Monday, February 12, 2018

What is the sin of Blasphemy? - "I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."

"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
What is the sin of Blasphemy?

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses.)

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
(Isaiah 5:20)

“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin - for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.”
(Mark 3:28-30)


“They, have called, My Two Prophets here: frauds, and demon worshipers. What, did the Pharisees call Me, N.?  Even though they saw My works, and received the truth into their hearts – because it was undeniable, even though they knew I was good: they called Me “Beelzebul”; they referred to Me as “prince of demons”.  I have sent you, My ‘prince of the apostles’, one of My Two Witnesses, My representative, and My Vicar here on Earth – and surely, he is despised, by many – within that institution.  Just as I, was despised by the Pharisees – for telling them the truth, even though they knew it to be true.  The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ has a stronghold in you My son, and I want you to ‘root it out’; but without your cooperation, it makes it very difficult, and painful for you.  This can go much easier with your cooperation.  But as long as you rebel, you are prolonging your time, here, on this Earth.”
(-Jesus, Monday, February 20, 2012)


"There is growth My children.  N. is growing still.  Can you expect an acorn, to be an oak tree? – overnight?  No.  This takes many years in real time.  Yet with My Graces, and with his full cooperation, he can grow a million times faster.  But I am patient – as long as the soul is making the necessary, steps: to do better; to change his ways; and to move forward – as My friend, and companion.  It is very difficult, N., to do what I ask of you, when you hold on to the demons – so tightly.  When the Truth is revealed to you, My son, you must abandon your ‘old way of thinking’, so that your mind, can be clothed in the Truth.  Where you are struggling with, is in your mind – because the evil spirits have gotten into there, and jumbled everything around.  What is black is now white, what is white is now black; all Truth, is seen as falsehood, and all deception is seen as truth.  I am asking more of you My son, because you can reject the demons.  Keep persevering in rejecting the spirit of blasphemy, and it will be a lot easier, to reject the others.  You are going to need to use your ‘free will’, for the enemy protests ‘loudly inside you’ – using his puppets, that you have embraced for a very long time.  When the spirit of blasphemy, is cast out, then you will be able to receive the Truth – even deeper, into your heart, soul, and mind; but until, you persevere, in rejecting the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’, you cannot receive any more that I have to offer you." 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 21, 2012)


"All those who are My enemy, will fall – and fall hard – because they choose to.  There is no ‘accidental enemy’ My children.  There is no ‘enemy made by mistake’.  To be an active ‘enemy of the Most High True God’, is an act, of the will in the moment, and can only be undone, by an act – of the will, in the moment.  As long as he sees you both as his enemies, then the ‘spirit of blasphemy’, has won – inside him... And now you know when you are embracing that spirit, of blasphemy.  You have proven, to My Two Witnesses, that you have the ability to discern, when the evils are surfacing, and still more the ability to reject them.  There is no excuse!   For there is no tolerance in the Kingdom of Heaven – only love.  But if love is a burden to you, then you have no place in that Kingdom.  I do not want ‘to shut the door, to 'the wedding feast’; but that is what will happen if you do not wake up, and start taking your new reality, more seriously."
(-Jesus, Thursday, February 23, 2012)


“The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ is strong within that church, My children – within that ‘institutional hierarchy’, for they have allowed many sins and abominations, to go: unaddressed.  The people there are following their own designs – their own plans; and the priests have cast them aside saying: “You have no need of a shepherd – you, are your own shepherd”.  They have failed to direct My Faithful in the ways that they should walk – and that is: upright, with humble and contrite hearts – always.  Because of this neglect, they are allowing the ‘faithful’ to be poisoned –  as they themselves, have been.  It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out – of his heart, when it is based in ‘the flesh’.  For all sorts of things go into people – into their minds and hearts; and that is where, they must discern.  When they form ‘sentences’, they must discern with the True Holy Spirit, what is necessary to be said in the moment.  But too much noise is in the World, and this does not allow the True Holy Spirit to communicate.  Therefore I ask My children, to set themselves: apart from the World; apart from the institutions; apart from their churches – to find quiet time to be alone with their Maker, as the priests no longer: want to instruct the faithful; want to instruct souls on ‘the path to holiness’.  As the priests refuse, and the ministers relinquish their duties, I have taken it upon Myself to nourish them, in quiet places.  I will give them the food they have been waiting for through My words.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 29, 2012)


“If they have cancer – then they must repent, of serious, blasphemy, against the Holy Spirit  (Have they found a cure yet that they can release My children?) – and this is ‘the sin against the Holy Spirit’, of which there is no forgiveness for.  But I always allow souls, to know when, they are blaspheming or not – they will know in their interior lives; and if they refuse to repent, and change their ways, then they cannot be forgiven, of this sin. In short with every ailment and physical problem, there is a sin that is attached to it.  So I ask My people, to turn to the True Holy Spirit, to bring to the light of their conscience, the sin, that they allowed to come in to their lives, in order for them to be physically harmed.  The True Holy Spirit, will reveal to you; how you are, to repent of the sin and turn to Me, in order to be healed.  I know My Faithful Remnant Church is suffering, and I want to offer them ‘a way out’ to give them a cross that they can carry – with cheerfulness.  I desire that no one be sick, or injured or dying; but these are all consequences of sin.  So repent My people, that you may saved in The Hour of Trial that is coming upon the World – both physically and spiritually; so that your joy may be full; in the True Holy Spirit.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday March 15, 2012)


“There is either ‘for Me’ or ‘against Me’.  There is nothing in between. That is why I spit the lukewarm out of My mouth, because I do not know them, and I do not recognize them for their works are evil.  “Lukewarm” is another name for hypocrite.  The Pharisees were lukewarm, My people, for they knew in their hearts, the truth, that God at the time had revealed to them; but they sought to be against Me – who am God in the Flesh; and at the same time, pat themselves on the back, for rejecting “a heathen and a blasphemer” in their eyes.  And so as they were doing this they saw themselves as ‘holy people’.  But I tell you most of them did not make it, until some of them chose to repent, after My Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection.” 
(-Jesus, Friday March 16, 2012)


"I will tell you, why N, is not, a true member, of My Faithful Remnant Church – neither is he a follower of Mine.  For he compromises, what he knows to be true in his heart, for falsehood, and ‘fleeting power’.  His position within that ‘hierarchy’ is coming to an end – one way, or another; and so this is the fate of all rebellious priests.  Now they still have time to repent; but if they do not know, that they are ‘covered in muck’, and they call the muck they are covered in – My Holy Spirit, then they have embraced ‘the sin of blasphemy’, and have rebelled against My Commands.  For it is very serious to call something that is ‘horrendously evil’, a good; and to call something, that is good and pure, ‘a horrendous evil’.  He like many others, will have, his ‘Warning Experience’, and only then will he have the chance to return to his True Shepherd.  Because I tell you most priests, will not make it… will not be ready ‘with their lamps lit’ when I Come.  Many of them, will be ‘led to the slaughter’, or die of hunger. This is a very fitting and just punishment, for their refusal to feed My Sheep, and for their desires, to neglect them, to the slaughter of their own souls.  I am Merciful, but I am also Just.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, March 27, 2012)


“Do not call ‘His Love for your souls’, “Hatred” And do not call ‘hatred for souls’, “love”.  Learn the difference between love and hate my people and quickly!”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, November 30, 2012) 


“‘The mark of the beast’ is… not ‘like a horrific movie that people can just, turn off’!  But it is ‘a mark that will be given to souls’, because of their worldliness, and ungodliness! – and ‘refusal to repent’.  Because they seek ‘worldliness’ even in their institutions.  They seek to be told that ‘they are saved’! – Apart from the One, that ‘can Save them’… The “christians”, who call themselves “saved”, are living ‘a self-condemned lifestyle’.  Therefore they embrace ‘the sin of blasphemy’! – calling ‘all their actions’ “holy and good”; when they really are “depraved and wicked”.  Saying to themselves, “God won’t mind if I watch a few hours of television – He’s got better things to do with His time”; or, “I can look, at this ‘unclean picture’, in this magazine and it will not affect me, because, I am saved’! – by the Precious Blood of Jesus”; or “I can entertain all sorts, of evil thoughts towards my neighbor, and God will understand, because of the way, they treated me”; or (how about this one my children), “I will spend my money, on ‘lottery tickets’, and casinos, so that I can win ‘a large fortune’. God will understand”.  Does God, ‘understand’, all of those choices, my children?  Yes He does!  He understands, that people have chosen to deceive themselves!!  And He is not “buying” what they are trying to sell to Him! Most of the thoughts that He hears, are people ‘justifying themselves’, as they embrace ‘sins against Him’! – as they ‘take offense at Him’; Because He is the Truth, and they do not desire to live, with a clear conscience – in ‘the Truth’.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 10, 2012)

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
What is the sin of Blasphemy?

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses.)

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
(Isaiah 5:20)

“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin - for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.”
(Mark 3:28-30)


“They, have called, My Two Prophets here: frauds, and demon worshipers. What, did the Pharisees call Me, N.?  Even though they saw My works, and received the truth into their hearts – because it was undeniable, even though they knew I was good: they called Me “Beelzebul”; they referred to Me as “prince of demons”.  I have sent you, My ‘prince of the apostles’, one of My Two Witnesses, My representative, and My Vicar here on Earth – and surely, he is despised, by many – within that institution.  Just as I, was despised by the Pharisees – for telling them the truth, even though they knew it to be true.  The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ has a stronghold in you My son, and I want you to ‘root it out’; but without your cooperation, it makes it very difficult, and painful for you.  This can go much easier with your cooperation.  But as long as you rebel, you are prolonging your time, here, on this Earth.”
(-Jesus, Monday, February 20, 2012)


"There is growth My children.  N. is growing still.  Can you expect an acorn, to be an oak tree? – overnight?  No.  This takes many years in real time.  Yet with My Graces, and with his full cooperation, he can grow a million times faster.  But I am patient – as long as the soul is making the necessary, steps: to do better; to change his ways; and to move forward – as My friend, and companion.  It is very difficult, N., to do what I ask of you, when you hold on to the demons – so tightly.  When the Truth is revealed to you, My son, you must abandon your ‘old way of thinking’, so that your mind, can be clothed in the Truth.  Where you are struggling with, is in your mind – because the evil spirits have gotten into there, and jumbled everything around.  What is black is now white, what is white is now black; all Truth, is seen as falsehood, and all deception is seen as truth.  I am asking more of you My son, because you can reject the demons.  Keep persevering in rejecting the spirit of blasphemy, and it will be a lot easier, to reject the others.  You are going to need to use your ‘free will’, for the enemy protests ‘loudly inside you’ – using his puppets, that you have embraced for a very long time.  When the spirit of blasphemy, is cast out, then you will be able to receive the Truth – even deeper, into your heart, soul, and mind; but until, you persevere, in rejecting the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’, you cannot receive any more that I have to offer you." 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 21, 2012)


"All those who are My enemy, will fall – and fall hard – because they choose to.  There is no ‘accidental enemy’ My children.  There is no ‘enemy made by mistake’.  To be an active ‘enemy of the Most High True God’, is an act, of the will in the moment, and can only be undone, by an act – of the will, in the moment.  As long as he sees you both as his enemies, then the ‘spirit of blasphemy’, has won – inside him... And now you know when you are embracing that spirit, of blasphemy.  You have proven, to My Two Witnesses, that you have the ability to discern, when the evils are surfacing, and still more the ability to reject them.  There is no excuse!   For there is no tolerance in the Kingdom of Heaven – only love.  But if love is a burden to you, then you have no place in that Kingdom.  I do not want ‘to shut the door, to 'the wedding feast’; but that is what will happen if you do not wake up, and start taking your new reality, more seriously."
(-Jesus, Thursday, February 23, 2012)


“The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ is strong within that church, My children – within that ‘institutional hierarchy’, for they have allowed many sins and abominations, to go: unaddressed.  The people there are following their own designs – their own plans; and the priests have cast them aside saying: “You have no need of a shepherd – you, are your own shepherd”.  They have failed to direct My Faithful in the ways that they should walk – and that is: upright, with humble and contrite hearts – always.  Because of this neglect, they are allowing the ‘faithful’ to be poisoned –  as they themselves, have been.  It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out – of his heart, when it is based in ‘the flesh’.  For all sorts of things go into people – into their minds and hearts; and that is where, they must discern.  When they form ‘sentences’, they must discern with the True Holy Spirit, what is necessary to be said in the moment.  But too much noise is in the World, and this does not allow the True Holy Spirit to communicate.  Therefore I ask My children, to set themselves: apart from the World; apart from the institutions; apart from their churches – to find quiet time to be alone with their Maker, as the priests no longer: want to instruct the faithful; want to instruct souls on ‘the path to holiness’.  As the priests refuse, and the ministers relinquish their duties, I have taken it upon Myself to nourish them, in quiet places.  I will give them the food they have been waiting for through My words.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 29, 2012)


“If they have cancer – then they must repent, of serious, blasphemy, against the Holy Spirit  (Have they found a cure yet that they can release My children?) – and this is ‘the sin against the Holy Spirit’, of which there is no forgiveness for.  But I always allow souls, to know when, they are blaspheming or not – they will know in their interior lives; and if they refuse to repent, and change their ways, then they cannot be forgiven, of this sin. In short with every ailment and physical problem, there is a sin that is attached to it.  So I ask My people, to turn to the True Holy Spirit, to bring to the light of their conscience, the sin, that they allowed to come in to their lives, in order for them to be physically harmed.  The True Holy Spirit, will reveal to you; how you are, to repent of the sin and turn to Me, in order to be healed.  I know My Faithful Remnant Church is suffering, and I want to offer them ‘a way out’ to give them a cross that they can carry – with cheerfulness.  I desire that no one be sick, or injured or dying; but these are all consequences of sin.  So repent My people, that you may saved in The Hour of Trial that is coming upon the World – both physically and spiritually; so that your joy may be full; in the True Holy Spirit.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday March 15, 2012)


“There is either ‘for Me’ or ‘against Me’.  There is nothing in between. That is why I spit the lukewarm out of My mouth, because I do not know them, and I do not recognize them for their works are evil.  “Lukewarm” is another name for hypocrite.  The Pharisees were lukewarm, My people, for they knew in their hearts, the truth, that God at the time had revealed to them; but they sought to be against Me – who am God in the Flesh; and at the same time, pat themselves on the back, for rejecting “a heathen and a blasphemer” in their eyes.  And so as they were doing this they saw themselves as ‘holy people’.  But I tell you most of them did not make it, until some of them chose to repent, after My Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection.” 
(-Jesus, Friday March 16, 2012)


"I will tell you, why N, is not, a true member, of My Faithful Remnant Church – neither is he a follower of Mine.  For he compromises, what he knows to be true in his heart, for falsehood, and ‘fleeting power’.  His position within that ‘hierarchy’ is coming to an end – one way, or another; and so this is the fate of all rebellious priests.  Now they still have time to repent; but if they do not know, that they are ‘covered in muck’, and they call the muck they are covered in – My Holy Spirit, then they have embraced ‘the sin of blasphemy’, and have rebelled against My Commands.  For it is very serious to call something that is ‘horrendously evil’, a good; and to call something, that is good and pure, ‘a horrendous evil’.  He like many others, will have, his ‘Warning Experience’, and only then will he have the chance to return to his True Shepherd.  Because I tell you most priests, will not make it… will not be ready ‘with their lamps lit’ when I Come.  Many of them, will be ‘led to the slaughter’, or die of hunger. This is a very fitting and just punishment, for their refusal to feed My Sheep, and for their desires, to neglect them, to the slaughter of their own souls.  I am Merciful, but I am also Just.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, March 27, 2012)


“Do not call ‘His Love for your souls’, “Hatred” And do not call ‘hatred for souls’, “love”.  Learn the difference between love and hate my people and quickly!”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, November 30, 2012) 


“‘The mark of the beast’ is… not ‘like a horrific movie that people can just, turn off’!  But it is ‘a mark that will be given to souls’, because of their worldliness, and ungodliness! – and ‘refusal to repent’.  Because they seek ‘worldliness’ even in their institutions.  They seek to be told that ‘they are saved’! – Apart from the One, that ‘can Save them’… The “christians”, who call themselves “saved”, are living ‘a self-condemned lifestyle’.  Therefore they embrace ‘the sin of blasphemy’! – calling ‘all their actions’ “holy and good”; when they really are “depraved and wicked”.  Saying to themselves, “God won’t mind if I watch a few hours of television – He’s got better things to do with His time”; or, “I can look, at this ‘unclean picture’, in this magazine and it will not affect me, because, I am saved’! – by the Precious Blood of Jesus”; or “I can entertain all sorts, of evil thoughts towards my neighbor, and God will understand, because of the way, they treated me”; or (how about this one my children), “I will spend my money, on ‘lottery tickets’, and casinos, so that I can win ‘a large fortune’. God will understand”.  Does God, ‘understand’, all of those choices, my children?  Yes He does!  He understands, that people have chosen to deceive themselves!!  And He is not “buying” what they are trying to sell to Him! Most of the thoughts that He hears, are people ‘justifying themselves’, as they embrace ‘sins against Him’! – as they ‘take offense at Him’; Because He is the Truth, and they do not desire to live, with a clear conscience – in ‘the Truth’.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 10, 2012)

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
What is the sin of Blasphemy?

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses.)

