Thursday, February 8, 2018

OUR DAILY PRAYERS - "I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."

"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)
The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
“To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his call, and may fulfill every good resolve and work of faith by his power, so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.”
(2 Thessalonians 1:11-12)
“Daily prayers are necessary for unifying the faithful.  I am your Shepherd.  My Name, is Jesus Christ, the Lord.”
(-Jesus, Friday, December 13, 2013)
We are sharing a sample of our daily prayers so that others can experience the same relief we experience when we pray them.  To help make this page even easier to read, all the prayers on this page are in black font.  As you pray, always 'pray from the heart'.  But that requires True Humility.  Here is the traditional prayer Jesus recommends, for that:
“Jesus, Meek and Humble of Heart, make, my heart, like Yours.  Amen.”
And in order to TRULY pray from the heart, you need to always remember 'who you are praying to', and 'what you are asking for'... otherwise, your prayers will simply not be heard.  The prayers on this page always start by mentioning "who" they are directed to, to make it even easier.  Perhaps this will help with that...

Jesus said: I have a prayer, that the Faithful REMNANT can pray – as PART of their Daily PRAYERS. And it goes like THIS:
“May God the Father Guard My Mind.  May God the Son, Guard My HEART.  May God, the TRUE Holy Spirit, Guard, My Flesh.  Amen.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, July 28, 2015)
In these End Times, there is an incredible spiritual battle going on, all around us.  And so, in order to benefit, from the content on this website, it is, absolutely necessary, to pray, for spiritual help, in order to receive the Truth. 
A special note from Pope Peter the Last:
You can say your sayers
And pray your prayers
But please,
Don't "just say" your Prayers...
PRAY them!
(try saying THAT fast from memory!  Here, perhaps THIS will help...)
Pope Peter The Last: WHEN you are PRAYING - FIRST, you NEED to be AWARE of 'WHO, you are praying TO', and SIMPLY DESIRE, that your "PRAYERS", reach 'HIS Heart' - as the Most High TRUE God, is ALSO, 'a PERSON'.  So, when you PRAY, ASK the TRUE Holy Spirit to HELP you, 'pray the RIGHT way' - and it is ALWAYS important to 'pray with LOVE'; and to DESIRE, "COMPLETE UNITY WITH, the Most High TRUE God".  ALWAYS, 'DESIRE', to SEE yourself, before His THRONE!  And OPEN your HEART! - to RECEIVING, the GRACES, that HE has 'set ASIDE', FOR you, DURING that time of PRAYER.  It is IMPORTANT that you pray with 'HUMILITY' - and THAT simply MEANS, 'to BE, your authentic SELF', in FRONT of your Creator - at all TIMES!  He knows you BETTER, than you EVEN know YOURSELF!  And He KNOWS 'what you NEED', EVEN before, you ASK.  YET! - in HIS "humility" - He DESIRES, that His TRUE Children, ASK, SEEK, AND KNOCK.  Because that is 'how they can do THEIR part'; HIS PART, is "LISTENING, and ANSWERING prayers".  YOUR PART, is to DESIRE to PRAY, for 'HIS Will!' - to be done, in your life - ALWAYS.  (July 15, 2016)
And when you PRAY, make SURE, that you, are PRAYING - to "King JESUS" - ESPECIALLY in your INTERIOR life - ALWAYS!  Because, your "former family", wants your PRAYERS to be 'DIRECTED, towards THEIR jesus' - their "FALSE jesus", their "ANTICHRIST".  So PRAY, "SLOWLY, FROM the heart, REFLECTING on the WORDS".  WHEN you pray, it should ECHO off, GOD the Eternal Father in Heaven's HEART!  There should be "a PING!" - response - that you can 'pick UP on'.  And THIS! - gives you "the Blessed ASSURANCE", that your PRAYER has been heard.  Understand?  SO - you have WORK to do! - both SPIRITUALLY, AND physically. (December 20, 2016)
Know that when you begin to pray, it is best to always start by visualizing yourself kneeling before the Eternal Throne of your Creator - "your Lord and KING" - and in the Company of all of Heaven.  This interior disposition towards your Creator, will be reflected in your externals - as you notice that you are praying with your eyes UP, above the horizon; and with your hands TOGETHER - and your fingers pointing towards HEAVEN, not self.  It is more important to have this disposition towards your Creator when praying, than it is to kneel.  And so, it is quite alright to pray while sitting - as long as your heart, is in the right place - and THAT is, 'before the Eternal Throne of your Lord and King - who is Jesus Christ - ALWAYS!'  Simple. (December 24, 2016)
The Burning Bush Prayer
(The Following Prayer will also help the reader to better receive, the Truths being revealed)
"I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
(Luke 5:32) 
Jesus said: “I have a prayer, that people can say, in order, to prevent themselves, from ‘losing out’ – on, ‘the many riches’ that are here in My Testimony: 
Dear, Heavenly Father, Most High True God, I have been ‘a wayward soul’, and I have sinned and offended you deeply.  And now, with your Testimony, moving through your son, Jesus Christ, the Lord – Most High True God, I ask that the burning Flame, and Fire, of the True Holy Spirit: ignite My soul, this day, to become, ‘a burning bush’, for you.  And I resolve, from this moment forward, to Do all, that you ask me to. And I choose, this day, to believe – without seeing.  Lord, Most High True God, please grant me the gift of faith, that I, may believe, in whom you have sent, and in, His word.  Amen. 
"...This prayer will help many souls, My children, as it has been given – from: God the Eternal Father in Heaven – to his ‘chosen ones’, to His Elect, to His Faithful Remnant.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, November 21, 2012)
Once you have been informed by the Two Witnesses that your Holy Water has indeed been Blessed by the True Holy Spirit - in order for you to have a container of water Blessed, you only need to pray this prayer once, every time you refill it.
Jesus Christ the Lord has also requested that people pray the following prayer daily: 
Lord Jesus Christ, Most High True God, please heal me from my sins.+  Amen.
And whenever you need immediate spiritual protection, pray:
Jesus Protect Me. Saint Michael defend me.+ Amen.
When you need help remembering any part of the Testimony, pray: 
Lord Jesus Christ, Most High TRUE God, please write your Testimony on my heart, mind and Soul.+  Amen.  
When you need help UNIFYING yourself, pray: 
LORD Jesus Christ, MOST HIGH TRUE God, PLEASE make me WHOLE! - and SOUND! - in BODY, MIND, HEART and Soul.+  Amen.
When you need help with "True Spiritual Focus", pray:
Lord Jesus Christ, Most High TRUE God, please give me the Grace to make YOU the Center and the Focus of my life.+  Amen.
(+ = "with the help of my cooperation of course!"  Note that this is ALWAYS "implied", and does not need to be said aloud every time.)
(from the August 15, 2015 Message)
"And they sing a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and before the elders.
No one could learn that song except the hundred and forty-four thousand who had been redeemed from the earth."
(Revelations 14:3)
Question: But how is it that "no one could LEARN it", if it is right HERE, on this PAGE? 
Answer: A SOUL is required to sing it - because it is a prayer, that when prayed - not sung,
becomes “the Song of the Heart”.  It is in fact "a Sacred Mystery".
In other words, the Blessed Virgin Mary was heard PRAYING these words,
and THAT was "MUSIC to the Most High True God's Ears".  Best to do likewise.

Blessed be Jesus!
Blessed Be His Holy Name Forever.
May His Name be forever Praised.
From the rising to the setting of the sun, may His Name be Blessed Forever.
Blessed is the Lord. Holy is He, and glorious is His Name forever.
For He delights in His people, and watches over them steadfastly.
Glory and Praise and Honor and Blessing be to Him, forever and ever.  Amen
Exalt and magnify the Lord, with your whole heart. Sing of His works, among the nations.
Tell them plainly of the Lord God, and Bless His Name forever.
To the furthest corners of the earth, let His Name be praised and exalted.
To the sojourner, the widow, the orphan, and the stranger - Praise His Holy Name!
He gathered you out of the fields of plenty, and brought you into his barns, of Love.
He Loves His people, and renews their hearts, with an everflowing fountain of Pure Love.
Sing and rejoice with all of the Saints in Heaven, for Mighty is He who prepares you for battle.
He is your strength, your buckler, and your shield.
For His Name's sake, praise Him forevermore.  Amen.

The reason that only the 144000 - the Remnant of Israel, could sing it, "from the HEART" - is because ALL those OUTSIDE the Faithful Remnant, can ONLY blaspheme the NAME of their Creator in their interior lives - EVEN IF, they can READ the above words.  To find the Testimony, and then to REFUSE to become a Member of the Faithful Remnant, IS, in fact "the sin of blasphemy".  To discover the Testimony of Jesus Christ the Lord, and then to REFUSE to "sing of His works, among the nations" - through video testimonies, IS, "the sin of blasphemy" - as it IS the choice to hoard all the Rich Spiritual Food in the Testimony for yourself.  To be freed from the mark of the beast or from the mark of Cain through the Blessed Holy Water, and then to prefer to socialize with those who have the mark, IS, "the sin of blasphemy".  Understand?  Most of the people reading this will not be able to Understand.  The Song of the Lamb, can only be TRULY sung from the heart, by those who are NOT embracing "the spirit of blasphemy" - by those who TRULY BLESS the Name of Jesus Christ the Lord, in the very depths of their inward being.  How many times is "His NAME" mentioned? Did you know that to DOUBT the Testimony, IS the sin of blasphemy.  And the antidote to the sin of blasphemy is to BLESS the Name of Jesus.  You ALL now HAVE "the antidote" - and so there IS no excuse!  And for those who don't know what "blasphemy" is - it is a sin that if unrepented of, leads to final impenitence, and certain Eternal Spiritual Death.
And so why is it called "the Song of the Lamb"?  Because, in these End Times, "the SHEEP" - or the FOLLOWERS of Jesus Christ the Lord - ESCAPED "the slaughter" - and THEREFORE, they COULD sing! - because they survived the Great FLOOD of these End TIMES!  Pope Peter the Last is "the Lamb" in these End Times, and with his FLOCK, who survive WITH him, they all HAVE this song on their hearts - SIMPLY because their HEARTS, are connected to their Creator, because they each have "a SOUL - FOUND to be in the State of Grace"!

