Monday, February 12, 2018

MERCY - "I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."

"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God


(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, unless otherwise stated.)

“Turn to the Lord and forsake your sins; pray in his presence and lessen your offenses.  Return to the Most High and turn away from iniquity, and hate abominations intensely.  Know the justice and the judgments of God, and stand firm the lot that is set before you, in prayer to God, the Almighty.  Who will sing praises to the Most High in Hades, as do those who are alive and give thanks?  Tarry not in the waywardness of the ungodly, and give thanks before death.  From the dead, as from one who does not exist, thanksgiving has ceased; he who is alive and well sings the Lord’s praises.  How great is the mercy of the Lord and his forgiveness for those who turn to him!”
(Sirach 17: 25-29)

“Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.  For we have not a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sinning.  Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
(Hebrews 4:14-16)


“I suggest that you get your souls ready.  Repent before it is too late.  I am asking you to have mercy on yourselves.  Show mercy to yourselves by ‘getting right with your God!”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, March 21, 2012)


“This World is but passing, is but fleeting, is but decaying, but the next one - Oh so wonderful and pure! So joyous! So gleeful!  Lightheartedness everywhere.  No more concerns about the previous life.  No more inconveniences or adversities, this World has to offer, but a place of pure bliss and happiness.  Living in 'the Divine Will' is all that mankind has to do, to reach those ‘pearly gates’.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, September 16, 2009)


“I will give Mercy to those who ask for Mercy.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, October 3, 2009)


"The volcanic explosions will be so great, and so many happening all at once, were I not to intervene with My Comet of the Chastisement and the Great Warning, all humanity would be lost.  And so the Comet sighting, followed by the Warning experience, will be My Greatest Act of Mercy, for souls who choose Me; and a great punishment, for those who do not."
(-Jesus, Tuesday, April 6, 2010) 


“My plan for mankind was simple:  they were to be a family, a ‘firmly–tightened’ and united family of Love, with Me as their True Father.  But they have strayed, so - so far from My Love; and their hearts have ‘calluses’ on them.  Even what they think is ‘normal’; even what they think is ‘good and pleasing’ to them, is ‘an abomination’ in Our Eyes.  We see what mankind has become, and look with pity, at them, because they are so self–deceived, and believe that rejecting Us, the Blessed Trinity, is ‘the way’ to their ‘heaven’.  If their ‘heaven’ is Hell, then there is no more that We can do for them.  They are lost, until they change their ways, or until they convert - after the Great Warning.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, May 24, 2010)


"Just like the dinosaurs, were used as fossil fuels, to help this era, run much better, so too are My Faithful Remnant like this, for they will be My New People, they will be My People whose hearts are for Me, not against Me; and they will breed more people, like themselves, who are beautiful, because they choose not to sin and only to love." 
(-Jesus, Monday, June 21, 2010)


“Humble yourselves before Me before it is too late and your souls are indeed lost.  Have mercy.  Show mercy.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, October 23, 2010)


“I will show Mercy …'Father forgive them for they know not what they do'.  I say this for the Whole Human Race.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, November 6, 2010)


"There is no money in Heaven, nor will there be, in the Era of Peace; but all that is needed, is My Love – for My Love sustains all.  I told you, that the World would become a hundred billion times better.  That was no exaggeration.  If anything, it will be even better, than that!"
(-Jesus, Sunday, December 19, 2010)


“Do you know what, My children, every single souls, on the face of the planet, whether young, or old, or middle-aged every single one of them, would be able to hear and follow My voice, if they sought it, in silence.  What would the World be like, if everyone was contemplative, and prayerful.  There would be no wars, no fears, no agitation of spirit.  This is what the Era of Peace, will be like.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, January 24, 2011)


“Mercy is offered, yes - to those who desire to repent of their sins before Me, I will show them Mercy.”
(-Jesus, Thursday June 16, 2011)


