Saturday, February 3, 2018

pray to the blood of Jesus

pray to the blood of Jesus

most divine blood that issued forth for us from the veins of God made man come down like a  do of  redemption upon a  polluted earth and  upon the souls that sin renders similar to lepers see i receive  you blood of 
my jesus and sprinkle  you over the  church, the world , sinners and  purgatory
help, comfort,   cleanse, set,   aflame,   penetrate and freakin date almost  divine juice of life nor  may indifference  and sin set  an obstacle in the way  of your flow but rather for the sake of few who love you  and the numberless one who die without you.
hasten and spread  over all this most divine rain so that people will come to you trustingly in life
through be forgiven and death and with you enter into the glory of your kingdom , so be it.

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