Monday, February 12, 2018

Sodom and Gomorrah - "I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."

"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God

 Sodom and Gomorrah

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, unless otherwise stated.) 
“Now I desire to remind you, though you were once for all fully informed, that he who saved a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe.  And the angels that did not keep their own position but left their proper dwelling have been kept by him in judgment of the great day; just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise acted immorally and indulged in unnatural lust, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire… “Behold, the Lord came with myriads of his holy ones, to execute judgment on all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their deeds of ungodliness which they have committed in such an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”
(Jude 1: 5-7, 14b-15)

“First of all you must understand this, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own passions and saying, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things have continued as they were from the beginning of creation.”  They deliberately ignore this fact, that by the word of God the heavens existed long ago, and an earth formed out of water and by means of water, through which the world that then existed was deluged with water and perished.  But by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist have been stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.”
(2 Peter: 3:3-7)

As the Last Pope and True Vicar of Jesus Christ the Lord, the Most High True God, on Earth, I have a very important message to share with the Faithful Remnant Church:  

Not too long ago, My wife and I were given a special calling, to travel from the farthest coast, to the farthest coast, with the following instructions from The Most High True God; Jesus Christ the Lord said, “I want you to witness…  See ‘through Heaven’s eyes’: why ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’ must be destroyed.”  (-Jesus, Thursday, November 25, 2010). 

What was this place Jesus was talking about? – we asked ourselves. It quickly became quite clear to us, that Jesus was referring to the entire face of the Earth - as “Sodom and Gomorrah”.  Jesus said, "Continue to witness ‘the Sodomites, and Gomorrites’, at play, and at work.  I love My people – as you know, My children; but the sins of mankind are crying out to Me for immediate Justice.  You will see how fair and Just I am – just as all of Heaven will. What a sad lamentation, this current Earth you are dwelling on, has become.  How sad it is that for some: this is ‘their own personal heaven’ –  they do not know what they are missing out on, with Me.  How all I want to do, is fulfill them: with My love – not tolerance, not affirmation; but pure, Holy – no strings attached, love; and they in turn could love Me.”  (-Jesus, Thursday, November 25, 2010)

What we found, as we went from town to town and witnessed, is, the Human Race is far worse, than it ever was in those ancient times, when those cities were destroyed.  We were quite surprised when Pope Peter the First, was sent from Heaven to speak to us, to give us the following message; he said, “The world today, is like: three thousand Sodom and Gomorrahs.  Sodom and Gomorrah were very large cities – filled with much wealth, and influential people.  But they did horrendous evils and abominations in the sight – of God; and so: they were punished severely, so as to be destroyed from the face of the earth.  And so too will it be, with this generation.”  (-Pope Peter the First, Saturday, March 3, 2012)

But how can this be? – we wondered.   We soon discovered that although Jesus is very loving, He also respects our free-will choices.  Jesus said to us:  “I do not desire that anyone should perish, My children, but perish they will, because it is ‘the fruit of’ their own choices.  Most people do have well-informed consciences.  And how are they informed?  Because My Commandments are Written on each and every single person’s heart – which in this case, I am allegorically referring to the soul.  So the punishment for sin is Death – not only physical death, but Eternal Death.  If the World wants to choose sin as ‘a way of life’, and do ‘everything under the Sun’ to offend Me, then I simply respect their free-will choices for I force My Will on no one.  I do not force them to choose, because they are already choosing the way of life they want to continue living.” (-Jesus, Sunday February 21, 2010)

Well the next question is simple, who then can be saved, in these wicked times that we are living in?  Jesus explained: “This World, is ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’ to Me.  And only those who ‘flee the abomination of desolation’ – now set-up in all the institutions, and only those who do what I ask them, to do, [referring to repentance first and foremost] are ‘counted among, My True Followers’. All others are ‘imposters’ and ‘will be treated as such’.  For ‘the wicked’ are going to perish – by fire, My children.  Just like I ‘consumed the wicked’, of Sodom and Gomorrah, and only saved those who were ‘willing to be saved’.  Just like I had the waves come ‘crashing down’: upon Pharaoh’s Army, chariots, and horses – Because, of his ‘wickedness – before Me.Just, as I smote, Goliath, through David – ‘My Anointed one’, I ‘am doing so’ again.” (-Jesus, Saturday, November 24, 2012)   

He also says: ‘Wicked souls’ know who they are; and the Righteous souls know as well – for no sin on the face of the Earth goes unpunished.  All people, on the face of the Earth, who seek the way, of Sodom and Gomorrah, will go, with the same fate – only theirs will be a more ‘personal Hell’.  Instead of literal fire coming down from Heaven, My Judgement upon the wicked is this: The clock is ticking down, so they must ‘seek to repent’, or ‘have their wills forever fixed’.  Destruction, mayhem, chaos, is all about to befall the World; there is nothing here worth holding on to.  The pain coming is worse than anything anyone can possibly imagine.  Tribulation has begun on a spiritual level but is about to manifest – physically.”  (-Jesus, Tuesday, April 24, 2012)