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want; he makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord for ever."
(Psalm 23)

The Litany of the Queen of the Testimony
(updated April 20, 2017)
"He who conquers and who keeps my works until the end, I will give him power over the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as when earthen pots are broken in pieces, even as I myself have received power from my Father; and I will give him the morning star."
(Revelations 2:26-28)
Note: When praying with others, the prayer can be prayed by two choirs, the second choir cued by the pause after each title. 
Holy Blessed Virgin Mary, "Pray for us" (repeat "pray for us" - referring to the Faithful Remnant, after each of her titles.) 
Mother of Jesus Christ the Lord,
Mother of Divine Grace, 
Mother of Divine Love,
Mother of Divine Life,
Mother of True Hope,
Mother of the True Spiritual Realities,
Mother of Purity,
Mother of Divine Counsel, 
Mother of our Creator - the Most High TRUE God, 
Mother of our Savior - Jesus Christ the Lord,
Mother of Divine Discipline 
Mother of Divine Justice,
Mother of Divine Praises,
Mother of Perpetual Heel,
Mother of True Compassion,
Mother of Miraculous Healings,
Mother of Eternal Gratitude,
Seat of True Wisdom, 
Cause of True Joy, 
Most Blessed Spiritual Vessel, 
House of the Testimony, 
Protectress of the Ark of Safety, 
Conqueror of the Jezebel Spirit,
Conqueror of false visionaries,
Conqueror of false prophets, 
Conqueror of deceivers,
Conqueror of false hope,
Conqueror of false realities,
Conqueror of blasphemy,
Conqueror of "the great harlot" of Rome,
Conqueror of false christians,
Defender of the True Faith,
Gate of the Kingdom of Heaven, 
Bright Morning Star, 
The New Jerusalem,
True Spiritual Mother,
Refuge of True sinners, 
Comforter of the Faithful Remnant, 
Help of the Faithful Remnant, 
Queen of True Humility,
Queen of True Docility,
Queen of True Divine Inspiration,
Queen of the Faithful Remnant,
Queen of the Holy Angels, 
Queen of the Unborn,
Queen of True Prophets, 
Queen of True Prophetic Visions,
Queen of the Two Witnesses,
Queen of True Apostles, 
Queen of True Martyrs, 
Queen of all the Saints in Heaven, 
Queen of all Hearts,
Queen of the Immaculate Conception, 
Queen Assumed into the Kingdom of Heaven, 
Queen of the Apocalyptic Mysteries, 
Queen of True Peace,
Queen of the True Roman Catholic Faith,
Triumph of the Immaculate Heart,
Queen of Divine Interventions,
Queen of the Universe
Queen of the End Times.
God, the Almighty and ETERNAL Father in Heaven
 - Have Mercy on us.
Lord Jesus Christ, the Most High TRUE God
- Hear our prayer.
True Holy Spirit, of the Most High TRUE God, and Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Be, WITH us!  
Note: The Members of the Faithful Remnant are being asked to pray this New Litany to the Blessed Virgin Mary.  It is a list of titles that were compiled at her request, and through our intercession - the intercession of the Two Witnesses.  It is important to pray this New Litany - so that the Members of the Faithful Remnant are NOT "drawn into satanic unity" with 'the people in the religious institutions', as they pray "the institutional version".  Understand?
Each title of the Blessed Virgin Mary that is found in the above Litany - should be considered, every time you pray a decade of the Rosary.  For example, IT is going to HELP - to OFFER up 'a decade of the ROSARY' - to the Blessed Virgin MARY - UNDER the Title, "QUEEN of True HUMILITY" - to HELP you - RECEIVE, the VERY, "HUMILIATING", TRUTHS - that ARE in, the TESTIMONY.  ALSO - OFFERING ANOTHER decade - under her title, as "HOUSE of the Testimony" - will HELP, you to RETAIN, the spiritual Truths, that are REVEALED - IN the Testimony.  ALSO! - CONSECRATING, your DWELLING place - TO, the Protection, of the Blessed Virgin Mary - UNDER, her title, "HOUSE, of the TESTIMONY" - WILL help! - to keep, MOST of the demons - OUTSIDE, your dwelling place; and keep the GRACES, 'coming in'.  Whenever you have a need, turn to her under the title, that is the most fitting response, TO that need.  Understand?
The Burning Bush Prayer
The Song of the Lamb
The Litany of the Queen of the Testimony 

Prayer to the True Holy Spirit
Spiritual Communion
Morning Offering    Morning Offering - Short Form and "Children's Version" 
The Rosary - an overview     
How to Pray the Rosary
The Prayer to pray while Blessing yourself with the Blessed Holy Water
The Apostle's Creed
The Prayer for Graces
The "Our Father.."
The "Hail Mary..."
The Victory Prayer (replaces the Fatima Prayer)
The "Hail Holy Queen"
The Apocalyptic Mysteries
How to pray the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Pray for the Holy Father's Intentions - Pope Peter the Last
Guardian Angel
Saint Michael the Archangel

Putting on the Armor of God - this is the best initial response whenever you are experiencing a spiritual attack
But do this ONLY AFTER removing the armor of the enemy
Deliverance Prayer   Emergency Deliverance Prayer Tips
Blessed Holy Water Deliverance Prayer (- a re-direct to that prayer on the Holy Water and Sacraments page) 
Breastplate of Saint Patrick
Exorcism Prayer of Saint Benedict 
Grace before meals 
Bedtime Prayers
Prayer Every Time You Wake Up
Special Prayer for WOMEN during "their time" (- because they're so "special"!)
Special Prayers for the Members of the Faithful Remnant
Too many prayers?


Luke is a Member of the Faithful Remnant

Warning: All "Holy Water", that was "blessed" by representatives of religious institutions, after October 2009, without exception, is most certainly, filled, with 'the spirit of the antichrist', and should be disposed of, immediately.  Blessed Holy Water will be provided, momentarily, for all those, who carefully follow the instructions at the following link: HOLY WATER AND THE SACRAMENTS. 
Jesus Christ the Lord said: "People need to go to the Holy Water page, to get back " the pearl of great price" [their soul] that they lost; to follow the instruction.  If they have faith, and believe that I have blessed their Holy Water - through their desire to be blessed, and through you My Son, then I will remove, the mark, and give them instead, a renewed, zeal, for the Truth, to confound their doubts, and uncertainties, in this life.  They will "awake spiritually', and become, 'one of My Children'.  But it does take 'a leap of faith', for this to happen; for I can work with people who believe - in My Word, wherever I speak to them."
(- Jesus, October 14, 2013)
(The effects of Praying this following prayer
- and praying it 'from the heart', will also be
"a powerful sign"
for all those seeking one)
Lord Jesus Christ, Most High True God,
I reject the 'the spirit of the antichrist', and the 'demonic entity' of 'the assailants'
[Note: "the assailants" are all those people in "the occult world", who are praying to 'the enemy of souls', that you will not be able to receive the Truths from Heaven, that are being revealed on this website.  Thus they are your enemies or "assailants" as well.  There are many of them, and Jesus Christ the Lord, the Most High True God has revealed, that their collective efforts have actually created a "demonic entity" in the spiritual world.  And so He (Jesus) has asked us to lead you to the antidote.  And so reject the 'demonic entity' of 'the assailants', and reject 'the spirit of the antichrist', and tell Jesus Christ the Lord...]
I give them to You,
I ask You to please cover them with Your Precious Blood,
To remove them,
To cast them - down, into the Eternal Lake of Fire,
And into the Eternal Sea of Forgetfulness,
And to sentence them there, to be Eternally annihilated without ceasing,
Never to depart, rendered eternally null, void, fruitless and forgotten,
Lord Jesus Christ, Most High True God,
Please give me the Grace of the indwelling of the True Holy Spirit
And the gift of True Spiritual Vision.
“Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 
For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”
(Matthew 7:7-8)
Note: Jesus has mentioned many times to us that in this above Scripture passage,
He is referring specifically to the True Holy Spirit
He ALSO revealed, "The reason you do not receive,
is because you do not ask". 
Bless yourself with the Blessed Holy Water
(First before beginning ANY of your prayers, ALWAYS!)

