Sunday, February 11, 2018

THE U.S. ELECTION - "I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."

"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
The U.S. Election

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, unless otherwise stated.)

“If you have understanding, hear this; listen to what I say.  Shall one who hates justice govern?  Will you condemn him who is righteous and mighty?”  
(Job 34:17)

(Thursday, June 14, 2012)
Jesus said: Right now, the people need to be informed, on the ‘true state, of affairs’ in their own countries.  They need to be informed, that propaganda has been ‘moulding their beliefs’ for a long time – especially concerning Fukushima.  Notice how reporters, ‘veer away’ from facts, and move more towards ‘speculations’, hypothesizing, flat-out lying to the people, opinion polls.  How can the people ever hope, to find any truth, when the truth has been traded for ‘the popular vote’.
As in the case of Ron Paul My children, most people, want him to become the next President of the United States.  But he won’t be if people do not change their hearts.  If they, do not start, ‘demanding transparency’, and truth, from their local governments; if they do not seek to support Ron Paul, all the way, to the November Elections - then he can’t make it as President. 
So many souls have ‘turned their backs’ on him, accusing, him, of betraying them. They are the ones, who have betrayed, the Constitution, and the Liberty Movement, by turning against, ‘the Grandfather, of the Constitution’.  Who out there upholds, the truth, with conviction?  And who there in the White House, listens, or proclaims the truth, as boldly, as he has in the past?

I tell you now, the White House is filled, with hypocrites, thieves, liars, murderers, and adulterers.  Those in the White House, work, for themselves, and their own, comfortable, houses.  They steal, from the poor, only to give to those who are richer.  Theirs will be ‘a Heavy Judgement’, if there is not some ‘house cleaning’ done. 

The White House Senate, is filled with members of the mafia - filled to the brim, with extortion.  ‘Evil persuasiveness’, pride, has blossomed and violence, has grown in this ‘place’.  They have all forgotten, why they were chosen, to be in the Senate, to be in the House of Representatives, to be part of Parliament.  They, have lost sight, of the truth, of morality, of dignity, and charity. 

So do not bicker, any more in your own hearts and souls, against Ron Paul who is ‘one of a kind’.  Because he is, one, of, My Chosen Ones.  And he is ‘blessed beyond belief’.  But it tears his heart, to see so many, of you ‘grassroot supporters’, abandoning the cause, he has fought for, for over 30 years.  It is not too late for you, to turn back, for you to make a good decision, in who you, will, vote for. Obama and Romney, are ‘apples, that fall, from the same tree’. 

Better, to vote for Ron Paul, by writing him on your ticket.  Write him in!  See what I can do at this ‘Republican Convention in Tampa Bay, Florida’.  See that though, ‘the elite’ have their plans, I decide, when they will manifest.  Have courage!  Go to the Convention.  Go, to the local offices, and vote. Vote, for your brothers and your sisters, and your mothers and your cousins, and your fathers, and your children because, the course of History, can be changed! - if peoples’ hearts, will turn back to their Creator! 

In all of the messages that Ron Paul has given – to you all, a single thread or ‘streamline’ moves through them - and that is: Love, your neighbor and acknowledge your Creator.


“Ron Paul has become a thorn in their side, because he will not accept, the large sums of money, that they, have offered him to step down.  You see My children with My anointing upon him, he is not running the race, necessarily because he wants to, but because he has a fire in his heart that can not be put out. He is running, for the Presidency.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, December 4, 2011)


“The Third ‘Ace’ is R.P... I tell you that I will protect him from any ‘attempted assassination plots’.  'Not a hair of his head’ will be harmed either.  Just as I have strengthened the both of you so too will I strengthen him.  But concerning the election, I will not give that away”.
(-Jesus, Sunday December 18, 2011)


“The attacks on R.P., are only going to get worse; but I will strengthen him, in his daily battles, and he will withstand the rhetoric, of the politicians, and continue to bring all of their evils, to the light.” 
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 22, 2012)


“As in the case of Ron Paul My children, most people, want him to become the next President of the United States.  But he won’t be if people do not change their hearts.  If they, do not start, ‘demanding transparency’, and truth, from their local governments; if they do not seek to support Ron Paul, all the way, to the November Elections - then he can’t make it as President.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, June 14, 2012)