“Your ministry, is about to be ‘bumped up’ a few hundred notches.  You are seeing the authority, of that which you are speaking to the peoples on My behalf, come to fruition in their lives – whether it’s just for a brief moment, or for longer – either it will be Justice or Mercy – depending on what they choose to do with the words they’ve been given.”
(-Jesus, Friday, July 15, 2011)


"The rainbow, you saw tonight, My children, was a symbol, of My Covenant with man.  For though the World is wicked, as it is, I will not destroy it – through flood waters.  But ‘a Comet is coming’, instead.  This ‘ball of fire’ will strike the Earth, and two thirds (2/3) of mankind will be killed – for that is all that there will be left.  The One World Government will take care of the rest of them.  The one third (1/3), will be passed, 'through fire', and will have to endure much.  Much purification, will take place, in the souls of My Elect, before they are permitted, to enter in, to My Era of Peace."-
(Jesus, Thursday, August 11, 2011)


“How can My Healing Graces, and My Love, fraternal correction, and My Mercy, flow, to the people, when their… pastor, is in the state of mortal sin – and with full knowledge?”
(-Jesus, Sunday, October 16, 2011)


"My Faithful Remnant Church... I will remind them, of who I am, of who I was.  They will remember their faith, they will be drawn – into a deep solitude with Me, as they go to their death for Me.  And The Most High True God – the Eternal Father in Heaven, will rejoice exceedingly, at their sacrifice, for love of His Son.  The antichrist reign will be brief, and I will come with myriads of angels, and cast the evil one from his throne, down to the abyss, for I am the Lord Thy God, and thou shalt have no other ‘gods’ before Me.  This will be quite the rude awakening for most people, and a refreshment of Truth for My Faithful Remnant Followers... The 'gates of hell' will not prevail against My very own."
(-Jesus, Monday, October 24, 2011)


“When I extend My Mercy, people have a chance, to turn it away; or they can embrace Me, and embrace the Truth in order to live.  There are not many choices involved, and only one, will determine the course of history.” 
(-Jesus, Sunday, December 4, 2011)


“Before Noah went into his ark, he gathered up; those he knew he could take with him; those who would believe and would be saved – physically.  The World is now reaching its peak of evil, and I am going to be gathering my Elect – from the four corners of this Earth, and at the same time, pouring forth My Justice – upon the four corners of this Earth.  The four horses, that you saw in your dream, gleaming white, with golden manes, symbolize this about to happen – to the face of the Earth.  They are also getting ready, to receive their riders – to carry out My Justice, upon all of the wicked: pestilence, famine, war, and dissension, division, strife, and discord.  This is going to happen within the next few coming months. How much they do, is dependent upon peoples' hearts.  But they will carry out My plans, against this era"
(-Jesus, Monday January 23, 2012)


“I am ready ‘to pull My people out’.  If the American people refuse My Mercy... all, of the evil designs of the One World Government Forces, will fall upon the people at once.  Even now they are making ready.  They have their soldiers in place.  They know exactly what to do.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 22, 2012)


“I am coming to take those who want to go with Me – who desire to be nourished for a time, times, and half a time.  It is, too late, to be converted, or to convert your neighbors - to any religion; because all of the institutions have become corrupt.  Now all that matters, is that you prepare your hearts for what is coming, by reconciling with Me on a daily basis – and that is how you will get out of ‘Hell, on Earth’.”  
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 29, 2012)  


“Like it was stated in the reading: “who has known My mind and who has given Me counsel; and who can repay Me for My Goodness to them?”  All I desire from My People is mercy.  Show mercy to one another that you may receive Mercy.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday March 13, 2012)


“But I will bring back to My Fold the ones, who desire Mercy; who desire: Truth, Love, and Sincerity - who desire to be healed.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, April 1, 2012)


“The works, and the prayers, of My Faithful Followers, are not enough, to plead on behalf of mankind, for Mercy.  I will hear their prayers, for themselves, and their families.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, April 3, 2012)

“Make amends.  Put ‘sackcloth’ on in your hearts.  See yourselves as ‘worthy of the death penalty’, and perhaps I will show Mercy.” (-Jesus, Tuesday, April 3, 2012)