By the power of this Holy Water, (pour some Holy Water into the palm of your right hand),
And through the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ the Lord,
May Almighty God - the Most High True God,
Deliver me, from every evil spirit, demonic cluster and satanic stronghold,
Poison, corruption and wedge of the enemy, his minions and his followers,
In the Name of the Most High True God,
The Father (touch Holy Water to forehead with palm of right hand),
And of the Son (touch stomach),
And of the True Holy (touch left shoulder)
Spirit (touch right shoulder). 
The Faithful Remnant need the True Holy Spirit on their ears, lips, heart and mind always - that is "the Grace to strive for".  And so they need to Bless these specific areas with the Blessed Holy Water whenever they pray the above prayer.  They can make the Sign of the cross, and then make a small cross over these areas, as they say, "in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the True Holy Spirit"... Amen.  (April 2, 2017 update)
The Traditional Prayer to the True Holy Spirit
ALWAYS, after using the Blessed Holy Water, with the ABOVE prayer, pray 
Come Holy Spirit of the Most High True God,
Come by means of the powerful intercession,
Of the Immaculate Heart, of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Thy well-beloved Spouse.  
Fill the hearts of the Faithful,
Enkindle in them the Fire of Your Love.
Send forth Your Spirit
And they shall be Created,
And You shall renew the Face of the Earth.
(updated 15.11.01) 
“Every day I want you to invite Me into your souls, into your entire beings, to take up My place of residence within you, for I desire that you be one in Me, which means not to be ‘equal’, My children, but only to be ‘whole, and sound in the Holy Spirit’.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, October 6, 2009)
Lord Jesus Christ Most High True God,
Please cover me in your Precious Blood,
Hide me in the refuge of your Sacred Heart
And in the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary our TRUE Mother. 
Come into my heart, soul, mind, being and dwelling place. 
Rout 'the enemy' from here
Make Your Home here. 
Set up Your Throne here. 
Don't leave me alone here. ("Oh dear!")
A Prayer for the outpouring of the True Holy Spirit
This prayer is 'the Universal version' of the one we pray,
each time we begin our prayers, and is presented here
for people with a background in other religions
who are not familiar with the Catholic Faith
I pray to the Creator of the Universe
To the One God who Created me.
To the One God who governs all things.
To the One God who has spoken the Truth in my conscience.
To the One God who Reigns above the Heavens and above all created things.
Please send Your Spirit upon me:
 - The Spirit that leads each Soul, but only with their cooperation, along The Way that leads to Eternal Life 
 - The Spirit of The Truth 
 - The Spirit of The Life Eternal in the Kingdom of Heaven
I pray that the True Holy Spirit would help me to find and follow the path of Truth,
That leads to Life Everlasting In Heaven. 
Spiritual Communion
(updated August 8, 2015)
“Those who read My website, for at least 15 minutes, and spend time with Me, in reading the daily prayers, and praying them - from, their hearts, will receive ‘an Apostolic Blessing’ – so that they, experience, the fullest Communion with Me, in their ‘interior lives’.  As they read My words, and receive them! - and allow themselves to be ‘transformed in the Truth’, then they will become ‘Blessed – beyond belief’!  The ‘Apostolic Blessing’, will be through Pope Peter the Last.” 
(-Jesus, January 22, 2013)
NOTE: When Jesus says, "the fullest Communion" - it means, "the fullest Communion that the individual is ABLE to receive, given the state that they are currently in, as they do so".  In other words, it isn't "a magic one time way to immediate Sainthood".  The Spiritual life is a life of climbing, continually, in each and every moment.  In these End Times - people need their SOULS!  Get your SOUL back - by using the Blessed Holy Water. 
Morning Offering
(updated Sept 4, 2016)
Special note: Remember to Bless your Home with the Blessed Holy Water, and always strive to do the bulk of your prayers during DAYLIGHT hours. And know that it would be best to begin your day by asking your Holy Guardian Angel to lift up ALL your daily prayers, on YOUR behalf, so that you begin to experience the RELIEF, that comes from the tremendous outpouring of Graces from Heaven - that will begin to fill you, as soon as you do so. RATHER, than FOCUSING, on getting all of your PRAYERS done, for the DAY - SIMPLY, rely more on the TRUE Holy Spirit, of the MOMENT - to HELP you, to reach OUT to your Creator - FROM the heart, in a NEW, SPONTANEOUS way.  You SEE, being a MEMBER, of the Faithful REMNANT, is NOT, ALL, about, 'praying EVERY SINGLE prayer', that you have learned, DAILY - for that is "the LETTER of the Law"; the SPIRIT of the Law, that you are called to LIVE by, is 'PRAY, the PRAYERS, that you are CALLED to in the moment'.  Yes, the DAILY ROSARY, IS essential - ALONG with, the LITANY - but do NOT 'allow', your PRAYERS, to become ROUTINE, and 'a BURDEN for you'.  Understand?  Because, your PRAYERS, are ACTUALLY, 'YOU', REACHING out, to your Heavenly Father, for HELP! - and DELIVERANCE; and ALSO, to GIVE Him Thanks, and PRAISE! - for ALL that He has DONE!  WHEN, the DEMONIC CLUSTERS, are AFFLICTING you - and MEMORIES, from the PAST, are POURING IN to your mind - THEN, you need to STOP! - your prayers, and COMMEND, those PEOPLE, to 'the Divine JUSTICE', of the Most HIGH, True GOD.  You NEED to be 'FIGHTING' - MORE!  THIS is 'a SPIRITUAL BATTLE'. ALSO, REJECT their demonic CLUSTERS - and the DEMONIC CLUSTERS, of ALL those, you come in CONTACT with, on a daily BASIS - because if you DON'T, then they build UP, INSIDE you! - just WAITING to MANIFEST. Understand?  TURN! - to your HEAVENLY Mother - for her PROTECTION; and ASK her, to WRAP you, in her MANTLE - and TURN to JESUS - in the MOMENT - as a CHILD; and ASK Him, to DELIVER you!  PRAY your deliverance Prayers - FROM the Heart - WHENEVER you pray, them; and KNOW, that, the TRIBULATION, and DESOLATION, that you EXPERIENCE, from TIME to TIME, WILL PASS! - as all SUFFERING DOES!   So DON'T just "hang IN there" - PERSEVERE! - LIVING, for your Creator; NOT! - for others.  CONTINUE, to BRING, the MESSAGE of SALVATION; BUT, do NOT, put OTHERS "FIRST" - BEFORE, the Most High True God.  Start EACH morning, by REJECTING the Armor of the Enemy; and CLOTHING yourself, in the Armor of the Most High TRUE God.  THEN take a break; have some WATER - or JUICE - perhaps go for a WALK; find a quiet PLACE; and pray, a little bit MORE - perhaps the LITANY, or the Song of the LAMB.  But, YOU are not REQUIRED to 'PACK your PRAYERS', into a few HOURS.  TURN to the True Holy Spirit - for 'what needs to be DONE!'... But you HAVE to WANT, to DO, what the True Holy Spirit is ASKING of you.
Most Holy and adorable Trinity, The Most High True God in 3 Divine Persons, I praise You and Give you thanks, for all the favors You have bestowed upon me.  Your Goodness alone has preserved me until now.  This day I offer and consecrate to You my entire being - in particular all of my thoughts, words, and deeds, together with all the trials, adversities, tribulations and hatred I must undergo this day and night, and every inclination of my heart.  Please give them your Blessing.  May Your Divine Love animate them, and may they serve Your Greater Glory.  Amen.
Please bestow upon me this day and night, the virtues of patience, trust, love and determination - so that I may follow the True Holy Spirit of the Moment, in each and every moment. Amen.

I unite and consecrate all the sufferings I must undergo this day and night, along with the sufferings of the outcasts, the destitute and the alone - who are among the Faithful Remnant, to the sufferings of Jesus Christ the Lord - the Most High True God on the Cross, and to the sufferings of The Blessed Virgin Mary at the foot of the Cross.  Amen.

I consecrate: this day, every moment, every movement, every molecule and every breath, to the True Holy Spirit of The Most High True God.  Amen.

I consecrate my will, my desires, my feelings, my emotions, my moods, my interior life, my conscience, my personality, my perceptions, my appetites, to the True Holy Spirit of The Most High True God.  Amen.

I consecrate my attitude, my intellect, my hearing, my sight, my speech, my vocabulary, my conscious, my subconscious, my mental faculties, my spiritual wellbeing, my physical wellbeing, my mental wellbeing, my emotional wellbeing, my intellectual wellbeing, my psychological wellbeing, my sexual wellbeing, my social wellbeing, my reality, my identity, my inclinations, my imaginations, my inspirations, and my perceptions of each member of the Faithful Remnant, to the True Holy Spirit of The Most High True God.  Amen.

I make this daily offering and consecration in union with the Divine intentions of Jesus Christ the Lord, The Most High True God, who unites His Will daily to the Will of the Eternal Father in Heaven in the Unity of the True Holy Spirit of The Most High True God, and in union with Mary and Joseph, His ever-virgin Mother and foster Father, who were always the faithful servants of the Lord, the Most High True God.  Amen.
Morning Offering - Short Form and "Children's Version"
Special Note
Children under 12 should not be asked or expected to pray with a group for more than 10 minutes at a time
  Praying the Rosary, slowly, and from the heart, is the only exception to this rule.
I consecrate this day, every moment, every movement, every molecule and every breath, to the Holy Spirit of The Most High True God.  Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, Most High True God,
Please come into my heart, soul, mind, being and dwelling place. 
Rout 'the enemy' from here
Make Your home here. 
Set up YOUR Throne here. 
Don't leave me alone here!  (- oh dear!)
The Rosary
This is an overview of the topic, and the new OFFICIAL prayers
If you want to be walked through the praying of the Rosary, then go to THIS LINK  
(updated March 11, 2017)
Because the Abomination of Desolation is 'so profoundly present' in the institutional churches, it is now necessary to obtain additional Heavenly Graces on a daily basis by praying The Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  The Rosary is one of the greatest spiritual weapons 'of all time' against the spiritual assaults of the enemy. 
Jesus said (in response to an email question): Direct YOUR prayers, during the ROSARY, to the Blessed Virgin Mary - and SHE, will take your prayers, and PRESENT them, to Me, and then I, will take your prayers, and PRESENT them, to GOD the ALMIGHTY and ETERNAL Father in Heaven.  Because that is how 'PRAYERS', offered up THROUGH the ROSARY, ARE prayed.  That is HOW they are presented.  (- Jesus, August 19, 2015 email response)
Jesus said (in response to an email question): You need to remember to always pray for "the Grace of Spiritual FOCUS", when you pray the Rosary.  This Grace will help you to FOCUS, on praying.  It is BEST if you focus on HOLDING the BLESSED MOTHER’S HAND [- and that is spiritual allegory for allowing the Blessed Mother to LEAD you to her Son.]  (- Jesus, August 29, 2015 email response)

And that is the BEST way to get your intention HEARD.  If you don't know how to pray the Rosary, it is easy to find instructions on the internet.  Don't have a Rosary?  You can use your ten fingers to count each decade, until you find one.
CAUTION: Make sure you are not using: a 'counterfeit' plastic New Age Rosary with pentagrams at the four corners of the fake crucifix (there is no "INRI" above the human image on 'counterfeit rosaries', because the person crucified on that cross truly is not Jesus of Nazareth).  There are thousands of 'counterfeit rosaries' now in worldwide circulation, and they are literally cursed by their makers and by design. This 'attack on the rosary' is one more proof to the "protestants", that the enemy hates 'the ground he loses', as a result of peoples' true devotion to the Mother of The Most High True God.  'Counterfit rosaries' should be immediately removed from your property if they are found.  Any other rosary that does not have 'a corpus' with "INRI" on it, (for example if it only has only a plain wooden cross) should also be considered to be "a counterfit rosary".  When you find your rosary, make sure you sprinkle it with Blessed Holy Water, and ask God to Bless it, using the Blessing with Holy Water Prayer, before using it for the very first time.
PPTL: You can USE, a plastic rosary, as LONG, as it has the INRI, on it - and as long, as it is NOT, "a SATANIC plastic rosary".  HERE, is a PHOTO, of a satanic plastic ROSARY, you should AVOID, using.  Make sure it DOESN'T look like THIS one...

NOTE: This above image illustrates the Rosary you are NOT to pray with! - AVOID this one! 

