Sunday, February 11, 2018

ANTIPOPE Benedict XVI - "I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."

"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God
than the Summa Theologica, written by Saint Thomas Aquinas - but in a MORE SIMPLISTIC way
MAKING the TESTIMONY accessible to ALL education levels."

(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, unless otherwise indicated.)

“And there came out from the camp of the Philistines a champion named Goliath, of Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span… When the Philistine arose and came and drew near to meet David, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the Philistine.  And David put his hand in his bag and took out a stone, and slung it, and struck the Philistine on his forehead, and he fell on his face to the ground.”
(1 Samuel 17:4, 48-49)

“Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: “I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god.  Who is like me?  Let him proclaim it, let him declare and set it forth before me.  Who has announced from of old the things to come?  Let them tell us what is yet to be.  Fear not, nor be afraid; have I not told you from of old and declared it?  And you are my witnesses!  Is there a God besides me?  There is no Rock; I know not any.”
(Isaiah 44:6-8)

“Thus says the Lord God of Hosts, “Come, go to this steward, to Shebna, who is over the household, and say to him: What have you to do here and whom have you here, that you have hewn here a tomb for yourself, you who hew a tomb on the height, and carve a habitation for yourself in the rock?  Behold, the Lord will hurl you away violently, O you strong man.  He will seize firm hold on you, and whirl you round and round, and throw you like a ball into a wide land; there you shall die, and there shall be your splendid chariots, you shame of your master’s house.  I will thrust you from your office, and you will be cast down from your station.  In that day I will call my servant Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, and I will clothe him with your robe, and will bind your belt on him, and he shall be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and to the house of Judah.  And I will place on his shoulder the key of the house of David; he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.  And I will fasten him like a peg in a sure place, and he will become a throne of honor to his father’s house.”
(Isaiah 22:15-23)

About two months ago, my wife and I had a very interesting visitor in our home.  The Most High True God, sent Pope John Paul the Second, from Heaven, with a very important message to give to us, so that the whole World would know the truth about Benedict XVI.  And here are some highlights of what he said:  “The Church, is ‘in a most troubling time’… For ‘a True Pope’, will prepare, his flock: to receive: ‘what is necessary, for salvation’…  Benedict, and I, were very close, and he was like ‘a personal confident’ – we spoke about many things; but we also had ‘some differences’, on ‘the approach, to guiding the Church’.  I saw, there was ‘a darkness’, in his soul.   As “Cardinal Ratzinger”, he was given, ‘much authority’; and many ‘gifts’ of the True Holy Spirit were bestowed upon him.  But I also saw, that ‘the freemason agenda’ working ‘within the Vatican’, was starting to ‘rub off’ on him…  Benedict, is ‘falling short’ in so many different ways.  He has ‘sold out’ – he has ‘sold’, the Roman Catholic Church – ‘the institution’, that Christ founded: for money.  He ‘appears’, as ‘conservative’ – on the outside.  But is also, ‘ultra-liberal’ on the inside’!  He has become: ‘a deceiver’, and is ‘opposed – to the Christ’. Therefore, he does not have: the anointing, of ‘True Vicar’…  I tell you “the glory of the olive” has fallen!!  And ‘the two olive trees’, are ‘the lampstands’, of the Most High, True God…I am so glad that He took me when He did! - because of ‘the coming turmoil’, that was to befall, His Faithful Remnant’, and ‘the whole church structure’.  He is abolishing: the hierarchy, of ‘the institution’ – so that all can benefit – if they want to!  There is ‘no room’ for lukewarmness’ in being ‘pope’!   But you, Pope Peter, have ‘the fortitude’, and the zeal, to ‘carry on’, in Christ’s mission: here, on Earth – in directing His ‘Faithful Remnant Church’ to Him… Never!  - did Benedict, believe, I would comeback – from the grave! – and testify, against: the evils,he is embracing through neglect!  He is not the Pope!  And the whole World, is deceived! – by him!  And he knows this! – in ‘the deepest, darkest recesses’, of his soul!” (-Saint Karol Wojtyla, Friday, December 14, 2012)   

