Monday, February 12, 2018

The state of women or "woe to man!" - "I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."

"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"

The state of womenor"woe to man!" 

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, unless otherwise stated.)

So just how BAD is it?

(Perhaps a little "feminist Bible Study time" will help to answer that question...)
“Better is the wickedness of a man than a woman who does good; and it is a woman who brings shame and disgrace.”
(Sirach 42:14)

“Now the serpent was more subtle than any other wild creature that the Lord God had made.  He said to the woman, “Did God say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree of the garden’?” And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat of the fruit trees of the garden; but God said, ‘You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it lest you die.’” But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not die.  For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”  So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband and he ate.  But the Lord God called to the man, and said to him, “Where are you?”  And to Adam He said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, ‘You shall not eat of it,’ cursed is the ground because of you; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life; therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from which he was taken.  He drove out the man; and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life.”
(Genesis 3:1-6, 9, 17, 23-24)   

“So you, son of man, [- a valid reference to Pope Peter the Last in these End Times] I have made a watchman for the house of Israel; whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me.  If I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you shall surely die’, and you do not speak to warn the wicked to turn from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand.  But if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way; he shall die in his iniquity, but you will have saved your life.”
(Ezekiel 33:7-9)

(Note: I AM going to "SAVE my LIFE!", and as I do so, there just might be ONE woman out there, who wants to live.
I love "feminist Bible Study time.  But then again, I am a little biased, because I LOVE THE TRUTH! - P.P.T.L.
And to all the women out there who think that A MAN named Jesus is NOT their Judge...
"Just SEE how far THAT kind of thinking, will TRULY get you, at your Eternal Judgment!")
Quick Links on this Page:

For the Men
The antidote for women

Now if you women are wondering, why you are beginning to feel a little uncomfortable,
It is because you love, to simply BURY yourself, in the MUD
And let's face it: as you read this page,
ALL your works are exposed...
By the God, who Created you
By the God, who IS Judging you
Here, SEE for yourself... 


“Who was the first one who listened to satan in the Garden of Eden?  Eve was, and she brought the blood of all of her sin upon the whole human race.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, October 3, 2009)


"When a child dies, through abortion, at least the child will continue on in happiness, because it was free from sin - except ‘original’.  Though these souls can never truly 'see' My Face, or behold My Presence because I am a Just God, they are ‘Forever Content’; but at the same time, they are crying to Me daily, for Justice upon ‘those who stole their lives away’."
(-Jesus, Sunday, February 21, 2010)


“As the women murder children in their womb, so too am I murdered in their hearts.  One out of every four women - depending, or one out of every three women, have committed the act of abortion, or they have encouraged their friend to do so, or they know of someone who wanted to and didn’t try to stop it.  That’s where mankind is at.  This is what they call ‘the better half’?  I say no!  What the World sees as good I often view as evil.”
(Jesus, Tuesday, April 27, 2010)


“… Oh how terrible is the feminist agenda of the collective consciousness of women, how indeed horrifying it is to see so many women united: in their desire to crush Me; to crush the Lord’s anointed; to commit murder.  Why can they not be united in charity and love, in dignity and respect, in humility and patience, in kindness and cheerfulness, in hope and forthcomingness?  Because, in short, they desire allegiance with devil, and his kingdom, more than what I have to offer their souls.” 
(Jesus, Tuesday, May 18, 2010)


“Women, how self-deluded they all are – that is, those of the ‘secular world’, and ‘point of view’.  They shall never be considered as ‘equals’, in My priesthood; but only, in respect to their function, as human beings.  All men are equal, but not the same.”… “Women, who seek power, and control, will be corrupted, and destroyed, by that which they seek.  For are these not the things of lucifer’s kingdom? – a kingdom of darkness, and despair, apart from Mine – only because he chose it.  These women are like him, they are doing his will, and his bidding… “They want a kingdom of darkness; they have it.  If they do not repent of their evil ways, these women will be forever thrown out of the Kingdom of Heaven; for no woman has power or authority there, save, only in the love, that I show them...These women love themselves, more than My service.  They would rather be served, than to truly serve My Will.  They are self-seekers, and will be Judged accordingly.”
(Jesus, Thursday, September 23, 2010)


“Again, I am showing you both, the condition, of women.  The current state in which they are in, is like that, of Lucifer.  His kingdom is apart from Mine, and in total darkness, he reigns.  He is the lord, of the under world, and rules over souls, who choose to be like him, like minded.  Forever women have been chained to him, through Eve’s first sin; and women have chosen: to embrace their weaknesses, as their strengths; to embrace their faults, as perfection; to embrace their lies, as truth.  Oh what has become of them all, but so self-deceived… women have sought and still seek to turn everything that is good – into an evil; and to turn, the evils that they embrace, into what is good”
(Jesus, Thursday, April 29, 2011)


“Women, especially, who dress like ‘whores’ - like those of the Babylonian and Egyptian ages, are simply ‘asking for trouble’.  They are hurting men – everywhere that they go, for the man was Created, not to be complete, without his female companion.”
(Jesus, Saturday, June 18, 2011)


“The women have their rights now, to choose life or death, for their little one, for their baby.  But the time is coming when they shall have no choice.  They call themselves “pro-choice” as of now but soon they will realize, they have indeed been working for the wrong team; and they will be the ones who are sacrificed and their child’s future, ‘for the sake of society’, for the ‘good of humanity’.”
(Jesus, Tuesday, October 25. 2011)


“…the ‘mothers’ who choose to kill their own children, to ‘offer sacrifice’ to ‘the god of convenience’, only, have those souls, praying for Justice to come upon them.  No longer is there any ‘maternal’ tie, with the child.  The child can only see, that it never had the chance, to live.  There is no bond with the ‘mother’ whatsoever.  And women are walking around deceiving themselves, saying that their baby “is an angel in heaven watching over them”.  I say to you No!  The children that they took the lives of, are crying out to Me for Justice upon: their ‘mothers’ - make no mistake it is just ‘a word’.”
(Jesus, Tuesday, April 24, 2012)


“The ‘feminist mind’ cannot be reasoned with My children, because it takes humility, to use common sense and reason.  Because common sense and reason, are scarce, so is the ‘fragrant blossom’, of humility.  Now it is possible to use common sense and reason, to make excuses for ‘the wrong team’, and to excuse oneself from following My Ten Commandments.  But this does not in any way justify them before Me, as the words, that they use falsely, will be used – against them.  So they want ‘a god of compassion’; so they want ‘a pushover god’; so they want ‘higher energy – for themselves, to manipulate for their own gain’.  Well My children there is a price, for playing with ‘too much energy’, and there is a price for making excuses as to why, I, am not God, in their eyes.  People with this kind of mentality are truly ‘the crazy ones’.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, August 16, 2012) 


“I have no use, for people, such as these: who delight, in renouncing the truths that have been shared, and who delight in wickedness in their hearts…  What you need, is to take your ‘spiritual lives’ much, more seriously – than you have been.  And realize, that your bodies, are not,’ to be worshipped’ in any way, shape, or form.  Because your bodies will decay, but your soul, will live on… What is life, My People?  Without, purpose?  Without, love?  Without hope?  Life, can be good – but only if you reconcile, with, your Creator – who desires to be your Savior.  Though I am Just, My Anger - against the human race, lasts: ‘but a moment’.  But My ‘steadfast love’ – for My creatures: for a lifetime.  I discipline you all – even in your own personal lives – apart from ‘natural disasters’ and ‘economic woes’.  And I do this with love in My Heart.  But you refuse to show love – to your own children – by withholding discipline; this only encourages ‘bad behavior’.  That is why discipline is necessary to get man back – on ‘the right track’.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, September 27, 2012) 