Now speaking of physical manifestations, the culture in which we are all living, has embraced ‘death’ as ‘a way of life’: especially through violent forms of ‘entertainment’, but also through rampant acts of abortion throughout the world - on a daily basis.  And as the Last and Final Pope of this Era, I am here to assure each one of you: God sees it all!  Jesus said: “Why do you think people are murdering their children?  Because they want, ‘My Graces to flow to their souls? – or they want children, to bring ‘innocence and purity’ into the World?  Well then, I told you before, “This place is Sodom and Gomorrah to me, and must be destroyed” in part, and fully renewed.  Remember, I told you, “All people are chaff”.  I was ‘dropping hints’ to you ‘along the way’ as to ‘how sad it really is’.  People are worse, now, than they ever were, throughout ‘all of History’ – they are ‘so much worse ‘than Roman times’.  For before ‘the Fall of Rome’, phallic symbols, were worshiped and idolized; ‘the form of man’ became ‘a god’ to them; wickedness and depravity, permeated – every facet – of their society.  So the Empire fell, and fell hard! You are reaching ‘that point’ now, My children, in this day and age.  But it is ‘even worse than that’, because now, there are ‘child exploitations’ – rampant throughout the World.  People, enjoy ‘watching pornography’, and ‘objectifying others’ – for their own sinful lusts!  ‘Adultery’ is climbing.  ‘The divorce rate’ has never been this high in all of History.  Sexual ‘visuals’ and ‘innuendos’ are ‘everywhere’ – and children are being ‘bombarded with them’especially; how hard it is for them, to ‘hold on to their innocence’. Mothers and fathers are ‘hating their children’ on a regular basis – giving them over to ‘demons and illusions’ at a young age.  Why should I not come to destroy this Earth?”  (-Jesus, Thursday, December 13, 2012)  

I am going to close with a few thoughts from the Blessed Virgin Mary; she said, “Shall you ‘presume to be ‘gods’ in His Presence?!   Do you not know, that with ‘one Breath – from His Nostrils’: He can ‘sweep you away’, as though ‘you never existed’?!  Do you not fear: My Son?  Do you not have ‘a Holy Reverence’ – for ‘His Authority’?  Because I tell you Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed! – for ‘much less’, than ‘what is going-on now’.”  (-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, November 26, 2012) 

Well, that was 'the message'... You can think of it, as: "a Necessary Formality".


I knew in my heart, that it was not the place to raise… a ‘God, fearing family’

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Jesus said: Here, is Lot 
Lot said: During my time, in Sodom, and Gomorrah, I witnessed ‘many evils’ – going on, all around me!  The people were ‘as wicked as could be’!  But I did not ‘remove myself from them’ – from their midst!  I would not ‘take, my family,from that place’ – when ‘prompted, many times to do so’.  I knew in my heart, that it was not the place to raise a family’ – a ‘God, fearing family’, that is.  But Sodom was filled with much wealth, and they had ‘the greenest pastures’ – with which ‘to graze my sheep’. But, ‘immoral acts’, were committed openly – all around the city.  These people did not ‘try to hide’, their ‘sinful, intentions’. Men, were with men; and women were with women.  There were no ‘heterosexuals’ –except, for my wife – and myself. 

Such a sinful place! – where every Commandment was broken

For, ‘such, evil’! and ‘pervasiveness – of sin’! - was ‘all around me’ I became ‘desensitized’ – to wickedness; and my ‘interior life’, started to change.  I knew, at that time, that I was in ‘a bad state’.  And I feared, for my family – for my wife and daughters.  For my daughters, grew up, in ‘a most sinful environment’; and they were even ‘engaged, - to be married’!   But I knew ‘the secrets’, of those men’s hearts – how they really ‘had passion, for one another’. And I ‘cried out to the Lord’, to help me ‘break free’ – from ‘the chains, of sin’! – of living in such a sinful place! – where every Commandment was broken; where every Law, of the Lord, that was in my heart, was ‘spat upon’ – by others. 

I chose, to move to Sodom… I was ‘drawn-in’, by ‘the enemy’

For I had heard, of, ‘the God, that Abraham worshiped’; and he taught me – of His Ways, when I was very young.  He would teach me ‘the fear, of the Lord; and tell me, ‘the stories, of his journey –to him’.  I ‘soaked it all up’.  But as I grew older, I began to become ‘independent’, of my uncle; and, I began to work – for myself, and ‘became very wealthy’ – with ‘much sheep’ – so much, did I have, apart from my uncle, that I was given a choice of lands to take – for my own. And I chose, to move to Sodom.  Even, after hearing ‘how wicked, the city was’ – from outside the walls, I was ‘drawn-in’, by ‘the enemy’.  But I did not have ‘the foresight’, nor ‘the vision’ that I have now – of what, that choice, would cost me in the end! 

My heart, was ‘kindled – with ‘the Fire of Truth’!

So I cry out – to the Lord, calling Him ‘the God of Abraham’, my uncle, asking for ‘deliverance’.  And that, is when I met, the two ‘travelers’ – the two ‘messengers, from the Lord’.   They had disguised themselves as ‘poor sojourners’.  I offered them my place to stay.  But they wanted to sleep on the streets. How my heart, was ‘kindled – with ‘the Fire of Truth’! – knowing that they would ‘surely die’, and that they would not ‘last the night’; because of ‘the wickedness of the people’ – in that city. 