...because if your rosary does NOT look like the one in the photo above, then the one you are USING, is 'fine'.  Notice, in the above FAKE rosary, that the INRI is missing, and there are 4 "veiled pentagrams" on the four corners of the satanic rosary in the above photo; and that is the rosary you should avoid - as that is most certainly the image of "the antichrist" - the FALSE jesus, on that rosary.  The best Rosary to pray with, is one made with fine chain and wood beads - with a PROPER Crucifix (with "INRI" above) attached to it.
How to Pray the Rosary - by the Two Witnesses
Begin by praying The Prayer to pray while Blessing yourself with the Blessed Holy Water
(Hold the crucifix)
Pray The Apostles' Creed
(Hold the first bead - or 'knot', depending on the rosary)
Pray for the necessary Graces 
Pray The Our Father
(While counting on the next 3 beads)
Pray three Hail Marys
(At the end of the 3 Hail Mary beads,)
Pray the Glory be
And now you have completed the introduction, and are ready to begin praying "the decades".  Announce the First Mystery, by simply saying what it is.  Then, as you pray the decade, meaning every word you pray, reflect on the Mystery of that decade - (if you want to focus more easily on Jesus as you pray the rosary, you can pray using the St. Louis de Montfort Method, where in each Hail Mary prayer, after you say "Jesus Christ the Lord", you add the additional words indicated below in italics.  This method helps to more easily keep the focus on Jesus). This is truly 'one of the most challenging spiritual exercises', known to man.  We are now sharing "the New Apocalyptic Mysteries" composed by Pope Peter the Last; and we recommend you pray them on a daily basis. The other "traditional" mysteries of the Rosary: the Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious and Luminous, are to be OMITTED - as reflecting on those mysteries will only serve to draw the person who does so into satanic unity with the people who attend the satanic religious insitiutions out there.  It is best to offer the entire rosary, or each decade, for a DIFFERENT prayer intention. When discerning your prayer intentions, it is always wise to reflect on your recent struggles, and then pray that God would help all the members of the Faithful Remnant, with that same struggle, by pouring out the necessary graces, that each member needs in order to overcome it.  Pray "for the conversion of the Faithful Remnant to Be - that they may cooperate with the grace to find the Testimony, and the Blessed Holy Water" - this is the special intention of Pope Peter the Last - given to him, by the King of Heaven.
The 5 Apocalyptic Mysteries - (using the Saint Louis de Montfort method) are: 
1. The Great Warning Experience - (Jesus:) Administering His Justice
2. The Mass Departure to Caves and Refuges - (Jesus:) Protecting His Flock
3. The Time of Purification at Caves and Refuges - (Jesus:) Purifying the Elect
4. The Impact of the Comet - (Jesus:) Redeeming the Remnant
5. The Re-Creation of the Face of the Earth - (Jesus:) Renewing the Earth

(Announce the Mystery. Hold the first bead before the decade)
Pray The Our Father
(While counting on the next 10 beads)
Pray ten Hail Marys
(At the end of the 10 Hail Mary beads,)
Pray the Glory be
Pray the Fatima Prayer 
(now pray the next decade, by doing the same)  
Finish the Rosary by praying the Hail Holy Queen, and the St. Michael Prayer
If you do not yet have a rosary - use your fingers, (or toes - no excuses) to count the decades, until you get one. 
In these End Times, the underlined amendments to common prayers, are now necessary for your spiritual protection.  These 'revised prayers' are the true prayers of the Faithful Remnant Church.  These prayers are 'specifically directed' to the Most High True God, the Creator of the Universe.  Additional changes have also been made 'out of necessity' for your spiritual wellbeing.  And so, the first step, to praying the Rosary, is to learn the following prayers:
Bless yourself with the Blessed Holy Water (First before beginning ANY of your prayers, ALWAYS!)
By the power of this Holy Water, (pour some Holy Water into the palm of your right hand),
And through the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ the Lord,
May Almighty God - the Most High True God,
Deliver me, from every evil spirit, demonic cluster and satanic stronghold,
Poison, corruption and wedge of the enemy, his minions and his followers,
In the Name of the Most High True God,
The Father (touch Holy Water to forehead with palm of right hand),
And of the Son (touch stomach),
And of the True Holy (touch left shoulder)
Spirit (touch right shoulder). 
The Traditional Prayer to the True Holy Spirit 
ALWAYS, after using the Blessed Holy Water, with the ABOVE prayer, pray 
Come Holy Spirit of the Most High True God,
Come by means of the powerful intercession,
Of the Immaculate Heart, of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Thy well-beloved Spouse. 
Fill the hearts of the Faithful,
Enkindle in them the Fire of Your Love.
Send forth Your Spirit
And they shall be Created,
And You shall renew the Face of the Earth.
And now, as you hold the crucifix, reflecting on how Jesus embraced HIS Cross,
and how we as His TRUE FOLLOWERS are called to do the SAME, with OUR cross,
recite the following summary of your faith, "The Apostles' Creed

The Apostles’ Creed (updated 16.03.07)
I believe in The Most High True God,
The Father Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, our Lord, (kiss the crucifix here)
He was conceived by the Power of the True Holy Spirit,
Born of the Virgin Mary,
Suffered under Pontius Pilate,
Was crucified, died and was buried;
He descended to the dead;
On the third day He rose again;
He ascended into Heaven,
And is seated at the right hand of The Most High True God;
From thence He shall continue to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the True Holy Spirit,
The Holy Catholic Church, (the Faithful Remnant)
The Communion of Saints,
The forgiveness of sins,
The resurrection of the body,
And the Life everlasting.
Prayer for Graces

For an increase in the graces of Faith, Hope and Love 
For the grace to pray from the heart,
For the grace of spiritual focus,
For the grace to pray out of love – for The Most High True God, I (we) pray...
(Now pray 1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys.  The beads will help you to keep track of where you are)
The Our Father

“Thy will be done, Eternal Father in Heaven, Who art above the Heavens.  Your Name be Glorified both now and forever.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday April 28, 2010)
Our Father, The Most High True God,
Who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come. 
Thy Will be done.
On Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil. 
The Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of Grace. 
The Lord God of Hosts is with thee. (Luke 1:28)
Blessed art thou among women,
And Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus Christ the Lord. (Luke 1:42)
Holy Mary, Mother of The Most High True God,
Pray for us sinners, now and at each moment of temptation. (Rev. 5:8)
The Glory Be
Glory be to The Most High True God
The Father, The Son and The True Holy Spirit. 
As it was in the beginning,
Is now,
And will be forever. 
The Victory Prayer of the Queen of the Immaculate Conception
(- this prayer now replaces "the Fatima Prayer" - the prayer that was traditionally prayed after each Decade of the Rosary)
Oh My Jesus Christ the Lord:
Preserve us from sin,
Preserve us from the fires of Hell,
Lead all your chosen Souls to your Testimony,
Especially those who are,
"Your Faithful Remnant to be". 
"Hail Holy Queen..." - is no longer to be prayed by the Members of the Faithful Remnant
The Hail Holy Queen prayer has now been removed from the list of prayers.  It has been removed because the Members of the Faithful Remnant are not "poor banished children of Eve"; they're "CHILDREN of the Blessed Virgin MARY".   (This is the prayer that was removed: Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope.  To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve; To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley, of tears.  Turn, then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us; and after this our exile, show unto us the Blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus Christ the Lord.  O clement, O loving, O sweet virgin Mary, pray for us, O Holy Mother of The Most High True God, that we may be made worthy Of the promises of Christ.) 
A Special thank you to the Blessed Virgin Mary 
And thank you,
for leading us closer to your Son,
Jesus Christ the Lord, 
And thank you,
for your intercession.
Actual email question: Is it disrespectful to wear your rosary around your neck?
Do NOT wear, the ROSARY, as a PIECE of JEWELLERY - as it IS, "ROSARY beads" - that you are called to PRAY - NOT wear, as "a FASHION statement".  We are called to PRAY the Rosary, not wear the Rosary. If you are wearing it, then your not praying it. Simple.

Special Note on praying the Rosary with others, or "in choirs":  When praying with others, the above prayers that are split into two parts, can be prayed by each person or group - praying only half the prayer. It is understood when the Rosary begins, which group will pray the first part of the prayer, and which group will pray the second part.  If the prayer is not separated into two parts, with a blank line in the middle of it, then that prayer is to be prayed by both choirs, or people.  If you are praying the rosary with others, the call when listening to the other pray, is to lift up the words they are praying, with your heart, as they pray.  In other words, pray without ceasing, always.
Once you are comfortable praying the Rosary - you can then use an appropriate Title of the Blessed Virgin Mary - a title that is found in her Litany on this page - and you can insert that title into the Hail Mary prayer, following the words, "Holy Mary".  For example, "Holy Mary, Queen of Divine Interventions, pray for us..."

Pray for the Holy Father's Intentions - Pope Peter the Last
(updated April 26, 2017)
The HOLY ROSARY, IS "one of the Greatest Weapons", AGAINST the Devil, AND his offspring. 
And SO, if you CANNOT get through the WHOLE Rosary - THEN, PRAY at least ONE DECADE, "from the heart". 
And BEFORE you begin, the ROSARY, it WOULD be wise, to reject 'the ARMOR of the devil', and PUT on 'the Armor of the Most High TRUE God'  
Once you have offered up your prayer intentions for you own needs, if you are looking for more prayer intentions to lift up to the Most High True God, so that HIS Will be done, in HIS time, according to HIS terms - here is where you will find just SOME, of the rosary intentions the Two Witnesses are lifting up.  Note that the wording has been changed to help the Members of the Faithful Remnant pray it - "in the first person".  The following intentions are to be announced at the beginning of each of the 5 Decades of the Rosary.  And then, as you pray each decade, remember, in each Hail Mary prayer, to put the title mentioned in the following intentions, in the place of "Mother of the Most High True God".

Please remember, that with the exception of praying a 5 Decade Rosary, and that is "a DAILY NECESSITY" - prayer time should be limited to 15 minutes maximum - as due to human limitations, that is when your "spiritual focus", reaches its limit.  There is no point in praying, when you are unable to focus.  Sometimes, you will need to cap your prayer time at just a few minutes - if you have a lot on your mind, or if there are many distractions.  Understand?  Surely, you wouldn't take the words of someone who was talking in their sleep, too seriously - neither does your CREATOR, take YOUR words seriously, when YOU, aren't praying from the heart.  Simple lesson!  So let those who are "SPIRITUALLY ASLEEP" - those outside the Faithful Remnant pray empty phrases; as YOU STRIVE ALWAYS, to actually have a conversation - perhaps a little one-sided at times - with your Creator - EVERY time you pray!
A special perpetual DAILY Rosary Intention for the renewal of the Face (-referring to the people) of the Earth, can be found at THIS LINK.
Here are just SOME of the prayer intentions, that the Blessed Virgin Mary shared with us, and prayed with us today (Christmas Eve, 2016).  And sure, you CAN call them "Stocking Stuffers!"  if you like:

1.  That God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven stretch out His Hand over the inhabitants of the Earth who have received the Mark of the Beast or the Mark of Cain so that Divine Justice will befall them.  (There are going to be NEW! -  and Ongoing Physical Chastisements)

2.  That those who have received the mark of the beast and the mark of Cain, receive 'NO RELIEF' this Christmas  (Their material possessions will be much less consoling)

3.  That Saint Michael the Archangel would take His Sword and drive it in to the hearts of EVERYONE who has received the mark of the beast and the mark of Cain - to pierce their hearts this Christmas with Divine Justice, on a personal level, in each of their lives.  (An increase in ongoing Spiritual Chastisements)(We warned you that he has "UNSHEATHED" his Sword! - and that is an EXTREMELY important LINK to look at, at this point in human history.)

