Sunday, February 11, 2018

TELEVISION - "I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."

"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, unless otherwise stated.)

“I will sing of mercy and of justice; to you, O Lord, I will sing.  I will give heed to the way that is blameless.  Oh, when will you come to me?  I will walk with integrity of heart within my house; I will not set before my eyes anything that is base.”  
(Psalm 101:1-3a)

“The eye is the lamp of the body.  So, if your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light; but if your eye is not sound, your whole body will be full of darkness, if then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!”
(Matthew 6:22-23)

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’  But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” 
(Matthew 5:27-28) 

Jesus said: It is ‘DIFFICULT’, for SOME, to be, ‘UNPLUGGED’, from the WORLD – ALL at ONCE; because for MANY, the TELEVISION, has BECOME, their only source of “FOOD”, for their INTERIOR lives - as SPIRITUALLY TOXIC, as it IS.  The TESTIMONY – MY Testimony, TEACHES the complete OPPOSITE, of what, the PEOPLE, on the TELEVISION, proclaim.  IT is ‘one of the ENEMY’S GREATEST, achievements’! – the INVENTION, of the TELEVISION.  The ENEMY, USED! – the TELEVISION, to BREAK IN, to the MINDS, of the PEOPLE – on THIS PLANET! – and STEAL! – ANY hope, of their Salvation;  BECAUSE, they CONSENTED! – to ALLOWING themselves, to be FILLED, TO THE BRIM! –with ‘all KINDS of WICKEDNESS.  In FACT, the  TELEVISION, was, and IS, ‘the complete OPPOSITE’, of ‘SPIRITUAL vision’.  The TELEVISION, can ONLY, present ‘ILLUSIONS’, for people, to EMBRACE – with their MINDS.   And NOW almost EVERYONE on the FACE of the EARTH! – is WITHOUT, their “SOUL” - in SHORT, BECAUSE they DON’T DESERVE, to HAVE one.  WHY?  Because they choose to entertain themselves with EVERYTHING, that OFFENDS, the TRUE Holy SPIRIT; that OFFENDS, any LIFE, I have to OFFER them.  The PEOPLE of THIS WORLD, have CHOSEN their master.  THEY have CHOSEN ‘the devil, incarnate’; THEY have CHOSEN, to be ‘filled with DEMONS’ – instead of My LIFE! – instead of sharing in My Divine LOVE, for them.  They Can ONLY be filled WITH hate! TELEVISION IS, ‘the ABOMINATION of desolation – set UP, IN the homes.  “Good CHRISTIANS”, pay HOMAGE, to that ‘satanic ALTAR’ – almost EVERY day!  They make, ‘SPACE for it’, in their HOME – even MOUNTING it, on their WALL – gathering their CHILDREN, AROUND it, for ‘FAMILY time’ – so that their CHILDREN, have ‘NO hope, of Salvation’.  But I call My TRUE Followers, to STOP! - watching Television; I TELL them to throw it AWAY! – but ONLY if that’s POSSIBLE.  IF it is not THEIRS, and they try to throw it OUT, and cut the CORD – THAT is “vandalism”.  PEOPLE, must CHOOSE, to turn it OFF! – themselves.  It is ‘not EASY’.  The REASON for the TELEVISION, was to PREPARE people, for the COMING of the ANTI-christ; and HE is here NOW!  The REASON for My TESTIMONY - WAS, and IS, to PREPARE, My PEOPLE – My CHOSEN ones – to LIVE! – the ERA, of TRUE Peace; to LIVE, the Kingdom of HEAVEN, in their Hearts.  VERY simple!
(-Jesus, August 16, 2015)

As the Last Pope and True Vicar of Jesus Christ the Lord, the Most High True God, on Earth, I have a very important message to share with the Faithful Remnant Church: 

First lets refresh our memories with a few ‘very important passages’ from the Bible.  Saint Matthew writes:
“The eye is the lamp of the body.  So, if your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light; but if your eye is not sound, your whole body will be full of darkness, if then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!”
(Matthew 6:22-23) 