They only ‘sought evil in their hearts’ – and this is ‘what blinded them’

So I persisted, and urged them to come home with me, and to see my family.  But I did not know they were ‘Angels of the Lord’ at the time. The men of the city, knew that I had brought them – to my home; and pursued us with hate.  They wanted to do ‘wicked things’, to ‘the poor travelers’.  But then, it was revealed – to me, and my family, that they were ‘Angels, of the Lord’ – sent to destroy! – the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.  They ‘blinded’, the men outside the door – so ‘they could not find the entrance’!  For they only ‘sought evil in their hearts’ – and this is ‘what blinded them’. 

I was still torn, between ‘the comforts’… I did not show… I was eager to cooperate

So I was told: to take my family and leave; and to ‘not look back’ – at ‘the Justice’, of the Lord.  Deep in my heart, I knew my prayers, were being answered!  But I was still torn, between ‘the comforts of my home – and present life’, that I did not show ‘the Lord’s messengers’ I was eager to cooperate.  Then they picked me up and carried me away quite quickly – with my family.  

My wife, in her weakness, looked back…  How horrifying this experience was!

As we were leaving to go out of the city, my wife, in her weakness, looked back, and immediately turned into ‘a pillar of salt’.  How horrifying this experience was!  For it wasn’t until I was far out of the city, that I knew she was ‘gone’.  For I did not look back and neither did my daughters.  Then I argued with ‘the messengers of the Lord’ afterwards, because of the bitterness and anguish in my soul!  And, I asked, if I could go, to another city nearby instead of ‘fleeing for the hills’.  This ‘city’, the Lord spared; but it was ‘just as wicked’ as where I had come from! 

If only I had listened… My two daughters… would be here with me in Heaven

If only I had listened to ‘the Angels of the Lord’, then My two daughters, would not have been ‘exposed’, to ‘such wickedness’; and they would be here with me in Heaven. So indeed, I am in ‘a very low place in Heaven’.  Yet, I am ‘content to be with the Lord – to hear his voice and be in His Presence.  But this is as much as I could be filled.  Because even in ‘my dying years’, there was still ‘part of me’ that belonged to ‘that wicked city’.  But in my dying breath, again I cried out, to the Lord, for mercy – for help, as I did not know, what was ‘prepared for me’, after death.  The Lord heard my prayer – because I cried out in sincerity and desired ‘true repentance’.  Thanks be to the Most High True God – for ever and ever Amen!

[The following messages are simply in chronological order] 


“I want you to witness, My children: this Christmas season, and what it has become, thus far, and where it is going.  Starting today, there is exactly one month before Christmas starts, and you are going to need to be done your witnessing - at least for this season.  Best to start early; get it done – while you have a relaxing time here.  See ‘through Heaven’s eyes’: why ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’ must be destroyed.  Pay particular attention to the children’s toys, this year, and ask yourselves this question: What is the producer trying to build up in these My little ones?  It would be better "for a millstone to be put around his neck and thrown into the sea", rather than make the toys he has made - his too will be a Heavy Judgement.  You will know what company or person I am referring to when you see it for yourselves.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, November 25, 2010)


"Continue to witness ‘the Sodomites, and Gomorrites’, at play, and at work.  I love My people – as you know, My children; but the sins of mankind are crying out to Me for immediate Justice.  You will see how fair and Just I am – just as all of Heaven will.  The world today, is like: three thousand Sodom and Gomorrahs.  Sodom and Gomorrah were very large cities – filled with much wealth, and influential people.  But they did horrendous evils and abominations in the sight – of God; and so: they were punished severely, so as to be destroyed from the face of the earth.  And so too will it be, with this generation.” 
(-Pope Peter the First, Saturday, March 3, 2012)


“My Anger, burns hot, against these people, My children.  Therefore, I will ‘utterly consume them’, from the face of the Earth; except, for those, to whom, has been allotted a time, for them to enter into My Eternal Rest.  The rest of them will be ‘consumed in flames’, at the Great Warning.   Do you suppose, they would listen, if I sent: My Own True brother and sister to them?... with words of caution, teaching, admonitions, and warnings?  Do you suppose they would listen?... if I sent them: extensions of Love on My behalf?... in an attempt to save them from themselves?  No, My children!  For as I told you: they are deaf, and hard of hearing; they have all gone the way of Sodom and Gomorrah; and they are all as ‘the rich man’ was – they all received ‘good things’ in this life, only to be afflicted at their Warning Experience… ‘Wicked souls’ know who they are; and the Righteous souls know as well – for no sin on the face of the Earth goes unpunished.  All people, on the face of the Earth, who seek the way, of Sodom and Gomorrah, will go, with the same fate – only theirs will be a more ‘personal Hell’.  Instead of literal fire coming down from Heaven, My Judgement upon the wicked is this: The clock is ticking down, so they must ‘seek to repent’, or ‘have their wills forever fixed’.  Destruction, mayhem, chaos, is all about to befall the World; there is nothing here worth holding on to.  The pain coming is worse than anything anyone can possibly imagine.  Tribulation has begun on a spiritual level but is about to manifest – physically.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, April 24, 2012)