4.  For an Outpouring of the True Holy Spirit of Prophecy, upon all those who are willing to receive it.  (Some people are going to be saying the most unexpected things - WHEN! - you least expect it...)

5.  For the Renewal of the hearts of the Members of the Faithful Remnant and for the Healing of their Souls  (Consolations are going to be taken from the wicked, and given to the Members of the Faithful Remnant - "Robin Hood Style!" - Best Christmas EVER!  Thanks Mom!)
Christmas Day 2016 - is in fact the beginning of the fulfillment of "The Great Day of the Lord" prophecy - spoken of by the Prophet Malachi - with the above prayer intentions:

“For behold, the day comes, burning like an oven, when all the arrogant and all evildoers will be stubble; the day that comes shall burn them up, says the Lord of hosts, so that it will leave them neither root nor branch. But for you who fear my name the sun of righteousness shall rise, with healing in its wings. You shall go forth leaping like calves from the stall. And you shall tread down the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet, on the day when I act, says the Lord of hosts. “Remember the law of my servant Moses, the statutes and ordinances that I commanded him at Horeb for all Israel. “Behold, I will send you Eli′jah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes. And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the land with a curse.”
(Malachi 4:1-6)
Jesus Christ the Lord said:  If they won't come to "My Great Warning Experience", then I will bring it to them!  I will be "taking even MORE from them this Christmas!"

"For to him who has [- referring to the Members of the Faithful Remnant who have the True Holy Spirit] will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not [- referring to those with the mark of the beast and the mark of Cain...], even what he has [- referring to what little consolations they have left...] will be taken away." 
(Matthew 13:12)
(End of December 24, 2016 update)
December 29, 2016 intentions revealed from Heaven:
That God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven's Will and Plan is accomplished, with the outcome of the U.S. election.

That "the accuser of the brethren" be silenced - so that Justice passes over the Faithful Remnant (since he can then ONLY accuse those OUTSIDE the Faithful Remnant).

That a physical calamity befall the entire Roman Catholic Hierarchical Institution

For the fall of Antipope Francis

For all the abominations and harlotries going on inside the Vatican to be uncovered before the nations.
(End of December 29, 2016 update)
There is a new novena intention: Under the title, "Queen of the End Times" - you are now invited to pray a decade of the Holy Rosary daily, asking the Blessed Virgin Mary to intercede, "for the END, of Vatican City and the apostate of ROME".  Simply because the Most High True God does NOT, RECOGNIZE, "the see of Rome", as being HOLY; BUT an abomination.
The following intentions are examples of how you can benefit by turning to the Blessed Virgin Mary's intercession, under her different titles.  You will ALWAYS need to turn to the True Holy Spirit, in order to know which intention to offer up, at each decade.  
1.  Under the title, "Mother of Perpetual Heel" - Pray that the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede in order to perpetually crush "the demonic cluster of my former identity" (- and the demonic clusters of each Member of the Faithful Remnant), into the Eternal Lake of Fire - to delete it, shred it, and to overwrite it with my True Identity as 'a child of the Most High True God'.  Amen.
2.  Under the title, "Queen of True Humility" - Pray that the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for each member of the Faithful Remnant, for the Grace of True Humility.  Amen.

3.  Under the title, "Queen of the Conqueror of the ninth circle of saturn and the occult World" [Note: this is also an example of how you can use a title of Saint Michael the Archangel - while praying a decade of the Rosary.] - Pray that the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for the End of "the illuminati one world religion" - from the very roots of its introduction, to its last manifestation; and I ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to continually intercede for Divine Justice to befall every single manifestation of "the illuminati one world religion" from this moment forward.  Amen.

4.  Under the title, "Conqueror of False Realities" - Pray that the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for the Grace to be given to each Member of the Faithful Remnant, to always live their True Identity, in the True Reality, in the present moment.  Amen.

5. Under the title, "Conqueror of the Jezebel spirit" - Pray that the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for each member of the Faithful Remnant, for the Grace to stop tolerating the spirits of Ahab and Jezebel; and to send those evil spirits packing - into the Eternal Lake of Fire, every time they manifest, instead.  I pray that the "Queen of True Docility" would intercede for the Grace of True Docility to the Divine Will of the Most High True God for each Member of the Faithful Remnant, instead.  [Note: those two titles can be alternated with each bead; or 5 and 5; or both titles can be invoked one after the other, with each Hail Mary.]  Amen.
More Rosary Intentions:
1. Under the title, "Mother of the True Spiritual Realities" - Pray that the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for each member of "The Faithful Remnant to BE", for the Grace of True Spiritual Vision, to SEE the Abomination of Desolation that is now set up in all the religious institutions; and for the Grace to FLEE the Abomination of Desolation; and for the Grace to SEEK the Testimony of Jesus Christ the Lord.  Amen.

2. Under the titles, "Queen of the Unborn" and "Queen of Divine Justice" - Pray that the Blessed Virgin Mary and ALL the Unborn Souls in Limbo intercede for even MORE Divine Justice to CONTINUALLY befall EVERYONE who is involved in the act of abortion - from this moment forward.  Amen.

3. Under the title, "Mother of Miraculous Healings" - Pray that the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for each member of the Faithful Remnant, for the Grace of rapid healing in all areas of their lives.  Amen.

4. Under the title, "Conqueror of false prophets" - Pray that the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for all religious leaders in the religious institutions - that they receive the infused knowledge of how they TRULY stand before their Creator - the infused knowledge that they are all frauds; the infused knowledge that NOT ONE of them is anointed in ANY way; and the infused knowledge that they have ALL been sentenced to Hell.  Amen.

5. Under the title, "Conqueror of "the great harlot" of Rome" - Pray that the Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for all the prophecies in the Testimony of the Two Witnesses concerning the Fall of the Roman Catholic Hierarchical Institution, to be fulfilled, in the PHYSICAL realities.  Amen.
Have you heard about "the Most High True God's WISH LIST"?

Did you know, that whenever you want to lift up a prayer intention, it is always best to remember the Most High True God's "WISH list", of prayer intentions.  Those are the intentions, He is just WAITING for you to ask for.  Why not ask HIM, what the best prayer intention you could lift UP, would possibly BE - whenever you have a need.  Seek the most PLEASING intention in HIS Eyes, and HE will be most quick to answer.  Would you like to PRACTICE?  And so, now with so little time before the RCHI is completely torn down, by its Creator - NOW would be a good time, to SEEK out the prayer intentions HE is waiting to answer, concerning "the FALL of the RCHI" -and simply lift them up with a decade of the Rosary, invoking the Blessed Virgin Mary under the Title, "Conqueror of the Great Harlot of Rome".  And, ANOTHER Decade under Her title, "Defender of the True Faith".  Let's help stuff that pedophile laden mafia organization, known as the RCHI, into the Eternal Lake of Fire - by working with the Queen of the Universe, and the Creator of course.  Because TOGETHER, WE, can DO it! - one decade at a time.  Scripture must be fulfilled. (Revelation 18:1-8)  Babylon the Great must FALL!  And you just happen to be born at the RIGHT time, to get a front row seat.  So best to get that rosary, and get busy.  There's work to DO! (May 29, 2017 update)

Actual question: Is it alright to pray a decade of the Rosary for former family members?

PPTL:  Yes of course, you can PRAY for them - you can: PRAY, that their Guardian ANGELS, SCOURGE them CONTINUALLY! - in their INTERIOR lives, and in their DAY-to-DAY living - until they are "brought to their KNEES" - out of TRUE Repentance, OR out of Fear.  You can offer a decade of the Rosary to the Blessed Virgin Mary under her title, "Queen of the Holy Angels". (- Even just praying "a heartfelt AMEN!" - whenever you REMEMBER this prayer, will suffice!  But if they have already INFORMED you that they are "praying for you EACH day" - then WHY not "return the favor!" - and begin "YOUR daily devotion".)

Have you been in the habit of praying the Holy Rosary multiple times each day?

It is BETTER, if you pray ONE, FULL, Rosary - that IS, "all 5 DECADES" - ONCE from the HEART - with HUMILITY and SINCERITY - than 100 Rosaries, filled with "EMPTY phrases", and "LIP service".

Guardian Angel

(It is important to have a close relationship with your Guardian Angel)

Angel of The Most High True God,
My Guardian dear,
To whom His Love
Commits me here,
Ever this day and night,
Be at my side,
To light, to guard,
To rule and guide.
Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel
(updated October 6, 2016) 
“At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people.  And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time...”
(Daniel 12:1) 
Saint Michael the Archangel,
Defend the Faithful Remnant in the battle of Armageddon.
Be their protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil and his followers.
May The Most High True God continue,
To rebuke the devil and his followers.
We humbly pray O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
By the power of The Most High True God,
That you would thrust into the Eternal Lake of Fire: satan,
And the other evil spirits who prowl about the world,
Afflicting and seeking the ruin of the Faithful Remnant. 
Note: WHENEVER you experience spiritual attacks, it is important to pray to Saint Michael, using the above prayer, and in addition, ask him, to bring the Holy Angels, of the Most High True God, to surround you, and to deliver you, from the oppression being experienced.  Perhaps you need healing? - then call on Saint Raphael.  Perhaps you need the True Reality, content from the Testimony, and your True Identity infused in you - then call on Saint Gabriel.  And know that it is ALWAYS good to thank the Holy Angels for their help.
Putting on 'the Armor of The Most High True God'

(updated February 15, 2017) 
“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.  For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.  Therefore take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.  Stand therefore, having fastened the belt of truth around your waist, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the equipment of the gospel of peace; besides all these, taking the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the flaming darts of the Evil One.  And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.  Pray all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.  To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.”
(Ephesians 6:11-18)
"Block out all, that is not from God.  Put on your ‘spiritual vision’, every morning, and every evening.  Look through the World as you see it, and learn to see it through God’s Eyes.  It is good to put on ‘the Helmet of Salvation’, but you must not forget to clothe yourself in ‘the Mind of Jesus Christ the Lord’, for that is where the enemy of your souls attacks you the most – through your perceptions of the reality around you. Pay no attention to the demons’ protests, they cannot harm you as long as you stay in the state of grace, and under my Maternal Protection."
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, January 1, 2010)
Make sure you have begun this time by using the Blessed Holy Water, and praying the prayer that goes with it. 
Then, reject the 'armor of the enemy', and all of its manifestations.
Part 1 
Lord Jesus Christ, Most High True God
I reject the armor of satan
I reject:

