Sunday, February 11, 2018

PREPARE FOR THE COMING OF WAR - "I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."

"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
 Prepare for the Coming Famine

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, unless otherwise stated.)

“Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his merciful love, that he may deliver their soul from death, and keep them alive in time of famine.”
(Psalm 33:18-19)


“I send you to them, with a message - very simple, but loud and clear: Get a year’s supply of food!”
(-Jesus, Monday, Aug 22, 2011)

Note:  Yes, Jesus DID say to get a year's supply of food.  But what KIND of food?  If you were listening with the ears of the TRUE Holy Spirit, then this is what you would have heard:

And if you explore the website, you will find the teaching on "Storing Food".  That section reminds people to store PHYSICAL food in case of a Natural Disaster, and gives some practical advice.


"A famine is coming upon North America, and neighbor will be eating neighbor, and owners will be eating pets and pets their owners.  There is not enough food, to go around, when the trucks have stopped trucking.  When the rioting and looting begins, you will either wish you were in a cave, or refuge, or you will be thanking Me that you are in one."
(-Jesus, Monday March 12, 2012)


“Start warning people, that they have very little time to prepare, for the coming financial collapse of North America, and the World currencies.  ‘The collapse’, may be months away, but it is certainly not years – I can guarantee you that much…  You are to tell the people, that they have to act fast, and start getting a year’s supply of food, if they want to make it through, this coming tribulation to North America… Do all that you can to warn the people, My children.  Tell everyone “spread the word”.  That way, at least there will be some people prepared here when ‘all of hell’ breaks loose…  Remember, it is not years away.  That much I can tell you again… your comfort awaits you in the safety, of My caves, not here, not now.”
(-Jesus, Friday, July 15, 2011)


"Soon, beast and bird will turn upon man, with a vengeance, for no longer is man recognized, as above, the creatures; but they have brought themselves down, to be one with the beasts and the birds, and so, they will be treated, as such; and so, they will be attacked, and marred, and even eaten, in their own homes, because the beasts, can no longer tell them apart.  Their hierarchy, is no longer recognized."
(-Jesus, Saturday, June 19, 2010)


"Not only, will the animals turn upon their masters, but they will often be found eating, and feeding upon their flesh, especially when this coming famine hits.  They do not know the difference between man and beast, for man has become like them.  This is also a symbol of what the One World Government has planned for North America: they are like a pack, of wolves, feeding upon the weak, and the sick of the nations.  I am permitting all of this to happen for a reason.  And so, My children, because Russia was not consecrated to Me, in the way I asked, she has spread her errors throughout the entire face of the Earth.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, April 1, 2010)

"The Great Worldwide coming Famine, will be brought about... gasoline prices skyrocketing, so high, that truckers will not want to transport goods any more; but some of the oil refineries will be destroyed in the next coming disasters, and they will have to raise gas prices."
(-Jesus, Tuesday, April 6, 2010)


“People nowadays, are believing more often, that a gun, or a rifle, will protect their family.  But what will happen then – when the gas and the food are cut off?  How will they sustain themselves then?  - If they will not prepare now?  Many have resolved in their hearts, that when the crisis does come, they will simply start looting the grocery stores, and then house to house, collecting what they need by force, if necessary.  Oh the time is coming, when insanity will break upon the minds of all peoples – for not only will the Holy Spirit be completely removed, but common sense and reason along with consciences will be removed as well.  People will be given over to a base mind and base conduct will follow.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, September 10, 2011) 

[Note: "Thou shalt not kill”, means, “even if they want to steal your food”]
“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)

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