“If you want to be pure; if you want to be holy; if you want to be free, then live, as I call you to live - in each and every moment; and listen to the truth that is in your conscience, so that: your joy may be full.  Listen, to My Two Representatives, whom I send on My behalf, to the World, as an extension of My Love, Justice and Mercy.”
(-Jesus, Monday, April 23, 2012)


“My Great Warning Experience.  That is the extent of My Mercy, upon My people.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, May 6, 2012)


“The lies, the propaganda, the constant ‘holes’, in all of the governments’ stories, are going to be ‘brought to the light’ now.  This will be part of My Mercy, on the World.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, June 6, 2012)


“Write him in, “the grandfather of the Constitution”.  This is your last and final chance to restore America – upright.  This is, an extension, of My Mercy, upon all of you.  And I urge you all, to set aside ‘your differences’, set aside your own ‘political platforms’ and vote, for Ron Paul. ”
(-Jesus, Saturday, June 16, 2012)


“I Declare as of this night, to send forth My Graces once again – to break open the ‘cold hearts’ – made of stone.  For I desire, that they all have a heart – of flesh.  The graces, will now go forth – so that Justice can be mitigated.…  Now, I will show the people that I am a loving Father.  And I will show them, through ‘severe discipline’ at times.  But they will now have the graces - that they need, in order to facilitate ‘change’ in their lives.  …  My Heart is filled with sorrow at what is coming – to the Earth, but Joy also because you now ‘have the graces’ to respond – out of My Great Mercy for your souls.  But this time is short.  So take – advantage, of the Graces from Heaven, that you now have, to change your lives, to make choices, that are good– for your souls.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, July 5, 2012)


"Even with the World, as wicked, as it is now My children, I still extend My Mercy, to those who will receive it.  But, there are not many out there, willing to be merciful – to themselves, or, to their neighbor.   When I said “I desire mercy not sacrifice", I was referring to ‘an evil age’, a time, when routine, and ritual, and almsgiving, would take the place of mercy.  What good, are all of those things – in those ‘institutional abominations’, if sins are embraced by the whole community?  What good are their sacrifices to Me, if they are merciless with their fellow man?  I tell you now I cannot grant Mercy, to those, who refuse to show mercy.  Being a sinner and knowing it is one thing, but these people in these institutions proclaim themselves “christian”, but at the same time, commit ‘horrible abominations’ in My Sight.  They see themselves as “good people”.  But I have not come to call “good” people to Myself, nor “nice” people’ but I came to call sinners." 
(-Jesus, Wednesday, August 1, 2012)


“I still extend My Mercy, to those who will receive it.  But, there are not many out there, willing to be merciful – to themselves, or, to their neighbor.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, August 1, 2012)


“This is ‘a hard lesson’.  But, the people of this world have been ‘very naughty children’.  And what they are ‘deserving of’, is far worse, than the effects of radiation poisoning.  But in My Mercy, I am going to speed-up, the effects of radiation sickness, in small children, and the elderly – so that people can see: ‘there is a big problem – with the World they are living in’.” 
(-Jesus, Monday, September 17, 2012)


“People do not realize, that to become ‘an enemy of the Most High True God’, is a very bad career decision.  They do not realize that to get to Heaven, they must appeal to My Mercy; they must do what I ask of them – and not ‘on their terms.”
(-Jesus, Monday, September 24, 2012)


“The women, in both those stories, My children, failed – in a serious way, to live the Ten Commandments, written on their hearts. And so in both cases, I took their ‘firstborns’; because “the wages of sin, is death”.  However, I extended My Mercy – to both of them, and brought their children, ‘back to life’.  For I do not delight in the death, of My living creatures.  But I desire that all: be made alive, by My word and through Me.“
(-Jesus, Friday, October 5, 2012)


“In Elijah’s time, signs were ‘carried out’, through Justice and Mercy.  And in My time, I showed people, that they could appeal – to My Mercy; and that I would help them with whatever the illness was. In your time, people do not want help My children.  And no one is ‘seeking’ – the right things.”
(-Jesus, Friday, October 5, 2012)