“I told you, you would witness ‘the Abomination of Desolation’ My children – and you have!  What was standing, in what once, was Holy Ground?  In the place, that used to be, My Sanctuary?  Women, My children.  Out of all of the things, that you witnessed during today’s ‘services’ (it may seem: very small – yet, it is not in My Eyes) - it is the fact, that women, are being allowed, to ‘prance around the altar’, to be ‘lectors’, to have ‘positions of influence’ – during, the “mass”.  This is one of the reasons – one of the top reasons, that I have left: all of the institutions.  For they have all: compromised, in allowing women, to have the same ‘equality’ as men, in what once, was My Sanctuary.  There is no place for them there – at all, My children.  This is just ‘one more step’ for them, to desire, to become priests.  And they already have this desire – in their hearts – for ‘the seeds of deception’, have been planted – in their souls – through: the affirmation of others.  They believe they have a right to be there.  Then I have a right to leave My children, it is that simple. It is ‘the spirit of Jezebel’ that has: ‘taken over’ all, of the institutions – to the point, where men are simply floundering in their identities and roles, within the religious community.  She – as in ‘the spirit of Jezebel’, has turned peoples’ hearts inwards, towards themselves.  For that spirit only focuses on self, and does not regard My authority – moving through any of My Messengers.  Now the Spirit has fled the churches – that is The True, Holy Spirit.  Why?  Because the people would rather: embrace, the demonic spirit of Jezebel, and affirmation of each other; rather than My True Holy Spirit, who would ‘convict their hearts’, so that their consciences could work.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, September 30, 2012)


“The woman, at the well, represents: all those women, who seek for their truth: in the darkness; in a pit; hoping to be ‘refreshed’, each time they drink from the dark, murky waters. The ‘water’, I was offering the woman, was Eternal Life. But, she would have to give up her sins, in order to ‘drink of this water’... For she did not ‘seek to follow Me’ afterwards, nor give up her sinful lifestyle - That part was not written, in the Gospel. But, through her weakness, and desire: to embrace her sins, I could reach others. The ‘seeds were planted’ – in her soul; but instead of ‘bearing fruit’ in her life, they bore fruit – in others’. Even after she gave her testimony My children, because she would not tell them, that ‘the Messiah had come’, and decided to snuff ‘that bit of Truth’ – out of her life, she could not receive the rewards, that were set aside – for her.  That is why, I brought up to My disciples: the topic, of ‘the harvesters and the reapers’, of ‘the sowers and the reapers’. For she ‘sowed’ – by her testimony; but others ‘reaped’. For I can use: a mule, to preach when necessary, My children. And ‘the state of women’, has always been this bad – ever, since Eve’s fall; only very, very few, have become Saints."
(-Jesus, Monday, October 1, 2012)


"Eve’s sin, came from her desire: ‘to know better, than her Creator’. This was ‘her biggest flaw’ My children – that she ‘passed down’ – through her own loins, to future generations: the desire, to prefer the enemy’s counsel, over, the counsel, of her God. Even though, she knew: all, of My Commands - in the moment she was tempted, she chose of her own free will: to believe, that ‘sinning against her Creator’, would make her ‘wise’ - for then she would know, good, and evil. But, knowing ‘good and evil’ has a price with it. As life is not ‘so simple’ any more – for one must discern: ‘the path to take’ – in each moment. For woman, this is very difficult, because ‘the battle wages’ inside her: the desire, to do good; versus the desire, to sin.  For the man, in short, My children, it would have been better, if, he was alone in the Garden.  However, because I can see: how History, will unfold; and that good, would be ‘brought out’ – of their sinful choices; the man’s choice, to listen to his wife, above Me; even though, this was happening, ‘on a smaller scale’, I could ‘bring about’: much good, with their free-will choices. Even though there is ‘much suffering’ in the World as a result of those choices, there is ‘a possibility of redemption’– for all mankind, if they want to be free from their sins.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, October 2, 2012)

 Perhaps when Jesus said that Eve preferred the enemy's counsel, He was only referring to only ONE woman...

Women also love to take "snake baths", as this famous poster, that was seen all around the world, even in public shopping malls,
so brazenly illustrated - as the women in the shopping malls, simply walked past it, taking notes.

There WERE NO PROTESTS from "the false feminist camp" about this image.  Do you know WHY? 
Because that is "where they set the bar".  "That is what is MOST COMFORTABLE" for them" - the image deliberately conveys.


“There is a strong ‘tendency’ or ‘inclination’, within all women: to ‘abandon’ their husbands, when ‘times get tough’ - when it appears their husbands are ‘afflicted by much’ - when it ‘appears’ that I have turned ‘against them’, and it seems as though ‘a curse has fallen’.  There is ‘a strong tendency’ – in all women: to believe in ‘curses’ above ‘life’. For example: look at what happened, to Job’s wife when he was ‘afflicted’, and lost their sons, and daughters, and all that he owned: she became ‘a wreck’, and ‘grew insane’ after a time – because she put her faith in all those possessions and even her own ‘bloodline’ – above her faith, in Me... In Zipporah’s case: she fulfilled her role, in Moses’ life at that time; and I knew, the choice that she would make – to take their child and leave. But Moses was fulfilled – with My word, so he did not ‘need’, her support, any longer. I was also giving Moses an ‘example’, of how ‘hearts could change so quickly’. I just finished telling him that I would “harden Pharaoh’s heart”; and then when his wife’s heart was ‘hardened against him’, he knew My words to be true. For I am blameless in ‘all that I do’. ”
(-Jesus, Friday, October 19, 2012)


“My ‘Motherly Heart’, yearns, for more children. Mothers, do not kill your babies!  Do you not know, that ‘the Wrath of God’, rests upon you. Do you think that you will be able, to escape: His Just Punishment – for your souls?  Do you think, that you can ‘get away with’: murdering the child within your womb?  Because ‘he doesn’t forget’. And surely, ‘they are carved on the palm of His Hand’.  And His Hand, holds: ‘a Gavel’; and punishment is coming upon all of you ‘wicked women’, if you do not ‘repent in your hearts’ – before Him.”  
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, November 26, 2012)


“First, man was Created.  And then, woman.  And woman came, from man – that she, would seek, to be ‘perfected’ – through ‘honoring her husband, and Christ’s Headship’ moving through Him.  You ‘wicked souls’ have ‘disordered yourselves’. And ‘the Wrath of God rests upon you’ unless you repent.” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, November 26, 2012) 


“It was because of Martha’s sins that I was ‘taken’ – because of the ‘wickedness’ in her own ‘interior life’ at the time.  And it was for Martha’s sake that I was ‘risen’.  For she did not believe, as strongly, as Mary did.  And she had many ‘demons’ she was battling, in her ‘interior life’; and Martha was ‘sore’, at the Lord Jesus Christ – for my death!... I am learning of His merciful Love, for His children, for the Elect; but also His severe Justice upon ‘wickedness’.  For Martha, it was ‘a very hard lesson’.”
(-Lazarus, Thursday, November 29, 2012)  


“We are those, who cry out to the Lord for Justice.  It is not ‘women who need justice’ – for themselves; but we are the ones who have been ‘poorly mistreated’ by our own “mothers”.  For in, ‘all of our sufferings’, she was the one who was ‘primarily responsible’.  Our blood, is on “our parents’ hands” – unless they repent.  For we do not hold, this sin against them, as long as they are ‘remorseful’.”
(-The suffering Souls, the unborn, Tuesday, December 4, 2012)