Jesus also explains Benedict’s true colors.  He says:  “The one who sits upon the Throne, in-side the Vatican, is not My Messenger – is not my ‘Prince of the Apostles’, but is: a deceiver, and an antichrist.  Not so much by what he says, nor what he chooses to focus on does he deceive the people; but by what he refuses to speak of – by what he refuses to say to the churches, and by his refusal to get his own 'house' in order.”  (-Jesus, Tuesday, January 31, 2012)  Jesus also says: “Can a kingdom divided against itself still stand?  No!...  Even though he is seen as ‘a great leader’ - just like his predecessor John Paul II, he is indeed nothing like him, any longer.  He has been poisoned, by ‘the freemason agenda’ now, ‘infull swing’ running, what once was My Church.”  (-Jesus, Monday, October 24, 2011)

Now some might argue, that Benedict is a valid Pope, because of the Succession of Popes.  Pope Peter the First explains:  “The Popes have been chosen down through the ages, according to ‘the successors of the institution’; however that has stopped – with you, [he was speaking to me], because you were chosen outside the institution.  And why? – Because you are docile to ‘the True Holy Spirit in the Moment’. Jesus ‘can not get through’ to Benedict – he has ‘closed’ his heart, to the Truth, and has become influenced by ‘the freemason agenda’.  However he is responsible for his choices.  And therefore he has made himself into an ‘antichrist’, and ‘an enemy of the True Cross’.”   (-Pope Peter the First, Saturday, March 3, 2012)

Well if Benedict is no longer a true Pope, surely his anointing must have been removed.  Jesus explained this to me:  “Just as I removed My Spirit from Saul, and gave it to David, so too, have I withdrawn My anointing, from Antipope Benedict, and have given it to you instead, My son.”  (-Jesus, Tuesday, June 19, 2012) 

When did this happen, when was Benedict’s anointing removed?  Jesus explained this to me: “Did you not visit Rome? – and receive Benedict’s anointing?...  You were there, in Vatican City. The people were refused, ‘Holy Communion’.  And only those on the altar, or ‘on stage’, received.  This was to symbolize, that Benedict had lost, ‘his anointing’...  Easter, Sunday – you were made, Pope!   In 2007.”  (-Jesus, Saturday, December 8, 2012)  

And it was on that day, shortly after attending that mass in Rome, that Jesus Christ the Lord, the Most High True God revealed this to me, for the first time.  And so, Jesus sums up the current state of the Roman Catholic Hierarchical institution.  He says: “No matter, how uncomfortable the Truth is, if people love Me, then they will embrace Me – which is to embrace: the truth, and reality.  Pope Benedict is a freemason – one of the highest ranking officials.  Except, he sits, upon a throne, of blood. The blood, of the church, is upon, his hands, for ‘giving-in’ to the freemason agenda, working, in the highestlevels of the Vatican.   One, cannot get any higher, than the Pope himself – who is in fact, an antipope. Therefore, he is no longer, My Vicar.” (-Jesus, Sunday, June 3, 2012) 

Now does the opinion of people change the spiritual reality of what has happened in Rome?  Jesus says:  "Because people of these times are deaf and hard of hearing, it will be difficult for some to recognize: that I have removed Myself from that institution, and uncanonically elected a new Pope.”  He also says: “Not everyone knows about these ‘End Times’ My children, and not everyone knows, about the prophesies, of Malachy – referring to the Last Pope.  Many Catholics right now, believe that Benedict is the last; but what a shock it will be, when others realize: that I have raised up, My True Shepherd to feed My flock – with gifts of finest wheat; because My flock are malnourished – but how many of them recognize that?  Not many.” (-Jesus, Wednesday, February 8, 2012)   

And so, I will leave you with these words of ‘the Good Shepherd’.  Jesus says: “I expect everyone who ‘claims themselves’, to be Christian, and to be a True Catholic, to acknowledge their True Vicar, here on Earth – no longer, as pope Benedict XVI, but now under, Pope Peter - the Last, and Final True Pope of this Era.” (-Jesus, Sunday, March 25, 2012)