“For I am ‘the door’; I am ‘the gate’; and I am ‘the narrow way’!  There is ‘no other way’, but through Me.  And out of My Great Mercy and ‘love for souls’, I tell them: the Truth – so that they may live.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, November 8, 2012)


“When I cried out, on the cross, “Father forgive them, for they know not, what they do,” I was crying out to Him, on behalf, of mankind – for Mercy.  Because the fullest manifestation – of their sins, had ‘taken place’.  For indeed I was bruised, for their iniquities; and I was killed for their sins.  Now does that mean that all souls go to Heaven?  No.  But until, I ‘made the sacrifice’, the Door to Heaven, would be shut to them.  My offering of Myself for their sins, would remove, ‘the Eternal Punishment’, that they would have received, had I not ‘died on the Cross’.  But this ‘concept’, has been: distorted, and changed – over the years, so that people, would have the opportunity, to believe, that ‘they are saved’ – apart from suffering, because I suffered for them.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, November 13, 2012)


“For those of you reading, My website – My Testimony, this is your ‘Great Warning’.  But it is also My Mercy, upon your souls – so that you can experience the consequences, of your sinful ‘lifestyles’ – while you are ‘still breathing’. 
(-Jesus, Monday, November 26, 2012)


“I stand before, the Lord of Hosts, and I am His Angel, and Commander, of His, Armies.  So great, is the Host, of Heaven!  And I, am ‘the Angel with the Sword’: with ‘the Flaming Sword’, I stood, at the entrance, to the Garden, of Eden. And, I, guarded souls, from partaking, of ‘the Tree of Life’.  As they were cut-off from it.  But in His Mercy, the Lord sent His Son, Jesus Christ: to die, on the Cross, for mankind’s sins; so ‘the Gates of Heaven’, could be open – to them, once again.”
(-Saint Michael the Archangel, Wednesday, November 28, 2012)  


“The Mercy of the Lord, endures for ever!  And his faithfulness - to all generations… I ‘tell you all’, I ‘drew strength’ – from praising the Lord, every day, and every evening.  And I sought His Counsel, often.  And it was He who ‘led me through’ the ‘trials’ and ‘sufferings’.  And it was His Strength, that helped me, to get through ‘the wilderness’ – to become the King, of Israel.”
(-David, formerly “King David”, Saturday, December 01, 2012)  


”Just as Nineveh, was ‘saved’ – from ‘sudden destruction’, so too, does He wish to ‘extend His Mercy’ – to the whole World!  Nineveh was spared – because they responded ‘appropriately’ – to the request of the Most High True God.  But my people, you will not ‘be spared’ – from His Divine Wrath! – if you do not turn back to Him, with True repentance.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 3, 2012) 

“I have a prayer, that people can say, in order, to prevent themselves, from ‘losing out’ – on, ‘the many riches’ that are here in My Testimony: 

Dear, Heavenly Father, Most High True God, I have been ‘a wayward soul’, and I have sinned and offended you deeply. 
And now, with your Testimony, moving through your son, Jesus Christ, the Lord – Most High True God,
I ask that the burning Flame, and Fire, of the True Holy Spirit: ignite My soul, this day, to become, ‘a burning bush’, for you. 
And I resolve, from this moment forward, to do all, that you ask me to.  And I choose, this day, to believe – without seeing. 
Lord, Most High True God, please grant me the gift of faith, that I, may believe, in whom you have sent, and in, His word.  Amen. 
This prayer will help many souls, My children, as it has been given – from: God the Eternal Father in Heaven – to his ‘chosen ones’,
to His Elect, to His Faithful Remnant.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, November 21, 2012)

Can The Justice of The Most High True God Be MITIGATED?...  (Click Here to find out) 

Are the Two Witnesses "of the devil"?