“The magnetic poles are shifting – ever, so, gradually.  But there will come a time quite soon, when the tectonic plates – in various regions, will simply “snap”, due, to the pressures building there.  And the whole World will marvel, at what has become, of their beloved “city” – Sodom and Gomorrah.  They laugh now, but they won’t be laughing when ‘all of their conveniences are taken from them’.  That is what is in store, for America, and the rest of the Continents.”
(-Jesus, Monday, September 10, 2012)


“This World, is ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’ to Me.  And only those who ‘flee the abomination of desolation’ – now set-up in all the institutions, and only those who do what I ask them, to do, are ‘counted among, My True Followers’. All others are ‘imposters’ and ‘will be treated as such’.  For ‘the wicked’ are going to perish – by fire, My children.   Just like I ‘consumed the wicked’, of Sodom and Gomorrah, and only saved those who were ‘willing to be saved’.  Just like I had the waves come ‘crashing down’: upon Pharaoh’s Army, chariots, and horses – Because, of his ‘wickedness – before Me. Just, as I smote, Goliath, through David – ‘My Anointed one’, I ‘am doing so’ again.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, November 24, 2012)


“I know the pain and suffering, that has been caused,upon ‘My little ones’ – the unborn – they cry out to Me, begging Me, to End, this Era.  And I am granting their prayers.  Because so much sin, and vice, and evil – is in the World, today, that the World has become: like Sodom and Gomorrah – to Me.  What happened to Sodom and Gomorrah, My People?  And do you think you will escape ‘a worse fate’ – than theirs? – if you continue ‘the course you are on’?  Do you think, that you can make: a mockery of My Ways, and go ‘unpunished’?  Do you think, that I have become “weak”, and “frail” – no longer do I “chastise, the sinner”?  Do you think, that you can ‘get away’ – with ‘all sorts of abominations’, and not ‘experience the consequences’?  I tell you all: you will experience the consequences, of: your ‘sinful choices’, and it will start within your ‘interior lives’; for ‘the Fire’ that pours forth from My Mouth, will consume ‘this wicked generation’.  The Hell, of Fire, you will all experience, if that is what you want to embrace, in this World.  You all have not ‘experienced’ – the full effects, of ‘living’, in the state, of ‘mortal sin’ – where ‘My Graces can not flow to your souls’.  Well if My Graces can not flow to your souls in that ‘state’, then ‘Fire from Heaven’, will.  And you will be ‘tormented in My Presence’ – in the ‘Presence, of the Lamb’.”
(-Jesus, Monday, November 26, 2012)


“Man and man; woman and woman – this can never be; nor will souls, who practice such ‘wicked abominations’, enter ‘the Kingdom of Heaven’.  These people, only ‘deceive themselves’ – but they are ‘so far’, from the Truth.  Man and woman – they were Created.  That, is how, it has been, from ‘since the beginning’.  It is how: the Most High True God, ‘has Ordained it’!  Shall you ‘presume to be ‘gods’ in His Presence?!   Do you not know, that with ‘one Breath – from His Nostrils’: He can ‘sweep you away’, as though ‘you never existed’?!  Do you not fear: My Son?  Do you not have ‘a Holy Reverence’ – for ‘His Authority’?  Because I tell you Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed! – for ‘much less’, than ‘what is going-on now’.”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, November 26, 2012)


“Sodom and Gomorrah were given ‘no warning’.  But the Lord Jesus Christ, is giving His Great Warning – at this time. Spread these Messages my people, for you know, ‘Who is Speaking’! – though you do not ‘fully understand’, you ‘do not need to’ in order to ‘fully, believe’.”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, December 7, 2012)   


“Why do you think people are murdering their children?  Because they want, ‘My Graces to flow to their souls? – or they want children, to bring ‘innocence and purity’ into the World?  Well then, I told you before, “This place is Sodom and Gomorrah to me, and must be destroyed” in part, and fully renewed.  Remember, I told you, “All people are chaff”.  I was ‘dropping hints’ to you ‘along the way’ as to ‘how sad it really is’.  People are worse, now, than they ever were, throughout ‘all of History’ – they are ‘so much worse ‘than Roman times’.  For before ‘the Fall of Rome’, phallic symbols, were worshiped and idolized; ‘the form of man’ became ‘a god’ to them; wickedness and depravity, permeated – every facet – of their society.  So the Empire fell, and fell hard! You are reaching ‘that point’ now, My children, in this day and age.  But it is ‘even worse than that’, because now, there are ‘child exploitations’ – rampant throughout the World.  People, enjoy ‘watching pornography’, and ‘objectifying others’ – for their own sinful lusts!  ‘Adultery’ is climbing.  ‘The divorce rate’ has never been this high in all of History.  Sexual ‘visuals’ and ‘innuendos’ are ‘everywhere’ – and children are being ‘bombarded with them’ especially; how hard it is fort hem, to ‘hold on to their innocence’. Mothers and fathers are ‘hating their children’ on a regular basis – giving them over to ‘demons and illusions’ at a young age.  Why should I not come to destroy this Earth? ” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, December 13, 2012)

Matthew is a Member of the Faithful Remnant
And he IS doing a Commendable job! 