“What the World wants now My children, is ‘Global leadership’ – to be ‘united as one’, in the ‘spirit of the antichrist’. In short, that is what the Vatican’s declaration is in response to.  The ‘horrors’ that you witnessed before, are about to become much worse – on a Global scale.  Think of the ‘Global awakening’ for the people, as a prelude, to My Great Warning – as the ‘false satanic catholic church’, begins to govern the people ‘with an iron fist’, making ‘harsh demands’ upon them, just like in Nazi Germany, and also China – as this begins to happen – before they can incorporate their whole plan, I will have My Great Warning experience, to protect My Faithful Remnant Church – from the deceits, now embraced by the ‘false satanic catholic church’.  Can I be in someone, or can My Holy Spirit dwell, within ‘a supposed leader’, who tolerates such abominations and such sins, against Me, and My Faithful Remnant Flock?   Can a kingdom divided against itself still stand? No!  Therefore, the current pope of this modern church, shall fall and fall hard...  Even though he is seen as ‘a great leader’ - just like his predecessor John Paul II, he is indeed nothing like him, any longer.  He has been poisoned, by ‘the freemason agenda’ now, ‘in full swing’ running, what once was My Church.  Oh there are still more “woes” to come.” 
(-Jesus, Monday, October 24, 2011)


“My sheep, know My voice, and, they follow after Me.  When I call them, out of their churches, then they will be led: to fresh spring waters, to life-giving bread, to the Word, made flesh.  Those left behind: will hold fast, to their rituals, and habits of self-holiness; but not so with My sheep, as they will recognize their need, for a Savior.  My True Sheep know, that Benedict, is an antipope; and, My True Sheep, have woken up from their slumber, and are starving for the Truth.  They want to know: what I expect from them; how I have called them to live; and how, they can serve Me better.  Now My sheep are not many, but they are there, for the gathering – to be gathered together, in truth, love, and sincerity – to be gathered to honor their True Shepherd.  For what was invisible, is to become visible – My Representative is the ‘Visible Head’, of My Church – hidden for a time, only, to be uncovered.  This is a mystery, My children, for how can My Faithful Remnant respond to such a call?  Because they are waiting for Me – to take them; and they are waiting for the True Shepherd to lead them – home.  I am the True Shepherd, and I will lead My Sheep Home – to safety, through you, My son, Pope Peter, the last.” 
(-Jesus, Sunday, January 29, 2012)


“The one who sits upon the Throne, in-side the Vatican, is not My Messenger – is not my ‘Prince of the Apostles’, but is: a deceiver, and an antichrist.  Not so much by what he says, nor what he chooses to focus on does he deceive the people; but by what he refuses to speak of – by what he refuses to say to the churches, and by his refusal to get his own 'house' in order.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, January 31, 2012)  


“Why should I come, to the ‘dogs’ within the churches?  So that they can vomit up My words?  No My children, the Word will Judge them.  People will be ‘passing sentence on themselves’, for either: they will neglect My words, and the True Shepherd of My Faithful Remnant Flock – who is there, to rescue them, from the hands of the wolves, in temporary charge; or, they will abandon My words, and My True Shepherd, and go aimlessly along with that institutional abomination.  For at the root it was good – because it was founded by Me; but corruption and pollution has gotten into the highest ranking officials – there, up to what once was the Prince of the Heavenly Host – No more.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, February 7, 2012)  


“The question is, My children, will anyone recognize Me? – My True Presence, in the breaking of the bread, when they receive communion, from My Mass; will they know who they are receiving?  Not everyone knows about these ‘End Times’ My children, and not everyone knows, about the prophesies, of Malachi – referring to the Last Pope.  Many Catholics right now, believe that Benedict is the last; but what a shock it will be, when others realize: that I have raised up, My True Shepherd to feed My flock – with gifts of finest wheat; because My flock are malnourished – but how many of them recognize that?  Not many.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 8, 2012)


