REMNANT, are 'the ones, who have been PROMISED Eternal LIFE' - but ONLY 'the ones, who choose, to PERSEVERE, and DO, what their CREATOR is ASKING of them'.  Have YOU, been DOING, "what your CREATOR, has been ASKING OF YOU? - DAILY?

For the Members of "the Faithful Remnant to be" - the PRESERVED Souls on Earth? 

We look forward to meeting you in person - as do all your fellow brothers and sisters - your TRUE Family, the Faithful Remnant.

For the Members of "the Faithful Remnant to be" on Earth, who are about to perish in the coming disasters?

See "the Faithful Remnant in Heaven" above.

For those who have stubbornly chosen to find a comfortable spectator seat "on the sidelines" - all the while refusing to do, what their Creator is asking of them? 

The Graces to board the Ark of Safety are no longer there for you. Know that your Creator respects your choice, to remain OUTSIDE the Ark of Safety, at this critical and decisive time in human history.  This isn't the FIRST time, He has seen many, MANY people, choose that vocation - that "point of view".  We respect your choice, to reject the Graces.

For those with 'the spiritual mark of the beast' who have not yet found the Testimony?

"The END", of their connection with their Creator - the end of their SOUL - happened on Christmas Day 2012 - when their Guardian Angel removed it, and gave them "the spiritual sign of the baphomet" of their foreheads instead.  All those who perish in the coming disasters, with the mark of the beast on their foreheads, have already received their Eternal Judgment from their Creator. 

For those with 'the spiritual mark of CAIN' who have not yet found the Testimony?

They really need to follow the instructions on this website and get that mark removed while they still have breath. 

For those with 'the spiritual mark of CAIN' who have found the Testimony?

The time of Grace is very short indeed.  Better to use the Blessed Holy Water, and follow the instructions on the Website, than to knowingly continue to go "the way of Cain".

For the souls in Hell? 

Apparently "Hell" - that fiery spiritual place for people who chose poorly, is presently being relocated to the Eternal Lake of Fire.  The people there WON'T enjoy their new home.  But the Creator of the Universe has to do SOMETHING with "the stench of their sins" - that they REFUSED to let GO of; and "THAT" just seems to make sense!

The end of the illuminati hierarchical structure?

"How is it that two people can bring down the entire illuminati organization - globally?"  THAT, is the question, they have been asking themselves - as their structure crumbles, systematically, subtly, not so subtly, and completely.  Jesus actually gave us the answer to their question last night; He reminded us that we wield the Power of the Most High True God - HIS Power. [Of course, we can only "wield His Power" - when our will is perfectly united with His Divine Will - the Will of the Creator of the Universe - for the record.]  Whereas the illuminati wield the power of the ANTICHRIST.  Personally - and I don't want to sound "biased" - but it seems to make sense to me, that the power of the one who Created the entire Universe - and who hears the thoughts of every human being - past, present and future - all at once! - seems to be "the more INTELLIGENT choice" as an object of worship.  This is obviously "radical thinking", in the minds of almost everyone outside the Faithful Remnant, at this point in human history - and so there is really no point in extending this paragraph any further.  You can try Jeremiah 51:15-19 - for further "thoughts", on this topic.

05 20 2019 - the end of the 1335 days?

That is "the end of something" - and the significance of that end has been unpacked at this LINK on our website.

07 25 2019 - (66 days later) - the end of the 2300 days?

That is "the end of something" - and the significance of that end continues to be unpacked at this LINK on our website.

The end of this section in the Testimony?

No, I am quite confident I will find something else to add, at some point in the future.  Thanks for asking just the same!   I can now see the bottom of my coffee cup - and you know what THAT means!  Time for "a new beginning"! - with, or WITHOUT you.  YOU decide!  The choice is yours!

(The December 17, 2016 addition follows...) 

The end of Project Bluebeam?

That "GLOBAL psyop", will not be up and running for much longer.

The end of GMO foods?