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."
 Sodom and Gomorrah

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, unless otherwise stated.) 
“Now I desire to remind you, though you were once for all fully informed, that he who saved a people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed those who did not believe.  And the angels that did not keep their own position but left their proper dwelling have been kept by him in judgment of the great day; just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise acted immorally and indulged in unnatural lust, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire… “Behold, the Lord came with myriads of his holy ones, to execute judgment on all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their deeds of ungodliness which they have committed in such an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.”
(Jude 1: 5-7, 14b-15)

“First of all you must understand this, that scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, following their own passions and saying, “Where is the promise of his coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all things have continued as they were from the beginning of creation.”  They deliberately ignore this fact, that by the word of God the heavens existed long ago, and an earth formed out of water and by means of water, through which the world that then existed was deluged with water and perished.  But by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist have been stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.”
(2 Peter: 3:3-7)

As the Last Pope and True Vicar of Jesus Christ the Lord, the Most High True God, on Earth, I have a very important message to share with the Faithful Remnant Church:  

Not too long ago, My wife and I were given a special calling, to travel from the farthest coast, to the farthest coast, with the following instructions from The Most High True God; Jesus Christ the Lord said, “I want you to witness…  See ‘through Heaven’s eyes’: why ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’ must be destroyed.”  (-Jesus, Thursday, November 25, 2010). 

What was this place Jesus was talking about? – we asked ourselves. It quickly became quite clear to us, that Jesus was referring to the entire face of the Earth - as “Sodom and Gomorrah”.  Jesus said, "Continue to witness ‘the Sodomites, and Gomorrites’, at play, and at work.  I love My people – as you know, My children; but the sins of mankind are crying out to Me for immediate Justice.  You will see how fair and Just I am – just as all of Heaven will. What a sad lamentation, this current Earth you are dwelling on, has become.  How sad it is that for some: this is ‘their own personal heaven’ –  they do not know what they are missing out on, with Me.  How all I want to do, is fulfill them: with My love – not tolerance, not affirmation; but pure, Holy – no strings attached, love; and they in turn could love Me.”  (-Jesus, Thursday, November 25, 2010)

What we found, as we went from town to town and witnessed, is, the Human Race is far worse, than it ever was in those ancient times, when those cities were destroyed.  We were quite surprised when Pope Peter the First, was sent from Heaven to speak to us, to give us the following message; he said, “The world today, is like: three thousand Sodom and Gomorrahs.  Sodom and Gomorrah were very large cities – filled with much wealth, and influential people.  But they did horrendous evils and abominations in the sight – of God; and so: they were punished severely, so as to be destroyed from the face of the earth.  And so too will it be, with this generation.”  (-Pope Peter the First, Saturday, March 3, 2012)

But how can this be? – we wondered.   We soon discovered that although Jesus is very loving, He also respects our free-will choices.  Jesus said to us:  “I do not desire that anyone should perish, My children, but perish they will, because it is ‘the fruit of’ their own choices.  Most people do have well-informed consciences.  And how are they informed?  Because My Commandments are Written on each and every single person’s heart – which in this case, I am allegorically referring to the soul.  So the punishment for sin is Death – not only physical death, but Eternal Death.  If the World wants to choose sin as ‘a way of life’, and do ‘everything under the Sun’ to offend Me, then I simply respect their free-will choices for I force My Will on no one.  I do not force them to choose, because they are already choosing the way of life they want to continue living.” (-Jesus, Sunday February 21, 2010)

Well the next question is simple, who then can be saved, in these wicked times that we are living in?  Jesus explained: “This World, is ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’ to Me.  And only those who ‘flee the abomination of desolation’ – now set-up in all the institutions, and only those who do what I ask them, to do, [referring to repentance first and foremost] are ‘counted among, My True Followers’. All others are ‘imposters’ and ‘will be treated as such’.  For ‘the wicked’ are going to perish – by fire, My children.  Just like I ‘consumed the wicked’, of Sodom and Gomorrah, and only saved those who were ‘willing to be saved’.  Just like I had the waves come ‘crashing down’: upon Pharaoh’s Army, chariots, and horses – Because, of his ‘wickedness – before Me.Just, as I smote, Goliath, through David – ‘My Anointed one’, I ‘am doing so’ again.” (-Jesus, Saturday, November 24, 2012)   

He also says: ‘Wicked souls’ know who they are; and the Righteous souls know as well – for no sin on the face of the Earth goes unpunished.  All people, on the face of the Earth, who seek the way, of Sodom and Gomorrah, will go, with the same fate – only theirs will be a more ‘personal Hell’.  Instead of literal fire coming down from Heaven, My Judgement upon the wicked is this: The clock is ticking down, so they must ‘seek to repent’, or ‘have their wills forever fixed’.  Destruction, mayhem, chaos, is all about to befall the World; there is nothing here worth holding on to.  The pain coming is worse than anything anyone can possibly imagine.  Tribulation has begun on a spiritual level but is about to manifest – physically.”  (-Jesus, Tuesday, April 24, 2012)

