Thursday, February 8, 2018

For the HEALING of the Nations - "I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."

"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  

For the HEALING of the Nations

"And he said to me, “Son of man, have you seen this?” Then he led me back along the bank of the river. As I went back, I saw upon the bank of the river very many trees on the one side and on the other. And he said to me, “This water flows toward the eastern region and goes down into the Arabah; and when it enters the stagnant waters of the sea, the water will become fresh. And wherever the river goes every living creature which swarms will live, and there will be very many fish; for this water goes there, that the waters of the sea may become fresh; so everything will live where the river goes. Fishermen will stand beside the sea; from Engedi to Eneglaim it will be a place for the spreading of nets; its fish will be of very many kinds, like the fish of the Great Sea.  But its swamps and marshes will not become fresh; they are to be left for salt. And on the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.”

(Ezekiel 47:6-12)

"Then he showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. There shall no more be anything accursed, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and his servants shall worship him; they shall see his face, and his name shall be on their foreheads. And night shall be no more; they need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they shall reign for ever and ever.  And he said to me, “These words are trustworthy and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take place. And behold, I am coming soon.”  Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book." 
(Revelation 22:1-7)

For the Healing of the nations from WHAT? 

For the healing from the spiritual mark of the beast, that almost EVERYONE received on Christmas Day in 2012? 

For the healing from the spiritual mark of Cain, that almost EVERYONE BEGAN to receive on Christmas Day in 2015?  

For the healing from the Eternal torments of Hell that those with the mark are currently experiencing in their interior lives on a daily basis?

For the healing from the absence of a Soul? - and that is the absence of a Holy and Awake Conscience, or spiritual Connection with your Creator.

For the healing from worshipping the abomination of desolation that is currently set up in your "LIVING room"?

For the healing from ADDICTIONS?  

For the healing from the sin of BLASPHEMY? 

For the healing from the effects of the above - that has resulted in the major plague of INSANITY?

For the healing from the effects of "alien TECHNOLOGY"?

For the healing from the effects of one world government MEDIA PROPAGANDA brainwashing techniques?

For the healing from the effects of all the religious propaganda moving through spiritually toxic SERMONS? 

For the healing from the effects of Fukushima RADIATION?

For the healing from the effects of the false feminist agenda?

For the healing of "BARBIE SYNDROME"... what's THAT? 

For the healing from all the struggles the future Members of the Faithful Remnant may have? 

... the list goes on... (as we address the more specific physical manifestations of the final plagues as well...) 

Thursday March 15, 2012

Jesus Christ the Lord said:  In today’s Gospel My children, I healed the paralytic, first, by forgiving him of all of his sins, and telling him to sin no more, and second – by commanding him to pick up his pallet, and to walk.  And once again, this is: to demonstrate the ‘spiritual realities’ at work; and to demonstrate, what I ask, from souls – that if they want to be healed from any physical ailments, they must first turn to Me to be healed – of their sins, and then their physical wellbeing will follow.  But this is just one of the many ‘proofs’ in scripture, of how I chose and still choose to heal people, from their physical ‘afflictions.’ There are spiritual afflictions that come, through the soul’s choice to embrace sin. Therefore, the soul must choose to reject, and repent of all of the sins, it has committed – in order for Me to heal them, from all of their physical afflictions, and spiritual oppressions. When My Faithful Remnant Church flee to go to the refuges and caves, there will also be a ‘luminous cross’ waiting for them – to heal them, of ‘all of their physical and spiritual afflictions’.  But what is required in order for this to happen?  First they must come to My Luminous Cross, bow down, before Me – as their Lord, repent in their hearts, of all wrongdoing.  And then, I can begin to heal them, from their ‘physical afflictions’.  But it is sin that keeps souls in the bondage of their bodies, that are: deformed, decaying; that are withering away.  I need souls to repent – from their sins, in order for Me to heal them.  If they are blind – then they must repent of ‘spiritual blindness’, and I will heal them from this affliction.  If they are paraplegic – then they must repent of sins of the flesh, of desiring sexual pleasures outside of true marriage.  If they are crippled – then they must repent, of their desire to rebel, against My Commandments.  If they have cancer – then they must repent, of serious, blasphemy, against the Holy Spirit  (Have they found a cure yet that they can release My children?) – and this is ‘the sin against the Holy Spirit’, of which there is no forgiveness for.  But I always allow souls, to know when, they are blaspheming or not – they will know in their interior lives; and if they refuse to repent, and change their ways, then they cannot be forgiven, of this sin.  In short with every ailment and physical problem, there is a sin that is attached to it.  So I ask My people, to turn to the True Holy Spirit, to bring to the light of their conscience, the sin, that they allowed to come in to their lives, in order for them to be physically harmed.  The True Holy Spirit, will reveal to you; how you are, to repent of the sin and turn to Me, in order to be healed.  I know My Faithful Remnant Church is suffering, and I want to offer them ‘a way out’ to give them a cross that they can carry – with cheerfulness.  I desire that no one be sick, or injured or dying; but these are all consequences of sin.  So repent My people, that you may saved in The Hour of Trial that is coming upon the World – both physically and spiritually; so that your joy may be full; in the True Holy Spirit.  