Forcing people to pay more, for produce that has not been poisoned by Monsanto's genetic modifications, is an injustice, that will soon be remedied, by the Most High True God's Divine Justice.

The end of the Global Government's control over the mainstream news outlets - including newspapers, news shows, news websites, and even a multitude of fake alternative news outlets?

Yes, that WILL be news! - REAL news!

The end of Fukushima and Chernobyl radiation?

After the radiation has expedited the departure of the enemies of the Most High True God, its effects will be minimized, by a simple Command, from the Throne of Heaven.

The end of mercury-laden vaccines?

They simply will not be necessary, as the illuminati's human sacrifice population reduction program, will ultimately cease to exist WITH them.

The end of Chemtrails, streaking across the sky?

We are quite confident, that since the global governments agree that they want fine particles of dust, floating in the air, around the world - the Most High True God, can simply answer that prayer, by waking up so many volcanoes, that the program will no longer be necessary.  Perhaps a new volcano under each capital city?  We will have to wait and SEE, how this unfolds.

The end of the godless public education programs?

The King of Heaven will be acknowledged by everyone.  Simple. 

The end of the global satellite surveillance system and the National Aeronautical Surveillance Association (NASA)?

What goes up, must come down.  It's called "the law of gravity". 

The end of contaminated water?

That end times Scourge - that is really only a few decades old by the way - will end with the generation, that refuses to be healed by the Blessed Holy Water.

The end of the corrupt financial institutions?

"In the Most High TRUE God we will TRUST".  And bartering, will become a much more common practice, once again.

The end of abortion?

All forms of satanic and luciferian human sacrifices, will ultimately perish WITH the father of lies, the devil - in the Eternal Lake of Fire.

The end of false feminism? 

That will happen pretty soon.

The end of war? 

In the fullness of the Physical Era of Peace on Earth, angry men won't be running away from their wives, in order to kill someone, any more.  It will be quite the opposite, in fact.

The end of technology? 

Technology can and will be used for GOOD - NOT as a means for the NSA to download all the new activity on your computer, every time YOU think YOU are "downloading, the newest microsoft update".

The end of the antichrist in the white house?

He's still there, and he knows his time - referring to the approach of the end of his second term, is short.  Do YOU think "the enemy incarnate" in Obama, is simply going to hand over all his power, to Donald Trump?  Are the American people, giving their Creator ANY indication, that they want the MERCY of the Most High True God?  And so WHAT is Obama DOING to steal his third term, from BEHIND the scenes?  It started with the motion to recount the votes.  Then the claims that a Russian hack on some emails magically changed the outcome of the entire US election.  And then multiple waves of MSM propaganda smearing Trump from every possible angle.  Then the movement to pressure individuals in the electoral college to NOT represent the majority vote of the state they were from.  Then the new trend of MSM sites posting very ANGRY photos of Obama.  Then, the well-publicized exit interview of Michelle ("Michael") Obama talking to Oprah, saying, "See, now, we are feeling what not having hope feels like".   This is going to get quite interesting folks!

And why is it GOING to get "quite interesting"?  We have mentioned "Predictive Programming" elsewhere in the Testimony.  The Epic movie "Star Wars Rogue One" - scripted by the illuminati - was STRATEGICALLY released, in MOST countries on December 15, 2016 - exactly 10 days before Christmas; but ALSO in the last few weeks leading up to the end of Obama's second term.  And in the final MINUTES of the movie - there were THREE! - EPIC! - and MOST DELIBERATE! - PREDICTIVE programming scenes.  First, the scene of a mushroom cloud from an atomic blast - that killed the lead FEMALE character in the movie.  Second, the image of the black leader, "Darth Vader", killing everyone in his path.  And finally - the SHOCKING digital animated figure of "Princess Leia" - responding to the question, "What is it they have sent us?" - by blurting out, "Hope!"

Jesus Christ the Lord said:  When America voted for Obama, they voted for "false hope". 

2 world class puppets.  One big illuminati script. They only pretend to be enemies.