Did you know that, according to the Creator of the Universe, the Two Witnesses ARE: "the Mercy of the Most High True God"? And the almost UNANIMOUS response, to the Two Witnesses, in these End Times, has been, "They are of the devil!"  Now, if the people of these End Times, see 'the MERCY of the Most High True God', as being "of the DEVIL", then HOW will they see the full PHYSICAL manifestation of His Divine JUSTICE - that has been held BACK by the prayers of His Two Witnesses?  And here is an even BETTER philosophical question: HOW will the wicked people of these End Times see the DEVIL, AFTER! - they experience the Divine Justice of their Creator?  Because if they don't want His MERCY, then you KNOW where they can all go!  In other words, if they won't admit they are WRONG, NOW - then perhaps a face to face social, with "THEIR father, of lies", will help them to better name THEIR social circle.  We will ask the Creator of the Universe to help them, "set the record straight".  We are not in a hurry - in fact we will be enjoying all Eternity, as they figure things out.

An Important Clarification

(January 19, 2017 update) 
Jesus Christ The Lord said: Be at Peace, My people.  I come with a steady Hand to bring Justice and Mercy.  For those who do not repent wholeheartedly and convert to the Truth, there will be much to suffer; but those who conquer sin and allow God's healing Grace to come to them, much Mercy will be given.  My people, the mercy you give is the Mercy you shall receive.  Time and time again I have told you this through other Messages from Visionaries around the world. You must know now, My dear people, that the time for Mercy has ended.  There is no more time for unconfessed sins to fall on reproachful ears.  Now is the time of Justice.  I shall come like a thief in the night and take you where you do not wish to go.  You must repent now before it is too late. Even now, many Chastisements are happening with fire and water, and will continue to happen. The Lord God is purging his innocent ones; and purifying those on their way to Heaven.  This is the Father's plan, and MUST be accomplished. Many more Chastisements will be occurring around the world as a result of sin - DEEP sin.  Open your ears and eyes to the True Holy Spirit.  now is the End Times, and many of you are 'on the road to perdition'.  I ask you not to take these words lightly, but: bind them around your heart and follow My Commands; pray; turn to Me; offer sacrifices of pure and contrite hearts - that is what I will Judge you on.  How faithful will you be during "The Purification" and 'reign of the evil one'? Even now [- this Message was given BEFORE the abomination of desolation was set up in 2009], he has taken over many churches and many brethren, and they are doing HIS work; not Mine.  This must end.  God is more powerful than the enemy and will crush his head; but first he must be given time to sift you, My people, as wheat - for his time is short..." (-July 21, 2007 Message, that is posted in its entirety in the July 18, 2016 posting)

INTERESTING note:  The illuminati THOUGHT, that "The devil knows his time is SHORT" - meant that, "They have a green LIGHT to implement their plans".  When in fact, due in part to the prayer intentions of the Two Witnesses, it NOW means: the devil is currently dying an unexpected, early and most horrific death - and his KINGDOM, along WITH that of the illuminati, is quickly coming to a sudden, most unpleasant and most unexpected fiery end - referring to the Eternal Lake of Fire, of course!  We are sorry for any misunderstanding this may have caused. Here, perhaps this will help:
"And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth with their armies gathered to make war against him who sits upon the horse and against his army. And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had worked the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped its image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire ["Ouch! - freaking OUCH!"] that burns with brimstone. And the rest were slain by the sword of him who sits upon the horse, the sword that issues from his mouth; and all the birds were gorged with their flesh."
(Revelations 19:19-21)