And remember it is written in the Psalms:
“I will not set before my eyes anything that is base.”
(Psalm 101:3) 

The Scripture passages I just read, are revealing, in various ways, that ‘the eyes are the window to the soul’; and that there is ‘a great danger’ to the soul, when people let in, all sorts of evils, through their eyes.  The most common ‘instrument’ through which evils enter the soul in these present times, is through the television.  Jesus reminds us, that: “Spiritually, what you don’t like to hear My people, is that you have souls – that you need to care for; that you need, to nurture; that you need, to nourish with the truth, with true love, and, with holy examples set – by those around you.” (-Jesus, Thursday, September 27, 2012) 

He also says:  “Television has no room, for the Kingdom of Heaven; but only seeks to preach the opposite.  Hearts, that are awake, and full of love, should have no room, for the television, in their lives, or their children’s lives.” (-Jesus, Saturday, October 16, 2010) 

Now, perhaps the viewer of this video, might be tempted to argue, that with our conscience, we can choose to watch what is safe, and we can choose to avoid what is not appropriate.  This is an argument, or a thought.  Watch what will happen to souls, if they try to present that excuse before their Maker - at their Judgment:  Jesus replies:  “When bombarded by so much falsehood, there is little room for the true Holy Spirit to move, within souls.  So He is stifled there - a prisoner, in their own consciences.  For is not the conscience, My voice, My children? - Telling people the difference between what is right and what is wrong?  But so few have one these days; they prefer to be told what is right and what is wrong - by external sources: such as the media or mainstream news.  Their ‘truth’, is in what they see, but cannot perceive - their ‘truth’, lies in the television.  Those who choose to snuff-out the ‘Voicebox of Truth’, in their minds and hearts, to prefer the ‘voicebox of the enemy’, are on the wrong team - have chosen the wrong allegiance.  98% of ‘christians’ still watch the television, My children – that is why only 2% will be saved, worldwide.” (-Jesus, Monday, Aug 22, 2011) 

Yes, Jesus is revealing to the World, that He is not interested – at all, in saving, so-called “christians”, who have set up an altar in their homes, and put a television on it, in order to worship false realities, and worldly thinking; all the while tolerating ‘every evil under the sun’.  Even if a TV show seems harmless, the brainwashing commercials that are woven through it, now, do enough harm to the soul, to exclude the soul from the Kingdom of Heaven – for all Eternity.  Jesus makes this quite clear.  He states:  “People who watch television, are basically telling Me, they want no part in My Kingdom, and they have chosen the Kingdom they wish to serve in.” (-Jesus, Tuesday, May 24, 2010) 

It is important that everyone know, that the television is one of the manifestations of ‘the abomination of desolation’, that was spoken of in the Bible.  Jesus revealed this just 3 months ago when he said:  “For in October, of 2009, ‘the abomination’, was ‘set-up’.  But since the beginning, of the invention of the television, it has been set-up in peoples’ homes.  And with ‘the division, in the homes’, it has been set-up in peoples’ hearts.  For the abomination of desolation, is ‘deprivation, of salvation’.  Because ‘sin’, is ‘put on a pedestal’ – above one’s own salvation; and ‘neglect of one’s own spiritual life’, is all that there is left, when this happens.” (-Jesus, Sunday, November 25, 2012)

