Monday, February 12, 2018

THE GREAT WARNING EXPERIENCE - "I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."

"I AM, Jesus - and THIS is My Testimony! - to the CHURCHES."
(-Jesus, August 5, 2016)

The Testimony has now surpassed one MILLION words of Divine Revelation
- making the TESTIMONY, "One of the most SIGNIFICANT and EXTENSIVE literary Christian works"
in ALL of Human History!  "A more in-depth Revelation, into the MIND, of the Most High TRUE God


(Note: These following excerpts are mere ‘samplers’ of the whole messages, which are also posted on this website.
The following are excerpts taken solely from the Testimony of the Two Witnesses, unless otherwise stated.)

“So you, son of man, I have made a watchman for the house of Israel; whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me.  If I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you shall surely die’, and you do not speak to warn the wicked to turn from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand.  But if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way; he shall die in his iniquity, but you will have saved your life.”
(Ezekiel 33:7-9)

"Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, every one who pierced him; and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him.  Even so.  Amen.”
(Revelation 1:7)

"And Jesus said, “I am; and you will see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.”
(Mark 14:62)   

“See that you do not refuse him who is speaking.  For if they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, much less shall we escape if we reject him who warns from heaven. 
(Heb 12:25-26)

“I am cautioning all of you who read this Testimony: not to judge - with the ‘eyes of the world’; but judge with ‘right judgement’.  You will know a message by its fruits.  And you already know the source of these messages.  But if you claim that these messages are from hell, then that is what you will experience.  For these are My words; and they prepare you, for what is coming; and nourish your souls, so you can grow – in holiness.  But if you spit these words out – any of you!  I will ‘spit you out’ – of My mouth.  So take heed to all that I am saying, before you judge the Word, and call judgement down upon yourselves.  Only the Truth can transform your souls – the demons know that; and so you must choose between them, or My words.”
(Jesus, Thursday, March 1, 2012) - this warning is also at the top of the Home page!


“The Great Warning will bring many people’s choices to light and then they will know that I exist, and then they will know My name.  My name is Holy of Hollies, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and My name is Jesus Christ.  I am coming back as Ruler over all the nations of this Earth.” 
(-Jesus, Saturday, September  04, 2009)


"The Great Warning, when it happens, will reveal all of man’s choices.  And what once was covered in the darkness shall all be made known, and the good that one has done in one’s life shall be made known as well." 
(-Jesus, Wednesday, September 16, 2009)    


"Surely, you do not know when it will be, and neither do I in My ‘human nature’.  But God the Eternal Father knows when the time is right for Me to go: when souls are ripe enough that I can manifest Myself in a profound way – to them; and it will be for their good, not evil.  But when I come, it will be ‘a time that is ripe’ for all of mankind.  There are no ‘favorites’ in God’s Justice, for His Judgments are True, and Just.  But every man, woman and child will be ‘held accountable’ for the deeds they have done throughout their lives."
(-Jesus, Friday February 19, 2010)     


“Who can say, that I am not Just in My dealings with Men - with mankind?  Am I not impartial to everyone?  Do I not give everyone the chance to turn back to Me?  I will show My impartiality in a Great Way, for at the Great Warning, everyone on the face of the Earth, above or at the age of reason, will experience a great horror, or, a great solace – a great comfort.  They will not be able to withstand the tempestuous waves of this Era, without the graces that come from My Warning Experience.  This is My Greatest Gift to mankind, for all will know and see, who they truly are, and how I see them, and all ‘masks’ will come down.”
(-Jesus, Sunday May 16, 2010)    


“And now, it has come to this, that people are more disconnected from reality and their neighbor, than ever before in history. That is why the Great Warning must come to unite hearts and souls to their Creator – if possible.  For right now, hardly anyone is ready to meet Me, at their Judgment.  And so, the microchip implant, has come, and will be implemented very soon.  I must reach souls before this chip becomes the next convenient way, in order to live.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, May 12, 2011)