Quick Links:   Acne, Addictions, Afflictions in general, Allergies, Back Pain, Blindness, Boils, Cancer, Confusion, Crippled, Cysts, Headaches, Incontinence, Learning Disabilities, Migraine Headache, Neck Pain, Paraplegic, Pimples, STDs, Toenail Fungus, Trauma and Psychological abuse, Zits, 

(...This page is currently under construction, so please work on your HEALING, while WE work on this page!)

(in alphabetical order)


Remember to always turn to the True Holy Spirit in PRAYER, in order to discern "the root CAUSE" of every physical affliction:  YOU will need to DISCERN, "the root CAUSE", of the AFFLICTIONS, by "SEEKING". YOU do 'YOUR part', and your Creator will do HIS.  (April 12, 2017 update)


We have a whole page on this website dedicated to the topic of healing people from their addictions. 
Marijuana addiction special note:  You NEED to ALSO reject 'your DESIRE to be SEDATED' - because THAT'S 'what that ADDICTION does'.  It ACTUALLY, "STIFLES! - motivation" - to DO! - anything - but be slothful.  And ASK for the Grace, to DESIRE to be PRODUCTIVE, ALWAYS! - for the KINGDOM of HEAVEN.  THERE, THAT should help!  (May 19, 2017 update) 

Added bonus: The REASON the One World Government is currently SCRAMBLING to LEGALIZE marijuana - is to help people BE sedated, AS they grow one day closer to Eternal Flames, each and every day.  The Government leaders KNOW that these are the END Times, and they want their CITIZENS, to simply "go up in SMOKE", as "an offering, to THEIR father down below".  And the uncomfortable TRUTH is, that MOST people will CONTINUE to choose, to sacrifice THEMSELVES, to their father down below - as their wills are now fixed.  And "THAT frustrating reality", is why MOST people, simply HATE the Testimony.

"LACK, of SLEEP", WILL ADD, to 'the ALLERGIES'. Make SURE that you, are DRINKING, LOTS of ORANGE JUICE, during the DAY -and that YOU are 'taking the time to REST', when you are PROMPTED to. Do you START the DAY, with 'a glass of cold ORANGE juice'? - even BEFORE brushing your teeth?  Because it is GREAT, on an empty stomach - and will REALLY help you 'get GOING in the morning'. How many COFFEES are you having, in the day?  TOO much CAFFEINE, ALSO adds to ALLERGIES.  And when you are 'AFFLICTED with allergies', that ALSO leads to 'being PHYSICALLY drained'.  Are you drinking, "herbal TEA", as WELL?  And as a RULE, no COFFEE, after 7 - in 'the late EVENING'. And know that "the CUT-off time" for caffeinated beverages and chocolate desserts is 7 pm.  You can also use the deliverance prayer and reject 'the spirit of allergies', and ask for the Grace of the Indwelling of the True Holy Spirit of Wholeness, Health and Healing instead.  (June 09, 2017 update)


Reject  your desire to look back, and ask for the Grace to live your True identity in the True Reality in the Present moment.  Reject the spirit of injury, and ask for the Grace of the indwelling of the True Holy Spirit of Wholeness, Health and Healing.