I want to make it quite clear that the television is a serious danger to the spiritual wellbeing of all children, and should never be used as ‘an electronic babysitter’.  Who better than the Blessed Virgin Mary to add her ‘maternal thoughts’ on this topic?  She states - and quite boldly (because she also loves us):  “‘Hellfire’, and ‘Brimstone’, is what, ‘is awaiting souls’, if they refuse to repent, and ‘turn away’ from all forms, of ‘wickedness’.  Throw out your televisions!  Remove them from your homes! This, is an order! – from the Queen ‘of Heaven.  Repent!  Turn back, to the Lord Jesus Christ, with all of your heart, soul, and mind.  Throw it out I say!!! - if you ever hope to enter, the Kingdom, of God! There is ‘nothing good’ upon it!  It is in fact ‘a gateway, into Hell’!  No good can come from it!  But evil, pours forth, to blacken your souls!!  Why have I said that ‘many of you are in the state of mortal sin’? – but because you ‘entertain yourselves’, with ‘the abomination, of desolation’!  You have all ‘turned away from your Creator; and have turned, towards: these ‘sick satanic pleasures’ - as My Son has said before, “There is no room, for television, in the kingdom of God”!  And you risk, being cast out of His Kingdom – for Ever! – if you continue to ‘entertain yourselves’ with those things, that offend Him the most!  You cannot have it both ways my people: you are either ‘for’ God the creator of the Universe, or you are ‘against Him’!  To ‘slip’, and ‘to fall into sin’ is ‘one thing’; but when you make sin ‘a way of life’, then you are ‘desolate’.” (-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Sunday, December 2, 2012) 

And for all the hardened hearts out there, who think that at their final Judgement, they can simply pull one of these things out and change channels… I am going to close this lesson with an admonishment from your Just Judge, Jesus Christ the Lord, the Most High True God… To the people out there, who are ‘not liking’ this message.  Jesus says:  “At this point, many “feelings”, will arise, within your hearts – because you know ‘the Truth, is irrefutable’.  And there will be: a temptation, to hate, and run away – from My words, being spoken, or proclaimed.  But if you decide, to follow your feelings, then that is all that you will have, in The End.  It all comes down, to your own personal choice: whether you want to start ‘living in the truth’, or continue ‘living, in your own false realities’ – that you have created, or, ‘have allowed others to create, for you’.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, October 24, 2012)


“My children, it is good to discuss the affairs of the world, but only when it draws you closer to Me and further away from ‘the tentacles’ of ‘the great octopus’.  Be careful not to get ‘sucked into evil’ when discussing evils.  To avoid this you must stay in the spirit of prayer and Truth.  Pray before you have each conversation. That the Holy Spirit be invited to enlighten your heart and minds in the knowledge of the Truth and so you can see from My point of view, as in looking though My eyes to where things are, and were they are headed.  Do not seek ‘useless vain knowledge’ but only the knowledge that comes through ‘a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit’, to your own souls.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday October 20, 2009)


“It is simply terror and horror coming from upstairs+ and all of the sounds of Hell, and they are making a mockery of the spiritual life – of the spiritual realms.  Those who bathe in such terrible abominations before Me, have no hope for Heaven, because they are quickly ‘fixing their wills’ upon this Earth and upon wickedness – to the fullest measure.  Wickedness will not be tolerated any longer, and that is why San Francisco is going to fall into 'a giant fissure', and the rest of it 'pummeled by waves', because I will show the World, that their wickedness is fruitful.  Not what they were expecting, is about to happen.  The punishment will fit the crime.”
(Jesus, Friday, February 19, 2010)
[Note: "coming from upstairs" refers to the sounds of people screaming, coming from the television, in the apartment above us, at the time of this message.]  


“Television, is the enemy, of My children; but those who would engage, in viewing such acts of violence and sexual promiscuity, and lewdness – revel in the viewing of it.  Those who condone the television – can never be My friends; as long as that satanic altar is set up in their hearts, there is no room for Me.  I am not referring to people who watch a few hours here and there, of what would be called ‘wholesome shows’; but those who make television their god, to exclude Me from their lives altogether – these are the ‘worldly people’, and they go to Church on Sundays; and you will be seeing and witnessing what happens to people, when they make television first and foremost, at the center of their lives – that icy cold box of Hell; and those who authentically seek to worship Me – this you will also witness tomorrow.  America is doomed; the World is doomed – because man’s hearts, have turned away from Me, from each other, and ultimately towards self, and sick satanic pleasures.  Television has no room, for the Kingdom of Heaven; but only seeks to preach the opposite.  Hearts, that are awake, and full of love, should have no room, for the television, in their lives, or their children’s lives.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, October 16, 2010) 