“Life, is not, a choice!  It is ‘a gift’.  You “mothers”, and you “fathers”: have been ‘taking the place’ of the Most High True God.  And you have been the ones deciding: whether or not we live, or die. But we wanted, to live!  And to share our lives with you!  And show you much love from our hearts!  Now we are ‘forever separated’, and you cannot know us as your sons, and your daughters.  Do not listen to the lies, that “we will be reunited again”!  This can never happen!  So serious is the act of abortion!!  You were ‘our murderers’, and you ‘collaborated’, with the doctors, and nurses – to kill us!  Now how are we to respond to you now?  You don’t know us!  And you chose ‘not to know us’ – so that we are left, with only ‘praying: the Most High True God’s Justice’ – upon you!  Such afflictions, have ‘come upon you’ – after, we were aborted!  But you cannot hide – your guilt!  Now is the time to repent of murder!! – so you are not ‘included’, in the Most High True God’s Acts of Justice – on this Earth.  We are ‘not’ “your children”!! And we did not ‘become angels’!  And we are ‘forever trapped’ in our ‘state of being’. Never can we enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Never can we see the Saints.  The only consolation that we have, is the Lord Jesus Christ’s Love, for our souls!  But His Love is enough – for He ‘sustains us’.” 
(-The suffering Souls, the unborn, Tuesday, December 4, 2012)  


“Do not listen to people, who ‘call themselves’ “pro-choice”.  For we are ‘the result’ of ‘that movement’.  These, people want ‘the right to murder without consequence’.  But if ‘consequences’ do not come in this life (without repentance), then they will come ‘in the next’.  “Planned parenthood”, we know of.  They are responsible, for putting ‘many of us’ here.  They are ‘an evil organization’ – who want to sacrifice: our souls – for ‘more power’.  They ‘pretend’ to console our “mothers”, that they are making a choice that is “best” – for the both of us!  They lie, they cheat, and they steal.  And we are ‘crying-out for Justice upon them’ as well!” 
(-The suffering Souls, the unborn, Tuesday, December 4, 2012)  


“We souls, are innocent, in ‘every way’!  And just as the Lord Jesus Christ, was ‘innocent’, of ‘all sin’ – and He was Crucified! – and died ‘an excruciatingly painful, death’! - we die, the same way, every day!  They suck, our brains out, with ‘a vacuum’. They put ‘a tool’, in our heads, and scramble, our ‘insides’; they ‘rip us apart’ – limb by limb, and we can feel everything –ten times more, ten times more sensitive!!! – than if we had been ‘cut from’, the umbilical cord.  Our “mothers” ‘know of our suffering’ but they don’t care!   They become ‘of one mind’ with the doctors, as we are ‘slaughtered’.  It is ‘uncomfortable’ to hear, about the way we are tortured; but it is more uncomfortable to experience it! - the way that we did!  And as we said before, more are added to us, every day.”
(-The suffering Souls, the unborn, Thursday, December 6, 2012)


“The RU486 pill, is just as evil, because our “mothers”, are pregnant with us!  And we are ‘conceived, in her womb’.  And she ‘slips, this pill inside her’, and never knows, if we were there, or not!  She doesn’t even need to know, if she was pregnant with us!  We feel our “mothers’” hearts, then, ‘a cold wind’! - ‘blows over us’, and we are rejected.  And the life, that had just been conceived, is ‘snuffed out’.  And then we are in the dark.  And then we find ourselves, in, ‘this place’.” 
(-The suffering Souls, the unborn, Thursday, December 6, 2012) 


“Contraceptives, are ‘just as bad’ – for they don’t even want ‘the possibility’ of conceiving us!  They hate us! – without cause!  We are ‘an inconvenience’ – in their eyes, and ‘as such’ we ‘must be disposed of’!   And then ‘life goes on’, for our “Mothers”, ‘without us’.” 
(-The suffering Souls, the unborn, Thursday, December 6, 2012) 


“But she feels ‘the pain’ and ‘the absence’.  Abortion is ‘long-lasting’, and ‘the effects’, do not ‘go, away’!  Because the Lord Jesus Christ, has ‘allowed us to know’, what our “mothers” and “fathers” ‘experience’, once we are ‘gone’. First they go through ‘denial’, then their hearts are ‘eaten at’ – day, by day.  They become, devoured by ‘post-partum depression’.  And the depression never ends!  So they go to their doctor again – for drugs, for some ‘anti-depressants’, and some ‘pamphlets’, on ‘how to deal with their “guilty conscience”’!  But the pills do not help, because ‘our “mothers’” hearts’ are convicted – she knows the truth.  She has ‘killed’… Our “mothers”, can not ‘escape the guilt’!  And then, ‘sickness sets in’.  Followed by vomiting!  They never, ‘tell them’, what, the effects, will be – after, they kill us!  And these are only ‘physical effects’.  Our “mothers” can not enter the Kingdom of Heaven – until they reconcile, with their Creator.  And we, do not have ‘any remorse’ for them!  For we, are, ‘completely disconnected’ from their souls! We do not have ‘a longing’, to be with them! - as they murdered us!!  If they repent, then they can work on their own relationship, with ‘the Creator’.”
(-The suffering Souls, the unborn, Thursday, December 6, 2012)


“The Warnings have been given – from Heaven, for souls to repent… Most of them won’t.  And they will be sealed… Only the Lord Jesus Christ – through his ‘True Vicar’ here on Earth, can ‘Release them’.  For God the Eternal Father in Heaven, will once again, put everything, in subjection – to His Son.  And His Son, receiving everything – that is His, from God the Eternal Father in Heaven, will subject everything, to His Vicar, here, on Earth – that ‘all would know the Truth’ – that Heaven, is a Monarchy; not ‘a democracy’!” 
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Sunday, December 9, 2012)


“I was given, visions – of four ‘beasts’… The second beast I saw - was like ‘a bear’, and in its mouth, were three ribs!  And it was made to stand ‘on one side’… But what does it all mean?  It was ‘later revealed’, in this time, to the both of you – the Lord’s Two Witnesses.  And now, it is to be revealed, to the World!... The second beast, the bear, represents ‘the freemasonic agenda’, working, within ‘all the major religions, of the World’ – to form ‘a One World Religion’!  The ribs, in his mouth, represent, ‘the female race’ – for, “the woman was taken from Adam’s rib”.  The freemasons, seek ‘to use’ women, to bring all religions, under One ‘World Religion’; and to use, ‘their Jezebellian tendencies’, against God.  For the freemasons know: it was Eve, who listened to ‘the serpent’ – directly!  And so therefore, they would move women into ‘the Lord’s Sanctuary’ – where they could be counseled, by ‘the enemy’; as the Lord will not ‘come to them’, there.  It was ‘made to stand on one side’ – means, that the freemasons want to foster, ‘anti-male headship’ in the women – they ‘use’; so they go against ‘the Command of the Lord’ [(1 Timothy 2:12-13)] – that is: to keep silent, as they are not to have ‘any authority’, or ‘to teach’ other men.  Because,‘the woman, was ‘deceived’, and became ‘a transgressor’– even though Adam was formed first!” 
(-Daniel, Monday, December 17, 2012)

Note: So, just how bad IS it?  We received an email, on July 19, 2015, from a young Jezebellian woman, who has managed to deceive herself, into believing that she is quite comfortable, as she lives outside the Faithful Remnant.  When we both turned to Jesus, for some Divine Counsel from Heaven, these are the words, He wanted us to pass on to her.  We knew when we heard them, that these words are actually for ALL women, who contact us. 

Jesus said: And so the question is, "Are YOU an authentic seeking believer?"  Or, are you looking to give My Two Witnesses, "a list of problems".  Are you FOCUSSED on your own PROBLEMS?  Or on 'desiring the SOLUTIONS?''  Are you willing to receive COUNSEL?  Or are you wanting to do it "your OWN way?"  Do you WANT to be "overwhelmed" by EVERYTHING I am asking, OF you?  Or do you want to be GUIDED, by My True Holy Spirit?  It IS, much HARDER, for "a WOMAN", to be PART, of My REMNANT.  Because so many "feelings" SURFACE.  And WOMEN, in this 'day and age', tend to be 'GOVERNED, by their emotions'.  Are YOU "up to the CHALLENGE?"  Do you want to BE, like, your Spiritual Mother, in HEAVEN?  Because if you DO, She WILL 'HELP you' - to overcome.  SHE, submitted, to 'male HEADSHIP'. And so YOU must submit 'your expectations', to My Headship - in order to overcome, 'the feminist mind'. 