A salt lick from a farmer's field - for animals only
Bonus note: And so, why IS it, that in THESE END Times, men AND women can BOTH look back, WITHOUT turning into "a pillar of salt"?  Simply, because, people are looking for SIGNS - and "pillars of salt" lining the streets, being licked by passing dogs and other beasts, would most CERTAINLY, distract EVERYONE, from the mark of the beast on their FOREHEADS, or the mark of CAIN, on their hands... and THAT just wouldn't be fair!  For Lot's WIFE, "the pillar of salt" Sentence was MOST appropriate.  Know that your CREATOR, doesn't want to bore people to death with His Divine Justice - being so predictable; and so, He is "MOST subtle".  If you want to "DEVOLVE", then look back... He can "work with that"!  If you want to LIVE, then turn to the Testimony, and change - for the better!  Either way, you WILL be transformed, in the TRUTH!  Choose now. (April 05, 2017 update)


"If they are blind – then they must repent of ‘spiritual blindness’, and I will heal them from this affliction."  (-Jesus, March 15, 2012)


You NEED to reject 'the spirit of boils and cysts' - and ASK for the Grace of the INDWELLING of the True Holy Spirit of WHOLENESS, health and healing.  ASK for the Grace to be "a GOOD Steward", of EVERYTHING your Creator has GIVEN to you - ESPECIALLY your health!  A LOT of people take their HEALTH, for granted; but TRULY it is 'a GIFT', that CAN BE TAKEN! - at ANY time, the Most High TRUE God sees fit. THERE are 'a lot of things that you WANT' - but, you NEED to focus, MORE, on 'what your CREATOR wants from YOU'.  See the DIFFERENCE?  [Note: The root cause of boils and cysts is because of "sins of the flesh", in general] (April 10, 2017 update)


"If they have cancer – then they must repent, of serious, blasphemy, against the Holy Spirit." (-Jesus, March 15, 2012)

And REMEMBER, if you are experiencing 'a CLOUD of CONFUSION', over your INTELLECT, you SIMPLY need to reject 'the SPIRIT of confusion', and reject 'your desire, to BE confused', and reject 'the HELMET of corruption' - and ASK for the Grace, of "CLARITY of mind and VISION of purpose" - AND the Grace - to be CLOTHED in the HELMET of Salvation.  This is "VERY important!  With the HELMET of Salvation - then your MIND is 'GUARDED' - with "GOOD inspirations!" - that, will HELP you, ALONG the Path, to the SALVATION of  your SOUL!  (June 13, 2017 update)


"If they are crippled – then they must repent, of their desire to rebel, against My Commandments."  (-Jesus, March 15, 2012) 

FOCUS on your Creator - REJECT, the demonic entity of the assailants - because THAT'S what causes the headaches. You are being TARGETED all the MORE - by, the SATANIC PRAYER intentions of others - who want YOU, to FORFEIT your VOCATION, in order to vindicate THEM.  YOU choose!  EACH day! - WHOM you will serve.  And REJECT your desire to waste TIME; and ASK for the Grace to be "a GOOD STEWARD", of the TIME that you HAVE been given.

Actual email to the Two Witnesses from a Member of the Faithful Remnant: I experienced the beginning of a headache this evening but I remembered [- from reading the Testimony -] that a headache is caused by the helmet of corruption or the demonic entity of the assailants and so I rejected both and asked for the corresponding Graces and experienced relief. Thank you. (April 08, 2017 update)

You NEED to reject 'the SPIRIT of INCONTINENCE' - and ASK, for the Grace of HOLY CONTINENCE.  And THEN, when YOU EXPERIENCE 'the URGE, to GO' - then YOU need to GO!  Do not 'HOLD it' (- of course, you will need to find the appropriate restroom facilities, as part of the process!)  (June 19, 2017 update)


Jesus Christ the Lord said: ALL those, who would COME to Me, I would GLADLY heal - if THEY, would choose, to RENOUNCE themselves, and REPENT of their SINS, and COME and FOLLOW Me.  But they WILL not!  And SO My HEALINGS, are ONLY! - for the MEMBERS, of My FAITHFUL, Remnant, Church. (April 4, 2017)