“When The Great Warning comes upon the whole Earth, then there will be distress of Nations, an up-roaring of the sea, calamity – upon calamity, and dread and fear, will be upon the face of: men, and women and children.  But My Elect will stand ready when that Day comes: they will have their lamps lit, ready to go on My cue.  They will be ready to leave their churches and their gatherings, and even if necessary, their families – for not all of them will be saved: I may take one, or two, from out of a hundred families; but not all will be saved, for most have gone the way of Sodom, and Gomorrah, and have primed their souls: for something else – rather than the promised land.” 
(-Jesus, Wednesday, February 1, 2012)


"To the righteous I will say, Blessed are you, of My Father, who is in Heaven, for you gave alms with the right intentions, and you kept your consciences, ‘clear, before Me’, and you did ‘religious things’ – that is, your routines and rituals, with love, fervor, and devotion; all the while, keeping Me, as the focus, of your hearts, minds and souls.  Come! To your safety!  Where you will be provided for; as I scourge the Entire Face, of the Earth!  Come into a place that I have prepared for you – a place of safety, and constant purification, so that one Day, we may be united, Eternally.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, April 5, 2012)


“You people, of this Earth, have become your own shepherds.  But the Day is coming, when quite soon you will realize, that I am the True Shepherd of My Faithful Remnant Flock.  And I will gather the ‘righteous’ to Me on that Day.  But the wicked will be ‘cast-off’.  They will say to Me, “Lord, Lord, open to us!  For we preached in your churches; and, we did, so many ‘religious things’ with our time; and we ‘gave alms’ – continually”.  But I shall say to them, on that Day, “Depart, from Me, you wicked of this Earth!  For all the while you did these things, you kept for yourselves, ‘secret sins’ – never seeking forgiveness, from your hearts.  Therefore, I do not know you.  Nor can I open to you, the Door, to the caves or refuges”.” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, April 5, 2012)


“And I will turn back to the wicked, and say to them, “because you did not have your ‘lamps lit’, and you were not waiting for your Master to come home from The Wedding Feast; because love and prayer, became ‘a drudgery to you’; because of your ‘stubborn ways’, you, will all be left outside, My safety, and you will suffer want – continually; and the only hope, for your Heavenly Reward, will be martyrdom.”
(-Jesus, Thursday, April 5, 2012)


 “My Faithful Remnant are waiting – for My cue, to call on Me, and their Guardian Angels, to lead them to their refuge.  Whether it is tomorrow, or weeks, or months, or even a year away - My Faithful Remnant, have ‘sober hearts’, and are awake and alert, for the call – always.  They must be awake for they will be the ones to call upon Me.  After the Great Warning Experience, everyone will be going through their own personal hell; or they will be, at great peace, because they chose to reconcile.  Once this happens, it will not be long before I will be calling people to their refuges.  For the signs are written in the Heavens, and in the clouds, and on the Earth.  And earthquakes, and volcanoes, and tsunamis, will follow, upon the ‘call’, or ‘cue’ to go - to My refuges.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, September 10, 2011)


“During The Great Warning they will remember these conversations, that they had with the both of you, for it will be revealed to all those, whom you have encountered on your journey, who you were, and what mission you had or role in their own lives.” 
(-Jesus, Wednesday, October 5, 2011) 


“When My Faithful Remnant Church flee to go to the refuges and caves, there will also be a ‘luminous cross’ waiting for them – to heal them, of ‘all of their physical and spiritual afflictions’.  But what is required in order for this to happen?  First they must come to My Luminous Cross, bow down, before Me – as their Lord, repent in their hearts, of all wrongdoing.  And then, I can begin to heal them, from their ‘physical afflictions’.” 
(-Jesus. Thursday March 15, 2012)


“Calamity and horror, are coming to the Earth – in droves.  But My people will be awake when this happens.  The wicked will have a chance, to return to Me, at the Great Warning.  But not many will turn back My children; the Great Warning, is for those souls, who desire ‘life and truth’; who desire ‘goodness’ over ‘all types of wickedness’.  The Great Warning is for souls, who are ‘living in self-deception, but, who when I awake them, they will become righteous.” 
(-Jesus, Friday, April 27, 2012)