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
(Isaiah 5:20)

“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin - for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.”
(Mark 3:28-30)


“They, have called, My Two Prophets here: frauds, and demon worshipers. What, did the Pharisees call Me, N.?  Even though they saw My works, and received the truth into their hearts – because it was undeniable, even though they knew I was good: they called Me “Beelzebul”; they referred to Me as “prince of demons”.  I have sent you, My ‘prince of the apostles’, one of My Two Witnesses, My representative, and My Vicar here on Earth – and surely, he is despised, by many – within that institution.  Just as I, was despised by the Pharisees – for telling them the truth, even though they knew it to be true.  The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ has a stronghold in you My son, and I want you to ‘root it out’; but without your cooperation, it makes it very difficult, and painful for you.  This can go much easier with your cooperation.  But as long as you rebel, you are prolonging your time, here, on this Earth.”
(-Jesus, Monday, February 20, 2012)


"There is growth My children.  N. is growing still.  Can you expect an acorn, to be an oak tree? – overnight?  No.  This takes many years in real time.  Yet with My Graces, and with his full cooperation, he can grow a million times faster.  But I am patient – as long as the soul is making the necessary, steps: to do better; to change his ways; and to move forward – as My friend, and companion.  It is very difficult, N., to do what I ask of you, when you hold on to the demons – so tightly.  When the Truth is revealed to you, My son, you must abandon your ‘old way of thinking’, so that your mind, can be clothed in the Truth.  Where you are struggling with, is in your mind – because the evil spirits have gotten into there, and jumbled everything around.  What is black is now white, what is white is now black; all Truth, is seen as falsehood, and all deception is seen as truth.  I am asking more of you My son, because you can reject the demons.  Keep persevering in rejecting the spirit of blasphemy, and it will be a lot easier, to reject the others.  You are going to need to use your ‘free will’, for the enemy protests ‘loudly inside you’ – using his puppets, that you have embraced for a very long time.  When the spirit of blasphemy, is cast out, then you will be able to receive the Truth – even deeper, into your heart, soul, and mind; but until, you persevere, in rejecting the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’, you cannot receive any more that I have to offer you." 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 21, 2012)


"All those who are My enemy, will fall – and fall hard – because they choose to.  There is no ‘accidental enemy’ My children.  There is no ‘enemy made by mistake’.  To be an active ‘enemy of the Most High True God’, is an act, of the will in the moment, and can only be undone, by an act – of the will, in the moment.  As long as he sees you both as his enemies, then the ‘spirit of blasphemy’, has won – inside him... And now you know when you are embracing that spirit, of blasphemy.  You have proven, to My Two Witnesses, that you have the ability to discern, when the evils are surfacing, and still more the ability to reject them.  There is no excuse!   For there is no tolerance in the Kingdom of Heaven – only love.  But if love is a burden to you, then you have no place in that Kingdom.  I do not want ‘to shut the door, to 'the wedding feast’; but that is what will happen if you do not wake up, and start taking your new reality, more seriously."
(-Jesus, Thursday, February 23, 2012)


“The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ is strong within that church, My children – within that ‘institutional hierarchy’, for they have allowed many sins and abominations, to go: unaddressed.  The people there are following their own designs – their own plans; and the priests have cast them aside saying: “You have no need of a shepherd – you, are your own shepherd”.  They have failed to direct My Faithful in the ways that they should walk – and that is: upright, with humble and contrite hearts – always.  Because of this neglect, they are allowing the ‘faithful’ to be poisoned –  as they themselves, have been.  It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out – of his heart, when it is based in ‘the flesh’.  For all sorts of things go into people – into their minds and hearts; and that is where, they must discern.  When they form ‘sentences’, they must discern with the True Holy Spirit, what is necessary to be said in the moment.  But too much noise is in the World, and this does not allow the True Holy Spirit to communicate.  Therefore I ask My children, to set themselves: apart from the World; apart from the institutions; apart from their churches – to find quiet time to be alone with their Maker, as the priests no longer: want to instruct the faithful; want to instruct souls on ‘the path to holiness’.  As the priests refuse, and the ministers relinquish their duties, I have taken it upon Myself to nourish them, in quiet places.  I will give them the food they have been waiting for through My words.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 29, 2012)


“If they have cancer – then they must repent, of serious, blasphemy, against the Holy Spirit  (Have they found a cure yet that they can release My children?) – and this is ‘the sin against the Holy Spirit’, of which there is no forgiveness for.  But I always allow souls, to know when, they are blaspheming or not – they will know in their interior lives; and if they refuse to repent, and change their ways, then they cannot be forgiven, of this sin. In short with every ailment and physical problem, there is a sin that is attached to it.  So I ask My people, to turn to the True Holy Spirit, to bring to the light of their conscience, the sin, that they allowed to come in to their lives, in order for them to be physically harmed.  The True Holy Spirit, will reveal to you; how you are, to repent of the sin and turn to Me, in order to be healed.  I know My Faithful Remnant Church is suffering, and I want to offer them ‘a way out’ to give them a cross that they can carry – with cheerfulness.  I desire that no one be sick, or injured or dying; but these are all consequences of sin.  So repent My people, that you may saved in The Hour of Trial that is coming upon the World – both physically and spiritually; so that your joy may be full; in the True Holy Spirit.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday March 15, 2012)


“There is either ‘for Me’ or ‘against Me’.  There is nothing in between. That is why I spit the lukewarm out of My mouth, because I do not know them, and I do not recognize them for their works are evil.  “Lukewarm” is another name for hypocrite.  The Pharisees were lukewarm, My people, for they knew in their hearts, the truth, that God at the time had revealed to them; but they sought to be against Me – who am God in the Flesh; and at the same time, pat themselves on the back, for rejecting “a heathen and a blasphemer” in their eyes.  And so as they were doing this they saw themselves as ‘holy people’.  But I tell you most of them did not make it, until some of them chose to repent, after My Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection.” 
(-Jesus, Friday March 16, 2012)


"I will tell you, why N, is not, a true member, of My Faithful Remnant Church – neither is he a follower of Mine.  For he compromises, what he knows to be true in his heart, for falsehood, and ‘fleeting power’.  His position within that ‘hierarchy’ is coming to an end – one way, or another; and so this is the fate of all rebellious priests.  Now they still have time to repent; but if they do not know, that they are ‘covered in muck’, and they call the muck they are covered in – My Holy Spirit, then they have embraced ‘the sin of blasphemy’, and have rebelled against My Commands.  For it is very serious to call something that is ‘horrendously evil’, a good; and to call something, that is good and pure, ‘a horrendous evil’.  He like many others, will have, his ‘Warning Experience’, and only then will he have the chance to return to his True Shepherd.  Because I tell you most priests, will not make it… will not be ready ‘with their lamps lit’ when I Come.  Many of them, will be ‘led to the slaughter’, or die of hunger. This is a very fitting and just punishment, for their refusal to feed My Sheep, and for their desires, to neglect them, to the slaughter of their own souls.  I am Merciful, but I am also Just.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, March 27, 2012)


“Do not call ‘His Love for your souls’, “Hatred” And do not call ‘hatred for souls’, “love”.  Learn the difference between love and hate my people and quickly!”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, November 30, 2012) 


“‘The mark of the beast’ is… not ‘like a horrific movie that people can just, turn off’!  But it is ‘a mark that will be given to souls’, because of their worldliness, and ungodliness! – and ‘refusal to repent’.  Because they seek ‘worldliness’ even in their institutions.  They seek to be told that ‘they are saved’! – Apart from the One, that ‘can Save them’… The “christians”, who call themselves “saved”, are living ‘a self-condemned lifestyle’.  Therefore they embrace ‘the sin of blasphemy’! – calling ‘all their actions’ “holy and good”; when they really are “depraved and wicked”.  Saying to themselves, “God won’t mind if I watch a few hours of television – He’s got better things to do with His time”; or, “I can look, at this ‘unclean picture’, in this magazine and it will not affect me, because, I am saved’! – by the Precious Blood of Jesus”; or “I can entertain all sorts, of evil thoughts towards my neighbor, and God will understand, because of the way, they treated me”; or (how about this one my children), “I will spend my money, on ‘lottery tickets’, and casinos, so that I can win ‘a large fortune’. God will understand”.  Does God, ‘understand’, all of those choices, my children?  Yes He does!  He understands, that people have chosen to deceive themselves!!  And He is not “buying” what they are trying to sell to Him! Most of the thoughts that He hears, are people ‘justifying themselves’, as they embrace ‘sins against Him’! – as they ‘take offense at Him’; Because He is the Truth, and they do not desire to live, with a clear conscience – in ‘the Truth’.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 10, 2012)

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
What is the sin of Blasphemy?

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses.)

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
(Isaiah 5:20)

“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin - for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.”
(Mark 3:28-30)


“They, have called, My Two Prophets here: frauds, and demon worshipers. What, did the Pharisees call Me, N.?  Even though they saw My works, and received the truth into their hearts – because it was undeniable, even though they knew I was good: they called Me “Beelzebul”; they referred to Me as “prince of demons”.  I have sent you, My ‘prince of the apostles’, one of My Two Witnesses, My representative, and My Vicar here on Earth – and surely, he is despised, by many – within that institution.  Just as I, was despised by the Pharisees – for telling them the truth, even though they knew it to be true.  The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ has a stronghold in you My son, and I want you to ‘root it out’; but without your cooperation, it makes it very difficult, and painful for you.  This can go much easier with your cooperation.  But as long as you rebel, you are prolonging your time, here, on this Earth.”
(-Jesus, Monday, February 20, 2012)


"There is growth My children.  N. is growing still.  Can you expect an acorn, to be an oak tree? – overnight?  No.  This takes many years in real time.  Yet with My Graces, and with his full cooperation, he can grow a million times faster.  But I am patient – as long as the soul is making the necessary, steps: to do better; to change his ways; and to move forward – as My friend, and companion.  It is very difficult, N., to do what I ask of you, when you hold on to the demons – so tightly.  When the Truth is revealed to you, My son, you must abandon your ‘old way of thinking’, so that your mind, can be clothed in the Truth.  Where you are struggling with, is in your mind – because the evil spirits have gotten into there, and jumbled everything around.  What is black is now white, what is white is now black; all Truth, is seen as falsehood, and all deception is seen as truth.  I am asking more of you My son, because you can reject the demons.  Keep persevering in rejecting the spirit of blasphemy, and it will be a lot easier, to reject the others.  You are going to need to use your ‘free will’, for the enemy protests ‘loudly inside you’ – using his puppets, that you have embraced for a very long time.  When the spirit of blasphemy, is cast out, then you will be able to receive the Truth – even deeper, into your heart, soul, and mind; but until, you persevere, in rejecting the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’, you cannot receive any more that I have to offer you." 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 21, 2012)


"All those who are My enemy, will fall – and fall hard – because they choose to.  There is no ‘accidental enemy’ My children.  There is no ‘enemy made by mistake’.  To be an active ‘enemy of the Most High True God’, is an act, of the will in the moment, and can only be undone, by an act – of the will, in the moment.  As long as he sees you both as his enemies, then the ‘spirit of blasphemy’, has won – inside him... And now you know when you are embracing that spirit, of blasphemy.  You have proven, to My Two Witnesses, that you have the ability to discern, when the evils are surfacing, and still more the ability to reject them.  There is no excuse!   For there is no tolerance in the Kingdom of Heaven – only love.  But if love is a burden to you, then you have no place in that Kingdom.  I do not want ‘to shut the door, to 'the wedding feast’; but that is what will happen if you do not wake up, and start taking your new reality, more seriously."
(-Jesus, Thursday, February 23, 2012)


“The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ is strong within that church, My children – within that ‘institutional hierarchy’, for they have allowed many sins and abominations, to go: unaddressed.  The people there are following their own designs – their own plans; and the priests have cast them aside saying: “You have no need of a shepherd – you, are your own shepherd”.  They have failed to direct My Faithful in the ways that they should walk – and that is: upright, with humble and contrite hearts – always.  Because of this neglect, they are allowing the ‘faithful’ to be poisoned –  as they themselves, have been.  It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out – of his heart, when it is based in ‘the flesh’.  For all sorts of things go into people – into their minds and hearts; and that is where, they must discern.  When they form ‘sentences’, they must discern with the True Holy Spirit, what is necessary to be said in the moment.  But too much noise is in the World, and this does not allow the True Holy Spirit to communicate.  Therefore I ask My children, to set themselves: apart from the World; apart from the institutions; apart from their churches – to find quiet time to be alone with their Maker, as the priests no longer: want to instruct the faithful; want to instruct souls on ‘the path to holiness’.  As the priests refuse, and the ministers relinquish their duties, I have taken it upon Myself to nourish them, in quiet places.  I will give them the food they have been waiting for through My words.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 29, 2012)


“If they have cancer – then they must repent, of serious, blasphemy, against the Holy Spirit  (Have they found a cure yet that they can release My children?) – and this is ‘the sin against the Holy Spirit’, of which there is no forgiveness for.  But I always allow souls, to know when, they are blaspheming or not – they will know in their interior lives; and if they refuse to repent, and change their ways, then they cannot be forgiven, of this sin. In short with every ailment and physical problem, there is a sin that is attached to it.  So I ask My people, to turn to the True Holy Spirit, to bring to the light of their conscience, the sin, that they allowed to come in to their lives, in order for them to be physically harmed.  The True Holy Spirit, will reveal to you; how you are, to repent of the sin and turn to Me, in order to be healed.  I know My Faithful Remnant Church is suffering, and I want to offer them ‘a way out’ to give them a cross that they can carry – with cheerfulness.  I desire that no one be sick, or injured or dying; but these are all consequences of sin.  So repent My people, that you may saved in The Hour of Trial that is coming upon the World – both physically and spiritually; so that your joy may be full; in the True Holy Spirit.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday March 15, 2012)


“There is either ‘for Me’ or ‘against Me’.  There is nothing in between. That is why I spit the lukewarm out of My mouth, because I do not know them, and I do not recognize them for their works are evil.  “Lukewarm” is another name for hypocrite.  The Pharisees were lukewarm, My people, for they knew in their hearts, the truth, that God at the time had revealed to them; but they sought to be against Me – who am God in the Flesh; and at the same time, pat themselves on the back, for rejecting “a heathen and a blasphemer” in their eyes.  And so as they were doing this they saw themselves as ‘holy people’.  But I tell you most of them did not make it, until some of them chose to repent, after My Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection.” 
(-Jesus, Friday March 16, 2012)


"I will tell you, why N, is not, a true member, of My Faithful Remnant Church – neither is he a follower of Mine.  For he compromises, what he knows to be true in his heart, for falsehood, and ‘fleeting power’.  His position within that ‘hierarchy’ is coming to an end – one way, or another; and so this is the fate of all rebellious priests.  Now they still have time to repent; but if they do not know, that they are ‘covered in muck’, and they call the muck they are covered in – My Holy Spirit, then they have embraced ‘the sin of blasphemy’, and have rebelled against My Commands.  For it is very serious to call something that is ‘horrendously evil’, a good; and to call something, that is good and pure, ‘a horrendous evil’.  He like many others, will have, his ‘Warning Experience’, and only then will he have the chance to return to his True Shepherd.  Because I tell you most priests, will not make it… will not be ready ‘with their lamps lit’ when I Come.  Many of them, will be ‘led to the slaughter’, or die of hunger. This is a very fitting and just punishment, for their refusal to feed My Sheep, and for their desires, to neglect them, to the slaughter of their own souls.  I am Merciful, but I am also Just.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, March 27, 2012)


“Do not call ‘His Love for your souls’, “Hatred” And do not call ‘hatred for souls’, “love”.  Learn the difference between love and hate my people and quickly!”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, November 30, 2012) 


“‘The mark of the beast’ is… not ‘like a horrific movie that people can just, turn off’!  But it is ‘a mark that will be given to souls’, because of their worldliness, and ungodliness! – and ‘refusal to repent’.  Because they seek ‘worldliness’ even in their institutions.  They seek to be told that ‘they are saved’! – Apart from the One, that ‘can Save them’… The “christians”, who call themselves “saved”, are living ‘a self-condemned lifestyle’.  Therefore they embrace ‘the sin of blasphemy’! – calling ‘all their actions’ “holy and good”; when they really are “depraved and wicked”.  Saying to themselves, “God won’t mind if I watch a few hours of television – He’s got better things to do with His time”; or, “I can look, at this ‘unclean picture’, in this magazine and it will not affect me, because, I am saved’! – by the Precious Blood of Jesus”; or “I can entertain all sorts, of evil thoughts towards my neighbor, and God will understand, because of the way, they treated me”; or (how about this one my children), “I will spend my money, on ‘lottery tickets’, and casinos, so that I can win ‘a large fortune’. God will understand”.  Does God, ‘understand’, all of those choices, my children?  Yes He does!  He understands, that people have chosen to deceive themselves!!  And He is not “buying” what they are trying to sell to Him! Most of the thoughts that He hears, are people ‘justifying themselves’, as they embrace ‘sins against Him’! – as they ‘take offense at Him’; Because He is the Truth, and they do not desire to live, with a clear conscience – in ‘the Truth’.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 10, 2012)

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
What is the sin of Blasphemy?

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses.)