You NEED to learn to cope BETTER - with the ADVERSITY, that you are GOING through, rather than SIMPLY ' ALLOWING MIGRAINES to build'.  You NEED, to turn to your CREATOR, and lift up to HIM, 'EVERYTHING, that is BURDENING you - that you have NO control over' - and ask Him to LIFT it! - and take it FROM you, and TRADE it! - for 'the burden, He is ASKING you to carry'.  (September 14, 2016 update)


Now, the NECK pain that YOU have been experiencing, IS “a desire to be STUBBORN, and STIFF-NECKED, in your WAYS” – THIS means, when the TRUE Holy Spirit Guides you in ONE direction – there is ‘an IMMEDIATE reaction’, to BE – PULLED, in the OPPOSITE direction...  As you KNOW, for WOMEN – it’s ‘the YOKE of JEZEBEL’.  FOR men, it’s ‘the yoke of Jezebel AND Ahab’.  ANOTHER thing that will help you, is that you REJECT your desire to be INFLUENCED by others...  What is most IMPORTANT, and what must come FIRST, is your relationship with the Most High True God.  When you make Him FIRST, and FOREMOST in your life – then ALL of the OTHER, “social INTERACTIONS”, are put in their PROPER place.  (June 21, 2016)


"If they are paraplegic – then they must repent of sins of the flesh, of desiring sexual pleasures outside of true marriage."  (-Jesus, March 15, 2012)

"PIMPLES", ARE caused - USUALLY by 'a greasy diet'. SOMETHING, that you have been EATING, that is "not GOOD for you" - causing 'a BUILDUP, of OIL, in the PORES' - as the PORES, try to PURGE the TOXINS, FROM your FACE, by PUSHING them to the surface.  On the SPIRITUAL ASPECT: if you're EATING food - SPIRITUALLY, that is "not good for you" - as in, 'ENTERTAINING yourself, with PROPAGANDA' - and you're not EATING well, PHYSICALLY - it's GOING to show UP! - ON, your face.  It would ALSO be good, to REJECT 'the spirit of pride', and PRAY for 'the Grace of TRUE Humility', instead.  Because the PIMPLES, ACTUALLY, are "a SCOURGE"! - ESPECIALLY, if you "think HIGHLY of your looks". (March 30, 2017 update)

Caution: A topical antibiotic ointment is necessary when purging bacterial fecal matter from pores in the skin, otherwise the pores may become infected and leave permanent scar tissue behind.  Make sure you have a suitable antibiotic ointment before attempting to purge blocked pores.  And make sure you apply pressure around and beneath each swollen pore just once a day, so that you do not end up damaging the living cells around the pore, or pushing any infection into the surrounding tissue.  The body's natural purging process does at times require your cooperation, just like when you use the WC.  So don't make your skin worse by pinching your skin to the point where infection spreads and the red spots can only get bigger.  Understand?  BE your friend.  Exercise patience, and self-control, when "helping your skin, take a dump".  You can DO it!  And know that 'isopropyl rubbing alcohol' is a skin irritant that actually kills the bacteria AND the living skin cells - and so it is best NOT to use it, on open wounds, or on infected pores.  If you have lots of pimples, then you need to stop eating greasy foods, and start snacking on fruits and vegetables, and add more green vegetables to your regular diet.  Your skin actually needs specific nutrients in order to rapidly heal.

Make SURE that you are drinking LOTS of WATER, every day - to be "a good STEWARD of your health".  Because your FACE, is "breaking OUT" - as you are 'sweating OUT the toxins'.  