“Never before have I intervened as strongly as I am about to. Never before in any election of any President, have I intervened with My Heavenly Host of Angels.  Because My People, I pity you, I pity the ‘state’ you are all in, and I can see the future! - With one choice you make!  And your future with another choice.  I know ‘the bloodshed that is coming’ if you refuse to vote, for Ron Paul.”
(-Jesus,  Saturday, June 16, 2012)


“But know this: if any of the other presidential hopefuls, get into office, then Woe to the World, in which you live.  If Obama stays in office: then a double Woe to the World, in which you live.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 22, 2012)


“So do not bicker, any more in your own hearts and souls, against Ron Paul who is ‘one of a kind’.  Because he is, one, of, My Chosen Ones.  And he is ‘blessed beyond belief’.  But it tears his heart, to see so many, of you ‘grassroot supporters’, abandoning the cause, he has fought for, for over 30 years.  It is not too late for you, to turn back, for you to make a good decision, in who you, will, vote for. Obama and Romney, are ‘apples, that fall, from the same tree’.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, June 14, 2012)


“Better, to vote for Ron Paul, by writing him on your ticket.  Write him in!  See what I can do at this ‘Republican Convention in Tampa Bay, Florida’.  See that though, ‘the elite’ have their plans, I decide, when they will manifest.  Have courage!  Go to the Convention.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, June 14, 2012)


“In all of the messages that Ron Paul has given – to you all, a single thread or ‘streamline’ moves through them - and that is: Love, your neighbor and acknowledge your Creator.”
(Jesus, Thursday, June 14, 2012)


“Romney, is part, of ‘the media establishment’.  He is their ‘front man’, just like, Obama was.  He will continue, the carnage, the wars – against Syria.  He will, continue, to subvert, the Constitution, of the United States.  He has no need for it!  As the party he belongs to, has no need for it either.” 
(-Jesus, Saturday, June 16, 2012)


“There are so many ‘similarities between the two of them’, that to vote for Romney is to do so ‘fully informed’. With no excuse, for what, you are getting.  He, will be, ‘a vicious tyrant’ - he will be, another Obama.  So do not pay attention, to: his tricks, because, he is simply ‘part, of the machine’…”
(-Jesus, Saturday, June 16, 2012)


“And to all “Romney Delegates” out there, and to all “Romney supporters”: check the rules, for this upcoming Convention.  See how many of you are “unbound”, and can choose, to vote, for Ron Paul – by writing him in.  The media establishment presents you with one choice, because they are against the lives of the poor and the middle class.  They only care about themselves and their own jobs.  So you can not trust them.”
(-Jesus,  Saturday, June 16, 2012)


“Romney, is the same.  He will do ‘the same things’, as Obama.  You Truly only have one choice in front of you, My People, and this time you truly can choose, the candidate you want.  Because My Hand and Authority is on, My Chosen One.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, June 16, 2012)
[Note: Ron Paul and Rand Paul did not experience the plague of "the beast state" on December 25, 2012, as they are most certainly among "the Elect", "the Faithful Remnant Church"] 


“And, you Ron Paul supporters are not “bound to vote, for Romney”.  Write him in, “the grandfather of the Constitution”.  This is your last and final chance to restore America – upright.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, June 16, 2012’) 


“History, can still be changed.  But people must choose: which team they want to be on.  For there are 2 sides to every coin, and yet the coin, no matter which side is flipped, has the same value.  No matter what picture is showing, the value neither increases nor decreases, but, remains the same.  This, is how it is with the Republicans and Democrats - they are the same party: working for Big Government, increased taxations, and continued wars.” 
(-Jesus, Saturday, June 23, 2012)


“There is one person, who desires to change: both parties, who desires to change the value, of the coin, so that, it is worth, much more, than it is now.  This person: wants to prevent hyperinflation, of the dollar; desires peace in ‘his own homeland’; and wants to put an end to the Federal Reserve; and desires, that respect be given to all countries – everywhere.  The golden rule is what he lives by.  He desires to reunite families, with their loved ones.  He will call all of the troops home, and there will be ‘a period of peace.’   However this person is ignored, and ridiculed.  His ideals, and practicalities are played down continually.  The truth he wants to share – with the world, by setting a good example for them, is: diminutized.  You all know who I am referring to.  And this will be, your final ‘wake-up’, from Me:  Vote Ron Paul or suffer ‘dire consequences’.”  
(-Jesus, Saturday, June 23, 2012)