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
(Isaiah 5:20)

“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin - for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.”
(Mark 3:28-30)


“They, have called, My Two Prophets here: frauds, and demon worshipers. What, did the Pharisees call Me, N.?  Even though they saw My works, and received the truth into their hearts – because it was undeniable, even though they knew I was good: they called Me “Beelzebul”; they referred to Me as “prince of demons”.  I have sent you, My ‘prince of the apostles’, one of My Two Witnesses, My representative, and My Vicar here on Earth – and surely, he is despised, by many – within that institution.  Just as I, was despised by the Pharisees – for telling them the truth, even though they knew it to be true.  The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ has a stronghold in you My son, and I want you to ‘root it out’; but without your cooperation, it makes it very difficult, and painful for you.  This can go much easier with your cooperation.  But as long as you rebel, you are prolonging your time, here, on this Earth.”
(-Jesus, Monday, February 20, 2012)


"There is growth My children.  N. is growing still.  Can you expect an acorn, to be an oak tree? – overnight?  No.  This takes many years in real time.  Yet with My Graces, and with his full cooperation, he can grow a million times faster.  But I am patient – as long as the soul is making the necessary, steps: to do better; to change his ways; and to move forward – as My friend, and companion.  It is very difficult, N., to do what I ask of you, when you hold on to the demons – so tightly.  When the Truth is revealed to you, My son, you must abandon your ‘old way of thinking’, so that your mind, can be clothed in the Truth.  Where you are struggling with, is in your mind – because the evil spirits have gotten into there, and jumbled everything around.  What is black is now white, what is white is now black; all Truth, is seen as falsehood, and all deception is seen as truth.  I am asking more of you My son, because you can reject the demons.  Keep persevering in rejecting the spirit of blasphemy, and it will be a lot easier, to reject the others.  You are going to need to use your ‘free will’, for the enemy protests ‘loudly inside you’ – using his puppets, that you have embraced for a very long time.  When the spirit of blasphemy, is cast out, then you will be able to receive the Truth – even deeper, into your heart, soul, and mind; but until, you persevere, in rejecting the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’, you cannot receive any more that I have to offer you." 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 21, 2012)


"All those who are My enemy, will fall – and fall hard – because they choose to.  There is no ‘accidental enemy’ My children.  There is no ‘enemy made by mistake’.  To be an active ‘enemy of the Most High True God’, is an act, of the will in the moment, and can only be undone, by an act – of the will, in the moment.  As long as he sees you both as his enemies, then the ‘spirit of blasphemy’, has won – inside him... And now you know when you are embracing that spirit, of blasphemy.  You have proven, to My Two Witnesses, that you have the ability to discern, when the evils are surfacing, and still more the ability to reject them.  There is no excuse!   For there is no tolerance in the Kingdom of Heaven – only love.  But if love is a burden to you, then you have no place in that Kingdom.  I do not want ‘to shut the door, to 'the wedding feast’; but that is what will happen if you do not wake up, and start taking your new reality, more seriously."
(-Jesus, Thursday, February 23, 2012)


“The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ is strong within that church, My children – within that ‘institutional hierarchy’, for they have allowed many sins and abominations, to go: unaddressed.  The people there are following their own designs – their own plans; and the priests have cast them aside saying: “You have no need of a shepherd – you, are your own shepherd”.  They have failed to direct My Faithful in the ways that they should walk – and that is: upright, with humble and contrite hearts – always.  Because of this neglect, they are allowing the ‘faithful’ to be poisoned –  as they themselves, have been.  It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out – of his heart, when it is based in ‘the flesh’.  For all sorts of things go into people – into their minds and hearts; and that is where, they must discern.  When they form ‘sentences’, they must discern with the True Holy Spirit, what is necessary to be said in the moment.  But too much noise is in the World, and this does not allow the True Holy Spirit to communicate.  Therefore I ask My children, to set themselves: apart from the World; apart from the institutions; apart from their churches – to find quiet time to be alone with their Maker, as the priests no longer: want to instruct the faithful; want to instruct souls on ‘the path to holiness’.  As the priests refuse, and the ministers relinquish their duties, I have taken it upon Myself to nourish them, in quiet places.  I will give them the food they have been waiting for through My words.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 29, 2012)


“If they have cancer – then they must repent, of serious, blasphemy, against the Holy Spirit  (Have they found a cure yet that they can release My children?) – and this is ‘the sin against the Holy Spirit’, of which there is no forgiveness for.  But I always allow souls, to know when, they are blaspheming or not – they will know in their interior lives; and if they refuse to repent, and change their ways, then they cannot be forgiven, of this sin. In short with every ailment and physical problem, there is a sin that is attached to it.  So I ask My people, to turn to the True Holy Spirit, to bring to the light of their conscience, the sin, that they allowed to come in to their lives, in order for them to be physically harmed.  The True Holy Spirit, will reveal to you; how you are, to repent of the sin and turn to Me, in order to be healed.  I know My Faithful Remnant Church is suffering, and I want to offer them ‘a way out’ to give them a cross that they can carry – with cheerfulness.  I desire that no one be sick, or injured or dying; but these are all consequences of sin.  So repent My people, that you may saved in The Hour of Trial that is coming upon the World – both physically and spiritually; so that your joy may be full; in the True Holy Spirit.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday March 15, 2012)


“There is either ‘for Me’ or ‘against Me’.  There is nothing in between. That is why I spit the lukewarm out of My mouth, because I do not know them, and I do not recognize them for their works are evil.  “Lukewarm” is another name for hypocrite.  The Pharisees were lukewarm, My people, for they knew in their hearts, the truth, that God at the time had revealed to them; but they sought to be against Me – who am God in the Flesh; and at the same time, pat themselves on the back, for rejecting “a heathen and a blasphemer” in their eyes.  And so as they were doing this they saw themselves as ‘holy people’.  But I tell you most of them did not make it, until some of them chose to repent, after My Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection.” 
(-Jesus, Friday March 16, 2012)


"I will tell you, why N, is not, a true member, of My Faithful Remnant Church – neither is he a follower of Mine.  For he compromises, what he knows to be true in his heart, for falsehood, and ‘fleeting power’.  His position within that ‘hierarchy’ is coming to an end – one way, or another; and so this is the fate of all rebellious priests.  Now they still have time to repent; but if they do not know, that they are ‘covered in muck’, and they call the muck they are covered in – My Holy Spirit, then they have embraced ‘the sin of blasphemy’, and have rebelled against My Commands.  For it is very serious to call something that is ‘horrendously evil’, a good; and to call something, that is good and pure, ‘a horrendous evil’.  He like many others, will have, his ‘Warning Experience’, and only then will he have the chance to return to his True Shepherd.  Because I tell you most priests, will not make it… will not be ready ‘with their lamps lit’ when I Come.  Many of them, will be ‘led to the slaughter’, or die of hunger. This is a very fitting and just punishment, for their refusal to feed My Sheep, and for their desires, to neglect them, to the slaughter of their own souls.  I am Merciful, but I am also Just.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, March 27, 2012)


“Do not call ‘His Love for your souls’, “Hatred” And do not call ‘hatred for souls’, “love”.  Learn the difference between love and hate my people and quickly!”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, November 30, 2012) 


“‘The mark of the beast’ is… not ‘like a horrific movie that people can just, turn off’!  But it is ‘a mark that will be given to souls’, because of their worldliness, and ungodliness! – and ‘refusal to repent’.  Because they seek ‘worldliness’ even in their institutions.  They seek to be told that ‘they are saved’! – Apart from the One, that ‘can Save them’… The “christians”, who call themselves “saved”, are living ‘a self-condemned lifestyle’.  Therefore they embrace ‘the sin of blasphemy’! – calling ‘all their actions’ “holy and good”; when they really are “depraved and wicked”.  Saying to themselves, “God won’t mind if I watch a few hours of television – He’s got better things to do with His time”; or, “I can look, at this ‘unclean picture’, in this magazine and it will not affect me, because, I am saved’! – by the Precious Blood of Jesus”; or “I can entertain all sorts, of evil thoughts towards my neighbor, and God will understand, because of the way, they treated me”; or (how about this one my children), “I will spend my money, on ‘lottery tickets’, and casinos, so that I can win ‘a large fortune’. God will understand”.  Does God, ‘understand’, all of those choices, my children?  Yes He does!  He understands, that people have chosen to deceive themselves!!  And He is not “buying” what they are trying to sell to Him! Most of the thoughts that He hears, are people ‘justifying themselves’, as they embrace ‘sins against Him’! – as they ‘take offense at Him’; Because He is the Truth, and they do not desire to live, with a clear conscience – in ‘the Truth’.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 10, 2012)

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
What is the sin of Blasphemy?

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses.)

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
(Isaiah 5:20)

“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin - for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.”
(Mark 3:28-30)


“They, have called, My Two Prophets here: frauds, and demon worshipers. What, did the Pharisees call Me, N.?  Even though they saw My works, and received the truth into their hearts – because it was undeniable, even though they knew I was good: they called Me “Beelzebul”; they referred to Me as “prince of demons”.  I have sent you, My ‘prince of the apostles’, one of My Two Witnesses, My representative, and My Vicar here on Earth – and surely, he is despised, by many – within that institution.  Just as I, was despised by the Pharisees – for telling them the truth, even though they knew it to be true.  The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ has a stronghold in you My son, and I want you to ‘root it out’; but without your cooperation, it makes it very difficult, and painful for you.  This can go much easier with your cooperation.  But as long as you rebel, you are prolonging your time, here, on this Earth.”
(-Jesus, Monday, February 20, 2012)


"There is growth My children.  N. is growing still.  Can you expect an acorn, to be an oak tree? – overnight?  No.  This takes many years in real time.  Yet with My Graces, and with his full cooperation, he can grow a million times faster.  But I am patient – as long as the soul is making the necessary, steps: to do better; to change his ways; and to move forward – as My friend, and companion.  It is very difficult, N., to do what I ask of you, when you hold on to the demons – so tightly.  When the Truth is revealed to you, My son, you must abandon your ‘old way of thinking’, so that your mind, can be clothed in the Truth.  Where you are struggling with, is in your mind – because the evil spirits have gotten into there, and jumbled everything around.  What is black is now white, what is white is now black; all Truth, is seen as falsehood, and all deception is seen as truth.  I am asking more of you My son, because you can reject the demons.  Keep persevering in rejecting the spirit of blasphemy, and it will be a lot easier, to reject the others.  You are going to need to use your ‘free will’, for the enemy protests ‘loudly inside you’ – using his puppets, that you have embraced for a very long time.  When the spirit of blasphemy, is cast out, then you will be able to receive the Truth – even deeper, into your heart, soul, and mind; but until, you persevere, in rejecting the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’, you cannot receive any more that I have to offer you." 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 21, 2012)


"All those who are My enemy, will fall – and fall hard – because they choose to.  There is no ‘accidental enemy’ My children.  There is no ‘enemy made by mistake’.  To be an active ‘enemy of the Most High True God’, is an act, of the will in the moment, and can only be undone, by an act – of the will, in the moment.  As long as he sees you both as his enemies, then the ‘spirit of blasphemy’, has won – inside him... And now you know when you are embracing that spirit, of blasphemy.  You have proven, to My Two Witnesses, that you have the ability to discern, when the evils are surfacing, and still more the ability to reject them.  There is no excuse!   For there is no tolerance in the Kingdom of Heaven – only love.  But if love is a burden to you, then you have no place in that Kingdom.  I do not want ‘to shut the door, to 'the wedding feast’; but that is what will happen if you do not wake up, and start taking your new reality, more seriously."
(-Jesus, Thursday, February 23, 2012)


“The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ is strong within that church, My children – within that ‘institutional hierarchy’, for they have allowed many sins and abominations, to go: unaddressed.  The people there are following their own designs – their own plans; and the priests have cast them aside saying: “You have no need of a shepherd – you, are your own shepherd”.  They have failed to direct My Faithful in the ways that they should walk – and that is: upright, with humble and contrite hearts – always.  Because of this neglect, they are allowing the ‘faithful’ to be poisoned –  as they themselves, have been.  It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out – of his heart, when it is based in ‘the flesh’.  For all sorts of things go into people – into their minds and hearts; and that is where, they must discern.  When they form ‘sentences’, they must discern with the True Holy Spirit, what is necessary to be said in the moment.  But too much noise is in the World, and this does not allow the True Holy Spirit to communicate.  Therefore I ask My children, to set themselves: apart from the World; apart from the institutions; apart from their churches – to find quiet time to be alone with their Maker, as the priests no longer: want to instruct the faithful; want to instruct souls on ‘the path to holiness’.  As the priests refuse, and the ministers relinquish their duties, I have taken it upon Myself to nourish them, in quiet places.  I will give them the food they have been waiting for through My words.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 29, 2012)


“If they have cancer – then they must repent, of serious, blasphemy, against the Holy Spirit  (Have they found a cure yet that they can release My children?) – and this is ‘the sin against the Holy Spirit’, of which there is no forgiveness for.  But I always allow souls, to know when, they are blaspheming or not – they will know in their interior lives; and if they refuse to repent, and change their ways, then they cannot be forgiven, of this sin. In short with every ailment and physical problem, there is a sin that is attached to it.  So I ask My people, to turn to the True Holy Spirit, to bring to the light of their conscience, the sin, that they allowed to come in to their lives, in order for them to be physically harmed.  The True Holy Spirit, will reveal to you; how you are, to repent of the sin and turn to Me, in order to be healed.  I know My Faithful Remnant Church is suffering, and I want to offer them ‘a way out’ to give them a cross that they can carry – with cheerfulness.  I desire that no one be sick, or injured or dying; but these are all consequences of sin.  So repent My people, that you may saved in The Hour of Trial that is coming upon the World – both physically and spiritually; so that your joy may be full; in the True Holy Spirit.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday March 15, 2012)


“There is either ‘for Me’ or ‘against Me’.  There is nothing in between. That is why I spit the lukewarm out of My mouth, because I do not know them, and I do not recognize them for their works are evil.  “Lukewarm” is another name for hypocrite.  The Pharisees were lukewarm, My people, for they knew in their hearts, the truth, that God at the time had revealed to them; but they sought to be against Me – who am God in the Flesh; and at the same time, pat themselves on the back, for rejecting “a heathen and a blasphemer” in their eyes.  And so as they were doing this they saw themselves as ‘holy people’.  But I tell you most of them did not make it, until some of them chose to repent, after My Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection.” 
(-Jesus, Friday March 16, 2012)


"I will tell you, why N, is not, a true member, of My Faithful Remnant Church – neither is he a follower of Mine.  For he compromises, what he knows to be true in his heart, for falsehood, and ‘fleeting power’.  His position within that ‘hierarchy’ is coming to an end – one way, or another; and so this is the fate of all rebellious priests.  Now they still have time to repent; but if they do not know, that they are ‘covered in muck’, and they call the muck they are covered in – My Holy Spirit, then they have embraced ‘the sin of blasphemy’, and have rebelled against My Commands.  For it is very serious to call something that is ‘horrendously evil’, a good; and to call something, that is good and pure, ‘a horrendous evil’.  He like many others, will have, his ‘Warning Experience’, and only then will he have the chance to return to his True Shepherd.  Because I tell you most priests, will not make it… will not be ready ‘with their lamps lit’ when I Come.  Many of them, will be ‘led to the slaughter’, or die of hunger. This is a very fitting and just punishment, for their refusal to feed My Sheep, and for their desires, to neglect them, to the slaughter of their own souls.  I am Merciful, but I am also Just.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, March 27, 2012)


“Do not call ‘His Love for your souls’, “Hatred” And do not call ‘hatred for souls’, “love”.  Learn the difference between love and hate my people and quickly!”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, November 30, 2012) 


“‘The mark of the beast’ is… not ‘like a horrific movie that people can just, turn off’!  But it is ‘a mark that will be given to souls’, because of their worldliness, and ungodliness! – and ‘refusal to repent’.  Because they seek ‘worldliness’ even in their institutions.  They seek to be told that ‘they are saved’! – Apart from the One, that ‘can Save them’… The “christians”, who call themselves “saved”, are living ‘a self-condemned lifestyle’.  Therefore they embrace ‘the sin of blasphemy’! – calling ‘all their actions’ “holy and good”; when they really are “depraved and wicked”.  Saying to themselves, “God won’t mind if I watch a few hours of television – He’s got better things to do with His time”; or, “I can look, at this ‘unclean picture’, in this magazine and it will not affect me, because, I am saved’! – by the Precious Blood of Jesus”; or “I can entertain all sorts, of evil thoughts towards my neighbor, and God will understand, because of the way, they treated me”; or (how about this one my children), “I will spend my money, on ‘lottery tickets’, and casinos, so that I can win ‘a large fortune’. God will understand”.  Does God, ‘understand’, all of those choices, my children?  Yes He does!  He understands, that people have chosen to deceive themselves!!  And He is not “buying” what they are trying to sell to Him! Most of the thoughts that He hears, are people ‘justifying themselves’, as they embrace ‘sins against Him’! – as they ‘take offense at Him’; Because He is the Truth, and they do not desire to live, with a clear conscience – in ‘the Truth’.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 10, 2012)

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
What is the sin of Blasphemy?

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses.)

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
(Isaiah 5:20)

“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin - for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.”
(Mark 3:28-30)


“They, have called, My Two Prophets here: frauds, and demon worshipers. What, did the Pharisees call Me, N.?  Even though they saw My works, and received the truth into their hearts – because it was undeniable, even though they knew I was good: they called Me “Beelzebul”; they referred to Me as “prince of demons”.  I have sent you, My ‘prince of the apostles’, one of My Two Witnesses, My representative, and My Vicar here on Earth – and surely, he is despised, by many – within that institution.  Just as I, was despised by the Pharisees – for telling them the truth, even though they knew it to be true.  The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ has a stronghold in you My son, and I want you to ‘root it out’; but without your cooperation, it makes it very difficult, and painful for you.  This can go much easier with your cooperation.  But as long as you rebel, you are prolonging your time, here, on this Earth.”
(-Jesus, Monday, February 20, 2012)


"There is growth My children.  N. is growing still.  Can you expect an acorn, to be an oak tree? – overnight?  No.  This takes many years in real time.  Yet with My Graces, and with his full cooperation, he can grow a million times faster.  But I am patient – as long as the soul is making the necessary, steps: to do better; to change his ways; and to move forward – as My friend, and companion.  It is very difficult, N., to do what I ask of you, when you hold on to the demons – so tightly.  When the Truth is revealed to you, My son, you must abandon your ‘old way of thinking’, so that your mind, can be clothed in the Truth.  Where you are struggling with, is in your mind – because the evil spirits have gotten into there, and jumbled everything around.  What is black is now white, what is white is now black; all Truth, is seen as falsehood, and all deception is seen as truth.  I am asking more of you My son, because you can reject the demons.  Keep persevering in rejecting the spirit of blasphemy, and it will be a lot easier, to reject the others.  You are going to need to use your ‘free will’, for the enemy protests ‘loudly inside you’ – using his puppets, that you have embraced for a very long time.  When the spirit of blasphemy, is cast out, then you will be able to receive the Truth – even deeper, into your heart, soul, and mind; but until, you persevere, in rejecting the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’, you cannot receive any more that I have to offer you." 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 21, 2012)


"All those who are My enemy, will fall – and fall hard – because they choose to.  There is no ‘accidental enemy’ My children.  There is no ‘enemy made by mistake’.  To be an active ‘enemy of the Most High True God’, is an act, of the will in the moment, and can only be undone, by an act – of the will, in the moment.  As long as he sees you both as his enemies, then the ‘spirit of blasphemy’, has won – inside him... And now you know when you are embracing that spirit, of blasphemy.  You have proven, to My Two Witnesses, that you have the ability to discern, when the evils are surfacing, and still more the ability to reject them.  There is no excuse!   For there is no tolerance in the Kingdom of Heaven – only love.  But if love is a burden to you, then you have no place in that Kingdom.  I do not want ‘to shut the door, to 'the wedding feast’; but that is what will happen if you do not wake up, and start taking your new reality, more seriously."
(-Jesus, Thursday, February 23, 2012)