Now speaking of physical manifestations, the culture in which we are all living, has embraced ‘death’ as ‘a way of life’: especially through violent forms of ‘entertainment’, but also through rampant acts of abortion throughout the world - on a daily basis.  And as the Last and Final Pope of this Era, I am here to assure each one of you: God sees it all!  Jesus said: “Why do you think people are murdering their children?  Because they want, ‘My Graces to flow to their souls? – or they want children, to bring ‘innocence and purity’ into the World?  Well then, I told you before, “This place is Sodom and Gomorrah to me, and must be destroyed” in part, and fully renewed.  Remember, I told you, “All people are chaff”.  I was ‘dropping hints’ to you ‘along the way’ as to ‘how sad it really is’.  People are worse, now, than they ever were, throughout ‘all of History’ – they are ‘so much worse ‘than Roman times’.  For before ‘the Fall of Rome’, phallic symbols, were worshiped and idolized; ‘the form of man’ became ‘a god’ to them; wickedness and depravity, permeated – every facet – of their society.  So the Empire fell, and fell hard! You are reaching ‘that point’ now, My children, in this day and age.  But it is ‘even worse than that’, because now, there are ‘child exploitations’ – rampant throughout the World.  People, enjoy ‘watching pornography’, and ‘objectifying others’ – for their own sinful lusts!  ‘Adultery’ is climbing.  ‘The divorce rate’ has never been this high in all of History.  Sexual ‘visuals’ and ‘innuendos’ are ‘everywhere’ – and children are being ‘bombarded with them’especially; how hard it is for them, to ‘hold on to their innocence’. Mothers and fathers are ‘hating their children’ on a regular basis – giving them over to ‘demons and illusions’ at a young age.  Why should I not come to destroy this Earth?”  (-Jesus, Thursday, December 13, 2012)  

I am going to close with a few thoughts from the Blessed Virgin Mary; she said, “Shall you ‘presume to be ‘gods’ in His Presence?!   Do you not know, that with ‘one Breath – from His Nostrils’: He can ‘sweep you away’, as though ‘you never existed’?!  Do you not fear: My Son?  Do you not have ‘a Holy Reverence’ – for ‘His Authority’?  Because I tell you Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed! – for ‘much less’, than ‘what is going-on now’.”  (-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, November 26, 2012) 

Well, that was 'the message'... You can think of it, as: "a Necessary Formality".


I knew in my heart, that it was not the place to raise… a ‘God, fearing family’

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Jesus said: Here, is Lot 
Lot said: During my time, in Sodom, and Gomorrah, I witnessed ‘many evils’ – going on, all around me!  The people were ‘as wicked as could be’!  But I did not ‘remove myself from them’ – from their midst!  I would not ‘take, my family,from that place’ – when ‘prompted, many times to do so’.  I knew in my heart, that it was not the place to raise a family’ – a ‘God, fearing family’, that is.  But Sodom was filled with much wealth, and they had ‘the greenest pastures’ – with which ‘to graze my sheep’. But, ‘immoral acts’, were committed openly – all around the city.  These people did not ‘try to hide’, their ‘sinful, intentions’. Men, were with men; and women were with women.  There were no ‘heterosexuals’ –except, for my wife – and myself. 

Such a sinful place! – where every Commandment was broken

For, ‘such, evil’! and ‘pervasiveness – of sin’! - was ‘all around me’ I became ‘desensitized’ – to wickedness; and my ‘interior life’, started to change.  I knew, at that time, that I was in ‘a bad state’.  And I feared, for my family – for my wife and daughters.  For my daughters, grew up, in ‘a most sinful environment’; and they were even ‘engaged, - to be married’!   But I knew ‘the secrets’, of those men’s hearts – how they really ‘had passion, for one another’. And I ‘cried out to the Lord’, to help me ‘break free’ – from ‘the chains, of sin’! – of living in such a sinful place! – where every Commandment was broken; where every Law, of the Lord, that was in my heart, was ‘spat upon’ – by others. 

I chose, to move to Sodom… I was ‘drawn-in’, by ‘the enemy’

For I had heard, of, ‘the God, that Abraham worshiped’; and he taught me – of His Ways, when I was very young.  He would teach me ‘the fear, of the Lord; and tell me, ‘the stories, of his journey –to him’.  I ‘soaked it all up’.  But as I grew older, I began to become ‘independent’, of my uncle; and, I began to work – for myself, and ‘became very wealthy’ – with ‘much sheep’ – so much, did I have, apart from my uncle, that I was given a choice of lands to take – for my own. And I chose, to move to Sodom.  Even, after hearing ‘how wicked, the city was’ – from outside the walls, I was ‘drawn-in’, by ‘the enemy’.  But I did not have ‘the foresight’, nor ‘the vision’ that I have now – of what, that choice, would cost me in the end! 

My heart, was ‘kindled – with ‘the Fire of Truth’!

So I cry out – to the Lord, calling Him ‘the God of Abraham’, my uncle, asking for ‘deliverance’.  And that, is when I met, the two ‘travelers’ – the two ‘messengers, from the Lord’.   They had disguised themselves as ‘poor sojourners’.  I offered them my place to stay.  But they wanted to sleep on the streets. How my heart, was ‘kindled – with ‘the Fire of Truth’! – knowing that they would ‘surely die’, and that they would not ‘last the night’; because of ‘the wickedness of the people’ – in that city. 

