Saturday, February 10, 2018


Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come. 
Thy will be done on Earth as it is done in Heaven. 
Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trespasses, 
as we forgive them that trespass against us. 
Lead us not into temptation, 
but deliver us from evil. Amen.”

“Hallowed be Thy Name.” 
Father, I have hallowed it. 
Have mercy on Your Son. 
Thy Kingdom come.” 
I am dying in order to establish it. Have mercy on Me. 
“Thy will be done. 
Support My weakness, You Who created the flesh of man and clothed Your Word with it, 
that I may obey You down here as I have always obeyed You in Heaven.
 Have mercy on the Son of man. 
“Give us our Bread”...
A bread for the soul. 
A bread not of this Earth. 
I do not ask it for Myself. 
I need only Your spiritual comfort. 
But I, the Beggar, 
stretch out My hand for them. 
Before long it will be pierced and nailed, and it will no longer be able to make a gesture of love. 

But it can still do it now. 
Father, grant Me to give them the Bread that daily fortifies the weakness of the poor children of Adam. 

They are weak, Father, 
they are inferior, 
because they do not have the Bread that is strength, 

the angelical Bread that spiritualizes man and leads him to be deified in us. 

“Forgive us our trespasses”...» 

Jesus Who has spoken standing and has prayed with His arms stretched out, now kneels down and raises His arms and face to Heaven. 

A face made wan by the effort of the supplication and by the kiss of the moon, furrowed by silent tears.

 «Forgive Your Son, O Father, 
if I wronged You in any way. 

I may also seem imperfect to Your Perfection, 
I, Your Christ, burdened by flesh. 
To men... no. 
My conscious intellect assures Me that I have done everything for them. 

But forgive Your Jesus... I also forgive. 

I forgive, that You may forgive Me. 

How much I have to forgive! How much!... And yet I forgive. 

Those who are present here, the disciples who are absent, 
those whose hearts are deaf, 
My enemies, mockers, traitors, killers, deicides... Here. 

I have forgiven the whole of Mankind. With regard to Me, o Father, consider remitted all debts of man to the Man. 

I am dying in order to give Your Kingdom to everybody, 

and I do not want the sin against the Love incarnate to be imputed
 to them as condemnation.

No? Are You saying no? 

It is My grief. 
This “no” is pouring the first sip of the bitter chalice into My heart. 

But Father, Whom I have always obeyed, I say to You: “Thy will be done”. 

“Lead us not into temptation”. 
Oh! if You want, You can drive the demon away from us! He is the temptation that incites flesh, minds, hearts. He is the Seducer. 

Turn him away, Father! Y
our archangel in our favour! To put to flight him who lays snares for us from our birth to our death!... 

Oh! Holy Father, have mercy on Your children! 

“Deliver us, deliver us from evil!” You can. We are weeping here... 

Heaven is so beautiful and we are afraid of losing it. 

You say: “My Blood cannot lose it”. But I want You to see the Man in Me, the Firstborn of men.

 I am their brother. I pray for them and with them. Father, mercy! Oh! mercy!...»

Jesus bends with His face on the ground. He then stands up. «Let us go.

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