(This is the Environmentally Friendly, energy saving way, to address some of the questions, the men are asking,
after they see, WHAT HAS TRULY BECOME, of their "HOPE", of ever having a TRUE, helpmate...)
Jesus said (to the single men, in the Faithful Remnant): Refer back, to the FIRST Counsel, you were GIVEN.  And KNOW, that you are NOT alone.  You have 'FRIENDS', and family, in the Faithful Remnant Church.  I have FORGIVEN you, OF your past, SINS.  I do not even LOOK upon them, any more.  So do not DWELL, on them yourself!  Women, right now, are in 'the WORST, SPIRITUAL, STATE, EVER'!  It is best, to look, at, 'the state of women', page - on My Website.  And UNDERSTAND, that your 'yearning', to BE, with 'another' - your 'yearning', to have 'a SOULmate', is 'HEALTHY' - it is GOOD! - that you desire, to SHARE, your LIFE, with 'another'.  BUT!  YOU, do not NEED, to 'CAST', your PEARLS, before 'SWINE'; nor, before those, who like to wear, "SNAKESKIN".  RIGHT now, ALL women, outside the Faithful Remnant Church, are 'SPIRITUALLY toxic'.  Best, to desire, 'closeness', with your True, MOTHER - in Heaven; your True SPIRITUAL Mother - the Blessed Virgin MARY.  Because SHE is 'the only WOMAN' in your life NOW - that is 'worth her WEIGHT in GOLD'.  And SHE will HELP you, to overcome, 'sexual impurity', and 'the lusts of the flesh'.  CONSECRATE, YOUR purity, to 'the IMMACULATE Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary'.  YOU need 'Graces - FLOWING from Heaven', to get, through these Times.  And you are 'encouraged', to make MORE videos, about how, your life CONTINUES, to Change, and become BETTER - the MORE, you LISTEN, and FOLLOW, 'TRUE Guidance and Instruction, from Heaven'.

PPTL: And use the deliverance prayer whenever you realize that you have sinned, and reject your desire to _________ (name of sin), and ask for the corresponding Grace (Holy Purity in your interior life, and Holy Custody of the Eyes).  The answer was already there, in front of you; you just needed to use it.  Also reject 'the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah' and 'the spirit of sensuality', as these are the spirits that EVERYONE on the planet are being afflicted with - as the whole world, has now become, 1000 times worse than the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were, at the time of their destruction.  The fact is, that the women of today (who are outside the Faithful Remnant), love the mud, and they love their snakeskin.  DO NOT desire them, unless you want "a flood of spiritual gangrene", flowing, into your Soul.  And know that your Creator, can "work with that" - if you decide you want to be like them; if you desire you want to "be one", with them.  Because there is NO room, in the Faithful Remnant, for those who would desire, such wickedness.  it is TRULY better to pray! 

And now, for one of THE MOST UNCOMFORTABLE Truths on this page (- uncomfortable for the women, that is).  Jesus Christ the Lord has revealed to His Two Witnesses, that the Members of the Faithful Remnant - the MEN (- who are single, because the "helpmate" God MADE for them, chose instead to be a hard hearted Jezebellian - the men they abandoned), WILL INDEED FIND, "a helpmate", in the Era of Peace, if they desire one.  The Most High True God will 'raise up a helpmate from the DUST!' - if necessary, to walk with each single man of the Faithful Remnant, if he so DESIRES one - A GOD FEARING MALE HEADSHIP RESPECTING WOMAN!  (You should read those last words in uppercase a bit louder than the rest of the sentence, just to get a really cool effect).  We have discussed this topic with Jesus many times.  Because it is written in the Scriptures...
"... the Lord God said, 'It is NOT good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him."
(Genesis 2:18)
And so, if it is NOT good that the man should be alone, and the Roman Catholic Church, up to the time of the Ordination of Pope Peter the Last, was "the True Church", then WHY, would God NOT allow the priests to be married?  Jesus explained to us, that it was because there came a time in human history, when the women were SO wicked, that they would simply demand ALL the man's time - and that is EXACTLY what they were doing with the priests who were married.  In their WICKEDNESS, the priests' wives were demanding ALL of their time, so that the priests would have NO TIME left, for ministering to their flocks.  And so there came a time in human history, when The Most High True God instructed the Church [in the year 325 AD, the Council of Nicea decreed...] that a priest could NOT marry after he was ordained.  And later in human history, as the state of women grew even worse, ALL priests were required to make the sacrifice of celibacy for the sake of GUARDING THEIR FLOCKS FROM THE WICKEDNESS OF WOMEN, MOVING THROUGH THEIR WIVES!!!  But wait, it gets even better - for BOTH the God-fearing MEN and WOMEN that is.  Do you remember what Saint Paul wrote...
"To the unmarried... I say that it is well for them to remain single as I do."
(1 Corinthians 7:8)
And so, the obvious question that the single Members of the Faithful Remnant should be asking, is, "Would it be better for me, if I were to remain single, in the Era of Peace?"  Now before anyone writes me and asks me that question, I will answer it FOR you.  The women in the Era of Peace, will ALL fear God, and they will ALL respect The Most High TRUE God's Headship over man, and man's headship over women.  They simply will not be able to exist there for very long, if they don't - and ALL OF HEAVEN is well aware of this ETERNAL TRUTH.  And because the women WILL respect man's headship OVER them, the Scripture passage above from Saint Paul (Corinthians), will no longer apply; the one from the Book of Genesis, WILL.  In other words, men and women in the Era of Peace, will all want to be married, in order to be "Perfectly Fulfilled".  They will ALSO want to listen to the inspirations of the True Holy Spirit in each and every moment, and be exceedingly DOCILE to those inspirations, in order to be "Perfectly Fulfilled".  There are MANY things, the Members of the Faithful Remnant will want, and do, in the ERA of PEACE, as they always strive to be "Perfectly Fulfilled" - but being around WICKED women! - is NOT on that list - for the men, OR the women, of the True Faithful Remnant of the Most High True God.  And just for the Record - the WICKED women - the "Jezzies" of these End Times, are the ones who no longer, have Souls.

Are you FOCUSING on desiring "a helpmate" NOW? 

Matthew is a Member of the Faithful Remnant
 And if he looks "very RELIEVED", to know the TRUTH
about "the state of women" in THESE End Times,
that is because he IS applying these Truths to his life
and is Truly THRIVING as a result
Have YOU chosen to thrive? 

Jesus said - to BOTH the men AND the women of the Faithful Remnant:  Be FIRM in your resolve, NOT to associate, with “Jezebel”.  FOR indeed, she ONLY wants! – to CRUSH you.  Because you are ANOINTED, with My SPIRIT; Understand?  NO Love, can FLOW, through a WOMAN, IN, 'the beast STATE'; ONLY deception.  They can ONLY, seek their ‘best INTERESTS’. They are ONLY, taking ORDERS, from their FATHER – down, below.  So do NOT ‘feel GUILTY’, for ending ‘EVERY, friendship’! – WITH them.  Because “THAT ship”, will MAKE you SINK! – FAST and HARD.  
(August 23, 2015)

Special tip for both the men and women:  If you WANT to overcome 'the spirit of JEZEBEL' - then OFFER up a DECADE of the ROSARY to the Blessed Virgin MARY - under the title, "CONQUEROR of the JEZEBEL spirit".  You can DO this!   The Blessed Virgin Mary is simply "waiting, to help heel you".