The helmet of corruption
The mind of the world
The belt of iniquity
The breastplate of unrighteousness
The shield of faithlessness and doubts
The sword of the flesh and
The shoes of the false gospel
I give them to You, and I ask You to please cover them with Your Precious Blood, to remove them, to cast them down, into the Eternal Lake of Fire, and into the Eternal Sea of Forgetfulness, and to sentence them there, to be eternally annihilated without ceasing, never to depart - rendered eternally null and void, fruitless and forgotten.  Amen.
Now put on 'the Armor of The Most High True God'.  But know, that you can't put this Armor on OVER the armor of the enemy.  You must ALWAYS reject the armor of the enemy first.  The people in the occult world, are continually praying the armor of the enemy over you.  So you need to formally remove it, on a daily basis.
Lord Jesus Christ
Please clothe me in the armor of The Most High True God: 
In The Helmet of Salvation
In The Mind of Jesus Christ the Lord
In The Belt of Truth
In The Breastplate of Righteousness
In The Shield of Faith
In The Sword of the True Holy Spirit and
In The Shoes of the Gospel of True Peace.  
Part 2 (revised June 17, 2017)
Lord Jesus Christ, Most High True God
I reject:  The demonic cluster of each member of the satanic army, I reject the demonic cluster of the occult universal energies, I reject the spirit of Jezebel, the spirit of satanic power, the spirit of reiki, the spirit of witchcraft, the spirit of voodo, I reject the spirits of division, discord, disunity, infirmity, injury, pride, deception, false messages, false counsel.  I reject the spirit of the antichrist, the spirit of the world, the spirit of false peace, the demonic entity of the assailants, the spirit of islam, the spirit of protestantism; the spirits of the devil, the flesh, and the world.  I reject the spirits of suspicion, accusation, confusion, criticism, irritation, agitation, frustration, anger, hatred, bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness, and wrath.  I reject the spirit of sodom and gomorrah, the spirit of sensuality, the spirit of sexual perversion, the spirit of lust, the spirit of pornography, I reject the spirits of flattery, affirmation and tolerance, I reject the demonic cluster of my former identity as _______________ [- referring to a name that identifies who you were before you used the Blessed Holy Water.  You can simply say, "the OLD N." - with "N" being your first name.]  I reject the spirit of afflictions, the spirit of aches and pains. I reject my desire to be yoked to the interior lives of the wicked and to the interior lives of each Member of the Faithful Remnant.  I reject my desire to allow others to impose their will, their wrath, their hatred, their judgments, their condemnations, their satanic intentions and plans on my life.  And I reject the demonic clusters of everyone on the face of the Earth, the demonic clusters of everyone who has ever lived, and the demonic clusters of all fictional characters. 

Lord Jesus Christ, Most High True God, I reject all of these evils, I give them all to You, and I ask You to please cover them all with Your Precious Blood, to remove them all, to cast them all down, into the Eternal Lake of Fire, and into the Eternal Sea of Forgetfulness, and to sentence them all there, to be eternally annihilated without ceasing, never to depart - rendered eternally null and void, fruitless and forgotten.  Amen.
(Now put on 'the Armor of The Most High True God')
Lord Jesus Christ, please clothe me in the Armor of The Most High True God.  Please give me the Grace of the indwelling of the True Holy Spirit of Wholeness, Health, Healing and Youthfulness. Please give me the Grace of the indwelling of the Blessed Trinity of the Most High True God in my body, mind, heart and Soul.  Please give me the Grace to Desire to Live my True Vocation as "the NEW N." [- a child of the Most High True God].  Please give me the Grace to desire to be yoked to all of Heaven, and to be docile to the inspirations of the True Holy Spirit in each and every moment, always!  Amen!  
Special Note: WHENEVER you EXPERIENCE “PRESSURE on your HEAD” – or that you are ‘being CLOTHED’ – in, “warm SENSATIONS” – a.k.a. “DEMONS” – SIMPLY, reject ‘the armor of the ENEMY’, AND, PRAY, to be Clothed in 'the ARMOR of the Most High TRUE God'. (February 15, 2017 update)  And KNOW that, IF you reject 'the demonic cluster of your former identity; but do nothing to CHANGE! - 'your disposition' - then it is "DONE in VAIN".  (April 1, 2017 update)

Deliverance Prayer
(updated April 1, 2017) 
Deliverance Prayers are "NECESSARY" - but the Faithful Remnant are not asking enough for the True Holy Spirit
So remember to ask each day, for "a QUADRUPLE portion" of the True Holy Spirit, of the Most High True God.
“Attacks, will come, my children.  And you must turn, to the Lord Jesus Christ, for protection – from your enemies.  Because there are many of them – out there!”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 10, 2012)
It would be wise to read this section over a few times before beginning, as these prayers require "active discernment" as you are praying them.  And remember, whenever you reject an evil spirit, demonic cluster of any sort, you need to FILL THE VOID that is left behind in your Soul - before they return!  This following scripture passage warns people about what WILL happen, if they fail to fill the void, with the corresponding Grace from Heaven, after doing deliverance prayers.
“When the unclean spirit has gone out of a man, he passes through waterless places seeking rest, but he finds none. Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he goes and brings with him seven other spirits more evil than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. So shall it be also with this evil generation.”
(Matthew 12:43-45)
(First, in a quiet place, discern the name of the evil spirit that is afflicting you.  Do this through prayer, asking the True Holy Spirit of The Most High True God to reveal the name of it to you.  If you get stuck trying to find the name of it, simply insert how it manifests into the blank in the following prayer)
Lord Jesus Christ, Most High True God,
I reject the spirit(s) of ______________
I give it (or "them") to You,
I ask You to please cover it with Your Precious Blood,  
To remove it,
To cast it - down, into the Eternal Lake of Fire, and into the Eternal Sea of Forgetfulness,
And to sentence it there, to be eternally annihilated without ceasing,
Never to depart, rendered eternally null, void, fruitless and forgotten,
Followed by 

Lord Jesus Christ,
Please give me the Grace of ____________ (- the Corresponding grace from Heaven, or, if you are not sure what it is…  "the Grace of the indwelling of the Blessed Trinity, Amen."  And know that "PLEASE", is absolutely necessary - IF, you see yourself as "SUBJECT, to your King".) 
Jesus said: If EVER, you cannot remember, the CORRESPONDING Grace, to 'a demon that you have REJECTED', just ASK, for the INDWELLING, of the Blessed TRINITY, in your SOUL, instead - because 'the SPIRIT knows' what you need - MY Spirit. (August 20, 2015)
IMPORTANT NOTE: One trick of the enemy, is that he gets people to ask for Graces without rejecting the demons; OR, the enemy gets people to reject the demons without asking for the Graces.  Because the enemy knows, that each of those approaches to deliverance is fruitless. And why is that? Because how can someone embrace both the Grace to do something that is good, while embracing the demon, that does the opposite?  And how can someone reject the demon, without having the corresponding Grace?  Can you now see, why this above TWO PART PRAYER is necessary?  ALWAYS ask for the corresponding Grace when you PRAY the deliverance prayer.  And ALWAYS discern the name of the demon you need to reject, when desiring a Grace.  This isn't rocket science people!
Know that ACTIONS still speak louder than words