“Media propaganda, is growing in the news, now more than ever before.  Think of the Media as ‘a giant octopus’, spreading its tentacles wide and far, over everything it touches; and what ‘oozes’ from these ‘palms’, is disgusting, it is lethal, it is poison, meant to paralyze, while the victim is slowly being eaten away - alive.  This is sick imagery, My children, but I chose to give this to you, because it is very necessary, to get the point across.  You are always going to need to ‘filter through’ the news from now on.  You must read through it, only with Holy Spirit, because so often what you see presented, is not what’s really there.  Listen more to what they are not saying.  Listen attentively to how they word things in such a way to get people to believe what they want them to.  The Media is a giant octopus, and is in charge of getting the people moulded and ready and desensitized to what’s coming next.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, May 16, 2010)


“People who watch television, are basically telling Me, they want no part in My Kingdom, and they have chosen the Kingdom they wish to serve in.  Think about it this way, the television, the radio, excessive internet, these all not only affect the mind, but also ‘the interior life’, of a soul.”  
(-Jesus, Tuesday, May 24, 2010)


“When bombarded by so much falsehood, there is little room for the true Holy Spirit to move, within souls.  So He is stifled there, a prisoner, in their own consciences.  For is not the conscience, My voice, My children?  Telling people the difference between what is right and what is wrong?  But so few have one these days, they prefer to be told what is right and what is wrong, by external sources, such as the media or mainstream news.  Their ‘truth’, is in what they see, but cannot perceive - their ‘truth’, lies in the television.  Those who choose to snuff-out the ‘Voicebox of Truth’, in their minds and hearts, to prefer the ‘voicebox of the enemy’, are on the wrong team - have chosen the wrong allegiance.  98% of ‘christians’ still watch the television, My children – that is why only 2% will be saved, worldwide.”
(-Jesus, Monday, Aug 22, 2011)


“Heaven, is for ‘all repentant sinners’.  Heaven is for all people everywhere, who ‘respond to My Graces’ – who ‘respond to the Truth, with love’; who ‘desire to live in the Truth’.  For I am the Truth, and those who knowingly embrace falsehood and ‘false realities’, have no part in My Kingdom.  There is no television in Heaven.  There is no ‘video games’.   There are no movies, or ‘worldly entertainment’.  There, is only room for: peace, love and joy.  Those other things are mere distractions, and rob souls of these.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, April 1, 2012)


“I am allowing people, to think what they will, and to form ‘judgements upon judgements’.  In fact they are choosing how much they will benefit, from the truths shared.  Most people do not have ‘room for the truth in their lives’, My children, bombarded by falsehoods and false realities, they constantly, rely, upon these, as their entertainment.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, July 5, 2012)


“What you witnessed today, were souls, who chose not to listen, to filial instruction, and guidance, but instead, they chose their ‘alternate-realities’ to turn to.  Why?  Because the Truth, is not ‘palatable’ – to their mouths, or ‘endearing’- to their ears, or ‘pleasant’ to see – with their eyes… The World, in essence has become: of one mind.  Only those who strive: to break free – from ‘the tentacles of the giant octopus’, can, and will survive what is coming – at least on ‘a physical level’.  But spiritually, what you don’t like to hear My people, is that you have souls – that you need to care for; that you need, to nurture; that you need, to nourish with the truth, with true love, and, with holy examples set – by those around you.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, September 27, 2012) 


“At this point, many “feelings”, will arise, within your hearts – because you know ‘the Truth, is irrefutable’.  And there will be: a temptation, to hate, and run away – from My words, being spoken, or proclaimed.  But if you decide, to follow your feelings, then that is all that you will have, in The End.  It all comes down, to your own personal choice: whether you want to start ‘living in the truth’, or continue ‘living, in your own false realities’ – that you have created, or, ‘have allowed others to create, for you’.” 
(-Jesus, Wednesday, October 24, 2012)