“The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ is strong within that church, My children – within that ‘institutional hierarchy’, for they have allowed many sins and abominations, to go: unaddressed.  The people there are following their own designs – their own plans; and the priests have cast them aside saying: “You have no need of a shepherd – you, are your own shepherd”.  They have failed to direct My Faithful in the ways that they should walk – and that is: upright, with humble and contrite hearts – always.  Because of this neglect, they are allowing the ‘faithful’ to be poisoned –  as they themselves, have been.  It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out – of his heart, when it is based in ‘the flesh’.  For all sorts of things go into people – into their minds and hearts; and that is where, they must discern.  When they form ‘sentences’, they must discern with the True Holy Spirit, what is necessary to be said in the moment.  But too much noise is in the World, and this does not allow the True Holy Spirit to communicate.  Therefore I ask My children, to set themselves: apart from the World; apart from the institutions; apart from their churches – to find quiet time to be alone with their Maker, as the priests no longer: want to instruct the faithful; want to instruct souls on ‘the path to holiness’.  As the priests refuse, and the ministers relinquish their duties, I have taken it upon Myself to nourish them, in quiet places.  I will give them the food they have been waiting for through My words.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 29, 2012)


“If they have cancer – then they must repent, of serious, blasphemy, against the Holy Spirit  (Have they found a cure yet that they can release My children?) – and this is ‘the sin against the Holy Spirit’, of which there is no forgiveness for.  But I always allow souls, to know when, they are blaspheming or not – they will know in their interior lives; and if they refuse to repent, and change their ways, then they cannot be forgiven, of this sin. In short with every ailment and physical problem, there is a sin that is attached to it.  So I ask My people, to turn to the True Holy Spirit, to bring to the light of their conscience, the sin, that they allowed to come in to their lives, in order for them to be physically harmed.  The True Holy Spirit, will reveal to you; how you are, to repent of the sin and turn to Me, in order to be healed.  I know My Faithful Remnant Church is suffering, and I want to offer them ‘a way out’ to give them a cross that they can carry – with cheerfulness.  I desire that no one be sick, or injured or dying; but these are all consequences of sin.  So repent My people, that you may saved in The Hour of Trial that is coming upon the World – both physically and spiritually; so that your joy may be full; in the True Holy Spirit.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday March 15, 2012)


“There is either ‘for Me’ or ‘against Me’.  There is nothing in between. That is why I spit the lukewarm out of My mouth, because I do not know them, and I do not recognize them for their works are evil.  “Lukewarm” is another name for hypocrite.  The Pharisees were lukewarm, My people, for they knew in their hearts, the truth, that God at the time had revealed to them; but they sought to be against Me – who am God in the Flesh; and at the same time, pat themselves on the back, for rejecting “a heathen and a blasphemer” in their eyes.  And so as they were doing this they saw themselves as ‘holy people’.  But I tell you most of them did not make it, until some of them chose to repent, after My Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection.” 
(-Jesus, Friday March 16, 2012)


"I will tell you, why N, is not, a true member, of My Faithful Remnant Church – neither is he a follower of Mine.  For he compromises, what he knows to be true in his heart, for falsehood, and ‘fleeting power’.  His position within that ‘hierarchy’ is coming to an end – one way, or another; and so this is the fate of all rebellious priests.  Now they still have time to repent; but if they do not know, that they are ‘covered in muck’, and they call the muck they are covered in – My Holy Spirit, then they have embraced ‘the sin of blasphemy’, and have rebelled against My Commands.  For it is very serious to call something that is ‘horrendously evil’, a good; and to call something, that is good and pure, ‘a horrendous evil’.  He like many others, will have, his ‘Warning Experience’, and only then will he have the chance to return to his True Shepherd.  Because I tell you most priests, will not make it… will not be ready ‘with their lamps lit’ when I Come.  Many of them, will be ‘led to the slaughter’, or die of hunger. This is a very fitting and just punishment, for their refusal to feed My Sheep, and for their desires, to neglect them, to the slaughter of their own souls.  I am Merciful, but I am also Just.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, March 27, 2012)


“Do not call ‘His Love for your souls’, “Hatred” And do not call ‘hatred for souls’, “love”.  Learn the difference between love and hate my people and quickly!”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, November 30, 2012) 


“‘The mark of the beast’ is… not ‘like a horrific movie that people can just, turn off’!  But it is ‘a mark that will be given to souls’, because of their worldliness, and ungodliness! – and ‘refusal to repent’.  Because they seek ‘worldliness’ even in their institutions.  They seek to be told that ‘they are saved’! – Apart from the One, that ‘can Save them’… The “christians”, who call themselves “saved”, are living ‘a self-condemned lifestyle’.  Therefore they embrace ‘the sin of blasphemy’! – calling ‘all their actions’ “holy and good”; when they really are “depraved and wicked”.  Saying to themselves, “God won’t mind if I watch a few hours of television – He’s got better things to do with His time”; or, “I can look, at this ‘unclean picture’, in this magazine and it will not affect me, because, I am saved’! – by the Precious Blood of Jesus”; or “I can entertain all sorts, of evil thoughts towards my neighbor, and God will understand, because of the way, they treated me”; or (how about this one my children), “I will spend my money, on ‘lottery tickets’, and casinos, so that I can win ‘a large fortune’. God will understand”.  Does God, ‘understand’, all of those choices, my children?  Yes He does!  He understands, that people have chosen to deceive themselves!!  And He is not “buying” what they are trying to sell to Him! Most of the thoughts that He hears, are people ‘justifying themselves’, as they embrace ‘sins against Him’! – as they ‘take offense at Him’; Because He is the Truth, and they do not desire to live, with a clear conscience – in ‘the Truth’.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 10, 2012)

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
What is the sin of Blasphemy?

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses.)

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
(Isaiah 5:20)

“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin - for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.”
(Mark 3:28-30)


“They, have called, My Two Prophets here: frauds, and demon worshipers. What, did the Pharisees call Me, N.?  Even though they saw My works, and received the truth into their hearts – because it was undeniable, even though they knew I was good: they called Me “Beelzebul”; they referred to Me as “prince of demons”.  I have sent you, My ‘prince of the apostles’, one of My Two Witnesses, My representative, and My Vicar here on Earth – and surely, he is despised, by many – within that institution.  Just as I, was despised by the Pharisees – for telling them the truth, even though they knew it to be true.  The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ has a stronghold in you My son, and I want you to ‘root it out’; but without your cooperation, it makes it very difficult, and painful for you.  This can go much easier with your cooperation.  But as long as you rebel, you are prolonging your time, here, on this Earth.”
(-Jesus, Monday, February 20, 2012)


"There is growth My children.  N. is growing still.  Can you expect an acorn, to be an oak tree? – overnight?  No.  This takes many years in real time.  Yet with My Graces, and with his full cooperation, he can grow a million times faster.  But I am patient – as long as the soul is making the necessary, steps: to do better; to change his ways; and to move forward – as My friend, and companion.  It is very difficult, N., to do what I ask of you, when you hold on to the demons – so tightly.  When the Truth is revealed to you, My son, you must abandon your ‘old way of thinking’, so that your mind, can be clothed in the Truth.  Where you are struggling with, is in your mind – because the evil spirits have gotten into there, and jumbled everything around.  What is black is now white, what is white is now black; all Truth, is seen as falsehood, and all deception is seen as truth.  I am asking more of you My son, because you can reject the demons.  Keep persevering in rejecting the spirit of blasphemy, and it will be a lot easier, to reject the others.  You are going to need to use your ‘free will’, for the enemy protests ‘loudly inside you’ – using his puppets, that you have embraced for a very long time.  When the spirit of blasphemy, is cast out, then you will be able to receive the Truth – even deeper, into your heart, soul, and mind; but until, you persevere, in rejecting the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’, you cannot receive any more that I have to offer you." 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 21, 2012)


"All those who are My enemy, will fall – and fall hard – because they choose to.  There is no ‘accidental enemy’ My children.  There is no ‘enemy made by mistake’.  To be an active ‘enemy of the Most High True God’, is an act, of the will in the moment, and can only be undone, by an act – of the will, in the moment.  As long as he sees you both as his enemies, then the ‘spirit of blasphemy’, has won – inside him... And now you know when you are embracing that spirit, of blasphemy.  You have proven, to My Two Witnesses, that you have the ability to discern, when the evils are surfacing, and still more the ability to reject them.  There is no excuse!   For there is no tolerance in the Kingdom of Heaven – only love.  But if love is a burden to you, then you have no place in that Kingdom.  I do not want ‘to shut the door, to 'the wedding feast’; but that is what will happen if you do not wake up, and start taking your new reality, more seriously."
(-Jesus, Thursday, February 23, 2012)


“The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ is strong within that church, My children – within that ‘institutional hierarchy’, for they have allowed many sins and abominations, to go: unaddressed.  The people there are following their own designs – their own plans; and the priests have cast them aside saying: “You have no need of a shepherd – you, are your own shepherd”.  They have failed to direct My Faithful in the ways that they should walk – and that is: upright, with humble and contrite hearts – always.  Because of this neglect, they are allowing the ‘faithful’ to be poisoned –  as they themselves, have been.  It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out – of his heart, when it is based in ‘the flesh’.  For all sorts of things go into people – into their minds and hearts; and that is where, they must discern.  When they form ‘sentences’, they must discern with the True Holy Spirit, what is necessary to be said in the moment.  But too much noise is in the World, and this does not allow the True Holy Spirit to communicate.  Therefore I ask My children, to set themselves: apart from the World; apart from the institutions; apart from their churches – to find quiet time to be alone with their Maker, as the priests no longer: want to instruct the faithful; want to instruct souls on ‘the path to holiness’.  As the priests refuse, and the ministers relinquish their duties, I have taken it upon Myself to nourish them, in quiet places.  I will give them the food they have been waiting for through My words.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 29, 2012)


“If they have cancer – then they must repent, of serious, blasphemy, against the Holy Spirit  (Have they found a cure yet that they can release My children?) – and this is ‘the sin against the Holy Spirit’, of which there is no forgiveness for.  But I always allow souls, to know when, they are blaspheming or not – they will know in their interior lives; and if they refuse to repent, and change their ways, then they cannot be forgiven, of this sin. In short with every ailment and physical problem, there is a sin that is attached to it.  So I ask My people, to turn to the True Holy Spirit, to bring to the light of their conscience, the sin, that they allowed to come in to their lives, in order for them to be physically harmed.  The True Holy Spirit, will reveal to you; how you are, to repent of the sin and turn to Me, in order to be healed.  I know My Faithful Remnant Church is suffering, and I want to offer them ‘a way out’ to give them a cross that they can carry – with cheerfulness.  I desire that no one be sick, or injured or dying; but these are all consequences of sin.  So repent My people, that you may saved in The Hour of Trial that is coming upon the World – both physically and spiritually; so that your joy may be full; in the True Holy Spirit.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday March 15, 2012)


“There is either ‘for Me’ or ‘against Me’.  There is nothing in between. That is why I spit the lukewarm out of My mouth, because I do not know them, and I do not recognize them for their works are evil.  “Lukewarm” is another name for hypocrite.  The Pharisees were lukewarm, My people, for they knew in their hearts, the truth, that God at the time had revealed to them; but they sought to be against Me – who am God in the Flesh; and at the same time, pat themselves on the back, for rejecting “a heathen and a blasphemer” in their eyes.  And so as they were doing this they saw themselves as ‘holy people’.  But I tell you most of them did not make it, until some of them chose to repent, after My Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection.” 
(-Jesus, Friday March 16, 2012)


"I will tell you, why N, is not, a true member, of My Faithful Remnant Church – neither is he a follower of Mine.  For he compromises, what he knows to be true in his heart, for falsehood, and ‘fleeting power’.  His position within that ‘hierarchy’ is coming to an end – one way, or another; and so this is the fate of all rebellious priests.  Now they still have time to repent; but if they do not know, that they are ‘covered in muck’, and they call the muck they are covered in – My Holy Spirit, then they have embraced ‘the sin of blasphemy’, and have rebelled against My Commands.  For it is very serious to call something that is ‘horrendously evil’, a good; and to call something, that is good and pure, ‘a horrendous evil’.  He like many others, will have, his ‘Warning Experience’, and only then will he have the chance to return to his True Shepherd.  Because I tell you most priests, will not make it… will not be ready ‘with their lamps lit’ when I Come.  Many of them, will be ‘led to the slaughter’, or die of hunger. This is a very fitting and just punishment, for their refusal to feed My Sheep, and for their desires, to neglect them, to the slaughter of their own souls.  I am Merciful, but I am also Just.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, March 27, 2012)


“Do not call ‘His Love for your souls’, “Hatred” And do not call ‘hatred for souls’, “love”.  Learn the difference between love and hate my people and quickly!”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, November 30, 2012) 


“‘The mark of the beast’ is… not ‘like a horrific movie that people can just, turn off’!  But it is ‘a mark that will be given to souls’, because of their worldliness, and ungodliness! – and ‘refusal to repent’.  Because they seek ‘worldliness’ even in their institutions.  They seek to be told that ‘they are saved’! – Apart from the One, that ‘can Save them’… The “christians”, who call themselves “saved”, are living ‘a self-condemned lifestyle’.  Therefore they embrace ‘the sin of blasphemy’! – calling ‘all their actions’ “holy and good”; when they really are “depraved and wicked”.  Saying to themselves, “God won’t mind if I watch a few hours of television – He’s got better things to do with His time”; or, “I can look, at this ‘unclean picture’, in this magazine and it will not affect me, because, I am saved’! – by the Precious Blood of Jesus”; or “I can entertain all sorts, of evil thoughts towards my neighbor, and God will understand, because of the way, they treated me”; or (how about this one my children), “I will spend my money, on ‘lottery tickets’, and casinos, so that I can win ‘a large fortune’. God will understand”.  Does God, ‘understand’, all of those choices, my children?  Yes He does!  He understands, that people have chosen to deceive themselves!!  And He is not “buying” what they are trying to sell to Him! Most of the thoughts that He hears, are people ‘justifying themselves’, as they embrace ‘sins against Him’! – as they ‘take offense at Him’; Because He is the Truth, and they do not desire to live, with a clear conscience – in ‘the Truth’.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 10, 2012)

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
What is the sin of Blasphemy?

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses.)

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
(Isaiah 5:20)

“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin - for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.”
(Mark 3:28-30)


“They, have called, My Two Prophets here: frauds, and demon worshipers. What, did the Pharisees call Me, N.?  Even though they saw My works, and received the truth into their hearts – because it was undeniable, even though they knew I was good: they called Me “Beelzebul”; they referred to Me as “prince of demons”.  I have sent you, My ‘prince of the apostles’, one of My Two Witnesses, My representative, and My Vicar here on Earth – and surely, he is despised, by many – within that institution.  Just as I, was despised by the Pharisees – for telling them the truth, even though they knew it to be true.  The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ has a stronghold in you My son, and I want you to ‘root it out’; but without your cooperation, it makes it very difficult, and painful for you.  This can go much easier with your cooperation.  But as long as you rebel, you are prolonging your time, here, on this Earth.”
(-Jesus, Monday, February 20, 2012)


"There is growth My children.  N. is growing still.  Can you expect an acorn, to be an oak tree? – overnight?  No.  This takes many years in real time.  Yet with My Graces, and with his full cooperation, he can grow a million times faster.  But I am patient – as long as the soul is making the necessary, steps: to do better; to change his ways; and to move forward – as My friend, and companion.  It is very difficult, N., to do what I ask of you, when you hold on to the demons – so tightly.  When the Truth is revealed to you, My son, you must abandon your ‘old way of thinking’, so that your mind, can be clothed in the Truth.  Where you are struggling with, is in your mind – because the evil spirits have gotten into there, and jumbled everything around.  What is black is now white, what is white is now black; all Truth, is seen as falsehood, and all deception is seen as truth.  I am asking more of you My son, because you can reject the demons.  Keep persevering in rejecting the spirit of blasphemy, and it will be a lot easier, to reject the others.  You are going to need to use your ‘free will’, for the enemy protests ‘loudly inside you’ – using his puppets, that you have embraced for a very long time.  When the spirit of blasphemy, is cast out, then you will be able to receive the Truth – even deeper, into your heart, soul, and mind; but until, you persevere, in rejecting the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’, you cannot receive any more that I have to offer you." 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 21, 2012)


"All those who are My enemy, will fall – and fall hard – because they choose to.  There is no ‘accidental enemy’ My children.  There is no ‘enemy made by mistake’.  To be an active ‘enemy of the Most High True God’, is an act, of the will in the moment, and can only be undone, by an act – of the will, in the moment.  As long as he sees you both as his enemies, then the ‘spirit of blasphemy’, has won – inside him... And now you know when you are embracing that spirit, of blasphemy.  You have proven, to My Two Witnesses, that you have the ability to discern, when the evils are surfacing, and still more the ability to reject them.  There is no excuse!   For there is no tolerance in the Kingdom of Heaven – only love.  But if love is a burden to you, then you have no place in that Kingdom.  I do not want ‘to shut the door, to 'the wedding feast’; but that is what will happen if you do not wake up, and start taking your new reality, more seriously."
(-Jesus, Thursday, February 23, 2012)


“The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ is strong within that church, My children – within that ‘institutional hierarchy’, for they have allowed many sins and abominations, to go: unaddressed.  The people there are following their own designs – their own plans; and the priests have cast them aside saying: “You have no need of a shepherd – you, are your own shepherd”.  They have failed to direct My Faithful in the ways that they should walk – and that is: upright, with humble and contrite hearts – always.  Because of this neglect, they are allowing the ‘faithful’ to be poisoned –  as they themselves, have been.  It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out – of his heart, when it is based in ‘the flesh’.  For all sorts of things go into people – into their minds and hearts; and that is where, they must discern.  When they form ‘sentences’, they must discern with the True Holy Spirit, what is necessary to be said in the moment.  But too much noise is in the World, and this does not allow the True Holy Spirit to communicate.  Therefore I ask My children, to set themselves: apart from the World; apart from the institutions; apart from their churches – to find quiet time to be alone with their Maker, as the priests no longer: want to instruct the faithful; want to instruct souls on ‘the path to holiness’.  As the priests refuse, and the ministers relinquish their duties, I have taken it upon Myself to nourish them, in quiet places.  I will give them the food they have been waiting for through My words.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 29, 2012)