A Special note:  LIFE, on the Ark, is SO MUCH better! - than what, WOMEN, OUTSIDE the Ark - have to offer.  You NEED to UNDERSTAND, that 'the MAJORITY, of women' - are "opportunists" - DESIRING, to crush! - men!  Am I AGAINST, "WOMEN"?  No.  BUT! - I DO know, "HOW they operate" - and I DO know - through "infused KNOWLEDGE", that THEY, are most CERTAINLY! - "INTERESTED, in... the MATERIAL FRUITS - that you were pursuing".  Women, HAVE, 'ways' - it is EVEN called, "the WILES of women" - IN the Breastplate, of Saint Patrick - even HE! - needed, to pray - for PROTECTION! - from, "the WICKED women".  CLING, to your CREATOR! - at THIS time - and for ETERNITY! - and, He WILL! - 'FULFILL YOU'! - in the End.  You can ONLY be fulfilled, IN Him.  No "WOMAN - APART, from the Most High TRUE God" - CAN, "fulfill you"; they are ALL! - "apart - LIVING, DEVOID of the True Holy SPIRIT", and ONLY, can DESIRE, to DESTROY! (November 12, 2016 update)

Even after reading this page, do you still desire a HELPMATE?
No WOMEN, outside the Faithful REMNANT, are "prospective HELPMATES". And EVEN the ones INSIDE the Faithful Remnant, are called to work on their PURIFICATION; NOT on, 'a RELATIONSHIP'.  THEREFORE, it is IMPORTANT, that YOU, give Jesus your DESIRE, for a HELPMATE, and ASK for the Grace, INSTEAD, to 'HELP, JESUS Christ the LORD, build UP, the Faithful REMNANT' - with His TESTIMONY, by making Testimony VIDEOS!  (March 30, 2017 update)

Should the single men and women in the Faithful Remnant be looking to "the other singles" in the Faithful Remnant for their future helpmate?  No you are not called to marry, ANYONE, in the Faithful Remnant.  And, EVERYONE in the Faithful Remnant, is called to work on 'their PURIFICATION' - a RELATIONSHIP with the Most High TRUE God. Because "a COUPLE relationship", will ONLY distract, during these times. The reason I am married is BECAUSE of 'the tremendous task in FRONT of me' [- PPTL] - to LEAD, the Most High TRUE God's REMNANT, to the FULLNESS of the Era of Peace.  (April 3, 2017 update)

Have you been thinking about "your future HELPMATE"? 
YOU are called to be "SINGLE" at this time - in your spiritual JOURNEY.  You NEED to decide, "WHAT is important to you?" - LIVING for the Most High True God? - or, "FAILING the tests He sends - CONSISTENTLY - and SABOTAGING, every GIFT He has GIVEN to you?"  Understand?(May 16, 2017 update)

The MORE you THINK, about "a FUTURE HELPMATE" - when you have, the TRUE Holy SPIRIT, to HELP you, every day - the HARDER, and HEAVIER, your CROSS, will become.  And there is NOTHING we can do, to lighten it! - because of your STUBBORNNESS. (May 19, 2017 update)

When "SURROUNDED! - by SERPENTS in SPANDEX" - what do you DO?

The BEST thing you can do, when you are SURROUNDED by "jezzies" - in your 'VISUALS' - is to avert your EYES; do NOT even LOOK at them! - because THAT'S "what they want", as they 'FEED!' - off, of MEN'S, "passions".  And SO, the MORE you RESIST, 'LOOKING at them' - and simply COMMENDING them, to, 'the HEEL of the Blessed Virgin MARY' - the LESS you will be DRAWN, to "the SERPENTS! - in spandex".  Stay close to, the BLESSED Virgin Mary.  AND, do NOT, give IN, to 'the LUSTS of the flesh'.  (May 19, 2017 update)

What do the women of these End Times REALLY think about "male headship"? 

It's just a question.  But you may wish to ponder the SPIRITUAL and PHYSICAL realities, as you reflect on this video about the mating habits of the European Mantis:

Best to skip ahead to 1:07 in the video, to find the answer
Hint: if you think, "women can't stomach male headship in these End Times" - you're wrong! 

Robert is a Member of the Faithful Remnant

And on another topic, "What is a good prayer for the women outside the Faithful Remnant in these End Times?"  Once they use the Blessed Holy Water, they would do well to use the link to the deliverance prayer above, and "Reject your desire to create problems, and ask for the Grace to desire to solve the ones you already have" - for they are TRULY, MANY!  After all, you DO "need a break today!" 
Here is a special universal message, that applies to all the women in the Faithful Remnant.
Jesus said: My CHILD, YOU are "STILL, My child" - EVEN THOUGH, you have 'MANY AFFLICTIONS', and MUCH BAGGAGE, FROM your former LIFE - YOU, are STILL, 'STRIVING, to OVERCOME', "the old YOU".  And THIS, is what SETS you, 'APART, from the WORLD' - because you ARE fighting! - "the GOOD fight"; you DO, 'desire, SALVATION, FOR your Soul'.  THAT, is WHY - YOU, are STILL a MEMBER, of My FAITHFUL, REMNANT, CHURCH.  It is not "EASY"... NOW, YOU must learn, to be 'FILLED, with My True Holy SPIRIT'.  You must 'LEARN', to converse with ME - through PRAYER; through "DISCIPLINING, your THOUGHTS"; through "SPIRITUAL FOCUS".  The DEMONS! - HAVE, 'spoken TO you', many TIMES, and TOLD YOU: LIES, UPON lies - ABOUT yourself.  And NOW - YOU MUST give Me, 'ALL of those words' - and TRADE them! - for the TRUTH - for 'who you really ARE - IN, MY Eyes'.  I can SEE, 'BENEATH, the MUCK'.  You ARE, "a DIAMOND" - as ALL, My FAITHFUL, REMNANT, FOLLOWERS, ARE!  BUT! - it is GOING to take 'TIME', for YOU, to be "POLISHED", and to be MADE: "APPROPRIATELY, RE-MADE", IN, the IMAGE, and LIKENESS, of GOD the ALMIGHTY and ETERNAL FATHER, in HEAVEN!  BECAUSE, YOU are CALLED, to BE, 'HIS child' - as well - "a CHILD of the Truth" - desiring COMPLETE UNITY, with 'HIS, Divine Will, and PLAN' - JUST as I, am "PERFECTLY UNITED, to HIS, Divine Will, and PLAN"; and YOU, are CALLED, to BE, "My True FOLLOWER".  So - TURN, TO, your BLESSED! - Mother, and SHE will HELP you, to BECOME, "the WOMAN, that YOU were MADE, to be".  PERSEVERE. Do NOT "give up".  RESOLVE! - to GROW STRONGER, EVERY day; and I will HELP you! (-Jesus, July 18, 2016)

So just how BAD is it?

(Perhaps a little "feminist Bible Study time" will help to answer that question...)
“Better is the wickedness of a man than a woman who does good; and it is a woman who brings shame and disgrace.”
(Sirach 42:14)

Can you believe, that we were so busy keeping up with all the accomplishments of women, over the years, that we actually forgot "Feminist Bible Study Time"?  Who better to lead the Bible study than...

The Blessed Virgin Mary Revealed to the Two Witnesses, the TRUE meaning of the above scripture passage.  And what it means is this: Women have a tendency to turn to their OWN standards, apart from their Creator, whenever they seek to determine what is "good".  And when a man - who tends to turn to the Most High TRUE God's Standards - fraternally corrects the woman - she sees his fraternal correction - even the mere suggestion of it, as a manifestation, of "HIS wickedness" - in order to falsely justify HERSELF, as "good".  She does this, because women tend to despise: 'being told that they need to change ANYTHING, about themselves'.

