Saturday, February 10, 2018


Now to the Meditaion…

Meditation about the Passion of Jesus Christ

With this Meditation-Prayer, we can get very close to The Lord, because we accompany Him on His path of suffering, which He went through for us.

The Meditation consists of 5 Stations, which are each divided in 10 Parts. We immerse ourselves mentally into the Passion of Jesus and we suffer with Him, which yields amazing Fruits…

2016-06-10 - Jesus schwitzt und weint im Garten Getsemane

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has sweated Blood for us in Gethsemane, where Your Suffering was revealed to you…

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has sweated Blood for us and took the last Supper with your disciples, You broke the Bread and said… “This is My Body, eat of it” and You handed them the Cup with Wine and You said… “This is My Blood, drink of it and do this also, when I am not among you any more, this is the Sign of the new Covenant”

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has sweated Blood for us und after the Supper You went to the Garden of Gethsemane, to pray there. Three Disciples accompanied You and they sat down, a little offside. And You prayed… “Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass by Me, but Your Will shall be done.”

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has sweated Blood for us und went back to Your Discples, which had fallen asleep and You said… “Can you not keep vigil with Me for an hour? Rather pray, that you will not be led into temptation!“

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has sweated Blood for us and then went back to pray once again… “Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass by Me, but Your Will shall be done, not Mine.”

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has sweated Blood for us and The Father in Heaven has sent an Angel to You, which comforted You and gave You new Strength…

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has sweated Blood for us and then went back to Your Disciples strengthened, but they all slept and You woke them up… „How can you sleep, the Betrayer is already on his way with the soldiers.” They started a dispute, how one could possibly betray Jesus, Peter also took part in that and Jesus said to him… “Verily, I say to you, before the cock crows 2 times this night, you will have denied Me 3 times.”

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has sweated Blood for us and then came Judas with a crowd of priests and captains of the temple towards You to greet You with a kiss and You said to him… “Judas, do You betray the Son of Man with a kiss?” And to the crowd You said… “You have gone out with your swords like you would against a robber. When I was with you in the temple every day, you have not outstretched your hands against Me. But this is your hour and the power of darkness.”

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has sweated Blood for us und the Disciples asked You… „Lord, shall we use the sword?” And one of them struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his right ear. And you said… „Stop this, put your Sword back into the Sheath!“ And You touched his ear and healed him.

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcame it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has sweated Blood for us… You said… „Don’t you think, I could ask My Father and He would send Me more than 12 Legions of Angels? But how would then the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it has to come to pass this way?” And the old Prophecy came true… They whipped the Shepherd and the Sheep were scattered to the four winds. And Jesus let Himself be captured and all his disciples left Him and ran away.

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

After this 1. Station we pray the Prayer, which our Lord Jesus had taught us…

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come.
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever…

2016-06-10 - Jesus wird ausgepeitscht und gegeisselt

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You were whipped for us and You were brought before the high counsel. And they spit upon You and hit You in the face and they wanted to know from You, if you, Christ, would be the Son of the Highly Praised. And You said… “I am He. And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right Hand of the Power and you will see Him coming in the Clouds of Heaven.”

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You were whipped for us and delivered up to the troops, which have undressed You and put around You a purple coat and put a stick into Your Hand, mocking You as King of the Jews.

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You were whipped for us and they took the coat and the stick from You again and they put a bag over Your Head and they whipped You with a stick and they wanted You to prophesy, who it is, that is whipping You.

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You were whipped for us and they tied You to this pillar to scourge You.

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You were whipped for us and the roman soldiers wreaked satan’s anger on You.

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You were whipped for us and they scourged the flesh from Your Body.

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You were whipped for us and You called out to Your Father, anguished by pain and sorrow…

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You were whipped for us, You, who should have died at that pillar, but You continued to live for us…

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You were whipped for us and You knew, that You may not die now, but You had to go on, so that the prophecies would be fulfilled…

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You were whipped for us and drained the last drops of that cup of sorrow for us…

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

After this 2. Station we pray the Prayer, which our Lord Jesus had taught us…

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come.
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever…

2016-06-10 - Jesus trug die Dornenkrone

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has borne the Crown of Thorns for us and they brought You to the Questioning…

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has borne the Crown of Thorns for us and they mocked You as King of the Jews.

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has borne the crown of Thorns for us and they brought You before Pontius Pilate, the governor, and he wanted to know from You, if You were this Jesus Christ and You said… “You say it!“ After that, Pontius Pilate demanded a miracle from You as proof, but You didn’t say or do anything anymore, to his great astonishment.

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has borne the Crown of Thorns for us and Pontius Pilate had put You in front of the people, together with a criminal from prison, to let one of you be reprieved and the people wanted You condemned.

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has borne the Crown of Thorns for us and as the scribes and pharisees saw You, they shouted aloud… “Crucify Him, crucify Him, crucify Him!“

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has borne the Crown of Thorns for us and You stood in front of the people, who were full of hatred. Among them were also those, whom You had healed from leprosy and those, which You had blessed with children, but they were poisoned and demanded Your Death.