We INVITE, ALL of the World Leaders, to 'TAKE a STAND'
As, the Two Witnesses of the Most High True God, and as Ambassadors, of His MERCY - to ALL of the Nations, we INVITE, ALL of the World Leaders, to 'TAKE a STAND', and decide, 'WHERE, they WANT their ALLEGIANCE to BE': with the ALMIGHTY CREATOR - with 'the GOD of the Two WITNESSES' - with 'the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE' - who is "the ALPHA AND the Omega" - who is "the BEGINNING, AND the End" - of EVERY Era!  OR, to FALL! - and to fall HARD! - with "the illuminati agenda", that is SIMPLY, "FADING, and PASSING, away! - INTO oblivion".  The BOWLS, of the MOST High TRUE God's WRATH, have been POURED out, and the SCOURGES, HAVE been UNLEASHED.  The seven SEALS, of the LIVING GOD - have been "UNSEALED", AND, 'MUCH suffering and DEVASTATION' - is COMING! - to ALL of the NATIONS, who HAVE, 'VIEWED the TESTIMONY' - who KNOW, 'the TRUTH!' - and have CHOSEN, to "BURY it!" - instead.  Not by OUR hands - is "CALAMITY", COMING; but BY, the DIVINE JUSTICE, of the MOST HIGH TRUE God - through, the Holy Angels, UNDER Saint MICHAEL'S Command.  We are INVITING, the LEADERS, of the NATIONS - TO, make THEIR video testimonies, and ACKNOWLEDGE, the Most High TRUE God - "the GOD, of the Two WITNESSES" - to BE 'the only ONE TRUE God' - of THESE Times.  FOR, if they do NOT! - then, their NATION, will SIMPLY, BE "DEVOURED, by PLAGUES, SCOURGES, and DISASTERS" - in DROVES! - that SIMPLY will NOT, let up, UNTIL they repent.  THIS has been Decreed, "from the Highest HEAVENS".  The LEADERS, of the NATIONS, need to become MEMBERS, of the Faithful REMNANT - OR, THEY, AND their people, will SIMPLY perish!  As Jesus Christ the LORD Himself, said, over 2000 YEARS ago, "REPENT, or PERISH!"  That message NEVER changed.

Important clarification note: And so DID Donald Trump make "a video testimony to the nations", in the above video?  Yes, he did!  Did he acknowledge "the God of the Two Witnesses" - to be the only One TRUE God, of these End Times?  No, he didn't.  And so, if he DOESN'T change course, and FAST, he will be "FIRED!"  "The BAR", is set a little higher Donald, and your personal resolution "to WITHHOLD judgment, about the Testimony of the Two Witnesses", is the same, as choosing to be our enemy.  Your entire nation, is now being weighed in the balance, of the Justice of the Most High True God, and your "WINDOW of opportunity, in TIME", to get yourself ABOARD the ONLY Ark of Salvation in these End Times, is coming to a close; your opportunity to proxy for the MERCY of your Creator, upon the United States of America, is quickly coming to a close.  Know that we respect your decision.  Here are the instructions on how to become a Member of the Faithful Remnant.
Epilogue - For those who have stubbornly chosen to stay "outside the ONLY Ark, of Salvation, in these End Times":

The people of these End Times, seem to believe that THEY can "set the terms", for when, if, and how they respond to the Words of their Creator, moving through His True Prophets.  And this attitude of theirs is unfortunately, "their Achilles heel".  Because the Creator of the Universe is NOT fulfilling His Prophecies, "on THEIR terms", or "according to THEIR expectations"; but instead, is BLINDSIDING the people, with His Divine Justice!   When the mark of the beast came on December 25, 2012, it didn't manifest according to 'the terms and expectations of the people' - now DID it!  The same can be said about 'the mark of CAIN', that manifested exactly 3 years later.  And therefore it is "QUITE ACCEPTABLE", for people to shun the words of their Creator moving through His True Prophets - the Two Witnesses - AS He surgically removes more than 100,000 each day, and sets them ablaze in the Eternal Lake of Fire.  This isn't "ROCKET SCIENCE" people.  So feel free to focus on "all your good works", and ignore our warnings, and join your friends in the Lake below, when you are ready to come to your senses.  Because we are simply doing our job.  So DO your part, ON your terms, WHEN you are ready, IF you like.  Ok?  And when you are READY to come to your senses, we probably WON'T be able to even give you a drop of water.  One thing we have learned from the people of these End Times is, "it's the THOUGHT that counts!"  And so, HERE'S something to think about: 24 hours from now - from this point in time, that you are reading this - more than 100,000 people WILL find themselves in the Eternal Lake of Fire, having realized, that the Two Witnesses, ARE here, and they now HAVE "their Sign".  And so, to ALL those in the Eternal Lake of Fire, who are there because they REFUSED to do what their Creator was asking of them - and because they WANTED a SIGN???... You are welcome!  He CAN, and DID, "work with that"!