This above quote recorded in Sirach was actually given for THIS time in human history, when a WOMAN, would actually describe to the right to murder the innocent child in her womb, as "GOOD". And of course, that is an EXTREME understatement - because it is common knowledge that in these End Times, women actually parade around in the streets, as they celebrate their right to murder their own innocent children in their wombs.

And so, to help the reader better understand the Scripture passage: "Better is the man who tells a woman NOT to abort her child, than the woman who sees her right to abortion, and her right to actually follow through with that act, as a good". 

And for "the grand finale" [- mindful that many women seek to justify "their right to abortion", by claiming that it is a just response to rape -]  we will let the READER, reflect on the above Scripture passage, as you seek "the TRUE answer", to the following, simple, "entry-level", moral ethics question:  Which of the two following psychopathic acts, is worse: A) The act of rape; or B) The act of a woman murdering "her OWN defenseless CHILD!" - in her womb? And "murder by proxy" - through the hiring of psychopathic mercenary "medical professionals", is still, "murder!", by the way!  Take your time.  Here, perhaps this will help...


And in the above hellish logo, you can rest assured, that the cross (- a symbol of Christ that is deliberately turned upside down), is not being presented as a salute of approval to the Last True Pope of this Era (- and as a reminder that Pope Peter the First was crucified upside down); but rather, it is a deliberate part of their logo, as a symbol of the devil - the same symbol that is proudly displayed, wherever the illuminati celebrate their "black masses".  And this is simply because, the false feminists of these times, are in the habit of proudly sacrificing their CHILDREN, to the devil - through abortion, and through sacrificing their minds to the television, daily. The fact that the Women's Day celebrations are being organized by a group of O-ccult-flaunting feminists, has been carefully hidden, and now, is all summed up in a simple modern symbol.  And notice, that the COUNTER-clockwise direction of the above occult circles, is in fact a reflection of how the jezebellian feminists, seek to undo EVERY good THING! - that their Creator has done in their lives.  For example:  Purity?  Undone!  Docility to man's headship in their lives?  Undone!  Protecting the Gift of Life at all costs?  Undone!  True humility?  Undone!  A kind and generous HEART?  Undone!  The list goes on - as THEY march on...  MARCH?  Yes, in fact that is the first month of the earliest Roman calendar - it was named after Mars, the planet that represents the Roman god of war.  And of course, "International Woman's Day", is celebrated in the month of March - because that celebration is known for its "marches, of protest", against all male authority - including all, True, Divine, Authority.  Because EVERYONE, is ULTIMATELY, going to stand for SOMETHING!  And pride still DOES come before the fall.  And WHAT a fall it will be, for ALL the false feminists out there - AS the ones who have gone BEFORE them, to the AFTERLIFE, have discovered, first hand.  Isn't it interesting, how all the false feminists love to get in line.  NEXT! 
"See that you do not refuse him who is speaking. For if they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, much less shall we escape if we reject him who warns from heaven. His voice then shook the earth; but now he has promised, “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heaven.” This phrase, “Yet once more,” indicates the removal of what is shaken, as of what has been made, in order that what cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire." 
(Hebrews 12:25-29)  
Interesting historical note: The Testimony of the Two Witnesses - this website - was launched in 2012 - exactly one year after the 100th anniversary celebration of international women's day, on March 8, 2011 - a "celebration", that happened exactly 3 days before the 3/11 Fukushima disaster and nuclear meltdown - the E.L.E. that continues to strike Japan, and spews lethal radiation around the entire globe.  And on ANOTHER note... Interesting final choice of logos - don't you think!   But to help the reader better discern, the above symbolism, here are some essential puzzle pieces:  The darkest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, is December 21 - 3 days, before the celebration of Christmas begins on Christmas Eve.  The darkest day in the human life of Jesus Christ the Lord, was "Good Friday" - 3 days before Easter Sunday.  It truly is something worth pondering.  And yes, a person COULD easily write a book's worth of content, as they unpacked all the implications - especially as they factored in 'the Garden of Eden story'.  WE however, suggest that you read the Testimony, and get your SOUL back, instead.  Allow 'the OTHERS', to spiral downwards, with the false feminist bowel movement - as in, "moving closer to 'the bowels of Hell' the Eternal Lake of Fire each and every day".  "Hasta la vista..." (March 9, 2017 update)

And WHILE we are on the topic of "the JEZEBELLIAN movements towards the bowels of HELL"...?... [- remember folks, the spiritual and physical realities ARE in fact intertwined, MUCH more than you EVER imagined...]  "Indigestion" you say?  When a woman of the Faithful Remnant has a grumbling stomach…

PPTL: As for the GRUMBLING, in your STOMACH – THAT is actually CAUSED, by ‘the spirit of JEZEBEL’ – and so when you HEAR that sound, you NEED to grab the BLESSED Holy Water, and use the Blessed Holy Water DELIVERANCE Prayer; and ALSO Bless your STOMACH – and ask the Most High TRUE God, to ‘ROOT out that VILE SPIRIT’, from your Soul.  You may NEED to go to the washroom – after; BUT that is simply ‘part of the PURGING process’.  Hope that helps. (-an excerpt from the June 17, 2016 update)

Yes, with the Testimony, there Truly IS "hope" - for the women in the Faithful Remnant

Suzy is a Member of the Faithful Remnant

What is the secret to overcoming the spirit of Jezebel?
The BIGGEST problem that you [women] have, is that you BELIEVE, that "you are FINE! - the way you ARE!", and that "you're OK".  Because, the Most High TRUE God is "a God of LOVE!" - and He will overlook ALL of your sins! - and WICKED thoughts... YOU need, to be HONEST with yourself - that you are "VERY sick SPIRITUALLY" - and that you NEED His HELP, to OVERCOME, 'the spirit of jezebel'.  Because, you, are EMBRACING 'her', in your HEART - and THAT is, 'CHOKING out! - the words of your Creator, in your Soul'.  WHAT are you telling, the Most High TRUE God, about your relationship with Him?  THIS is not, "the BARNEY jesus" - or "the INSTITUTIONAL JESUS", or 'the PROTESTANT jesus"; this IS! - JESUS Christ the LORD, as He TRULY is REPRESENTED in His TESTIMONY - and He ONLY "seems harsh" - to THOSE, who STUBBORNLY refuse to CHANGE!  He IS! - "HARSH!" - on, the DEMONS!   He LOVES, the sinner; but ABSOLUTELY despises "the sin".  BUT! - if you "LOVE SIN!" - then you DON'T "Love", the Most High True God.  And we can SEE... that you love SIN! - and you're "FILLED with it!" - and "QUITE UNHAPPY", BECAUSE of it!  'The spirit of jezebel' - it is "a VERY, SNEAKY spirit"; and it is BEST "NOT to focus, ON it" - LEST you become "OBSESSED", by it; and it OVERTAKE you.  BETTER! - to FOCUS, SIMPLY on 'TURNING to JESUS' - to be 'your STRENGTH', in OVERCOMING your WEAKNESSES, as "a woman".  It is MUCH better, to LIFT up to Jesus Christ the LORD, ALL 'the seeds', that the ENEMY planted, IN you, THROUGH "the feminist AGENDA", and, TRADE it ALL! - trade "ALL that POISON!" - for the TRUTH - and for 'the SEEDS of Truth', that COME from 'the TRUE Holy Spirit', to be PLANTED IN you, instead.  ASK the Most High TRUE God, to WATER those seeds, OF Truth - with 'HIS True Holy Spirit' - OUTPOURING GRACES, upon your SOUL.  And KNOW that, your CREATOR, LOVES you - as He loves EACH Member of the Faithful REMNANT - by LOVING their SOULS!  The secret to overcoming JEZEBEL - is 'by DESIRING to be FILLED, with the DIVINE LOVE, of the CREATOR, of the UNIVERSE' - and by "LOVING Him!" - FIRST and foremost.  EVERYTHING ELSE, will balance OUT in the end - as you will have your PRIORITIES straightened. (March 21, 2017 update)

