Tuesday, February 13, 2018

FORGIVENESS - "I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."

"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses.)

“Say to all the congregation of the sons of Israel, You shall be holy; for I the Lord your God am holy.  You shall not hate your brother in your heart, but you shall reason with your neighbor, lest you bear sin because of him.  You shall not take vengeance or bear any grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord.”
(Leviticus 19:2, 17-18)


“It is important to keep Peace in your hearts, My children.  Hold nothing against one another.  Always be willing and able to forgive one another quickly, so that there is no room for bad seeds to grow.  When you have ‘crossed one another’, then you must turn to each other quickly, then ask for each others forgiveness.  After this is done, then you must turn to Me, ask the same.  I will always forgive you is you are truly sorry.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, September 17, 2009)


“Forgiveness is there for those who willingly and knowingly desire to change, and so because you have that desire within you, I will forgive you, and I do forgive you.  But there are those who seek My Forgiveness out of routine, and not from the heart at all.  They seek the reward of going to Heaven without doing their part – without doing ‘what is necessary’ to get there.  These people I call ‘halfway christians’ or ‘middle-minded’, for they seek My Forgiveness, which is half of the process of confession, but they choose not to change, and often make resolutions to commit the same sin again - this happens all too often.  And so, confession is only open to those who ‘seek Me in the priest’ - who seek Me to forgive them, who seek Me from their hearts.  I will not ‘loosen the binding of sin’ upon the soul who seeks to be forgiven just out of routine.  Confession is not simply a routine, but it is a way that man’s heart can be reunited with his Maker.  Confession is ‘sewing a broken relationship’.  If you kept telling someone you were sorry over and over again, and continued to repeat the same sin - the same mistake, how many times would they forgive you, for they are only human?  Maybe once, twice, three times?  But I will forgive you as long as you continually seek to overcome the sin you are asking forgiveness for.  Doesn’t that make sense, My children?”
(-Jesus, Tuesday October 6, 2009)


“Even though you are human, and make many mistakes, and commit many sins, frequently.  Know this: that I am here to forgive them all, as long as you are truly sorry; I am here to help heal your brokenness, as long as you desire to heal each others’ pain.  Desire to make each others’ burdens lighter in every moment…”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, September 22, 2010)


No matter how much you sin, against one another, and against Me, you are called to forgive.  You do your part, and I will do Mine.  You do not withhold forgiveness from one other, until you judge each other to be truly sorry, for unforgiveness chains you both, to all those spirits I just mentioned.  Forgive always, and if you cannot find it in you own heart to forgive, turn to Me and pray for My Forgiveness to flow through you, to your spouse, for I am always ready to forgive sins that are repented of.  How the enemy has almost everyone on the face of the earth ‘wrapped around his little finger’, is because they choose to withhold: forgiveness, for ‘satanic power’ - over the other person.  And then My Love cannot flow through them, but instead only black sludge can come forth.  These people are walking around you, pretending, that they are good people, and everything is ok. ‘Thou shalt not judge thy neighbor, nor oneself’, because in doing so, they become gods in their own eyes.  See how deceived, the devil has all the people, even yourselves at times My children.  So in short, forgiveness is a choice, and it s a power you both hold – a power to love, and let My Love flow through you, to your spouse, or the power to hate, and stop My Love, flowing through, to your spouse. 
(-Jesus, Sunday, January 2, 2011)


“to forget self, is to forget one’s sins – never more to remember them, they have been forgiven; but it is human to hold grudges against one another; but it is only by My Divine Strength, that you can forgive.  Forgiveness, is not in people, naturally, My children.  You must understand, your own human nature, so that you can turn to Me, to help you forgive one another, and your neighbors who have wronged you.  Was it easy, for Me to forgive the soldiers who crucified Me?  Was it is easy, for Me to forgive, all those around Me – who mocked and ridiculed Me in every way possible?  Was it easy, for Me to forgive those: who would not take advantage of My Sacrifice on the Cross, but instead ‘turned inwards’, and only thought of self? - And nothing that I did for them, would matter to them.  Was it easy for Me still to ‘go to the Cross’, for the ungrateful souls?  The answer is: yes, and why?  Because though I was suffering intensely, both spiritually, and physically, and mentally, I went to the Cross, with Love in My Heart.  This Love that I carried, helped Me to get through all of the struggles, I had to endure." 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, July 5, 2011)


"I am patient – as long as the soul is making the necessary, steps: to do better; to change his ways; and to move forward – as My friend, and companion." 
(Tuesday, February 21, 2012)


“I am coming to take those who want to go with Me – who desire to be nourished for a time, times, and half a time.  It is, too late, to be converted, or to convert your neighbors - to any religion; because all of the institutions have become corrupt.  Now all that matters, is that you prepare your hearts for what is coming, by reconciling with Me on a daily basis – and that is how you will get out of ‘Hell, on Earth’.” 
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 29, 2012)