Luke is a Member of the Faithful Remnant
 *at 0:56 in the above video, Luke said "Jeremiah"
But then, at 1:12 - he corrected it, and said "Jonah"
And at 8:26, he share how he was "corrected" by his Creator...
(nice segue Luke!) 

"The Great Correction"

WHAT is it? 

On May 27, 2017, Jesus Christ the Lord announced the beginning of "The Great Correction".  THROUGH IT, He WILL "Chastise the world" SEVERELY; but at the same TIME, He will 'CORRECT', the CONSCIENCE, of man.  THIS, is 'the BEGINNING' [- referring "the Beginning of the RE-Creation of the face of the earth"], and, IT IS "a process", that will take some TIME.  But out of 'HIS Fairness' - HE! - is BEGINNING to CONVICT, the world - ONCE again [- referring to the gradual return of "an awakened conscience"] - 'WHEREIN they SIN'; and, 'the JUDGMENTS, that they have received'; and that they are ALL "under CONDEMNATION" - UNTIL they repent, and turn BACK to Him.  'The WEIGHT, of their sins', will INCREASE, over TIME; and ONLY 'SOME', will convert - to 'the TRUE Faith'!  OTHERS, will 'RECEIVE, such SEVERE CHASTISEMENTS in their FLESH - and 'RATHER than repent' - they will SIMPLY "curse GOD", who BROUGHT UPON them, 'the AFFLICTIONS, that are, going to MANIFEST'. 

WHY now? 

Now, the REASON that "the Great CORRECTION", is NOW! - BEGINNING: is BECAUSE, WE! - cannot POSSIBLY, 'REACH, out, to EVERY individual, on the planet' - with the TESTIMONY.   But the Most High TRUE God most CERTAINLY can!  And IS!  And in THIS WAY, HE is 'SHOWING His FAIRNESS'.  When THERE, shall COME, 'the TIME, for MAN, to MEET, his MAKER' - after THIS life - they cannot "CLAIM, that, they DIDN'T know, about the TESTIMONY", and that "He had ALREADY come and gone".  EVEN though, THOSE PEOPLE - HUNDREDS, of THOUSANDS of them - EVERY day! - meet their JUDGMENT - THEY! - are 'SHOCKED!' - at being "CUT-off, from HEAVEN".  For 'ALL those they KNEW', SAW them as "good people" - But it is "NOT enough", to 'be SEEN as GOOD, in the EYES of the WORLD' - to merit HEAVEN.  BUT Jesus Christ the LORD, 'died for THOSE, who would ULTIMATELY turn to HIM, in order to have LIFE'. Yes, He died for 'THOSE, who would REFUSE life' - but they CANNOT "merit from His SACRIFICE, in any WAY". 

Know that Divine Justice is always tempered with Mercy 

AND so, the LORD Jesus CHRIST, in His MERCY! - as 'He BALANCES out, both Mercy and JUSTICE' - WILL bring upon the world 'such TERRIBLE! - and HORRIFIC, afflictions - and CHASTISEMENTS'.  But at the same TIME - the ONES, 'EXPERIENCING, HIS, DIVINE WRATH' - will KNOW! - "EXACTLY why" - OUT of the Most High TRUE God's, "INFINITE Mercy" - as in, 'HIS Mercy is ALWAYS offered' - it is, 'THROUGH, such TERRIBLE chastisements', that PEOPLE, WILL! - 'repent and turn BACK to Him'.  (May 27, 2017 update)

A SPECIAL WARNING: to ALL those whose heart is with the Roman Catholic Hierarchical Institution
- regarding "the MERCY" Antipope Francis is offering

(- because the RCHI HAS now become, before all of Heaven "the institute for the spiritually insane"... "since October of 2009!")