“The Popes have been chosen down through the ages, according to ‘the successors of the institution’; however that has stopped – with you, because you were chosen outside the institution.  And why? – Because you are docile to ‘the True Holy Spirit in the Moment’. Jesus ‘can not get through’ to Benedict – he has ‘closed’ his heart, to the Truth, and has become influenced by ‘the freemason agenda’.  However he is responsible for his choices.  And therefore he has made himself into an ‘antichrist’, and ‘an enemy of the True Cross’.”  
(-Pope Peter the First, Saturday, March 3, 2012)


“I expect everyone who ‘claims themselves’, to be Christian, and to be a True Catholic, to acknowledge their True Vicar, here on Earth – no longer, as pope Benedict the sixteenth, but now under, Pope Peter - the Last, and Final True Pope of this Era.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, March 25, 2012)


“The Roman Catholic Church, has become: like ‘the sinking oil tanker’, that has sunk to the bottom, spilling-out ‘black sludge’ everywhere.  Because the spirit of the antichrist is so strong within that ‘collective organization of people’, then, they are ‘fully immersed’ in the ‘black waters’.  But everyone within that institution is crying peace, prosperity, security, in being with ‘the true church’.   But they are all in denial of the fact, that their churches have become desolate, their priests filled with propaganda, their services - empty and void of the True Holy Spirit.  No matter, how uncomfortable the Truth is, if people love Me, then they will embrace Me – which is to embrace: the truth, and reality.  Pope Benedict is a freemason – one of the highest ranking officials.  Except, he sits, upon a throne, of blood. The blood, of the church, is upon, his hands, for ‘giving-in’ to the freemason agenda, working, in the highest levels of the Vatican.   One, cannot get any higher, than the Pope himself – who is in fact, an antipope. Therefore, he is no longer, My Vicar.”
(-Jesus, Sunday, June 3, 2012) 


“What the church thinks or says, doesn’t even matter, because most of the time, they are acting on inspirations from demons.  With My Presence no longer there, with them - just as I removed My Spirit from Saul, and gave it to David, so too, have I withdrawn My anointing, from Antipope Benedict, and have given it to you instead, My son.  Rest in peace My children.
(-Jesus, Tuesday, June 19, 2012) 


“Benedict is ‘a freemason’, and is one, of the highest ranking officials, in that church.  Well ‘freemasonry’ is a form of Satanism. And My anointing for that position cannot rest on someone so involved in that ‘sick organization’.  Though Benedict claims ‘not to be’, and, even pretends to be against, such involvement – if people do their digging, they will find out the truth; for I will make sure this happens.  And he will be ‘thrust down from his eminence’ – that is, his position of authority.  And behold, I will give his position to another - that he, shall open, and none, shall shut; and he shall shut, and none, shall open.  For ‘the Keys’, have been given, to Pope Peter – the Last, to Petrus Romanus, My True Pope."
(-Jesus, Saturday, October 27, 2012)


“Did you not visit Rome? – and receive Benedict’s anointing?...  You were there, in Vatican City. The people were refused, ‘Holy Communion’.  And only those on the altar, or ‘on stage’, received.  This was to symbolize, that Benedict had lost, ‘his anointing’...  Easter, Sunday – you were made, Pope!  In 2007.” 
(-Jesus, Saturday, December 8, 2012)