They only ‘sought evil in their hearts’ – and this is ‘what blinded them’

So I persisted, and urged them to come home with me, and to see my family.  But I did not know they were ‘Angels of the Lord’ at the time. The men of the city, knew that I had brought them – to my home; and pursued us with hate.  They wanted to do ‘wicked things’, to ‘the poor travelers’.  But then, it was revealed – to me, and my family, that they were ‘Angels, of the Lord’ – sent to destroy! – the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.  They ‘blinded’, the men outside the door – so ‘they could not find the entrance’!  For they only ‘sought evil in their hearts’ – and this is ‘what blinded them’. 

I was still torn, between ‘the comforts’… I did not show… I was eager to cooperate

So I was told: to take my family and leave; and to ‘not look back’ – at ‘the Justice’, of the Lord.  Deep in my heart, I knew my prayers, were being answered!  But I was still torn, between ‘the comforts of my home – and present life’, that I did not show ‘the Lord’s messengers’ I was eager to cooperate.  Then they picked me up and carried me away quite quickly – with my family.  

My wife, in her weakness, looked back…  How horrifying this experience was!

As we were leaving to go out of the city, my wife, in her weakness, looked back, and immediately turned into ‘a pillar of salt’.  How horrifying this experience was!  For it wasn’t until I was far out of the city, that I knew she was ‘gone’.  For I did not look back and neither did my daughters.  Then I argued with ‘the messengers of the Lord’ afterwards, because of the bitterness and anguish in my soul!  And, I asked, if I could go, to another city nearby instead of ‘fleeing for the hills’.  This ‘city’, the Lord spared; but it was ‘just as wicked’ as where I had come from! 

If only I had listened… My two daughters… would be here with me in Heaven

If only I had listened to ‘the Angels of the Lord’, then My two daughters, would not have been ‘exposed’, to ‘such wickedness’; and they would be here with me in Heaven. So indeed, I am in ‘a very low place in Heaven’.  Yet, I am ‘content to be with the Lord – to hear his voice and be in His Presence.  But this is as much as I could be filled.  Because even in ‘my dying years’, there was still ‘part of me’ that belonged to ‘that wicked city’.  But in my dying breath, again I cried out, to the Lord, for mercy – for help, as I did not know, what was ‘prepared for me’, after death.  The Lord heard my prayer – because I cried out in sincerity and desired ‘true repentance’.  Thanks be to the Most High True God – for ever and ever Amen!

[The following messages are simply in chronological order] 


“I want you to witness, My children: this Christmas season, and what it has become, thus far, and where it is going.  Starting today, there is exactly one month before Christmas starts, and you are going to need to be done your witnessing - at least for this season.  Best to start early; get it done – while you have a relaxing time here.  See ‘through Heaven’s eyes’: why ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’ must be destroyed.  Pay particular attention to the children’s toys, this year, and ask yourselves this question: What is the producer trying to build up in these My little ones?  It would be better "for a millstone to be put around his neck and thrown into the sea", rather than make the toys he has made - his too will be a Heavy Judgement.  You will know what company or person I am referring to when you see it for yourselves.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, November 25, 2010)


"Continue to witness ‘the Sodomites, and Gomorrites’, at play, and at work.  I love My people – as you know, My children; but the sins of mankind are crying out to Me for immediate Justice.  You will see how fair and Just I am – just as all of Heaven will.  The world today, is like: three thousand Sodom and Gomorrahs.  Sodom and Gomorrah were very large cities – filled with much wealth, and influential people.  But they did horrendous evils and abominations in the sight – of God; and so: they were punished severely, so as to be destroyed from the face of the earth.  And so too will it be, with this generation.” 
(-Pope Peter the First, Saturday, March 3, 2012)


“My Anger, burns hot, against these people, My children.  Therefore, I will ‘utterly consume them’, from the face of the Earth; except, for those, to whom, has been allotted a time, for them to enter into My Eternal Rest.  The rest of them will be ‘consumed in flames’, at the Great Warning.   Do you suppose, they would listen, if I sent: My Own True brother and sister to them?... with words of caution, teaching, admonitions, and warnings?  Do you suppose they would listen?... if I sent them: extensions of Love on My behalf?... in an attempt to save them from themselves?  No, My children!  For as I told you: they are deaf, and hard of hearing; they have all gone the way of Sodom and Gomorrah; and they are all as ‘the rich man’ was – they all received ‘good things’ in this life, only to be afflicted at their Warning Experience… ‘Wicked souls’ know who they are; and the Righteous souls know as well – for no sin on the face of the Earth goes unpunished.  All people, on the face of the Earth, who seek the way, of Sodom and Gomorrah, will go, with the same fate – only theirs will be a more ‘personal Hell’.  Instead of literal fire coming down from Heaven, My Judgement upon the wicked is this: The clock is ticking down, so they must ‘seek to repent’, or ‘have their wills forever fixed’.  Destruction, mayhem, chaos, is all about to befall the World; there is nothing here worth holding on to.  The pain coming is worse than anything anyone can possibly imagine.  Tribulation has begun on a spiritual level but is about to manifest – physically.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, April 24, 2012)