You NEED to make every EFFORT, to stay "dialed-IN", to your CREATOR, as a way of LIFE!  You can do "DELIVERANCE prayers" - BUT! - if, by your ACTIONS, you are embracing, 'those DEMONS' - then the DELIVERANCE prayers become, "in VAIN".  YOU need, the Most High TRUE God - to re-CREATE you; and to CHANGE your desires - to be 'a REFLECTION of HIS'! - HIS Will and Plan for your life.  Stop "FIGHTING", the transforming GRACES. (April 3, 2017 update)
Emergency Deliverance Prayer Tips
(updated August 29, 2015)
Note: If you are 'feeling spiritually afflicted' or 'oppressed'... for 'a quick housecleaning', using the "Deliverance Prayer" above, do the following:
1. Reject "the demonic entity of the assailants" (which is the name, revealed by The Most High True God, of 'the cluster of demons' that is frequently sent to the Faithful Remnant by 'the occult world') 
Then ask for the grace of "the indwelling of the Blessed Trinity in my heart, soul, mind and being."      
2. Reject "the collective consciousness of the world"
Then ask for the grace of "the indwelling of the Blessed Trinity in my heart, soul, mind and being."
3. Reject "all the evil spirits that are afflicting me at this time"
Then ask for the grace of "the indwelling of the Blessed Trinity in my heart, soul, mind and being."
4. Reject "the demonic cluster of _________"  (your name - which in this context, refers to all the demons you have a tendency to embrace... and yes, that is humbling! - and nearly impossible for those who deceive themselves by embracing the demons of: self-deception, self-holiness, self-worship, self-adoration and self-righteousness - all apart from the Most High True God.  So if you get 'stuck' on this one, and you still want relief, first reject those 'demons of self', first!) 
Then ask for the grace of my true identity as a child of the Most High True God.
Jesus said: It is IMPORTANT, that they reject ‘their DEMONIC cluster’ throughout the day – and THOSE are ‘all the DEMONS’, that are ASSOCIATED, with ‘their former self’. THIS is to help THEM ‘STAY out of the pit’.  They NEED, to ASK, for ‘the GRACE, to LIVE, their TRUE identity’ – as ‘the NEW _______ (name)”, and “as a CHILD of the MOST High True God”. (August 29,2015 email)
5. Reject "all the effects of satanic priest sacrifices" (The priests, within the religious institutions, and those working in secret, are working behind the scenes and in their interior lives, to retain their prestige, position, and power, by "offering sacrifices".  But God is not hearing their prayers - instead, the enemy of souls is sending demons in response to their intentions.  And so some afflictions are actually the effects of their sacrifices.  You need to discern if this is the case or not, through prayer, and by using the Blessed Holy Water.)
Then ask for the grace of "docility to God the Almighty and Eternal Father in Heaven's Divine Will and Plan".
For ongoing spiritual protection, turn to Jesus Christ the Lord, the Most High True God often in your interior life, asking Him for strength - so that you will have the strength you need to resist temptation when it comes. 
[Furthermore: To help people discern the names of some of the evil spirits, here are the names of just a few, very common ones that afflict many in this current generation of souls: the demonic cluster of each member of the satanic army, the demonic cluster of the occult universal energies, the spirit of Jezebel, the spirit of satanic power, the spirit the reiki, the spirit of witchcraft, the spirit of voodoo, the spirits of division, discord, disunity, infirmity, injury, pride, deception, false counsel, false messages, the spirit of the antichrist, the spirit of the world, the spirit of false peace, the demonic entity of the assailants, the spirit of islam.
Here are some more common spirits that are manifesting almost everywhere in these times: anger, hatred, resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, wrath, rage, rebellion, addiction, envy, (jezebel), ahab, faithlessness, blasphemy, the spirit of the flesh, obsession, sadness, despair, hopelessness, spiritual insanity, cynicism, pessimism, the spirit of hinduism, the spirit of buddhism]
The Breastplate of Saint Patrick
(Updated November 21, 2015)
Some people, including my wife and I, have noticed that the language and terms used in this very powerful prayer for spiritual protection, are a bit unfamiliar - after all, the prayer was composed in 433 AD.  And so finally, we asked Jesus to comment on this topic.
Jesus said: It is SIMPLY ‘a CODED prayer’ – GIVEN at a time, when CHRISTIANS were BOUGHT and sold, into slavery; at a TIME, when WITCHCRAFT, was more PREVALENT; and THOSE who practiced CHRISTIANITY, were either ENSLAVED, or killed.  It is "symbolic PRAYER".   PPTL: I am sure by turning to the TRUE HOLY SPIRIT, YOU can figure the REST, out.
I bind to myself today
The strong virtue of the Invocation of the Trinity of The Most High True God
I believe the Trinity in the Unity
The Creator of the Universe.  Amen.
I bind to myself today
The virtue of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ the Lord with His Baptism
The virtue of His Crucifixion with His Burial
The virtue of His Resurrection with His Ascension
The virtue of His coming on the Judgment Day.  Amen.
I bind to myself today
The virtue of the love of Holy Seraphim [Note: "Seraphim" is the name of one of the Holy Choirs of Angels]
In the Obedience of Holy Angels
In the hope of Resurrection unto reward
In prayers of Holy Patriarchs
In predictions of Holy Prophets
In preaching of Holy Apostles
In faith of Holy Confessors
In Purity of Holy Virgins
In deeds of Righteous Holy Men.  Amen.
I bind to myself today
The power of Heaven
The light of the sun [- an allegory for the Light of Jesus Christ the Lord]
The brightness of the moon  [- an allegory for the Light of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who reflects the light of Jesus Christ the Lord]
The splendor of fire  [- an allegory for the Fire of Truth, transforming the Soul]
The flashing of lightning
The swiftness of wind
The depth of sea
The stability of earth
The compactness of rocks.  Amen.
I bind to myself today
The Most High True God’s Power to guide me
God’s Might to uphold me,
God’s Wisdom to teach me
God’s Eye to watch over me,
God’s Ear to hear me.
God’s Word to give me speech,
God’s Hand to guide me,
God’s Way to lie before me 
God’s Shield to shelter me,
God’s Host to secure me
Against the snares of demons
Against the seductions of vices,
Against the lusts of nature
Against everyone who meditates injury to me
Whether far or near,
Whether few or with many.
I invoke today all these virtues
Against every hostile merciless power
Which may assail my body and my soul
Against the incantations of false prophets
Against the black laws of heathenism
Against the false laws of heresy
Against the deceits of idolatry
Against the spells of women, and smiths, and druids,
Against every knowledge that binds the soul of man.  Amen.

Jesus Christ the Lord, The Most High True God
Protect me today
Against every poison, against burning
Against drowning, against death-wound
That I may receive abundant reward.  Amen.

Jesus Christ the Lord with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me
Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me
Christ at my right, Christ at my left
Christ in my home, Christ in the driver's seat, Christ at the helm
Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks to me, or of me
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.  Amen. 
I bind to myself today
The strong virtue of an invocation of the Trinity of The Most High True God
I believe the Trinity in the Unity
The Creator of the Universe.  Amen.
The BREASTPLATE of Saint Patrick, is what you NEED, to HELP you, get THROUGH, 'your working environment'.
The Exorcism Prayer of Saint Benedict
(updated March 10, 2017)
NEVER tempt me with YOUR vanities!
What YOU offer me is evil.
DRINK the poison YOURSELF!  Amen.
Note: This prayer has been DELIBERATELY "watered down" - on numerous websites, in order to render it COMPLETELY ineffective!  You have now found the correct translation.  Whenever you are being tempted, simply pray it from the heart, and immediately experience the fruits of this prayer for yourself.
Grace before meals 
(updated January 29, 2017)
Bless us oh Lord Most High TRUE God
And these Thy Gifts
That we are about to receive from your Merciful Bounty
And for which we give YOU thanks
Through Jesus Christ our Lord and King.  Amen!
Special note: When there is warm food, that has been carefully prepared, and is sitting in front of you, ready to eat - that is "NOT the best time", for long prayers!  Remember, you are called to be "a good STEWARD", of the many Gifts you have been given - and fresh hot food, is one of them!  If you have a long-standing family tradition of "grandstanding prayers before eating" - then it would be best to do them BEFORE the food is on the table.  Understand?  This note is to help those who are still living with "former family members" - who are still WITHOUT, "common sense and reason".
Bedtime Prayers

(updated August 9, 2016)
Note: as the spiritual battles increase, and as the clock ticks down on this present Era, it is now necessary for some people, before bed, to use the deliverance prayer, to reject the spirits of "fears, doubts, worries and anxieties", and once again use it to reject 'the spirit of restlessness', and ask for the corresponding grace of a peaceful rest and the grace of a deep sleep.  Remember to keep the Blessed Holy Water beside your bed, and to call on Saint Michael and Jesus, if you have any difficulty sleeping through the night.  Following these tips will allow you to rest quite easily, in the True Holy Spirit.
(Bless your Home with the Blessed Holy Water)
Now I lay me down to sleep. 
I pray the Lord, The Most High True God, my soul to keep. 
Keep me safely through the night,
And wake me with the morning light - of Truth! 
Lord Jesus Christ Most High True God
I consecrate to you: my waking, my sleeping,
My interior life, my conscience, my thoughts and my dreams.
I ask for the Grace of the True Peace of The Most High True God, to Reign
In my heart, soul, mind, dreams and dwelling place.
I ask The Most High True God for the Grace of Holy Slumber, and a deep sleep
Throughout this night and through tomorrow. 
I invite the Holy Angels of The Most High True God
Into my heart, soul, mind, being, and dwelling place,
And I ask the Holy Angels of The Most High True God
To heal me, to deliver me, to renew me, to protect me, to defend me,
And to deflect all the attacks of the enemy of my soul,
Into the Eternal Lake of Fire.
I ask my Guardian Angel to wake me.
I consecrate my subconscious desires to the protection of the Blessed Trinity of the Most High True God.
I ask the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Michael the Archangel to Protect me.. 
I thank The Most High True God,
For all the graces, gifts, anointings, blessings and favors He has bestowed upon me throughout this day and night. 
You can always add anything else you would like to say to your Creator, before going to sleep, of course.   And if ever you become aware of a Project Bluebeam attack on your dreams, remember to IMMEDIATELY use the Blessed Holy Water, and pray, "Jesus Protect me, Saint Michael Defend me.  Amen."    Know that the Faithful Remnant are being targeted MERCILESSLY by the One World Government Alien Technology Department.  This following prayer before bed will help to protect you from getting hammered by Project Bluebeam attacks:  "I consecrate my intellect and my memories to the Divine Protection of the True Holy Spirit of the Most High True God.  Amen".  
Prayer Every Time you Wake Up 

(updated June 3, 2017) 
When you wake up in the morning, you need to use the Blessed Holy Water as you pray the Blessed Holy Water Deliverance prayer, and then immediately pray, the short form of the Morning Offering Prayer - that was composed by Jesus Christ the Lord Himself.  You need to do this in order to send "a STRONG MESSAGE", as to where you CHOOSE to stand: 
I consecrate this day, every moment, every movement, every molecule and every breath, to the True Holy Spirit of The Most High True God.  Amen.
And know that the following is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY:
SIMPLY resolve, to persevere - on the NARROW path - EVERY day! - when you wake UP.  Lift UP to the Most High True God, ALL of the dreams, that you had, during the night - and TRADE them, for 'the Grace to Live in the TRUE Reality, in the PRESENT Moment, in your TRUE identity.  Lift UP to the Most High True God - EVERYTHING, that the ENEMY, has SOWN, in your SOUL, during the night - and ASK for the Grace, to EMBRACE, 'the LIFE-SAVING Truths', that have been REVEALED from Heaven, INSTEAD!
Lord Jesus Christ, Most High TRUE God, I lift up to you everything that the enemy, his minions and his followers, sowed in my Soul during the night, and I ask you to please... (- use the deliverance prayer) ... Please give me the Grace to embrace the Life Saving Truths that have been revealed from Heaven, instead.  And please RESTORE to me, ALL the Gifts, Blessings, and Graces, that "the devil" has stolen, from me.  Amen.  And Holy Guardian Angel, please lift up ALL of my daily prayers, to the Most High TRUE God, on MY behalf - JUST to get the Graces flowing!  Amen. 

Special Prayer for WOMEN during "their time"
(updated Noember 15, 2016) 

Due to the complexity of this Divine Counsel - I will simply present the August 6, 2015 Message here in its original format
Jesus said: It is ‘a reminder’, to women, of ‘the BLOODSHED’, after the fall of Adam, in the Garden. Because, of EVE’S, deception, and SHARING, her self-DECEPTION, with her husband – she brought PAIN, suffering, and blood-SHED, to the WHOLE, human, RACE.  [“Because you have listened to the voice of your wife… cursed is the ground because of you" (Genesis 3:17)]  And SO, ‘the CYCLE of murder’, never ENDS – in this WORLD.  And ABORTION, is STILL, ‘ongoing’.  And So, P.M.S. IS, ‘an AFFLICTION’, that I have given – that I have “SENTENCED, women to”, in order to REMIND them, of their own WICKEDNESS -  As ‘an ANTIDOTE’, to their PRIDE.  IT is NECESSARY! – for them to be HUMBLED! – in that way. 