“If they have cancer – then they must repent, of serious, blasphemy, against the Holy Spirit  (Have they found a cure yet that they can release My children?) – and this is ‘the sin against the Holy Spirit’, of which there is no forgiveness for.  But I always allow souls, to know when, they are blaspheming or not – they will know in their interior lives; and if they refuse to repent, and change their ways, then they cannot be forgiven, of this sin. In short with every ailment and physical problem, there is a sin that is attached to it.  So I ask My people, to turn to the True Holy Spirit, to bring to the light of their conscience, the sin, that they allowed to come in to their lives, in order for them to be physically harmed.  The True Holy Spirit, will reveal to you; how you are, to repent of the sin and turn to Me, in order to be healed.  I know My Faithful Remnant Church is suffering, and I want to offer them ‘a way out’ to give them a cross that they can carry – with cheerfulness.  I desire that no one be sick, or injured or dying; but these are all consequences of sin.  So repent My people, that you may saved in The Hour of Trial that is coming upon the World – both physically and spiritually; so that your joy may be full; in the True Holy Spirit.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday March 15, 2012)


“There is either ‘for Me’ or ‘against Me’.  There is nothing in between. That is why I spit the lukewarm out of My mouth, because I do not know them, and I do not recognize them for their works are evil.  “Lukewarm” is another name for hypocrite.  The Pharisees were lukewarm, My people, for they knew in their hearts, the truth, that God at the time had revealed to them; but they sought to be against Me – who am God in the Flesh; and at the same time, pat themselves on the back, for rejecting “a heathen and a blasphemer” in their eyes.  And so as they were doing this they saw themselves as ‘holy people’.  But I tell you most of them did not make it, until some of them chose to repent, after My Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection.” 
(-Jesus, Friday March 16, 2012)


"I will tell you, why N, is not, a true member, of My Faithful Remnant Church – neither is he a follower of Mine.  For he compromises, what he knows to be true in his heart, for falsehood, and ‘fleeting power’.  His position within that ‘hierarchy’ is coming to an end – one way, or another; and so this is the fate of all rebellious priests.  Now they still have time to repent; but if they do not know, that they are ‘covered in muck’, and they call the muck they are covered in – My Holy Spirit, then they have embraced ‘the sin of blasphemy’, and have rebelled against My Commands.  For it is very serious to call something that is ‘horrendously evil’, a good; and to call something, that is good and pure, ‘a horrendous evil’.  He like many others, will have, his ‘Warning Experience’, and only then will he have the chance to return to his True Shepherd.  Because I tell you most priests, will not make it… will not be ready ‘with their lamps lit’ when I Come.  Many of them, will be ‘led to the slaughter’, or die of hunger. This is a very fitting and just punishment, for their refusal to feed My Sheep, and for their desires, to neglect them, to the slaughter of their own souls.  I am Merciful, but I am also Just.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, March 27, 2012)


“Do not call ‘His Love for your souls’, “Hatred” And do not call ‘hatred for souls’, “love”.  Learn the difference between love and hate my people and quickly!”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, November 30, 2012) 


“‘The mark of the beast’ is… not ‘like a horrific movie that people can just, turn off’!  But it is ‘a mark that will be given to souls’, because of their worldliness, and ungodliness! – and ‘refusal to repent’.  Because they seek ‘worldliness’ even in their institutions.  They seek to be told that ‘they are saved’! – Apart from the One, that ‘can Save them’… The “christians”, who call themselves “saved”, are living ‘a self-condemned lifestyle’.  Therefore they embrace ‘the sin of blasphemy’! – calling ‘all their actions’ “holy and good”; when they really are “depraved and wicked”.  Saying to themselves, “God won’t mind if I watch a few hours of television – He’s got better things to do with His time”; or, “I can look, at this ‘unclean picture’, in this magazine and it will not affect me, because, I am saved’! – by the Precious Blood of Jesus”; or “I can entertain all sorts, of evil thoughts towards my neighbor, and God will understand, because of the way, they treated me”; or (how about this one my children), “I will spend my money, on ‘lottery tickets’, and casinos, so that I can win ‘a large fortune’. God will understand”.  Does God, ‘understand’, all of those choices, my children?  Yes He does!  He understands, that people have chosen to deceive themselves!!  And He is not “buying” what they are trying to sell to Him! Most of the thoughts that He hears, are people ‘justifying themselves’, as they embrace ‘sins against Him’! – as they ‘take offense at Him’; Because He is the Truth, and they do not desire to live, with a clear conscience – in ‘the Truth’.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 10, 2012)

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
What is the sin of Blasphemy?

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses.)

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
(Isaiah 5:20)

“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin - for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.”
(Mark 3:28-30)


“They, have called, My Two Prophets here: frauds, and demon worshipers. What, did the Pharisees call Me, N.?  Even though they saw My works, and received the truth into their hearts – because it was undeniable, even though they knew I was good: they called Me “Beelzebul”; they referred to Me as “prince of demons”.  I have sent you, My ‘prince of the apostles’, one of My Two Witnesses, My representative, and My Vicar here on Earth – and surely, he is despised, by many – within that institution.  Just as I, was despised by the Pharisees – for telling them the truth, even though they knew it to be true.  The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ has a stronghold in you My son, and I want you to ‘root it out’; but without your cooperation, it makes it very difficult, and painful for you.  This can go much easier with your cooperation.  But as long as you rebel, you are prolonging your time, here, on this Earth.”
(-Jesus, Monday, February 20, 2012)


"There is growth My children.  N. is growing still.  Can you expect an acorn, to be an oak tree? – overnight?  No.  This takes many years in real time.  Yet with My Graces, and with his full cooperation, he can grow a million times faster.  But I am patient – as long as the soul is making the necessary, steps: to do better; to change his ways; and to move forward – as My friend, and companion.  It is very difficult, N., to do what I ask of you, when you hold on to the demons – so tightly.  When the Truth is revealed to you, My son, you must abandon your ‘old way of thinking’, so that your mind, can be clothed in the Truth.  Where you are struggling with, is in your mind – because the evil spirits have gotten into there, and jumbled everything around.  What is black is now white, what is white is now black; all Truth, is seen as falsehood, and all deception is seen as truth.  I am asking more of you My son, because you can reject the demons.  Keep persevering in rejecting the spirit of blasphemy, and it will be a lot easier, to reject the others.  You are going to need to use your ‘free will’, for the enemy protests ‘loudly inside you’ – using his puppets, that you have embraced for a very long time.  When the spirit of blasphemy, is cast out, then you will be able to receive the Truth – even deeper, into your heart, soul, and mind; but until, you persevere, in rejecting the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’, you cannot receive any more that I have to offer you." 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 21, 2012)


"All those who are My enemy, will fall – and fall hard – because they choose to.  There is no ‘accidental enemy’ My children.  There is no ‘enemy made by mistake’.  To be an active ‘enemy of the Most High True God’, is an act, of the will in the moment, and can only be undone, by an act – of the will, in the moment.  As long as he sees you both as his enemies, then the ‘spirit of blasphemy’, has won – inside him... And now you know when you are embracing that spirit, of blasphemy.  You have proven, to My Two Witnesses, that you have the ability to discern, when the evils are surfacing, and still more the ability to reject them.  There is no excuse!   For there is no tolerance in the Kingdom of Heaven – only love.  But if love is a burden to you, then you have no place in that Kingdom.  I do not want ‘to shut the door, to 'the wedding feast’; but that is what will happen if you do not wake up, and start taking your new reality, more seriously."
(-Jesus, Thursday, February 23, 2012)


“The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ is strong within that church, My children – within that ‘institutional hierarchy’, for they have allowed many sins and abominations, to go: unaddressed.  The people there are following their own designs – their own plans; and the priests have cast them aside saying: “You have no need of a shepherd – you, are your own shepherd”.  They have failed to direct My Faithful in the ways that they should walk – and that is: upright, with humble and contrite hearts – always.  Because of this neglect, they are allowing the ‘faithful’ to be poisoned –  as they themselves, have been.  It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out – of his heart, when it is based in ‘the flesh’.  For all sorts of things go into people – into their minds and hearts; and that is where, they must discern.  When they form ‘sentences’, they must discern with the True Holy Spirit, what is necessary to be said in the moment.  But too much noise is in the World, and this does not allow the True Holy Spirit to communicate.  Therefore I ask My children, to set themselves: apart from the World; apart from the institutions; apart from their churches – to find quiet time to be alone with their Maker, as the priests no longer: want to instruct the faithful; want to instruct souls on ‘the path to holiness’.  As the priests refuse, and the ministers relinquish their duties, I have taken it upon Myself to nourish them, in quiet places.  I will give them the food they have been waiting for through My words.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 29, 2012)


“If they have cancer – then they must repent, of serious, blasphemy, against the Holy Spirit  (Have they found a cure yet that they can release My children?) – and this is ‘the sin against the Holy Spirit’, of which there is no forgiveness for.  But I always allow souls, to know when, they are blaspheming or not – they will know in their interior lives; and if they refuse to repent, and change their ways, then they cannot be forgiven, of this sin. In short with every ailment and physical problem, there is a sin that is attached to it.  So I ask My people, to turn to the True Holy Spirit, to bring to the light of their conscience, the sin, that they allowed to come in to their lives, in order for them to be physically harmed.  The True Holy Spirit, will reveal to you; how you are, to repent of the sin and turn to Me, in order to be healed.  I know My Faithful Remnant Church is suffering, and I want to offer them ‘a way out’ to give them a cross that they can carry – with cheerfulness.  I desire that no one be sick, or injured or dying; but these are all consequences of sin.  So repent My people, that you may saved in The Hour of Trial that is coming upon the World – both physically and spiritually; so that your joy may be full; in the True Holy Spirit.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday March 15, 2012)


“There is either ‘for Me’ or ‘against Me’.  There is nothing in between. That is why I spit the lukewarm out of My mouth, because I do not know them, and I do not recognize them for their works are evil.  “Lukewarm” is another name for hypocrite.  The Pharisees were lukewarm, My people, for they knew in their hearts, the truth, that God at the time had revealed to them; but they sought to be against Me – who am God in the Flesh; and at the same time, pat themselves on the back, for rejecting “a heathen and a blasphemer” in their eyes.  And so as they were doing this they saw themselves as ‘holy people’.  But I tell you most of them did not make it, until some of them chose to repent, after My Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection.” 
(-Jesus, Friday March 16, 2012)


"I will tell you, why N, is not, a true member, of My Faithful Remnant Church – neither is he a follower of Mine.  For he compromises, what he knows to be true in his heart, for falsehood, and ‘fleeting power’.  His position within that ‘hierarchy’ is coming to an end – one way, or another; and so this is the fate of all rebellious priests.  Now they still have time to repent; but if they do not know, that they are ‘covered in muck’, and they call the muck they are covered in – My Holy Spirit, then they have embraced ‘the sin of blasphemy’, and have rebelled against My Commands.  For it is very serious to call something that is ‘horrendously evil’, a good; and to call something, that is good and pure, ‘a horrendous evil’.  He like many others, will have, his ‘Warning Experience’, and only then will he have the chance to return to his True Shepherd.  Because I tell you most priests, will not make it… will not be ready ‘with their lamps lit’ when I Come.  Many of them, will be ‘led to the slaughter’, or die of hunger. This is a very fitting and just punishment, for their refusal to feed My Sheep, and for their desires, to neglect them, to the slaughter of their own souls.  I am Merciful, but I am also Just.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, March 27, 2012)


“Do not call ‘His Love for your souls’, “Hatred” And do not call ‘hatred for souls’, “love”.  Learn the difference between love and hate my people and quickly!”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, November 30, 2012) 


“‘The mark of the beast’ is… not ‘like a horrific movie that people can just, turn off’!  But it is ‘a mark that will be given to souls’, because of their worldliness, and ungodliness! – and ‘refusal to repent’.  Because they seek ‘worldliness’ even in their institutions.  They seek to be told that ‘they are saved’! – Apart from the One, that ‘can Save them’… The “christians”, who call themselves “saved”, are living ‘a self-condemned lifestyle’.  Therefore they embrace ‘the sin of blasphemy’! – calling ‘all their actions’ “holy and good”; when they really are “depraved and wicked”.  Saying to themselves, “God won’t mind if I watch a few hours of television – He’s got better things to do with His time”; or, “I can look, at this ‘unclean picture’, in this magazine and it will not affect me, because, I am saved’! – by the Precious Blood of Jesus”; or “I can entertain all sorts, of evil thoughts towards my neighbor, and God will understand, because of the way, they treated me”; or (how about this one my children), “I will spend my money, on ‘lottery tickets’, and casinos, so that I can win ‘a large fortune’. God will understand”.  Does God, ‘understand’, all of those choices, my children?  Yes He does!  He understands, that people have chosen to deceive themselves!!  And He is not “buying” what they are trying to sell to Him! Most of the thoughts that He hears, are people ‘justifying themselves’, as they embrace ‘sins against Him’! – as they ‘take offense at Him’; Because He is the Truth, and they do not desire to live, with a clear conscience – in ‘the Truth’.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 10, 2012)

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
What is the sin of Blasphemy?

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses.)

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
(Isaiah 5:20)

“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin - for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.”
(Mark 3:28-30)


“They, have called, My Two Prophets here: frauds, and demon worshipers. What, did the Pharisees call Me, N.?  Even though they saw My works, and received the truth into their hearts – because it was undeniable, even though they knew I was good: they called Me “Beelzebul”; they referred to Me as “prince of demons”.  I have sent you, My ‘prince of the apostles’, one of My Two Witnesses, My representative, and My Vicar here on Earth – and surely, he is despised, by many – within that institution.  Just as I, was despised by the Pharisees – for telling them the truth, even though they knew it to be true.  The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ has a stronghold in you My son, and I want you to ‘root it out’; but without your cooperation, it makes it very difficult, and painful for you.  This can go much easier with your cooperation.  But as long as you rebel, you are prolonging your time, here, on this Earth.”
(-Jesus, Monday, February 20, 2012)


"There is growth My children.  N. is growing still.  Can you expect an acorn, to be an oak tree? – overnight?  No.  This takes many years in real time.  Yet with My Graces, and with his full cooperation, he can grow a million times faster.  But I am patient – as long as the soul is making the necessary, steps: to do better; to change his ways; and to move forward – as My friend, and companion.  It is very difficult, N., to do what I ask of you, when you hold on to the demons – so tightly.  When the Truth is revealed to you, My son, you must abandon your ‘old way of thinking’, so that your mind, can be clothed in the Truth.  Where you are struggling with, is in your mind – because the evil spirits have gotten into there, and jumbled everything around.  What is black is now white, what is white is now black; all Truth, is seen as falsehood, and all deception is seen as truth.  I am asking more of you My son, because you can reject the demons.  Keep persevering in rejecting the spirit of blasphemy, and it will be a lot easier, to reject the others.  You are going to need to use your ‘free will’, for the enemy protests ‘loudly inside you’ – using his puppets, that you have embraced for a very long time.  When the spirit of blasphemy, is cast out, then you will be able to receive the Truth – even deeper, into your heart, soul, and mind; but until, you persevere, in rejecting the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’, you cannot receive any more that I have to offer you." 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 21, 2012)


"All those who are My enemy, will fall – and fall hard – because they choose to.  There is no ‘accidental enemy’ My children.  There is no ‘enemy made by mistake’.  To be an active ‘enemy of the Most High True God’, is an act, of the will in the moment, and can only be undone, by an act – of the will, in the moment.  As long as he sees you both as his enemies, then the ‘spirit of blasphemy’, has won – inside him... And now you know when you are embracing that spirit, of blasphemy.  You have proven, to My Two Witnesses, that you have the ability to discern, when the evils are surfacing, and still more the ability to reject them.  There is no excuse!   For there is no tolerance in the Kingdom of Heaven – only love.  But if love is a burden to you, then you have no place in that Kingdom.  I do not want ‘to shut the door, to 'the wedding feast’; but that is what will happen if you do not wake up, and start taking your new reality, more seriously."
(-Jesus, Thursday, February 23, 2012)


“The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ is strong within that church, My children – within that ‘institutional hierarchy’, for they have allowed many sins and abominations, to go: unaddressed.  The people there are following their own designs – their own plans; and the priests have cast them aside saying: “You have no need of a shepherd – you, are your own shepherd”.  They have failed to direct My Faithful in the ways that they should walk – and that is: upright, with humble and contrite hearts – always.  Because of this neglect, they are allowing the ‘faithful’ to be poisoned –  as they themselves, have been.  It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out – of his heart, when it is based in ‘the flesh’.  For all sorts of things go into people – into their minds and hearts; and that is where, they must discern.  When they form ‘sentences’, they must discern with the True Holy Spirit, what is necessary to be said in the moment.  But too much noise is in the World, and this does not allow the True Holy Spirit to communicate.  Therefore I ask My children, to set themselves: apart from the World; apart from the institutions; apart from their churches – to find quiet time to be alone with their Maker, as the priests no longer: want to instruct the faithful; want to instruct souls on ‘the path to holiness’.  As the priests refuse, and the ministers relinquish their duties, I have taken it upon Myself to nourish them, in quiet places.  I will give them the food they have been waiting for through My words.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 29, 2012)


“If they have cancer – then they must repent, of serious, blasphemy, against the Holy Spirit  (Have they found a cure yet that they can release My children?) – and this is ‘the sin against the Holy Spirit’, of which there is no forgiveness for.  But I always allow souls, to know when, they are blaspheming or not – they will know in their interior lives; and if they refuse to repent, and change their ways, then they cannot be forgiven, of this sin. In short with every ailment and physical problem, there is a sin that is attached to it.  So I ask My people, to turn to the True Holy Spirit, to bring to the light of their conscience, the sin, that they allowed to come in to their lives, in order for them to be physically harmed.  The True Holy Spirit, will reveal to you; how you are, to repent of the sin and turn to Me, in order to be healed.  I know My Faithful Remnant Church is suffering, and I want to offer them ‘a way out’ to give them a cross that they can carry – with cheerfulness.  I desire that no one be sick, or injured or dying; but these are all consequences of sin.  So repent My people, that you may saved in The Hour of Trial that is coming upon the World – both physically and spiritually; so that your joy may be full; in the True Holy Spirit.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday March 15, 2012)