“For in October, of 2009, ‘the abomination’, was ‘set-up’.  But since the beginning, of the invention of the television, it has been set-up in peoples’ homes.  And with ‘the division, in the homes’, it has been set-up in peoples’ hearts.  For the abomination of desolation, is ‘deprivation, of salvation’.  Because ‘sin’, is ‘put on a pedestal’ – above one’s own salvation; and ‘neglect of one’s own spiritual life’, is all that there is left, when this happens.” 
(-Jesus, Sunday, November 25, 2012)


“You people on Earth think that ‘television’  brings you happiness; but you are so far from the Truth!  If you believe this World is anything like the next! You need ‘a yearning in your souls – for this ‘Heavenly Abode’.  For God the Eternal Father in Heaven’ has ‘many mansions’, and many rooms.  He desires, to fill them all, with souls – who are ‘yearning for Him’.  But as Our Blessed Mother said, “You need to repent of ‘all forms of wickedness’, and all ‘idolatry’, and pray!” – Pray like you’ve never prayed before!  Seek like you’ve never sought before!  Knock on the Door to Heaven like you’ve never ‘knocked’ before.  Because the Door, to ‘the Wedding Feast’, is only ‘Open’ for a time, times, and half a time.”
(-Saint John the Apostle, Friday, November 30, 2012)


“‘Hellfire’, and ‘Brimstone’, is what, ‘is awaiting souls’, if they refuse to repent, and ‘turn away’ from all forms, of ‘wickedness’.  Throw out your televisions!  Remove them from your homes! This, is an order! – from the Queen ‘of Heaven.  Repent!  Turn back, to the Lord Jesus Christ, with all of your heart, soul, and mind.  Throw it out I say!!! - if you ever hope to enter, the Kingdom, of God! There is ‘nothing good’ upon it!  It is in fact ‘a gateway, into Hell’!  No good can come from it!  But evil, pours forth, to blacken your souls!!  Why have I said that ‘many of you are in the state of mortal sin’? – but because you ‘entertain yourselves’, with ‘the abomination, of desolation’!  You have all ‘turned away from your Creator; and have turned, towards: these ‘sick satanic pleasures’ – as My Son has said before, “There is no room, for television, in the kingdom of God”!  And you risk, being cast out of His Kingdom – for Ever! – if you continue to ‘entertain yourselves’ with those things, that offend Him the most!  You cannot have it both ways my people: you are either ‘for’ God the creator of the Universe, or you are ‘against Him’!  To ‘slip’, and ‘to fall into sin’ is ‘one thing’; but when you make sin ‘a way of life’, then you are ‘desolate’.   Even now you are all ‘desolate’ – because He has ‘withdrawn His Presence’.  And what are you left with but ‘the spirit of the antichrist’!”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Sunday, December 2, 2012)  
[Note: it would be very wise to ‘cut the power cord from your television’, AFTER IT IS UNPLUGGED FROM THE POWER SOURCE, and when discarding it.  That way, the act of disposing of it, will not lead your neighbor, into ‘the near occasion of sin’.] 