But INSTEAD, they USE ‘the SHEDDING, of THEIR blood, to PUNISH! THOSE, AROUND them – unjustly!  Because of their “feelings”! – IN the moment. Just as ‘a WOMAN’, PUNISHES, an unborn CHILD – “unjustly” – because of “a FEELING”, in the moment.  [- that is a reference to 'the act of murder' by the way]

And SO, what ARE, the Faithful Remnant WOMEN, called to DO, DURING, their “TIME”, of the MONTH?  They are CALLED to unite ‘the SHEDDING, of THEIR blood! – to the shedding of MY Blood, on the Cross; and to the SUFFERINGS, of the Blessed Virgin MARY, AT the foot, of the Cross.  They are CALLED, to Consecrate their PERIOD, to My Sacred Heart, and to the IMMACULATE Heart, of the Blessed Virgin MARY– so that THEIR 'suffering', isn’t “in vain”.  Because if SUFFERING is not ‘UNITED, to MY SUFFERING’, then it is MEANINGLESS!  And THAT’s what causes “the BITTERNESS!”, in WOMEN – during that ‘time’.  They have ‘the PRAYER antidote’ now, as WELL as the use, of the Blessed HOLY water.  NO EXCUSE WHATSOEVER! – for VENTING demons!
Which titles of the Blessed Virgin Mary should be invoked, for special Graces to get through that time? 
"MOTHER of True Compassion", and "QUEEN of True Humility", are good titles - ESPECIALLY, since during 'THAT time, of the month' - women, have 'TEMPTATIONS', to turn INWARDS - and somehow, see, 'their TIME', in a PRIDEFUL way - as 'a RIGHT, to lash-OUT at others'.  THEREFORE, IF you want to HAVE, "a SHORTER period" - and, "a much less PAINFUL one" - CHOOSE! - "TRUE Humility", and DESIRE, 'COMPLETE UNION with your Creator's WILL' - and 'COMPLETE docility, to your HUSBAND'S headship'.  
Why are these special Prayers SOLELY for the Members of the Faithful Remnant?
(updated January 31, 2017) 
Some readers might be wondering WHY they can't pray these prayers - effectively, and from the heart, unless they are a part of the Faithful Remnant - and this is a great mystery.  The answer is simple - ONLY the Faithful Remnant have the Blessed Holy Water, that is needed, for the prayers on this page to be effective.  And The Most High True God will ONLY hear the prayers of "the CHOSEN ones", in order to send HIS Spirit, into their WATER.    And so how does one explain the True Spiritual Realities that manifest, when people pray the Burning Bush Prayer and nothing happens?  Simple - if they DO NOT do so according to the conditions that have been revealed by Jesus Christ the Lord; and if they do not do so with True Humility and from the heart - in the Eyes of their Creator, then ONLY the enemy, can hear their "prayers".  Can the devil answer your prayers, if you are outside the Faithful Remnant?  Can the devil trick you, into believing that you don't need the Two Olive Branches, and the Blessed Holy Water, to get your Soul back?  The DEVIL was so bold, as to work on Jesus Christ the Lord in the desert, now wasn't he? (Matthew 4:1-11).  And you think that he is going to leave YOU alone?  Actually, the devil WILL leave you alone, as soon as you STOP trying to join the Faithful Remnant - and why would that be? - you might be wondering... Because without a Soul, there really is nothing more the devil can do to you... once he has your "pearl of great price" - at that point on your journey, the devil tends to simply leave a person to their own personal demons, and simply let nature take its course.  If you want to get your SOUL back - you are going to have to FIGHT for it!  You DIDN'T fight for it BEFORE the mark of the beast came on December 25, 2012 - and so according to the Spiritual Laws, what Jesus Christ the Lord is now DEMANDING from His Throne in Heaven, IS, MOST, JUST! 
Too many prayers?

KNOW that, it is not NECESSARY, to get through ALL, of your prayers, every day. Your PRAYERS, are 'the FOUNDATION', for your day - to HELP you, have a "STRUCTURED, SPIRITUAL life", and PRAYER life. But SPONTANEOUS prayer, from the HEART, is "NECESSARY as WELL!"  And when you have "a BUSY DAY"- that's when you need to turn to the Most High True God all the MORE, for 'HIS Strength, to get through, that day'. 

Know that it is important AND necessary, to cap your prayer time at about 15 minutes per session, as that is the time it should take to pray the 5 decades of one Rosary). Remember "slowly and from the heart", doesn't mean "to milk every word".  Know that, at the beginning of the day, it is best to politely ask your Holy Guardian Angel to...
"Holy Guardian Angel, please lift up ALL of my daily prayers, to the Most High TRUE God, on MY behalf - JUST to get the Graces flowing!  Amen". 
And you can TELL him exactly that if you like.  And then of course you will need to listen to the inspirations of the True Holy Spirit in each and every moment - to know exactly what to pray, as you go about your day. (February 17, 2016 update)
Have you been praying for hours at a time?
And AS for PRAYING - MOST of your PRAYERS, for HOURS! - THAT, cannot CONTINUE.  ONLY 15 minute PRAYER sessions, are NECESSARY - in order to get, "SPIRITUALLY focused" [-with the only exception being the recitation of the 5 decades of the Holy Rosary].   You are not CALLED, to 'LIVE to PRAY'; you are called to 'PRAY, in order to LIVE' - according to the DIVINE Will of the Most High True GOD.  But do not use PRAYER, as "an EXCUSE", to stop LIVING - and to stop being PRACTICAL - like taking CARE of yourself.  These are "BASIC" - SKILLS!  And they are "IMPORTANT, for you to LEARN", and to CARE about.  you are NOT called to 'REJECT, demonic clusters all day'; but, your FOCUS needs to be, on 'who YOU'RE called to be!' - on 'your TRUE vocation'! - as 'a CHILD of the Most High True GOD.  The 'demonic CLUSTERS' [- that you are called to be delivered of, through the proper use of the deliverance prayer...], are SIMPLY "distractions, and BURDENS" - that are meant to 'take your FOCUS, OFF of your Creator'.  (February 25, 2016 update)
And THIS is for anyone who believes that the Faithful Remnant have
"the secret prayer formula to get to Heaven"
Being 'a MEMBER of the Faithful REMNANT', is NOT about "FORMULAS".  It is NOT about turning 'the Gift of a PRAYER life' - into "a MAGIC charm" - where, 'the UNIVERSE BOWS to you!'  Do YOU think that, you can simply 'PRAY FORMULAS', and get to HEAVEN? - No!  TURN to the True Holy SPIRIT.  You NEED, to REJECT, your DESIRE, to be "in CONTROL, of your LIFE".  The TESTIMONY, is over half, a million, words!  And it is FULL! - of COUNSEL - on HOW TO PRAY - ESPECIALLY from the heart.  WHAT NEEDS to change, is ACTUALLY "your HEART".  You NEED to SOFTEN your heart - towards the Most High TRUE God - ALWAYS!  You need to RECOGNIZE, that you ARE "before the Throne of the Most High TRUE God", in each and every MOMENT! - AND, there IS "no privacy!" - no "SECRET room", that He doesn't KNOW about!  Understand? You NEED to work on 'your relationship with the Most High TRUE God' - at ALL times! - ACTIVELY seeking, 'HIS Will', and RESOLVING to use, 'EVERYTHING you have been given', for HIS Glory!  This is, ANOTHER "wake-up call". (February 18, 2016 update)
If you pray Our Daily Prayers, and then return to your "institution" to worship 'the abomination of desolation', or turn on your Television or radio, to fill your minds with 'the spirit of the antichrist', or turn to alcohol or other addictions (- click on this link for practical help to break free), to fill yourself with 'the spirit of the world', or decide to go to bars and nightclubs to rejoice in the darkness... then all these above prayers that you have prayed, are, for the most part, 'in vain', and you are 'simply deceiving yourself', preferring 'the counsel of demons'.  For those wicked actions cast out the True Holy Spirit and all of His Gifts, leaving the soul in 'a state of mortal sin'.  Then, you need to first repent, and start once again, from the top of this page - as you should be doing each and every day, to get the spiritual Graces you need, to get through these 'End Times'. 
And concerning technology: We encourage you to strive to limit your daily time on the internet - by reading this website, and by limiting your time on all other 'necessary sites' to no more than an hour (- We are simply passing on this advice, from your Creator - obivously, this is not "convenient", but it is a necessary step, in order 'to wean yourself' off of technology.  This warning is also part of your 'psychological preparation', for the coming Era of Peace).  As you view other websites, we admonish you to carefully, discern all the propaganda - as you 'actively filter' everything you see and hear - doing so will most assuredly result in added spiritual protection, along with even fewer spiritual afflictions. This will not be possible for people who work at their computers all day; but for those who do so, it is something to strive for once they are at home.  After the Members of the Faithful Remnant have been weaned off of technology for several months, they will then be much better able to discern what is in front of them, when they return to spending more time exposed to technology - as they ACTIVELY discern it.  Of course, it is necessary to consistently shun all forms of wickedness, moving through technology.
“My Wrath is focused upon souls, who ‘stubbornly embrace’ – evil.  No matter how small the sin nor how big it is, My people are called to live without committing ‘sins in their lives that are avoidable’.  If they choose to hold on to ‘secret sins’ while rejecting others, I can not hear, their prayers.”
(-Jesus, Friday March 16, 2012)
And we will sum up this "CAUTION", with one of our favorite (as there are many favorite) quotes from Jesus Christ the Lord Himself - who Truly desires that no one is "barred" from the Kingdom of Heaven:
"People have 'set the bar' so low, they now go there!" 
(-Jesus, October 2013)
And what does this mean?  Of course, there can be MANY, interpretations.  Here is one interpretation that most of the so-called christians completely forget, every Friday and Saturday night:  It means, that after they take some money, many drinking establishments, or "bars"- "STAMP" people, with 'the MARK', on the HAND, in order for them to ENTER that drinking establishment.  Likewise, ALL the so-called christians, believe they are "STAMPED", through their baptism ceremony, for ADMISSION, to the Kingdom of Heaven - And they believe this, EVEN AS they walk through the door to that bar - OR through the door to ANY of the countless OTHER mortal sins in their lives.  WHY are they committing so many mortal sins in these End times?  Because all those who are OUTSIDE the Ark of Safety (not including "the preserved Souls") - now that they have all received the spiritual mark of the BEAST, or the mark of CAIN - are all "SPIRITUALLY dead" - no matter WHAT sin they commit.  And therefore ALL, their sins are mortal!  Now do you understand?  The people or "so-called christians" of these End Times, have actually "SET THE BAR" for their moral standard, at, "MORTAL sin".  And they have all received 'the mark', as a result.  Sound fair?  It is.  And THAT's for all you people who are still waiting for "the PHYSICAL mark"!
“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)
“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)
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