“There are still, good priests – though, they are very few.  They stand up for what is right, and true; they defend the faith boldly: defending the widow, the orphan, the elderly, and the oppressed.  They are beacons of light, in this terrible darkness you are all living in.  They, will be the ones, either called to My refuges for safety, or called, to martyrdom… The ‘gates of hell’ will not prevail, against My Church – those of My True, Faithful Remnant; but, the ‘gates of hell’, will prevail over the souls of the wicked, within that institution.  I am much more, than “a revolutionist”, or “prophet”, or “kind-hearted man”.  I AM the Living One.  I am the Bread Eternal.  I am Life-Giving Waters to those who would drink.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, November 2, 2010)  


“The Great Warning My children approaches fast.  And then people will know where they stand with Me.  And then ‘everything that was hidden’, will be brought – to the light.  Even your identities, will be revealed.  Before then My children, it does not look so good.”    
(-Jesus, Tuesday, August 21, 2012)


“Young people, have no excuse before Me whatsoever and My Testimony applies to them, as well.  They believe, they can ‘brush off My voice’ in their conscience, because ‘I will always love them’, or ‘the higher power, will not interfere, with their choices’, or, ‘no one can see, what is going on’ and ‘they are accountable – to no one’.  But I see it all My children.  And young people are in – for ‘a rude Awakening’ at their Warning Experience.  The ‘best thing’ they can do  for themselves now, is quit school, quit the partying, quit the drinking, and quit ‘all immorality’, and start listening, to My voice speaking – in their conscience.”
(-Jesus, Saturday, September 8, 2012) 


“Through My Testimony, I am going to bring people to repentance – to their knees.  I, am going to ‘bring them back’ – to ‘the roots’, of their forefathers – back to their ‘Christian roots’. Then they can choose: whether or not, they want, to follow Me.  But they are all going to ‘wake up’ – whether they like it, or not; everyone, on the Face of the Earth, in the blink of an eye.  And My online Testimony is ‘just a warm-up’!” 
(-Jesus, Friday, October 19, 2012) 


“Despise ‘the food’ that I give you, and you will remain, ‘desolate’.  For the Judgment I give, I hear from God the Eternal Father in Heaven.  For each individual soul, who comes to My website.  But because I am impartial, the Justice is still the same.  I am showing you the true image of Myself; not ‘the one’ others created for you to ‘believe in’.  Despise Me, and you will be sentenced to ‘the beast state’.  For this is: your ‘Great Warning Experience’.” 
(-Jesus, Tuesday, November 6, 2012)


“For those of you reading, My website – My Testimony, this is your ‘Great Warning’.  But it is also My Mercy, upon your souls – so that you can experience the consequences, of your sinful ‘lifestyles’ – while you are ‘still breathing’…  I do this, because I Love you.  I love ‘all of your souls’.  And I will teach you, that it is wise, to ‘reciprocate’”
(-Jesus, Monday, November 26, 2012)
“People who watch television, are basically telling Me, they want no part in My Kingdom, and they have chosen the Kingdom they wish to serve in.  Think about it this way, the television, the radio, excessive internet, these all not only affect the mind, but also ‘the interior life’, of a soul.”
(-Jesus, Tuesday, May 24, 2010)   
“The chip, once it is implanted, in men, all over the world, will be a means, of bringing every man, woman, and child, under the security and false pretenses, of the One World Government.  The chip will bring them together as 'one family of beasts'.  Do you think the elite will have these chips, My children?  Do you think, they will allow this foreign object, into their own bodies.  Absolutely not, but through deception, they will pretend to take the same implants.  See how clever, and arrogantly evil they really are?  The people, are no longer, to be seen, as a population, of humans, but through their own voice, through their own choices, through their own votes, are reduced to the mere level, of cattle, who are branded - only to tell them apart.  Does the farmer, brand himself, when caring for such cattle?  Does he not slaughter some of them, to feed his own family?  And does he not pick and choose, which ones will live, and which ones will die?  Are the cattle, any more, than mere commodities, for him to use as he pleases?”
(-Jesus, Saturday, June 19, 2010)
“Avoid: the TV, the computer, and looking at the antichrist’s eyes.”
(-Jesus, Friday, July 15, 2011) [Note: "excessive internet" use is what is being referred to as in the May 24 2010 message above.]