Resolving to do, "things that are WRONG" - and that is, "WICKED things!" - and then turning to Jesus Christ the LORD, for "MERCY!" - while you have 'EVERY intention on CONTINUING, in wickedness' - IS! - in fact, 'the DEFINITION, of SPIRITUAL insanity'.  Now, you are being "called-OUT" - on, 'the WICKEDNESS, that YOU, are choosing to embrace'.  YOU are "responsible" - for YOUR choices!  You are 'NOT! - invincible'.  TURN back! - to your CREATOR.  DON'T 'turn your BACK' to HIM - and embrace "LIES", in your INTERIOR life.  BECAUSE, "where your HEART is, there your TREASURE is ALSO".  You are CALLED, to SHUN! - the DEVIL and his kingdom - and, 'the satanic power' - that he OFFERS people; and you are called to EMBRACE, 'the Kingdom of HEAVEN' - and EVERYTHING, of 'the Kingdom of HEAVEN!'   You are CALLED to embrace "VIRTUE" - and 'TRUTH', and LOVE, and TRUE Peace.  YOU choose!  TIME to grow up. (June 05, 2017 update)

Why are 'the Members of the Faithful Remnant' noticing an increase in UNEXPECTED occurrences of Divine Justice in their lives?
Well, the Most High True God's Divine JUSTICE, GOES, WHEREVER, the Faithful REMNANT go.  And, the HOLY ANGELS, are "QUITE BUSY!" - with 'handing out, "SPANKY bums", and SPIRITUAL CONSEQUENCES' - to people.  It REALLY IS 'that simple'!   Because WE, as the Two Witnesses, are NOT the ONLY ones, RESPONSIBLE, for CLOSING, this "SPIRITUALLY insane, and WICKED Era!"  EACH MEMBER, of the Faithful REMNANT, is called to do 'THEIR part' - in SIMPLY 'DESIRING', and 'PRAYING for', the FULLEST MANIFESTATION, of the Most High TRUE God's Divine JUSTICE - to Reign DOWN, from HEAVEN!  And SO, when these, "unexpected OCCURANCES" happen in your LIFE - and ESPECIALLY 'happen to those AROUND you' - SIMPLY recognize, 'HOW, the Most High TRUE God INTERVENED', so that YOU, would be PROTECTED - from HIS Divine Wrath.  He IS in fact! - 'MANIFESTING Himself, in BIG Ways!' - all OVER, the Face of the Earth.  BUT! - you HAVE to have, "SPIRITUAL VISION", to SEE it!  'The WICKED', are in 'SUCH a deep sleep!' - that, it WILL take, "a DIVINE Intervention", for ANY of them! - to wake up.  And as, you KNOW, that is NOT 'the Most High TRUE God's Divine PLAN'. But He WILL, "wake up", 'the ONES, whom HE has chosen!' - FOR Himself. (June 09, 2017 update)

Epilogue: "The MERCY of God" has been GREATLY misunderstood, throughout the ages.  People FALSELY came to believe, that God's MERCY, was for THEM, as "a LICENSE to SIN" - so that THEY, and their SINS, would be welcomed into HEAVEN.  The TRUTH is, that the MERCY of God (- referring to the Creator of the Universe, who is obviously "the Most High TRUE God"), is aimed at preserving all of HEAVEN, from 'the WICKED, and their SINS'; is aimed at preserving HEAVEN, from people, who are so WICKED, that they would pretend to BELIEVE, that Jesus died, so that they could "SIN, as a way of LIFE"!  Not so!  Those who "seek to CLAIM" the Blood of Jesus while embracing tightly their SINS, are SIMPLY, "on the wrong TEAM".  And NOW, in THESE Times, it takes SINCERE HEARTFELT Repentance, Blessed HOLY Water from the Two Witnesses, and Divine INSTRUCTION from the Testimony - in order to OBTAIN, the Mercy of the Most High True God.  And for all those out there who want "mercy on THEIR TERMS"? - that ISN'T going to get them very far - because, without the Blessed Holy Water and WITHOUT the TRUE Holy Spirit, they can't SEE, very far.  Simple! (June 28, 2017 update)
“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)

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