“Ron Paul, is, your only, choice, to mitigate the suffering, that is coming upon the World.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, July 5, 2012) 


“As for Obama and Romney My children, I will take care of the both of them, by giving them, what they truly need, instead, of what their ‘puppet masters’ want, instead of what they both want.  The World, is going to be brought to its knees My children, and I make no exception, with those two.  They, have caused much grief, over the past several years, to peoples’ lives – especially, the poor and needy, and also foreign civilians.  My children, I am with: the widow, the orphan and the stranger (– also known as “foreigners”), and I uphold them all.  But I am against: the haughty, and those with unclean lips.  And Obama, and Romney, have shown themselves to be ‘corrupt individuals’, with no leadership qualities whatsoever.  And I will stop the mouths of these liars.  Because I ‘look with favor’ on the poor middle-eastern countries, and I see what has become of them – from ‘those wielding power, in the White House’.  So therefore I am going to remove them from, their position, and change their status, in the World.” 
(-Jesus, Monday, September 10, 2012)

Note: At this point in human history (June 2015), Ron Paul has NOW, sold out, to the One World Government.  Yes, he was "the Anointed alternative" - the one who had "the True Anointing from Heaven", as an election alternative to Obama - who now reigns as the antichrist in the so-called "white house".  But NOW, Ron Paul has sold out, and is no longer, part of the Faithful Remnant, in any way.  Those messages from Heaven that we posted on our website - referring to Ron Paul and his role in the US Election, were perfectly accurate when we posted them.  And because the date they were received is indeed part of those messages, they are still accurate - because they refer to that specific point in human history.  The US citizens preferred a dictator, and they got Obama - who is in fact the enemy incarnate.  Ron Paul preferred to be ruled by 'a different spirit', and he now is.

 The 2016 US Election

One thing Jesus told both of us, shortly before the 2016 election is, "Remember, My Plan TRUMPS theirs!"  And BEFORE the election results were in - when the election could have gone either way...

(Above Title of MSM Propaganda Article from "The Independent")


(Above MSM Propaganda "Opinion Poll Graph" from "Real Clear Politics")
In hindsight, it was more like "real clear MSM propaganda" 

(Above Title of MSM Propaganda Article from "The Independent")

...Mary Romanus had a vision of the scales of Justice and Mercy, with Trump on the Mercy side, and Hillary on the Justice side of the scale. 

The balance was tipped towards Mercy. 

(Above FINAL 2016 US Election results for each COUNTY in each state)
Isn't it interesting how the California Coast, Miami, New York City, the lower Mississippi and Chicago, did NOT vote for "Mercy" 

But DO, the REST of the American people WANT "the Mercy of the Most High True God"?  Angry protests broke out on some big city streets (because that is where most abortions take place), shortly after Hillary conceded the election.  And isn't it interesting that the state where only 1 in 3 people voted for Mercy, was the state of California - a state teetering on the edge of a major fault line.  Is California "at FAULT" for that?  Only the Most High TRUE God's Justice will tell; and so we will just have to wait and see.  But if the state of California IS at fault, wouldn't it be interesting, to consider the implications of "the city, that inspired the name of the Antipope in Rome" - going down, "INTO the murky depths of the dark sea", with him - as in - at the same time of his ANTI-papacy.  What an unforgettable Sign THAT would be! - for ALL future generations. The illuminati may have to act fast to remove that Antipope, if they don't want to be the ones primarily responsible for "setting the stage" for that EPIC historical milestone.  The clock is ticking.

And now for what is perhaps "the BIGGEST shocker", in the 2016 election.  Jesus Christ the Lord revealed, that the illuminati DID in fact EXPECT! - Trump to win, the 2016 election - EVEN THOUGH, they control the MSM; EVEN though, they did everything they possibly could, to control the outcome of the election.  But WHY! - WHY would the illuminati "EXPECT", Trump to WIN?  That is the question we calmly asked The Most High True God.  And the reason He gave, was, "Because of the prayers of the Faithful Remnant - that HE raised up".  "The Majority Vote went to the Faithful Remnant; even though they are most DEFINITELY the minority!"

Of course, the NEXT big question is... "Will the Most High True God 'ALLOW', Trump to be installed?"  The answer to THAT question, WILL be determined, by "the American peoples' continued response to His Testimony" - between now, and the end of Obama's second term. 