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has borne the Crown of Thorns for us and Your Mother Mary was among the people and the prophecy was fulfilled, that her heart also would be pierced by a sword
and the thoughts of the people would be revealed to her. Mary saw the enraged crowd and what they had in mind and her heart was pierced with pain.

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has borne the Crown of Thorns for us and they presented You Herodes’ son, but He couldn’t find anything against You, that would have been enough to condemn You and therefore Herodes sent You back to Pontius Pilate…

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has borne the Crown of Thorns for us and Pontius Pilate said to the people… “I cannot find anything against Him, that would be enough to condemn Him.” But he was afraid, the people could make an uproar, so he handed You over to the people and said… “You can crucify Him, I wash my hands in innocence.”

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has borne the Crown of Thorns for us and You were handed over to the people, which would have loved, to rip Your holy Flesh from Your Body, piece by piece, if there hadn’t been the roman soldiers, which already had scourged Your holy Flesh from Your Body.

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

After this 3. Station we pray the Prayer, which our Lord Jesus had taught us…

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come.
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever…

2016-06-10 - Jesus traegt Sein Kreuz

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has borne the heavy Cross for us and You kissed the Cross, before it was laid upon Your Shoulders, because You did not have your sorrow before Your Eyes, but Your Bride, and how You will bring her to Heaven one day and how she will love You.

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has borne the heavy Cross for us and the first time, You fell to the ground for us, because of the heavy burden of sin…

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has borne the heavy Cross for us and You took all the pain, the sorrow, the agony, the contempt and mockery on Yourself for us…

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has borne the heavy Cross for us and You fell to the ground the second time, badly injured and still You got hit and scourged, so that You would get up again…

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has borne the heavy Cross for us and You met Your Mother Mary, who was instructed and gave her quiet consent, but she had suffered with You and begged for Your Redemption.

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has borne the heavy Cross for us and You fell to the ground the third time for us and You could not get up again…

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has borne the heavy Cross for us and someone offered You a cup of water and a soldier threw the cup away and they offered You instead a cup full of vinegar mixed with gall.

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has borne the heavy Cross for us and Simon of Cyrene came back from work and they forced him to carry the heavy cross…

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has borne the heavy Cross for us and You passed by a few weeping women and You said to them… “Do not weep for Me, you daughters of Jerusalem, rather weep for yourself and your children! Because there will be days, when one will say… Happy are the barren and the bodies of those, who did not give birth and the breast, which did not feed. They will say to the mountains… Fall upon us! And to the hills… Cover us! For if they do these things to the green wood, what will be done to the dry?”

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who has borne the heavy Cross for us and went all the way to Calvary for us…

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

After this 4. Station we pray the Prayer, which our Lord Jesus had taught us…

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come.
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever…

2016-06-10 - Kreuzigung von Jesus

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who was crucified for us and they nailed Your Hands and Feet to the lying cross…

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who was crucified for us and the cross has been erected with You on Calvary…

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who was crucified for us and two criminals were crucified with You, one on the left and the other on right side and one spoke to You… “If you are the Son of God, help yourself and help us also!“ And the other criminal said to the first one… “Not even in the hour of your death do you have fear of your God!“ And You said to this one… “Verily I say to you, you will be with Me in paradise.”

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who was crucified for us and the soldiers below the cross dissipated Your clothes and casted lots and the people passed by Your cross and spit upon the ground in front of it…

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who was crucified for us and You called out… “Father, where are you?” and they shoved a cloth into Your Mouth, which was soaked with vinegar…

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who was crucified for us and the sun darkened for three hours and the people were afraid and went home…

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who was crucified for us and You called out… “Father! It is finished! Take My Spirit to You!“ And You exhaled.

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who was crucified for us and the earth trembled and You took the red curtain in the temple and rended it asunder, so that the Holy of Holies may be revealed, not only to the high priests, but to all, so that all could come to God…

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who was crucified for us and Joseph from Arimathea went to Pontius Pilate to ask for Your dead body. He was astound, that You are already dead and he sent a soldier to check it out. He stabbed with a spear into your body. When only water was flowing out of the wound, but no drop of blood anymore, the soldier fell to his knees and wept, because at that moment he knew, that You were The Son of God.

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

Beloved Lord Jesus Christ, You, who was crucified for us and You were taken down from the cross and Your completely distorted Body was laid into Your Mother’s bosom. They anointed You and wrapped You in
white linen sheets and they laid Your dead Body into an empty tomb and rolled a heavy stone in front of it.

We love and worship You, oh Lord, because through Your holy Blood you have redeemed the World and you have overcome it for us. We thank You for that, oh Lord.

After this 5. Station we pray the Prayer, which our Lord Jesus had taught us…

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come.
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever…

After this Meditation would be a good moment to pray the Divine Mercy Prayer, given by the Lord…

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