Do you struggle with male authority?
'The spirit of JEZEBEL' - THAT is 'the demon, that is against, male headship'.  THEREFORE, YOU must choose, EVERY day, "WHO is the Head of your BODY, and SOUL?"  Jesus Christ the LORD? - OR, 'the INDIFFERENT ATTITUDE, of "JEZEBEL"?'  Because JEZEBEL BELIEVES, that SHE! - is to be served!  And "the uncomfortable TRUTH" is - that 'the SPIRIT of JEZEBEL - has "turned ON you" - to DESTROY! - EVERY ASPECT, of your LIFE.  And OUT of the Most High True God's MERCY - He DREW you to His Testimony - to HELP you! - to OVERCOME, "the BURDENS of this life" - and your SINS!  BUT! - He DOESN'T "FORCE you", to DO "what is NECESSARY", in ORDER, to be HEALED.  That is "ENTIRELY up to you".  WHAT "a LOVING, FATHER!" - the Faithful Remnant have!  PRAISE BE, to GOD the ALMIGHTY and ETERNAL FATHER in HEAVEN, both NOW and Forever!  Amen. (April 1, 2017 update)

For the women: Are you having difficulty with that addiction to "your WICKED twin sister, Jezebel"? - the one who "just REBELS".

What you NEED to do - isREJECT, your DESIRE, to be "ADDICTED, to POISON" - and ask for the GRACE, to YOKE yourself, to all of HEAVEN! - instead.  And ASK the Most High TRUE God to 'FILL, the VOID', with 'HIS Divine Love'.  And ask the Most High TRUE God to HEAL, your HEART - with 'HIS Divine Love' - flowing, from 'HIS Throne in Heaven', TO you.  The SPIRIT of JEZEBEL - IS of course, 'TURNING, on, the WOMEN in the REMNANT' in as MUCH as they are CONSENTING!  Because WE, are PRAYING, quite OFTEN, for "the END of Jezebel's Kingdom", and "the End of her reign".  And As we are "NOT fortune tellers" - PLEASE, share WITH us, 'some of the SPECIFIC struggles', that you are HAVING... so that we can HELP you, OVERCOME them...  Make Jesus Christ the LORD your PRIORITY, of EVERY day.  YOU'RE, MADE, to serve HIM!... Remember, that women are "the WEAKER, GENDER".  And so the ENEMY, is going to USE, as MANY "WEAKNESSES", in YOU... as YOU allow.  YOU! - need to turn to Jesus Christ the Lord for Strength, to OVERCOME, "your jezebellian TENDENCIES".  WHY "jezebellian"? Because JEZEBEL rebels; and JEZEBEL is "SYNONYMOUS with rebellion" - therefore, WE call it, "JEZEBELLIAN".  (April 05, 2017 update)

Just because each woman is "a work in progress", doesn't mean that they WILL... towards HEAVEN, that is! 

EVERYONE in the Faithful REMNANT, is "a work in PROGRESS".  As LONG, as YOU, have RESOLVED, to COOPERATE, with the GRACES - and you have resolved to CHANGE, for the BETTER - THEN, you WILL!   BUT, the spirit of JEZEBEL, is 100%! - AGAINST! - the VOICE, of the TRUE Prophets. And SO, if YOU EXPERIENCE, 'RESISTANCE in your SOUL', to what we SHARE with you - that IS, 'the spirit of Jezebel'.  And so YOU must decide, between LISTENING, to the Counsel of the TRUE Holy Spirit; OR, "the counsel of demons".  The DEMONS, will continue to feed, your INTERIOR life - as LONG as you leave 'an opening for them to DO so' - EVEN, as you NOURISH your Soul, with 'Food from the Testimony'. 

"The beast that ascends from the bottomless pit will make war upon them and conquer them and kill them."
(Revelations 11:7)
For the Married Women in the Faithful Remnant: Where does YOUR STRENGTH come from?

Sometimes, little ARGUMENTS will happen - when you are MARRIED - and THAT is because, of "SIN".  And THAT, is 'simplifying the matter'.  The PROBLEM, for "the MARRIED woman", in, the REMNANT - is that, WOMEN in GENERAL, HAVE 'a TENDENCY, to DESIRE, to, be seen as RIGHT' - in EVERY situation!  And they are "strong-WILLED", and "STUBBORN!"  But the PROBLEM, with THAT - is if, the WOMAN, is so "strong-HEADED", then WHERE, does 'her STRENGTH' come from?  Jesus Christ the LORD?  Or HERSELF!  Sometimes, there will be 'arguments' - AND 'a TEMPTATION to BICKER' - with your spouse.  And, THAT is when, you are CALLED, to LISTEN, and SEEK the TRUTH, with your entire BEING; and ASK! - your Creator - to HELP you, in 'WHAT you are to SHARE' - with your spouse.  If you are 'FOCUSED, on being RIGHT' - then, the TRUE Holy Spirit, is NOT going to GIVE you 'the SOLUTION'.  If you are 'FOCUSED, on making PEACE, and RESOLVING the situation - no matter who is to BLAME' - then the True Holy Spirit, will SHARE, 'the SOLUTION'.  "BICKERING and ARGUING", causes 'DIVISION' - and THAT is what, 'the DEVIL' wants, for the marriages, in the Faithful Remnant.  HE already has, 'ALL of the OTHER, marriages - OUT there' - PEOPLE, are "living together" - and they are CURSED!  Their MARRIAGES are 'NOT blessed' - AND, they are falling APART - BECAUSE, they, have not INCLUDED, the Most High TRUE God, in their RELATIONSHIP; BUT, the MARRIAGES, in the Faithful REMNANT, are "BLESSED, by the Most High True God".  And as LONG as, EACH, spouse, 'DESIRES', "a LIVING relationship with the Most High TRUE GOD" - and they are BOTH, "putting Him FIRST" - THEN, HE! - will HOLD them, 'together'; HE will uphold them, in TRUTH, Love, AND Sincerity.  BUT, KNOW that, the MOST High TRUE God - IS, "attentive" - TO, EVERYONE'S interior life! - and that HE, 'ADMINISTERS', His DISCIPLINE - "AS is NECESSARY" - DEPENDING, on 'the INTERIOR CHOICES' - of each SPOUSE; or in the case of "SINGLE people, within the Remnant" - He administers the SAME, "Discipline".  So, DO not put the Most High TRUE God "to the TEST" - by 'TESTING your SPOUSE'; OR by DOING things, 'KNOWINGLY' - that will, "get a RISE", out of your spouse. Because WHERE, is "the LOVE", in THAT!  In FACT, to KNOWINGLY, "MANIPULATE", your SPOUSE - IS "an act of hatred".  "DOUBTS", about, 'the MANIFESTATIONS, of the Most High TRUE God, IN your LIFE?'- He takes "VERY personally".  And SO - He HAS, "a PERSONAL, response", READY! - WHEN you 'choose that PATH'. YOU are "not a VICTIM", of your own INTERIOR life!  YOU choose! - AS does your spouse - in what YOU! - want, to FOCUS on.  BUT, if you LET, your INTERIOR LIFE "wander" - and, you do not, 'BRIDLE it', with the True Holy SPIRIT? - then, the Most High TRUE God, will - in a very LOVING way - GENTLY, but FIRMLY! - bring you BACK.  Because HE is "the Shepherd" - and, if YOU, 'desire', to be, "one of His SHEEP"? - then you will FOLLOW Him; and NOT "your INTERIOR whims!"  YOU decide EACH day - if you want to be "your OWN shepherd" - OR, if you want, Jesus Christ the LORD, to shepherd you 'CLOSER, to HIM' - and EVENTUALLY, to "the FULLNESS of the Era of Peace". (May 11, 2017 update)