"The United States of America – their Government, and, the Russian Government, and, the Chinese Government, are ALL, working together, against, the people –foreign, and, domestic.  They don’t care. They are only interested, in “power” – the power, to inflict pain, and suffering.  These ‘political leaders’, get ‘a high’, from it.  Because, they are sociopaths, and, psychopaths. So, they treat the world, as ‘a chess game’.  But what is most important, for people to realize, is that all of the governments, are ‘working together’ – behind the news, behind the scenes.  They will only appear, as ‘political enemies’ – to distract the people, from everything, the leaders all unanimously agree on.  The media’s role in all of this, is to make sure the people, see that there are two sides – to keep them in the illusion of ‘good guys and bad guys’ – when in reality, all the politicians are luciferian.  And that’s, your, ‘political forecast’ My children – for the times you are living in.  Understand?  Not, what, the government, wants people to know – especially coming from Me.  But their secrets, are only “secrets” for so long. And never, ever, were they successful, at keeping “secrets”, from Me – from Heaven.  I see it all.  I’m at their “meetings”.  Though I am invisible – and most definitely, “unwelcome’; I am still there. I see, what they are up to.  But it’s too late for anything to change." (- Jesus, Monday, February 23, 2015) 

What would happen if all of Heaven prayed a novena for the End of the Era?

(- referring to the End of "the Era of the damned" - those OUTSIDE the Faithful Remnant)

Funny I should ask.  Because the answer - is one that a significant percentage of the global population, is sure to understand - and it goes like this:  The Most High TRUE God looks with favor on the prayers of the Holy SAINTS in Heaven, the Holy ANGELS, and the Unborn Souls.  And so He IS going to answer their prayer!  Simple!  Today is "the first SATURDAY" of the month of May, and that Novena - OFFICIALLY - according to the King of Heaven, Jesus Christ the Lord, the Most High TRUE God - begins today - at HIS Command.  Congratulations everyone! - OUTSIDE the Faithful Remnant, for 'your response' to the Testimony of your CREATOR - the Creator of the UNIVERSE by the way - has NOT gone unnoticed.  HE has informed us that even MORE, specific PHYSICAL chastisements, have NOW been set aside, and assigned to EACH individual person who is to be found OUTSIDE the Faithful Remnant, when this novena ENDS.  This indeed will be the PHYSICAL parallel, to the way that SPIRITUAL chastisements, were allocated, when the mark of the beast manifested, on Christmas day 2012; but the big difference being, that the coming "END game" physical chastisements, won't ALL fully manifest in a single day. 

And WE aren't going to tell you the day the novena is going to END on - as that is "a SECRET", we cannot reveal.  WHY, "a secret"? - you may be wondering.  Well, for STARTERS - So that WE - the Two Witnesses of the Most High TRUE God, KNOW! - to the very DEPTHS of our entire BEINGS - that HE! - the Creator of the UNIVERSE, is "NOT! - messing around!"  We know EXACTLY when it is going to manifest - so that WE can give everyone the necessary "heads UP!" - that they NEED - so that THEY will have NO excuse, when 'the HAMMER' comes down, even MORE profoundly, in their personal lives (- referring to "the Gavel of Divine Justice" - JUST! - in case you were wondering).  And more practically speaking - if we DID announce the day, MOST people would use that as "a cue, to start mocking us, about how they believe nothing will happen" - and that "knee-jerk response" would unfairly DISTRACT them.  You know something... they did that in Noah's time... and, it just isn't 'a necessary repeat'.  And to be quite CANDID, 'the whole MYSTERY thing' - is ACTUALLY, "a bit unsettling".  But the number one reason, that it is a secret, is because the King of Heaven said so - just "for the record'.  And since the spiritual mark of the beast was ACCURATELY FORETOLD, BEFORE it happened - WHO knows, perhaps He is simply 'switching things up a little', to keep it interesting.  Something to chat about, in the Fullness of the Physical Era of Peace on earth, no doubt.  We have ALREADY begun...
Interesting Trivia note:  And this note is just "a personal note", for me, PPTL - so that I don't forget.  The novena, was actually 'a SURPRISING Decree' from the King of Heaven - in response to me, asking all of Heaven for help.  Help with WHAT?  Help, dealing with all 'the waves of demons' that were sent by the occult world as a result of the "first Friday novenas", that were prayed against myself, my wife, the Testimony, and the Faithful Remnant - to be specific. Jesus Christ the Lord has informed us that 'the NUMBER of the assailants', "taking ON the Remnant", is now approximately a million - due to the number of hostile "occult practitioners", who have been PROFOUNDLY affected by the spiritual changes in their lives.  And you can rest ASSURED - due to the timing - that the Queen of Heaven, is PERSONALLY leading all of Heaven, in this Novena - one for the history books, no doubt.  THEY - the assailants - won't be able to stop their novenas, because of their "bestial unholy perseverance"; and so, all of HEAVEN, will help them stop! - and help US, in the process.  Thanks be to the Most High TRUE God, the Creator of the Universe!  (First Saturday, May 06, 2017 update)

"Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who is seated upon many waters, with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and with the wine of whose fornication the dwellers on earth have become drunk.”
(Revelations 17:1-2)

"There are 2 Lists of Countries below.  I will allow Jesus Christ the Lord, to explain why these lists are here, and why there is a map of the World with the locations of people who have seen the testimony, marked in red." - P.P.T.L.

“I am sending forth My word, once again, to the four corners of the Earth, so that people can choose where they stand: Either you are for Me, or against Me My People.  But there is nothing in the middle.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012)

“My Faithful Remnant, continually want, to be filled! – with True Counsel, from Heaven.  And they want their souls, to be nourished – in Truth, and with love.  My Testimony, will reach, ‘all of the Nations’, round about; and after, I have received their ‘response’ – to it, then, My Divine Justice, and Wrath, will be unleashed – according to God the Eternal Father in Heaven’s Will, and Plan.  People, do not realize, My son, that they are indeed ‘proxying, on behalf, of their own Country’.  And their response is, ‘a reflection’, of their Nation.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, March 19, 2013)

The Nations that have seen the Testimony (last updated September 23, 2016), through one of their representatives, are as follows:
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Bhutan, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Djibouti, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Cayman Islands, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Curacao, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic Congo, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, England, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, European Country, Faroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, France, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia (Sakartvelo), Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar, Great Britain, Greece, Greenland, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guatemala Guernsey, (French) Guyana (Guyane), Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary,  Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Japan, Jersey, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Myanmar, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands Antilles, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Northern Mariana Islands, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territories, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Polynesia (French), Portugal, Puerto Rico, Quatar, Republic of Serbia, Reunion (French), Romania, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis Anguilla, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa Islands, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Sint Maarten, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Korea (Korea Republic), Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Togo, Tonga, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Turks and Caicos Islands, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vatican City State, Venezuela, Vietnam, Virgin Islands, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe. 

And all of Heaven is still waiting to hear from a representative from each one of the following 13 Nations.  However, because the above list is based on our Advanced Web Statistics, or AWStats - we really do not know, if the website statistics for the following nations, have already been pooled into the stats for one of the above nations, or not.  For example, we don't know if "American Samoa" stats below, have already been combined with "Samoa Islands" above.  And so, know that if you haven't used the Blessed Holy Water and become a Member of the Faithful Remnant, "the END", may FIND you, before YOU find, that the following list is removed: 
American Samoa, Andorra, East Timor, Kurdistan, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Mauritania, Martinique, Niue, Norfolk Island, Somaliland, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Tibet, Wales.

“Pour out your anger on the nations that do not know you, and on the kingdoms that do not call on your name.”
(Psalm 79:6)

(Note: the map below will not pinpoint all the countries that view this website, and
the locations are not all accurately positioned. With only 13 Countries remaining,
this website is experiencing hundreds of daily visits, from people around the globe.
This website has now been visited by more than 100,000 different I.P. addresses)

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)

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