“My people, I come to you, with sorrow, and ‘in tears’.  Because I know what is going to ‘happen to you’… if you refuse to ‘repent of your sinful ways’.  I have already told you to “throw out your televisions”!   But, my request has ‘fallen on deaf ears’!  You do not ‘take Heaven seriously’ my people; but you ‘see the Earth that you are on, as your Heaven’! Your pastors, ministers, and rabbis, are not going to tell you ‘the difficult truths’ in order for you ‘to be saved’.  They will not ‘require you’ to live ‘Holy and saintly lives’ – so that you can ‘enter-in, to Eternal Rest’!  I repeat my Son’s words: “They want your money”!  And they are not ‘interested’, in your salvation.  Yes, they will tell you: “you are saved” - because they are willing, for you to sell, your ‘birthright’.  For everyone deserves a chance, to come to ‘the Kingdom of Heaven’.  But they will not tell you what you need, in order to come Here.  For they have ‘barred the Kingdom of Heaven’ from, themselves!   By refusing to nourish you with ‘the Truth’ my people.  The Truth is not ‘convenient’ at times, but that does not mean that you should ‘abort it’ – when you feel ‘uncomfortable’.  Know that when you are ‘uncomfortable’ that then you are growing!  But as soon as you are satisfied with yourself, and your ‘relationship with your Creator’, it is then that you are ‘slipping and falling’!  Because there is no ‘complacency’ in ‘the spiritual life’ – you either desire to grow ‘closer’ to the Lord Jesus Christ, or ‘further away’.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Tuesday, December 4, 2012)


“The whole Face of the Earth, has been ‘dusted with poisons’!  And there are ‘lethal, doses’, of certain chemicals! – hovering, in the atmosphere.  And the wind, is blowing them ‘where it wills’.  The World itself, is filled, with ‘poison’ as well.   For every facet of life, on this Earth, has managed to embrace ‘some sort of poison’.  The ‘mark of the beast’, is ‘a spiritual mark’ that people will receive, because they choose to embrace ‘poison’, for their souls; and ‘incorporate it into their reality’.  Television, is ‘one, of those poisons’.  Movies, are another one.  Violent video games – another.  Immorality and licentiousness – all of these things, are part of ‘the enemy’s kingdom’!  So if people want to embrace those things, that are of ‘his kingdom’, then he will ‘rule over them’ – to a point.  And they will be ‘beasts’ – like ‘irrational animals’, with no common sense, and no reason – completely devoid of the True Holy Spirit.  And the ‘desire’ for the True God, that is in the depths of everyone’s being, will ‘simply be removed’!  Because they cannot have Him, and the false gods, and false comforts of this World!  For He will ‘not be shared’, with their idols.”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Sunday, December 9, 2012)


“The “christians”, who call themselves “saved”, are living ‘a self-condemned lifestyle’.  Therefore they embrace ‘the sin of blasphemy’! – calling ‘all their actions’ “holy and good”; when thy really are “depraved and wicked”.  Saying to themselves, “God won’t mind if I watch a few hours of television – He’s got better things to do with His time”; or, “I can look, at this ‘unclean picture’, in this magazine and it will not affect me, because, I am saved’! – by the Precious Blood of Jesus”; or “I can entertain all sorts, of evil thoughts towards my neighbor, and God will understand, because of the way, they treated me”; or (how about this one my children), “I will spend my money, on ‘lottery tickets’, and casinos, so that I can win ‘a large fortune’. God will understand”.  Does God, ‘understand’, all of those choices, my children?  Yes He does!  He understands, that people have chosen to deceive themselves!!  And He is not “buying” what they are trying to sell to Him!  Most of the thoughts that he hears, are people ‘justifying themselves’, as they embrace ‘sins against Him’! – as they ‘take offense at Him’; Because He is the Truth, and they do not desire to live, with a clear conscience – in ‘the Truth’.”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 10, 2012) 


“If only people, would ‘look around, themselves’, and see, what ‘their World’ has become.  And look inside, and see ‘what has become: their World’!  They would find the truth – through ‘silent  reflection’.  But the people do not ‘desire this’.  For as I said before, their minds, are ‘far away’ – from the Lord’s Ways.  So ‘out of their minds! – are they.  If they would look: inside their home, through ‘the Eyes, of the Living God’, they would see, abominations and sins ‘in their midst’!   If they had ‘any fear of the Lord at all’! – they would remove, their televisions, from their homes.  And they would instead read: the Lord’s Testimony.  For truly Here is ‘where they will find Life’!... What ‘the people of this generation’ are rejoicing in, is ‘an abomination unto the Lord’.  Drinking, carousing, reveling, watching television, or movies – these ‘things’, are ‘all abominations’, unto the Lord!  The reason I say, “unto the Lord”, is because: these, are ‘their offerings’ to Him.”
(-Elijah, Wednesday, December 12, 2012)