“There is either ‘for Me’ or ‘against Me’.  There is nothing in between. That is why I spit the lukewarm out of My mouth, because I do not know them, and I do not recognize them for their works are evil.  “Lukewarm” is another name for hypocrite.  The Pharisees were lukewarm, My people, for they knew in their hearts, the truth, that God at the time had revealed to them; but they sought to be against Me – who am God in the Flesh; and at the same time, pat themselves on the back, for rejecting “a heathen and a blasphemer” in their eyes.  And so as they were doing this they saw themselves as ‘holy people’.  But I tell you most of them did not make it, until some of them chose to repent, after My Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection.” 
(-Jesus, Friday March 16, 2012)


"I will tell you, why N, is not, a true member, of My Faithful Remnant Church – neither is he a follower of Mine.  For he compromises, what he knows to be true in his heart, for falsehood, and ‘fleeting power’.  His position within that ‘hierarchy’ is coming to an end – one way, or another; and so this is the fate of all rebellious priests.  Now they still have time to repent; but if they do not know, that they are ‘covered in muck’, and they call the muck they are covered in – My Holy Spirit, then they have embraced ‘the sin of blasphemy’, and have rebelled against My Commands.  For it is very serious to call something that is ‘horrendously evil’, a good; and to call something, that is good and pure, ‘a horrendous evil’.  He like many others, will have, his ‘Warning Experience’, and only then will he have the chance to return to his True Shepherd.  Because I tell you most priests, will not make it… will not be ready ‘with their lamps lit’ when I Come.  Many of them, will be ‘led to the slaughter’, or die of hunger. This is a very fitting and just punishment, for their refusal to feed My Sheep, and for their desires, to neglect them, to the slaughter of their own souls.  I am Merciful, but I am also Just.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, March 27, 2012)


“Do not call ‘His Love for your souls’, “Hatred” And do not call ‘hatred for souls’, “love”.  Learn the difference between love and hate my people and quickly!”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, November 30, 2012) 


“‘The mark of the beast’ is… not ‘like a horrific movie that people can just, turn off’!  But it is ‘a mark that will be given to souls’, because of their worldliness, and ungodliness! – and ‘refusal to repent’.  Because they seek ‘worldliness’ even in their institutions.  They seek to be told that ‘they are saved’! – Apart from the One, that ‘can Save them’… The “christians”, who call themselves “saved”, are living ‘a self-condemned lifestyle’.  Therefore they embrace ‘the sin of blasphemy’! – calling ‘all their actions’ “holy and good”; when they really are “depraved and wicked”.  Saying to themselves, “God won’t mind if I watch a few hours of television – He’s got better things to do with His time”; or, “I can look, at this ‘unclean picture’, in this magazine and it will not affect me, because, I am saved’! – by the Precious Blood of Jesus”; or “I can entertain all sorts, of evil thoughts towards my neighbor, and God will understand, because of the way, they treated me”; or (how about this one my children), “I will spend my money, on ‘lottery tickets’, and casinos, so that I can win ‘a large fortune’. God will understand”.  Does God, ‘understand’, all of those choices, my children?  Yes He does!  He understands, that people have chosen to deceive themselves!!  And He is not “buying” what they are trying to sell to Him! Most of the thoughts that He hears, are people ‘justifying themselves’, as they embrace ‘sins against Him’! – as they ‘take offense at Him’; Because He is the Truth, and they do not desire to live, with a clear conscience – in ‘the Truth’.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 10, 2012)

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
What is the sin of Blasphemy?

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses.)

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
(Isaiah 5:20)

“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin - for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.”
(Mark 3:28-30)


“They, have called, My Two Prophets here: frauds, and demon worshipers. What, did the Pharisees call Me, N.?  Even though they saw My works, and received the truth into their hearts – because it was undeniable, even though they knew I was good: they called Me “Beelzebul”; they referred to Me as “prince of demons”.  I have sent you, My ‘prince of the apostles’, one of My Two Witnesses, My representative, and My Vicar here on Earth – and surely, he is despised, by many – within that institution.  Just as I, was despised by the Pharisees – for telling them the truth, even though they knew it to be true.  The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ has a stronghold in you My son, and I want you to ‘root it out’; but without your cooperation, it makes it very difficult, and painful for you.  This can go much easier with your cooperation.  But as long as you rebel, you are prolonging your time, here, on this Earth.”
(-Jesus, Monday, February 20, 2012)


"There is growth My children.  N. is growing still.  Can you expect an acorn, to be an oak tree? – overnight?  No.  This takes many years in real time.  Yet with My Graces, and with his full cooperation, he can grow a million times faster.  But I am patient – as long as the soul is making the necessary, steps: to do better; to change his ways; and to move forward – as My friend, and companion.  It is very difficult, N., to do what I ask of you, when you hold on to the demons – so tightly.  When the Truth is revealed to you, My son, you must abandon your ‘old way of thinking’, so that your mind, can be clothed in the Truth.  Where you are struggling with, is in your mind – because the evil spirits have gotten into there, and jumbled everything around.  What is black is now white, what is white is now black; all Truth, is seen as falsehood, and all deception is seen as truth.  I am asking more of you My son, because you can reject the demons.  Keep persevering in rejecting the spirit of blasphemy, and it will be a lot easier, to reject the others.  You are going to need to use your ‘free will’, for the enemy protests ‘loudly inside you’ – using his puppets, that you have embraced for a very long time.  When the spirit of blasphemy, is cast out, then you will be able to receive the Truth – even deeper, into your heart, soul, and mind; but until, you persevere, in rejecting the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’, you cannot receive any more that I have to offer you." 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 21, 2012)


"All those who are My enemy, will fall – and fall hard – because they choose to.  There is no ‘accidental enemy’ My children.  There is no ‘enemy made by mistake’.  To be an active ‘enemy of the Most High True God’, is an act, of the will in the moment, and can only be undone, by an act – of the will, in the moment.  As long as he sees you both as his enemies, then the ‘spirit of blasphemy’, has won – inside him... And now you know when you are embracing that spirit, of blasphemy.  You have proven, to My Two Witnesses, that you have the ability to discern, when the evils are surfacing, and still more the ability to reject them.  There is no excuse!   For there is no tolerance in the Kingdom of Heaven – only love.  But if love is a burden to you, then you have no place in that Kingdom.  I do not want ‘to shut the door, to 'the wedding feast’; but that is what will happen if you do not wake up, and start taking your new reality, more seriously."
(-Jesus, Thursday, February 23, 2012)


“The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ is strong within that church, My children – within that ‘institutional hierarchy’, for they have allowed many sins and abominations, to go: unaddressed.  The people there are following their own designs – their own plans; and the priests have cast them aside saying: “You have no need of a shepherd – you, are your own shepherd”.  They have failed to direct My Faithful in the ways that they should walk – and that is: upright, with humble and contrite hearts – always.  Because of this neglect, they are allowing the ‘faithful’ to be poisoned –  as they themselves, have been.  It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out – of his heart, when it is based in ‘the flesh’.  For all sorts of things go into people – into their minds and hearts; and that is where, they must discern.  When they form ‘sentences’, they must discern with the True Holy Spirit, what is necessary to be said in the moment.  But too much noise is in the World, and this does not allow the True Holy Spirit to communicate.  Therefore I ask My children, to set themselves: apart from the World; apart from the institutions; apart from their churches – to find quiet time to be alone with their Maker, as the priests no longer: want to instruct the faithful; want to instruct souls on ‘the path to holiness’.  As the priests refuse, and the ministers relinquish their duties, I have taken it upon Myself to nourish them, in quiet places.  I will give them the food they have been waiting for through My words.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 29, 2012)


“If they have cancer – then they must repent, of serious, blasphemy, against the Holy Spirit  (Have they found a cure yet that they can release My children?) – and this is ‘the sin against the Holy Spirit’, of which there is no forgiveness for.  But I always allow souls, to know when, they are blaspheming or not – they will know in their interior lives; and if they refuse to repent, and change their ways, then they cannot be forgiven, of this sin. In short with every ailment and physical problem, there is a sin that is attached to it.  So I ask My people, to turn to the True Holy Spirit, to bring to the light of their conscience, the sin, that they allowed to come in to their lives, in order for them to be physically harmed.  The True Holy Spirit, will reveal to you; how you are, to repent of the sin and turn to Me, in order to be healed.  I know My Faithful Remnant Church is suffering, and I want to offer them ‘a way out’ to give them a cross that they can carry – with cheerfulness.  I desire that no one be sick, or injured or dying; but these are all consequences of sin.  So repent My people, that you may saved in The Hour of Trial that is coming upon the World – both physically and spiritually; so that your joy may be full; in the True Holy Spirit.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday March 15, 2012)


“There is either ‘for Me’ or ‘against Me’.  There is nothing in between. That is why I spit the lukewarm out of My mouth, because I do not know them, and I do not recognize them for their works are evil.  “Lukewarm” is another name for hypocrite.  The Pharisees were lukewarm, My people, for they knew in their hearts, the truth, that God at the time had revealed to them; but they sought to be against Me – who am God in the Flesh; and at the same time, pat themselves on the back, for rejecting “a heathen and a blasphemer” in their eyes.  And so as they were doing this they saw themselves as ‘holy people’.  But I tell you most of them did not make it, until some of them chose to repent, after My Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection.” 
(-Jesus, Friday March 16, 2012)


"I will tell you, why N, is not, a true member, of My Faithful Remnant Church – neither is he a follower of Mine.  For he compromises, what he knows to be true in his heart, for falsehood, and ‘fleeting power’.  His position within that ‘hierarchy’ is coming to an end – one way, or another; and so this is the fate of all rebellious priests.  Now they still have time to repent; but if they do not know, that they are ‘covered in muck’, and they call the muck they are covered in – My Holy Spirit, then they have embraced ‘the sin of blasphemy’, and have rebelled against My Commands.  For it is very serious to call something that is ‘horrendously evil’, a good; and to call something, that is good and pure, ‘a horrendous evil’.  He like many others, will have, his ‘Warning Experience’, and only then will he have the chance to return to his True Shepherd.  Because I tell you most priests, will not make it… will not be ready ‘with their lamps lit’ when I Come.  Many of them, will be ‘led to the slaughter’, or die of hunger. This is a very fitting and just punishment, for their refusal to feed My Sheep, and for their desires, to neglect them, to the slaughter of their own souls.  I am Merciful, but I am also Just.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, March 27, 2012)


“Do not call ‘His Love for your souls’, “Hatred” And do not call ‘hatred for souls’, “love”.  Learn the difference between love and hate my people and quickly!”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, November 30, 2012) 


“‘The mark of the beast’ is… not ‘like a horrific movie that people can just, turn off’!  But it is ‘a mark that will be given to souls’, because of their worldliness, and ungodliness! – and ‘refusal to repent’.  Because they seek ‘worldliness’ even in their institutions.  They seek to be told that ‘they are saved’! – Apart from the One, that ‘can Save them’… The “christians”, who call themselves “saved”, are living ‘a self-condemned lifestyle’.  Therefore they embrace ‘the sin of blasphemy’! – calling ‘all their actions’ “holy and good”; when they really are “depraved and wicked”.  Saying to themselves, “God won’t mind if I watch a few hours of television – He’s got better things to do with His time”; or, “I can look, at this ‘unclean picture’, in this magazine and it will not affect me, because, I am saved’! – by the Precious Blood of Jesus”; or “I can entertain all sorts, of evil thoughts towards my neighbor, and God will understand, because of the way, they treated me”; or (how about this one my children), “I will spend my money, on ‘lottery tickets’, and casinos, so that I can win ‘a large fortune’. God will understand”.  Does God, ‘understand’, all of those choices, my children?  Yes He does!  He understands, that people have chosen to deceive themselves!!  And He is not “buying” what they are trying to sell to Him! Most of the thoughts that He hears, are people ‘justifying themselves’, as they embrace ‘sins against Him’! – as they ‘take offense at Him’; Because He is the Truth, and they do not desire to live, with a clear conscience – in ‘the Truth’.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 10, 2012)

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
What is the sin of Blasphemy?

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses.)

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
(Isaiah 5:20)

“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin - for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.”
(Mark 3:28-30)


“They, have called, My Two Prophets here: frauds, and demon worshipers. What, did the Pharisees call Me, N.?  Even though they saw My works, and received the truth into their hearts – because it was undeniable, even though they knew I was good: they called Me “Beelzebul”; they referred to Me as “prince of demons”.  I have sent you, My ‘prince of the apostles’, one of My Two Witnesses, My representative, and My Vicar here on Earth – and surely, he is despised, by many – within that institution.  Just as I, was despised by the Pharisees – for telling them the truth, even though they knew it to be true.  The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ has a stronghold in you My son, and I want you to ‘root it out’; but without your cooperation, it makes it very difficult, and painful for you.  This can go much easier with your cooperation.  But as long as you rebel, you are prolonging your time, here, on this Earth.”
(-Jesus, Monday, February 20, 2012)


"There is growth My children.  N. is growing still.  Can you expect an acorn, to be an oak tree? – overnight?  No.  This takes many years in real time.  Yet with My Graces, and with his full cooperation, he can grow a million times faster.  But I am patient – as long as the soul is making the necessary, steps: to do better; to change his ways; and to move forward – as My friend, and companion.  It is very difficult, N., to do what I ask of you, when you hold on to the demons – so tightly.  When the Truth is revealed to you, My son, you must abandon your ‘old way of thinking’, so that your mind, can be clothed in the Truth.  Where you are struggling with, is in your mind – because the evil spirits have gotten into there, and jumbled everything around.  What is black is now white, what is white is now black; all Truth, is seen as falsehood, and all deception is seen as truth.  I am asking more of you My son, because you can reject the demons.  Keep persevering in rejecting the spirit of blasphemy, and it will be a lot easier, to reject the others.  You are going to need to use your ‘free will’, for the enemy protests ‘loudly inside you’ – using his puppets, that you have embraced for a very long time.  When the spirit of blasphemy, is cast out, then you will be able to receive the Truth – even deeper, into your heart, soul, and mind; but until, you persevere, in rejecting the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’, you cannot receive any more that I have to offer you." 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 21, 2012)


"All those who are My enemy, will fall – and fall hard – because they choose to.  There is no ‘accidental enemy’ My children.  There is no ‘enemy made by mistake’.  To be an active ‘enemy of the Most High True God’, is an act, of the will in the moment, and can only be undone, by an act – of the will, in the moment.  As long as he sees you both as his enemies, then the ‘spirit of blasphemy’, has won – inside him... And now you know when you are embracing that spirit, of blasphemy.  You have proven, to My Two Witnesses, that you have the ability to discern, when the evils are surfacing, and still more the ability to reject them.  There is no excuse!   For there is no tolerance in the Kingdom of Heaven – only love.  But if love is a burden to you, then you have no place in that Kingdom.  I do not want ‘to shut the door, to 'the wedding feast’; but that is what will happen if you do not wake up, and start taking your new reality, more seriously."
(-Jesus, Thursday, February 23, 2012)


“The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ is strong within that church, My children – within that ‘institutional hierarchy’, for they have allowed many sins and abominations, to go: unaddressed.  The people there are following their own designs – their own plans; and the priests have cast them aside saying: “You have no need of a shepherd – you, are your own shepherd”.  They have failed to direct My Faithful in the ways that they should walk – and that is: upright, with humble and contrite hearts – always.  Because of this neglect, they are allowing the ‘faithful’ to be poisoned –  as they themselves, have been.  It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out – of his heart, when it is based in ‘the flesh’.  For all sorts of things go into people – into their minds and hearts; and that is where, they must discern.  When they form ‘sentences’, they must discern with the True Holy Spirit, what is necessary to be said in the moment.  But too much noise is in the World, and this does not allow the True Holy Spirit to communicate.  Therefore I ask My children, to set themselves: apart from the World; apart from the institutions; apart from their churches – to find quiet time to be alone with their Maker, as the priests no longer: want to instruct the faithful; want to instruct souls on ‘the path to holiness’.  As the priests refuse, and the ministers relinquish their duties, I have taken it upon Myself to nourish them, in quiet places.  I will give them the food they have been waiting for through My words.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 29, 2012)


“If they have cancer – then they must repent, of serious, blasphemy, against the Holy Spirit  (Have they found a cure yet that they can release My children?) – and this is ‘the sin against the Holy Spirit’, of which there is no forgiveness for.  But I always allow souls, to know when, they are blaspheming or not – they will know in their interior lives; and if they refuse to repent, and change their ways, then they cannot be forgiven, of this sin. In short with every ailment and physical problem, there is a sin that is attached to it.  So I ask My people, to turn to the True Holy Spirit, to bring to the light of their conscience, the sin, that they allowed to come in to their lives, in order for them to be physically harmed.  The True Holy Spirit, will reveal to you; how you are, to repent of the sin and turn to Me, in order to be healed.  I know My Faithful Remnant Church is suffering, and I want to offer them ‘a way out’ to give them a cross that they can carry – with cheerfulness.  I desire that no one be sick, or injured or dying; but these are all consequences of sin.  So repent My people, that you may saved in The Hour of Trial that is coming upon the World – both physically and spiritually; so that your joy may be full; in the True Holy Spirit.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday March 15, 2012)


“There is either ‘for Me’ or ‘against Me’.  There is nothing in between. That is why I spit the lukewarm out of My mouth, because I do not know them, and I do not recognize them for their works are evil.  “Lukewarm” is another name for hypocrite.  The Pharisees were lukewarm, My people, for they knew in their hearts, the truth, that God at the time had revealed to them; but they sought to be against Me – who am God in the Flesh; and at the same time, pat themselves on the back, for rejecting “a heathen and a blasphemer” in their eyes.  And so as they were doing this they saw themselves as ‘holy people’.  But I tell you most of them did not make it, until some of them chose to repent, after My Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection.” 
(-Jesus, Friday March 16, 2012)


"I will tell you, why N, is not, a true member, of My Faithful Remnant Church – neither is he a follower of Mine.  For he compromises, what he knows to be true in his heart, for falsehood, and ‘fleeting power’.  His position within that ‘hierarchy’ is coming to an end – one way, or another; and so this is the fate of all rebellious priests.  Now they still have time to repent; but if they do not know, that they are ‘covered in muck’, and they call the muck they are covered in – My Holy Spirit, then they have embraced ‘the sin of blasphemy’, and have rebelled against My Commands.  For it is very serious to call something that is ‘horrendously evil’, a good; and to call something, that is good and pure, ‘a horrendous evil’.  He like many others, will have, his ‘Warning Experience’, and only then will he have the chance to return to his True Shepherd.  Because I tell you most priests, will not make it… will not be ready ‘with their lamps lit’ when I Come.  Many of them, will be ‘led to the slaughter’, or die of hunger. This is a very fitting and just punishment, for their refusal to feed My Sheep, and for their desires, to neglect them, to the slaughter of their own souls.  I am Merciful, but I am also Just.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, March 27, 2012)


“Do not call ‘His Love for your souls’, “Hatred” And do not call ‘hatred for souls’, “love”.  Learn the difference between love and hate my people and quickly!”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, November 30, 2012) 


“‘The mark of the beast’ is… not ‘like a horrific movie that people can just, turn off’!  But it is ‘a mark that will be given to souls’, because of their worldliness, and ungodliness! – and ‘refusal to repent’.  Because they seek ‘worldliness’ even in their institutions.  They seek to be told that ‘they are saved’! – Apart from the One, that ‘can Save them’… The “christians”, who call themselves “saved”, are living ‘a self-condemned lifestyle’.  Therefore they embrace ‘the sin of blasphemy’! – calling ‘all their actions’ “holy and good”; when they really are “depraved and wicked”.  Saying to themselves, “God won’t mind if I watch a few hours of television – He’s got better things to do with His time”; or, “I can look, at this ‘unclean picture’, in this magazine and it will not affect me, because, I am saved’! – by the Precious Blood of Jesus”; or “I can entertain all sorts, of evil thoughts towards my neighbor, and God will understand, because of the way, they treated me”; or (how about this one my children), “I will spend my money, on ‘lottery tickets’, and casinos, so that I can win ‘a large fortune’. God will understand”.  Does God, ‘understand’, all of those choices, my children?  Yes He does!  He understands, that people have chosen to deceive themselves!!  And He is not “buying” what they are trying to sell to Him! Most of the thoughts that He hears, are people ‘justifying themselves’, as they embrace ‘sins against Him’! – as they ‘take offense at Him’; Because He is the Truth, and they do not desire to live, with a clear conscience – in ‘the Truth’.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 10, 2012)

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
What is the sin of Blasphemy?