Jesus said: How many people are "CLOTHING themselves in SACKCLOTH and ashes" - around the WORLD? - in HUMILITY, and in TRUTH?  Not many!  Remember what JONAH said, to the people of NINEVEH.  We shall see 'HOW the World responds'; BUT! - in ALL of this, REMEMBER: the Most High TRUE God's PLANS, WILL Triumph!  (November 19, 2016)

Will Trump be successful?

TRUMP! - is actually "God's MERCY"; and, he has been GIVEN, 'THIS time', to make AMERICA, "GREAT again".  Now THAT being said - we do not know, 'how LONG', THAT is going to last - BECAUSE, he OPPOSES, "the illuminati" - and the ILLUMINATI, are 'AGAINST the Most High True God's PLANS'.  We are PRAYING, that Trump WILL be "successful" - as the Most High True God 'uses HIM', for HIS Divine Plan and Purpose.  And the SPEECH, that Trump, WROTE [- for his inauguration] - was ACTUALLY 'inspired by the CREATOR of the Universe'.  Understand?  Yes, ALL Remnant Members, are CALLED to keep 'TRUE Peace' in their hearts - no matter WHAT happens - big or SMALL!  Because the TESTIMONY, IS! - 'the biggest SIGN', IN and of ITSELF.  The TESTIMONY, IS! - 'the Mind, of the Most High True God' - that He MAKES, ACCESSIBLE, to His CREATURES - who DESIRE to be FILLED, with His TRUE Holy Spirit.  (January 22, 2017 update)

Is "the antichrist incarnate" in Obama, still wielding satanic power? 
Obama IS still working behind the scenes.  The fact that Trump was unable to repeal Obamacare (- in March, 2017), is in fact "a BIG Sign!" - that the nation is STILL: "under the care" of the Antichrist incarnate.  (March 24, 2017 update)

And SO, is the USA - STILL "under the care of the Antichrist"?

Never before in recorded history, has media propaganda - "a weapon of WAR!" - been used by the media of a country - AGAINST it's own president - so MERCILESSLY, and UNRELENTINGLY - as it HAS been, since Trump was elected.  And so, WHO do you think, is behind that organized assault against the US President, by the country's own major media outlets?  The U.S. media's full frontal assault against Trump, IS in fact, "an act of War" - as it DESTABILIZES the nation, by DIVIDING the nation, against it's own President.  But, who is BEHIND it?  And why WON'T Trump stop it?  And why can't Trump put an END to the antichrist's (Obama's) HOLD on the nation?

(Source: )

...Because Obama is still ACTIVELY working behind the scenes - as "an illuminati puppet" - to help bring about THEIR agenda, for the United States.  And so, the ILLUMINATI boast woven into the Health care name ITSELF, lives ON.  WHEN in all of U.S. history, has the Government HEALTH care plan EVER been named after the PRESIDENT - and in such a way to imply that "he CARES", even AFTER his term in office has ended?  That, is a very telling question!  (June 28, 2017 update)

HERE is an example of how the MEDIA play "an ACTIVE role" in SWAYING "public opinion"

You can LISTEN, to how LOUDLY, the crowd "ROARS!" - at Colbert's "antics" - AGAINST the President! - of the United States.  We are ALL "FOR, FREEDOM of SPEECH, and FREEDOM of RELIGION" - but THIS! - VIDEO - IS! - 'PART of a LARGER, SMEAR campaign' - being SPREAD, by "the ILLUMINATI-controlled, INTERNATIONAL media"

Stephen Colbert presents "a monologue of HATRED" disguised as COMEDY 

Monologue from the Late Show published July 1, 2017

Americans are now 'eating up HATRED disguised as COMEDY' - as they 'knowingly TOLERATE, their PRESIDENT, being BRUTALIZED! - by the MEDIA, INCESSANTLY!   It HAS been revealed, IN the Testimony, that TRUMP, IS, ACTUALLY, 'the Most High TRUE God's MERCY', ON America - on the United STATES.  But the UNITED States' CITIZENS, are RESPONDING, with PROTESTS - and they are 'AGAINST, Trump'!  They are 'AGAINST! - the Most High TRUE God's MERCY'.  And so HE will RECEIVE that, as "a PRAYER intention"!  (July 01, 2017 update)

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)

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