“The coming, of “the lawless one”, by the activity, of the devil, is about, to manifest – to the fullest degree!  Because he hates man, and desires: that all their souls be lost.  Obama... is not ‘just a mere man’, but is ‘the desolate one’ – ‘the one, who makes ‘all things desolate’!  By his very nature, he has an inclination to murder, to mayhem, to chaos. On the surface, he seems personable, friendly and popular with all of the people.  But underneath ‘all of that’, is a heinous plan: for world governance - of all of the nations, by ‘the enemy incarnate’.”
(-Jesus, Wednesday, November 7, 2012 - U.S. Election Day Results)


What about the Refuges?

"In that day men will cast forth their idols of silver and their idols of gold, which they made for themselves to worship, to the moles and to the bats, to enter the caverns of the rocks and the clefts of the cliffs, from before the terror of the Lord, and from the glory of his majesty, when he rises to terrify the earth."
(Isaiah 2:20-21)
A special note from the Editor:  The "refuge" in these End Times, is, the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ the Lord, and the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Take Refuge in them, by receiving the Testimony into your heart.  This is a Mystery.  And for all those reading this, who thought they could have 'the upper hand', by escaping to a physical refuge, all the while neglecting what their Creator was asking of them, remember, Moses sojourned in the Desert for 40 years, following the Lord  the Most High True God, every step of the way.  So too, must you, follow Him, in your interior life, to survive, what is about to befall the Face of the Earth. 

Let the One World Government people, bury themselves eternally in their underground cities, as the Comet of Chastisement strikes the Earth - for in their hubris they thought the Most High true God could not see their foolishness, and they thought they could outsmart Him, all the while neglecting what He was asking of them.  But God saw their plan from since the beginning, before they even started digging out their cities and stockpiling them with supplies. 

Know that those of the True Faithful Remnant - of the Most High True God, will be safe, wherever they are, when the Comet strikes the Earth - just as Mary and Joseph and the Christ Child were safe; just as Lot and His family were safe; just as Noah and his family, and all the animals, were safe.  God has revealed how He protects his chosen ones throughout the Scriptures.  Now you just need to be humble enough to accept what He has revealed. - P.P.T.L.

“Then the kings of the earth and the great men and the generals and the rich and the strong, and every one, slave and free, hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, calling to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand before it?”
(Revelations 6:15-16)

Finally, after reading all of this, some may still be asking the question, "has the Great Warning happened?", or "when will it happen?"

To summarize (and this is a summary of many private conversations with Jesus Christ the Lord as well), the Great Warning has already happened - it is done; over; finished!  It happened in the following ways leading up to December 24, 2012:

1. Whenever someone met the Two Witnesses, and spoke with them.
2. Whenever someone read the Testimony of the Two Witnesses

The Great Warning culminated in its fullness on December 24, 2012, when the Mark of the Beast befell all those on the Face of the Earth who were NOT members of the Faithful Remnant Church.  At that time in history, the Faithful Remnant Church consisted of only 5 people who were above the age of reason.  After Christmas day, 2012, the Mark of the Beast was removed from those above the age of reason who opened their hearts and were docile to the Truths revealed under the following conditions:

1. Whenever someone met the Two Witnesses, and spoke with them.
2. Whenever someone read the Testimony of the Two Witnesses

This is a great mystery, so don't expect to understand it immediately. 
“Who shall not fear and glorify your name, O Lord?  For you alone are holy. 
All nations shall come and worship you, for your judgments have been revealed.”
(Revelations 15:14)

“Your call: is to flee the abomination, of desolation and find out what I am asking of you. 
Come, drink of the waters of life and be healed of your sins!” 
(-Jesus, Thursday, October 25, 2012) 


“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world,
as a testimony to all nations;
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)

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