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses.)

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
(Isaiah 5:20)

“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin - for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.”
(Mark 3:28-30)


“They, have called, My Two Prophets here: frauds, and demon worshipers. What, did the Pharisees call Me, N.?  Even though they saw My works, and received the truth into their hearts – because it was undeniable, even though they knew I was good: they called Me “Beelzebul”; they referred to Me as “prince of demons”.  I have sent you, My ‘prince of the apostles’, one of My Two Witnesses, My representative, and My Vicar here on Earth – and surely, he is despised, by many – within that institution.  Just as I, was despised by the Pharisees – for telling them the truth, even though they knew it to be true.  The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ has a stronghold in you My son, and I want you to ‘root it out’; but without your cooperation, it makes it very difficult, and painful for you.  This can go much easier with your cooperation.  But as long as you rebel, you are prolonging your time, here, on this Earth.”
(-Jesus, Monday, February 20, 2012)


"There is growth My children.  N. is growing still.  Can you expect an acorn, to be an oak tree? – overnight?  No.  This takes many years in real time.  Yet with My Graces, and with his full cooperation, he can grow a million times faster.  But I am patient – as long as the soul is making the necessary, steps: to do better; to change his ways; and to move forward – as My friend, and companion.  It is very difficult, N., to do what I ask of you, when you hold on to the demons – so tightly.  When the Truth is revealed to you, My son, you must abandon your ‘old way of thinking’, so that your mind, can be clothed in the Truth.  Where you are struggling with, is in your mind – because the evil spirits have gotten into there, and jumbled everything around.  What is black is now white, what is white is now black; all Truth, is seen as falsehood, and all deception is seen as truth.  I am asking more of you My son, because you can reject the demons.  Keep persevering in rejecting the spirit of blasphemy, and it will be a lot easier, to reject the others.  You are going to need to use your ‘free will’, for the enemy protests ‘loudly inside you’ – using his puppets, that you have embraced for a very long time.  When the spirit of blasphemy, is cast out, then you will be able to receive the Truth – even deeper, into your heart, soul, and mind; but until, you persevere, in rejecting the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’, you cannot receive any more that I have to offer you." 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 21, 2012)


"All those who are My enemy, will fall – and fall hard – because they choose to.  There is no ‘accidental enemy’ My children.  There is no ‘enemy made by mistake’.  To be an active ‘enemy of the Most High True God’, is an act, of the will in the moment, and can only be undone, by an act – of the will, in the moment.  As long as he sees you both as his enemies, then the ‘spirit of blasphemy’, has won – inside him... And now you know when you are embracing that spirit, of blasphemy.  You have proven, to My Two Witnesses, that you have the ability to discern, when the evils are surfacing, and still more the ability to reject them.  There is no excuse!   For there is no tolerance in the Kingdom of Heaven – only love.  But if love is a burden to you, then you have no place in that Kingdom.  I do not want ‘to shut the door, to 'the wedding feast’; but that is what will happen if you do not wake up, and start taking your new reality, more seriously."
(-Jesus, Thursday, February 23, 2012)


“The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ is strong within that church, My children – within that ‘institutional hierarchy’, for they have allowed many sins and abominations, to go: unaddressed.  The people there are following their own designs – their own plans; and the priests have cast them aside saying: “You have no need of a shepherd – you, are your own shepherd”.  They have failed to direct My Faithful in the ways that they should walk – and that is: upright, with humble and contrite hearts – always.  Because of this neglect, they are allowing the ‘faithful’ to be poisoned –  as they themselves, have been.  It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out – of his heart, when it is based in ‘the flesh’.  For all sorts of things go into people – into their minds and hearts; and that is where, they must discern.  When they form ‘sentences’, they must discern with the True Holy Spirit, what is necessary to be said in the moment.  But too much noise is in the World, and this does not allow the True Holy Spirit to communicate.  Therefore I ask My children, to set themselves: apart from the World; apart from the institutions; apart from their churches – to find quiet time to be alone with their Maker, as the priests no longer: want to instruct the faithful; want to instruct souls on ‘the path to holiness’.  As the priests refuse, and the ministers relinquish their duties, I have taken it upon Myself to nourish them, in quiet places.  I will give them the food they have been waiting for through My words.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 29, 2012)


“If they have cancer – then they must repent, of serious, blasphemy, against the Holy Spirit  (Have they found a cure yet that they can release My children?) – and this is ‘the sin against the Holy Spirit’, of which there is no forgiveness for.  But I always allow souls, to know when, they are blaspheming or not – they will know in their interior lives; and if they refuse to repent, and change their ways, then they cannot be forgiven, of this sin. In short with every ailment and physical problem, there is a sin that is attached to it.  So I ask My people, to turn to the True Holy Spirit, to bring to the light of their conscience, the sin, that they allowed to come in to their lives, in order for them to be physically harmed.  The True Holy Spirit, will reveal to you; how you are, to repent of the sin and turn to Me, in order to be healed.  I know My Faithful Remnant Church is suffering, and I want to offer them ‘a way out’ to give them a cross that they can carry – with cheerfulness.  I desire that no one be sick, or injured or dying; but these are all consequences of sin.  So repent My people, that you may saved in The Hour of Trial that is coming upon the World – both physically and spiritually; so that your joy may be full; in the True Holy Spirit.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday March 15, 2012)


“There is either ‘for Me’ or ‘against Me’.  There is nothing in between. That is why I spit the lukewarm out of My mouth, because I do not know them, and I do not recognize them for their works are evil.  “Lukewarm” is another name for hypocrite.  The Pharisees were lukewarm, My people, for they knew in their hearts, the truth, that God at the time had revealed to them; but they sought to be against Me – who am God in the Flesh; and at the same time, pat themselves on the back, for rejecting “a heathen and a blasphemer” in their eyes.  And so as they were doing this they saw themselves as ‘holy people’.  But I tell you most of them did not make it, until some of them chose to repent, after My Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection.” 
(-Jesus, Friday March 16, 2012)


"I will tell you, why N, is not, a true member, of My Faithful Remnant Church – neither is he a follower of Mine.  For he compromises, what he knows to be true in his heart, for falsehood, and ‘fleeting power’.  His position within that ‘hierarchy’ is coming to an end – one way, or another; and so this is the fate of all rebellious priests.  Now they still have time to repent; but if they do not know, that they are ‘covered in muck’, and they call the muck they are covered in – My Holy Spirit, then they have embraced ‘the sin of blasphemy’, and have rebelled against My Commands.  For it is very serious to call something that is ‘horrendously evil’, a good; and to call something, that is good and pure, ‘a horrendous evil’.  He like many others, will have, his ‘Warning Experience’, and only then will he have the chance to return to his True Shepherd.  Because I tell you most priests, will not make it… will not be ready ‘with their lamps lit’ when I Come.  Many of them, will be ‘led to the slaughter’, or die of hunger. This is a very fitting and just punishment, for their refusal to feed My Sheep, and for their desires, to neglect them, to the slaughter of their own souls.  I am Merciful, but I am also Just.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, March 27, 2012)


“Do not call ‘His Love for your souls’, “Hatred” And do not call ‘hatred for souls’, “love”.  Learn the difference between love and hate my people and quickly!”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, November 30, 2012) 


“‘The mark of the beast’ is… not ‘like a horrific movie that people can just, turn off’!  But it is ‘a mark that will be given to souls’, because of their worldliness, and ungodliness! – and ‘refusal to repent’.  Because they seek ‘worldliness’ even in their institutions.  They seek to be told that ‘they are saved’! – Apart from the One, that ‘can Save them’… The “christians”, who call themselves “saved”, are living ‘a self-condemned lifestyle’.  Therefore they embrace ‘the sin of blasphemy’! – calling ‘all their actions’ “holy and good”; when they really are “depraved and wicked”.  Saying to themselves, “God won’t mind if I watch a few hours of television – He’s got better things to do with His time”; or, “I can look, at this ‘unclean picture’, in this magazine and it will not affect me, because, I am saved’! – by the Precious Blood of Jesus”; or “I can entertain all sorts, of evil thoughts towards my neighbor, and God will understand, because of the way, they treated me”; or (how about this one my children), “I will spend my money, on ‘lottery tickets’, and casinos, so that I can win ‘a large fortune’. God will understand”.  Does God, ‘understand’, all of those choices, my children?  Yes He does!  He understands, that people have chosen to deceive themselves!!  And He is not “buying” what they are trying to sell to Him! Most of the thoughts that He hears, are people ‘justifying themselves’, as they embrace ‘sins against Him’! – as they ‘take offense at Him’; Because He is the Truth, and they do not desire to live, with a clear conscience – in ‘the Truth’.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 10, 2012)

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
What is the sin of Blasphemy?

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses.)

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
(Isaiah 5:20)

“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin - for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.”
(Mark 3:28-30)


“They, have called, My Two Prophets here: frauds, and demon worshipers. What, did the Pharisees call Me, N.?  Even though they saw My works, and received the truth into their hearts – because it was undeniable, even though they knew I was good: they called Me “Beelzebul”; they referred to Me as “prince of demons”.  I have sent you, My ‘prince of the apostles’, one of My Two Witnesses, My representative, and My Vicar here on Earth – and surely, he is despised, by many – within that institution.  Just as I, was despised by the Pharisees – for telling them the truth, even though they knew it to be true.  The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ has a stronghold in you My son, and I want you to ‘root it out’; but without your cooperation, it makes it very difficult, and painful for you.  This can go much easier with your cooperation.  But as long as you rebel, you are prolonging your time, here, on this Earth.”
(-Jesus, Monday, February 20, 2012)


"There is growth My children.  N. is growing still.  Can you expect an acorn, to be an oak tree? – overnight?  No.  This takes many years in real time.  Yet with My Graces, and with his full cooperation, he can grow a million times faster.  But I am patient – as long as the soul is making the necessary, steps: to do better; to change his ways; and to move forward – as My friend, and companion.  It is very difficult, N., to do what I ask of you, when you hold on to the demons – so tightly.  When the Truth is revealed to you, My son, you must abandon your ‘old way of thinking’, so that your mind, can be clothed in the Truth.  Where you are struggling with, is in your mind – because the evil spirits have gotten into there, and jumbled everything around.  What is black is now white, what is white is now black; all Truth, is seen as falsehood, and all deception is seen as truth.  I am asking more of you My son, because you can reject the demons.  Keep persevering in rejecting the spirit of blasphemy, and it will be a lot easier, to reject the others.  You are going to need to use your ‘free will’, for the enemy protests ‘loudly inside you’ – using his puppets, that you have embraced for a very long time.  When the spirit of blasphemy, is cast out, then you will be able to receive the Truth – even deeper, into your heart, soul, and mind; but until, you persevere, in rejecting the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’, you cannot receive any more that I have to offer you." 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 21, 2012)


"All those who are My enemy, will fall – and fall hard – because they choose to.  There is no ‘accidental enemy’ My children.  There is no ‘enemy made by mistake’.  To be an active ‘enemy of the Most High True God’, is an act, of the will in the moment, and can only be undone, by an act – of the will, in the moment.  As long as he sees you both as his enemies, then the ‘spirit of blasphemy’, has won – inside him... And now you know when you are embracing that spirit, of blasphemy.  You have proven, to My Two Witnesses, that you have the ability to discern, when the evils are surfacing, and still more the ability to reject them.  There is no excuse!   For there is no tolerance in the Kingdom of Heaven – only love.  But if love is a burden to you, then you have no place in that Kingdom.  I do not want ‘to shut the door, to 'the wedding feast’; but that is what will happen if you do not wake up, and start taking your new reality, more seriously."
(-Jesus, Thursday, February 23, 2012)


“The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ is strong within that church, My children – within that ‘institutional hierarchy’, for they have allowed many sins and abominations, to go: unaddressed.  The people there are following their own designs – their own plans; and the priests have cast them aside saying: “You have no need of a shepherd – you, are your own shepherd”.  They have failed to direct My Faithful in the ways that they should walk – and that is: upright, with humble and contrite hearts – always.  Because of this neglect, they are allowing the ‘faithful’ to be poisoned –  as they themselves, have been.  It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out – of his heart, when it is based in ‘the flesh’.  For all sorts of things go into people – into their minds and hearts; and that is where, they must discern.  When they form ‘sentences’, they must discern with the True Holy Spirit, what is necessary to be said in the moment.  But too much noise is in the World, and this does not allow the True Holy Spirit to communicate.  Therefore I ask My children, to set themselves: apart from the World; apart from the institutions; apart from their churches – to find quiet time to be alone with their Maker, as the priests no longer: want to instruct the faithful; want to instruct souls on ‘the path to holiness’.  As the priests refuse, and the ministers relinquish their duties, I have taken it upon Myself to nourish them, in quiet places.  I will give them the food they have been waiting for through My words.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 29, 2012)


“If they have cancer – then they must repent, of serious, blasphemy, against the Holy Spirit  (Have they found a cure yet that they can release My children?) – and this is ‘the sin against the Holy Spirit’, of which there is no forgiveness for.  But I always allow souls, to know when, they are blaspheming or not – they will know in their interior lives; and if they refuse to repent, and change their ways, then they cannot be forgiven, of this sin. In short with every ailment and physical problem, there is a sin that is attached to it.  So I ask My people, to turn to the True Holy Spirit, to bring to the light of their conscience, the sin, that they allowed to come in to their lives, in order for them to be physically harmed.  The True Holy Spirit, will reveal to you; how you are, to repent of the sin and turn to Me, in order to be healed.  I know My Faithful Remnant Church is suffering, and I want to offer them ‘a way out’ to give them a cross that they can carry – with cheerfulness.  I desire that no one be sick, or injured or dying; but these are all consequences of sin.  So repent My people, that you may saved in The Hour of Trial that is coming upon the World – both physically and spiritually; so that your joy may be full; in the True Holy Spirit.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday March 15, 2012)


“There is either ‘for Me’ or ‘against Me’.  There is nothing in between. That is why I spit the lukewarm out of My mouth, because I do not know them, and I do not recognize them for their works are evil.  “Lukewarm” is another name for hypocrite.  The Pharisees were lukewarm, My people, for they knew in their hearts, the truth, that God at the time had revealed to them; but they sought to be against Me – who am God in the Flesh; and at the same time, pat themselves on the back, for rejecting “a heathen and a blasphemer” in their eyes.  And so as they were doing this they saw themselves as ‘holy people’.  But I tell you most of them did not make it, until some of them chose to repent, after My Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection.” 
(-Jesus, Friday March 16, 2012)


"I will tell you, why N, is not, a true member, of My Faithful Remnant Church – neither is he a follower of Mine.  For he compromises, what he knows to be true in his heart, for falsehood, and ‘fleeting power’.  His position within that ‘hierarchy’ is coming to an end – one way, or another; and so this is the fate of all rebellious priests.  Now they still have time to repent; but if they do not know, that they are ‘covered in muck’, and they call the muck they are covered in – My Holy Spirit, then they have embraced ‘the sin of blasphemy’, and have rebelled against My Commands.  For it is very serious to call something that is ‘horrendously evil’, a good; and to call something, that is good and pure, ‘a horrendous evil’.  He like many others, will have, his ‘Warning Experience’, and only then will he have the chance to return to his True Shepherd.  Because I tell you most priests, will not make it… will not be ready ‘with their lamps lit’ when I Come.  Many of them, will be ‘led to the slaughter’, or die of hunger. This is a very fitting and just punishment, for their refusal to feed My Sheep, and for their desires, to neglect them, to the slaughter of their own souls.  I am Merciful, but I am also Just.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, March 27, 2012)


“Do not call ‘His Love for your souls’, “Hatred” And do not call ‘hatred for souls’, “love”.  Learn the difference between love and hate my people and quickly!”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, November 30, 2012) 


“‘The mark of the beast’ is… not ‘like a horrific movie that people can just, turn off’!  But it is ‘a mark that will be given to souls’, because of their worldliness, and ungodliness! – and ‘refusal to repent’.  Because they seek ‘worldliness’ even in their institutions.  They seek to be told that ‘they are saved’! – Apart from the One, that ‘can Save them’… The “christians”, who call themselves “saved”, are living ‘a self-condemned lifestyle’.  Therefore they embrace ‘the sin of blasphemy’! – calling ‘all their actions’ “holy and good”; when they really are “depraved and wicked”.  Saying to themselves, “God won’t mind if I watch a few hours of television – He’s got better things to do with His time”; or, “I can look, at this ‘unclean picture’, in this magazine and it will not affect me, because, I am saved’! – by the Precious Blood of Jesus”; or “I can entertain all sorts, of evil thoughts towards my neighbor, and God will understand, because of the way, they treated me”; or (how about this one my children), “I will spend my money, on ‘lottery tickets’, and casinos, so that I can win ‘a large fortune’. God will understand”.  Does God, ‘understand’, all of those choices, my children?  Yes He does!  He understands, that people have chosen to deceive themselves!!  And He is not “buying” what they are trying to sell to Him! Most of the thoughts that He hears, are people ‘justifying themselves’, as they embrace ‘sins against Him’! – as they ‘take offense at Him’; Because He is the Truth, and they do not desire to live, with a clear conscience – in ‘the Truth’.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 10, 2012)

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
What is the sin of Blasphemy?