“The magnetic poles are shifting – ever, so, gradually.  But there will come a time quite soon, when the tectonic plates – in various regions, will simply “snap”, due, to the pressures building there.  And the whole World will marvel, at what has become, of their beloved “city” – Sodom and Gomorrah.  They laugh now, but they won’t be laughing when ‘all of their conveniences are taken from them’.  That is what is in store, for America, and the rest of the Continents.”
(-Jesus, Monday, September 10, 2012)


“This World, is ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’ to Me.  And only those who ‘flee the abomination of desolation’ – now set-up in all the institutions, and only those who do what I ask them, to do, are ‘counted among, My True Followers’. All others are ‘imposters’ and ‘will be treated as such’.  For ‘the wicked’ are going to perish – by fire, My children.   Just like I ‘consumed the wicked’, of Sodom and Gomorrah, and only saved those who were ‘willing to be saved’.  Just like I had the waves come ‘crashing down’: upon Pharaoh’s Army, chariots, and horses – Because, of his ‘wickedness – before Me. Just, as I smote, Goliath, through David – ‘My Anointed one’, I ‘am doing so’ again.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, November 24, 2012)


“I know the pain and suffering, that has been caused,upon ‘My little ones’ – the unborn – they cry out to Me, begging Me, to End, this Era.  And I am granting their prayers.  Because so much sin, and vice, and evil – is in the World, today, that the World has become: like Sodom and Gomorrah – to Me.  What happened to Sodom and Gomorrah, My People?  And do you think you will escape ‘a worse fate’ – than theirs? – if you continue ‘the course you are on’?  Do you think, that you can make: a mockery of My Ways, and go ‘unpunished’?  Do you think, that I have become “weak”, and “frail” – no longer do I “chastise, the sinner”?  Do you think, that you can ‘get away’ – with ‘all sorts of abominations’, and not ‘experience the consequences’?  I tell you all: you will experience the consequences, of: your ‘sinful choices’, and it will start within your ‘interior lives’; for ‘the Fire’ that pours forth from My Mouth, will consume ‘this wicked generation’.  The Hell, of Fire, you will all experience, if that is what you want to embrace, in this World.  You all have not ‘experienced’ – the full effects, of ‘living’, in the state, of ‘mortal sin’ – where ‘My Graces can not flow to your souls’.  Well if My Graces can not flow to your souls in that ‘state’, then ‘Fire from Heaven’, will.  And you will be ‘tormented in My Presence’ – in the ‘Presence, of the Lamb’.”
(-Jesus, Monday, November 26, 2012)


“Man and man; woman and woman – this can never be; nor will souls, who practice such ‘wicked abominations’, enter ‘the Kingdom of Heaven’.  These people, only ‘deceive themselves’ – but they are ‘so far’, from the Truth.  Man and woman – they were Created.  That, is how, it has been, from ‘since the beginning’.  It is how: the Most High True God, ‘has Ordained it’!  Shall you ‘presume to be ‘gods’ in His Presence?!   Do you not know, that with ‘one Breath – from His Nostrils’: He can ‘sweep you away’, as though ‘you never existed’?!  Do you not fear: My Son?  Do you not have ‘a Holy Reverence’ – for ‘His Authority’?  Because I tell you Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed! – for ‘much less’, than ‘what is going-on now’.”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Monday, November 26, 2012)


“Sodom and Gomorrah were given ‘no warning’.  But the Lord Jesus Christ, is giving His Great Warning – at this time. Spread these Messages my people, for you know, ‘Who is Speaking’! – though you do not ‘fully understand’, you ‘do not need to’ in order to ‘fully, believe’.”
(-The Blessed Virgin Mary, Friday, December 7, 2012)   


“Why do you think people are murdering their children?  Because they want, ‘My Graces to flow to their souls? – or they want children, to bring ‘innocence and purity’ into the World?  Well then, I told you before, “This place is Sodom and Gomorrah to me, and must be destroyed” in part, and fully renewed.  Remember, I told you, “All people are chaff”.  I was ‘dropping hints’ to you ‘along the way’ as to ‘how sad it really is’.  People are worse, now, than they ever were, throughout ‘all of History’ – they are ‘so much worse ‘than Roman times’.  For before ‘the Fall of Rome’, phallic symbols, were worshiped and idolized; ‘the form of man’ became ‘a god’ to them; wickedness and depravity, permeated – every facet – of their society.  So the Empire fell, and fell hard! You are reaching ‘that point’ now, My children, in this day and age.  But it is ‘even worse than that’, because now, there are ‘child exploitations’ – rampant throughout the World.  People, enjoy ‘watching pornography’, and ‘objectifying others’ – for their own sinful lusts!  ‘Adultery’ is climbing.  ‘The divorce rate’ has never been this high in all of History.  Sexual ‘visuals’ and ‘innuendos’ are ‘everywhere’ – and children are being ‘bombarded with them’ especially; how hard it is fort hem, to ‘hold on to their innocence’. Mothers and fathers are ‘hating their children’ on a regular basis – giving them over to ‘demons and illusions’ at a young age.  Why should I not come to destroy this Earth? ” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, December 13, 2012)

Matthew is a Member of the Faithful Remnant
And he IS doing a Commendable job! 

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)

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