“It is sin that keeps souls in the bondage of their bodies, that are: deformed, decaying; that are withering away.  I need souls to repent – from their sins, in order for Me to heal them.  If they are blind – then they must repent of ‘spiritual blindness’, and I will heal them from this affliction.  If they are paraplegic – then they must repent of sins of the flesh, of desiring sexual pleasures outside of true marriage.  If they are crippled – then they must repent, of their desire to rebel, against My Commandments.  If they have cancer – then they must repent, of serious, blasphemy, against the Holy Spirit  (Have they found a cure yet that they can release My children?) – and this is ‘the sin against the Holy Spirit’, of which there is no forgiveness for.  But I always allow souls, to know when, they are blaspheming or not – they will know in their interior lives; and if they refuse to repent, and change their ways, then they cannot be forgiven, of this sin.”
(-Jesus, Thursday March 15, 2012)


“Begin, living a life, of self-sacrifice and self-denial.  You will begin by casting-off all of your ‘works of darkness’.  Private confession ‘one on one’ with Me is fine, for I will listen to you if you are sincere, and perhaps your martyrdom, can be shortened, and perhaps your days of ‘coming suffering’, can be lessened.” 
(-Jesus, Saturday, June 2, 2012)


“But I am calling all, people to repent - to embrace, the Cross of ‘purification’; to embrace, ‘the Luminous Cross’:by ‘forgiving’, and by seeking forgiveness; by ‘desiring unity’ in the True Holy Spirit; and by forgetting ‘all selfish intentions’. The only way that you will find ‘True Peace’ – as ‘children of the Most High True God’ (– for I am ‘the Queen of Peace’, the only way), is by ‘getting your hearts aright’ – with the Creator of the Universe; because True Peace comes from Him; and He gives it to whomever He Wills; and He Wills to give it to those who desire: True repentance.”  (-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Tuesday, November 27, 2012)


“Yes, the call, is to forgive, if your brother sins against you, seven times – then you are called to forgive him, seventy seven times - seven.  But that does not mean, that there won’t be ‘some sort of “recompense paid”…”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 10, 2012)


"You need to know, that the spiritual life, can be simplified, even MORE so, than making a list – with names, or addresses, where bad things HAPPENED, TO you; or where YOU did bad things.  You NEED to know, that the SPIRITUAL life, and living the life, of a TRUE Follower, of Jesus, is NOT about ‘dredging up old memories of the past’; or TRYING to remember ‘past sins, forgotten’ – No.  ALL that Jesus is asking OF you, is to focus, on doing His Will – in each and every moment – and that is, seeking to please HIM, in all that you DO.  If something is brought to the surface, then deal with it then; but don’t go looking! – because THAT is embracing ‘the spirit of nostalgia’ – disguised, as ‘looking for a way, to FORGIVE others’.  Simply focus, on living, in the NOW – in the ETERNAL now! – because THAT is ‘where the Graces, are flowing’. And as for your PAST, “the gangrene” – is ‘the demonic cluster of your former identity’.  And so YOU will need to REJECT this CONSISTENTLY – EVERY day!"
(-Pope Peter the Last, December 09, 2015)

Jake is a Member of the Faithful Remnant 

Do you need to stop "bathing in hurtful memories"?  (for Members of the Faithful Remnant only)

As far as "PAST memories" go - that can be quite PAINFUL. One tactic the enemy USES, is he TRIES to get the individual to 'BATHE', in HURTFUL memories - to KEEP them, "in the PAST", and to HOLD ON to "unforgiveness".  For WHO does it hurt MORE? - to withhold unforgiveness? - the person WITHHOLDING? - or the person, on the OTHER end?  It ACTUALLY hurts, the INDIVIDUAL, who is WITHHOLDING forgiveness, MORE so.  So what YOU need to do, is LIFT up to JESUS Christ the Lord, ALL of the painful memories, of your past - and TRADE them, for 'your NEW Life in the Remnant' - where YOU are INVITED, to create "BETTER memories".  Because, when you are LIVING the Era of Peace in your heart - it is THEN, that the Most High TRUE God, has 'WIPED away, ALL tears' - the TEARS, that this WORLD, CAUSES, PEOPLE, to be 'AFFLICTED' by.  IT would be best, if you lifted up, to the Most High True God - ALL! - of, 'the DISTURBING, and TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCES, that YOU, have encountered'; and TRADE them! - for 'His TRUE Peace'.  Simple! (February 6, 2017 update)

"Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband; and I heard a great voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling of God is with men. He will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself will be with them; he will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away.”
(Revelations 21:1-4)
“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)

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