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses.)

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
(Isaiah 5:20)

“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin - for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.”
(Mark 3:28-30)


“They, have called, My Two Prophets here: frauds, and demon worshipers. What, did the Pharisees call Me, N.?  Even though they saw My works, and received the truth into their hearts – because it was undeniable, even though they knew I was good: they called Me “Beelzebul”; they referred to Me as “prince of demons”.  I have sent you, My ‘prince of the apostles’, one of My Two Witnesses, My representative, and My Vicar here on Earth – and surely, he is despised, by many – within that institution.  Just as I, was despised by the Pharisees – for telling them the truth, even though they knew it to be true.  The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ has a stronghold in you My son, and I want you to ‘root it out’; but without your cooperation, it makes it very difficult, and painful for you.  This can go much easier with your cooperation.  But as long as you rebel, you are prolonging your time, here, on this Earth.”
(-Jesus, Monday, February 20, 2012)


"There is growth My children.  N. is growing still.  Can you expect an acorn, to be an oak tree? – overnight?  No.  This takes many years in real time.  Yet with My Graces, and with his full cooperation, he can grow a million times faster.  But I am patient – as long as the soul is making the necessary, steps: to do better; to change his ways; and to move forward – as My friend, and companion.  It is very difficult, N., to do what I ask of you, when you hold on to the demons – so tightly.  When the Truth is revealed to you, My son, you must abandon your ‘old way of thinking’, so that your mind, can be clothed in the Truth.  Where you are struggling with, is in your mind – because the evil spirits have gotten into there, and jumbled everything around.  What is black is now white, what is white is now black; all Truth, is seen as falsehood, and all deception is seen as truth.  I am asking more of you My son, because you can reject the demons.  Keep persevering in rejecting the spirit of blasphemy, and it will be a lot easier, to reject the others.  You are going to need to use your ‘free will’, for the enemy protests ‘loudly inside you’ – using his puppets, that you have embraced for a very long time.  When the spirit of blasphemy, is cast out, then you will be able to receive the Truth – even deeper, into your heart, soul, and mind; but until, you persevere, in rejecting the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’, you cannot receive any more that I have to offer you." 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 21, 2012)


"All those who are My enemy, will fall – and fall hard – because they choose to.  There is no ‘accidental enemy’ My children.  There is no ‘enemy made by mistake’.  To be an active ‘enemy of the Most High True God’, is an act, of the will in the moment, and can only be undone, by an act – of the will, in the moment.  As long as he sees you both as his enemies, then the ‘spirit of blasphemy’, has won – inside him... And now you know when you are embracing that spirit, of blasphemy.  You have proven, to My Two Witnesses, that you have the ability to discern, when the evils are surfacing, and still more the ability to reject them.  There is no excuse!   For there is no tolerance in the Kingdom of Heaven – only love.  But if love is a burden to you, then you have no place in that Kingdom.  I do not want ‘to shut the door, to 'the wedding feast’; but that is what will happen if you do not wake up, and start taking your new reality, more seriously."
(-Jesus, Thursday, February 23, 2012)


“The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ is strong within that church, My children – within that ‘institutional hierarchy’, for they have allowed many sins and abominations, to go: unaddressed.  The people there are following their own designs – their own plans; and the priests have cast them aside saying: “You have no need of a shepherd – you, are your own shepherd”.  They have failed to direct My Faithful in the ways that they should walk – and that is: upright, with humble and contrite hearts – always.  Because of this neglect, they are allowing the ‘faithful’ to be poisoned –  as they themselves, have been.  It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out – of his heart, when it is based in ‘the flesh’.  For all sorts of things go into people – into their minds and hearts; and that is where, they must discern.  When they form ‘sentences’, they must discern with the True Holy Spirit, what is necessary to be said in the moment.  But too much noise is in the World, and this does not allow the True Holy Spirit to communicate.  Therefore I ask My children, to set themselves: apart from the World; apart from the institutions; apart from their churches – to find quiet time to be alone with their Maker, as the priests no longer: want to instruct the faithful; want to instruct souls on ‘the path to holiness’.  As the priests refuse, and the ministers relinquish their duties, I have taken it upon Myself to nourish them, in quiet places.  I will give them the food they have been waiting for through My words.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 29, 2012)


“If they have cancer – then they must repent, of serious, blasphemy, against the Holy Spirit  (Have they found a cure yet that they can release My children?) – and this is ‘the sin against the Holy Spirit’, of which there is no forgiveness for.  But I always allow souls, to know when, they are blaspheming or not – they will know in their interior lives; and if they refuse to repent, and change their ways, then they cannot be forgiven, of this sin. In short with every ailment and physical problem, there is a sin that is attached to it.  So I ask My people, to turn to the True Holy Spirit, to bring to the light of their conscience, the sin, that they allowed to come in to their lives, in order for them to be physically harmed.  The True Holy Spirit, will reveal to you; how you are, to repent of the sin and turn to Me, in order to be healed.  I know My Faithful Remnant Church is suffering, and I want to offer them ‘a way out’ to give them a cross that they can carry – with cheerfulness.  I desire that no one be sick, or injured or dying; but these are all consequences of sin.  So repent My people, that you may saved in The Hour of Trial that is coming upon the World – both physically and spiritually; so that your joy may be full; in the True Holy Spirit.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday March 15, 2012)


“There is either ‘for Me’ or ‘against Me’.  There is nothing in between. That is why I spit the lukewarm out of My mouth, because I do not know them, and I do not recognize them for their works are evil.  “Lukewarm” is another name for hypocrite.  The Pharisees were lukewarm, My people, for they knew in their hearts, the truth, that God at the time had revealed to them; but they sought to be against Me – who am God in the Flesh; and at the same time, pat themselves on the back, for rejecting “a heathen and a blasphemer” in their eyes.  And so as they were doing this they saw themselves as ‘holy people’.  But I tell you most of them did not make it, until some of them chose to repent, after My Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection.” 
(-Jesus, Friday March 16, 2012)


"I will tell you, why N, is not, a true member, of My Faithful Remnant Church – neither is he a follower of Mine.  For he compromises, what he knows to be true in his heart, for falsehood, and ‘fleeting power’.  His position within that ‘hierarchy’ is coming to an end – one way, or another; and so this is the fate of all rebellious priests.  Now they still have time to repent; but if they do not know, that they are ‘covered in muck’, and they call the muck they are covered in – My Holy Spirit, then they have embraced ‘the sin of blasphemy’, and have rebelled against My Commands.  For it is very serious to call something that is ‘horrendously evil’, a good; and to call something, that is good and pure, ‘a horrendous evil’.  He like many others, will have, his ‘Warning Experience’, and only then will he have the chance to return to his True Shepherd.  Because I tell you most priests, will not make it… will not be ready ‘with their lamps lit’ when I Come.  Many of them, will be ‘led to the slaughter’, or die of hunger. This is a very fitting and just punishment, for their refusal to feed My Sheep, and for their desires, to neglect them, to the slaughter of their own souls.  I am Merciful, but I am also Just.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, March 27, 2012)


“Do not call ‘His Love for your souls’, “Hatred” And do not call ‘hatred for souls’, “love”.  Learn the difference between love and hate my people and quickly!”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, November 30, 2012) 


“‘The mark of the beast’ is… not ‘like a horrific movie that people can just, turn off’!  But it is ‘a mark that will be given to souls’, because of their worldliness, and ungodliness! – and ‘refusal to repent’.  Because they seek ‘worldliness’ even in their institutions.  They seek to be told that ‘they are saved’! – Apart from the One, that ‘can Save them’… The “christians”, who call themselves “saved”, are living ‘a self-condemned lifestyle’.  Therefore they embrace ‘the sin of blasphemy’! – calling ‘all their actions’ “holy and good”; when they really are “depraved and wicked”.  Saying to themselves, “God won’t mind if I watch a few hours of television – He’s got better things to do with His time”; or, “I can look, at this ‘unclean picture’, in this magazine and it will not affect me, because, I am saved’! – by the Precious Blood of Jesus”; or “I can entertain all sorts, of evil thoughts towards my neighbor, and God will understand, because of the way, they treated me”; or (how about this one my children), “I will spend my money, on ‘lottery tickets’, and casinos, so that I can win ‘a large fortune’. God will understand”.  Does God, ‘understand’, all of those choices, my children?  Yes He does!  He understands, that people have chosen to deceive themselves!!  And He is not “buying” what they are trying to sell to Him! Most of the thoughts that He hears, are people ‘justifying themselves’, as they embrace ‘sins against Him’! – as they ‘take offense at Him’; Because He is the Truth, and they do not desire to live, with a clear conscience – in ‘the Truth’.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 10, 2012)

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
What is the sin of Blasphemy?

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses.)

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”
(Isaiah 5:20)

“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin - for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.”
(Mark 3:28-30)


“They, have called, My Two Prophets here: frauds, and demon worshipers. What, did the Pharisees call Me, N.?  Even though they saw My works, and received the truth into their hearts – because it was undeniable, even though they knew I was good: they called Me “Beelzebul”; they referred to Me as “prince of demons”.  I have sent you, My ‘prince of the apostles’, one of My Two Witnesses, My representative, and My Vicar here on Earth – and surely, he is despised, by many – within that institution.  Just as I, was despised by the Pharisees – for telling them the truth, even though they knew it to be true.  The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ has a stronghold in you My son, and I want you to ‘root it out’; but without your cooperation, it makes it very difficult, and painful for you.  This can go much easier with your cooperation.  But as long as you rebel, you are prolonging your time, here, on this Earth.”
(-Jesus, Monday, February 20, 2012)


"There is growth My children.  N. is growing still.  Can you expect an acorn, to be an oak tree? – overnight?  No.  This takes many years in real time.  Yet with My Graces, and with his full cooperation, he can grow a million times faster.  But I am patient – as long as the soul is making the necessary, steps: to do better; to change his ways; and to move forward – as My friend, and companion.  It is very difficult, N., to do what I ask of you, when you hold on to the demons – so tightly.  When the Truth is revealed to you, My son, you must abandon your ‘old way of thinking’, so that your mind, can be clothed in the Truth.  Where you are struggling with, is in your mind – because the evil spirits have gotten into there, and jumbled everything around.  What is black is now white, what is white is now black; all Truth, is seen as falsehood, and all deception is seen as truth.  I am asking more of you My son, because you can reject the demons.  Keep persevering in rejecting the spirit of blasphemy, and it will be a lot easier, to reject the others.  You are going to need to use your ‘free will’, for the enemy protests ‘loudly inside you’ – using his puppets, that you have embraced for a very long time.  When the spirit of blasphemy, is cast out, then you will be able to receive the Truth – even deeper, into your heart, soul, and mind; but until, you persevere, in rejecting the ‘sin against the Holy Spirit’, you cannot receive any more that I have to offer you." 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 21, 2012)


"All those who are My enemy, will fall – and fall hard – because they choose to.  There is no ‘accidental enemy’ My children.  There is no ‘enemy made by mistake’.  To be an active ‘enemy of the Most High True God’, is an act, of the will in the moment, and can only be undone, by an act – of the will, in the moment.  As long as he sees you both as his enemies, then the ‘spirit of blasphemy’, has won – inside him... And now you know when you are embracing that spirit, of blasphemy.  You have proven, to My Two Witnesses, that you have the ability to discern, when the evils are surfacing, and still more the ability to reject them.  There is no excuse!   For there is no tolerance in the Kingdom of Heaven – only love.  But if love is a burden to you, then you have no place in that Kingdom.  I do not want ‘to shut the door, to 'the wedding feast’; but that is what will happen if you do not wake up, and start taking your new reality, more seriously."
(-Jesus, Thursday, February 23, 2012)


“The ‘spirit of blasphemy’ is strong within that church, My children – within that ‘institutional hierarchy’, for they have allowed many sins and abominations, to go: unaddressed.  The people there are following their own designs – their own plans; and the priests have cast them aside saying: “You have no need of a shepherd – you, are your own shepherd”.  They have failed to direct My Faithful in the ways that they should walk – and that is: upright, with humble and contrite hearts – always.  Because of this neglect, they are allowing the ‘faithful’ to be poisoned –  as they themselves, have been.  It is not what goes into a man that defiles him, but what comes out – of his heart, when it is based in ‘the flesh’.  For all sorts of things go into people – into their minds and hearts; and that is where, they must discern.  When they form ‘sentences’, they must discern with the True Holy Spirit, what is necessary to be said in the moment.  But too much noise is in the World, and this does not allow the True Holy Spirit to communicate.  Therefore I ask My children, to set themselves: apart from the World; apart from the institutions; apart from their churches – to find quiet time to be alone with their Maker, as the priests no longer: want to instruct the faithful; want to instruct souls on ‘the path to holiness’.  As the priests refuse, and the ministers relinquish their duties, I have taken it upon Myself to nourish them, in quiet places.  I will give them the food they have been waiting for through My words.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 29, 2012)


“If they have cancer – then they must repent, of serious, blasphemy, against the Holy Spirit  (Have they found a cure yet that they can release My children?) – and this is ‘the sin against the Holy Spirit’, of which there is no forgiveness for.  But I always allow souls, to know when, they are blaspheming or not – they will know in their interior lives; and if they refuse to repent, and change their ways, then they cannot be forgiven, of this sin. In short with every ailment and physical problem, there is a sin that is attached to it.  So I ask My people, to turn to the True Holy Spirit, to bring to the light of their conscience, the sin, that they allowed to come in to their lives, in order for them to be physically harmed.  The True Holy Spirit, will reveal to you; how you are, to repent of the sin and turn to Me, in order to be healed.  I know My Faithful Remnant Church is suffering, and I want to offer them ‘a way out’ to give them a cross that they can carry – with cheerfulness.  I desire that no one be sick, or injured or dying; but these are all consequences of sin.  So repent My people, that you may saved in The Hour of Trial that is coming upon the World – both physically and spiritually; so that your joy may be full; in the True Holy Spirit.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday March 15, 2012)


“There is either ‘for Me’ or ‘against Me’.  There is nothing in between. That is why I spit the lukewarm out of My mouth, because I do not know them, and I do not recognize them for their works are evil.  “Lukewarm” is another name for hypocrite.  The Pharisees were lukewarm, My people, for they knew in their hearts, the truth, that God at the time had revealed to them; but they sought to be against Me – who am God in the Flesh; and at the same time, pat themselves on the back, for rejecting “a heathen and a blasphemer” in their eyes.  And so as they were doing this they saw themselves as ‘holy people’.  But I tell you most of them did not make it, until some of them chose to repent, after My Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection.” 
(-Jesus, Friday March 16, 2012)


"I will tell you, why N, is not, a true member, of My Faithful Remnant Church – neither is he a follower of Mine.  For he compromises, what he knows to be true in his heart, for falsehood, and ‘fleeting power’.  His position within that ‘hierarchy’ is coming to an end – one way, or another; and so this is the fate of all rebellious priests.  Now they still have time to repent; but if they do not know, that they are ‘covered in muck’, and they call the muck they are covered in – My Holy Spirit, then they have embraced ‘the sin of blasphemy’, and have rebelled against My Commands.  For it is very serious to call something that is ‘horrendously evil’, a good; and to call something, that is good and pure, ‘a horrendous evil’.  He like many others, will have, his ‘Warning Experience’, and only then will he have the chance to return to his True Shepherd.  Because I tell you most priests, will not make it… will not be ready ‘with their lamps lit’ when I Come.  Many of them, will be ‘led to the slaughter’, or die of hunger. This is a very fitting and just punishment, for their refusal to feed My Sheep, and for their desires, to neglect them, to the slaughter of their own souls.  I am Merciful, but I am also Just.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, March 27, 2012)


“Do not call ‘His Love for your souls’, “Hatred” And do not call ‘hatred for souls’, “love”.  Learn the difference between love and hate my people and quickly!”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, November 30, 2012) 


“‘The mark of the beast’ is… not ‘like a horrific movie that people can just, turn off’!  But it is ‘a mark that will be given to souls’, because of their worldliness, and ungodliness! – and ‘refusal to repent’.  Because they seek ‘worldliness’ even in their institutions.  They seek to be told that ‘they are saved’! – Apart from the One, that ‘can Save them’… The “christians”, who call themselves “saved”, are living ‘a self-condemned lifestyle’.  Therefore they embrace ‘the sin of blasphemy’! – calling ‘all their actions’ “holy and good”; when they really are “depraved and wicked”.  Saying to themselves, “God won’t mind if I watch a few hours of television – He’s got better things to do with His time”; or, “I can look, at this ‘unclean picture’, in this magazine and it will not affect me, because, I am saved’! – by the Precious Blood of Jesus”; or “I can entertain all sorts, of evil thoughts towards my neighbor, and God will understand, because of the way, they treated me”; or (how about this one my children), “I will spend my money, on ‘lottery tickets’, and casinos, so that I can win ‘a large fortune’. God will understand”.  Does God, ‘understand’, all of those choices, my children?  Yes He does!  He understands, that people have chosen to deceive themselves!!  And He is not “buying” what they are trying to sell to Him! Most of the thoughts that He hears, are people ‘justifying themselves’, as they embrace ‘sins against Him’! – as they ‘take offense at Him’; Because He is the Truth, and they do not desire to live, with a clear conscience – in ‘the Truth’.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, December 10, 2012)

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)

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