“Jesus died for me; therefore I am saved!”  The people, ‘brainwash themselves’ with ‘this statement’ – over and over again!  Because, they knowingly, neglect, ‘the whole’.  They have ‘part of it’; but, it is useless without the other half!  If, they refuse to ‘turn away from sin, and, ‘wickedness’, they make, His Sacrifice ‘in vain’ – for their souls!  Jesus, died, for everyone!  Just like “everyone was invited to the wedding feast, that I ‘threw for Him’ – ‘the good’ and ‘the bad’.  Of course you are all ‘called – to come!’  But which of you, will ‘partake of the food’, that is offered to your souls? You are ‘blind people’; and ‘darkness covers your intellects’!  Because you have ‘turned away from Me’ – the Lord; your God!  You ‘stumble in the darkness’ – all of you! – because none of you, have, ‘the light’…   Do I ‘just forgive you’, and then you ‘continue on’ – in offending Me?!  Why do you have ‘a television’ in your home?  ‘It’ is ‘wickedness’!  And can only make you go ‘deeper into hellfire’.  Learn My Ways once again you foolish people!! Turn back, from ‘following the ways of man’; and learn from My Son Jesus!  Learn! – about what We are ‘asking you to do’!  You all worship ‘Baals’ and ‘false idols’!  Your hearts have ‘grown cold’ and you ‘suppress the truth’!  So what am I to do with you?!  Jesus and I, are ‘very angry’, along, with the True Holy Spirit!  Because we are ‘offended’, by you people! And your ‘grotesque arrogance’ towards Us.  I want to give you ‘Life’.  But you would seek death instead!  Learn, the Ways, of Truth – once more!  So inundated, with ‘falsehood’, you ‘all’ are!  Heaven, is closed to you all – unless you repent!
(-God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven, Sunday, December 16, 2012)


“For the Lord’s Wrath has been ‘kindled against this generation’.  And for Three and a half years, there has been ‘a most desperate spiritual famine’.  The Lord, revealed ‘prophesies’ to myself as well.  For He told me, of the coming “three days of darkness”; and there were many warnings – of how people, were ‘to prepare’ – for those times.  But unfortunately ‘the whole World’, would ‘be asleep’, as I found out, later on…  I did not know - at the time, that ‘to lock your doors and windows’, and cover them, was ‘spiritual allegory’: for the eyes, to be ‘kept back’ from watching evil; for ‘the heart’, to be ‘closed to all wickedness’! and for the soul, to reject ‘all, spiritual, toxins! – in the air.  For isn’t ‘the enemy’ ‘the prince of the air’!  And now the whole Face of the Earth is poisoned!”  
(-Saint Padre Pio, Saturday, December 15, 2012) 

“O that today you would listen to his voice!  Harden not your hearts, as at Meribah, as on the day at Massah in the wilderness, when your fathers tested me, and put me to the proof, though they had seen my work.  For forty years I was wearied of that generation and said, “They are a people who err in heart, and they do not regard my ways.”  Therefore I swore in my anger that they should not enter my rest.”
(Psalm 95:7b-11)
“For I the Lord do not change.”
(Malachi 3:6)

"The coming of the lawless one by the activity of Satan will be with all power and with pretended signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are to perish, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends upon them a strong delusion, to make them believe what is false, so that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness"
(2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)
If you don't believe that President Obama is "the lawless one", 'the Fulfillment of the Antichrist' - it is simply because the "strong delusion" spoken of in the Bible, is at work.  Jesus Christ the Lord has revealed, that the "strong delusion" spoken of in this above scripture passage, is: that people would believe what they see on Television, over the Truth that they read in the Testimony of the Two Witnesses. 
“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)

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