Derrick is a Member of the Faithful Remnant
And he is an expert on "the State of Women" in these Times
Because he has studied this page on our website
And through his own experiences in his life

EACH Member of the FAITHFUL Remnant, WILL! - be transformed - OVER time - EITHER, by 'the WORDS, of the KING of Heaven; OR, by the words, of "the king, of the BOTTOMLESS pit!"  "Bottomless PIT"?... of LIES!  So WE, suggest, that YOU lift up to 'the Most High TRUE God', ALL the poison, that the DEVIL has 'sown, in your SOUL' - since FINDING the Testimony; and TRADE it all! - for the TRANSFORMING, SAVING Truths, from HEAVEN! - from Jesus Christ the LORD.  (April 11, 2017 update)
Encouraging words for the WOMEN in the Faithful Remnant

Well, even though you have "a WHOLE army, praying AGAINST you" - for you to ABANDON 'your VOCATION, as a REMNANT Member' - as LONG as you RESOLVE, in your HEART, to remain 'FAITHFUL', to the One who MADE you - no matter 'what you FEEL' - no matter, what TRIAL or ADVERSITY, you UNDERGO - then you WILL! - persevere.  And YES, you CAN, 'MAKE it!'  BUT! - you have 'some SPIRITUAL, baggage, from your former LIFE' - being FORMED, BY 'the spirit of JEZEBEL'.  The problem IS, that 'the SPIRIT of JEZEBEL' - seeks to SILENCE! - the prophets.  THEREFORE, if YOU, DESIRE, to TRULY BE, "a FRUITFUL, Member, of the Faithful REMANT" - YOU must resolve in your HEART, to silence HER! - SILENCE, the REBELLION; and, the bad INSPIRATIONS, against 'male HEADSHIP' that she OFFERS you. 

Because, JESUS Christ the LORD - is 'a MAN'!  The True Holy SPIRIT, came in the FORM of 'a MALE! - dove'.  And, the CREATOR, has REVEALED Himself, as, "God, the FATHER!"  Understand?  YES, what you LEARNED, from 'your FORMER life' - YOU are 'REALIZING', is NOT "compatible" - with 'being a REMNANT Member'. 

But for ALL women - of THESE Times - what it REALLY comes down to, IS:  Do YOU want to be FILLED, with HEAVENLY GRACES, and receive TRUE JOY, in your SOUL? - by BEING, 'the WOMAN, your CREATOR! - made you to be'?; OR, do YOU desire, to be "ADDICTED to satanic POWER" - ESPECIALLY, over MEN - through 'the ALLURING spirit' - that, ONLY! - 'satisfies the DEMONS' - but leaves your SOUL, "MISERABLE!"  You cannot have BOTH! - 'GRACES from HEAVEN', AND, 'satanic POWER, over MEN'!  You HAVE to CHOOSE.  The BLESSED Virgin MARY, is "FULL, of GRACE".  If YOU DESIRE, to be 'ANYTHING like her' - then you will STRIVE AFTER "VIRTUE", and choose HUMILITY.  And the TRUTH IS, you will ONLY be fulfilled - by, being filled with GRACES, and embracing 'your TRUE Vocation', as a SPIRIT-filled, WOMAN - filled with 'the TRUE Holy Spirit', and His INSPIRATIONS.  But 'the DEMONS', simply want to DISCOURAGE you, from, 'continuing your VOCATION'.  You now have 'the corresponding TRUTH' and you must CHOOSE.  AND, by turning to your CREATOR - you CAN change!  By turning AWAY from Him - it will NEVER happen! (June 04, 2017 update)

Special note:   And so HOW was that "encouraging"? - when 99% of all women, will ultimately REFUSE to turn to "a male God"?  Because at LEAST they still CAN! - but for a limited time only.  And the funny thing is, that if we told you "Salvation is HALF price today!" - there would be a big line up.  But you can't buy it.  And most will never get it, in these End Times.  Because in these End Times, they get 'such a RUSH from their demons' when they rebel, that they are simply... "full"... "FILLED to the brim!"

If women want to PRETEND, that their addiction to satanic POWER, and satanic RUSHES from DEMONS, is "HIDDEN, from their CREATOR" - then HE has "a place where they can REMAIN, ETERNALLY hidden - WITH them" - if that is 'the PATH' they have chosen, to hold their course on.  It would be BEST, to choose WISELY ladies - by turning to the TRUE Holy Spirit for a change - a PERMANENT change... of heart.

Lilly is a Member of the Faithful Remnant

Is there a woman out there who can honestly admit, that she DOESN'T want to be a princess?

One of the BIGGEST problems that you are having, that, "ALL women", go through - but ONLY, 'the REMNANT women', HAVE! - "the tools NECESSARY, to OVERCOME" - is "PRINCESS syndrome".  THIS is 'where YOU believe, that YOU are entitled, to be TREATED, a CERTAIN way, and "BOWED to!" - SIMPLY because, of your GENDER, as a woman'.  This is "a VERY, SPIRITUALLY TOXIC identity" - that is, GOING to, 'PREVENT you!' - from growing SPIRITUALLY CLOSER, TO your CREATOR!  If YOU want MEN, to "BOW to you!" - and if the WAY, they SAY something to you, 'OFFENDS you - GREATLY!' - then you're OBVIOUSLY, "NOT receiving, FRATERNAL correction - WELL"; but, you're ACTUALLY 'RESENTING', being CORRECTED - and 'being PUT in your PLACE!'  But what YOU need to see, N. - is that 'the DEVIL' - is, "FEEDING your INTERIOR life, LIES!" - telling you, that 'the MAN! - is "in the wrong!" - 95% of the TIME!' - but that "YOU! - are INNOCENT".  YOU need to be made aware, that, YOU HAVE, "MANY WEAKNESSES" - as a WOMAN. And you actually NEED to 'TURN, to man's HEADSHIP' - and TURN to your CREATOR! - in ORDER, to 'OVERCOME those weaknesses' - and BECOME, 'the WOMAN, that your CREATOR made you to be!'  If YOU 'allow, your INTERIOR life, to be GOVERNED by FEELINGS'? - or 'your OWN PERCEPTIONS'? - or 'your OWN THOUGHTS'? - then that IS! - "the recipe, for CATASTROPHIC FAILURE!" - in your spiritual life.  You are CALLED to be "SUBJECT, to man's AUTHORITY" - and THAT is 'the authority of the TRUE Holy Spirit' - MOVING through man's headship.  STOP "identifying as a VICTIM"; and, SEEK, to 'LOVE life!' - and LOVE, 'where you ARE', and the job that you are DOING; and 'where the Most High True God has PLACED you!'  Stop 'RESENTING' - what your CREATOR'S ASKING of you; and CHOOSE, to be "full of JOY" - of 'WHAT He is asking'.  The DEVIL! - is "filled with hate" - and hates EVERYTHING! - of MAN, AND! - of God.  DON'T be "LIKE him".  ASK the Blessed Virgin Mary, to TEACH you 'how to LOVE' - and 'to be LOVING'.  And this is not a "WISHY-WASHY FUZZY FEELING" love; but it IS, 'the LOVE, that COMES, with self-DENIAL, and self-SACRIFICE! - and 'being UNCOMFORTABLE, in the process'. (June 20, 2017 update)

Note: After reading this above posting, you may NEED to offer up a Decade of the Holy Rosary to the Blessed Virgin Mary, invoking her title as "Conqueror of the Jezebel spirit" - to get DELIVERED, from "princess syndrome" - as in, "JEZEBELLIAN princess of HELL syndrome".  Unless of course, you want 'that THRONE', reserved for you, down below.  EVERYONE has to choose.  

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)

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