"THEY will need to reject, the spirit, of STDs; AND the spirit, of ALL sexual DISEASES.  They NEED to reject, their DESIRE, to live with that DISEASE, AS ‘a way of LIFE’; and ASK for the GRACE, to DESIRE, to LIVE, WITHOUT that AFFLICTION!  They NEED to REJECT their DESIRE to be ‘AFFLICTED’; and ASK for the GRACE, to EMBRACE ‘TRUE HEALTH, HEALING, and WHOLENESS, IN the TRUE, Holy Spirit.  They NEED to FORGIVE THEMSELVES, for “their past FAILING” – WITH that ‘INDIVIDUAL’, and ASK Me to REMOVE, ‘ALL the MEMORIES associated WITH that individual’, and CAST ALL those memories, into the LAKE of FIRE, and to the ETERNAL Sea, of FORGETFULNESS.  It is ENOUGH that they have ‘TRULY repented’, FROM the heart.  And they NEED to turn to Saint RAPHAEL, to COME and minister, TO them – and DELIVER them, FROM, ‘the spirit of infirmity’ – ALL the WHILE, USING the Blessed Holy Water.  They NEED to PERSEVERE; and THEN the AFFLICTION will be lifted.  IN as MUCH, as a PERSON ‘EMBRACES, a SIN’; IN as MUCH as a PERSON embraces ‘a SINFUL LIFESTYLE’ – and EVEN the NUMBER of SINS, that they COMMIT – in their LIVES; to Balance the SCALES, they MUST REJECT that ‘SIN’ – AND ‘those DEMONS ASSOCIATED with that SIN’ – the EQUAL number of times, that they GAVE in to it. REPENTANCE, is NOT ‘a MAGIC fix’; REPENTANCE, opens the door, to HEALING – so that the PAIN and INFIRMITY come out – as My LOVE, for THEIR SOUL, FILLS them instead." (-Jesus, October 17, 2015)


It would be good for you to lift up ALL of 'the seeds' that the enemy has planted in your SOUL, since 'FINDING the Testimony'; and ALL of "the TRAUMA", and PSYCHOLOGICAL abuse, that you have GONE through, on account of FINDING, 'the Testimony, of Jesus Christ the Lord'.  And ASK Him to "BLOT it all out"; and to HEAL, ALL the areas, of your life, that 'the DEVIL', ABUSED you, in, through OTHERS.  ASK the Most High TRUE God, to 'FILL the void, in your Soul' - with His True Holy SPIRIT!  (April 25, 2017 update)


You can ASK the Most High True God to have MERCY on you! - and LIFT the AFFLICTION!  You can ALSO, use TEA tree oil - on, your TOENAILS; and SOAK, your FEET, BEFOREHAND - in warm salt water - to 'draw OUT', ANY INFECTIONS; and to MAKE, your toes, very, "SOFT" - so that the TEA tree oil, can soak right in - HOPEFULLY, to the root!  You can DO 'the SAME', for your HANDS - when you have 'some DOWN time', and you won't be using your HANDS too much.  That is ALL that you can DO for it.  (March 6, 2017 update)

...more to be added

James is a Member of the Faithful Remnant

Carmel is a Member of the Faithful Remnant

Special End note from the editor:  The Members of the Faithful Remnant are living PROOF! - that, not only IS the Testimony "for the Healing of the Nations" - for "those who WANT to be healed"; but they are living PROOF! - that they ARE being healed, in as much as they are cooperating with the Graces.  Listen to their videos, and see for yourself.  We DO understand, that most people, in these End Times, are "in no NEED of a Heavenly physician" - and so, the Testimony, SIMPLY, is not for them.  We understand, their Creator understands, and all of HEAVEN understands.  It's not about NUMBERS; it's about "the olive branch", and "a small window in TIME", for those who will choose to DO what is NECESSARY, in ORDER to be healed.  Are YOU one of those people?

"From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates. Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away till all these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." 
(Matthew 24:32-35)

“Thus says the Lord God: ‘I myself will take a sprig from the lofty top of the cedar, and will set it out; I will break off from the topmost of its young twigs a tender one, and I myself will plant it upon a high and lofty mountain; on the mountain height of Israel will I plant it, that it may bring forth boughs and bear fruit, and become a noble cedar; and under it will dwell all kinds of beasts; in the shade of its branches birds of every sort will nest.  And all the trees of the field shall know that I the Lord bring low the high tree, and make high the low tree, dry up the green tree, and make the dry tree flourish.  I the Lord have spoken, and I will do it.’”
(Ezekiel 17: 22-24 - from the top of The Last Pope page)    
“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)

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