“It is ‘a very serious role, to be ‘True Vicar’ of ‘the Christ’.  Benedict, and I, were very close, and he was like ‘a personal confident’ – we spoke about many things; but we also had ‘some differences’, on ‘the approach, to guiding the Church’.  I saw, there was ‘a darkness’, in his soul.   As “Cardinal Ratzinger”, he was given, ‘much authority’; and many ‘gifts’ of the True Holy Spirit were bestowed upon him.  But I also saw, that ‘the freemason agenda’ working ‘within the Vatican’, was starting to ‘rub off’ on him.  For truly ‘the pressures’ of being ‘within the Vatican’ and ‘maintaining one’s faith’ - is very hard.  I knew of the evils ‘going on around me’ – particularly pertaining to ‘the freemasonic agenda’ within the church.  But I did not confront ‘the agenda’ head-on.  And I allowed many ‘evils’ to go ‘unaddressed’…  Benedict, is ‘falling short’ in so many different ways.  He has ‘sold out’ – he has ‘sold’, the Roman Catholic Church – ‘the institution’, that Christ founded: for money.  He ‘appears’, as ‘conservative’ – on the outside.  But is also, ‘ultra-liberal’ on the inside’!  He has become: ‘a deceiver’, and is ‘opposed – to the Christ’. Therefore, he does not have: the anointing, of ‘True Vicar’. You, Pope Peter, have been given his ‘anointing’.  I tell you “the glory of the olive” has fallen!!  And ‘the two olive trees’, are ‘the lampstands’, of the Most High, True God… I am so glad that He took me when He did! - because of ‘the coming turmoil’, that was to befall, His Faithful Remnant’, and ‘the whole church structure’.  He is abolishing: the hierarchy, of ‘the institution’ – so that all can benefit – if they want to!  There is ‘no room’ for lukewarmness’ in being ‘pope’!   But you, Pope Peter, have ‘the fortitude’, and the zeal, to ‘carry on’, in Christ’s mission: here, on Earth – in directing His ‘Faithful Remnant Church’ to Him; even, if it is for, His Justice and Discipline… Because satan, was in the Vatican, and is still there!  And he rules over most of the people.  For his ‘satanic agenda’, has taken the place, of the True Gospel - of True Worship.  Never!  - did Benedict, believe, I would comeback – from the grave! – and testify, against: the evils,he is embracing through neglect!  He is not the Pope!  And the whole World, is deceived! – by him!  And he knows this! – in ‘the deepest, darkest recesses’, of his soul!”
(-Saint Karol Wojtyla, Friday, December 14, 2012)


“I was given, visions – of four ‘beasts’.  The first, like that of ‘a lion’ – with wings; with “eagles’ wings”.  But the wings, were plucked-off!  And, it was made, ‘to stand’ – like a man; and ‘a mind’, of a man, was given to it!  What ‘a strange thing to see’… But what does it all mean?  It was ‘later revealed’, in this time, to the both of you – the Lord’s Two Witnesses.  And now, it is to be revealed, to the World!... The first beast, that was ‘like a lion’ with eagles’ wings, represents: ‘the antipope’, of this time: Benedict, the sixteenth.  For he had ‘the Lord’s anointing’; but, it was removed from him.  The wings, were ‘plucked’ – that is, ‘the Counsel of the True Holy Spirit’, was removed from him.  So now, he only has, ‘the mind of a man’! Jesus, is like ‘the Lion, of Judah’.  But ’the lion’, I saw, represents ‘all pastors, ministers, rabbis, and all shepherds’ – who have lost ‘the Counsel, of the True Holy Spirit.”
(-Daniel, Monday, December 17, 2012)

Special Editor's Note: Here is a special update from Jesus Christ the Lord Himself (October 9, 2013).  Jesus said:  The Illuminati don't like to be 'brought to the light' - which is ironic, in being called, "Servants of the Shining Darkness"!...  The Illuminati, do exist. They are a very small group, of individuals, and they are "servants, of Lucifer". How would it 'come across', to everyone, if they were to tell people, that they were "serving the devil's agenda?" And so they had to make themselves look like "benevolent human beings" - focussed on 'World Peace', and 'tearing down those who are in power'. 

It is 'a smoke screen'! They are 'just as evil', as 'the antichrist himself', and they are 'serving the antichrist' - who is, BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA! Every organization that is 'malevolant by nature', must disguise itself, as "something that is good"; must 'bear the light'! - or in this case, "the shining darkness". Evil, must disguise itself, as 'a good' - in order for people, to embrace it. The Illuminati, are 'wicked individuals' - desiring, that the United States, fall! - and that, the people, submit to the whims, of the antichrist. They have 'workers', in every facet of society: the freemasons are the very lower levels; within the freemasons, there are "servants of darkness"; and within that group of people, there are "the pawns", and "the philanthropists" - who believe 'they are doing good'! It's always disguised as 'a good'! When the people know in their hearts it is 'an evil', then they have no excuse for tolerating it!

“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)

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